Psych202_Syllabus_AU15-Nov9 (3)


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7/24/2019 Psych202_Syllabus_AU15-Nov9 (3) 1/4

Lauren Graham Bagley Hall 131, M-Th 10:30-11:20Autumn 2015 

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PSYCH 202: Biopsychology


Wed 9/30 History Syllabus

Thurs 10/1 Neurons Chapter 1 

Mon 10/5 Anatomy Ch 2 (20-29)Tue 10/6 Anatomy Ch 2 (32-42)

Wed 10/7 Neural communication Ch 3

Thu 10/8 Neural communication

Mon 10/12 Neural communication

Tue 10/13 Psychopharmacology Ch 4

Wed 10/14 Psychopharmacology

Thu 10/15 Psychopharmacology

Mon 10/19 EXAM 1

Tue 10/20 Sensation & Perception Ch 5 (Part I)

Wed 10/21 Audition Ch 6 (Part I)Thu 10/22 Proprioception

Mon 10/26 Taste Ch 6 (Part II)

Tue 10/27 Smell

Wed 10/28 Vision Ch 7

Thu 10/29 Vision

Mon 11/2 EXAM 2

Tue 11/3 Learning & Memory Ch 13 (Parts I and II)

Wed 11/4 Learning & Memory

Thu 11/5 Learning & Memory

Mon 11/9 Sleep Stress Ch 11 (Part II)Tue 11/10 Development Ch 13 (Part III) 


Thu 11/12 Development

Mon 11/16 EXAM 3

Tue 11/17 Emotion Ch 11 (Part I) 

Wed 11/18 Stress Sleep Ch 10 (Part II)

Thu 11/19 Stress Sleep / Psychopathology

Mon 11/23 Psychopathology Ch 12

Tue 11/24 Psychopathology

Wed 11/25 PsychopathologyThu 11/26 THANKSGIVING: NO CLASS

Mon 11/30 EXAM 4

Tue 12/1 Consciousness Ch 14

Wed 12/2 Consciousness

Thu 12/3 Consciousness

Mon 12/7 Neuroethics TBD

Tue 12/8 Neuroethics

Wed 12/9 TBD 

Thu 12/10 Exam Review

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Lauren Graham Bagley Hall 131, M-Th 10:30-11:20Autumn 2015 

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 Finals Week  

Mon 12/14 ***8:30 – 10:20 am: Final Exam (cumulative). For more details, see “Exams” on page 3.

 NOTE TIME: Final Exam is scheduled on MONDAY (12/14) of Finals Week, in BAG 131, at 8:30 am 

General Course InformationInstructor: 

Lauren Graham, Ph.D.,

Office Hours: Chem Library 110; Mondays 2:30-3:30; Thursdays 1:30-2:30

Teaching Assistants: 

Tanner DeLawyer, delaw005@uw.eduOffice Hours: See course website

Friday Sections: AA, AD, AG, AJ

Brian Jackson, contact through Canvas

Office Hours: Guthrie 328, Tuesdays 4-5pmFriday Sections: AB, AE, AH, AK

 Nick Lozier, contact through CanvasOffice Hours: See course website

Friday Sections: AC, AF, AI, AL

Undergraduate tutors: 

Santino Camacho, sgtino@uw.eduGrant Wilson,


A. Course Introduction

Welcome to Psychology 202. In this course, you’ll learn about how our brains allow us to perceiveand interact with the world. We’ll start with the basics of neuroscience, which are fascinating in their own

right, but will also provide us with the vocabulary and framework to discuss more complicated biopsychological questions, including: How do we perceive the world? How do we learn and remember?

What motivates us, and how do our brains know? How do our brains differ when we sleep? …when weabuse drugs? …when we develop psychological illness? What is consciousness? Do we have free will?

 Naturally, we don’t have complete answers to most of these questions. However, throughout this courseyou will learn how to think about these topics from a neuroscience perspective.

B. Textbook & Other Required Materials 

Textbook: Watson & Breedlove (2012). The Mind’s Machine, Massachusetts: Sinauer Publishers.

Exams will be based on a combination of lecture material and material from the textbook andadditional readings. Lectures will cover some material not included in the textbook. Additionally,

there will be a significant amount of independent reading that you will be held responsible for on thetests. Ideally, textbook readings should be completed before the start of class (not during or after), as

they will help you understand the material covered in lecture.

TopHat subscription: Course code: 048767

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Lauren Graham Bagley Hall 131, M-Th 10:30-11:20Autumn 2015 

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C. Grades

Final Grade: Your final grade will be a decimal grade (4.0 scale), and will be calculated based on yourtotal points earned out of a possible 200 points.

Exams (70%): 140 pts

Reading Quizzes (15%): 30 ptsDiscussion Participation (10%): 20 ptsIn-class Participation (5%): 10 pts 

Exams (70%): Your first four exams (Exams 1-4) and your Final Exam are each worth 35 points.

Exams 1-4 will only test new material (covered since the previous exam), and the Final Exam willhave a comprehensive portion. Your lowest exam score (out of all four exams) will be dropped. The

total possible exam score you may earn is 140 (35 x 4 = 140). 

Exam Requirements: You need to bring several things to class on exam days:(1) A scantron form, which can be purchased at the UW bookstore, the bookstore in the HUB, Suzzallo

Espresso, or By George Newsstand. We will not supply scantron forms in class.

(2) Your Husky Card  

(3) Two #2 pencils 

MAKE-UPS: Make-up exams will be provided ONLY in qualifying and verifiable circumstances. Contact

Dr. Graham as soon as you know that you will miss an exam to determine whether you will qualify for a

make-up exam.

Reading Quizzes (15%): To encourage you to stay on track with the reading schedule, I will assignweekly quizzes. Each quiz will be available on the course website by the Monday before it is due.

You should begin each quiz after you have read the assigned material. Once you begin a quiz, youwill have one hour to complete six multiple-choice questions. See the course website for the quiz

schedule (see “Syllabus” or “Calendar” or “Assignments”). The first quiz will be due Friday, 10/9.Each quiz is worth 4 points, for a total possible quiz score of 30 points (3 x 10 = 30).

Discussion Participation (10%): This course can generate fantastic discussions, and I hope to bringsome of those to our course website where you can continue to interact with your classmates outside

of the classroom. Beginning in week 2, discussion questions will be available on the course website.To earn your discussion points for each week, (1) respond to one of the new discussion questions with

your own comment, and then (2) submit a survey (“Discussion Week X”) in Canvas, due each

Friday by 11:59pm (worth 2 points). You can earn up to 20 points (2 x 10 = 20).













4 190 95 2.8 166 83 1.6 142 71

3.9 188 94 2.7 164 82 1.5 140 703.8 186 93 2.6 162 81 1.4 138 69

3.7 184 92 2.5 160 80 1.3 136 683.6 182 91 2.4 158 79 1.2 134 67

3.5 180 90 2.3 156 78 1.1 132 663.4 178 89 2.2 154 77 1.0 130 65

3.3 176 88 2.1 152 76 0.9 128 643.2 174 87 2.0 150 75 0.8 126 63

3.1 172 86 1.9 148 74 0.7 124 61-623.0 170 85 1.8 146 73 0.0 < 122 < 60

2.9 168 84 1.7 144 72

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Lauren Graham Bagley Hall 131, M-Th 10:30-11:20Autumn 2015 

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In-Class Participation (5%):  We will be using Top Hat; a subscription is part of the required

materials for this course. You may use your phone, tablet, or laptop to participate in class. Pleasespeak with me if you do not have access to any of these devices. Top Hat questions will be asked in

every lecture. You can earn 10 participation points by participating in at least 20 out of 25 randomly-selected lectures (i.e. lectures in which participation is recorded). If you attend less than 20 of the

days that count, you’ll earn the 0.5 points for each selected lecture you attend (e.g. if you participatein only 10, you earn 5 points).

D. Course Policies

Electronics: In order to participate, you will need to have access to the Top Hat app on one of your

electronic devices. To get the most out of class and minimize disruptions, you should only use yourelectronic device for class-related content. Please silence your cell phone before class begins.

Academic Dishonesty: Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty may be subject tovarious sanctions. You can find a guideline on what is considered cheating at UW on our course

website. If you are charged with academic dishonesty, you should familiarize yourself with the

 procedures and understand that you have a right of appeal. Cheating will not be tolerated in any way.If we believe that anyone is cheating, the case will be referred to the dean.

Withdrawal: According to the registrar, the final course withdrawal deadline is November 17, 2015.

All other deadlines are available at

E. Course Resources & Other Information 

Office Hours (available on the Modules Page of the course website) You are strongly encouraged to meet with any of us during our prearranged appointment times. You

are expected to meet with Dr. Graham or your TA if you are having trouble with the material coveredin this course and/or if you are performing poorly on tests (either by objective standards or by your

own standards). The earlier in the quarter you seek our help, the better. Come talk with us even ifyou think that you know the basis of your poor performance and know how to fix the problem—this

will ensure that we are at least aware that you are concerned and trying to improve.

CLUE Sessions:  Santino and Grant, the undergraduate tutors for our class, will lead a discussion

session every week through CLUE ( The schedule andlocation will be posted on the course website as soon as we know it.

Course Announcements:  We will frequently provide information relevant to this course usingannouncements in Canvas. Such messages may include reminders about assignments, answers to

questions that are being frequently asked by class members, or class changes related to illness. Theseannouncements are posted in Canvas, and are also sent to the university e-mail addresses of

registered students. Please check your UW e-mail regularly for course-related announcements. 

Lecture Recordings: The lectures for this course will be audio and video recorded. These recordings

may serve as a supplement to help you review the material covered in class. The podcasts areavailable for this course through Panopto, which you can access through the course website.

Disability accommodations: To request accommodations due to a disability, contact

Disability Resources for Students, 011 Mary Gates Hall, (V: 543-8924, TTY: 543-

8925). Provide me with a letter from DRS indicating the accommodations

required, so that we can discuss your needs for the class. 
