PSA Sample Paper for class 9th


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  • 7/28/2019 PSA Sample Paper for class 9th


    Problem Solving AssessmentQ: 1 Chetna is standing to the north-east of Aakash; Ankush is to the west of Chetna and north-west of Aakash. Khushboo is to the north of Aakash and north-east of Ankush. To which directionis Khushboo standing with respect to Chetna?

    i) South-westii) Northiii) North-westiv) South

    Q: 2 Six persons are sitting around a round table, facing each other. Lalit is at the immediate leftof Sunanta. Harleen is at the immediate right of Shreedhar; Sudeep is between Laxmi andShreedhar. Sunanta is to the immediate left of Laxmi. Who is sitting between Sunanta andSudeep?i) Harleenii) Laxmiiii) Shreedhariv) Lalit

    Q: 3 In the given series, how many vowels are placed immediately before a symbol and succeededby another vowel? 1 2 * E M P # A I + O =i) 0ii) 1iii) 2iv) 3

    Q: 4 The three figures, given below, indicate three different positions of a dice. Find the number onthe opposite face to that of the one with 6?

    i) 2ii) 3iii) 5iv) 6Q: 5 A businessmen buy goods at the equator and sells at the poles using a spring balance. If theselling and the cost price are same, which of the following statements is correct regarding the dealmade by the businessman?i) The businessman will make a loss.ii) The businessman will make a profit.iii) The businessman will have neither profit nor loss.iv) Data is insufficient to answer.

  • 7/28/2019 PSA Sample Paper for class 9th


    Q: 6 If all the given statements are true (even if they do not conform to the well known facts),which of the given conclusion(s) is/are true?Statements:1. All rats are frogs.2. Some frogs are cats.3. All cats are snakes.Conclusions:I. Some snakes are rats.II. All cats are frogs.III. No snake is a rat.IV. Some frogs are snakes.i) A: III and IVii) B: II and IIIiii) C: IViv) D: III

    (Question 7 to 12) This extract is taken from the book A Treatise on Science Technology andSociety by Dr. M. R. Sharma.Most modern technological processes produce unwanted byproducts in addition to the desiredproducts, which are known as industrial wastes and pollution. While most material waste is re-used in the industrial process, many forms are released into the environment, with negativeenvironmental side effects, such as pollution and lack of sustainability. Different social andpolitical systems establish different balances between the values they place on additional goodsversus the disvalues of waste products and pollution. Some technologies are designed specificallywith the environment in mind, but most are designed first for economic or ergonomic effects.Historically, the value of a clean environment and more efficient productive processes has been theresult of an increase in the wealth of society, because once people are able to provide for their basicneeds, they are able to focus on less-tangible goods such as clean air and water. The effects oftechnology on the environment are both obvious and subtle. The more obvious effects include thedepletion of nonrenewable natural resources (such as petroleum, coal, ores), and the added pollutionof air, water, and land. The more subtle effects include debates over long-term effects (e.g., globalwarming, deforestation, natural habitat destruction, coastal wetland loss.)Q: 7 A major part of modern technology is developed by keeping _________ in mind?i) Environmentii) Educationiii) Economyiv) EcologyQ: 8 Which of the following choices is not affected by technology?i) Pollution of environmentii) Development of a countryiii) Growth of mental abilityiv) Religious belief of society

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    Q: 9 Obvious effect of technology on the environmenti) droughtii) air pollutioniii) earthquakeiv) tsunamiQ: 10 Which of the following statement is true?i) Today humans are focusing more on clean environment than their needs.ii) Technology does not fulfill basic needs of the people.iii) With the rise in technology, environment is degrading.iv) Technology does not show any negative effect on environment.Q: 11 The basic needs of a man does not involvei) clean airii) shelteriii) foodiv) clothQ: 12 The most apt title for the given passage will bei) Environmental destructionii) Modern Technology- Boon for Societyiii) Effect of technology on environmentiv) Modern technology

    (Question 13 to 18)This extract is taken from the article A M athematician's Lament written byPaul Lockhart in 2002. Mathematics and CultureThe first thing to understand is that mathematics is an art. The difference between math and theother arts, such as music and painting, is that our culture does not recognize it as such.Everyone understands that poets, painters, and musicians create works of art, and are expressingthemselves in word, image, and sound. In fact, our society is rather generous when it comes tocreative expression; architects, chefs, and even television directors are considered to be workingartists. So why not mathematicians?Part of the problem is that nobody has the faintest idea what it is that mathematicians do. Thecommon perception seems to be that mathematicians are somehow connected with science perhapsthey help the scientists with their formulas, or feed big numbers into computers for some reason orother. There is no question that if the world had to be divided into the poetic dreamers and therational thinkers most people would place mathematicians in the latter category.Nevertheless, the fact is that there is nothing as dreamy and poetic, nothing as radical, subversive,and psychedelic, as mathematics. It is every bit as mind blowing as cosmology or physics(mathematicians conceived of black holes long before astronomers actually found any), andallows more freedom of expression than poetry, art, or music (which depend heavily on properties ofthe physical universe). Mathematics is the purest of the arts, as well as the most misunderstood. Solet me try to explain what mathematics is, and what mathematicians do. I can hardly do betterthan to begin with G.H. Hardys excellent description: A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is amaker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made withideas. So mathematicians sit around making patterns of ideas. What sort of patterns? What sortof ideas? Ideas about the rhinoceros? No, those we leave to the biologists. Ideas about language and

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    culture? No, not usually. These things are all far too complicated for most mathematicians taste.If there is anything like a unifying aesthetic principle in mathematics, it is this: simple isbeautiful. Mathematicians enjoy thinking about the simplest possible things, and the simplestpossible things are imaginary.Q: 13 In the given comprehension, author wants to prove thati) mathematics is similar to art.ii) mathematics is imaginative.iii) mathematics is related to science.iv) mathematics and computer go hand in hand.Q: 14 W hich of the following persons is termed as artist by our society?i) Politicianii) Guitaristiii) Economistiv) HistorianQ: 15 Whymathematicians were kept in rational thinkers category?i) Their thoughts are disordered.ii) They work on religious matters.iii) They believe in superstitious thoughts.iv) Their study is reason based.Q: 16 The word used subversive are closely related to which of the following words?i) Insurgentii) Seditiousiii) Revolutionaryiv) DisloyalQ: 17How according to author mathematicians are purest artists?i) Because they make lasting patterns with ideas.ii) Because they are closer to godliness.iii) Because they evolve new culture.iv) Because it gives pattern to value system of society.Q: 18 Which of the following argument is not correct?i) Art: I relieve a person from his stress.Mathematics: Even I do the same. By giving a space for a person to think limitless andforget about his stress.ii)Art: I fill various colors in ones life.Mathematics: Even I do, I give variant equations to a person to think before using them.

    iii)Art: A person can use me as a medium to express his/her views.Mathematics: Even I too, can act as a medium for expression.iv)Art: I am a thread between different religions.Mathematics: Even I too, work with religion.

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    (Questions 19 to 26) Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable optionfrom each list according to the corresponding number in the passage.The Indian Peafowl, alternatively known as the Blue Peafowl, is the national bird of India. Themale is called a peecok and has feathers which are made up of a range of beautiful colors. Thefemale is called a peahen. The majority of the females feathers are a plain brown color. Thesebirds usually live in sparsely populated areas such as forests and dont fly very often. They eatberries, seeds and sometimes snakes or small animals.Q19 which of the following could replace alternatively as used in the passage above?i) Andii)Alsoiii)Theniv)NeverQ20. Which of the following is the correct spelling of peecok?i) Peacokii)Peacockiii)Peecockiv)PeakockQ21. Which of the following could replace a range of as used in the passage above? i) Prettyii)Unusualiii)A group ofiv)A selection ofQ22. Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to majority as used in the passageabove?i) Lotsii)Severaliii)Nearly alliv)Not manyQ23. Which of the following could replace plain as used in the passage above? i) Paleii)Darkiii)Simpleiv)GentleQ24.Which of the following could replace sparsely as used in the passage above? i) Lightlyii)Heavilyiii)Denselyiv)NarrowlyQ25. Which of the following could replace populated as used in the passage above?i) Popularii)Settlediii)Liveableiv)Uninhabited

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    Q26. Which of the following could replace They as used in the passage above? i) Peopleii)Huntersiii)Animalsiv)Peafowl(Questions 27 to 30)This passage contains errors and an omission. Choose the correct optionfrom the lists below to correct these errors and complete the passage.

    The commonwealth Games were held in India in 2010. (27)It was very successful and the attendances were high. (28)A village was built for the athletes besides the stadium. (29)During an interview, the TV commentator said, _________________________________________ (30)Q27.i) Comma required after Games.ii) Games should not begin with a capital.iii)Capital letter required for commonwealthiv)Apostrophe required after commonwealth4Q28.i) They areii)They wasiii)They wereiv)They beenQ29.i) Nearii)Closeiii)Insideiv)TowardQ30i) These were the best games ever.ii)These were the best games ever!iii)These were the best games ever!iv)That these were the best games ever.

    (Questions 31 to 34) In this passage, errors or parts of a sentence which have been left out havebeen underlined. To correct these errors and correctly complete the passage, choose the correctoption from the lists below.

    Bina the zookeeper woke early although she wanted to see the tiger (31)give birth. The zoo vet were hoping that the event would be (32)successful and had stayed with the tiger overnight. When he arrived (33)At work, the excitement was already beginning to build__________________________________ . (34)

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    Q31.i) becauseii)howeveriii)thereforeiv)as a result ofQ32.i) will hopeii) is hopingiii)had hopediv)was hopingQ33.i) sheii)theyiii)the vet

    iv)the manQ34.i) Because there was a new cage for the tiger.ii)As it seemed that the cubs arrival was close.iii)When the tiger cub went to the pond to have a drink of water.iv)Since the sun was shining and it was a joyful day for everyone.(Questions 35 to 38) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable option from the listfor the corresponding gap.Dieticians claim that to maintain a healthy body, we __ (35) __ to stay away from high caloriefoods.But selecting low calorie nutritious foods __ (36) __ quite a daunting task.Selecting food, studying nutrition facts on food labels and preparing meals all seem to add tothe feeling that healthy eating is __ (37) __.Another barrier to healthy eating is the marketing of cheap, pre-packaged foods that has madeit so much easier to reach out for a __ (38) __ snack.Q35.i) May tryii)Should try

    iii)Might have triediv)Would have triedQ36.i) Can beii)Should beiii)May have beeniv)Would have been

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    Q37.i) A simple effort.ii)Easily achievable.iii)Urgently required.iv)A demanding task.Q38.i) Cheap low calorieii)Simple and naturaliii)Tempting unhealthyiv)pre-packaged healthy(Questions 39 to 42) Complete this passage by selecting the correct option from the list for thecorresponding gap.Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was one of the greatest novelists and poets of India. He is __ (39) __for being the author of Vande Mataram, the National Song of India. Chatterjee began his__ (40) __ career as a writer of verse, but __ (41) ___ turned to writing fiction. Bankim Chatterjeewas a superb story-teller and he enjoyed universal popularity. His novels have been __ (42) __into almost all of the major languages of India.Q39.i) blessedii)splendidiii)infamousiv)acclaimedQ40.i) priorii) literaryiii)life longiv)song writingQ41.i) laterii)prioriii)firstlyiv)meanwhileQ42.i) reworded

    ii)translatediii)explainediv)paraphrasedQ43. Who is immediate left of Y?i) Wii)Viii)Ziv)Cannot find it.

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    Q44. How many persons are seated between Z and Y if we go anti-clockwise from Z to Y?i) 1ii)2iii)3iv)None of these(Questions 45 to 47) find the odd word or number from the given choices.Q45.i) Mobile Phoneii)Laptopiii)IPodiv)Wall ClockQ46.i) Copperii)Diamondiii)Silver

    iv)LeadQ47.i) 81ii)36iii)35iv)128Q48. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?1) Call Letter2) Application3)Advertisement4)Interview5)Appointment order.i) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4ii)3, 2, 1, 4, 5iii)2, 1, 3, 4, 5iv)5, 4, 3, 2, 1Q49. 38% of 4500 - 25% of ? = 1640. The correct value for '?' is:i) 260ii)270iii)280iv)290Q50. Mr. Khanna took a loan of 10,000 on simple interest for two years at rate 3% p.a. Thetotal amount that he will be paying as interest in 2 years is 3% of his monthly salary. What ishis monthly salary?i) 30,000ii)16,000iii)12,000iv)20,000

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    Q51. The average of five numbers is 49. The average of first and second numbers is 48 and theaverage of the fourth and fifth number is 28. What is the third number?i) 91ii)93iii)92iv)None of theseQ52. If EARTH is coded as SUBDZ then TEAR and HER are coded as:i) DSUB, ZUBii)DUBS, BUZiii)DSUB, BSZiv)DSUB, ZSB53. Area of a square is four times the area of a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is 25mand its width is 1m less than one-fifth of its length. The perimeter of the square is:i) 40mii)60m

    iii)80miv)120mQ54. How many meaningful English words can be formed with letters 'ADIC' using each letteronly once in each word?i) Noneii)Oneiii)Twoiv)More than threeQ55. In a class of 40 students, if Sonia is at 30th position from one end, what is her positionfrom the other end?i) 9ii)10iii)11iv)12(Question 56 to 63) Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable optionfrom each list according to the corresponding number in the passage.1. On February 14th, couples around the world celebrate2. Valentines Day. Traditionally, the day cememoraits3. The death of Saint Valentine, who was ordered4. To be put to death many centuries ago.5. Legend has it that the emperor at that time6. Banned young man from marrying so that they7. would perform better as soldiers in his army.8. Saint Valentine defied this law and secretly continued9. to marry couples. Today the day is a chance for10.people to declare their love; most often by or caring words.

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    Q56. Which of these options is closest in meaning to defied as usual in line 8?i)ignoredii)resistediii)disobeyediv)challengedQ57. Which of these options is closest in meaning to ordered as usual in line 3?i) toldii)directediii)requirediv)arrangedQ58. Which of these options is closest in meaning to declare as usual in line 10?i) stateii)shareiii)exposeiv)broadcastQ59. Which of these options is closest in meaning to celebrate as usual in line 1?i) honourii)have fun oniii)have a holiday oniv)praise the origins ofQ60. Which of these options is closest in meaning to traditionally as usual in line 2?i) actuallyii)most ofteniii)previouslyiv)historicallyQ61. Which of these options is closest in meaning to perform better as usual in line 7?i) achieve moreii)develop betteriii)work togetheriv)obey more oftenQ62. Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to the word banned as it is used in line6 above?i) allowedii)toleratediii)reassurediv)persuadedQ63. Which word is the correct spelling of the word cememoraits?i) comemoratesii)commemoratsiii)commemoratesiv)comemmorates

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    (Question 64 to 67) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase fromeach list to fill the corresponding gap.My friend is someone __64__ loves animals. She says, I want to make up __65__ themistreatment of animals that we humans are involved in. __66__ her, the reasonenvironmental activities sail their small boats around the large whaling ships is __67__ theywant people to know about the wrongful killing of whales.Q64. Which of these fits gap 66?i) Instead ofii) In view ofiii)Apart fromiv)According toQ65. Which of these fits gap 67?i) thatii)sinceiii)wheniv)so thatQ66. Which of these fits gap 64?i) thatii)whoiii)whichiv)whomQ67. Which of these fits gap 65?i) byii)foriii)throughiv)because of(Question 68 to 71) Read the passage and select the correct form of the missing word/phrase tocomplete it.The landslide had caused significant disruption to traffic __68__ the road through themountains. Some of the drivers affected by this event had unsuccessfully attempted to moveaside one of the huge rocks. __69__ members of the emergency team arrived, __70__ managed toget the road cleared quickly using heavy machinery. The chief engineer told the drivers, even ifyou __71__ harder this large rock would have been impossible to move without special equipment.Q68. Which of these fits gap 70?i) who

    ii) theyiii)theseiv)whichQ69. Which of these fits gap 71?i) can tryii)could tryiii)had triediv)have tried

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    Q70. Which of these fits gap 68?i) ontoii)alongiii)acrossiv)on top ofQ71. Which of these fits gap 69?i) Asii)Onceiii)Beforeiv)Although(Question 72 to 75) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from eachlist to fill the corresponding gap.For years researchers have __72__ about why zebras have stripes. Reasons for the unusualpattern of black and white stripes have included confusing predators, camouflaging ingrasslands, and allowing zebras to __73__ each other in their herds. But no one has tested thesehypotheses. It now seems that a new study has found the answer. Zebra stripes disrupt lightpatterns that tsetse flies and horseflies use to find food and water. The insects are __74__ peatsthat feed on the blood of animals, __75__ lead to the transmission of serious illness.Q72. Which of these fits gap 74?i) shamefulii)notoriousiii)considerateiv)scandalousQ73. Which of these fits gap 75?i)that canii)and theyiii)which caniv)those whichQ74. Which of these fits gap 72?i)realizedii)guessediii)considerediv)speculateQ75. Which of these fits gap 73?i) meet

    ii)witnessiii)recognizeiv)acknowledge(Question 76 to 79)Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word from each list tofill the corresponding gap.At the break of dawn the chatter of birds replaced __76__ an eerie silence. The temperature droppedand the moon __77__ the sun, creating an image of an invisible dragon devouring the Sun. Ashadow was cast that was so large that it __78__ the land into darkness. Without warning acommotion of drummers drumming and archers shooting __79__ arrows into the sky began. Thedragon was frightened away and daylight was restored.

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    Q76. Which of these fits gap 78?i) dividedii)plungediii)lowerediv)collapsedQ77. Which of these fits gap 79?i) myii)ouriii)youriv)theirQ78. Which of these fits gap 76?i) inii)byiii)afteriv)despiteQ79. Which of these fits gap 77?i) overcastii)obscurediii)overtakesiv)overexposedQ80. A recent increase in cases of dengue fever has led authorities to introduce a number ofmeasures designed to reduce mosquito numbers.Which of these strategies would be most successful in reducing mosquito numbers this season?i) Conducting research into mosquito lifecycles.ii)Advertising fog machines which kill mosquitoes.iii)Chemically treating areas hosting mosquito larvae.iv)Providing more medical supplies to treat dengue patientsQ81. Consider the relationship between the following wordsEncyclopedia : InformationWhich of these pairs expresses the same relationship?i) Road : Carii)Question : Answeriii)Internet : Computeriv)Comedian : entertainmentQ82.Are you tired of knowing where your teenager is? Now you can be sure they are safe all the

    time! Simply by the Teen Locater app for your iphone its easy to use and the cheapest way toprotect your child!Which words in the advertisement above are designed to appeal to parents who are frustrated withthe actions of their teenager child?i) its easy to useii) protect your childiii)be sure they are safeiv)tired of not knowing

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    Q83. Idioms are expressions that convey a deeper meaning that goes beyond what is presented.He let the cat out of the bagWhich of these illustrates the above idiom?i) He told people everything.ii)He accidentally revealed the secret.

    iii)He let the animal slip from his grasp.iv)He released the animal from captivity.Q84. Colors are believed to influence how we think, feel and behave. Studies have shown that peopleassociate certain colors with emotions. When viewed, and being surrounded by a color, oftencauses a reaction in people. Designers consider the impact that a color may have on peoplesunderstandings and feelings.Commonly recognized colors include:Blue trust, cold, sadnessGreen balance, calm, freshnessPurple leadership, wisdom, intuitionYellow happiness, warmth, funRed heat, energy, appetite.For an anti-bulling poster, the most likely color choice will be:i) Blue and Redii)Green and Rediii)Green and Blueiv)Yellow and BlueQ85. All the options below could be grouped together. Which one of them could be used as a title forthe entire group?i) Solar panelsii)Wind turbinesiii)Power technologiesiv)Geothermal heat pumpsQ86. If A is father of B and D, M is mother of D. How is A related to M?i) Husband and wifeii)Brother and Sisteriii)Grandfather and Granddaughteriv)Non of theseQ87. If D is father of A and grandfather of F, C is the sister of F. How is C related to Di) Fatherii)Daughteriii)Granddaughteriv)None of theseQ88. Voters can give their vote by selecting the names written on the ballot paper. A ballot papercontains the names of thei) Party workerii)Contesting candidatesiii)Polling officialsiv)Voters

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    Q89. Which letter will replace the Question mark?3 P 89 G 112 U 43 W 17 ? 18i) Cii)Diii)Eiv)BQ90. A man is facing north. He turns 135 o in the clockwise direction and then 180 o in theanticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?i) North eastii)South eastiii)North westiv)South westQ91. The population becomes a resource when investment is made in the form of education, goodhealth and medical care. The quality of population in a country can be determined byi) Growth rateii)Education and healthiii)Poor and uneducated peopleiv)Rich peopleQ92. After 20 km travelling, I turned left and travelled a distance of 10 km, then turned rightand covered a distance of 10 km. I was moving towards east. From which direction did I startmy journey?

    i) Eastii)Westiii)Northiv)South
