PSED Communication and Language Physical Development · Thinking of others happiness Story - The...


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2 year rolling plan - year 1

Marvellous me Autumn 1

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Talking about myself All about me book My body parts - HSNT

Making friends Stories about starting school Dressing/undressing

Who looks after me at school? Discuss my features - looking in a mirror Doing up my coat

What am I good at? (class film) ICT link Body language games - Simon says etc... Dominant hand - pencil grip/holding scissors correctly

School/class room rules ( 6 Golden rules books) Listening skill for children - scheme Treading/weaving

Feelings pictures (emotions) Talking boxes Finger gym

Look after my teeth - healthy me Marvellous me! (SEE P.E PLANNING)

School routines

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Rainbow letters - formation How old am I? Exploring the school environment

Recognition of name/writing name correctly 2D shape people What can my body do?

Fred fingers table/writing table Counting hair colours/eye colours (graphs) Exploring with our senses

How tall am I? (Elmer colour box/sound bingo/smell pots/tasting/feely box)

Comparing our heights (tallest/shortest) Making gingerbread people - decorate

Number formation

How does it feel? - Adjectives

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Play house/home corner Colour recognition

Baby box Moving to music - stamping/clapping/tapping

Decorate my name card

Religious Education Messy Mondays - linked to phonics

Harvest Festival

What I believe


Visit from a baby

Hand washing nurse

2 year rolling plan - year 1

Weather and Christmas Autumn 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

How does weather make you feel - emotions Describing and recording weekly weather Parachute games - responding to instructions

Dressing for the weather Topic related vocabulary - winter/autumn Finger gym

Firework safety Non-fiction season books Write dance

Thinking of others happiness Story - The wind blew?

Christmas performance Autumn poetry

Similarities and differences - Rhyming words

Christmas celebrations

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Christmas cards Leaf sorting/measuring/comparing size Map of our weather walk - The Gruffalo

Letter to Santa Repeating patterns We have four seasons

Labelling models and our map Weighing conkers and fir cones Windy/rainy day science boxes

Reading to write - captions Capacity - measuring weekly rain fall Collecting and exploring - seasonal objects

The count down to Christmas Toys past/present

Making Christmas decorations/calendars

Hot and cold

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Weather station Print and collage autumn leaves

Santa's workshop Weather mobile

Welly boot printing - mud

Religious Education Firework art

Christmas story

Why Christians celebrate Christmas


Weather walk around the village

2 year rolling plan - year 1

Chinese New Year Spring 1 (3wks)

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Comparing different cultures - UK new year/ Greetings in Chinese - Hello/Goodbye Dragon dance

Chinese new year Cultural stories - children/dragon Gross motor - control/apparatus

Working co-operatively to form a Chinese New year myth - race

Dragon dance

Hello/Goodbye in Chinese

Cultural stories - Chinese children at school

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Chinese writing Capacity/weight - rice Cultural difference

Sequencing Lucky money envelopes - coin recognition Learning to use chop sticks

Building a simple sentence (read aloud) Problem solving - sharing/chop stick work Dressing up in Chinese clothes

Directional language (Bee Bot) Chinese food - tasting

Demonstrate an awareness of cultural differences

Materials - magnetic/non-magnetic

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Chinese outfits/foods Stain glass lanterns

Chinese songs/poetry

Chinese money envelope

Religious Education

Chinese cultural beliefs

ICT - introduce Bee Bot (directional language)



2 year rolling plan - year 1

Dinosaurs Spring 1 (3wks)

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Developing empathy - Harry and his lost Fiction/non-fiction differences - Dinosaur Stomp

bucket of dinosaurs Harry and his dinosaurs Move with confidence/negotiate space.

(what's it like to lose something?) Dinosaurs and all that rubbish?

What could be inside an egg?

Building a paper machete dinosaur


Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Read information books about dinosaurs Measuring dinosaurs footprint Investigating fossils/bones

Children to produce class non-fiction book Counting to 15 Comparing environments (then/now)

Real/not real words One more/One less - Dinosaur counters Archaeological dig...using tools effectively/purposefully

Comparative language

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Dinosaur cave Making a dinosaur environment (construction)

Dinosaur masks

Religious Education

Bible stories


Taking pictures, using a camera effectively.

2 year rolling plan - year 1

Plants and Growth Spring 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Caring for our environment The tiny seed - book Playdoh models of the plant life cycle

Recycling Respond appropriately to questions and Growing dance - plants

what other say Throwing and catching

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Instructions - growing a plant Solid shapes Caring for the planet - what can I do?

Cp L / FS Counting to 20 Planting seeds - observing growth

Sequencing Secure recognition of numerals Investigating underground - worm house

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Garden centre Create and make a bug hotel

Responding to different genres of music


Religious Education Miniature gardens

Baptism Grass caterpillars

Cactus pebbles


Google Earth


2 year rolling plan - year 1

My family and animal families Summer 1

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Different types of families Family books Target games

Caring for our butterfly farm Fiction/non-fiction texts Animals Coordination/balance

Road safety Patterned Stories

Owl Babies - developing empathy Rosie's Walk

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Recount Sequencing the growth of animals Matching young to adult (animals/humans)

Sentence building Counting to 20 and beyond Day/night Introduction of time/clock

Sequencing Positional language Day/night amimals

Cp L / FS Create a family tree - history focus

Life Cycles - tadpole to frog/butterfly

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Pet shop Miniature gardens

Home corner Observational drawings

Make a family tree


Grandparents to visit - experiences linked to family tree


Using a mouse with control

Open and close a programme

2 year rolling plan - year 1

The Seashore Summer 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Rainbow Fish The Snail and the Whale Ball skills

Safety at the seaside Following instructions Sports day/athletics

Moving to year 1 (transition) Answer confidently in response to how/

Changes - seasons why questions...

Use past/present/future forms accurately

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Instructional writing - making a sandcastle Sorting Identify land and sea - map work

Creating fact sheets about the seaside Ones a snail, tens a crab Investigate melting

Problem solving - packing a suitcase etc... Floating and sinking

Counting beyond 20 Science investigation table/laboratory

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design

Cafe Making a rainbow fish

At the seaside Sand sculptures



Seaside visit


Digital microscopes

2 year rolling plan - year 1

Me and the World Autumn 1

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design



2 year rolling plan - year 1

Let's Celebrate Autumn 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design



2 year rolling plan - year 1

Shiver me timbers - Pirates Spring 1

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design



2 year rolling plan - year 1

High in the sky Spring 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design



2 year rolling plan - year 1

Abracadabra - Magic Summer 1

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design



2 year rolling plan - year 1

People who help us Summer 2

PSED Communication and Language Physical Development

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World

Role-play area Expressive Arts and Design


