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Indio Police DepartmentIn conjunction with

Henley Putnamand the

Counter Threat Institute Intl., LLC




Indio Police DepartmentIn conjunction with

Henley-Putnam Universityand the

Counter Threat InstituteInternational, LLC






DECEMBER 16, 17, 18, 2008


Presented by

Gordon J. Graham

Gordon Graham is a 33 year veteran of California Law Enforcement. During histenure as a law enforcement professional, he was awarded his TeachingCredential from California State University, Long Beach. He was later graduatedfrom University of Southern California with a Master's Degree in Safety andSystems Management. Subsequent to this he graduated from Western StateUniversity with a Juris Doctorate. His education as a Risk Manager andexperience as a practicing Attorney, coupled with his extensive background inlaw enforcement, have allowed him to rapidly became recognized as a leadingprofessional speaker in both private and public sector organizations with multipleareas of expertise.

Mr. Graham has centered his efforts in providing knowledge to both public andprivate sector organizations in the area of Organizational and Operational RiskManagement, Civil Liability, Professionalism, Ethical Decision Making and relatedtopics. Instead of focusing solely in after incident damage control, he focuses hisefforts in the prevention of mistakes through his risk management based trainingprogram SROVT (Solid Realistic Ongoing Verifiable Training). He teachesemployees, supervisors, and managers why things generally go wrong, and howto prevent these unfortunate situations from happening. He follows up hisprevention efforts with a dynamic presentation on how to recognize the incidentsthat have a likelihood of ending up in litigation. He concludes his program with adetailed examination on how to prove proper conduct. Additionally, Mr. Grahamhas developed the CATSINRO approach to the elimination of Harassment in theworkplace. This is the only program that combines legal aspects of this topic witha risk management approach to elimination of such incidents prior to occurrence.Each of his presentations includes the appropriate written "rules" for the topiccovered.

These risk management rules allow the informed listener to make immediate,progressive changes in operations to better protect themselves and theirorganization. Over the last decade, Mr. Graham has made over 3,000presentations to various groups including law enforcement, correctionspersonnel, fraud investigators, fire professionals, EMS, other first responders,legal professionals, educators, city, county and district employees, law firms,

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hospitals, financial institutions, and real estate companies along with many otherprivate sector organizations. Since 1990, he consistently received the highestevaluations on P.O.S.T critiques. In 1995 he received the Governor's Award (solerecipient) for Excellence in Law Enforcement Training from Governor Wilson. Hispenetrating wit coupled with his vast knowledge in multiple disciplines providesthe enlightened listener with an information packed seminar.


Presented by

John Gidduck

John Giduck has a Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State and a law degree fromthe University of Denver. He also earned a Master’s Degree in InternationalAffairs, specializing in Russian studies, from the University of Colorado, whichincluded completion of the Russian Culture and Language Program at St.Petersburg State University in Russia He has traveled extensively throughRussia elite Special Forces units for more than 10 years. He is certified throughthe VITYAZ Special Forces Anti-Terror School to conduct anti-terror training andoperations, and is a certified instructor in Russian Special Forces hand to handcombat.

Mr. Giduck has trained state and federal law enforcement officers and agents,including DEA, FBI, US Marshal’s Service, and SWAT teams throughout theUnited States. He has served as a consultant on various international andterrorism subjects, as a defensive tactics and Russian Organized Crimeinstructor for numerous federal agencies, and in the FBI National Academycontinued training programs.

He currently devotes his professional time to the Archangel Group, a non-profitagency providing anti-terrorism consulting and training to U.S. law enforcement,government and military to U.S. law enforcement government and military, part ofwhich includes Mr. Giduck serving as a Special Forces hand to hand combat andfirearms instructor. As well, he holds several black belts, has been inducted intotwo international martial arts halls of fame, and is former U.S. nationalweightlifting champion. in addition to other published materials and articles onTerrorism, Russia Organized Crime and Close Quarter Tactics, he has recentlyfinished his book, Terror at Beslan: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons forAmerican’s Schools.

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Presented by

George Akkelquist

Mr. George E. Akkelquist is the Executive Vice President of the Counter-ThreatInstitute, International © also known as CTI, Intl©, providing specialized trainingto law enforcement, intelligence, and Department of Defense clients in the areasof: Interview & Interrogation, Source Development and Management, andEnemy Strategic and Tactical Doctrine. Mr. Akkelquist is a Senior AcademicAdvisor to Henley-Putnam University and a Deputy Sheriff (Res. Level I) with theHawaii Department of Public Safety. He has over 20 years experience as alocal, state, & federal law enforcement officer directly engaged in domestic &international counterterrorism operations & investigations, source development,interview & interrogation techniques, and operational & investigativeenhancement. Mr. Akkelquist also possesses twenty-one years of specializedcounterinsurgency & combat paramilitary experience in the Middle Eastern &Central American theaters of operation, and extensive undercover experienceagainst suspected Al Qaeda terrorist operatives. He also has accumulated overthirty years of operational leadership in domestic and internationalcounterterrorism & counterintelligence, combat intelligence collections andcriminal investigations. He is a nationally recognized lecturer, a recent nomineefor the US Attorney General Award and recent recipient of the FBI Director’sAward for Excellence for Distinguished Service to Law Enforcement.

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Presented by

Farhad Mansourian

Farhad Mansourian is a former anti terrorist officer in the Iranian Imperial Army atthe time when Islamic Fundamentalists were attempting to overthrow the 2500year old Monarchy in Iran. Upon the fall of the Shah of Iran, Mr. Mansourianescaped to the United States where he has remained active and in close contactwith current Iranian events.

Mr. Mansourian is Commander of CA Regional Urban Search & Rescue TaskForce #1, based in Marin County and consisting of 90 personnel with specializedtraining in all facts of Hazardous Material and Weapon of Mass Destruction, SwiftWater Rescue, Collapsed Structure Rescue among other specialties. The teamis on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week for dispatch through out the state.

Mr. Mansourian is the author of many articles published in a variety of nationaland international publications, numerous radio and television appearances andhas provided high level briefing and analysis for Federal Agency’s dealings inIranian issues.

Mr. Mansourian brings a unique hands on and insightful perspective on the latestevents in the Middle East.

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Presented by

Dr. Amir Hamidi

Amir M. Hamidi Ph.D., received his Doctoral of Philosophy in Administration ofJustice. His doctoral dissertation was on Security Risk Management, usingTechnology against International Terrorism, and he is officially recognized as anexpert in the area. Dr. Hamidi is often called upon for consultation andassistance on National Security Projects by the federal agencies. He has beenasked to provide training to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), and Stateand local agencies in the area of International Terrorism and Middle EasternAffairs. Dr. Hamidi is currently assigned as a Resident Agent in Charge ofDepartment of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Sacramento DistrictOffice; San Francisco Field Division. Dr. Hamidi has been tasked by the UnitedStates Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, office of theAdministrator to establish Dubai, United Arab Country Office. Dr. Hamidi haspreviously been assigned as an Inspector to the Office of ProfessionalResponsibility (OPR) and Pacific Region Organized Crime Drug EnforcementTask Force (OCEDTF) Coordinator and in addition assigned as a SupervisorySpecial Agent for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)Transportation Task Force Commander, and the General Enforcement GroupSupervisor. Dr. Hamidi has always ensured that domestic and internationaltraffickers at the highest levels are targeted in significant compliance with DrugEnforcement Administration's goals and objectives.

Dr. Hamidi has consistently represented DEA domestically and internationally, heinitiated several highly complex domestic and international OCDETFinvestigations; Dr. Hamidi speaks six (6) different languages.


Presented by

Col. Danny McKnight

Colonel Danny R. McKnight was a distinguished military graduate from FloridaState University in 1973. He graduated with a B.S. in Management, thencompleted the Infantry Officer Basic Course, Airborne and Ranger Schools.

Colonel McKnight was assigned to the Mountain Ranger Camp in March 1974where he served as a Company Executive Officer and Instructor. Uponcompletion of the Infantry Officer Advance Course, he served in Korea as aBattalion Adjutant and was Aide-De-Camp to the Commanding General, 2dInfantry Division. Following this tour, COL McKnight returned to Fort Benningwhere he served as Aide-De-Camp for the same General Officer who was theCommanding General at Fort Benning. While at Fort Benning, he was assignedto the 1st Battalion 58th Infantry (Mech) where he commanded Company C for 22months. Next, he was assigned as an Assistant Professor of Military Science atthe University of Florida ROTC Department. While at the university, COLMcKnight earned his Masters Degree in Higher Education and Administration.He then attended Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base,Alabama. Following this, COL McKnight returned to Fort Benning where heserved as the Adjutant, 75th Ranger Regiment; S3, 3d Battalion, 14th Infantry; S5,75th Ranger Regiment; Executive Officer, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment;and Executive Officer, 75th Ranger Regiment. He departed Fort Benning forSchofield Barracks, Hawaii where he commanded 4-27th Infantry for 19 months.Upon his return from Hawaii, he assumed command of 3d Ranger Battalion on11 February 1993 where he commanded for 17 months. He then attended theU.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA. After graduation from the WarCollege, he was assigned as the Senior Adviser at the 29th Infantry Division, FortBelvoir, VA. He then assumed duties as the Deputy Chief of Staff, Training, FirstU.S. Army, Fort Gillem, GA for 2 ½ years. His final assignment was as the Chiefof Staff, First U.S. Army, serving for 19 months before retiring on January 1,2002.

Colonel McKnight’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (2OLC),the Bronze Star Medal W/V Device, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious ServiceMedal (5OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (1OLC), the Army AchievementMedal, the National Defense Service Medal w/Bronze Star, the Armed ForcesExpeditionary Medal w/Arrowhead and Bronze Star, the Combat Infantryman’sBadge, the Ranger Tab, The Master Parachutist Badge w/Bronze Star and thePathfinder Badge.

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Colonel Danny R. McKnight, U.S. Army, Retired, was born in Columbus,Georgia…moved to Rockledge, Florida in 1959…graduated from Cocoa HighSchool in 1969 and Brevard Community College in 1971. He was aDistinguished Military Graduate from Florida State University in 1973, where heearned a BS Degree in Management. In 1985, Danny earned his MastersDegree in Higher Education from the University of Florida while assigned as anAssistant Professor of Military Science in the ROTC Department. Among hisnumerous military assignments were the following:

Executive Officer, 3rd Ranger Battalion, Fort Benning, GA

Executive Officer, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, GA

Battalion Commander, 4th Battalion 27th Infantry, Schofield Barracks, HI

Battalion Commander, 3rd Ranger Battalion, Fort Benning, GA

Student, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA

Chief of Staff, First U.S. Army, Fort Gillem, GA

His military career also included combat duty on two occasions – Panama 1989and Somalia 1993 (basis for the Book and Movie “Black Hawk Down”). ColonelMcKnight’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (2 awards), theBronze Star Medal for Valor, the Purple Heart, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge,the Ranger Tab, the Master Parachutist Badge with Combat Star, and thePathfinder Badge. After completing 28 and one-half years of service to ourcountry, Colonel McKnight returned to his hometown in Florida. He has served intwo Homeland Security related positions in Brevard County…as the HomelandSecurity Coordinator for the County’s Emergency Management Office, then asthe Homeland Security Training Coordinator in the Criminal Justice Center atBrevard Community College. Colonel McKnight now focuses all his efforts onbeing a nationwide motivational speaker. He and his wife, Linda, reside inRockledge, Florida.

Colonel McKnight brings his experience to others through his presentation thatprovides a better understanding of the unparalleled commitment and leadershiprequired to be successful when executing operations in the most difficult andsevere situations. Many key values associated with successful leadership will behighlighted and referenced throughout the presentation. The real worldexperiences associated with his involvement in the event of October 1993 inMogadishu, Somalia, will be expounded on to relate the commitment andleadership necessary to achieve mission success.



Presented by

Col. Dave Grossman

Col. Grossman is a West Point psychology professor, Professor of MilitaryScience, and an Army Ranger who has combined his experiences to become thefounder of a new field of scientific endeavor, which has been termed “killology.”In this new field Col. Grossman has made revolutionary new contributions to ourunderstanding of killing in war, the psychological costs of war, the root causes ofthe current "virus" of violent crime that is raging around the world, and theprocess of healing the victims of violence, in war and peace.

He is the author of On Killing, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize; has beentranslated into Japanese, Korean, and German; is on the US Marine Corps’recommended reading list; and is required reading at the FBI academy andnumerous other academies and colleges. Col. Grossman co-authored with GloriaDeGaetano Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movieand Video Game Violence, which has been translated into Norwegian andGerman, and has received international acclaim. Col. Grossman’s most recentbook with Loren Christensen is On Combat, the highly acclaimed sequel to OnKilling.

Col. Grossman has been called upon to write the entry on “Aggression andViolence” in the Oxford Companion to American Military History, three entries inthe Academic Press Encyclopedia of Violence and numerous entries in scholarlyjournals, to include the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

He has presented papers before the national conventions of the AmericanMedical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the AmericanPsychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. He haspresented to over 40 different colleges and universities world wide. He has beenan expert witness and consultant in state and Federal courts, to include servingon the prosecution team in UNITED STATES vs. TIMOTHY MCVEIGH. Hehelped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school shootings,and he was also involved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of thePaducah, Springfield, and Littleton school shootings.

He has testified before U.S. Senate and Congressional committees andnumerous state legislatures, and he and his research have been cited in anational address by the President of the United States. Col. Grossman is an

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Airborne Ranger infantry officer, and a prior-service sergeant and paratrooper,with a total of over 23 years experience in leading U.S. soldiers worldwide. Heretired from the Army in February 1998 and has devoted himself full-time toteaching, writing, speaking, and research. Today he is the director of the KillologyResearch Group, and in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks he is on the roadalmost 300 days a year, training elite military and law enforcement organizationsworldwide about the reality of combat.
