Prophetess Telethia Barrett Bio




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Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett

Carrying the Message of

Restoration of The Sons of God

Understanding the Timing of God

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

The Restoration of The Sons of God An Overview of the Word of God from Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett

Full Moon Worship & Jewish Passover

Hebrew New Moon Celebrations & Passover

Changing The Times and Seasons

Sun Moon and Stars a Sign

Laws of The Heaven and Earth

Serving the Starts Forbidden Worship

Implementing the Kingdom of God

The Pure Language


Housing Network

Community Network

Kingdom Economics

Understanding the Timing of God

Knowing the Seasons

Understanding the Feasts

Celebration of Regeneration

The Lawless Man Revealed

The Enemy Legion

The Secular Body


Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

Through the Work of the Holy Spirit, Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett is a will-

ing Vessel to be used by God to bring Healing and Deliverance and Kingdom Domin-

ion Strategies to the People of God. She currently attends the Institute of God I AM,

where she receives divine revelations to impact and grow the Kingdom of God. With Di-

vine Instruction she makes natural products including detox/purification products that

aid in spiritual deliverance, physical healing and brings about Kingdom Economic De-

velopment. She is called to the church, and outreach in the area of Civil Rights, Housing,

In Need Families, Helping the Downtrodden

God has revealed to her the call to ministry in areas of the laying on of Hands for

Healing and Deliverance, Prophetic Words and Strategies to build up the Kingdom of

God, Health and Wellness God inspired natural products for ministry, Outreach in the

area of Civil Rights, Social Services or Kingdom Services with helping the downtrodden.

Prophetess Telethia D. Barrett teaches Church Website Development, Strategies to take

Dominion in your Community, Business Ministry Set-up and Development, writes

and provides plans/strategies to the body of Christ.

There is a Great Awakening Taking Place, a Revival of the Heart through the

Spiritual Hands of God. He has Sent Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett into the Earth

for such a time as this, Healing is in His House.

Healing Takes The Word, Faith, Elements and Actions, God has Called her to minister

through all four.

Body Purification -Spirits of Infirmity - The enemy has launch an all out attack

on the body with chemicals and toxins in everything from foods, clothing, air, body

products, we have to have a natural way to stay in good health to do the Works of God

while we are here on earth - Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Depression, Insomnia, High

Blood Pressure, Obesity, God Inspired Natural Products can aid in the Wellness Process

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

Broken Hearted - Many today are of a broken spirit and only God can truly heal the

Broken Hearted - Ministering the Word of God is the best medicine for those of a broken

heart -Family Issues/Betrayal

Downtrodden - Fatherless, Orphans, Poor, Prisoners, Single Parents The

Spirit of Oppression is a very strong spirit based in Hate, many of Gods people are held

captive and we need to help them by advocating for Civil Rights, and minister-

ing deliverance from a spirit of oppression, There are many spirits that can attach

themselves to people and the people of God and we need deliverance to free us from

deep emotional wounds - Captives

Kingdom Dominion - Fruit - Businesses Do I need a 501c3 God has his way of

doing business and the world has their way of doing business, Kingdom Economics

means the ability to create God inspired products, create effective outreach ministries

that affect the Whole man, fundraise to carry out the orders of the Lord with ministry,

build financial institutions, build up the Kingdom of God with Kingdom Economics all

with God being the head.

Business Empowerment As Ministry

Beam - structural support, a bar of balance, transmit a message

via satellite or radio, smile expansively, a ray or shaft of light, to radiate

light to SHINE

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~


LOCAL TRAVEL, Local travel within 3 hours

Private Prayer Room

Hot Green Tea, Lemons and Honey

Dark Green Salads, Vinaigrette Salmon or Whiting Not Fried

Table for Products With Table Assistant

Water at time of Teaching

Assigned Intercessor


Driver for 3-6 hour travels

Air Travel for travel 6 hours outside of Raleigh, NC

Hotel or Pastoral Housing

Local Driver

Female Assistant

Private Prayer Room

Hot Green Tea, Lemons and Honey

Dark Green Salads, Vinaigrette Salmon or Whiting Not Fried

Table for Products With Table Assistant

Water at time of Teaching

Assigned Intercessor

Travel Cost Cared for and Any Amount of Love Offering

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

Videos and E-Books of Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

Telethia Barrett Ministries ~

Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett

Telethia Barrett Ministries

For Booking

919-285-9654 Raleigh, NC