Province News Notes January 2014


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    On the Cover: Transformation

    Province News Notes is a publication of

    the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet,St. Louis Province. Its purpose is to

    promote dialogue and unity within theSt. Louis province and to keep members

    informed on those subjects that promote

    community and ministry.

    We welcome your submissions!Submit articles and photos to Sarah Baker

    (e-mail preferred to

    **Materials are subject to editing and

    will be published at the discretion of theeditor.


    Jenny Beatrice


    Sarah Baker

    Graphic Design

    Susan Narrow &Print Shop Volunteers

    Production, printing and mailing

    S. Jane Behlmann, CSJS. Audrey Olson, CSJ

    S. Charline Sullivan, CSJ

    Madeleine ReillyProofreading

    Inside this Isue

    ContentsProvince Leadership Message .........................................................................................3

    Together in Faith: 2014 Event Series ......................................................................... 4-5

    Vocation/Formation ..........................................................................................................6

    Sharing of the Heart .....................................................................................................7-8

    Senior Ministry ..................................................................................................................9

    Justice .......................................................................................................................... 10-1

    Liturgy ................................................................................................................................12

    Carondelet Chronicles ..................................................................................................13

    Together in Faith .............................................................................................................14Sponsored Institutions ...................................................................................................15

    Archives .............................................................................................................................16

    Necrology: Sister Mary Brigid Massey, CSJ ................................................................17

    Book Reviews ..................................................................................................................18

    Bulletin Board ..................................................................................................................19

    Calendars ..........................................................................................................................20

    St. Josephs Academy Human Rights ProjectPage 15Learn how five young women from St. Josephs Academyare aiming to raise awareness by exposing Human Rightsviolations in an effort to stop the silent suffering of thousandsof women.

    Together in Faith: 2014 Event SeriesPages 4-5Te province offi ces of communications, development, justiceand liturgy proudly announce the launch of the 2014 events

    series, ogether in Faith. Read a Q&A for answers to all ofyour event questions and learn how to purchase tickets.

    We seem to pay a lot ofattention to the caterpillarand to the butterfly, but wenever seem to notice thecocoon, the place where

    transformation occurs.Marie McCarthy, SP

    Our collective focus on transformationcontinues into the Chapter sessions on

    January 24-28 as our prayer centers on theimage of the butterfly, whose metamorphosisreminds us that we may not recognizethe beauty of change as it occurs, but thatultimately, we become infinitely more thanwe could ask or even imagine.

    Follow the news from the January Chapterat

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    Province Leadership Reflections

    The Work of Christmasby S. Helen Flemington

    Back: Sisters Liz Brown, Jean Meier,Patty Clune and Suzanne Wesley. Front: Srs. Helen

    Flemington, Nancy Corcoran and Pat Giljum.

    Editors NotesBy Jenny Beatrice

    It was a real blessing when I was on my 2003 sabbatical in Berkeley.I had extended time to pray and reflect in new, meaningful ways. LastSunday was the feast of the baptism of Jesus and it reminded me ofmy reflection of Jesus baptism while I was on sabbatical. I spent quitea bit of time reflecting on that Gospel. Te words, "this is my belovedson of whom I am well pleased came alive for me in a profound way.In the midst of this prayer time, God became Mother. With that shift

    the words took on a whole different meaning for me. It was a motherlooking at her child, a voice filled with gentleness, joy and pride. Eyesfilled with a mothers love. When I read Matthew 3: 13-17 the voicefrom the cloud is Mother God to this very day.

    It was a breakthrough for me. It was another aha-moment oftransformation that deepened the realization that life cannot belooked at through one lens. In our spiritual growth, ministry andrelationships, we need to perceive things from every direction to findthe whole, the truth. Our contemplative life guides us to listen to everysmall voice. It is a challenge and a blessing.

    In our 2013 chapter we are invited to see things with new eyes, innew ways. Our new congregational leadership was affi rmed in theiroffi ce this past weekend and shortly we will discern our next provinceleadership. What a grand time of newness and expectation! How arewe going to live into this period of our lives? I anticipate it will be withhope looking in every direction to see the wisdom, the truth, and thecall of newness.

    Last year I made a new friend who has taught mequite a bit about interpersonal communication.Funny thing is she doesnt say a word.

    I got myself a rabbit named Sadie. Now withbunnies, you cant just call their names tocome sit on your lap with puppy dog eyes andunconditional love. Bunnies are a prey species,genetically programmed to run. (You think youhave family baggage, imagine how long it takes a

    bunny to overcome centuries of trying not to endup as someones dinner!)

    Learning to speak bunny takes commitment. Ittakes finesse. It takes patience. You have to levelthe playing field, get down on the floor and wait.And wait some more. And listen...I listen whenSadies high hops tell me shes happy. I listento her teeth chatter that tells me, More pats!I listen when she nips at my sweater to get myattention. I listen when she lies flat as a pancake

    to let me know all is well. I listen when she licksme to show me her love.

    Within all the noise of mybusy life, Sadie remindsme that building rightrelationships takes place in thesilence, as we often learn themost about one another (andourselves) when we dont say a word.

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    Brown Paper ickets. For a very small fee to the customer,they manage the secure sales and keep track of the numberof tickets sold. Visit the event site( and click on ICKES menufor a listing of events and the direct link to the sales page.

    What is the cost?

    General admission costs are as follows. (See next questionfor sister discount information.)

    Celtic Soul ExperienceConcert: $20Retreat: $125Concert & Retreat: $140

    Luke Live!Concert: $15Retreat: $125Concert & Retreat: $135

    Healing Harp

    Concert: $15Retreat: $125Concert & Retreat: $135

    Do sisters get a discount?

    Yes, but in limited quantities. Because we are investing timeand money in bringing in top-notch guests, we are limitingthe number of tickets that we can offer sisters at a discount.Tese will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, limittwo per sister.

    o get a discounted ticket, sisters should contact SarahBaker at or 314-678-0378.

    Te prices and quantities for sister rates are as follows:

    Celtic Soul ExperienceConcert: 50 tickets available at $15Retreat: 15 spots available at $100(Concert & Retreat: $115 )

    Luke Live!Concert: 50 tickets available at $10Retreat: 15 spots available at $100(Concert & Retreat: $110)

    Healing HarpConcert: 50 tickets available at $10Retreat: 15 spots available at $100(Concert & Retreat: $110)

    How do I RSVP?

    Event RSVPs can be made at the front desk at 314-481-8800 or

    How soon do I need to buy tickets/RSVP?

    Reservation deadlines can be found with the event

    information on Because weanticipate filling up, we recommend you respond as soon aspossible for the upcoming events.

    How can I help make these events a success?

    We hope to see you at one, two or more of these wonderfulevents and we also hope you tell your friends and familyabout these wonderful offerings from your CSJ community!You can help spread the word by forwarding ourpromotional emails to others, picking up promotional fliersto share and by old-fashioned word of mouth.

    Questions?If you want to learn more, have technical questions or haveideas to help us promote the series, please contact JennyBeatrice at or 314-678-0304.

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    Te second year of the novitiatehas been about integration andincorporation. What I haveexperienced this semester is aninterweaving of life brought tome by a heightened awarenesson all levels. As I studied ourConstitutions with S. SandraStraub, participated in ministryat St. Patricks Center, took twotheology classes and attended

    the Inter-Community Novitiatesessions, I saw firsthand how our charism is interwoventhroughout all of life.

    Te book that had a profound impact on my awareness isGod after Darwin: A Teology of Evolutionby John Haught, apart of my Use of Philosophy in Teology class. It broughtme a deeper understanding of evolutionary theology, offeringa comprehensive view of the Cosmos that is essential forprogress. Te book is a good initiation into the discussionssurrounding theology, science, evolution, and the origins of

    the universe. I recommend that it be put on your reading list.

    An understanding of evolutionary theology transcends anyone field, any one life form. Haught conveys the messagethat there are other explanations and answers out therebesides the routine ones given to us by the major worldreligions, the world of science, and everything in between.

    He offers a compelling explanation of how a seeminglyunlikely twosome, theology and evolution, together mustand can be used to explain the origin of the universe. Heproposes grasping evolution along with theology willenhance understanding to the point of changing everythingfor the better. Teologys fundamental task, as I see it, isthat of awakening us to the infinitely liberating opennessand generosity of the mystery, he says. He awakens us to anew perspective from which to view life on this planet.

    Haught methodically clears up the misconceptions regardingDarwins theory and other viewpoints which continually

    separate theology and evolution. Before Darwins naturalselection theory, the universe was understood as static andorderly and religion was viewed in the same light. Haughtdeclares that Darwins theory is actually a gift to theology,and not a threat to nor destroyer of theology as many criticshave suggested. Scientists now know even more aboutmechanisms of the universe since Darwins first proposal andthis information also can be congruent with theology and isnot opposed to nor diminishes our theistic thoughts.

    He then moves into the crux of his notion, which is that

    God is in the universe pulling us towards the futurealways has been and always will be, because the universeis unfinished and dynamic. All hope is not lost, noris it undermined with new learnings. Hope has beenreconditioned because of science and is now the source ofmore passion and profundity than ever before.

    From the primordial beginnings of the universe, God wasthere. In the unfolding of the universe, Haught reveals thatGod can be viewed through the intense configurations ofbeauty seen throughout the Cosmos. Te intense beauty

    gives a sense of purpose to the Cosmos and to all of creationwithin the Cosmos.

    Te new metaphysics explained by Haught and proposedby eilhard de Chardin calls humanity to identify God asAlpha and Omega and as the transcendent future horizonthat draws the entire universe. Considering God as Alphaand Omega puts humanity on a pilgrimage and calls allhuman beings to be pilgrims on a journey of opennessand hope with our eyes fixed on the vast, expansive futureawaiting us.

    Another deep root of Haughts explanation comes as hestates ultimately it is the arrival of the future that allowseach present to retreat irreversibly into the fixed past so thatother new moments may arise in its place. If the place andspace were not available there would be no pull, no future tomove forward.


    The Interweaving of Life: Evolutionary Theologyby Novice Clare Bass

    Clare Bass

    continued on page 8

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    Community as Field of Compassionby Sister Jean Iadevito

    Shaing of the Heart

    We've come to believethat the core capacity

    needed to access thefield of the future is presence.We first thought of presence as being fully conscious

    and aware in the present moment. Then we began toappreciate presence as deep listening, of being openbeyond one's pre-conceptions and historical waysof making sense. We came to see the importance ofletting go of old identities and the need to controland, as Salk said, making choices to serve theevolution of life. Ultimately, we came to see all these

    aspects of presence as leading to a state of "letting

    come," of consciously participating in a largerfieldfor change. When this happens, the field shifts,

    and the forces shaping a situation can move fromre-creating the past to manifesting or realizing anemerging future.

    Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future,Peter Senge, et al.

    continued on page 8

    S. Jean Iadevito

    It called out from the bookshelfall coffee-stained and dog-earedbegging me to read it again. Itspent a few days on the coffeetable while I glanced at itperiodically wondering whether Ireally wanted to go back into thatcrazy energy space of three yearsbefore. oday, I opened the book,and entered the field.

    Judy Cannato in her book,Fieldof Compassion: How the New Cosmology Is ransformingSpiritual Life, puts out the clarion call for ransformation.She sees a definite connection between the physical andspiritual world. "Change that leads to transformation israrely ever top-down, but more often inside-out. Greatmovements have begun with single acts that somehow sounda vibration that resonates in the whole." Single acts createa field of energy (a morphogenic field) in which others aredrawn in.

    Te first chapters may seem rather heavy with science.However, the new cosmology is about the connectionbetween science and spirituality. It is the Universe Storyall life is connected and we are evolving into a "newconsciousness," a new exploration into the Oneness of allthings. And if the reading becomes too daunting, go out andlook at the night sky. Go where there's little light pollutionand you will be awed by infinite magnificence, and know

    that we are all part of the same evolving creation story.Cannato states: Recognizing that we belong to the cosmosand that the cosmos is rooted in us transforms all of ourrelationships. Knowing that all is one, that the other insome way is my self generates responses and relationshipsthat are characterized by care and compassion.

    Cannato believed that community structures are invitedto create a field of compassion. "Compassion changeseverything, compassion heals, compassion mends the brokenand restores what has been lost. Compassion draws together

    those who have been estranged or never even dreamed theywere connected. Compassion pulls us out of ourselves andinto the heart of another, placing us on holy ground wherewe instinctively take off our shoes and walk in reverence.Compassion springs out of vulnerability and triumphs inunity."

    Some of the most profound portions of the book centeraround the four attitudes needed to develop the gifts ofcompassion: spaciousness, contemplation, commitment andimagination. It is that stance of being co-creative with the

    Creatorto allow into my space the presence of the other,to go into a contemplative mode, which is about seeing whatis real and true, to commit to living in that spaciousness, andto learn to be imaginative enough to live out of a new spacewith no maps or guidelines. Tis is true creativity!

    And what have I learned since I first read Field ofCompassion? I've learned to be more compassionate toward

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    Field of Compassion, J.Iadevito cont.

    Evolutionary Theology, C. Bass cont.

    myself. I don't have to be Super Woman all the time (well,maybe on uesdays and Tursdays). I'm better aboutdealing with grief. A friend reminded me that there are no"surge protectors" for grief. As we age, we seem to have morelosses to grieve: the loss of parents, siblings, loved ones, jobpotential, things as we have known them in the past. I'velearned that I can use my own energy for transformationwhether it's anger energy, joy energy, pain energy. We're allbundles of energylittle energy fields, and we can decidehow we will use that energy in the service of love andcompassion.

    Judy Cannato was an associate with the Congregation ofSt. Joseph. She loved the charismthat all may be one."Te CSJ's have touched me more than any other religiouscommunity. I am drawn to its particular charism andwant to share life with a community of women who arecommitted to responding to God in the world."

    Judy entered eternal Life on May 7,2011, a year after Field of Compassionwas published. It seems fitting to endthis with her final prayer from herfinal book.

    Incomprehensible Holy Mystery,in and through your grace I canhold the gift of this moment in time.Help me embrace each and everyresurrection, every experience ofself-transcendence and self-dissolution that invites me toenflesh compassion and love in the world. May I continueto grow in my capacity to witness so that I may formintentions that are life-giving for all. May I engage the newstory of connectedness in a way that facilitates my ownevolution and calls others to evolve as well. May we togethermanifest a Field of Compassion, a place where the holy andhuman converge in grace. Amen.

    Imagine if all of humanity truly grasped the Divine as such;what great potential exists for the entire Cosmos were it

    to finally be reached one day. As the awareness levels areraised for people around the world, history tells us of howresistance and rejection can grow stronger at the sametime, which is why the book is so important in the ongoingdiscussion.

    Haught concludes, What is yet to come, an unimaginablefuture, is provided by God through this evolution, and allfollowers of biblical faith can keep hope in the waiting justas all of our ancestors have in the past. Considering God asAlpha and Omega puts humanity on a pilgrimage and calls

    all human beings to be pilgrims on a journey of opennessand hope with our eyes fixed on the vast, expansive futureawaiting us.

    I am more aware than ever before ofthe connectedness of all of creation in

    the entire Cosmos. I am more awareof how my actions and behaviorsaffect all of creation around me andbeyond. And I am more aware of howI send out positive or negative energybased on my choices.

    As I continue interweaving andtransforming, and we as a communityare living out the 2013 Acts of Chapter with God, the Alphaand Omega forever with us, I am hopeful of our future

    together. Ultimately, we are all one, interwoven with theGreat Mystery of Love in our hearts and minds.

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    Carondelet Chronicles

    Linger Over Breakfast: Dec. 7Sister Marian Cowan presents Praying Your Day

    by Sister Kate Filla, CSJ


    Most of those gathered for theDecember Linger over Breakfastwith Sister Marian Cowan grewup with images of God as lovingcreator and just judge. Mostwere familiar with the classicdefinition of prayer, liftingup the mind and the heart toGod. Tis implies that God isout there somewhere. Is there

    something more?

    S. Marian suggested that just as we have changed as we grewinto adulthood, our understanding of who God is and theway we pray has changed. Prayer once consisted of formal,memorized prayer, the words of someone else. However,we can develop images of God who is relational, interactive,personal. Some may still have a concept of God as out thereand other.

    S. Marian invited us to think of God as living within each

    of us. Our prayer will change as we are open to God in allthings, all of creation, in all of us. A different prayer flows

    from an awareness of our living within God. o be fullyaware of this intimacy changes us. Our prayer becomes moreimmediate. Worship is awe. Tanksgiving is spontaneousand personal. Petition opens us to send the energy ofGod within us outward to one in need. Atonement leadsus to embrace our part in social sin. o live knowing thateach of us is an expression of God in human form opensthe pathways to one another. Tis knowing unites us. Webecome one with others and all that is.

    Sometimes we need a means to start us on the road. Wemight try praying the rosary, centering prayer, meditationon words of Scripture, contemplation, openness to nature,prayer of gratitude, practicing the presence of God,expressing love, resting in God. As Marian stated:

    All creation comes from the initial moment of creation,Gods self overflowing into sensible reality. All things,things visible and things invisible, like time and space andcircumstances. God is in all. Our task and joy is to openour eyes of faith to discover God in all things. Everything.

    Ten our prayer will change.

    S. Marian Cowan

    Feb. 22:Confessions of anAccidental Activistwith Anna Sandidge, CSJ justicecoordinator

    April 5: Doing Ordinary Tingswith Extraordinary Lovewith Sisters Becky Holley andMary Jo Logan

    Sept. 6:Mary Magdalene:Missing in Actswith Associate Marilyn Koncen

    Nov. 8: Te Power of Playwith Sister Sarah Heger

    For more information about theseevents, visit

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    ogethe in Faith

    Tis is the second in a series ofarticles by Kimberly Schneider,M.Ed., J.D., LPC, one of the

    facilitators for our upcomingCeltic Soul Experience onMarch 7-8. Kimberly hasstudied, taught and written aboutCeltic spirituality for decades.She facilitates classes, retreatsand ceremonies at sacred spaces

    in the United States and Ireland,helping modern seekers find fresh

    relevance in the wisdom of the ancient Celts.

    In a previous article, we explored the question Who werethe Celts? and began to look at some elements of CelticSpirituality. As the Celtic Soul Experience concert andretreat at the Motherhouse approaches this spring (March7-8), well celebrate by continuing to ponder the Celts andhow their worldview might bring us closer to God today.

    Here are some more features of Celtic Spirituality:

    Nearness of the Otherworld.Te Divine was all around, soone never knew where or when a direct encounter with thesacred, or with other realms, might occur. Te Otherworldwas right next to the material world, and inhabitants of onecould and did cross over to the other.

    Fluidity of ime and Space. Te Celts celebrated theirperception of a fluid reality in their affi nity for betweennessor thresholdstimes, places and things that were not wholly

    one thing or another. Celtic stories are filled with shape-shifting druids and people who wander into a meadow orwood and wind up in the land of fairy. Te most sacredtimes in the Celtic world are between or liminal times: dawnand twilight (when it is neither night nor day) and the fourmajor festivals when one season surrenders to the next:Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. At these sacredtimes, the Celts believed the veil between the worlds wasthinnest.

    Appreciation of Womens Leadership and Gifts.Whilenot perfectly egalitarian, Celtic tribes allowed women toown and inherit property, divorce their husbands, and holdpositions of spiritual authority. Te acknowledgementthat the Divine expressed itself in female and male formsmeant that in the early Celtic Christian church, womenpreached, performed miracles, heard confessions and alsotaught and governed both women and men. Naturally, theacknowledgement of the Divine presence in women as wellas men led to scholarly and religious collaboration between

    the sexes, and perhaps not coincidentally, collaborationbetween lay and religious people.

    Beauty,whether experienced in nature or people, music,poetry or art, was sacred to the Celts as an expression ofthe Divine. An extension of this appreciation for beautycould be found in the Celtic love of the spoken and writtenword. Storytelling was sacred as a way of connecting withthe ancestors and the history of the people. A bard who hadreceived the highest level of training was equal in rank to aking.

    Eros was a form of spiritual power that connected peopleto each other. Sexual and non-sexual expressions of thisconnection each had value. Kinship and community wererevered, and to have an anam cara or soul friend wasconsidered essential to living a full life.

    Underlying all of Celtic spirituality is an understanding thatnothing exists without its opposite, and so there is littlepoint in denigrating one form of experience or way of beingas bad or less than, when one could never understand

    the good or desired experiences or ways of being withoutrelationship to its opposite.

    Te Celts reveled in the mystery of a soul inhabiting abody and the Celtic passion for life extended equally tocelebration and grief, solitude and community, silence andmusic, the ordinary and extraordinarybecause the Divineran through it all.

    Do You Have a Celtic Soul?Part Two

    by Kimberly V. Schneider

    Kimberly Schneider

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    Rest in Peace

    Ann Donpierre, sister of S. eresa Lawrence De Roche

    Michael J. OHearn, brother of S. Eleanor OHearn

    Bob Nestel, brother of S. Mary Ann Nestel

    Rita Maser, sister of S. Linda Maser

    S. Mary Agnes Kehoe (A)

    Jack Flavin, brother of S. Pat Flavin

    John Jack H. Bolin, Jr., brother-in-law of S. AnnSchorfheide

    Teresa Schmid, mother of S. Sandy Schmid

    Wilma Matulka, sister of S. Ann Strizek


    Corporation & CouncilNovember Meeting


    Minutes of Board of Directors of theCorporation meetings held September 30,2013.

    September & October 2013 FinancialStatements.

    Approved ACCESS Academies$5,000 CSSJEA$5,000

    2014 Marian Magic Annual DinnerAuction$5,000

    Friends of NCR$1,000 Ignatian Spirituality Project$2,500 CWI rivia Night$200 US Federation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph

    Annual Appeal$4,000 FUVERISE$30,000 SJA Lease


    Personnel Handbook


    Accepted Minutes of the Province Council Meetings

    held October 12, 2013

    Discussed Government Committee Sectional Results


    NLC Fontbonne Search Mortuary/Burial Procedures WOW Weekend End of Life Wisdom Circle

    Bulletin Boad



    S. Georgine Adele Lawrenson (A)

    S. Jean Veronica Fitzgerald (A)


    Ministry Fund GrantsTabitha Grant Applications Now Available

    Tabitha Grant applications are now available for the2014 funding cycle at in Members Onlyunder Ministry Funds. Preference for this grantis given to projects where a Sister of St. Joseph ofCarondelet or CSJ Associate is intimately involved on afrequent and regular basis.

    Completed applications are due in the ProvinceOffice by March 1, 2014.For further information,please contact the Justice Coordinator, Anna Sandidge,at 314-678-0317. Electronic or hard copy may also beobtained by contacting Carol Underhill at 314-678-0344or by e-mail at



    S. Mary Heinen (SP)

    Rachel OMalley, sister-in-law of S. Kathleen OMalley


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    PROVINCE CalendarLEADERSHIP Calendar

    NEXT ISSUE: February/March PNN& Directory Changes

    Submission Deadline: Feb. 15 Publication Date: March 1For a complete PNN schedule, visit Members Only at

    January15 STA Board Mtg. (PC)16 CWIT Board Mtg. (SW)18 Feuerbacher Grant Selection Committee Mtg.

    (PC)20 Arts & Education Dinner (PG)

    21 SJA Board Mtg. (PG)23 CPC Mtg. (PC)

    21 Presentation to Associate Candidates (JM)21-22 Fontbonne Search Committee (HF, SW)24-28 Province Chapter: Session IV (PL)

    29 CPC Debriefing Mtg. (PC)30-31 Fontbonne Search Committee (HF, SW)

    February1 Fontbonne Board Mtg. (HF, SW)6-7 Leadership Mtgs. (PL)

    11 Investment Managers Mtg. (PC, HF, PG)12 Mtg. w/Formation Staff (JM)12 CWIT Executive Committee (SW)

    13-17 CLG, Los Angeles (PC, HF, PG)19 ETP Mtg. (HF)20 CWIT Board Mtg. (SW)

    20-21 Avila Board Dinner & Mtg. (PC)22 Linger Over Breakfast (HF, JM)22 St. Joseph Academy Auction (PG)22 Microfinancing Gala (PC)

    March2 Donors Mass, Kansas City (PC, HF)4-5 STA Accreditation (PC)8 KC Sectional (HF)8 St. Louis Sectional (PG, JM, SW)

    8 Atlanta Sectional (LB, PC)10-12 Heartland Federation, Carondelet (PC, NC, HF,

    PG, JM, SW)

    13 LCWR Breakfast (PC, HF, PG)15 50th Jubilee Celebration (LB, PC, HF, PG, JM, SW)16 Jubilees, Nazareth Living Center (PC, HF, PG,

    JM, SW)21-23 Leadership Mtgs. (PL)24 St. Joseph Academy Board Mtg. (PG)25-27 LCWR Region X, Dubuque (PC, HF, PG)

    The PL calendar is also available in Members Only at

    January24-28 Province Chapter of Elections

    February12 Who Do You Say I Am?: An Evening with

    Megan McKenna (Together in Faith Event Series)

    22 Linger Over Breakfast with Anna Sandidge

    March1-2 Spring Sectionals2 Associate Mardi Gras Celebration &

    Commitment Mass7-8 Spring Sectionals7 Celtic Soul Concert (Together in Faith Event Series)

    8 Celtic Soul Retreat (Together in Faith Event Series)15 50th Jubilee Celebration

    *All events at Carondelet Motherhouse unless otherwise noted.For more event listings and details, visit our

    Members Only Calendar of Events at

    Join us for our 2014 Together in Faith eventseries. From speakers to concerts to retreats, theseprograms are designed to deepen our spirituality aswe come together surrounded by the beauty and

    spirit of our motherhouse.

    Inside this issue, pages 4-5 provide you with a Q&Athat will answer all of your event questions.

    To view our lineup and learn more about ourtalented artists and to purchase tickets,

    visit our special event website,