PSC Workshop Instructor/ Instructor Grade II ...Name the renaissance teader of Kerala who opposed...


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Date of Test : 01.09.2016

Medium of Questions: English

Question Paper Code: 114/2016

Exam Name: Workshop Instructor/ Instructor Grade II / Demonstrator/ Draftsman Grade II - Information Technology - Technical Educatioin

PSC Workshop Instructor/ Instructor Grade II / Demonstrator/ Draftsman Grade II -

Information Technology - Technical Educatioin Examination

Previous Year Question Paper

1I1t2t)161 . Volunteer Caption ot the curuvayoor Salyagraha {/as

A) K. Kelappan B) T. K. MadhavanC) A. K.copatan D) K. p. Kesava Menon

2. l/Vho was the l,taharaja ot Travancore tssued lhe famous Tempte Fntry

A) Sri Chithira Thirunat B) s ulhramThirunalC) Sd tutootamThirunat D) SriKanhtka Thirunal

3. Whichyear UN proctaimedlheconvenlton on the Fighi ot the Chitd ?A) loh December 1945 B) 20h November lgggC) 20nNovember 1945 D) toh December l gSo

4. Which agitation was retated to Joint potiticat Congress ?A) Vaikkam Satyagraha B) MatayatiMemorialC)Guruvayoorsatyagraha D)NivadhanaAgitation

5. Who was lhe Malayati Leader mentioned by candhijiin his autobiography ?A) C. Kesavan B) T. K. MadhavanC) K. Kelappan D) G. p. pillai

6. Name the renaissance teader of Kerala who opposed the "U2hiyam, or forc€dlabdIA) Vaikunc,aswamikat B) Chatamti SwamikalC) Ayyankali D) Nalayamcuru

7. Select the author of the poem .Ke€lam'A) Keralavarma Valiakoyi Thadpuran B) Kodunga ur Kunhiktottan ThampuranC) Ulloors. Parameswara ty€r D) c.SankaraKurup

8. Who is the Architect ot Fundamental Fights in Indaan Constitution ?A) Sard Valabhbhaiparet B) Dr. Fajendra prasadC) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar D) JawahadatNehru

9. Who is known as Kerata Vatmeski?A) Ulloor Parameswara tyer B) Ezh,rthachanc) vallat\ot Narayana tvenon D) Kumanasaan

10. Narnethe l/aharaja oJ Travancore issuedthetsmous Channar proclamation.A) Si ChilhiraThirunat B) Sn Mootam ThirunalC) Sd Ulhram Thirunat D) Si Karthika Thirunat


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1 1 . The square maldx A has an invelse ll and only il

A) lA =o B) lAl* o c) lAl> 1 D) IAI'1

i2, llAand Barc symmelic mal ces' |h6n

A) A+ B is symmsldc

C) A+Blsld€ntity

B) A + B is skew symmgtdc

D) Non6ollh636

13. lf lwo row3 ol a matix A ar€ ldentloal, lhon


14 The epansion ol (3 - 4f)5 hes


$: B':

B) lAl-00) None olth€se

B) 5 c)6 D)7

15. Th€ vatue ot ian315' -a)r a) -1 c)o D) J3

'16. Whal ir tho slop€ ol lh€ slralgtrt llno p€rp€ndlculer to the stalght line

"r -E

17. Ihe value or ljll (sx - 3) =

a)s B)3 c)1 o)2

18. ltnst is th€ 6lop€ of lhs p6'abola y = t' at th€ polm (2' 4) ?

A)4 B\2 c)l o)0

19. fte value of lh€ Int€ J sdx ls

A) s B) to c) -15 D) ls

20. The g€noralsolutlon ol th€ dlfi€rcntial €qu6tbn +=_l is

A) x'?+f = c, c an albltrary conEie B) f-f =cC) x=-Y D) x+Y=c

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- 114/Ztl6

21 . When a bdck is cut ott l€ngth wise, the cul out bricks are called

A) Oueen doset

B) KirE closer

c) codel

o) 8at

22. Whlle laying bricks in a wall, fiog ol th€ brick musl be k€pt

A) Sideward

B) Downward

C) Upward

D) Inanypositlon

23. Melallic lapes are mad€ ol

A) Steel

B) Cloth and Wires

C) lruar

D) Nickel

24, The lin€ ol collimalion method ol reductlon ol l€vgls' do€s nol provide a checK on

A) Reduced Levels

B) Backsights

C) Fore Sights

D) Intemediate Sights

25. A Tolal Slalion measurss

A) Ccordjnates slone

B) Slope distance and horlzonlal distance

C) Minates and horizonbl distance

D) Vertbal, ho.izontal anglgs and slop€ ctrstance

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26. In a lou| slroko €ngin6 when one stoke ol the piston cofirpleted, th€ crank rotatss


A) goP

B) rSCr

c) tcD)S

?, The excess snergy d€v€lop€d dudng pow€r slroke in an engino is storod by

B) Fi/whe€l

C) Crank shatt

D) Piston

28. Ttte lunction ol a difterenlial is lo

A) Conn€ct two rgar wheels in conecl alignment

A) R€c€ive pow€r hom the engine and to lransnil to the rear wheels

C) Ab€ob sbock and keep6 the slability ol the vehicl€

D) Provicl€ rclatve molion lo the two €er wh6els when th€ vohicle is taking a lum

29, A condons€r In a sleam power danl b used lo

A) Genefate slean

B) Increas€ pr€ssur6

C) Exchang€ th€ h6at of low pressure steam to lhe coollng medium

D) Convsrl heal 6neey ol steam to mochanical eneey

q). Which powd planl ls more efficient ?

A) lidro€lecl/rc povror dantB) N'd€ar power dadC) Ihelrnalpo|r€r dantD) Dsselpou,er plant

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VoltagF appl€d actca ,oW hmp b haved. Por€r consuin€d by UG hmp at t s

voltag€ is

A) 2Ol\,

B) 1olr,

c) 4('w

o) sw

V *rl oatnotollo' ftrgstal€nent assoc* edw'Et grct hduc{ve orqrll lsTrue ?

A) curont le6d fte votag€ by 90P

B) Cur€nt b In phas€ wllh vollage

C) Po{€r lacior unity

O) A!€rao€ polrr€r ze|o

R L C a€ri63 clrdrll will r6sonet€, il



c) xL=xcD) XL = lr(C

Energy corBU|n€d by 75O W electlc lrcn io. 6 mlnut€€ is

A) 0.075kwh

B) 0.45 kwh

c) 4.5 kwtr

D) 0.75 kl/lnr



35. Pemianc€ o{ a magnetc circull ls gfu€n bV reciprocel ol

A) P€metihyB) Fl'n&r€ilyC) Reluc{vity

D) Reluatitrca


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36. Which colour ls €mitled by an LED wh6nlhe semiconduclor maleial Gallium

A|senlde phosphide is used ?

8) Bed

C) Gl8€n

D) Elus

37. Nam€ lhe sensor whici is us€d to del€ct lhe presence ol near by obj€c1s wilhout

any physical conlacl wilh lhe objecl.

A) Limitswilch

B) Rehy

C) Proximily Swilch


38. The prcgram tor s microconlroller is slored in ils


B) RAr',|

c) cPU

D) None oflha above

39. Which otth€ lollowing lschnology is used in CDMA?

A) Time Division

B) FrequerEy Division

c) GsM

D) Spread Sp€ctrum

40, Nowadays,lhe ballery avallable tor exclusivo usage in inverlers are

A) Nickel-Cadmlum Baltori€s

B) Urhium Battoies

C) Tubular Balteries

D) Nonsoflheatove

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Thp mOsl Oopurar tech ro,ogy in time-dN|son swilching is c€ lled lhea' Tsl Br STI C) ITS D) Non6 olthe above

Whrch mulliDlsxrnq t€chnque mvolves signalscompos€d oi lightbeams ?ar wDlvl " 8) FDi,i a) IDt'"l D) Non€ ol the above

Which ol thstollowing primaily uses guided media ?

Al Badio broaocasfi;g Bi SaElhleconmunicatonscl Localteieohone svslem D) Cellular telephone sy$em

when a beam oi liqhttravelsthrough media ol two difl€tentdensilies' lllheangle

B) Ftelteclion C) Cdricismol inc'd€nce |s greaterlhan tho crilicalangle,

D) lncideflc€

rn lP networkrno. nelwoaand Host address are separai€d uslng

A) AFP B) Sepa.ator C) Nel mask D) TCP

ln a routef, whal is the name ol the slructure thal tells where to deliv€r lP pack€t ?

C) oeliverylaDle8) Routinq iaDleO) Stalustaue

47. Whal islhe nominalbit rale ol fast Elhernet ?

8) 100M8/s C) l0GEVS D) 1tt00 Mgs

rE. Thesynchronous mod€ms ar€ more cosllythanthe asynchrcnous modems

A) They produce largevolume of dalaB) They operale wilh a largerbandwidlhc) Thev transmrt lhe dala wilh srcp and slan btts

Di Thei codaio clock recovery circuiis

49. Whal is dala encryplion standard ?A) Blocxcipher B) Streamciphet c) Bilcipher

B) TrapdooE c) Logcbomb D)50. Which ol lhe malicious program do nol replicale automatically ?

O) Nor€ oltEabove


Inwhich osllayer, bits are converled to frames ?

A) Presentalionlayer B) OatalinklayorCi Transpon byer D) Nelwo layer

B) Fire

D) Unaulhenlical€d inieractive logins lrom outsid€ wond

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53. A 32 : 1 multdexer can be d€signed usingA) Two 1 6 : 1 muliptexers and one two jnput OR g6isB) Two 16: 1 muttiptex€rs and on6 two inbut AND gateC) Two 16: 1 fiuhiptex66 and two lwo inpul OR gatsD) Two 16: 1 muttiDtexerc ontv

54. wl*$ togic (bvice is calsd a (hla dist ibrnor ?A) Multplor(er B) EncoerC) Decoder D) D€rnuttjptexer

55. A tull add€r can be reatlzed usingA) One hall adder and two OR gatesB) T$ro hall addeB and one OR gateC) Two half addsrs and two OR oatesD) Two halt a(b6ls and one ANd gales

56. The-ouFut ltequency ot a mod-12 counter is 6 kHz. tt's input lr€quency isA) 6kHz B) sLmHz C) 24 kHz Dt 72t|ti

57. Which ol lhe lollowing itp flop ts us€d as a talch ?A) Ifllp liopC) JK flip ffop

58. A deco(br with 64 ouFul tines has

A) First in flst outC) Last ln tast orJl

62. Typ€ 4 intenupt ln 8086 ts ca 6dA) Oivld€ by zero InteruplC) Ove owint6rupt

B) Master shvs flip ilopD) D filp nop

B)6 c) 12

59, The instnrcton qu6ue in a microprocessor is a

D)8group ol r6gislers.

60. The phtslcal menlory size ot 80€6 pocossor isA) | lerabyte B) 1 MM6 C) 64 kilob)d€ D) 20 megabde

be operel€d by the irrslruclion.A) Dned addr€stngC) Index€d addrBsing

B) Lasl in fi|s1o|rtD) Firct In lssl oul

a) Rohtive add€sstngD) hpll€d addGssirE

6i. In 8086, the int€.rupts initated by €xecuting .tNT n' instruction are ca edA) VsclorEdintemrpl B) Non vedor€d htsrruplC) Hadyvarchtgnw,t D) Sottware int€rruot

63. tn

A) A.eekpol interruplD) Single sl6p interruf't

acldressing node, the instn ction it3€tt wi specit fie data b

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64. The maximum mode in 8086 is calledA) Uniprocessor modeC) Handshake mode

C) Addr€ss space

connecled via inlerlace cards.A) CompulerC) Men'ory

c) MPROI\4

A) Dynamic relocationC) Slalic rclocalion

71 , Semaohores are fi)ostlv used lo implement

B) Multlprocessor fiodeD) Bidirectional mod,e

The idea ol cache memory is based on which ol the following ?

A) The properly ol locality ol reJerenceB) The heuristic 90-10 ruleC) The lacl that retercnces gene€lly tend lo clusler

In a virtual memory sysl€m lhe address€s us€d by lhe progtammer belongs lo

67. The orovides path between the cPU and p€dpheal cbvices whidt are

69. A complele microcompuler syslem consisls ct

C) PenpheralequiprnenlB) M€moryD) All ot the above

70. The address mapping is don€, when the prog€m is inilially loaded is called

8) PhFical aftiressD) Main memory system


B) R€localionD) Dynamrc as wellas stalic rslocatlon

IPC mechanism

B) DeadlocN rocoveryD) Desdlock avoicbnco

B) E)(pacsion buso) cPU

68. A nonvolatile type ot memory thal can b€ progGmmed and erased in s€ctors,

rather lhan one byle at a lin€ is

C) System prolsclion

A) Deadock prevenlion


72. Opiimal page-rcplacemenl algoilhm is

Al Replace the pag€ that has nol b€€n usedbra|ongrmeB) Replace the pag€ lhsl has been used lor a long trme

Ci EeDlace lhe paqe that w|ll not be us€d lor a long lirY€

D) Nons ollho sbove

Aanksrs algorilhm tor resource allocalion deals n im73.

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74. The probl€m of thrashing is attecled stgnificenty byA) Progfam strucluro B) Program sizeC) Primary storage slze D) Altofihe above

75. Wh6n the pag€-lault mt€ is lowA) Th€ lumafound lime increasesB) The elt6ctiv6 acce9s time increasesC) The ellective access tim€ decreasesD) Both A)and B)

76. To avoid the rac€ condition, th€ numb€r of processes thal may bE simultaneousJyrnsid6 their crillcal section isA)8 s)1 c) 16 D) 0

Z/. Converling a p mllivg type dala intoits cofigsponding wapp€rclassobiectinstanc€ ls calledA) Boxing B) Wapping C) In$a iation D) Autoboxing

78. \ryhich oJ lh6se moditiors can be used for a variable so lhat it can be access€dlrom any lhread or pans oJ a program ?A) Transient B) Votatit€C) Global D) Nomoditief is needed

79. Which melhod can't b6 ovenidden ?A) Sup6r B) Siatic C) Finat D) pdnltn

m. !ryhich ol lh6 foltowing statemont is incorrect ?A) Oetauli conshrclor is calted at the tms ol dectantion ot lhe object il a conslruclor

has not tJeen defined,8) Constructor can be paramelerized,C) linaliz60 method is catted when a objecl goes out of scope and is no tonger

O) linaliz60 merhod must be declared protected_

81. Slaiisricalus€ tesling rettes on prcbabitilydistrjburions based onA) Mixluro ol control slructures used in th6 programB) Orderin which the modute executeC) The way soflwa€ wilt adlatty b€ usedD) User int€rface design standards

82. The problem that threatens the success ot a proiect but which has not yerhappened ?A) BA B) Enor C) Rask D) Failurs

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83. Which is not asize melric ?

A) LOC A) FunctiMlndC) Program lenglh D) Cyclomaliccomplexity

84. Number ol clauses used in ISO 9001 lo specify qualtty software requnemenNs

A) 15 B) 20 C) 25 D) 28

85. Which ot the lollowing is notlhe requir€d condition lor binarysearch algodlhm ?

A) The lisl must be sorledB) There should be the direci access toth€ middle element in any sublist

C) There must be mechanism 10 del€te and/or insert el€ments in list

D) None olthe above

86 Which ot the tollowing data slfuclure can'l glor€ the non_homogeneous data

A) Affays B) Records C) PointeG D) Stacks

87. The silualion when in a linked list START=NULL is

A) Undedlow A) Overllow C) Housetul D) Saturated

8a. I every node u in G is adiacent to every other node v in G A gtaph is said to be

B) Fanile

D) Slrcn0ly connecled

A) Sharingthe same dalabas€ by s€ve€l appl|calons

B) Exlensive modillcation ol applications

C) Nodatashanng bel\rveen appllcalions

D) Eliminalion ol several applicatlon programs

90, Th6 numberol attributesin relalion lscall€d as ils

A) Cardinality B) Enlity C) Tuples D) Deg€e

91. Which ottheJollowng is the syntax lorvl€wswhere v is view name ?

A) Creale view v as "qu€ryname"iB) Creale "queryexpression" as viewl

C) Create view v as 'query expression"i

O) Crcate view 'queryexpression"

command can be used to modily a column in a lable

C) Compble

89, Dala independence allows

A) Arrer B) U@le c) s€t92.

D) Cr€ale

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is to remove repeating atlfibules loseparalolables,A) FirstNomalFom B) Second NormalFomC) ThkdNomalFom D) Fourlh Nomal Fom

!!1. A


li a s€i ol colurnn thal id€nlifies every row in a labl€.A) Cornposnekey B) Carxrdaie k€Y

C) Foreignkey D) Superkey

95. Tha olJod of XML ftcument can be vi6w€d inA) Wordproces.sor B) WebbrowserC) NoteDad D) Nme ot the at|ove

96. What is a FTP program used lor ?a) TEnsl€r flss to and trcm inlemdl s6ryerB) Dosignlng a web sitec) connecting to lhe intsdr€lO) None otthe abovo

97. Whbh stalement is lrue ?A) An xML dooJm€nt can hav€ on€ rcot 6l6nrenlB) An XML dodment can hav€ on€ child €l€rnentC) XML el€m€nt havo to be lower caseD) All the above

98. which ol the lollowing statement ls lalse regarding rcookies" ?

A) C,ooki6s are programs which run an lhe background ol lhe web.cli6nlB) Cookies have lhg pot6mial ol b€ing us€d lo violate the privacy ol useniC) Cookies are very heldul in k€€plng ttack ol users in dev€loplng online shopping

cart applacalions, perconellzed porlals and in a(fuerlising on web sllosD) Cookies cennot contaln mor€ lhan 4 Kb ol dala.

99. which ol th6 lollowing att butos ot lexl box conlrol allow lo limit lho maxlmum

A) Sjize B) LdrC) tila{e.€tt D) Allof mese

l@. A much b6tter aoorooch to €siablbh th€ bas€ URL is to use

4 aAsEdenred B) HEADdornentO ao0rA)andB) D) Noneolthese


93. Th€ main task cari€d oul in ih€

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