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5.1 Introduction:

Adolescence is considered to be a very critical transitional stage of

girls life with acute crises in which her future is at stake. The girl child

grows up till attainment of woman hood through different stages of life

cycle. Her development, survival and empowerment are determined by the

factors affirming her rights. In all communities, the rights of the girl child

are determined by the rights posed by the women who were staying and

enjoying the same. The adolescent girls experience emotional challenges

and issues of sexuality soon after onset of puberty. A large section of

adolescent girls are not prepared to handle thse challenges of their growing

sexuality and reproductive capacity. They are often exposed to risk of early

motherhood, unwise partnership and losing their rights to development as

children. Adolescent girls in many communities also face growing

economic needs. In such situations, they are neither considered as children

nor adults. They are denied parental responsibilities for their economic

needs. Unsatisfied economic needs very often create frustration and despair

among these adolescent girls. Under such compulsive environment, they are

exposed to premature parenthood, prostitution, drug addiction and such

other undesirable activities leading to waste of valuable human potential.

Socialization of adolescent girls builds confidence, self esteem and

inner strength in them as the socialization process begins in the family, the

parents should not make discrimination between their adolescent girls and

boys. The preferential treatment to adolescent boys demoralizes and

discourages the adolescent girls in building self confidence in them. The

prevailing social and cultural attitudes about girl’s roles and the division of

labor in everyday life influence girl’s status immensely. Culture and social


structure do not encourage girls to break the traditional customs and

practices which may or may not be discrimination. The inner strength and

confidence are required to take an exception with tradition. Besides,

ideologies and images that girls absorb and hold during the formative and

uncertain years of adolescence through socialization have crucial effect on

how they determine their future roles in a society. The transitional phase of

adolescence is a bridge to adulthood. The socialization of adolescent girls

plays a very vital role in shaping their future in the society.

Media has significant impact not only on socialization of adolescent

girls but also on the process of catering to their needs related to channeling

of creative energies and individual which will promote them to become

responsible, creative, capable and empowered adults. Adolescent girls and

boys are usually impressionable and receptive audience to images

transmitted through the medical they see in media reflections of society’s

attitudes and ideals often in extreme and caricatured fashion, and may arrive

at their views of themselves and their values and their relationships with the

rest of the world through these images. Recent research from Canada and

USA points out that media has a negative impact on the self image or body

image of adolescent girls. Adolescent girls compare themselves with those

perfectly shaped female figures and get painfully disappointed by the

obvious gap. These girls often feel impelled to conform to the materialistic

consumer driven or exploitative stereotypes. This is also a potential concern

for many in developing countries, where media images are imported from

western industrialized countries.

The Beijing platform for action for the girl child and the policies and

programmes undertaken by the UNICEF and its associated agencies

emphasise and prioritize the empowerment of girl child about her different

issues and empowering women. UNICEF is providing technical support to

its country offices in implementing this project for the development of


adolescent girls. Other partners like the population council, international

council for research on women world health organization, international

labor organization, the UN youth unit, the commonwealth youth

programme, the international women’s Health coalition and the

international centre for research on women have included this component

in their action plan and programmes.


Percentage distribution of the Respondents by parents comparing


Parents compare Frequency Percentage

Yes 364 60.7

No 236 39.3

Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.1 try to explain about the family problems

faced by the adolescent girl respondents in terms of their parents

comparable attitude of their own children with other children too. Than at

the above table one can make out that more than they majority of the

studied respondents i.e. 60.7 percent did mentioned that their parent have

the habit of comprising them with other children of neiabours or with

relatives children and they do it quite oftenly. However, while, remaining

39.3 percent of them told that they do not find this sort of (comparing) habit

among their parents. what so ever be the activities of the children but

parents should not practice or have this habit of comparing their own

children with other kids will have impact on growing adolescents and it is

not a good habit at all.



Percentage distribution of the respondents by type of comparison

















Intelligent Dull Good Bad Beautiful uggly

The above figure number 5.1 try to unfold the types of comparison’s

the studied respondents parents do with their own children’s. It was noticed

from the current study area that on an average 43.7 percent of the

adolescent girl respondents informed that their parents tell that they are

intelligent kids. Fallowed, by 17.7 percent of them stated that they are good

children. Whereas, 16.3 percent of the respondents said that they are really

beautiful, While remaining 12.7% , 08.8% and 0.8 percent of the

respondents categorically informed that either they were compared as dull

child or bad child other wise ugly looking child respectively, and these were

the comparative responses they use to get quite oftenly from their parents.


Percentage distribution of the Respondents by parental restrictions

Parental Restriction Frequency Percentage

Yes 315 52.5

No 285 47.5

Total 600 100.0


The table number 5.2 try to explain about the amount of freedom the

adolescent girls they enjoy in their own families interms of watching

television. When, the question was asked among the respondents do they

have restriction on watching television? And the response was noticed

among the respondents on an around 52.5 percent of them told that yes they

have the restriction on watching television in the family, there is a

prescribed time table along with the limitation of time. While, rest of the

adolescent girls informed that they do not have any such type of restrictions

on watching the television.


Percentage distribution of the respondents by type of programmes watch
















cinema&songs new s education sports

The figure number 5.2 explains about the type of restriction they got

on watching the television programmes, when the question was raised

among the respondents what type of television programmes they were

allowed to watch and which of those programmes they suppose to avoid.

On an average 48.7 percent of they respondents stated that they were

allowed to watch educational related UGC programmes whereas, 26.3

percent of them told that they were allowed to watch news only. While,

remaining 14.2 percent and 10.8 percent categorically stated that they were

only allowed by their parents to watch either the sports television programs


or some time songs and cinemas too. Overall. One can conclude that the

studied adolescent girl’s do not have the freedom of watching their own

choice television programmes rather they face lot of restriction in that



Percentage distribution of the Respondents by play at home

Play at Home Frequency Percentage

Yes 231 38.5

No 369 61.5

Total 600 100.0

The table number 5.3 emphasis on the sports activities of the

adolescent girl under take interms particular game they play when they

come back from their school. When, this question was asked among the

studied respondents it was noticed that majority of the (61.5%) adolescent

girls categorically stated that they do not play because, usually they do not

get the sufficient time to play any game it is due to the class work as well as

home work to be completed before attending the next days school.

Whereas, remaining 38.5 percent of the respondents said that they will

definitely go for play the movement they come back from their schools no

matter what amount of home work they supposed to do and it is quite

contrast to the earlier statement of their counter parts.



Percentage distribution of the respondents by preference of type of













Out door indore Both

The above figure number 5.3 explain about the type of game they

play at their respective home grounds when they will return from their

school work. It was noticed among the adolescent girls that majority of the

respondents told that they prefer to play the outdoor games. Whereas, 23.5

percent of them told that they rather prefer the indoor games only. While,

remaining 10.8 percent of the respondents said that they prefer to play both

type of games in order to balance between the mental as well as physical

stamina of their body and mind to keep themselves sharp and fighting fight.


Percentage distribution of the Respondents by received pocket money

Received pocket money Frequency Percentage

Yes 376 62.7

No 224 37.3

Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.4 high lights up on the children’s recent

right’s interms of whether they receive pocket money or not. When the


question was raised among the studied respondents, it was over

whelmining, response which can easily noticed from the above Colum

percentage distribution as, 62.7 percent of the adolescent girl respondents

stated that they were usually get the pocket money on the regular basis from

their parents while, going to school either from father or some times from

their mothers whereas, the rest of the respondents i.e.37.3 percent of them

told that they never got the same amount in a same fashion, but if at all

they get that too after lot of protest and after, lot more resistance.


Percentage distribution of the respondents by getting pocket money




6.5 6.3









daily Alternateday

twice aweek

weekly 15 days Monthly

The figure number 5.4 unfold the frequent reasons mentioned by the

respondents why they never used to get the pocket money in a regular basis

and those as documented here. However, the average 26.5 percent of the

adolescent girls informed that they regularly get the pocket money

fallowed, by 20.2 percent of them stated that they get the amount to spend

on a alternate day. Whereas, 27.7 percent of the respondent said that they

usually get the pocket amount twice in a week. And the rest of the

remaining percentage that is 65%, 63% and 12.8% categorically stated that

either they get once in week or twice in a month or once in a month. These


above mentioned response from the studied respondents reflects upon the

economic condition of their families as well as the existing culture at their

family level, in other words some parents entertain the custom of providing

pocket money to the children on a regular basis as a routine type. Whereas,

some of the parents does belive that by providing the pocket money to the

children probably, spoil their character or deviate them from the study.

Hence, some parents they try to make available every thing in home itself

when ever the children put demand infront of them.


Percentage distributions of the Respondents by Participation in social


Participation in social gathering

Frequency Percentage

Yes 466 77.7 No 134 22.3 Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.5 verify the interest about adolescent girl

respondents whether they were actively voluntarily participating in the

social gathering or try to keep them selves isolated because, it has become

a trend among recent the new generation of children. Thus it can be seen

from the present study area that more than the majority of the adolescent

girls clearly informed that they usually participate in all the social

getherings whenever it is needed or on the advise of their parents, While,

remaining less than the quarter proportion (22.0%) of the respondent told

that they were not interested in attending the social gatherings like fairs,

festivals and family function rather given the chance they prefer to be alone

themselves however this tendency of being is a result of the in fluence of

western leading to individualism among the Indian youths and children’s




Percentage distribution of the respondents by selection of dress code











father mother self

The above figure number 5.5 explains about the choice of dress the

adolescent girls prefer to wear in the social gatherings whether, it was their

self selection or of father or mother choice. However, it was observed

among the studied respondents that the final selection of the party dress

wearing in most of the cases or occasions it is bestowed with the mothers

decision i.e. 56.3 percent. Whereas, 29.0 percent of the adolescent girl

respondents said that it is their self decision regarding the ceremonial dress

which has to be selected to wear and which one to leave. While, remaining

14.7 percent of them stated that it is their father who decides the type of

dress they suppose to wear in order to attend the social gatherings

nevertheless, this finding reflects upon on the amount of freedom they enjoy

at home in getting fulfill their will and wishes at the mercy of their parents.

Probably this type of family atmosphere many a times forced the child

particularly the adolescent in to the depressive zone of mind which appears

to be aimless life.



Percentage distributions of the Respondents by Decision making power

Decision making Frequency Percentage

Yes 285 47.5

No 315 52.5

Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.6 try to explain about the participation of

adolescent girl respondents in the family decision making process. And it

become’s important to study because, these days having nuclear family is

the trend of the day. When is in small size it is interesting to know that

weather, children were considered in the families decision making process

or not. However, as per the hypothetical assumptions based on the tradition

and Indian culture this part of the state which is backword by all means in

comparison to the some other part of Karnataka where it was observed that

52.5% that is slightly above the majority are respondents did mentioned that

they do not participate in the family’s decision making process, rather they

came to know the results only after the decision’s were taken. While

remaining rest of the respondents that is 47.5 percent of them told that they

usually try to be the part of their families decision making process, and

further they said that their parents will not take any decision without

consulting or taking their opinion or views in that matter. Moreover, and

this sort of practice in any family is a good sign of socialization process

towards making the children how to tackle and find the solution to the

problems in the way of becoming empowered.



Percentage distribution of the respondents by final decision at home


13.2 16.3











father mother grand father children

The above figure number 5.6 reveals the facts about the respondent

family decision making process in order to know who is the major decision

maker supper power in the family. However, it was observed from the

studied area that more than the majority of the adolescent girl respondent

stated that in 70.3 percent of the cases their father only take the final

decision at their home. where as 16.3 percent of them told that it is their

families supper senior member Grand Paa or Grand Maa will take the

decision. While the rest of the respondent’s did told that in 13.2 percent of

mothers or 0.2 percent of the cases either their mother or themselves take

the decision in the family. The present study findings reflect on the existing

culture of the studied families’ interms of whether they practice dictatorship

in nature or democratic setup, in their respective families.



Percentage distributions of the Respondents by sex preference at home

Preference of males at home Frequency Percentage

Yes 303 50.5

No 297 49.5

Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.7 try to unfold the practice of gender

discrimination culture among the studied respondents families. Moreover, it

will be interesting to know from the viewpoint of human rights that the

U.N. resolution has banned the of practices gender diffrenceation. Hence, it

was noticed from the current studied respondents that still this evil practice

is prevailing in this part of the state. Like 50.5 percent of the adolescent girl

respondents stated that they did face the gender discrimination in their

families. While, the remaining 49.5 percent of the respondents stated that

they do not find any such discrimination between them and their brothers,

rather their parents provides the equal facilities and opportunities for them

without favoring any of their children whether they were girl or boy it

hardly matter’s for them.



Percentage distribution of the respondents by type of discrimination















Morefacilitesfor males

more love tomales

education tomales

more f reedomto males

no decisionmaking

The above figure number 5.7 try to unfold the type of gender

discrimination the adolescent girls respondents facing quite often in their

own families, at the caste of being female. When this point was raised

among the studied respondents what type of unequal ibrium do they find in

their families, then the 50.5 percent of the respondents did stated that their

parents give lot preference to their male family members, whereas 42.3

percent of them told that most of the facilities were given or provided to the

male members only while 28.3 percent of the adolescent girls told that evon

the love and more care was bestowed on male members only. However,

50.7 percent of the studied respondents informed that even the good

educational facilities were provided to the male family members only, and

last but not the least to by pass as 60.5 percent and 77.0 percent of the

adolescent girls respondents categorically stated that the freedom of

movement and self decision making power has also been given to the male

member only.



Percentage distributions of the Respondents by problems at family

Problems of family Frequency Percentage

Yes 387 64.5

No 213 35.5

Total 600 100.0

The above table number 5.8 emphasis on the existing problems

among the studied adolescent girl respondents. When researcher, has asked

this question among the studyied respondents and it was surprising to know

that, 64.5 percent of the respondents clearly stated that yes they do have the

problems in their family and it is quite disturbing or in other worlds it is

creating unpeacefull atmosphere in the familiy, Whereas, the remaining

35.5 percent of the adolescent girls stated that they do not have any such

major problems in their family except now and then small negligible

happenings and which were quite common at the family level.


Percentage distribution of the respondents by type of problems at















parents notunderstandeach other

parents donot


big familiesnot enough


parents don’thave time for


father stayshome for

loong period


The above figure number 5.8 put forth the types of domestic

problems which were existing among the adolescent girl respondents. When

the researcher has asked the question among the studied respondents it was

noticed that more than (61.8%) the majority of their stated response was

like their parents were still unable to understand each others nature as well

as 57.5 percent of the respondents did mentioned that evon their parents

were finding difficulty in studying their children’s behavior and nature too.

Whereas (49.7%) of them stated that lack of attention from the parents side

was increasing day by day and it is because, of the big family size it is

particularly difficult to concentrate on each and every family member.

While rest of the studied respondents categorically informed that is 62.0

percent and 74.0 percent that both their parents were working so they do not

have enough time to spend with their children and the latter group of

respondents did said that since their father stay away from them for longer

duration of time as a result they face, or rather come across quite oftenly

many of the problems in their day today life which were easily concord or

tackled by their parents if they would have been their with them or spend

most of their time in their respective families after they finished their

working ours.


Percentage distributions of the Respondents by knows about dowry


Dowry system Frequency Percentage

Yes 493 82.2

No 107 17.8

Total 600 100.0


The above table number 5.9 try to explain about the view point

studied respondents interms of there awareness and knowledge they have

got about the evil social problem like dowry system. When this question

was put forth among the adolescent girl respondents to measure or judge the

level of awareness and extent of knowledge, then the majority of the

adolescent girl (82.2) did said that yes they know about the dowry system

which deep-rooted in the Indian culture irrespective of their economic class

they belong. While the remaining 17.8 percent of the respondent told that

they do not know or come know across such. In human practice and

exploitation in a form of customs were in their society and family’s.

However, may be there were there but they haven’t heard, experienced in

their families.


Percentage distribution of the respondents by their opinion on dowry















Good Bad Unopposable Opposable

The above figure number 5.9 tries too explain about the view point

of the adolescent girl respondents on the subject of giving dowry practice is

good or bad. However, further, to know whether it is opposable or

acceptable and the response to this question from the studied area was like

(79.5%) more than the majority of the adolescent girl were told that the


dowry practice is very bad whether in terms of giving or that matter

receiving both form is not good. While, remaining 20.5 percent of the

respondent still have the opinion that it is good to have in a marriage system

because, by giving dowry system they can select the desirable life partner as

well as in future we can keep him in control.

Eventually, at the end 58.7 percent of the adolescent girl

respondent’s from the present study area categorically stated that this evil

practice can be opposable as well as avoidable during the marriage time. If

the eligible individual bachelors and sprinters were fully determined and

made up their mind to go for a marriage or select such a type of person who

is against the dowry that is a form of cash or kind. Whereas, the rest of the

41.3 percent of the studies respondents did informed that it was not so easy

to oppose or avoid this long term bair rooted in human customary practiced

which is directly or indirectly hurting the individuals, spoiling the social

relation ships as well as destroying the families to that extent which is

highly difficult to repair the damage.

After understanding through the family problems and its related issue

existing among the adolescent girl respondent in a study area by using the

simple statistical frequency distribution. Further it was decided to know

who were the respondent who were having family problems and who were

not having, by considering the background characteristics of the study

population for the further in-depth analysis purpose.

Hence, the research has decided to select all together eleven set of

independent variables which were likely to influence on the dependent

variable, and those logically self waited variables were selected putting lot

logic in to the selection process and those as follows. Age, religion, caste,

place of residence, family size, parents educational status and parents

occupation including total family income. Further, two way bivarite


analysis was carried out with the help of SPSS package X2 statistical test

was also applied, in order to see through the linear association between the

self selected set of independent variables as well as the dependent variable

However, the researcher made an immence attempt to explain only those

independent variables which were statistically found to be highly significant

rather explaining hole set of independent variables in the forth coming



Percentage distribution of the respondent’s family problems by their


Problems in Family Age of the Respondents

Yes No. Total 13 years 80

80.0% 20

20.0% 100

100.0% 14 years 115

68.0% 54

32.0% 169

100.0% 15 years 126

64.6% 69

35.4% 195

100.0% 16 years 105

77.2% 31

22.8% 136

100.0% Total 426

71.0% 174

29.0% 600

100.0% Chi-square test value: 44.729 sig: 0.000

Through the above table number 5.10 researcher wanted know the

effect of adolescent girl’s age in understanding of their family problems. In

order to find out the effect and the type of correlation between the above

said variables that is independent and the dependent variables. The bivariate

cross verification analysis was carried out with the help of chi-squre test, it

was observed from the study area that more than the majority of the

respondents i.e. 7.10 percent of them informed that they were having some

problem in their respective families. While, the remaining 29.0 percent of

them told that they do not have any sort of problems in their family as such.


Further, when we try to see the each completed years of ages effect on the

adolescent girls ability in realizing the family problems, it was noticed that

the respondents who were either in their early age of 13 years or in their

later age of 16 years found to be realizing more or consions about the on

going activities in their families in a form of family problems, in

comparison to their counterparts who were in the completed age group of

14 and 15 years i.e. 68.0% and 64.6% against 80.0% and 72.2%

respectively. However the chi-squre value too at the significant level of 0.00

level does indicate that there stand a linear positive correlation between the

age group of the adolescent girl respondent and their ability of studying the

family environment whether it is a conjugal or non-conjugal atmosphere.


Percentage distribution of the respondents family problems by Caste

Problems in Family Caste of the Respondents

Yes No. Total

SC/ST 82 55.8%

65 44.2%

147 100.0%

OBC 194 89.0%

24 11.0%

218 100.0%

G.M 150 63.8%

85 36.2%

235 100.0%

Total 426 71.0%

174 29.0%

600 100.0%

Chi-square test value: 285.401 sig: .000

The above table number 5.11 try to see the impact of caste on they

respondents understanding of their family problems, in order to know the

type and extent of impact of the independent variable was influencing on

the dependent variable, the two way tabulation was done by applying the

chi-squre test and then it was noticed among the study respondents that 71.0

percent it means the major chunk of the adolescent girls were agreed that

they have the un-peace full atmosphere in their family whereas the rest of


the 29.0 percent of their respondents not agreed with this statement and

stated that they did not find any such type of atmosphear rather, every thing

was under control. When, further decided to study each caste categories

independent effect on adolescent girls capacity of studying the family

problems, it was noticed that majority of the respondents i.e. 89.0 percent of

them belong to i.e (OBC) other backward caste found to be having more

problems in their family than that of their counterparts that is 55.8 percent,

and 63.8 percent respondent who were belonging to SC/ST scheduled caste

and scheduled tribe as well as forward caste families Based, on this finding

we can understand that there is a positive change among the scheduled caste

and scheduled trib family atmosphere which was not the case in earlier

day’s of their life. And it may be due to their increased level of education as

well as socializing with other developed caste lead to a changes in their

attitudinal and behavioral aspects.


Percentage distribution of the respondents family problems by fathers


Problems in Family Fathers education status of the Respondents Yes No. Total

Illiterate 105 86.1%

17 13.9%

122 100.0%

Primary 87 66.9%

43 33.1%

130 100.0%

Secondary 86 77.5%

25 22.5%

111 100.0%

PUC 53 57.0%

40 43.0%

93 100.0%

Graduate 53 63.1%

31 36.9%

84 100.0%

P.G. 42 70.0%

18 30.0%

60 100.0%

Total 426 71.0%

174 29.0%

600 100.0%

Chi-square test value: 257.044 sig: .000


In the above table number 5.12 attempt has made to study the

parental educational level including father and mothers at what extend it is

going to determine its factorism in capacity buiding skill among the

adolescent girl respondents of the present study area. When, we try to study

the impact of independent variable on the dependent variable through the

cross analysis it was observed that 71.0 percent of the adolescent girls did

mentioned that there are family problem, in their home. But the remaining

29.0 percent of there respondents told that they do not have any such

problems on their family, rather it is a happy and peaceful family and they

feel lucky to be the members of this family. Further when the independent

effect was try to study from each of the educational stand and than it was

observed that the respondents parents who were illiterate or studied only up

to secondary level education in that case their daughter (respondent) like

86.1 percent and 77.5 percent realized that they have the problems in their

family compared to their counterparts that is 57.0 percent and 63.1 percent.

The remaining respondents were unable to judge the on going family

atmosphear. Further, what it indicates means as the respondent parents

educational level gets increases their convincing ability to their children or

time spending with them also be increasing and that is a good sign to have a

parental bond with the children. Moreover, the chi-squre value being at the

most significant level of 0.00 did suggest that there is a strong co

relationship between the parental educational level specifically mothers

educational level, which play the proxy detrimental factor on the adolescent

girls studying or judging capacity of the given situation at the family level.



Percentage distribution of the respondents family problems by fathers


Problems in Family Fathers occupation of the Respondents Yes No. Total Service 25

67.6% 12

32.4% 37

100.0% Professional 82

62.6% 49

37.4% 131

100.0% Agriculture 80

80.0% 2

20.0% 10

100.0% Business 98

77.2% 29

22.8% 127

100.0% Coolie 96

64.0% 54

36.0% 150

100.0% Others 155

84.7% 28

15.3% 183

100.0% Total 424

70.9% 174

29.1% 598

100.0% Chi-square test value: 156.041 sig: .000

Parent’s occupation with special reference to the fathers occupation

has got the other proxy detrimental factors which is going to have the

bearing on the understanding of the family problems by the adolescent girl

respondents in the present study area. Hence, an attempt was made in the

above mentioned table number that is 5.13 to see the impact of independent

variable called parental occupation on the adolescent girl respondents

understanding capacity about the day to day family level problems. And it

was quite surprise to know that in the present study area as more than the

majority of the respondents found to be facing family problems in their

family and their percentage going to be counted (70.9%) in comparison to

those respondents who told that they do not have any problems in their

respective families, which constitute the percentage of 29.1 percent. Further

when researcher try to analysis as well as through the light on the effect of

each individual parental occupation’s categorical effect on the dependent

variable. It was discovered that 84.3% and 85.7 percent of the adolescent

girls found to be identify that they do have problems in their respective


families who’s parents either working in the field of agriculture or running

their own business against the comparison of their counter parts that is

62.6% and 67.6 percent respectively mentioned that they do not find any

problems in their families as their parents were working either in private or

public sector. It means that parents who were in a position to spare time

with their children apart from their earning how their daughter’s very much

in a position to judge the family atmosphere than that of those parents who

were not able to spend time with their children. This finding it self reveal us

that how badly the children and their parents need each other’s

companionship or in a visa-versa way molde the personality or develop than

as an all rounder’s.


Percentage distribution of the respondents family problems by family


Problems in Family Family income of the Respondents Yes No. Total <5,000 118

62.4% 71

37.6% 189

100.0% Rs5001-10000 161

91.5% 15

8.5% 176

100.0% Rs,10,001-15,000 57

61.3% 36

38.7% 93

100.0% Rs15001- 20,000 24

85.7% 4

14.3% 28

100.0% Rs 20,001-25,000 06

33.3% 12

66.7% 18

100.0% Rs25,001-30,000 14

63.6% 8

36.4% 22

100.0% Rs30,001 – 35,000 16

84.2% 3

15.8% 19

100.0% Rs35,001-40,000 06

100.0% 0

.0%37 6

100.0% Rs40,001-45,000 07

58.3% 5

41.7% 12

100.0% Rs50,000 and Above 17

45.9% 20

54.1% 37

100.0% Total 426

71.0% 174

29.0% 600

100.0% Chi-square test value:345.650 sig: .000


Through the table number 5.14 researcher made an attempt to link

the association ship between the total family income and adolescent girl

respondents ability of understanding their family problems. When, cross

verification analysis was carried out it was observed among the studied

respondent that more than the majority of the respondents that is 71.0

percent categorically stated that have the problems in their family Whereas,

the remaining 29.0% of them told that they do not think that they have a

problems in their family. However, in order to know the independent effect

of each category of income on the dependent variable one can realized that

the problem finding ability’s or literally problems having families were

found to be those were total family income found to be less than Rs 20, 000

per month than that of their counterparts who’s family income is more than

the Rs 25,000 or in the range of 25,000 to 50,000 thousand rupees found to

be not having any problems in their life. However, the chi-square value at

the significant level of 0.00 level did suggest that there is a strong and

positive co relationship between the adolescent girl respondent’s ability of

realizing or understanding the family problems with their families total

grass income. Hence based on this finding one can very much understand

that in today’s modern world if some body want to be free from all sort of

major or minor problems means, try to get rid from the economic strain or

recession and try to be financially independent in terms of self sufficient to

face any type of challenges coming into their way or life.

The present chapter under took the exercise to interpret the social

problems related to the adolescent girl respondents and further given way to

explain their educational related problems in the next chapter.
