Promptness - · Isc and 3rd Saadnyn tit 10:3U.n.m. Other. bun- ... - Beginning...


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7,ff •



RELIGIOUS.BAPTIST. . Bov.T. H. Athoy, pastor; Bun-

day n'ervioes': Proaohlng 10 80 .Sunday-scliool11.45, Junior 0. E. 3.00 p. m.l Cbriitinn En-doavorfl.30 ,PreaoblnB7,80. Weekday prayermooting Thnr«day evoningj^.30.' Boys Bri-gade; meets TYedoo.edaj.cvo.Jiig.of^Y. Hall..

CATHOLIC, ST. JOSEPH'S. ..'.IUy/_ ________ ... .reotor. Sunday mass 10.39 o. mX vespers at


His Life was Saved.

Hauuib:il, Mo, lately bad a wonderfuldeliveruiu:n from;i (rightful death. 'Intelling oT it be says : I was taken WithTyphoid Fever, that ran . into ' Pneu^ruoDia". Jly'tungs bocatno• hardened .Twas to weak I couldn't .oven sit up inbod. KoHimg helped me.., t expectedto «oou dir of conuumption, wbon 1 heardof Dr. King's New "Discovery. Opebottle gave rue great relief. I continuedto riB»-itj-aud now am well and string. Ican't say ton much in its praise." Thismurvrllous medicine' is the surest and

The only newspaperprinted in Hammonton$1.25 a year, post-paidgl 00 in the county.

AloornTVeotoir. Celobr»tf6"n Isc and 3rd Saadnyn tit 10:3U.n.m. Other. bun-days, 7:30 a.m. Moruiop frayer, Xitanyj <ndSermon, 2nd and v4th Sundays at 10.30a.m.Evou8onR7:08 p. m/ Sunday School 9:30 a.m.FrWny Kvonsong, T-SO.. Saints Day .Celebra-tion, 7:30 a.m. Kpocinl services in Advent andLent. • , ; • • • • • • ' . ;

preaching 10. X O , Sunday-school 13.00 noon,Epworth League «.00 p. m.,proaohifig 7.30.

Well equipped for

'•»in all brancaes—-"

Paraphlefs,Z_" -1 Business Cards

-' Posters






prices charged, always.We will not do cheapwork, and can't affordto do good work

Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p.mMission at PinB Road. „ .. '; ; - . - .PREBBYTEtiiAN. Bev.O. B. VnnDjkepastor.

Sunday sorvioos ;- preaching, 10.30 a.m., Sun-day-school 12.00 noon, preoching 7.00 p. m.C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m.Ch'urob prayer meetinK Thur(day'7-30_p. m.'

Mission" atFolsom »nn-MagnoUa>.~ Italian Evangelical. Hev. 'ihomas Fragale.Pastor. Sunday School at9 a.mi^reacbing at10.30a.m. Jr.' 0. B-, 3:30 p.m. C.'E. Soo'yat 3-30. , ;

. UsiT6BSALiBT.HeT.-6t. Etbertort Gates.pastor. Sunday 8orvloes;/^reaohing 10.SO a.mSunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings.. WDMAH'S CHBISTIAH TEMpZBAiici CHIOS.Mrs. .Charles Smith, president, Mils A MBrudbury, oor ieoretary, ' Mrs- 8 E Brown see;Mrs P S;Tilt6n/ treasurer , ' . ' • ; . , ' t-. •

r,MTJNIOIPAL. • . "C L K R K . J.I,.0'Donne!l. lv. . . , • ;

"•CuLLEOTon 4 TBEABHREB. A, B. Davis,._ M u m n i A T . . ncnr j . eW6ffnnk . J r - •'.'•

JDBTIOES.-- G. W.-Breis.ey, .T. B. Eyan, JosH Garton

—-^3oH8TABLKS. Goo Bcrjuhouse, E ShackleyHionwATa.- Rcscoe Bickferd '

op THE Pobn. Qeo. Bernahim'se.H.flarton.

and Sl.'OOt.cStoro

frial bottle free at CroweH'severy bottle guaranteed,

Doea it Pay to Buy Cheap PA cheap remedy for coughs and .colds

is all right, but you want somethiDcr.that j»ilLrelioy.e.and_Quro_tb.o more severe

POLICE. J.FIRK CHIEF. 8 B Brown. H M Phillip?VOLUHTEBB .FIRE Co. D. S. Cunningham,

president; Chas.' W. Austin; .secretary. Meets3rd-.Monday evening o(eaeh month

iDdopendont EitajQp:. :Mday evening in each miintK"."- .

Towfr-ConNciL-:- Alei.H:"Suttcn, Chairman._EJBLBatchel»r^f-J£-Bojer, -Woyland DeP,uy,jIonrj_Leibfrid_JLEJWatki8i._ ___ ___ i.

Meets last Saturday eve each month."BOABB or EDUOATIOH. 0. F.Osgood, presi-

dent; D. S. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams,J it O'Donnoll, Mrs J H Ransom, Miss AnnaProasey, Mrs E A Joslyn, ThomaK C Elvins,Dr J A.Waaa. Meets 2nd Tuesday eveningeach month.

lung troubles. \VhatFhaH-yondo? Go-to another climate P Y^», if posHlbleylfnot poasiblo for you,. then iu,eiChor_c.a8e_take the ONLY rcmf.dy that has oebn _ introducedin all civilized countries withSuccess 'in severe throat ; and iurictroubles,"-"BoBcb,ce's5 Gorman Syrup."it'riotouly hehld anti stimulates ibe tia-aues to^dostroy the jjerm of .dlswse, but,allays inflamation,-<iauseA vasy qxppctox>tion1_giveajiIgDod uiijht's rc'styhudcuresthe -patient. •".- I'ry one bottle, • Recommended niany years by all draggiats inthe world. - Siimple bottle.? St "X/towell1

Pharmacy. . • • ' ; ; ' _ ' . " "

-U_. •R-I'P-ftrtre^. . /

. . . ' i— ._, _ • .

The modern stand-ard Family Medi-cine: ,Cures thecommon every-day

'• ills- of humanity.


Manufacturer and Dealer in

Posts, Piclkets', etc. :3BRHY OBATES.

Folsom, N. J.

B©» Lumber aawed to ord*r.



COPYRIGHT? &c.Anyone Bonding a »kotch and description nwy

f^,J., NOVEMBER 25, 1899,•0

National Export Exposition.The Penbsylvauia Kiilroad. Companj

has arrangsfl fur npccial excursion rateto Ph'iladeir, bia oli October -11 .and 2iNovember 8 and- 22, account • NationsEport Exposition. Rouud-trip ticketsgood to return within ten., day?, including day Of iKaue, will be"rsoldr on abnvodates from Atlantic City, audjntermediate B'taticua at-rate of single fare for tb

, plus admtpiOTi to '.ibe

for nothing

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your work•when yon want it done•we'll tell yon so,and finish itwhen wo promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedition, nnd theRepublican, for $1.25A pile of good readingfor a little money

' Philadelphia, weekly, andthe Itcpuhlidiifi, a jeur


AniieAHB Onpen or MDTDAL PBOTECTIOH.D B Cunningham, M A ; JL B Davis, Soo'y.Moots Brst.Tuesdoy evening in eaoh month inMeobanio'a* Hall.

Wisatow LOPOE, I.O.ttP. U C Bbldridge,N. O.S Choi Vf Aust'D, rinnnoinl Eieorotary.Orvillo E Hoyt.Aeo 6eo Ifootrovory Wednosday evening, In Odd Follows Hall.

SHAWHUIIKIH TRIBB Imp 0 R M. - JesseM Loar,. Sachem ; Chas W Austin, Chief olRecords. Meetpvery TnoBdoy'tsleepln Rod.Mona' Hall. '« > •

M. B. TAYLOII L'ODOB, P.'4 A.M. RobertStool, W Master ; Alonio B. Davis, Seo'y.2nd apd 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall.

Jn. ODDEB DKITED AMEBIOAH MEonANica.1 . F. Hlnohman, Coun. i Harry Mnrphy, R. S.;A. T.-Lobloy, P. 8. Meets every Fridayevening In Mechanics.' Hall. '

OEM. D. A. RUSSELL POST, O. A. R. E LOauffmin, Commander; W. II. H. Bradbury,Adjutant ; II. V. Kdsall, Q. M. M e o t n l s t a n d3rd Saturday nights in Mechanics Hall,

WOMAN'S KELICF Conrn., MissNurii Monfort ; Secretory, Miss Nellie DoPny.A l t o r n n t o Friday eves, Mechanics Hall.

Q K N . D. A. IluBBiti. CAUP SOHH ox VETBII-A N S , ^o. U. Oapi., Harry 0 Leonard ; FirstSiirh't., Charloa 0 Combo, Meets ovory Fridayovo, Altken's Hall. ' '

l IoAiin IIP HBALTII , M. I.. JnoVson, Proal.i lon t ; , l i>lm T. Fronoh, J. U, Anderson, Wui,Ui i i i n ing l i am, Ooo. ' DoiiiihnuBo, Joa. H.U u r i o n , Dr. Ohii. Cunningham.

i 'UUthooil Branch, IJoiSO, 0. Iron Hall ofl i i i l i l i i iu ic . Barah A. llnod,Pros't. Carrie A.K i n / ? , tiuo'y. Meets In Mo'chanlca'Hall firstniul clilnl Wednesday ev«'», 8 o'clock. <

I. l t t lo llu Ha Ciuno l l , No. 27, D. of P.Mm l.iiny V V M i i i i i i r o , r i ioa l inn tua j Ciirr le-AKin.-, K. n T H. Mootn Mumlny evonlne In HedMun'« ll.ill.

iBiiflinnsa Oriranlzatlonn,

I'V'ull ( J r o w o r n 1 A"»"dl«ll"», •>• K. Abbot t Hoo-- r,'liu v, «i !|>|>ar« of I ru l l nnU proiluoo.l l u : i i i i i i i i l iph Loan and Bui lding Asanolatlun,

W. 11. T l l l i i n • . on i t i i i i r y . Mccln uvory latTliur»i l i \y In l>' lr«i i i<ii i ' i i lli\ll.

tV f <ir l t l i i | ; i i i i ' i i ' i i L D I I I I nnd l l in ld l i iK A n a n n l i i t l o n ,W, I I . l l i ' M i n l i ' M c o , 'B imro ' i i ry . A luo ln overyl o t MiMn|ny In l''lroiin-ii'» l lu^ l .

I'ooi.lo'n I ln 'uk, W. H. Tlltmi i -nnl i lcr .

LOOAL BOBINBCfl IIOUBEQ.H u r r y Lllllo, l ianlnnro un I furnl ' t i i rr i .A I,, I'litlmi, liloyoliiB.x'^"OrunroU 'n I 'lmrmnuy. , ', < •I'J. A. Uori lvry , lili(yol(i». ' \K. I). Arl l l i : . ml j l l i io ry , otn. ' ,.O r v i l l o |], llojl', iiiililliliiir, p r ln tor .K il Wlil to, l l c o - l i l v u xoro , .1211 II . < ) l i , i i n l l « r , i i l lnni - 'y ,

K A Ln l in iMi , l i l iuildiiullh iitxl tT l i i idhvr lu l i t .John 1>, l l i t l l , « l i H i l r l i i l n i i . '.folui 1'runol), <lr , , u n i l o r t a ) > n r . 'Win, llulinr, llnnmllli,Hiiliort Htfli^lJ owvlor.I I . K l o i l l n r i lu t i iumfMt i )<! n lua r n .M. h. Juol tnon ,iiii}iil'iiiiiil |i rodiioel>. W. (Iii|(loy, h n r n n a s ,( J .W, 1'rnBnoy, j iutloo ,W . I I . l lonuliomo, l io lu ry , iioiu, d u Q i l nDr. . I . A , Wann, i l en lUl .J o h n Murdon1! ,•Itona.l l anry K r n i i i o r , ( U ' < i l i ( i m ) l o o i l a r l u i n b n r .llonrice K l v l n H , ilry |(«oil«, n rooo r lon ,o to .Junol i Hok l inn l l , iilDlil nni l p roduce .OliAA. O i i t i n l n K h n m , ( ihyalnUn nni|fliir({eon..1. ILHinnll , bailor nnd (iiii ifocllonor ,II 1<, M n l n t r r o , i i i o u l niul ( i r u i l u n o . ,',Win. ''• MUuk, >lry ((O'ldu, ^rnoorla i , oto.I I , I), <Tno, i i iuonnroi | l , voriiioi 'olll .J ' .ll«nor«, mnooaroi j l , vo ru i rmol l l .

6ftioa (BO r.ite less than one dollaif). Forspecific rates apply to Ticket AgentsThe National" "Export Exposition hasunrpassod nil exnectations in the extent.and variety of its exhibits, anc. in itsgeneral excellence and attractiveness,The~Imvlem6nt Building, . containing tmarvelous display, of farrja machinery, iapartiqularly interesting to'agrcnlturalists.^ ' The band c'oricerts and diyertingmidway furnish delightml entei-taipmcutlorall.- •_ • . . . - • • • ' . - • : • '

Atlantic Connty Orphans Conrti' In the matter of ihe ealo of thojands ol

- JOFSO D. Fairchild,, deceased, for'. th'o paymout of his debts.

By virtue < f an order entered in tbo aboveelati-d matter, on the seventeenth" day ol

tober,—A-D'-eightron-hundred-and—ninetynine, I ehall cell at public ve&duo, at (behotel ol Mrs Kate Aitkon, in tho Toyrn oll lnmmonton, County of Atlantic and Slate ofNcj» Jprsey, on ' . .

Tuesday, Nov. 28,1809,at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon,all the following described land and premisewith tbe nppMrtenatces, being the Bamo du-ecribud in >al<l order, that I t to «ay,—-" *:

All that certain parcel of land situate In thoTown of Uanimonlon, County of A'luntlo nnilStale of Now Jersey^ particularly described onfollows:- Beginning at a point in t|io sou h side ofEgg Harbor Road at a distance of three andforty nix hundred ths perches toulhoasterlvfrom the tide of drapo Street, and extendingthence (t) couth forty lovcn degrees and twominutes west ton perches (o tbe easterly siUool tho Catnden and Atliintla Hailroad ; thcubo(2) along tho side of esid rnilroiui n i i f ih forty,four degrees west ouo and ecvonlylwo bun-dredths jicrcbos to a point; lhcnco(3) purullelwith llrsteoune, northeasterly nine and elglilyboveu hunilioiltha porches- to the nor t l iwct tside df E|rg Harbor Road uforeeaiil; thonoo(•1) along tliu sldo of .said rouil louihonstcrlyono anil novonty throo hundredths porclion totho place ol be^innin^.

I>utcd October IQlb , 18UU.» W M . II. KNIOHT,

pr.lilll,$.'i 40 Adui inla l ra tor ,

. Br. J.- A.1 . UEOIDENT

HAMMONTOW, : : N.J.Offloo Daya,—Every wook-da'y.

QAS ADMINIHTEHED.Noobargofor oxtriictlnff with gaa, when

to»th are ordered. ,

C. E,' 'Nowand Bccond-hana ,

REAL ESTATEBought, Sold, nnd Exchanged.

•Job I'rinting

ut tJio KKIM;II I ,H:AN uflic()


for Nowloniloni l i l n


IIiuiunonlon.N. J.

l ink'»!

llnllililo linr.nuiuf. lr l l lKi l rn iKMtr l | i t o l l i a l'iunrr mul ^ i i i r i i ' fVpAln ,Xlio fA'KILUT Will

I'nrUn, .

lammonton Electric tight^ and Power"Commercial Kidptric LigJits.

-MONEY—' . " . - ' • . • - ' • F O B

Mortgage*Ijoans.Correspondence Solicited. ~

1815 Atlantic Avenue, -' - " " • ' Atlantic


to. ; .


tlon» strictly oonndentlal. MmMooo»;on»:•ont free, .oldest neoncy for soourlngjw

Patonta taken through Slnnn * Co1,ughtpeelal notlee, without charge, In the


A hnndsomol/ninatrated wooily." Inmost rtr-eolation of any sclontiflo Journal. Terms, 13 4

iar:-fonr months, »L Sold byejl noTTBdeal

BestFassortment in town.

Sfieils'fbr 10,12,16 gauge~. • " guns always in stock,

Loaded Shells, from 40 c.. a box, ,i|p.

Branch Office, <B5 F SU, Washington, D. C.

WEST JERSEY «fe SEASHORE R. B.Schedule in effect- October 3,1899


4384484 SSSOS5 16Jf, 111•5345 385455BCoo;:62!in 35



9 IK


•95210(H10 2310 30

Ace. Ex.p.m.


70S7 15721730


IS4 274 SS4 414 535001JU5 10•5235-28545002(I WII 29•Ml




106<l1058II 1011 1011 261188

'1157120212 Ofr




8(108078 178268.85848


Il«3doDnold.»......... Klrkwood...'...


...Wlnnlow Jc.(l've). ..

II 01«» 0519 10!9 17 . . . M

9 281 Elvp<x,d_9 P.ilK. KKK Ilnrbor

| K10IW) , . Atlantic Cltv



7 2283010 127 C8 8 207 00 S 14I) 47 8 036 34 7 51

7 406 18 7 396 1273)

7S(I«t ,07 H3

12704II 4S





-Acep. m.

J-U1 KI 3111 211 121 C*i


BunAct. j'Arc. Ac*p.m 'B.DI. P.O.

5 m|;tf55|i! 13^ iv{ 8 12:5 50k5 I0|'8 355 52

, ,;? 27

4.3l> 8 IIS 5 2tfUi 7605JS4 14 •">! '5074 In 7 47 5 034 0,'ii 7 <l 4 65.1 5L>f ;• 31 t AlX 4(1 7 24 Mtt1 2T,| 7 W 4 17•? ir>l!lt M 4 05

• :• 9t6p8on)y_pn'notic(rto conductor or ftgSnt.or on.slsiial;- I. JB IIUTCHJNSOiLJaJniMiinnger. > J R WOOD, Gcn'l Pass'r A«t.


AtlanticTuesday, October 3, 1889

We have a full line of_ *_ • :& ''

Nuts, Kaisins, Currantfl," Oranges,. Lemorw,

Bananas, Mincemeat,Lemon Peel, Citron', etc.

Send us a postal card fora sample order.•;-.._•--v-

-Prices are a little lower thaathe market justifies. ' j:

Qur guarantee goes-with.. ;evelry article.

• Cream Nuts, 4 Ibs. for 25 c.Tfgs,TO oentYd

Orange Black Powder,, ; \T_-_^'' 40 cents a. pound.

Smokeless Powder <E^C;) -;:.—60'cents per can.

Felt Wads, 20 c. a T5ox., • ' - • ,,s

Cardboard Wads, 3:0 cents.

' Be Thorough, Boys.Whatsoe'er you flnd to (to,

Do It, boys, with all year might.Never be a' little true, . •

Or a little la tho right

Utt to heaven.Trifles make tbe life of .man;

Great or small things,•Boas thorough asyoa can/: •

Lot noepooti their surface dim— *Spotless truth and honor bright;

I'd not give a fig fbr htm ,Wfco says that any He Is wlilte.

He wtoTalters. . ''.~~-''.inTsts or,»lteri-

Do Wot

; / Compound Tar, Wild

Call and see

Little atoms-wbon he speaks,May deceive meVBut, believe me, '

To himself he Js a sneak! A

Help Iho weak It yon are strong; '.Love the old If yoa are young; ~

Own the fanlt If you ire wrong;._... If you're angry, hold-your tongue/ .

In •each dutyLies a beauty. '.'

If yanOyes you do not shut .Joat as surely , . \-And securely •

As a kernel la a out." j~ • ; f

absolute guarantee.

Do Not

ESli H.


Building, •flamraont6n1t

Room 3,7 Heal Kntnte & Law Building,A,tUntio tiity. ' ~


V> 055 155 2(15.'iU5 II5475 SI55fl0-028 118II0-22(I ill)(1 40n HI

n PO0 11!

o -to

10 03

800H 13

SSI« »i a i oH &i a M8 5.1 0 18907o isfl.:wB 21II 2«I) .11II S'l9 40fi.W

l U I H I10 11110 -1)


i 30

(I 2!)


5.002 ft5 10 '2 1'2

'> -125 J7

5'SiH IBo 10(I 2i;




1 10I IHJIffii

8 008 12


458 fit)

II 12I IBD 2 Il!!2

U 411U 48KIWI



.'.ftWcBt ColllllgbWOtJCl..... Ilu.l.lon Iltlgliir

....... Laurel P| ilngit.. .....

......... .Clcmcnton

...AVIIIIinutown June.... - . . .

.« ...... Ulu*' Anclior.... .....

...Wu«lii» Jnuc. (I'vo)...

KlwciodKgR llarlorlfonlli,« Jour


e as s 55 10 volOI 'O10 IKB Bt0 illo :iii


0 I h J H 41d 00 '


S 8(15 80A 215'SOin5 108(11)


(1 1!'.'II TU lU .!.«H (SH 4!>H <2H (MH '.'ftK 1.1

102.110 1:1


I , tl ,ll ,MI«|>. m.|p._Bi|ii ui|i).ju

0 25|B"63:i< ifiib 25t) It (1 4:1 II M ll 1-t

(I W)

tt !5

B KlS.65Ifi Wr>;w5 1'8B 2 1rnnB i n . . . . . . . . .t M 0 «J8 Wl5 117


« 078 t« 6 69-K -I.1; a -11K Mi '6408 'J7 6 hi)8 21 6 £«-


... 17-61)16 OB-. .I? n\4 t.r>5 62 7 « « Utt

7 3C 4 277 28 4 15

4 10 f> iO 7 1BI4 05-

Sunday Up Kxpri'U Irnvra Allniilli; 7:30 ji BI.JJ. A. SWEIQAHBi Oen. Bnpt..

uttar TM; Hnnimont.ui.B.JliJ'Mln.lriplilA ll;00. .' ED80N J. WEKlflf, QtM.PoM<-n«iT Agent

HOUBOKI c. p. .12(;. p.

lr«t 6 lilclitM-...81.00 pr month,,...'.il77Apr nio.'oxlfi Llclili JSn. oacli pr mo 25 c. ciicli.toil II).... .....10o 17 o.

tll) H'o ,'M 12 o.lliuldltlonal.... 60 , He.

Storol> nlghtH to 8:30, 1 ' n l c l i l tn H> ..... ."Oo. cncli ..... 55 on niulilfl to 10, l n i l , l i t t» i- ....... i.')c. ouoli.,..75o

Heal Estate andInsurance Agent

Notary; Public, :Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Railroad Av«.

L1: i Hammonton.

A Few Wagon ShopI have taken the Jno.Walthershop, on Third St., and will doall work ia the wheelwrightand, blacksmith line.

-I—H orse-shoeing^ Bpecial tyi• i ' • . ' . - '^r-^i' •


- - Do,-11,; -th en. wlth_8l I -your might. ',. Let your prayers be strong and true—• ' frayer, my lad, will keep you right.

. Prayer In all thines, . . -' 'areataad small thlugs,

Like a Christian gentleman. J

Fall you never.-'KToworeveri*'

To be thorough as yon can. '

Suffer with that Headache,' whenCrowell's Headache Tabletagive such quick relief. -'

CrpweU's Pharmacy.Ill Bellevue Avenue." ' •

Open Sundays—9:30a;m. to i'p.'m.——:;::;.....:: :.2:QO.to8:0'0p.m. ;.'

In Hammontonevery Thursday

Practice in all Courts of tae State.Money for first mortjrige loans



Always a Good Stock

jOinljf ftZBCD Best I .

Shoes made to Order .is my.- --.w *

Specialty, and full_ satisfaction ia guaranteed.

fiepairiasg done.

820 nyfnr f o r n l 2 C. r. I'vcrv nl irhl to 13Jio a' your for n liic, 1>. <-vcry lilitlit to 12

iJflO a year for a 2000 0. P. Are every night except Blind.-y to' J O o'clockMotor Hates, 10 o. jior.1000 WattnJ \"\

"We do all kinds of Electrical Wo*k, sucli HH 'I'oloplionAnnunciator, and Boll work, at lowest ]ioWil»K? ratl^.

6 Dodgers,"—all sizesPrinted promptly, at tho ofjfioo.

Fifty-Eight Years Old.

The RcrunticAN office is

the only punting houRC

in Haramonton.

Wo will try to iill every order


ton. : : N. J.

Pet >ple's BankOf Hammonton. N. J;

It'll a lonjf. llfo, but ilnv'itloii to ho IruoIntoroHtu itinl (ir.)H|)iuliy ,ol' t t i o Aui in lc iun |ic<i-jild liiui wnii for U Hi n l l c i i d n HH l l io voniHrolloil by nnd Hid or ig ina l DKiinl ioi i i ol' I l i i fnni-llylinHBOil to t lmlr l o u a i d ncul lliin.ii ' iulinlicwm-o loynl HIM! Hiciulfutii to ihi .v , w n l i / u l t l i InItH toiioliliiffH, niul oonliilonco In i l i n Infoimil-lion, wliloli It lirln^n to lii iMii; 'Miii(l ( I rnn l i lon ,

An it i ivtiirul nonncqiK i ) i < i < , II I - M J I ^ H In UKold H|(« nil Iho v l t i t l l i y n iu l vi((ir i.l'' II'H .voutli,nlr('ii(.',lli(!iiiiil and i lpniunl ly I lie t \|»u Inof (ivtir ImlC n unntiirv.

Valentino & HoodTJND11RTAKERS


Authorized ( unitol, „,„, Paid in, $30,000.

Surplus $17,000.,

K, J. BYHNES, {'.resident.M. L. JACKSUN, Vioe-Pmi't

W. ii. Ti VTON, Cashiei

U. F.

. US:- - - - - - - - . . . . . . . • • - • •

M. li. JnclraoM, '' -------« - "IvliM, ;K. tm Stock wall

•V.T.11.TJHOH.iiii i -


t!. K. Un|{iMitl,

J, C.\V. J. Pinl tb.

OortKlontomf. lAipinui , U H H C <l, l-carln^liitoioitunt t,l«i rnt i t of U pur aon'.t. pornu-mini if lioltl H ! X nioii tbri, IIIK) 1) ji nreentlflii'ld onijy/iixr. ,

It him llvod nil ItH nun llu an 1 <U1 Mio corillirtan I 011Hiin j iov t , of iimgrrnnlvr Aim<rli<|l i iH.

l It In "Tlin JNnw York Wt'oldy Til l iuni 'ilcuowlixlued tlio ootintiy nyrr iin I ho I

NuJinuil Family Nunn|m]>m'.._ Itn vnluii to tliomi who <l<tu l r i ) all llio IIOWH lof the H l i i l n H I M ) Nation,,

in iMibilMim1 of tho I t i t r i n i i . i d A N him (iiitHiml Into un iilllnilcio wl l l i "'I'lio Mow YorkVcnlily 'rrllumo" wliloli eiuvhlvN him to fiirnliili you Uolh ]i(i|>rrt< at l l io I r l l l lng>Ht ol iM.'Jft |)«r yimrf'' '

ISvory fannor ami evnry vlll i iKor owes to l i lmvolf , to hln family, niul to tho coin-iniilty, a 0'iniliil uii|i |><iri of hln loniO iniwn|)ii|Mir ( nn It vuirldi o i i i i i i t un i ly mid until'.i/(lv (or hln InterentH In nvory vmy, hrlngn to l i ln lunno all the I IOWH mu l liii]i | iciiliigiif IIIH nelpliliorliDod, Iho dm 11 11 ol' hln lilnndn, tho ooiulltloiiH niul 'lOnrotit oronn, nnil In a Wdi-lijy v l h l h i v wliloli n luinld Im f(inl;d In every I

|ift|i«rn for on ly '$1 ,Una ynar.

Funeral Directors.All buftincffti in thoir lino

promptly and (iiiniittemled to.

Kriduv ofw»w1ay and

7" Hiifo Dnpoolt Hrxrn for rent .'—fa'tf l l .no, «;ft, mid $10 joryi-nr .

",•!<),,|IIHI. I h l w l c o f It I HotMoli


So»(l all nubsoriptionn to tli9 Iliuninontou.

Embalming a SpecialtyOffice and Ilonidonco,

208 Peiwh Street,' Hammonton.

A lullnnnortnicntof Imndnnd mnohlninudo,—for work or driving.

Trunks, Valisos, Whips' Hiding Suddloo, Notfl, oto.

&• OT. OOGILriSY,,'JIammoiiton. N. J.

Our lamented Vice-President Jttobartwos-ime of the foremost millionaires InII&w Jersey,__b.u£.he._be2an.hiacareerjQhumble circumstances. - Theaon of anhoneet country school teacher, he hadno special advantage except _the bloodof good sturdy stock, and an educationacquired in school and college mostlythrough 1>ia own determination.. He.was not ashamed, when his success Inllfecacne to him, to recall the days whenhe sold butter and eggs in a Patersongrocery store, and. when be began bis

i businesa and professional .career, with acapital of exactly $1.56. This-was • bnta little more than thirty years,ago, andoffers oneniore proof to the bright, am-bitious «rid struggling boya in Americathat tbe republic has 'still opportunityfor every honest lad with brains andcourage. • - • „ . ; • . , .

'Don't worry about whn,l Republicanswill do about "trusts." The party hasbecome recognized aa the safest businesspolitical organization' in the country,—the latest evidence being the presentIndustrial prosperity seen everywhere,—and can bo depended upon to wiselymanage theco corporation affaire. Theproblem will be dealt with on Just andpatriotic grounds.

Tho faculty of thoUuiversity ol PekinChina, is a largo «u>. It consists otwo prenldente, eight Chinese and olfihforeign profeseor«, sixteen assistantsthlrty-two eocrotorJcs, und nearly onh undrcd minor odleora. There are twk

hundred and fllty elmlentB of modorilangungCB, nearly half of whom atilearning £nglmh.:

Mankind .woreh'f^ euceoes, but thlnkitop little of tho menus by which It nnttafncd, — tyhiit days .and nlghta o.watchlim and weariutmt, how year after•your has dragged on aml^ goon the on<•Mill iifnr off ; all that counts for little I'the long struggle dons not at lastIn .victory. •

The talent of aucaiBs Is nothing morithan doing what you cuii do woll, nnildoing woll whniuvor you do, without athought of fame.

Tho qtnto- .Troniiury-wlU have tbenetwo llmt-olanB HopuhllcanHlncontrol twc;yuara iDore,— Trcilburur <W 1). Swnln.and (."(iiuptrollur Win. H. Hancock.

• OEO. 6. BEAKEICaapa a full lino of

B-ichard iGardiner, M. D.'• • ' ' . " . " .' SUKGEOiN "." -" :':;'"

Will beat Hotel Columbia, Humtuouton,- . . - - . . - JEvei-y Friday :

For the treatment of Surgical cases. "Eeferences: '.Vcof.-Wm. B. VanLennaf). Phil.

delpblu; Wallace McQeorgu, M. D., (jamdeo

Wo Bfght to TTgiiness.-The woman- who iu lovely In 'face, form

and, temper will always bave friends,but one who wuuld be attract! vd mustkeep her health. If she has constipationor kidney trouole7, £er impure blood willcause pimoles, blotches, skin ernptionsand a wretched complexion. • ElectricBitters is the best medicine in the worldtoVcgnlato scomaob, liver and kidneysand to puriiy the blood. It gives strongnerves, bright eyes,: smooth, velvetyskin; iJoh_pomp|Qxioa. It-makes a good-looking, bli.umlDg. woman of a run-downinvalid. Only 50 cents at Orowell'sStore. -

WILLIAM?No. 25 Third Street,

___.j ^_^ .; _ / ._.._-- _ _lfe ,"

.j. v-Hammonton. "•-

GonfectioneiyOnly the choicest. |J

Always thg besf;'

Sewing Machines,Repairs,

And Supplies.In MlMi Aillt/.'a Mill lnory fltora,

llullevuu Avo., llnnmiontou.

Question Answered. _.Yo8,.Au»?u8i Piower Rt l i l Imatho lar-

gest salp of any med cine m top civilizedw"rlrt. You i' mothers nud Rrauclniothersnpver tliought of unin/j finyrliing elan forindigestion or biliousness. Doctors vreroHcarco, and they noldom beard of appen-dioitia, enrvoua prostration, or heartfailure, e o. They usej August Flowerto clean out the system and stop fermen-tation of undigested food, rugulato tbeactiou of tbo llvor, stimulato the uorvouBand organic action »f Mio aydtem, andthut is nil tboy took wbon feeling dullnnd bad with bondacliu and other aohea.You only need a few doses ofQroon'aAugust Flower, in liquid form, to make'you Hint'MM Mi-re is nothing eorloua theuiuttor with you. Bampln bottloa.are atCrowoll'a Pburmncy,

O. A. CAMl'IIKl,!,<-/'. A. <Juii)i)bell vV; Co.,

Real Estate <fe Jnsuraiioe,Idiiny to I,HUI on morlnngo Purllcs ImvlntrIHHIHI » in ron I, or pnipfrl lcn for na\o or ox.a l i H i i K « , w i l l ilo well to cull, or write us.

•, lsn!l Ai lnnt to Avo., AllnntloClt^.i«i*,!i'Ja Orchnnl Ml., llnnmionton, N.J

Homy F. Stocitwell,

Cor. Second arid

",-• Hammonton./ _ _ _

The Republican and '

New York

Weekly Tribune

both papers ono year

S'7 Miirkot St.;





Italian and An/erican' . . STEAM • , . . .

Ju'ifii | WORMS. Mot.. GrulM.

M:vnufiioturorof the finest Vermloeill• • UJH! Fivnoy I'liuto, ' ,

Mntonronl' 1m . paokagos, wllh'dlrootlons.1

TUp (pnBo,nawoll as tho packed ,of tbo -, vnrjt bout quullty, nnd nothing liWorlor

tolho lm]iortod onofl.

. .«J.U. I'rcYiinl. BIIHllAHIll/Vnii. ' Ila'Si ( KinVlCY A 1II,AI)III!11 UIHOIIDICIIH.

,. . Ton llpiwinnii. Hook, io., »T.

A» druHKliiti VJ" Mill VwiuUil ou cvnoliii oV wloA.HAm|.hrjjf»' Mo.liolim d>.. Cor. WlllUm

BIO..MOW Vurlt. VnTnuiiunV MiiniAi. Biu

nblp Agent. '. rirat-olnws tlokoto toall purt« ol tlui wor d, \yith twln-aorowoxprOHH oorvlca. , • ' /



nnd,, Proatrfttlon ft*om Ovor--•yvork or other- cnuaon.

HutVipln-eyo1 Hnmeopullilo HponlfloNo, 11H, In liqoovnr-io youra, tho onlyfiuaaovnful r<nvio<ly.01por»l«l,oriiiocial)>tiokoi(«wllhi)'owJ.r.for{l3

i»m uu r«i»iri ut 1-1 lr..

• and a Dloot lellahlo lino ot ' ,"t the! popular brandn of

1 ice*, and my own inako

CIGARSIn what I cull tho attentionof my rid frlondn, nnd iifiw'frlniidii. Alm>, woll nolrotodlh|o of aborting good«.i!~~'


, BEVELA.TIONS OF' INSECT ANATOMY ,A3 SHOWK UNDER THE MICBOSCOPE. .blllof. B Mosquito.'• Anlclo of » Coolcrqath. '. Fopt-of Spider. Foot of <3ookro»oh.

-Foot and leg of the Mo.qulto.—Proboiott-ofHi-Bouie Fl]^—— Eyo of » Onmlioppot. •-



Worveloni Arroncoment of a FplderVKyen—Daddy Loagleaa Can Bee in AarDirection—Revelation*.- About M6»-•qaltoek, Files and Other Thine*.

Dr. B. L. Rlese is a Chicago sclantlsi-"•who devotes his leisure time to bug'

hunting. His forte is microscopy andtii* use of this delicate Instrument In•connection -with Insect anatomy has

, resulted In some extremely Interest-ing discoveries of late. He disposesof one or'twbLtbeorles which have beeniheld. for years, notably the one whichprovide? insects with cup-shaped feet,the suction of which enables them to

, walk on-polished surfaces in seeming'defiance of all the laws of'gravity. His

^microscope 'shows that the Insects al-.' -ways have hooks of great relative pow-1

Insect can see as wfilLover Its shoulderas It can In almost a direct line Infront," 8al<3L.i>r. R.leser- "Possibly thatis the reaspn—In'fact, It may be saidto b° ^ortji Iply the reason—that- n


deFcan run backward as well as fo'r-ward. The only Spot, where It doesnot seem to see well is rlg&Mn front.Von can capture one from that "sidemuch easJJ3r than from any other. Thisspider Is not fitted with the additionaleyes which other Insects have. Usual-ly tne compound eyea are supplementedby simple eyes e6t In front and lowdown on ox near the proboscis whichenable it to see at short range in front.But; the-spider lacks these supplementtl eyeis '..-'.——. '

"Here la the head ojt^a. grasshoppeiwhich shows the moflCordlnary styleof eye with which Insects afe~flttej,"continued the doctor, placing anotherslide under the glass. "You will seethat this Insect has a huge eye on eachside of the head. They resemble theeyes of a horse in a measure, but areImmensely larger in proportion. Nowthey are fixed in the head immovablyso that the bug can- not turn them inthe slightest degree. "They have noneof the delicate appliances of the humaneye to.-reduce focus or change direc;

>er on the ends-of thelrl'egs, which areused • to grasp Inequalities invisible to

Under the microscope the polishedsurface of plate glass IB-shown to bereally'a mass of Inequalities. Thenaked eye, the touch,vw111 not revealthem to man. Under• this saiae-lnstru-ment the feet of the cominon'house-flyis shown to bo re-enforced by hookasmall enough to Und- lodgment..In theInequalities of the glass surface: The,loot of the mosquito has a wonderfuldouble hook which gives It the powerof holding to almost any smooth sur-face. In- fact, the foot. Is frequentlyentangled In some meshes, which to tho

• eye .appear trt,-present no Inequality.When, the mosquito struggles—as canfrequently bo noticed—theso • hookahave clasped something which Is clasp-ed'tho tighter aa the Insect tries vainly-Jto fly away. . • I

But It la in the visual apparatus thai, j'nature shows tho most marvelousadaptability to the lives of the bugs.Some of tho eyes Dr. Illcse has placed•on microscopic elides nro marvels ofintricacy. The fact that they nro sta-tionary, without lateral or verticalpower—they can not alter the focus ordirection ''of gaze—mnkca It neccBsaTyfor the Inheot to bo provided with len»-ea ao cut up with facets that thoy will

\ capture and retain 'pictures In almost^v .every degree of the lateral nnd vertical

I .planes. Inaccta can seo aa well be-I twcen what In man would be called

J tho shoulder blfldeo na they .can direct-ily lu trout. In many caaos they BCOto much bettor advantage behind thanbefore.

pr..Hleao iidju»t«d.hla mlcroaeopo ;ntthlu timo and placed u slide In- position•wheri'on was panted tho body of a

WA'J'CUTOWKH ill' A l i r l l l l C H .

"ilnddy long loK"." or coiiiinoii gnrilonnplder. Thin Hiiecliiieu In ni l excep-tionally lino one nlul IN no mounted nnto bring HID eyoti illreetly under IhoHi'iirrlilnif power of Iho l i i i i t rniMeii l .Tim eyeu ur« wondii.ra In llieiiiuelveu,but ihe l r pimltlon In even nioni won-

•dorflil. They urn pert'lunl on lop ofn wnleli tower In t in ' inlddlu of thnblink. 'They projnel Into Ihn nlr towhat neeuiN n f l i l l Inch under Iho Klniin;HCOII l»y (h» linked cyo (t^lfi towor Inli i i l l i i l luKii lnl inbli i unt i l Iho inlnd hrtftbeen atlr/ictoil to ll« exliiletico by thpmlcroacopu. Tho oy«n urn on onclj'nliloot tho towor, vory iionr thu top. "Thdt

—"Sou-will see-tb'at-the eye is enclosedin a transparent sack."and that -it hasthe appearance of hundreds of'glassyflsh eggs. These enable the Insect -tocatch pictures In: all directions. ButjustJn_,front- the lines,nre-rather-Obscure, so nature bq£ bestowed some ex;tra eyea on the grasshopper.- Lookclosely to the base of the antennae andyou will see one of these extras. SomeInsects- have them in the-tipa"6f-theirnosesrns It were. These are for shortrange aeeing-'and give Iho Insect anadvantage not possessed "by spiders.Thls'MB an excellent "type of -the cprapound eye," . - •

Tho slide was moved slightly that thfcleg of the Insect might be examinedunder the powerful lens. The Jointwork of the limb Is-like a ruby rush,the delicate blood vessels imparting abrilliant buo thereto. , The- structureis ^extremely powerful, the Joints flf-tlng Into each other so na to Impart tbogreatest .elasticity nnd power. On theend Ot the leg are strong hooka whichcan close on any object with grealforce. They also give tho Insect thopower to grasp any. inequality. forclbly, to use tho enormous muscular powc'r which results In a leap of hundred!of tlmea the length of tho insect

•'.The theory," tmld Dr. Ulese, i'thntjnaccta have cup-shaped terrnlnntlonato their legs, which, unable them totravel ,up .a'^jvnl^ or up a glass Is nolcorrect. ThCy-have nothing of tho kind-at least nouo I examined haa. Suc-tion, tho auppoacd" force which kcepathem In their Seemingly unscientific po-Hltlon, IB not uacul at nil.' Thone hookaare ilHi'd aa n monkey UBOH tho longlliiKerfl and arf a bird IIBCS Ita clnwa, tograsp any rotiKhticHB on the surfncc.If the HinootheHt pleco of KhiBB'knownwere examined under a jiowcrftil inb,eroacopo It would bo Heon to be « miiHHof Inequailtlea. Nqw, (ho hook "orhook's—Home have Bovefnl on fine lotf-^i t r O ' H O Hiunll tha t they van bo liiHerleilIn thcBO IneqtinlUli 'H. ThiiH what aeeuiHto ho a violation of natura l lawn IH neeiito ho muroly an nccommoiiiitlon jthoro-( o . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' '

"lyook nt th lu net of liooku on tlin tho leg of tbo iiu>Hi(iilto. A. rloneglanvo will reveal tho fact thnt . thltiliiHi'rt him powerful double lioolinWOHtlni^rrom oppoaltu MlrtnH of tint liyrrTh'i'ait can doiio ' up oli anything todHiiui l l to be need and hold on wil l) greatpower. The milder you wil l nlno Henhim a 'let of linolcH which h« mien w i t hli 'tfN BJH'i-ral t l i uoH aa long an the diam-eter of li l» tidily. Jle iniiHt hnvo tre-meiKloiiH in i ine i i la r power to HBO IhoiioIcKa-lit all, yet ho liiimllqa each in'aim-ceHiilon at will."

One of tho wondera of ,nntur<i wanHliown on niiother cllile. It wall t l lObead, ami par t icular y (ho jiroltOHrln,nf thn eomnum bonne Ily. Projecting•)ill from between tlui feelera la n bvoailnet honied up lo Iho head by extensioni-opeu. Tlibi net or web ei|n bo thnjlfuout ID a dlataiico nnvural I l iu r i i na f^ran Ibe illiinieter of tint head, It la linedto Hiiek uii llulda anil convoy thorn |o(he greedy mouth. • The nut la ft mar-

viiipllllontloii of iiatiiro'a art-(lower. Tho web la traced with

I'leautlful Inco work, (he corda arotwined In regular atrniula, aa If thoyreally aro ropoi, and tho tackle ti pfl

intricate; yet simple In use, ns anything'!use.d on 'a ship I A LIFE-LESSON.

Keen unaeFtho most powerful glass,—some 300 .diameters were used-^thotracery of the net Is very clearlyWorth the study • of engineerB,~forDame Nature exceeds In skill any, of.jer.Imitator's. The study of this pecu-,lar probbBcIs, with the beady, eyesylng near; to throw.a brilliant lightover the-object assailed, Is a work ofart unsurpassed.-rJn "-Ite-raechanlcalpurposes It Is another, evidence of theskill of the Creator In fashioning ap-pliances to flt all needs. "

One thing "noticed In all the spec!-)m^nal displayed was that Insects areusually covered • with feathery hairaall •over,fjthelr parts. A 'gllatenlng flywhich tWhe human vision.seems to besuperlatively smooth Is shown to becovered-with a full sult^of hairy .feath-an. The taps(JLu.lto IBJm roathersf, with here, ami ..spl-rithj entwined among them. The wineof. the mosquito' Bhowa tho _aamocourses of feathers running alriig w^inch straad of tho atructure, w'hlle'ttiaweb or sails 'are covered with delicatehairs. ' . • . . ' . . - ' - ' . .

Ono of the most Interesting wings<een was taken from a May fly, thetnothllke Insect which lives, but oneday, flutters aboat_an electric or gaslight and fails dead by-the million.The lace work of this wing wpnid fur-ntoh a pattentv.Jor th^ most' delicateand "filmy laces Belgium,France-or Austria. Under a power-ful glass Its Intricacies ore go clearlyrevealed that an.accura^copy couldbo easily'made. •

•WMITE"A BRAVE OFFICER.Commander ot-Irftdynmlth HQ« a Mo«t

Brilliant Military Kecofd.-General Sir George Stewart Whlt&

(B_a-holder of-the -Victoria cross, agrand commander of the Indian- em-pire, a grand commander of. the Ba,th'and a" grand comniandar of the Star ofIndia. He' has been quartermastergeneral to the British army since 'career from the time when he en-tered the army until he started for

fliero! Httjo'girl; don't cry!'Thoy have broken your doll, I know;: And /your. :ioa-set blue, . ^_

An'd your play-house, too, :"• Arc thlngn.of tlie. lonjr ago; •

But chifillah trouE^S wjjl sqi)n''pass-.'.--',- by.-;, • • ' • ' • ' " ' ~~~~. ' ' .v

" There! little girl; don't cry!

There! little girl: aon't cry! 'Th<?y have broken^your Blato, I know; .

And-the glod, wild waysf Of your Schoolgirl days

Are things of the long ago;But life -and love will Boon come by.—

._;> There! little girl; don't crrl ." - ' • ' " . .; • ' ' ' . )Dhorc! Httle girl; don't cry'! '

Th«y have broken y.our'heart, I knowjAnd the rainbow gleams _ •Of your youthful dreams '.- • . „-

Are things-of the long ago;- ••->- Buthea Ten -holds - all - for_wilchu you

. _

There! little, girl; don't cry I


South Africa had,been n most' distin-guished, one. .

Aa Irishman by' birth, having, bcqiitijyn In tho CounJ:y Artrlm IB . 1835;'White-was educated at the RoyalMilitary'Academy ot Sandhurst andentered' the nrthy ns a^ subaltern In1853. Ho saw active service almost atonce.' Ho served during the Indianmutiny with hlrf rCBlmeut, the RoyalInnlsklllliig fuBllcera, , obtaining nmedal and clasp fot" gallantry. Appoint-ed -'a capta.ln tn 1803 rand n. major tonyears latcu, ho went 'through' tho A'f-(•hnu war wltli tho Gordon •, highland-era nnd was present at the battle ofClmrnHln, tho occupation of Kabul, theI'xpedltlon to Jlaldan,-the capture'ofrnktl Sliiih and on tlio.-nmrch from' Ka-bul to Caudaliar. '"

Afterward-Sir fleorgo wnH^ppolnte.aaillltary wecrctary to, tho Viceroy of Ii\'-dla, and In 1881 became llo.uteimut <•(>!•nnel of tho fiir'i)UH (lonlon blHblaiM-LTH. Four yo^.*<* lulor hn WOH colonelnf tlmt'reelii<C!nt. Ho. was sent withthe regiment to Itiujypt.- ivliern ho andhln men illatliiKUlalicd thrinaelvea, andin thn nurirpo' ^yar of 1H83 Ho com-"•Uinndcd a brf«ii(le. For hln Hcrylcna InUnit (•aiiipnlgn bo WIIH promoted aiinijcii1 genora'l and received tho npo-i-lal thn i ikH of thn (,'ovenunent of Indln.AflenvanVlio ('oiidn<jled tlui HiicceflHfulexliedl.tlon Into Helmb'ni|d froifi. lt}l)3u n t i l li tHt year WIIH eonuimmler In (fhlefof Iho Itrlthih forcfH III Inilln.

'ASTUS wan born during th»wonderf ril days. - when Sherman marched to the sea,, and

his' birthplace was in the contrabandcamp amidst the smoke Of -burningplantations and the rumbling-sound olmarching feet. Small wonder, then,that from his-earliest walking dayi'Rastus was filled- with the^^marllaLspirit. • ' •• . ~— : -•While.other-pickaninnies were play-

Ing with mud pies, 'Rastns waa parad-Tng~w1th~a crooked stick fonrgmrand5

filling the air with his flerce-coramandsto an Imaginary squad of faithful blacksoldiers; * •"""." ~.~ -•-•' :

".'Pears lak de de.bble wus In dat'Bastus^_saidJhis-fond mammy,_watched bis mliltory,evolutlons In frontof the-cabln. "He dun.gotter noshunIn.dat brack-"skull dSt he's gwlno fbe a sojer."•-' '. '

And 'Rnstus hod exactlyithat notionconcealed In the 'active little brain-be-neath the kinks of his thick hair.• "Dat ^Sastus boy be don't oppeah f

be wuth, shucks," said 'Rastus' mother


Tho hontlinn--Ho Kind, you broughtyoiu- family. Wo nru vnry fonil of olill-ilrun.

He \\nun»<\ Ton Kurd."AlanI" nobbed thn nifililini, hn haa

broken my lienrt."Hut nho wnu JUilutnkeii. Tho doctor

•alii It wua only u vll). -Uuu Ifroiicl«cuvjDxuailuor.

•very often, as she watched tho yearsgo by anjl noted that her boy- had notaste 'for work, but continued to aputhe military oillccra who were atntlon-cd In tho vicinity during the reeonBtructlon daya. And crcn when theoillcorH went home and left the .Southto civil law, 'Itaatua continued to. avoidwork na his forbears were wont tcavoid the patrol, "sojer."• And BO tho yearn went by. 'Hnntnigrow to manhood, big, black and atalwart, with the reputation of being "dclaziest, no -'count nljfgah" In all thaiauction.

I t" ,was only when the mll l t l i i pa-railed on tbo (Morions Fourth or. march-:il with Holemii trenil on .Memorial (In;tha t ' I l i in tua ' dull eyes llKhleil up. Thenhe HfnilKhtened up and actually movutl[Illicitly, JteepliiK step' w i t h the. ilruinami I m i t a t i n g Iho uniformed menmarching along with rhylliftili! Btcp.

Ami (lie ili'iy t h n t thoToj i th—thul i rnvccolored. feKlmenl- went through1 ' 'Unatun' lumii) town wnu the ureuttmt illiyIn the black miui'a lilalory. 'UnMix\Vaa at Iho doptit ami eyed tlm blaeliIroopera an they tmiiiitu'rn! to and fro»ii the depot platform; ami h'la dunkyfneo Beemed iiliuoBt Umpired.

Af te r the t r a i n bail KOIUI ' I tnatiia Wanlji ')WlK'n\ \a\\w Hirt-,0. J ' / , | ) \ \ , i ';',

A few ihiya laieiVrtaalua' mother re-•.•elveil a le t ter Ihe lli 'Ht one nbo bailiiver reeelveil - ani l It lolil her Hint herhoy \ V I I H nl biBt a real "Hojer," a veeniltlu tho Tenth. , ' ' '

Tlie lUnoUe lay tl i l i-k above the l inenof thn Amerlf iui army. Hl(-eloheil miliirounil (lie bane of Hun .limn Hill.

Htrrlelicil out III a lontf, (hln line atI l io f ront lay the famed "Hough Hid.iiVM," awnl l l i iK III" a lKlUlI to iiweep upthe hi l l lu the face of a lire whnno l ikehad (limed baek iieanoned vuluni i iu oli i i i iny warn auono.

Marie of tho "Hough lllilei'ii" lay (litt l i lu , lilim lino <if volunleei-H, wh(m«bhieU powiler miiilo them eany martenfill' l int Hp i iu ln l i HbarpMlinolei 'H, and InIho rear, oyea nnd teeth gleaiuliiir, andhrendl eoniliiK hi labored Kanpn be-tween tbl i 'U llpn, lay (bo hlaek lino ofthe Tonlli,

I l lntory waa about to lie nuiile. anilIJio K''<'UV Writer thefcof walled but foi

tnc'worrl to'dlp his master.pen in th«' ' B best nnd bPgln the .

task of writing It.."- - y. , - - - ; ,»• . .'Who gave the command? •• God only

knows. But somq o.negave It, and witha whoop learned on the great ranches)f4he West the "Rough Rldors" stnft-& up the flame-swept hill. A'dasli oli few yardSi a halt to fire, and then an-ather dash;' See them, fall!'See ibe line jwaverj Where are the

rolunteei-s? There they come Strug-Ullnc and siragffl'np. each' man for him-n>if, for the ptBcerti.have disappeared.Brire mon are tluv. but what-ca'n Jien^o In .'; - t ime llke-tlila without leaders?; Can the "rbugh riders" live through'taat aw,ful flre? ' Will Mlp never

'Ah, thank God! There Is the wild,weird shout of the "buffalo soldiers."Henr. them singing as- .they' rush , tothc!r-dpgtb-or to- a-

Hubjorh Tlin-romlnc; Snnnon—IniplratlbnJ'or tliB Future) Hollcloni ExhortationA l l l t Uo l>rniTii I'-r'om tho Llvlns Christ"^i'lieoliicy .Miiuft Tntco a Uaote Soai*'

• (OapyrlRht, Louts Klopsch. 1S9B.1WASIHNO.IOH, D.O.—In this dlscourso Dr.

, JTahuuKi) iidilre.isos all Christian workersuud dusorlbex what ho thinks will .bo tbomoili'3 of preaching tbeijbspol In tho future;toxtrnomau» xtl., 7; "Or- ministry -let uswait on our ministering." ' • ' ' - . ' . ' •

\yiilh> I wni suiitod on a piazza ot a hotel, ,. at Lexington, Kv., ono flummor evening a

gentleman, "What do you think'^. ', of •t l iMOotnlng dermou?" . I supposed-he' Was

' asking m o l u roparil tosomoTiewdtseourso'of Dr. Gumming of London, who some-

_ tlmea prenohod atortllnR sermons, 'and I- replied,' "I have not seSn It." 13ut I found

,,^, ,iout nltcrwnrd thatjipjnoant tp_ask_jvhotare the years wt(en: tht' Mag

(iiat'led them was;a flaunting He. For*gotten are the days when oppressionunder that flag waa their lot! Hemem-bere)i.only is the fact that under that.Bag th§y, ore to-day freemenl And" on •»me the galtanf black boya, sweepingthrough the ranks 'of the brave but :

disorganized volunteerB, up against the ,wavering line of plalpsmen and citymen. enlisted Jn thev"Rouglrllper8,"who will be wiped-fitt the earth beforethey .fall back. • -

A brav.et_charge: was-misver madethan that of the Tenth on "that awful'flay when Spain's hold In the Westernhemisphere was loosed forever, and herdays of cruel oppression ended withinwund-nof—the-shores -whero-f reedom-relgns supreme.

And 'Rastns! The sound of. the firstshot awakened within him the martial


spirit-; born with hlm-ln~4heband camp within sight of the camp;.flres of ''Uncle Billy." The command

* the-cominR sermon of the wojrld,- tho ser-mons of tho future, the.word ."CumtalnR"as n nouu* pronounced tho samo us the

"Word-"comlnR"~ns 'an ndjootlye.- But m^mistake suwn9tud to mo « very Importantand practical tbemo, "Tbe Coming Ser-mon." . • ". • • . f , - -

Dofore the world Is converted thp style olreligious discourse will have to bo" con*verted. You mlRlit ns well go Into tbemodern:Sedan- or.Gettysburg "with bowlp.nd arrows, Instead ot rifles nnd bombshellsand parks of artillery', as to expeot to con-quer this world for Qod by tho old Htylesof'exhortation and Bdrmonology. Jona-than Edwards preached the sermons mosfcadapted to tbe age in which he llved,~DurU thoao sermona wore proaeued" no.iv tUeywould divide nn audience Into two classea—those sound asleep and those wanting to-ga home.

Out there .Is a-discourse of the future.Who will preach It I hnvo no Idea. In whatpnrt nf tlm nnrtli 'U roll! hn hnrn I_ba»O-n»idea. .In which denomlnation-pf OhrlstlansIt will bo, delivered-I cannot guess. Thatdlscourso of exhortation may be born inthe country raee^jnRjjgiijio on tho banks ol

waa little f ravel from plaoo io place, andpeople wojald alt nnd listen *wo> and a halfliouTB tp a reUgloUB dlaqourflo, and "eoyen-luuuthly" wuiild H°d them fresh and ehrp^-per. In thoao days there was onpuRh tlmofor a man to tako an hour to warm himselfup to the subject and an hour to' oool off.But what was, a necessity-then Is' a super-fluity now. .OongroRatlons are fall ofknowledge from books., from newspapers,from rapid and continuous Intercommuni-cation and long disquisitions of whnt thoyknow already will not bo abided. If a rev.llgloua toaobor cannot eompreiia what bowishes to say to tho people fn tho spaco otforty-live' minutes, better adjourn It tojpmo other day. • ,_„

. Tha trouble Is'we nro^ch nu'Hanoos Intoi unnstmn rramo, mm taen wo pruaon:hem out of It. Wo forgot that every aud-itor basso much capacity ot attention, andivh'en tuat-l3J3Xljnu8tod Hols restless. Thaticoldont on the Lon^ Ifiltind rnllrond yearsig6 onmo from tho fact tbatVtheT>rako3were out of order, and when tli4iy--wantedto stop tho train thoy could 'not stop, andhenco the casualty ,y?as (errKlo, In all re-ligious discourse wo want locomotive powerj'ttd propulsion.''We want at tbo same.Umo'itont brakes to let down, at tho rlahtin-)ta_atr^:


. Jlioro nro In all our denominations eo-oleslaatloa) .mummies .Bitting around tofrown upon tho fresh young pulpits otAmerica to try to nwa tbam aoirn, to cryout: '.'Tut, tut, tutl Sensational!" Theystand to-duy pronohlnR In ohnrabes thathold a thousand pooplo, and there aro ahundred persons •present,'and If thoy can-n,ot have tbo world sdvod In their way Itseems as It they do not want It saved atan. -: • ' • • - ' • - • • ' . • • • ; ; '

11 do-not .know-but tho old way of makingministers ot tbo gospel IB bettor—a col-legiate education and an npprontlceshlpunder tbe onro and home attention of somooiirno3t,aKod Ohrlatlnn minister, tbo youngman gettlug the pntrlaroh's spirit and' aa-BlstlnR him la his religious service:

Tho printing press la-to lio tho greatagency of gospel proclamation. It Is blghtlmo tbat good men, Instead of denouncingthe press, employ It lorsoatter forth thagospel of Jesus Obrlst. .: :_ .."._'•'.-.•.-.

-Tho yast majority of pooplo In" our citiesdo not como to oliurch and nothing but ghoprinted sermon-can reach thorn uud callthem to pardon and llfo and peace undheaven. ' . . . - . • -

The time will oomo when all the village,town and city newspapers will reproduce

• " • - • • andjiormona.

hear a m"n Bay,."Now to rnpnpltuliito,"iitjl "A few words by wa,v-of jmulloiitlon''auil- '.'Onco more,"" and' "Finally," and."Nowto-co'nclude."'' Paul preaobe'd until mldulglit, nnd Euty-ohus gotjSblind nsleop and feu out of awinnow and broke his neck. \Some wouldany, i^Jood. for him." I would rather besympathetic, like Paul, and resuscitate

| him. Tbuc accident is often quoted now In-religious circles-ns_ajvnrnlngagalnst sont-

nolonoo In clmrou. It I s jus tasmuoh awiunlnf; to ministers against, prolixity.Eiuyebu" was wrpuft In bis somnolence,but Paul rondo u mistake, when he kept onunti l midnight. Ho ougnt to have stoppedat 11 o'clock, and there would have beenno uculdont. If Paul might havo gone- onto too great length, lee nil those of us whoare KOw preaohlnft tho gospel rememberthat there Is a limit to religious discourse,or ought to bo, and -that In our tlmo we

no jipostoilo power of miracles'. Nft-polaon In an nildr«s3.of seven minutesthrilled bis army and thrilled Europe.Christ's sermon' on tbo mount, tbe modelsermon,was less tban eighteen mlnutes'long

to "forward, charge!" filled his flbulwith glee, and up he went, forgetful Ot .'alignment — of everything,-but—Ma ;•—•bounden duty to ballast with UncleSam's lead as many "" as x -..possible. On he goes, kneeling, firing,running, kneeling and firing again, on-til the barrel of bis Krag-Jorgensen -blisters the palms of bis black hands.

See,, the man with the colors' Is fall-ing! But the loved emblem does nottouch the ground. With a wild shout-Ilastus -selzes-lt—He^drops-bla- rifleand with bis disengaged band whips ""out his revolver and goes ahead. Hiscomrades—white, and,,.black—see thecolors advancing, and they spring for- •ward with renewed zeal. There la nocolor line o'lLthatLbloody day;/Dirt anddust and ^powder''smoke mike white ,.*"•andv black. IOOKJ-alike. ~'~ "•

See, the Spaniards "are deserting tho •last Intrenchment They are fleeing in „aismay.._before__tlio .strange enemy, thattires and comes on instead of firing nnd.(iilllug back.- A stalwart .man withkinky hair and gleaming eyea nnd glis-tening teeth—a man who'bears In, onoh a n d , t h e colors of the Tenth and Inthe .other 'n clubbed revolver—leaps /upon the brens.twVrks. A Spaniard "thrusts at him with' shining bayonet,but Is beaten down .with the butt of v

the revolver. The .staff of the Tenth- ;'colors la thrust into the bank and thokinky-hulrcd man Is over In the trench- ;DS, grappling with the Spaniards whohave remained' to prove that the spiritof old Cnntllc baa not wholly died out ' ,

And when the conglomerate maas of •black soldiers and "Kouph, < nlders"eoiiie up to the colora aucl'seize thotrcnchca they BOC> lu thu midst of acircle of dead Spanlanla the prostrate-form of n black, kinky-haired soldier,Hiul they knew he \\tas of tho gallantTenth.'

"Ah reckon, I gottor few o'dcm Span-faded," gaapiKl the dying trooper

an he giizud nt tho waving folds of tholing liln liandH hml plnnte<l on tho Span-lull oarthworkH.

And vtiilfri rind black nllka stoopcl)over 'Itir&fuH and wi th glt'iimlng oyc«watched the llfo of tho lirnvo blackninii go out beneath tho ling ha had hon-ored./ ( .. •

..... YCH. <h(- "colori'd troops fotiglit no-bly"; thnt d.ay-au they hnvo always

^fotiglit when cnlliul upon to light imdortb i> Hag tha t wax on™ (he I'lnhlein ot 'thi'li' opprrMHlon, but tn-dny tho uut-blcm lif Ihclr freedom.

Ani l In iin Inmiblr cnliln thora n l t H nnold black umiiuiiy whoHo clilOfrHt tri'im-tiro IH a Hhort lclt(;i ' wr i t ten mi n Hcrnpof bniwn |)iuici- Mini l by an olllcornf the Tenth. It told her Hint ' I tnn lno\vn» dead • -"died oil the Held of battle."• O m a h a \Vorld-Ilnralil. •

la your breath hnd'r1. Than yourboat frlcnda turn tliclr licnils naldo.A bad Iircnth moans n tind liver.Aycr'a I'llla nro liver pllla. '(They euroconntlpotlon, blllouancaa. dyapcpoln,ulck hcndacbo, 2fic. All fir

\\Vut -Jour IH ' ti«Hiilir~btMitIfiil'l'\\nn uifl

• or tbe Xomblffbeo or the Alabama. 'Theperson who shall deliver It may.this mo-ment be In a cradle under the shadow ol

----- the Sierra Nevadas or ln-a-New Englandfarmhouse or amid tbo rlceflelds of South-

„ ern savannns, or this moment there maybe" some young man In QUO of our theological. seminaries, in tho Junior or middle or sen-

ior class, shaping that weapon ot power,or there may bo coming some now baptismof the Holy Ghost on the obnrohes, BO tbatsome ot us who. now stand' In the watob-towers ot Zlon, -waking to a realization ol

., our present efficiency, may; preach It our-selves. That coming discourse may not befifty years off. And let us pray God tbatIts arrival may- be 'hastened while I an-nounce to you what IJthlnk wlllbe the ohleloharaotorlstlcs of tbat discourse or exhor-

—tatloa when It does arrive, and- I-want-to; make my remarks appropriate and sug-

- gfestlv.o to all classes of Christian workers.•-• "First of'all, Iromarkjthat that

. llgloua discourse will bo full of a livingChrist la' contradistinction to dldaotltteahbloalltlos. A discourse may be full ol

.Christ though hardly mentioning His name,on'd a sermon'may be ompty of'Cbrlst wUlle

- every eontonco la repetitious of-His 'titles., Tho world wants a living Obrlst, not a

Christ standing nt tho head of a formal sys-tem of theology, but a Christ who meiinfpardon and sympathy nnd condolence andbrotherhood and llfo and heaven, a poolman's Christen rich-man's Ohrlst.-an over-worked man's Christ, an Invalid's Christ, a

• farmer's Christ, a merchant's Christ, an ar-tisan's Christ, nn every man's Christ.xA symmetrical .nnd lino worded system ol

theology la well enough for tho theologicalclasses, but It has no mare business In apulpit than have tbo technical pbrqses olan anatomist or n psychologist or a pbyul-olan In tho sickroom of a pntlont. Theworld wants help, Immediate and world

• uplifting, and It will apuie through a dis-course In whloh "Christ, shall walk rightdown Into tho Immortal ftouland take over-lasting possession of It, lining It aa full oflight ns is thla noonday tlrmamont.

That sermon of exhortation of the futur tWill not deal with men In tbo threadbareIllustrations of Jo.infl Ohrht. la that com-ing address there -will bo- Instances olvicarious etilToTlug taken right out ol

' ovorydnv llfo, for thera la not a day whenBomoboily IB not dying for others—as thopbynlolan saving bin dlphthurl t la patientby Buorlllclng bin own llfo; aa tho nlilp cap-tola going down with his vcsnul whllo h<

.la Rotting MH piiDHungnrti Into tbe lifeboat;aa HID I] rum an consuming In tbo burning

,l)Ulldlng whllo bo In tak ing a child out of nf/nirth u tnry window; as In aamraur thnotrong Hwl in inn r nt Kunt Hiunpton or LongUranoli orC'upo May or Lnko (loorgo l i lm-flolf nurlnl iud trying to rosouo tin; drown-ing; an tho mnvnpapor bay ono miminnr,BUpport lng Inn mot bur for HOITIO yearn, hlnInvalid mother, whon orTurnd by a ([.uitlo-roan fllty cuntu to get noinii nuoolal panur,and ho got It and runliod up In hln nnxla tyto dnl lvnr It and wna ornahod under thewlinuln of thu train and lay on tho gratiswith only nt rungth inioiigli to nay, "Oh,•what W i l l become of mv poor, xlok mothernow?" Vlonrloim nuf fo r l i iK- t lm 'world Infu l l of It . An Hiiglaoor nnld t o , mo on nlooomotlvo In Diikotn: "Wo' ainn nunm tobo coming to o bottorapnri inl i i t loi i thanwo iiaiul to. Did you non (lint nonoimt tluiother <lay of an oiiglmior who- to onvo hlapanauiiKiira ntuolt to hla pout, nnd whon hownu loiind dead In tho looomotlvo which1 wmupslilo down. |io waa found atll l ninll-Ing, hla hand.on tho nlr-brakoT" And antha onnlnoor aald It to mo ho put htu Imndon tho nli'-brako to l|luntrato hla moaning,and looked at mo and thought: "YouWould hojunt aa munh n hero la thn uaino

orlala." .1Oh) In that rn l l f f loun Olnnonrno of t l in

. future thitcA will bo l iving l l l n n t r n t l o n nv tnknn n i i t ' f ru i iMiv i i ryduv lun of v l iMi r ln im•ulTnrhiK—llblntriitloim that wi l l . f r lnn tomind the g l inn t l l i i r niiorlllnn ol I l i iu , who In

1 tho h|glilp|ii(iiin of tlin l loldj liii tin) oro'ith,fon'wht our bu l l i on , imd undiiroil bnr 'n t r i lg-glo and i l lnd nur di 'itth. A. ( lorni i i i i nnu lp-tor-nmilii mi Imaifo of Ohr ln t , and bo ankndhlu l l l t h ) i ) | i l l d , two yiiiu-n old, wlio It wan,and Hid nnld, "Tbat in i in t lie. n o i n o veryKniiit iiilin." Tho nou lp to r wim dl i ipl imnui tWith Ihn n r l t l n l n i n , no ho got another hlookot>i i inr l i !o alid Dliliiiilinl away on It two ortbroo yenrn, nnd t h o u tin brought la binlltt lo nli lhl , (our or llvo ynarn of ago anduntil to hor, "Who do you t h i n k Hint la?"Hint nn ld , "That MMIIIL hu Ihn Oliu who tookllt t lu i i l i l l i l rnu la HI" nri i ln ami |I |DK»(I, |thorn," Than t lm n o u l p t o r \uui i i n t l n l l n i l .Oh, my f r lomln , whnt tho world wantn Innot n nold (,lhrlnt, not na I n t o l l o n t i m !Ohrln t , not a nnvi<r i i ly imiKln lo r ln l Ohr ln t ,but n loving Ohr ln t , •nprni id lag out Hlniirmn of n y i i i p n t l i v to p r e n n t h n wliolo worldtii Mlu loving h i in r t ,

Hut 1 r n m n r k ngaljl tbat t lm rn l lg lnundlnoniirn" of tlm fu t iWo wi l l havo to hoBluir t , Oomloiinall i in t|i dninimdod by thnago In \vbloh wii l lvi) . .^Nii in i i rn annd oflong I n l r o i t i i i i t l o i i H anil tonic app l l i i i i t l i innand no iniiay i l l v ln lo im to tv d l imouino UnitIt may lio mild to |io byiVra-lioadoil, Inothor iliiyn ineii |;ol- all t l iolr In fo r i i i a t lmifrom thu |i\ilp|l. Thorn worn f n w bookn,nlld tlwrn \vtcu no IIOWIIDIVDOIO. nml thorn

Lvx_uu or me uniq -i..,_i-u_* „„,»—u,i _n „„„. »i,- ->-,. t w»» will nnv to haulelectricity scattered all oyer tbe rfcy thatstrikes; bat electricity gathered Into athunderbolt and burled, ahd-lt is not relig-ious truth scattered over-anil spread outover a vast roach of time, bat religioustruth projected ' In compact form thatflushes light upon the soul and rives ItsIndifference. , ' .

Whan .the religious discourse of ' thefuture arrives. In this land and In theChristian church, tne discourse which is toarouse tbe world and startle tbe nationsand usher In the kingdom, It will boa briefdlsoourser-^- . • • • . . : —

•Hour It, nil theological students, all yeJust entering nuau rellulous work, all ye

Success has been obtained bj£men 'and"women who In Sabbath schoolsand-other—departments--are-toiling- forChrist'and the salvation of immortals-brevity, brevity! —-— .

But I remark also - that the religionsdlsotiurse of the future of which I speak;'will-bo a popular discourse. There arathose In these times who speak of a popularsermonjas though there must besomoflilng and"sulphate"of "notash". ^«wrong about it. . As those oritlos ore1 dull--them; but use them as desiredthemselves, the world gets tho impression 'spoonful of'each In half a. £that a sermon Is good In proportion as it Is 'stupid. Obrlst was the •most -popularpreacher the world ever 'saw and, con-

tho small number of , the

all around the world; and, SOTIO by type andaomu by voice, all nutlons will be evnngo-llzed. -


: unday school-- November 20,. 1899.--' -


-— /• Prov:\.23:23--35r-^— :~ ,

Memorv verses: 2S-32.

^""Golden Text: Wine Is a - . mocker,strong drink Is raging, and'whosoeverIs deceived thereby Is not wise.—Prov;20:1. . . ' . ' ' • • • • . . . " . '

;. ..LESSON, PLAN. • ; "Topic: ' Fearful -ilesults from Foolish

Actions. . . , _ • .' , .•1 ANALYSIS.' ' ~* ' \


• (vs. 29, 30.)1 . T h e Burden: ' • ' • ' - .

W o e (20). • . . ' • . . . 'Woe unto them that are mighty to

Woq unto him that glveih .his neigh-bor drlrtk (Hab.,2:15). • • ' ''Sorrow (29). ' . . ' . .

Farm Kotos,- Hogs are very partial to cow peoa,and such- food Is excellent for them.They first eat the pods', and wherethere are "no pods to be had they edithe ieaves, iollowlner with-the stemsWhen the vlneB: are gone they wllIf the ground permits, eat the rootsby rooting for them. In this mannerthe hogs will feed themselves andmanure the ground-at the same timeWhere there Is a fl,eld that can be usecIn that manner a crop of cow peasshould pay well.• . •' . •-.,

Hauling is one of the mostrcxpenslv*Items In farming. When planning forcrops and their location the cost of thehauling should always be considered

Iri the winter Hwill pay to haul the fodder in thefields to the barn, and whenever theteams can be made to do—service—la-winter there will consequently be a re-duction in the cost of spring work.Hauling la Increased in cost when theteams are idle at one time and busyat another period. . . '

An experiment made by a Michigangrower of-apples shows that If applesare-paeked-ln-kiln-drled—clean~T3an~drand the apples not allowed to touch,They may be put Into ~blns~and keptfoi months, 'provided the bins are In acool, dry'place and the apples not

BiuuriuR LUU samu uuuiuur Ol i uiaworld's population, .bad tbo Iarges{ HUTdlonoo'evor gathered. " ' 'nnywhorn J without

Ho never proaohedmaking a , great

bruised.the* use of well-dried corn and oatsalso, especially ,ln keeping with beets,turnips -and~potetpeK"~ ——^—---—

An excellent and clean fertilizer forhouse plants is to get a pound each ofnitrate of soda, superphosphate of lime

Do not mixA tea-

ipbonful of 'each In half a. gallon ofwater will partially -serve . to pfetectagainst Insects and. provide "plant foodwhen.used around the roots of plants.

Bouaation.— PeoploTnsned out ia-tbfl wild-erness to boar Him reckless ot tbolr phys-ical necessities. Bo great, wo? tbolr nuilo-ty to honr Christ that, taking no food withthem, thoy would have fainted and starvedhad not Christ performed a miracle andfed thorn. Why did po many pobplo taketho truth ot Christ's bands? Because theyall understood it. Ho Illustrated His sub-ject by a lion and hor ohlckons, by u bushelmeasure, by u handful of salt, by a bird'sRight and by a Illy'? aroma. All the peopleknow what lie meant, and they flocked toHim. And when tho roilglous discourse o'tli6 (uturo appears it .will not bo Prince-Ionian, not Iloohestorlun, not Andovorlan,not Mlddlotoulan, but Ollvetlo—plnln,practical, unique, earnest, comprehensiveof all the woes, wants, sins and sorrows olan auditory. , . .

But when that exhortation or discoursedons oouio there will bo a thousand gloam-ing Bclmltors to ohurgoon It. Thoro nro InBO many thoologlanl apmlunrlosjirofosaorstolling young men how to pronoh, I horn-nolvca not knowing how, anil lam told thatllf a young man In somo of our theological'nomlnnrloB says inythlng quaint or thrill-ling or unique facul ty and students fly athim and *ot him right and etrnlghtoa himoat nnd smooth him down ami chop htmoff until ho says ovary th ing Just an every-body elno anya It. Ob, whon Iho futura re-llgloun dlBiioiirno of tho Christian ohurah ur>rlvos nil tbo ohurohou ot Ohrlnt tn ourgroateltlun will ho throngodl Tho world wantsitplrltnal Imlp. All who havo hurlnd Iholiduiid want nonifort. All know thmnHi) lv»Hto bo mortal and to bo Immortal , and thoywant to hour about tho groat fu tu re . I tollyou, iqy frlo'uda, If t l i i i pooplo of cur groatoltlon who havo had trouble only thought(liny nould got practical and nympnt l io t l chol|i In tho Ohrlnt laa-ohurnn, -tltoro wouldnot bo a nlroat la Wuablngtoi i or Now Yorkor any other olty which would hn pannubliion tho Hahlilith day If thori.* w»ro a olmruhon It, for all tho p»oplo would nrotu tothat nnyltnn pt moroy, that groat nouuii ol

' A inothor with a doad biihn In hor arumoanlo to the god Hlva and nnlcoil to l iuvohor ahlld rontornil to l l fo . Tlm god Hlvapalil to hor, "You go nnd got a h a n d f u l ofmiii'ntnrd Hood from a bounii In whliih l lmroban boon no norrow ami la whloh tlioro linnboon no di iuth , ami t will rontoro yournhl ld to llfo." Ho t h u inothor wont out.Mid nho wont from hoiino to I IOUHD amifrom homo to homo looking for a plumiwhoro tlmro had boon nonor ioWniKl wliurothnro hail liooii up ilmitli , but iihn fu i indnbnli." HIUi lwof t f lHuik i to ' tho 'goi l Hlva nndnald: "My mlnn lon In a f a l l u r o . You nun, 1havnn't h'rought tho imiiilnrd nnod, I unn ' t I enuiilo'tail a pbiiio whoro thorn him linon no ror<row anil no 'death." "Ohl" miyn tho KOI)Hlva. "lliidornliilid, yolir Hiirrown u rn noworno than tho norrown of othnrn. Wo nilliuvn ouj- | ( i lofn, and all liuvo our hour t -

"J.auKh, nml thn world la i ighH w i t h yfiU|Wooii, nnd you weop ulomij

Vor t i i" 'mid old oiirtli limit borrow It.?m i r t h ,

Hut bun t rouhlo ono i iKh of I tn own."Wo hoar a grout doul ot dlnavini<l | )n now

n i l over tho land about why • pi 'oplo do notgo lo ohuri 'h . Homo nay It In hmmiini)( I h r l n t l i i n l t y In dying out and hmmvino poo-plo do not ho l lnvo la l lm t n | t h of ( lodVword, anil al l t ha t . Thoy aro fa lno r i i i inoan,Tho r iu iNon lit l i omt i in i i our normonn and ox-h u r l a l l o i i n an) not I n l D i - n i i l l i i g nnd prao t j .Qiil anil hnlpful . . j

Homo oh,, migh t nn woll loll I h n wl io ln ""oi'iinnry.t r u t h nn th in nnbj i ' i i t , and no 1 w i l l lull It .Tho rol lgloi in d lni ioumo of t lm f i i l n r o , thogoniinl Normoa to noino f i ^ r t h and n h n k o t i n ti iaUnnn nml Hn poop lo ' ou t ol dark noun,wi l l na u popular iinri""ii, J u n t for tlm i i l i r t -jilu rjnnoa that U wil l mi'ot Uio woon ami

If the leaves . of . the plants are verygreen reduce the nitrate of soda one-half. If the stems and shoots areslow. In. firowth. .slightly Increase the.potash. When seeds and flowers-areforming the proportion of superphos-phate may be Increased. •

Where-a family has but one cow thebutter Is frequently bad, no matterhow carefully the churning may havebeen done. This Is due to keeping thecream too long before churning. Thenew cream Is mlxeil with the old, nndthe. butter Is not gooil. This can beavoided by churning more frequently.Cream should be churned as Boon asIt reaches the proper stage of ripeness,nnd where there IB a mixture of thecronin of different ngos It Iri impos-.slble to have tho butter of the bestquality.

Much of the work that causps hurr jIn the spring cnn bo done during thecold season. Tho materials for tholifytbcds can be secured, cold framnflmade, .machinery and implcmentucleaned nnd repaired, trees nnd vinestrimmed, and thp manure heap forkedover and banked up ngnln. Even Inwinter , hardy weciln will bo foundready to etart off when warm weathercomcH, .

The matter of ventilation ofand Btables HO a« to avoid draughtHnn tho nnlmnln nnd prevent Urns ofheat IH a problem that has..not Jieennolveil. Tho tempernturo of a HtnbloHhould never ho lower than 40 (Ipgrceii,and If cleaned every day theni willbo but little foul nlr. EUnblen that nronot lathed and plnntnred will requlrono ventllatorn, and they are f requent lyvery cold, as tho outnldo air rnmcHIn from jovory crack and crevice, Thonorth and west olden nlioiilil he veryolooo. Tho use of tarred pnper on tbooutelde of tho boards will nerve to pro-toat aeolnat atorma from tho cnld dlrcctlona.

• (Psa. 32:10). ^ . "'Pilled with" drunlcenress and sorrow

'(•Ezek.: 23:33). ' :Contention^ (29). . . .

Leave off contention (PrOV. 17:14).A fool's lloa enter into contention

.(Prov; 18:6).—-""- ' —-"': ---:~-J."-Complaining (29). " -—.-••

The people were as murmurera, speak-ing'evil (Num. 11:1).

These are murmurers; complainers(Juie 16). C ' 'Wounds w|.tho'ut cause (29).

He—multiplleth rny wounds withoutcause (Job 9:17). ' - " ' "

They....are mine enemies withoutf cause (Lam. 3:52). - ' '..'•-

Redness of eyes (29X. ;-"His eyea shall be red with wine (Gen

-49;12) ,. . . . - ' .Their eyes shall consume away i

their sockets (Zech. 14:12).2. Its Cause: •

They—tarry-long, at .the wine (30!Tarry,:, late till wine Inflame them

-Flaec.—The lesson Is Independent of;locality,".

Parallel Passages.—There ore none. "Thn retoronoB^-atb-lon will enitblf' nnn—to rind vothor passageswine or drunkenness. "

that speak of!


Several Novyltiee Jn Apparel-"Whlcli-Rave Lately J'c:n.Introduced- •

Several novelties have lately been In-'traduced-In men's wdnr. In shirts Lthejstripes, which-are broad, run up and]down. . The pattern that .will be 'thecraze -with fnahlonable dressers is anup and down stripe, with large figuresof'crowns, lions, _or fleur^dp 11s. Theicolora arc bright. • In all the best a'hirtB'the attached cuff Is going out.of styleand tho square cornerls_ returning1.Two new collars1 will- be Introduced,and estr'eme dreasers will nlaKe tbempopular at once. Tho -"Wun "Wing" Iff

while the other has" a turn-over wing-with the broad end, jipgerinost.' -The-FaborF 'B n wlrig^coliaF wifh"the "front .closely spaced; the wings are cut to a

,,(Isai 5:11).

For strength,* and not for drurikennes(Eccl. 10:17).They.... go -to -seek out-mixed win

(30). ~~~' 'itise up early.. ..that they may

strong drink (Isa. 5:11).Woe unto„„men j>f .strength^ to 'min


1. The Prohibition:

Let thine eyes look ,rlght on (Prov. 4. ^5>- j j -'._i__: •JHandle not^ror taste, nor touch (Col

2:21). / ;2. Its Enforcement:

At the last It blteth like a serpen(32). ->They bit the people; and much peopli.'• ....died (Num. 21:6).The viper's tonsue shall slay him

(Job 20:16).. " ----- .iThlne eyes "shall behold strangethings (33).- '

Thou shall be mad for the sight o:thine eyes ~(Deut. 28:34).

Buy of me...,eyesa.lve..'..that thou"njayest 'see (Rey;~3:18).Thine heart shall utter forward

things (33). .The froward .mouth do I hate (Prov

8:13)7— 1 ^ — ^The froward toneue shall be cut off

(Prov. 10:31).Thou shall he as he that lleth down

In.....the sea (34).ThV'waves and thy billows are.gono

over me (Psa. 42:7).BCElnnlng to sink, he cried out (Matt,

14:30).They havo stricken me...,and I waa

not hurt (3t,).Thou stricken them, but they

were not grieved (Jer. B:3).Regard not lightly the chastening of

the Lord (Hob, 12:5).-"When shall I awake? (35).

Awake, ye drunkards, and/weep (Joell:t). '

Awake, thou that sleepeat, and arlao(Kph. r.:M).I will Heolc It yet again (35).will fetch wine, nnd we will flll our-BelvcH (!HII. r>R:12).

So IB a fool that repeateth his. folly(Prov. 20:11). <>'•••>•"

Useful Hints.«rhi< followlni; In a rtpahlah toPljic

for |iii'|in| Ini,' Hull (bib. Hull In p luu tyof water n ulcr,, o( mil t [Inli t h a t banIIIMMI Jn iioak for at leant -1 bourn.\Vbuii (lUjlH'lDiit ly bollfil to allow nf It,|i|c-k out 'all tbo (Iciih lu iiinall l laUon,and put It Ijy, Hl lon vory llmily a

iinliinn, f ry thi ' in lu b i i t t i ' it i l l t h < > y l i i 'Kln to rolor; add . (oinat i itiaiii'i-, a (!oHh of 1»'1M"'<', ami th" >'od-Hub. l.i't thf wluilt! Hln i i iK ' f on a v u r yMow f l rn for a oouiilo uf bourn, iibak-Ilii; tlm iialii 'rpau orr i iHloni l l ly . I

On' i-' n itlneiirileil earin-t of I I I T K Unlzo )iioii|[li t ha t III l i l l i ch t and oleunran ,((en tin i;ol tu make- a. ni|imro ornil. for tho ei ' i i tre of HID room; then(he Hour arni ini l can ho i i t a l n e i j \ \ l l l iw a l n u t or I ' l icny n l a l i i , Tlilii f a i i l i l i n iof i UK and nta lned lloni' lit III every waydeii lnihln In n i i i i i i i i e r t ime. I t iilveli uenol, lefre i i l i ln i r , a r t l n l l n i i |> |H 'an t i i e i> tntho fooiii. I t ilorn away w i t h Iho i l u n ti M U i n l i i n l l y HI In l ine froin an a l l -ovei 'eai'|io|, for (he nn; eau iio takon out u/(lie hollne ami ln<ii(en rlrliu wllunov>'|

j! .

Aim. l l e n r l e l t a ( l o n l u t , wild I I IKI Jiuitboon eleotoil a inoinluir of tho NewYork Vaeh t dull, In only I l ia i l f t h\vonuui (o rorolvo that dliitlnotloii,

Topic for tho Quarter: Varied Ex-,perlenoen undor Jehovah'n Admlnla-ratlon.

Oolilou Text for tho .Quarter: TilcRBho I<oril , (> my mini, and forget not all

hlii benoIltH.—I'HII. 10:i;2.


Mon.—I'rov. 23:29-;ir>. Wueii of Intom-pnruncn.

Tuett.—IHII. n:fi-l«. God'H J i idKincnt . }Wed.—-Inn. C:lH-i!E. AiiKor of the I<ord.Thuni.—I'rov. '^0:1-11. Tho mocker.1'YI.—Nnlnim 1:1-10. Hudiluti duBtrun-

tlon.Ha t ,—IMII . ' J4M-1U. Pettolntliin.Hun.--Malt . "•l:4'J-fil. HlH'port ion.

I . IOHHON HUIUlOUNniNdH.Al l l eee i l e l l t I ' lv i l l l lH.—Il l the UevlHCil

Veru l iu i t he I look <if 1'rovorliii In noI I I | I I | ( M | i i • • l o exh ib i t t ho faet tha tI ' r i i v e r l i M ^ J - : 17 to 1M; 22 IH a (llijcoiirHeby I t i i e i r . I t |H ni l i l ronned In , \vr l t l i iK(>1!:1'0) by a I I I IKO t i i hln pupil , ' whombe a i l i l r i - iu ieM an "mv lion" (2i!:in, 11),^(1; l!l;i:i. 111). The imriioiie of It In tha tthn iSuptl may exaet ly know ami report"wiiri l i i i > f I r u t h " ("2,ill), II eomiliftH,not of ' i l l t ieoi iaeetei l ni>lioi 'bli i iH, but) ofa nrr l r ; ) nf e i i i i i i ee te i t iieiitliuiii . Tlie Irli-tion In t i ne uf three ni iool l lea t lo i iH uu-dei- l l i i - imlre ue«tM-nl i ini\ioi(lt lou In• j : i ; I V , wl i leb our vtnvijiinii t rauti late,VI . e t not I l i l n o heart "ovjvv ullilierii ,"bat t i l wh leb the t rue blea . ln that ofa i i i b l t l o i n i emula t ion ra the r thmi ofinivy. Thbr n i i i to luiiiwri t b n l iu> i i^o bad)tion anil hi imo roriiii i of w l e K e i l n e M t i aref i i n e l n i i l l i i K , ami l ike ly (u appeul to ubuy'ii i i i u b l l l o n , anil ho ith'ea w a i n l i i Ki ieeor i l lnu ly . The tbi'ee I l l i i l a i iee t iwhlo l i hn U M e i i n ro exeeii t t lve f o u i i t l n i t( V H , 'M, "D, l l ee i i t lo i i i i i i e i ih (vii. 'i'l, 1!H),ami \v l i ie i l r l n k l i i K (vii. l.'11-.'IIV).

Time I f Mol i i imia ^vl'ole Ib ln neet lnnII i l a t e n f i n i u hln 1 , - l icn , about 10(111 II .* ' . ( M h o r w l n o we l i u v n no ineiimi foreyell l l J i p I ' l i x l l l i a l l l l K the l la t i t . Till) d in-ponl t loh In inl i i lmlr .e l l o l im i iMi ' n part \ \ \p r i n l i i e l l i K tbii HooU iif 1'ruverlm la nut(ioiaiiieiidallln,


pattern" and have"theThread endsT , 'uppermost The high turn-down collar •_.•with slightly rounded corners will be ' ••the most popular collar this-winter. • _- Four-ln-hands-wlllr be-'tfie popular'•'—-~tle, although the-puff will be worn.In string :tles the butterfly ends wllljbe

jthB-jcnge. In socks, stripes wlUJje thething, although' .embroidered sockswill be worn by "the" dressers. The•suede-glove, - In light colors, Is swellIn kids dark tans will be popular.

Attends the Qotftfer Weddlnff.-^A-recent Chicago-visitor to .the East—r~-wrltes thus" descriptively of a, Quakeruuptlal 'ceremony he had the privilege. _^_of attendlngT~ ~. -^—•^-.

^i^QuaKer weddbag last week,. •tvhere there were no display, decorartlons, maids or groomsmen, the airseemed charged/with Joy. After a si-lence of -several minutes the guests:urose and jtthe bridegroom taking thehand of this-bride said: 'In the divinepresence nnd before -this assembly I \take' Patience B-— to be my wife,promising to be to her a faithful andaffectionate husband imtll^denth-shall— '••--separate us.' The bride responded: '1nke thee, John J^—, "to bo my husv-J^ijrojrnlslngjtQ_.be_a_/althfuLand__l_.-affectionate wife until death shall sep-arate us.' A prayer was made, the>rldegroom kissed the bride and aftercongratulations had been said oil re-mlred to tho dining-room, where the>reakfast was spread. The table wasset with the family silver and china,vhlch had come from England withho great-grandfather of the bride, andhero wa» n single rose at each corner.

•Vftcr tho breakfast the entire party nc- "•ompnnled tho happy pair across thoneadow to their new homo nnd werehown the gifts of loving friends.. Oneif tho guests vrns heard to uny as sheitarted homeward: 'What Is the usoif all tho fuss nnd worry attendantipon a moderately elaborate'wedding,vhen ono can have such n sweet tlmo.s that was without them?'"

Of Short Duration.

"In your biiNblinil botanizing?""No, ho IH looking for th»> plpo nnd to-nvrn ho 'throw iwny >wbt>n, ho nivoro(T iiliioltlng lawt nlKhti" ; . ' " : ' '

I'rlntar'a MUtalco.ICtlllo-r— (Irci^t Hi iuk( 'Hl wo'ro In for It

now. , , ' i , /A i i H l H t a n t — Wlmt'n tin- tniublo?"AVby, In 'writ ing up Ooloiml Hlmp.

Itliui' death I Hinted that 'at H p. m.hlii pll lHo wim HO low tha t Dr. 1'ollotant onro KIIVO him up," unil tho con-f l M l l l l l O l l C I l l l i l K l l l l l l H - l l l l M I l l l l l l l l I t IVIlll

| Not In HI* l(r^|toi-to|rn'.

• "A iminlrllui (Hit « i f work, ntv you?"mild thu li i iunrkt 'r i ior. "Well, you'llUni l n IV\v itorilii In (ho Wnoil nliod.Mii)ipi»i | t yoi i i . fuvor HID wi th 1111 olill.KIltD."

"I'anlon tho prouiiiu' lulluii , madam,*replied I 'ei ' lpntotle I'mlroiiHliy, , "but(!hi i | i ln In nut . popular wllh ,1110."— .c;u(liollo Tliiiuu. '

™..nmB>K-™&- -SV^ y( ^fEOS^

«rt^, « «


right ;_jmdjtb;e besti.

.way to iusure a speaking• i^l ' i • ' ' ' - • ' ' ' ' . ' . ' . ,

acquaintance with it duiing

Cold «ge' its' to invest it "now

. i f ra i i Endowment Policy.

: Write :br particulars to

The PRUDENTIALIns Co of America

EDGKA.R B. WARD, .-. - ,Second Vice Pres'tand Counsel.

Home Office, NewarK, N^ Ji

LESLIE-l)^-WABD,_V>ije,-EreBlt.FOHRE3T-F. DRYDEN, Seo'y.

'-" ,-/^- . • - - - , - • ._.&.W; DOUGHTY. Asstv.Snpt.; Williamatown, N. J.

for this

I; ji _.:___.••"r

^ _ ' " - • •

~&. veryprettyFaBcintttuf^ iu vari.,l~'.Pre.tty.!3?laiel~Good8,..for childrerrs echotl dreeses,. •

.*" 12| cenla per yard. ."Xadiefl'Teady-made Waists, lined/for 75 cents. .

ull line of Stamped ;LinenD6yli^^rayCdyers, 1Covers, and Bureau Scaifs. " Also, Stamped

1 '. ~~Ffllbw SOur Kibbpn^and Lace line is complete. Yo'u can get

suited in any kind of fancy and ordrnaryrlaces.iCeep^n a look ou« fortheJHoliday Goods 7 they are ,

coming in fast. . ,Millinery of the very latest fashions and^designs^-The "Standard Designer," and the patterns

actiou, and grow- weaker imtll aboutmidnight, when, the patiun.t becameuncouscions, and-died at 8:30. -i The whole 'land is in 'miiurning.A.good man has departed; Pure ItTpri-yate'and business life, able and honora-ble iu every detail of his public ciueer,he could illy be; spared by bis family,bis slate, or the naliQn. .,. -Aitprney General.Griggs said : ; "My

-relaBons wilh - the Vice-president havebeen so inliiu.aur lor more than twenty-eight.yeajs, and my grief at bis unlime-lyTleath is so personal that 'I caunotapeak about him lor {lublication as'Iipiubt of one whose death did not touchme so closely.„ Aa bis associate andiriend,Teun say that- be bad the clearest,intellect, the largest business capacity,ihe keeutut iuiuiiion'oiTany~man I everknew ; but more lemurbable- than thesequulities were his traits of modesty—


-We-Btrive~-h1ard-to-rgive-8dtiMfaction—giving their orders oQr best attention, and good goods atreasonable prices ~ , • '

Prove'this statement by sending us a trial order ; and-if_you are dealing with u« you know what we say is true

^.^W.... __._ '--'.. -. -.^^x_ i: 'i , .' — « —— . A.-«^t __— .— t — t

•dealiijalFaltWe call attention to our own-make of Suusage and"Scra"pple.

It is certainly the finest that can'be made.1 We bundle tne choicest of meats.

At McINTY&fc'S M^at Market,309 Bellevue Ave., Hammonton

Worth Seeing—Our new_gppdB tliis year. They will inter-Bt you.Our line of Gold Brooches, Link Cuff Buttons, StickPinfl, (JcentH1 Double Watch Chains,— together with acomplete aasortment of Sterling Silver NoveltieH, can-not but pleatie the most careful buyer. Prices right, "i

Robert Steel. Hammonton Jeweler.

THE REPUBLICAN OFFICEIs well equipped for any kind of



Monie-dreBSitd lift«it.H u;ivrt''the best HittL faction to dealersmi'l ouHtomvirH'al ik«; , and sutihfiiotion JH juwt what youare looking for. If you got it you'll coiuu again.

Wo'guarantor to coinpi'tn wi t l i any in price;, .thoughlioino-dri 'Hfci l f .oHtt i ono cent, more per pound (ban wo« ali l iny for • l8(;wli«r«' . Yet w«; prefer to handle hoine-di i tKMed. (iive i t a t r i a l , and judge for journelf . ^

ECKHA HOT'S MARKET 'Bollovuo Ave ? l laminonton.

I Entered as second class matter. J

SATURDAY. KOV. 25, 1899

The Vice-President's Death.Garrett A. Hobart, fVice-Bjresident of

the. United States, ;3ied on Tuesdaymorning, Nov. iJlst, at his home inPatqrsbn, N. J. • .• t . : - . - , - • • •

Mr. Hobart had not been well-torseveral months,' and spent a portion ofibe summpr at Loug Branch, where bedid not seem to gain much etrenctb. Itwas then announced that he would not-: -j'n,be able to appear in Washington duringtile next qession of Congress.' £b~uul amouth ago bis illness took a decidedturn jbr the worse, and though be ral

ot f f imTrecoVeryry-" - . ' . • ' _ - / • • ; - ; - " 'During Monday afternoon/ Mr.: Ho-

ble to enforce laws. ' - - • • "'• _ ~ .; B6f That vacant land north and eastof Central school-house ought .to" beowned by the school district.. At thepresent rate of increase. of population;It will not be many years boforeanothersubstantial addition to our school- ac-.commodationa will be required. If theglass factory is located here,' bringingmany new families, our now annex willbe filled quickly. Where shall anotherbuilding be located ?•" Lots south of theCentral are small, and the nearest oneia.notjjn the market. Better.buyThat spacious Moore', tract next year,and uae it as a play-ground lor all ,thebuys in town/ It is needed now forthat purpose.

tSf~ List of uncalled-for letters In theHammonton Post-Office, on SaturdayNov. 2571899. . •

amuuntiug almost to diffidence,— large-handed /gKiitrosity unpstentaliously' bo-slowed, ul uuseltlsh public upiiii in allatiairs ot town, or state, or. country,and tiuest, of all, a, great heart thatnever- beat except with love and loyallyand sympathy for- all the .world. llwfriends will -miss him"; so will tbeJLJ. £>.Stnutt } .and -the. JPi-esideni. Indeed,the whole laud may well.mourn.lhe luasof one ot our noblest uud btal men."

The Kremdent deeply mourns thedeaih ot bis associate and Irleud. lieissued a procluniaiion announcing iiieend tact, and ordering Ibe customarytribute in public offices and. at all mili-tary and naval stations.

Funeral services will be held to day,at 2 o'clock, In the (Jbuicb of the Re-deemer (Presbyteriau), Paterson. • • • •

vacancy now oxlbting, hence there willbo no Vice-President until March 4il>,1001. Wui. P. Frye, ol Maine, is nowPresident, pro tern of the Senate, andwill prcaido until blBRUctfWor IB chostn,Should President McKinley die, IbeSecretary of Slate wouid bo InauguratedPresident ; the Secretary of iKe Treas-ury being next in succession.

Admiral Dewoy has been severelycriticised, this week, because he thoughtit wise to deed to MR wife the handsomelipmo In Washington presented to himby admirlnc friends all over the country.AH usual, the Admiral's heud Is nearerl«\el ibiiu tluieu of his haaty critics,Dcslrltij; to make tile property a purnm-nunl Uuwi'.y homestead, he decided notto wul t until death hud made his willoperative, itnd rink pomtble content undvexntiouH dela'yii, no deeded the huinu to.Mre. Dewoy, and she promptly trims-fi-rrod thu l i t lu to Ucnrno U. JJnwey,tlio .Adinlriil 'H only eon. Thia leavenno opportunity lor anyone to (lucsilonthu ycuing IIIHU'S lights. Thu lam deedprovides that .ibo house slutll bu the

\\diuliul'a home during Il le.V

jThe IlrllUli Wu'r Olllce has urriurjfod'lor 10,000 plum |iii(l(llngs,wiilghli)i; overten toiirt, to bo nhlppud to the troops Inriouili Africa, in due llinu for thu Uudl-llonat Chrlntnian dinner ol tliu Hilton.Tills imuhl to bu uood news for thelluern, lor the, reuniting modality wil lilimbiloaB bu un ureul us tliul ol , u binbivltlu. ' ' •

Aiiiilnuldn expected other ronullnonthu7 lh ,boncu bin rapid triivol north,Our lioiipn llnil I I I H trail ntill vvann, undmuch ol hlH li;i|:gaKi) lu now In their

Volcmnlo BniptionnA m urmi i l , I hut ' Hl i ln JOi iiplloiui rut)

111') of ,) i)y. Dunldnii 'u Arnlou HuluoI ' l i r u n Ih i ' in ; I I | H I I < > M Hnii i ih in itmlJi'ovur rinriiH, 0 In. nil l l n l l n . KuUmn .(Ii i tu,

1 \Viu I", M i n i m , -nalil '", t'lut|i|ii,i| l l i tn i ln ,r i i l l l i l i i i i i . . . . l l iMit, Pllo Omit On n i i i l h .

I D i l v i i n nut | i i i l ini IUH! .inhii'i. '!•> nU, HInn , CIIH> i. ' i | ii |-iini«nil. Hold li.v Hi , (4.,M. L'linv. I I , |)nuu;l«t.

J5ST SkiunirJtiud Son report4huir inability to Oil their'brdorp'Tor ground

They, have advertised for

accents to find such, but have been un-successful, so far. Their present, force&ro work ing over-time. Several Ham-monton boys .have been taken in asapprentices, and will bo trained, to thebusiness. 'Skilled workmen make from812 to 320 per week, with an average ot$16. A good chance Tor some of our-boysrt——. . • '., . . •-..-r-

S&T There will be a mas? meeting in"the Buptist Church, 'Monday evening,Nqv, 27tb; at 7:45, in -the interests of" ie Law and Order Soclety^pf"AtlanticCo'uuty. All of the town officials, andthe W.C.T. U. are especially invited.Dr.•Mut-chlor, of 'Philadelphia, Ponna.,and Kov. B. A. Elwood, of Absecon^-Ercsldunt-of the society,you believe in law and order don't ny'ssthis meeting.. This society_endeaL»pr&

the jhouBe,:or ihe frost 'will get|| after him end^witt-hiH collar.

Jos Brown, 2 'JIlEs May CushlnsHenry Close. Esq

t ". If Dover ,ApllIoEplpanoChaaM Floyd

- Petro Qcrranlu >' . ' ' Bev J M Hare

-—-—--- . GeoH Hollpway. . i. . • • • • • • • Robert .McKandlPBr ' .

Bnhcrt MyersWI Stile*. 2

Q MuRcarldlo•tin3 M Wilson

Persona calling for any of the aboVeletters will please statothut it has beenadvertised.

'..: M. Li. .TAfJKSON, P. M.: SSf The Transportation Committee

o» the-New -Jersey O.E;-Union havearranged for d delightful tour throughEurope in connection with tho Gunvon-tiou-tit-Londoniuid-tbe—Parin—Exposi-^lion: The trip will occupy about eightweeks and will hi: personally conductedby Tourist Agents of large experienceand wide reputation, both iu this

L,Europe,. .-iTIie ocean*will bo on special steamers

newly huilt, large and safe, chartered(rom one of tho largest Steamship Corn-panics in the world. Thu party willstart from Now York on Tuesday, Juno20th. The rate for tbo complete tourwill be only. 8208. Applications .needto be tuado at once. Circulars givingf u l l details with daily Itinerary can busecured from Itcv. W; T. 8. Lumbar,MoorcstovvH, N. J.

' Bismark's Iron Norvov

WiW the rotuilt, of hlii aplondid houlih.Indoinltublu will und truiiiouiloUH i-tungynro not found v. liorn Htnmnoh, LIviT,Kidneys mid I)o\voln nro out ol onl'ir. ITyou wuut thewi qiinll tumiincl thu miccnimthoy bring, uflu l)r, Kiug'n Now H(nIMIU. They dovolop ovary powor • ofbrain nnd hoily. Only 'M otx, ut Growoll'iiDrug Htoro.

Bring ordc)rs for


to this oil:co.

.SATURDAY. NOV; 28-, 1390.


- Foot-ball game on Thanksgiving--afternoon. . , •

SST The minstrels," all .homo talent,--nest Thursday evening. . /

S®~ There'-wlll be no bdttlor!a license

JB6T Woman's Belief Corps meetingthis evening.' Inspection. • • ' '

FIRSTTEIZH MINCE MEAT for BOle'atH. U ilcXtiiyre'B, 809 Bollevue Ave,

This ^eautiful flower dude will

&v. Mr. TpV&e/pf Philadel-phia, will speak,.in "the Universalist

"Church to-morrow. .Tho Atlantic City boya did not

nflf^amo of foot-ball, /•"""The pgal-ofllce will bo •open'-on~^~~~'Day-from 7:OTT'

You want rto he "In time -with

your^flowere, and have 'everything handy,

Get jhe Slower PotSjnow.

o'clock, and &tO(| to (J:30.

5 sizes and,5 prices, — , ,'

5—7—9—12—16 cents* _

- 1 ~~ ':".. •".* ' "'. "

A bang-up good Lantern

for 50 cents. ..•;

®@=* Bring in your Laundry""not later than Wednesday ,~^evening, to insure its return

_by_.Saturday morning. .

The Troy Laundiy, for whichwe areJagents, is the largestin 'South Jersey. •'

Bee-Hive Gash Grocer. , , . /opposite the

Vol u nt eerdFire-House.

FUIltJlSHED' KOOM?, with or Without' bnurd, In bmullluuiliy. ncarBtntlon.

. Apply 112 Frouou, street.

JEgy* The people supported th^e base'ball team, now go and support the foot-ball team. They deserve it.

ITire Company's committeethe city On Tuesday, boy ing

supplies for -the coming Fair.agy Town Council meeting this eve-

nins^_JWonder if the subject of abottler's license wilf be introduced./•pUKKEY. " Lenvo your order for a. TurkeyX forTuanksglYlui! at H. Ij. Molntyre's.

are rumors • of two "ap-proaching weddings—both couples beingwell known young Hammbntonians. .

_ , _ aSrJIrs.W.,D. -Frost haa returnedto Hammonton lor the winter,—^willHvewiitoMr. and-Mrs. Gerry. Valen-

-tine. • - , > . . • • '-,^~- ' . . • • ' • • - . - • * .SSy Owing to illness among the en-

tertainers, A. II.. Whitmore postponedhi« Thursday evealnc sociable for two.weeks. "- ' . _ " . . .•I70B KENT. Brlcfe BtoV? ana realdonce^-JC Ihe Fay property. luniilreof '•

E, «. WU.ITB, ut the Jice-Hlvc.

Sgy Mrs.. Laura Robe.rts. apd_her— sister,-Miss-Marian Valentine, have re-

turned to their former home, in .Massa-chusetts. •

CSf" The Ilcd Men are to obeerve theouu hundredth anniversary ol the death

•x ofj George Waahiugton, on Thnrsdayj



Twelfth St., between railroads.

Eammonton, N. J.- All ariangomonts for-burialo made^-and carefully executed.

'.in '

GEO. W. PBESSEYrHammonton, N. J.,

Justice df the PeaocrOfflco, Bocond and Cherry Bta.


our homo tniatmout. Wo nro pliysl-oliiim, und yim got tho bonutU of ouruxpononco. No tout tor what yourIrimhlii ,!H, how «lni)>' m or how hupo-lupn, wu ouii do yim f ood, u u d l f w ooun't \io will hunef lly loll you BO. .Thouuuiultt of l inn), vvoury, mok, addhopelcan penpla lit vo huou entirelyaud pormnnciiciy fi< irod by


Why not tftko 'hinirf ni;alii and Invca-llKwto lh Intro it |jiiiioi|ilo, Wohtvotliiiiiuaiiils ul' ' .muimmliiln. Bend forbode on lu>i» ,i trcuirninit, wonderfulourcfc, ftdvicK u> tho nlolt, olo , froo.

3?e' . t&~ Mr. Ball complotc'd- the repairsto l ho engine, and tho electric light*•were. burning- by ten o'clock last Sutnr-

' -duy night.•\TteW W^QONf} fnr Bale, novoral binds, myJLv own maki). I'rlofs rlRtit. Come -andHue. It thoy Uun'i HUH, Klvo niQyourordor,und I'll multo vvhut you want.

i F. A. LEHMAI*, SecoadSt.

t&~ Most of the tcleRhpnes were jiut, iu placemen Wddncsduy, but not con-. iiccte'd. Thoy are said to bo One in-— t t t r u n i e u t s , - - - - - ' ' • • - • •

Kalf~ The do^-puund and incidentalscost about SCO. The town got rid ofmany does, and has received about 8110lor licenses.

That alory of Will, Jonesturns out to bo trueTTtle

was ope of a eqund of nine, seven wershot bv the Philipinps,,^-Will escapin)by lying llat^betweea-tbo tailroad-ntriaA tery close call. .

flST1 The B'arnaers' Institute proveiInstructive,, as we expected.' 'We noticod many attendants from'down in tbcounty. , We Vero unavoldablyiabaentbut will nest week glvo our readers thecream of ono of thojbest addresses. ' .'..•

but thoy do Ret "mixed sometimes, ancmislead a reader.,.. For i,exaniple7—wesaid that there is a mail acent on tboBeading's up tram at fi-^p. m^ Jffyniwill transposjo the figures, tq read will the correct-time.

E£&* We extend our.heart-felt thanksto the friends who so.' ably assisted' usdaring our late bereavement, and to al*

their services nnd rendered all assistancepossible.

Mns. M. HuKLEYapd FAMILY, iCSy The-BTeio Yo'rk Tribute 'is; now

issuing a .tri-wcekly edition,—on everyMonday, Wednesday, and Friday. /Wehavo made n contract under which wecan supply this tri-weokly edition 'andthe Republican for two dollars a yearto subscribers in Atlantic County.

TO RENT. The nccond 'floor of RBifMen^Hull. Apply to O. W.AUSTIN.

JST Th"J 'proposition made, someweeks since, by a "correspondent, toclear Hammontpn Lake of unsightlyobstructions, has not ye't.received anyopen endorsement. We wish that someman who has the ability to lead .wouldstart $8 .movement; there would nodonbt be plenty to lend a band.. It isa needed improyement. ••.;_._.

Jgy Harry-McD. Little haa "put anextensive hot water plant'into W. H,Bernsbouse's residence. There are tenradiators, which average over 700pounds eacb in weight,'and connectionsor three more, UBlnn pipes three and'our inches in diameter. The contractdas just been completed, and workswell. . ' ' • " • . - • ' • /•VrOTKJE TO TAX--PAYER3.-The ColleotorJ. 1 .has no power to cqrreot~or adjust anyreal or Imaginary errors of asabssmont, and

f, any snob exist they must be broughtbofore the Commissioners of Appeal, whowill meet In the Council Boom at 10 o'clocka. in., Tuesday, Nov. 28th. next.

' •* A. B. DA VIS. Collector.

o aud see tho foot-bull game atthe bull/pitrk, Tbanktt^lviuj; afternoon.lluuiuionton vn. ll.icldoii A. A., IrornAtlantic City.

Ull! (JliNrd Htrnut, I'hiiiNlolplilii,

Ohaa. Cunningham, M.l).Phys\clnn and Surpcon,


'pUUKKY.s.' Onlnrn r<Tulvc<l for Turlcoyd,JL HI Molulyro'n Miirkut , tluu l lul lcvuo Av,

J66S" Gun. J. Q, Lane has removedhlti tifllco from thu Drcxel Building to

. I looms 200 nnd 201, No. 14 South Broad_; '.street, Philadelphia. „

S&T Mies Moral) Soely fell, Wednes-day, while doHcniidliiK tho stairs from

. ' .liuiktiou'H Hull ,Injuring bur bacjyicvuro-ly , but la rocovurliig.

KaT Mrs. C'apt. Ilubbard, for n>anyvuiira u resident iu Iltinmumton, died

• hint Hutiinhiy. I lor rumalnn wore•liroiiitht here and burled on WudnevAlay.

WAHII INO AN1> I I lONINfJ neatly donacvt your IKII I IU, or w i l l l uUu liout,( MUM. (!. U MUMKOHl l .l lullnviia AVi),, lioxl to Itnmoll Moorc'H.

fsajr Hy order of tho I'pslmaator•Uunoral, all pont-olllces wil l ho <;\OM(\to-<lny from two to four o'elouk, duringthe Iniuiiiil ol pur Into Vloo 1'ruHldvntl lohurl ,

' ' .1 *i' l ' ' V ' ' r ' j .1 • • Ii , | > l I . M I ' l l«piMrln«: 'W«l l Drlvlnj t , HtnuhiI Kl l l lnu . Htnvu 1'riMilrlnu, Woll alniinliiii .

•Mi.ip with Al. l lolii ixihii .C'Oiiii ty Itiuxl l lnni .• iioiiloli . JOII.N W. HOU.IOIt.

Jtir Ntmt Thuruilny will bti Tlinnka-(' y i v i i i n Day. Union roll|{loun nurvlcun

/ w i l l bo hold in llui I 'rimbylarliin Uliurotyi l l . ton o'uloult a. in. Hormoit by Ituy.T. M. Athey,

;jti.y VVorldnoii urn ri ' -mnilti l l l i ir l lm

w'lU'h l« I') hn oi'diiplod by thu "1111111-,/ in i i i lon SliOn Ooiiipitny," ina i iu l i i t l i u -

( r i t n l ' ( ' h l l i l r rn ' n iiho,imvi

"Look out for the opening of theLadies' Aid Society of the PresbyterianChurch on Saturday next, Dec. 2nd, inJ. B. Small's block.' Tiiero will be alargo variety of articles on sale, usefuland- ornamental, Dressed dolls from25'centsiTd'one'dollar eachr"'TbTre"wnibe'a doll's millinery department, wberotbo dolls in town can" bo supplied withheadwear,—bonnets, hats, caps, etc; .

BfirGeo, 8. Bennett & Co., now on'idfor many yeurs,. .extensive dealers InClass, In. Philadelphia, will agree totake all tho window class that can bomade in Hammouton, makiniT'mouthlysettlements. Tbaro is certainly, littlerisk in business conducted under thatassurance. The above gentlemen arenot connected with thu proposed localcompany. • \ ,

Star Tho Haniroonton Volunteer FireCompany held tholr monthly ' bueluoRsmooting last Monday evening, with-D..S. Cunningham In tho chair, ilhl olClins. Myers, for coal bin, $(J, .orderedpaid ; also, lights'for October, 75 cento.On motion, Way land DuPuy/ qrantadpermission t<r ho • placed on tho retiredlist, 'ho having siirvcd nborit thirteenyears in tho company, tyoll called, 10meinburs present.

JBQJf Layer & Scull's Jtlustrors inviteyou to npund Thanksgiving evening InUnion Hall, whoro Ih/y promise to glvoyou n good entertainment. Itosorvodscat tlcltuts will bo/on solo at 7:30 thisoyonliiK, at Crowuil's I'lmrmacy, for 80cunts; general /ddrnlanion, 20 cents.IVocuedB to/alri tlui Itueo-bnll Club.Tho enturtainirimit w i l l - bo repeated onBitturduy evonliiK, Doo. 2nd, for thot foil pi;'a Ijeiiollt. |

JC»a>~ A "StuckIng Honli^hla" will bohold «t llm lioimi of Af tH. 1C..C. Northon Tuundny uvmilng, IV.u. (5th. M ( , .

Thin l l t l l ivm><; l ; ivn'i i lvit toynii1 • ' "'{H nut ftir ytni l t> wi-ui';

1'liinhi' imi l i l |> l ,v y n i i i ' K l K i i hy S, A n i l (ilium i l i i i M i l n w l l l i (iur<i—In i i i i h i i l i ' H , in' In r i ' n l n —

.luxI iwluo Mm i i i i iu l i c i ' l l i i i t you wuiir[Wn li i ipn I t In I n i i i i i i i i n i i . yMn, II > I I H wi'nr iv^o, III, /

YOIMINI1 IIH'.'dj M-oy

\\ l i l i ' l i , i u i i | i | > < ' i l l iquid l l i l M l l t t l n diii'ltW i l l I I I ! < i u i I n a r m w l l h i|li'». '

Thnao who h u v n nut ri'cnlvcd ntdoldni tHrun tvl l lmin I rn i i i Mr. I.nii/., or ut I hoilu if. (J ini i t i , y<i i l l l | I mill dil l , IMld ( M l j u yiv plci iminl . cvi n i n u , HIH! lul. y i i i i r ciii iU|.

lu:l]i In l iny u i i i 'W (•iii '[inl, Tor tho( i lnu ih . I| htonny, come thu

S&- A ttember of (ho~IIammonton(?) Water Company was In Jottn onWednesday. Junt what he accompllshecwe know not; but be asked bow many

-aye-plugs the TowrrtMtd-ftgrced-to-ttrfrcrand was told—not ono. Then be wantedto know whether they -would probablybe ordered pest '-March,—.and was notencouraged to expect anything in thatJlne. i... The truth jia, our pooplo are

. wearied with long delay, and nre In nomood to consider any favorB^to-eajdcompany until-their plant is'in opera-tion.; The 'present look-out'is a drytirJDcuin Hammonton, except in the goodOld-fasHlon supply from'wells.

. ' A CAM).--. The undersigned, Sachemand Chiet of Records of ShautnAinkinTribe, No, 87,Imp'd O. B. M., extend,in behalf of;the Tribe, thanks,to thebrothers and tho adoption teain ol\Vawa Tribe, No, 1P5, of Berlin; for the

four^palefaces who joined our Tribe lastSaturday's sleep; also to the ladies whoassisted the/Red :Men with their supperon tbaixTccaei^b ; also, to. Ih.e comradeswho"conferred the- IJay-niakers' degreeupon the twenty-one tramps.

- v; J. M. 'LEAR, Sachem..' • - C. W. AUSTIN, C. of R.BO?* The Missionary Meeting in the

M. E. Ghurcli last Sunday-evening,-had-in it Borne very interesting /features.The introductory__addre88 by EobertSteel was very Impressive, and let forththe work and worth- of missions veryclearly. A solo SUD« by Miss NettieMontfort demonstrated the result ofpains taking practice under a competentteacher.' The recitation by Miss KatioGarton, was rendered/with deliberation!and.effectiveness. The Class exerciseby M. Taylor, Annie Garton, Roy Til-tonV Ettie Mathls, H. Ogborn^andlMaylScullenfivaB-fuironnteFest, The care-fully prepared paper by A. T. Trafford,on Home Missions, secured a fittingclimax to an interesting program which'

"CVJB SAEB OB BENT.- T3tore and 6-robmJTJ dwelling, logelber or separate.~~— —-._! -T- •" rr * t> n-tr~T* -. n

B©-Shanmunkin Tribe, No. 87Tofthe Improved Order of Bed Men, held aspecial council Jre on_Satqiday_night_last, whe^TrlBx^eceived a visit ffotn a"large deleRation of the members of Wa-wa Tribe^ No, 185, of Berlin. Fourpalefaces were elected by ShaumunkinTribe, and the ceremony ot adoptionwag performed by the chiefs of WawaTribe. It was done in the most im-pressive manner, and highly pleasing tothe members of the homoTTrib'e.' Afterthe adoption caremony, the Council firewas quenched and a splendid lunch wasfurnished, by the Tribe, under the super-vision of a number of the lady membersof Little Ha-Ha Council,. Degree ofPocahontas. After supper, tho mom-.>ors again tho lodge room,whore a loft of Hiiy makers was organ-zed, and twenty-one tramps wore.lni-

^ecl into the sublime mysteries of tboiaylolt. Grout.Sochom Arthur II.

Stiles, of Atlantic City, and GreatChief of Records Daniel M. Stovons, ofCurudon, were with tbo visitors. Shau-nunkin Tribe la n«ain on tbo high roado prosperity; and has prospects ofargoly incrciiBliig in momborship

tho coming winter months.


will noon be ln*ro.

A full Him of GunningImplements on hand fi

Powder, Shot,

Felt and-Grtftfb^oaird Wads,

?aper nnd Nitro• Powder Shollfl,

.qiided,Shells, till kinds, ,

bonding Tools.

E. A.

Lyford Bevorngo

fur Nmv . I m n f y ,'iiilnni hl i i i inrviiK'i ' ,

i vi l l iolni l ' l l < t x i ' < : l l t ( ' l l .

Christmas, appir caching*-tray; ^——

( A look at our stock will assist you. v

We have made more extensive preparations-this year than ever before. . • v " ' '

. '. • ' ' ' • ' • • ' • . ' . H - • ,

A few suggestions in sterlingBilver,—- •Cold_Meat-Jr?orkp, Berry Spoons,—Cream-Ladles^—-.-•—

" ' Gravy Ladles, - Strgar Shells, / Butter Knives, w

"and Jelly Spoons, at prices that will agreeably surpriseyou." Also, solid SilvW Tea Spoons, good weight^-

,, ' "P at $5.50 and $6.00 per half-dozen. •

Sterling-silver mounted Pepper and Salt Shakers at75 cents per pair. Sterling, silver mounted PungentW-...-1— . 'H^fcKe^ateiENoveftieaT

We would like to show you our line of Jewelry. ,

Kepairing done;satisfactorily,• • /

SfEBt, Hammonton Jew«ler




will be a continued

From December 1st to Christmasfor the sale of "•""• • • • ——

*• i ' • &*


Dolls of high degree ! Dolls cf low degree!Dolls to suit every omo. . .

Toilet Sets, Stamped Linene,Albums, Embroidery Materials,

Mirrors, - • Perfumery,Jollar aricpCuff Boxes. Handkerchief and Glove Boxes.

All sorts of Fancy Articles and Toys suitable for the .gift-giving season.

' All lines of Regular Goodaare more complete than usual.'':j


Another lot of fine mnckerel.

If flueh a thing is powaible, they nre just a

triJlo better than ih'otto wtf ndyertiHcd i

, u short time ngo.

VVhi'n )oi i \\i\r.l u lino nit Muckou-l, go to

'Jackson's Bfarket«l l l l l ' H I l lorh, Hun lino nlo i i . Ir . i -v l lh tho A I I .l l i in l lu .Vvn,, At lmi l loCJ l ty . Humnionton, H. J.Olllcu I I i > u r » , 7:.'IOt.o I O K I I I A . M .

1:00 to ;);()() u i i i l 7:UO ID 11:00 IMI.

T"''""^^'"^ ' * ' • •» , ' \ v. f „


Ah, donroBti whnt n jny to build-Our pnlncofl 'uo fair; ;

No .dreams like dreams of opulence, <Dispel the hours of care.

When Shnkspoarc wrote those living•words, , ;

''Who steals my purse steals trash,"He rocked not of the thfripa we'lldo

When we obtain, the cairn. .-.'••

No rain and Idle funcy ours.To while away the time; f

But Innd and sea shall; then unfoldTheir mysteries sublime.

'How we will girl this glorious earth.And bas(S 'neath foreign skies; • ,•

What mountain fastnesses well-, sweepWith our enraptured eyes.'

Tho-Bceiies In w>ns and story told'By favored travelers,

Will find in us the praise of true——Aud-:a'rdent—worshiper*" —- '-

"Givo( this boy $15 for me, and take a ''to the family that you'loaned the hoiieejFO Si LITTLE FOLKSreceipt . • . - • ., . . - ; • . ' . . to , down by the.road; and we're "Very I ' ' : . . ' • .

I t .wan done. The nianey wa,n button- • • • • • • •• . i

.We'll read the riddle of the. Sphini,And scale the pyramids; . ;

—^^Scek out old~Kiug'« sarcophagi—-^—And peep beneath th« lids.

No spot in all this wide, wide world,• Of forest; glade or g!r.n, .____ •

Shall -deck -Itself nnd -Tvooers?thourn;-"" , When we get rich—yes^-when?

—Cincinnati .Enquirer. ' '

.rT"WT 'V"*7—rr-^AN UNEXPECTED.'


THl up lit WlilVJnctot, liud-away he wentliomcwnrd, scarcely touching the pave-ment as he ran. But at the hend of'thestairs he slackened his pace, nnd went Inand Sat down quietly,

"Mother," he snld, "how much wouldit take to pay our way there and back?'- "Oh, I don't know," she said sorrow-ful ly , "a srent deal more than., we canafford. Will. There's1 the trip on -thetrain—It will tak.e. as much as v-6, ipose, both way?, though all' of yougi> on half-fare; and then- there Is turt n p i n the'wagon afterwards. It's ngreat pity to.give it up, but I think we'llhave to." - ,' "Mother," said .Will, "suppose youwere to find enough! money,for ihe trip:suppose somebody~~that you .never' ex-,pected to pay us should pay."

And then in.a flash Will had the moneyout. and_there was another shout,-louderthan yvfiVij the letter came;, and wh'a!did Mrs.^Darlington do-hut cry, and thcn

it really did begin to look like Thanksgiv-ing. ' . ' • ' . ' ' ; . - " • , ' '

B children danced all, even Lois, the blonde little'one.' . ' • - .'.• ;

"We'll have one Thanksgiving, any-• how." cried Will;, the curly haired boy;

• and. "iae other boy, whose hair did not_-^-cnrl, laughed londer_ than any of them.". ""Won't it be fiin to have a Tianksirlv-

irig?" he asked when he could, get hisbreath. • . , '

Mrs. Darlington folded the letter and.""- ' . rfiook..bJer-hcad. ——~:^^~- "_•_-

"Don't depend.-on it, Will,"-6he said..!1trwin_tate money, yon know^ and_howare we to get it?"•_ _ , •, "Oh, I guess the money will turn upsomehow," Wilj answered ns confidently,as though they could pick up money inthe streets if they should happen to want

' & ' " - • '" • ' . -'—'-'.• >'' ft was a letter that had created: all thatcommotion; the most unexpected-'letter

•;." that ever was, too; It had come from afarm housej-and the writer was an old

•-•." farmer, who wrote with the greatestlabor, for he had never gone to school inhis life. His old wife .had been sittingbeside him as he- wrote, and when he

• finished this la what he read to her:Dear Mlsa Darlington—I bav jns foan out

that you arc the gurl my little Minnie.uste: to lave so when yuu iras at school togather;

an I foun out whnir you lived. Mother anme wants yon an your..famlly-to come outan spen Thnnknglvln wlth'ns, nn-ns muchlonetr-os-you can. You tnlio the ValleyItalcrooiV an git off at Howard, an then youcan come acrost In a <waggln. Anybodyknow* tho road. . / JOHN FENtfER;

A Thanksgiving hi the country! No'Wonder tho children danced and laughedand shouted. "But It Isn't much use.thinking about it," said the-mother toW1H that night, after the others had goneto bed. ''Try to make Frank and Lola

__fo.rSct ^i Will, f or _thcre 'Isn't money*" eoouBli; \Ve~iiec^~87r~nTB"ny~thrriga""tliat

We wouldn't daro spend money on aple*i»nro ercurslon, would w«?"

Will was Bilcnt, but the icars went up

Mr. a,nd Sirs. Former, saying that theywould, on the morning ofThanksgiving-day. . ' - • . , ' '

The" day came at lasj, and they got offbut i t .was raining, and they wondere<why it should rain just as they were going to h' got out of the cars end ran IntQ tbestation; nndjthen. they looked out of thewindows and saw little rivers runningdown all the streets^off the'town*1 —. .,

"I'm afraid It isn't going to. clear,'said Mrs. Darlington" to the children,"We'll try to find a covered wagon andthen we can go'on-, in spite pf the rain."

A small boy, who was lounging ab.oulthe station, was.sent in search of a wag-on, and presently returned with one.—"Of_course „ I_knorws where old manFenner lives," said the driver. "I'lltakeyou out there fur $3, that is ef ye canget there, bnf'lt'd be my advice to stayIn town~ till lt^quits rairjin'."

"Oh, we must go on;" cried Mrs." Dar-lington.- -So-the- wagon—was -driven ..upunder the. shelter of the projecting roofand they climbed in.

"He says we'll be there by half-past10,"!Jt?tlBperea_Frank. 'Til bet thejur-key'a cookln' now; and maybe there'llbe~nuts=and raisins—and buttermilk."

The wheels went splashing throughthe mud, and as they went farther along'' road it seeme3 to iMrs. Darlington

that the difficulties increased. Therewere more streams and they were deeperand angrier. .

'Gittin' pretty bad, ain't It?" said the

much'"llUmphl'' ejaculated the old man.

"First one that ev?r thought to say 110,and I've loaned the houso' a good manytimes'.'? ' " ' - . - .

"And If yon please, sir," went on thelittle man in the door, "I came, to see tfyou could .sell me a turkey for Thanks-giving." . : . , . : • • " • • „ , • ' •

"My gracious!" exclaimed the old manwith his eyes wide open;—;r— \'-—^L

"Yes, sir. You see, we wpre going,toMr. Fenncr's «fe spend-Thanksgivingrniidit. would have been the-first-Thnnksgir-

we've ever had; nnd It.rained so thatnot going far." -The mother asked

no questions. .The gruff old farmer was sitting-be-

side- bis own fire, when there cnme_agentle knock at the!door; nnd In response'to his surly "Come In," the door opened.-A curly haired 4ad' was there, loweringa dripping umbrella,, which he was care-iul to leave outside. - ' . , . .^


Somethlne that Will In,tere«t the Javonllo Member* of Every Hbniehold—Quaint Actions and JJrinht Bayingaof BT«iny Cute and Cnnnlhff CUtldre

.couidfiTlfeV there, so-;ist. buy a turkey, and have Thanksgiv-

,, ng-right there In that house. Will you

Place a~spoot~ot~C6tt6n^ln~thepocket ofyouT'Coatrand, having threaded'a'needle with the beginning of tbcotton,- pass tho needle through thifront of the coat, .unthread the needkand leave about two Inches of the cotton hanging as-If It were only a straypiece. The first person you meet wllbe sure to pick It off for you? and hisastonishment, when he finds there lano end tolt, will-give plenty-of :_:.-_._—_ •.•" '.—^

mind, the defendant described every,mark and scar on the -dwfe.

"I think I'll postpone the trial in or-,dej to have the dog In court as a wit-ness," Bald the Judge.

A deputy- sheriff brought the canine-to court the day following.; "Oarlol'^-pnllcd.-the llsery_stable.keenfe_er. Tho dog only sniffed and movedauaaxiiy.— -'--- '' "Oh. Carlo.I.Carlo!" cried the farmer**

oh'ld. The huge St. Bernard's taliwent round. In another second "he" wasbounding down tbo corridor to.bis mls-trasa. The case' th~en^was submlttodto tbo^Jury,.and'airter flve minutes' do-itbbrhtlng the Jury returned with a ver-dict lor 'the farmer,—Boston DallyTraveler. , • v

A Cat that • arns It« Llvljijr.That-was rather a- useful -cat^of-Plcte-


Into hU i-ycn \vltl i n rimh. Hu wont to• IM.M! nfti-r nwlillo, when hla motlior wua

tlironi;h with her worlr, nuil wlillo )i« InyBwaUo, thl i iklnjf over th in iiuigntlk-fiit o|i-liortunlly lo liuvu a plcnnnnt T)iiinliM|;lv-Itilf, bo nlxlilrnly rc-nu'inhiTcd Mr. Miiycr.

Now Will very ofu-n Ihoiiitht of ,.Mr.Mnyer. Thl» wnn tlui innii that bad ni 'V-i'r li u Id hlu l iKi lhcr for HDIIIC \vork Hint•lid hud (binu for him, nioiitbu Imfom.Ho biul f i iu ihl f i i u l t wi th It, nnd bnil trloilto put hor (iff with, linlf-prlcu. Will hn<la vivid reciillci'lbiii of tho iiiiuiy vbilla hithrul Hindi) Iji the utoro (o (jot (M nioucy,un<l luiil hni>nl thnt hln niothcr ncrcrWould m-itil him ii if i i ln; ln|t an bo Inynvrftkr t l iu t l ioi iKbt < > f Mr. Mnyer ci^iioup iiKiiln; iiii ' l h<> isiulil not Ki't rid of It,

Nrx t .nmni l i iK MI'H, Unrll i iKloii wim niir-prlnrd ini l lni l l luit .Will had nn m-riinil,n f t c r - b r n n k f i i H t , null t h n t bo did not I lkuto tell wha t I t w n n . '

"Mr. M i i y r r V Ile'n In bin oniiv." nnbltlio clerk to u l i c j in \V HI niipoali-il, millwli') went i;ll w l l l i hli wr l tb iK , fo iK' - t l ln i tto mid I h n t n K<. ' i i t l<>i i i i in wnn w i t h Mr.MnyiT n a i l he i lh l not wlnh in 1M> ,| |M-Ini-heil . Wil l n |>i ' i i i ' i l t in- door of tin, l i t -tl» i i l l l i -o mill nl l | i ]n- i l la; nnd. bofnro .Mr.M'nycr had an i i | i | ior lunl lx to look nrninidIhu bid wan n t i i i n l l i i K hy bin nl i le ,

"Widl," nald Mr, Mnycr l n i | i i i t l e i i t l y ,lull r e rnKi iUl i iK HH- hoy; and Will n lep-ped fo rward .

"I'liMino, «lr," In* mi ld , In n I l i t h i i[<-n-l l r i i i nn ly way ; "coiil'l yon b<| m,< havoIlic inl ine/ yon owe m o t l i r r fu r l lm «ow-I I I K , If U'H convi ' i i l i ' i i t 1 \V«- lire-,I It Veryiniicli ," *

Tin' g i - i i l l i - i n n l l v l n l l o r n l u l l n l , mnl .Mr.Mayer, lonklaidiiiiaoyiMl, o|>ehe<l (hi) iluor•ud c«lli,'d to thu i-a«lileri I


flrlvor with a grin. "But thnt ain't thoworst of-lt^It-8^my-opinion wo-won't-gitto old man Fenner's to-klny." •

Mrp. Darlington's hcilrt grew faintwltliln her. 8bo had so little money thntshe could not afford to spend any of Itfor lodging.

The driver was right, for after awhilethey reached a strenin that won away outof ltn bankn, nnd that roared and boiledIn tbo most threatening way. It was use-less to thlnlc of going farther.

"Well, whlch'll you do?" nab! thedriver. Idly illclilng hla whip. "Shall Itake yc back to town to «tny all night, orshall I HOC tbo old man that ownn thinplace an" git permission .for you to camp111 that cabin there till the crccjc rnnadown?"

No, they would not go back; so tbedriver went up to tho farm honuo and»oon- came buck with word that fheywero welcoriie to the uw) of the cabin.Five inlnnt<->3 nfte-rwiirdn they Btocxl In

thu cnbbi door and watchnd Hio waitonout of tilKht around thu lieiul; for thodriver hud ili-ollne<l to Walt . ,H» hadilniio bin linrt, ho mild; It wnn not hUfi iu l t tha t tbo ntivnuiH could nut In)fnrd iMl ,

"What uliall w«i do?" eii'Ialiiutl thenxilher, n l n k l i i K down ii|>nn nn old biinch."\Vliut Iiu end to ni l our pronprrln orphniHiirel What n Tliaiiliiiglvlnid" Andllm ehlli lnni l»'i;an lo cry.

"Von J n n t wai t III! I build n lire," Wil lrailed out cheerily; nnd la n l i t t l e w l i l l clie had n roarbiK lire « t a r t e < l la the widelln-placi-. Komi) dry l iu i i rdn mnl n l l e l t nof wood t h a t be found under the houndf i i i n l ' i h e d n i i i l l i ' l en t fuel , and they nildrvw urar to the i i le i in i in t bbi/.e.

Then,, while they were l inny get lb lKwarm, Will n u r r e i i t l t l o u n l y eouiiled III"n i n a l l nlore of eolnu III hl'i poi'ket; I l l t l u•nv l i i i r linariled th'roiiKb n inny wi-i-lui, nndnow broi iKht from homo lo nneud oil t h Uw o n d e r f u l ' I ' l i l inlinxlvluir.

"Mother," he unbl Mudden ly , "will youlend me your umlirel lu a l l t t l o \vlille.

leld out his hand. with 2J* copper cenfsu it ." "~~— •'-• - * . '

How that old man. looked at the boymd "pulled but -a rcdbanjrina bandker-•hlef and rubbed his nose with-it until it\vns crimson.. . • . , .- "Whose- money- is hat?--hej,nBked^sosuddenly that he almost .made Willjump. . . - ' ' . . . . • • . V '•

"It's nil TO inc. sir. I've been savingit for a long time, but I -thought I'd buyv turEey wjth it now, and surprise moth-er, and the children."""The children! He talks '• about thechildren!" 'murmured the old mah'fo him-self. "Bless us nnd save us!" v-And -then-all .at.on'ce.^e said: ,_;_....^"You^go along' baclc aojvn' to the .house,

and don't you breathe a word. about theturkey. Ill' send It down, after awhile—a 29-cent turkey. No, yon needn't payme till you get the turkey. Go on—they're hard tp, catch, you know, but "I'll

we catch one. Hurry, now,. or

A Nat;ro^» Escape...;• Mary's doll and .Anna's—Are sipping comhric:tea,

-And they are as happy ';.;•!-! As dolQes well can bel

•-See! a lion enters, .._.

the cblldreji, eh?—bless my life!"Will hurried-back, wondering what the^

old man meant by all that, and half In-clined to believe that he', would neverlear about the turkey.again. However,ic was a hopeful.little fellow, and he rannto the house, built up'the fire again and:et the children to playing, so .that,were in great glee In no time,he mother, she was^iecoming reconciled

to-~the condition of things, too, evenhough they were bedless," diSnerless andi long way from home; and that onThanksgiving. • — ~"

After awhile, in ;the very midst_ofth&play,''the door was"'pushed "open, andhere stood thp old gentleman with aluge basket, and behind him was his 'scr-ant with another huge'basket; and be-

ilnd them was a wagon, with a tableand some chairs and more baskets in It.

I'm' a lonely old man," said the' oldgfntlcman, with his hat In his hand;'and I was a1x)ut-to eat my Thanksjrlr-ng dinner by myself. But I thought bet-er. .of It; I thought that perhaps you,

would; allow me to' bring'" It" down hereand. eat It with you,"

Then Mrs. Darlington broke down nnd.~ould not say a word; and the servantvent to work rind mnde n very presenta-

ble dining room of the'old cabin. Suchhlngs- as wero put on that tablel Theurkey, Itself was a marvel. And therevere. fruits and home-made bread, and;olden butter and milk nud ca'ke— -theike-of-lt-had-n«ver been seen anywhere,[lien they sat down and nte, and It was

perfectly marvelous what an. appetitehoso children had. As for tho old man,here never was such a jolliy old manIncc the world began.And after the dinner was over and

vhlle they were right In the midst of., lagame of blind man's buff, the beard ahout, nnd when they looked out theynw tbnt the stream had rtin down, andlint Mr. FBnncr'H wngon was Just ford-ng It; and lie wns culling to the servant6 know whether ho'had seen anything ofi Indy and a crowd of children—and Justhen bo saw them.Well, but there was rejoicing then;

nd Mr. Feniier could hnrdly nlmkeHindu with them for ntiirlni; nt bin gruff-nud-grlm old neighbor wearing n blind-"old nnd plnylng wi th tlio children.

"I don't ofti'n coino out of my shell,"mid tho old gentleninn: "hut I've comenit to-dny, nnd It'n, done mo Kood."

"Htny out, now thnt you'vo come out,'''mid Mr. I'Vimer*. "There'H n Hue Thnnka-[Ivlng l innn' t IK^-II toiieheil yet, nt mylonso. O.ot In the wugon with the restif nn, nud let'n go home nnd ueo aftert." 'Ami, would you bvllevii It, tbo old gen

leinnii netun'l ly clliujied Into the wagonnd they went over to Mr. Fenner'a, rindmil another Thni ikHKlvIng thnt veryviMilug; with Hi tch Kliod I h l n i f n on thoalile im you never dreniiied of unlerin /onnve lived lu tho country, anil tlio' ln inknulvl i iK biKted over the next inorn-lig, und perhnpn for n day or two longer.

And tho In-lit iif It wnn Hint It ritnycd;>r ,Mr. nnd Mrn, I'Vuiier could not hear

i) K'VO Mm. DnrlbiKlol i up, and theyell l|i lovu )vlth the clilldren; and th<> re-ult of It wan t hn t tho Dnr l lu t f tonu were•ntnbl lHhnd lu u l l t l l n ' rottntfii , cloiH) ntmiul, and that Mrn. Dnrllngton wnn «lv-u chnrgu of (hi) dairy nnd othnr thlni(n.'hey arc now the InippleBt peoplo to liei inni l anywheiv, wltl i the old ii<-i|lleniiui' inning over every few f l n y n to,' piny withhe children, and wilh thu hard tlinou nil;nuc. '

XVIint llm "li'iinny Ilonn" Itonlly IH.1'lnit wbb.'b )M popiilui'ly IHIOXVM mi

bn " funny bono," Jun l at (be point ofbo ollx'iw In, In real i ty , not n bono atII, but u ni'i'vo tha t Urn niKir tint inir-

a < ' i t , nni l which, on K" l ' l i iK u linoclt orw, C I I I I H C I I lln^.well l;no\vn

munit ion In I l io iiniiii nnd llnircrn.I "'I'oiuiiiY At'iln*." >

"Tommy A Ik Inn" him beeomo I boIr l i i i i l ino of I he l lr l l l i i l l Hol i l ln r frombn f i l f t Hull t h n printed forma lined

tbn < i r iny l u ivo the inui in '"riioniaiiMhll in" prlntdi l lo lui l l ralo when) llmiituir iibonlil vi'rllo bin iiiiinu.

VVblttlngton'e, but It did not'di^glay a.'very positive tflnrf_of nsriulneasr'aa-the

•atoro out of a Sjonx City'jgrocery firmdeei. Tom—that TB the grocery cat—lav

very familiar .figure to:.the o'ufitom-er«, for ho IB always behind the'Jona-:er with the clerks. When a buudlJ la;led nnd the siring-must be broken thenUs that Tom springs up and runs along-

Also -an Indian brave. 'Oh, the :ba'plessL dollies I—'~-

Will no one 'come to .save ?

Haste, fond Httle mothers.", • Wherever you may be,

If you don't come quicklyDead dollies we slrall see.

-; Here they- come a-chorging; :

It iook? two 3ays to hear the case.The complainant puf in evidence to-show that he purchased the dog of tho MAY WORK GREAT CHANGES.

Chlcnnro --<!hnol I liUaren. Trnto.l initovnrcl to PhyVcal > oncllt o.i.

An Innovntfon hns been begini by theChicago^sohooj board that may bring-about sweeping reforms In tbi-,.wliole-A-rflerlcnn educational system. .Not sat-isfied with alone, watching tbe mentalflevelopimmtof children lu Its cbai'Re.ltnaB-gohViiuoiit'tlie'stiiay of tliclr'pliys-Ical'development'with minute care, In


ijrabs—the-strlngteeth and .with a deft bite and yanKAparts It. ft Is all done so quickly and

BO astonishing that the custornerBrthlnk their eyes must have deceived;hem, ns Tom cuddles down again and

begins to purr cheerfully, 'waiting foranother chance to-cut the strH-g. Tho-[rocery flrzn would riot take a goodleal of, money' for their-cat, and ho Isnost carefully provided for.

Small for HU ARO. ——7_ "Grandfather,'rBald a suucy little boyiho other day, "howtold are you?" -Tho old gentleman, who was mucb

under tho ordinary size, took tha childbetween his knees and said; "My dearjoy, I am 85 years old, but why do yonsk?"The little fellow replied: "Well, If"

corns to me you are very small for•our age." . \___ Pie that "Ate" Well.•Ted's, friend treated him to a-plece ofie^'ltrwas so good that" he^wailied

another, but thought It would not beollte to ask for-lt—So"ne sidled up to>

oad said: J'Mlss Turk, that ploats well."""•".""" ".. "~" ...

Startlinar New».At the close of Mabel's first day at

cbooi she came borne, and running toer mother she said: "Oh. mamma,.',ne little girl was tidy and the teachererit hor home for a suskuse."

' theoellefthatthebralngrowth In schoolChllar/cu Is much' more strongly Influ-«nced by their physical condition thanhas nltticrto Deen reanzeu.. In OffiTschool sclentt&c examiners are now atwork,'and great results are promised.These "persons, all., through the day,have nn- Intfirmlttcnt-.proccsslon of pu-pils, from 8 to 10 years orage, comingInto the room where they presIde.~~No-

~ «ne'of"the~chiidrenf remains. In theroom long,' but while there "each la'

^^-^neasurea-and weighed, and tested :lnAalf a dozen ways, thus unconsciouslyplaying a highly Important part In thescience of education, Tho experimentshave to do .especially - with height,Tvelght, power of endurance, lung ca-

_ paclty, grip, alght and hearlng^of^the

Mrs. Pinkha'm's ^Medicine Made ia New Woman of Mrs. Kuhn.

TO MRS. PINIHAU No. 64,493]

. PlNKBAM— I think H i a imy-'duty to .write -to 'yon expr<>ssingmy sincere gratitude for the wonder-'ful relief I have experienced by the usa 'of Ijydia'E. Pinkham's Vegetnble.Com-Jpouna.~; Irtried diflerent^doctorsrTUsodifferent kinds of_medicine. I wbuld.fcel.Jbitier at times, rthen7~wdu'ld "bo

• as bad as ever."For eight years I was a great, suf-

ferer. I had fallirfg' of the .womb and• was In. 'such misery at' my monthly ,periods I could not /work but a littlebefore I would have to lieddv^iu Yovtjcmedicine made anew woman 'of me.I can how work all day and not gettired. I thank, you for what you- havedone for me. I shall al Ways praise


" I have taken, eight bottles of Lydia.E. ..Pinkham's Vegetable. Compoundand used two packages of youi: Sana-tive Wash, also.some of tbe'Liver Pills,and I tan say, that your remedies willdo all that you claim for them. Beforetaking .your remedies I was very badWith wpnih tronMin

DO. ambition, could not sleep, and myfood seemed to do me no good. Now Iam well, and your medicine bos curedme. I will gladly recommend your med-icine to every one wherever I go."—MBS. M. L. SHEABS, GUN MABBH, MIOB. •

MISS -MURIELEngland's Mo»t Beautiful Woman Now

• Visiting In America.Miss Muriel Wilson, known as'the

most beautiful \£omdu in England, 'isnow-In this1 country. Miss Wilson wasat one time engaged ta bethe young Duke of Mnrlborough, hoeventually found a Duchess In Now


For Instance: Each boy "6r girl IBrequested to step upog™Sf*taall plat-


onccalcd in

Thla does not look, like fun—Indian brave nnd lion

Conclude 'tUt best to run.

. W«r« you Bcurod. Hwcot bnblw?Well, now, no longer four,

Nothing again aholl tempt thornTo leave tliclr children dear.

i Curio «• a Wltnr«».A grizzly Ht. Ilcrnaril proved th in the,

nthor day ID HID Hiipm-lor civil court, toi mttli ifiu ' t lon of Judge, Jury nnd wit-

lleilljCH.About n yeur URO tlio dog WON lild-

mippcd from .a Itevoru fanner, millimhtioiiiiciitly Hold to u Ilrnolillno liveryiilublti Uoiipur for l l f t y ilollimi. ThoItovcni fiinni'r advcrllnuil, but to nopjirpomi. I IUHl i i f lHH <>MO < l u y took blin(o Ilroohllniv Hn \VIIM ni-romimnlcilby Iiln nU-yciii'-olil (h i t iKhtnr . Tlmyworn driving olowly through tbii mull)Hlnni t . Huddciily Hi" child iittiirnd itcry. '

"Louie, liul Ob, Iliokl look I OurlolOnrlol"

Thoro on tbii Ki'i'i'". w i t h lul l otyuiul-cit mid i'}'i> l l l lated. bin grunt bodyI n i l i l l i l l l i K Wi l l ) t lui I ' x c l l n i i M ' M t cmnimlby Hint volco bo loved, tildml Uhl-

ii|i|u'{| "(Iiirlo.'1

"Ob,conui , Cni'lol" orhid tbii oli lbl ,rM|(i'i'ly. Them wnii a merry lini'U, millHID (1()K wnii by HID nli l i i of t l u i wnj{onIn a t w i n k l i n g , ivnKK'liiK' bin lui i ihy l u l lI l l l i l l l l ' i inrlllg III i h i K K l f ' l i Kli'r. Til"fiu'iui'i' of cuiirH" toolt poHiii 'Nnlnii of llnidog. Tim l l | u > i i k l l m > l l o laid bin iirUiv-unco boforu tuulrouri;

iu nought In an Oldy Bhop. _____ M.l'_.: .

'I picked up tblB ring in a Koyalreot curio shop," said a visitor fromew York to somo friends 'lost oven-g, extending Ills forelluger as Uo

apoko and exblbltlng an antique goldbrfop, set vv-lth a vclneil rod srone, not ,over half an inch across. . "You thinkIt is rather ugly, I suppose," ho contin-ued, "and (fpjlq I, but while examiningIt at tho^hop i bnppericd'to notlce'tlmttbo setting was Inordinately thick, andI bought the thing 'on suspicion,'' astho saying goes. When I got outside Iput my knife blade to tht»cdf;o of thoJlttle band around the stone .nnd this Isj ,-what happoned— seol" Tbo dull redsotting opened like- a lid, illHclo.slng atiny portrait of a woman, tlio anmliestand most perfect miniature any of thoadmiring group bad ever seen. Thoface \vnft Btrahgoly sweet and pensive;It was Hint of a woman apparently .about _r> years old, and tho arrange-ment of tbo hair, ns well nn what couldbo seen of the droun, Indicated a period 'soinuwliura In. the forl]f>n. On tbe odgoof the nutting were Home curious aiiKU-lur marks, but whether thoy were In-Uindod for u iiiuno or a date nobodycould determine. "I Ilrst thought thoplcturu was iv dagiuirroolypo," «ald thoowner of 'tho rliiK, "but closer Inspec-tion Hlm\vi'(J..tlmt It was painted, ultber ,on oimiiu'l or Ivory. ; Vdu will notlcothat the cheeks are tinted, after tho oldiityle, while l lh> rest Is III hlliclc Illld\vJilte. It Is certainly a wonderfullylino [ilecc of work, and that there In nromnuro c'onnooleil with It goes with-out imylMK- ' I- ocilt lit the hooii-liow ItIM worn? Thl) iiiliintiii '"N iiijist luivobeen inilnted moro tbiin Iliilf a centuryIIKO, and I duro nay this woman / lauletipliiK now In nn« of tint olil (!e/uo-terleiC hero In town. I would Klvo uK"dd deal to Icnow tbn hbilory of Iblutr inket , but It ,Hi>nms to bu bull -lio|iu-l.-HHly losf^—NnW', Orleans 'TUnoa. }•Oeiiidenit.

form, (it the back of whlch-fs n stand-ard gouge for taking the helpbt by thecelebrated method of Bertillon. Weigh-ing comes next, then the test for -lungcapacity, while a' Splrometer Is used.This resembles n miniature gasometer,consisting- of -a- sheet metal cylinderand a flexible tube. Tbo ergographcovers endurance tests. Tho -arm Isstrapped down ro that the middlefinger only can ho moved. This Is In-eortod In a loop connected with .aweight 7 'per cent, .of the subject'sweight, and 'the child bends tho linger,thus raising tho weight forty-live timestn a- minute nnd a half. A revolvingscroll and a stylus arrangement recordtho movements.

For the grip, the ninnnoincter Is em-ployed. It Is a little metal apparatus,with a spring that the grasp of tliohand compresses, An Index measurestho muscular force In kilograms. Theapparatus used for testing the sightnnd hearing Is (be most dullciile- employed anywhere. . .

The ujtij&of all this IB that the testsare mnrtS tbo bnsls of grading tbe sub-jects. Ijovf records that bavo hltbertcbeen attributed to vlclousnesu or obptlnncy niny (bus bo traced to fault;physical conditions. H may bo foundfrom weakness demonstrated that achild Is not physically able to keep upwith the clnsn, and labor Is lightenedto milt tbo situation. In one school (HIper cent, of all present wero below nor-mal {n hearing. It has been found thatgirls do not have tbe eiiduriincn of hoys.and tbo HCXOH should not, thereforeInivo e<iunl work.

Gnnm-iilly, tho .tallest, nnd heaviestpuplln n ro found to bo farthest alongwith tliclr nti i i l lcH. Another -fact dlH-covered ID tbn t tbo pbj'Hlcnl force ofthn cblld In full' lit I) o'clock In tboinohilng, strong nt 10, at 11 decreasing,low nt noon. -At 1 I hero IH u slight ro-vlvnl, at '2 It IH fulr ly good, at 11 thereIn n rn'i'ond drcllno. It In bold, how-diver, Unit Htan i ln r i lH lUcil nnd deiluc-llonn iiuulo fi-oni Aincrli'iiii chlldrnu donot lit nil ' 'other nnt lo iml l t lcH. IIi i l l iui ,

Now llolld >y In Ooloruili),Colorado him ailibid aiiotbor inline to

I t n lint of linl'veiit f e H t l v n l ilayu. , lle-Klnn l i iK w l l b "Waliirineloii '(lay'1 ' atHoeky I'Vird, wbleb bus been a ureiitholiday for imvenil .venni, I hero havebeen addeil "Htrawberry day," 'Teachday," "Krult <biy," "Oorn lloiui^ day,""rolilto day" and tlui Inti t ivstl i ig "Ifuii-l l v n l Moi in la l i i and I 'lnln," Tlui addi-tion Hilii year to HID lint lit "(liunii andI'Mtib iliU'," wblcb wan put In opnraOonat Mle i i i nboa t Kprlii|{n mi Hi'pt. H, inn)wan an ii i i i ldi i l i lei l iiiieceiiM.

CJInnn Ooorn tn C^vonn.(Jhum (loom art) lined In mini" (if ll;o

I I D \ V <'ddklji |f n t i i v c N , to eliablii t l u i ciiolcto wnteh tho food In the uven wltboutopunlnu tho door.

SwnillAlf, I l i i i iKi i r l i i i ) , tfliinlHh nnd otherrlilldn-ii differ ' In inliiil Miniiioily from llu-mt, nnd tlui rci-oi-dn nl-rt'iidy HiaUH! ' I" "'!« direction urn loIxi mndo IliiiTinnln j)f l i i v«Ht lKi i l l on tbnt

' will lead to (lotlnKfl mid vnlnublo ro-tiulta. . . '

."I niippoiii', doctor, you buvo often

[nit nil Inciiruli l i i iml lc i i t out of bid lulu-»ry', buvo yoti jiotV

'"I'luit ( j i i i iNl lon, nlr, 1 coiiiibbii' an lii-•lilt."

"Why do you Jump to dm i-iuicluiiloiithat i iiMlind If you lind cvnr Ullbxl utmtlont? Wlint I wiint to know Uwhether or not you t(lv« (ipliilcn,"

% -IQvory i'""1 llv town rimmm to Irnnuliin

lio In nimlllU'd to uiuiilro tbn hltn.nnd(oula o( ronoiioru, I

Icre Cfaontrlll' Got Hi* Death Wonnt.": in t-ktrmUU with Borne Onard*.Here Is a picture of the barn where

Quantrlll received hlB death wound: Jtis situated on the farm of Mr. W. T..Heady, about a mile west of WokefleldStation," In Spencer OountyrlCenttickyrand la an old-fashioned building; com-mon in Kentucky in ante-bellum days.The Interior; contains but one apart-

ment, ordranrllj' known as "the cuttingroom," from the fact that all the feedfor' the stock \Vas chopped and pre-pared there.' The room Is nbout-(H)feet square, with loft above It, Thebarn xyns. In the palmy days, surround1

ed on all sides jby_, sheds .10 feet la.width. These sheds, at this time mont-ly fallen away, were used for various-purposes. . Qnantrlll and bis men .wereoccupying this barn when Terrlll'sbund of home guards surprised nnd at-tacked thp'm. In tbe sharp skirmishwhich followed Qunntrlll received awound In" the lungs, which prostrated


York. She broke the engagement be-cause she came to the conclusion thather fortune was not .large enough topayoff the debts of the'Blenheim es-tates. Later she became engaged toLord Wllloughby de.Bresby, eldest sonof the rich, old Earl of Ancaster, who^wds'"tb"e"nelr" toi 132,<XXr~acres of goodEnglish land, in addition to a largeamount of other "property. ThW en-gagement was also broken, off, sincewhich time M|ss Wilson has been, so:»nr as knownrheartr whole and~fancy;free. ' ' ".. . ' , ' " '

NHTO the Nickel**From saving, oomoa having. Ask your

Stooor how you oan envo IBo by InventingRn. Ho can toll you Just how you aau gotono lurgo lOo paokago ot "Itod Oroso"itnroh, ono largo lOo paokago of "Iiubln-K«r'fl Dost" ntaroh, with thopronilums, twobount i fu l Shiikoupoaro panula, printed Intwolvo bimutl ful colors, or onu 'TwwntlothCiiiuury f(lrl Onlomliir, nllfor,0o. Aak yourifroonr for this ntnroli nnd obtain tho.iobimut l ful Ohrlotmaa prnsonts fruo.

'rtid ImBt Opportunity.The Into Col. Robert (1. Ingorsoll, tbo

/ainoliH skeptic, told iiiiiny ntorli-D of j'xperlenci'H which grow out of tlio com-inoii knowledge, of bin MkcptU'luni. Ono,if thcHii ri'Iiili'd to u visit which boiinci) iniuli' to Itnv. I 'hll l lpH 11 rook n, be-fon* Doctor HrooliH bei'iiino a lilnhop.

Cnl l lnK on Doctor IlnxikH, be \vaii rc-fUHCl l . l l l l l l l l H I l l O I l bCCllllllC', l l f l till! HIT-

vant Mii ld , It W M H "Hcrnioii day," and»oiiu) of Doctor Hniolui' own boino [n-o-pin biul already been donlcil i id i i i lHHlon.Hut Doctor Ilroolui learned Unit Ingi tr-noil WIIH nt tbo door, niul iicnt out wordU n i t bn iihcinlil count In.

A f t e r tbo Interview, nnd IIH ColonelInitcriioll WIIH about to leave, lie mild!

"Doctor llroolui, your mail told meUnit you bud denied yournelf lo HOIIH))f your I IOI IK? people tb lH niiirlil l iK, NOWbow IH It Hint you l invc i idi i i l l tci l me, antni»g«'«if" l | | i • ! i - ' I ' i M ]

''Oli., Uni t H ( j n l t i i ciuiy," Hiild Doclurllnioliil, l i i i iKli lng. "They lire myI'hiirch-mcmbcni, lind 1 i i luil l HCO t lmni

— Like Finding TWonoy.The use of the Endless Cham Staroh

Book In tho purchase ot "Bed Cross" and''Hnblngor'a Best" starob, makes it Justlike finding money. 'Why, for only Go youaro enabled to get 01.3 larRO 100 packageof "Red Cross"'starch, one large lOo pack-age of "Hublnger/s Best" ataroh, with thepremiums, two Shakespeare panels, prlnt-ed inrt'welve"beautlfql b^lora, or one Twen;tletB-Cantury Girl Calendar, embossed ingold. Ask your grocer for this starch andobtftDSbCTjouutlfnTDhrtstmas presents free

I— . . i "v^- • •] r ^ /• , ..Bridegroom Sent Away.

A Polynesian brldcgroonrls" consplc-DOUS by his nbsen9e during' the wed-ding festlvJtleS.,..JS.s. soon as negotia-tlon»are opened with' the family of thebride,, the young man is "sent Into thebush," and there ho Is obliged to stayuntil tlic wedding ccrcjrnonlcs:ai><ivc6in<.pleted.- / . • ' • '

Will Bo Olnappointlnic. ~-~- 'An English scientist shows that liquid

air cannot do the great things expectedof It as a source of power or of A'frlger-ntlon. The cost of manufacture,Is suchthat It cannot pay to use the -air pro-(Iiiee'd~uy"the "cvaporntton'of "tlKTlUjliIdfor the propulsion "of -nn engine. Forrefrigeration a lump of Ice beats a bot-tle of the liquid ulr. ''

Ten Weeka For 10 Cents. 'Tlmt bl(t family paper, The /lluiltaleil Wctkty,

of Denver, Col , (founded I H U O i w I I I be Kent tenwetk* on trial for IDc; clubs of B, Me; 1'J for Jl.fipeclnl offer solely to Introduce It. I,ate»tmining news ntul luii.ntintluiui of scenery, trueHtorles of love nnd adventure. Addrcm «oatiovc aift l mention tills paper; stainpn taken.

. A muii .linn to earn his clolliirn bylilniBelf, but anybody he known willliulp )ilm Hix-nd tliem.

| lu>i'i^or In liciiven, but bin't Itright, for(^lo to coiiHliler your belief,nnd l ln i l 1 Hbnl l probiibly never meelyou iigiilnl"

Kurt* In ilia l'u«c.\Vlfe 1 Imd ,(o (l lHclinrKo our cook

to-iluy,Hiiiilmml - Wby, I Ibv i iKbt .you mild

iibn wnii u perfect—Ynn, I did; but Juwoln, yo\i

know, n ro morn ori i i i i iKintnl l imn linnfnl.

For WhooplnR Coiigh, Plno'a diratsamio.rfuhful remedy.—M.'I'. DIKTKII, 07 Throon Avo_llrooklyn. N. Y.. Nov. It, 1BW. ,,

YOUIIK men tnlto a noblo utand Inlife's ijrent work. The niorn nobly tlioyounif until eoiieelvcH of t l i lH world tbeinorit noble will Iiu l i lH life.

Fits pcrmniienllycuicd. No filn or ncrvollt-repH niter lint diiy'n line of Dr. Kllne'a OrcatNf rve Hcmorcr, (2 trial Ixitt lc and IrcntUe free.l i lt . K. II. KI.INU, Ull Arch HI., I'lilla. ru.

It In bin own moiit vlttoronn nnd no-hli) action that man fcelu wi thin lilm-nelf, na 'It were,, tbo 'yerv jiiilno of thohlvlnu ionorKV.

, .IKI iiperatton or uelny lioni buslncna. Consiiltit-llun Iree. ItndoracincnlH of tihytlctliiia, luillesnilil pronilncitt c l t lxcni , ' llcilil lor^li\uiUt-. Oltlco

I I U U A . M. t i l l i'. M

-liI you bfiir woiium Vibilnltig ii'limn becaiiHO be (bum not ripenlc

|o them o(i the titrcct, It. In M i i f e (o bett l u i : Ilio younir niiiii IH |io|inhir with bin

I f two brotlierti wbo ilon'l iiiieak to"iH'h oilier aro ineinlieri i of thn H I I I I K IHi i lno cluirch, tlo they refer to «mo.hotbor IIH "llrothor" In cluircb faiiblon?

A \vlnu rulo lu coiiveriiutlon In nuv-ur to liny auy th l i iK Hint yon KnowHDli ie l in i lv "I"" wi in t i i lo nay

Mty ln In only t lui fni inn to bold ourt l io i iHl i ln . It In lll t« the "null of a. wln-iliiw-- If heavy It wil l (il)iiniirn tb» Unli t .

V l r t k i i ) will cnti ih. ' IIH well ail vh-ii liycontact; and the public iitnck of lion-nnt , manly i>rlncl |ihi wil l dally arcu-inlilate.

Thn man wlio nnver tracltii nuiil In totlui liomie. In iiunally iiiiuldlcuoinu lu thvItl luliun,

The laundress-is sure of. satisfactory^-results in her° work'1 if she uses Ivory Soap.. Linens are of immaculatewhiteness; no dirt or streaks anywhere. There's no

-room fo'rcriticism ia^thel^ork when; brought^.home.Ivory^Soap is cheaper, thanvcomrhor^ soaps in~the end. :

—— A WORD-OPWARNING*»Ther» are many white soaps, each represented tob«-!?Jost««^eood-- as the 'Ivory';1* they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of

the genuine.- Ask for "Ivory **-Soap and Insist upon getllnglt. ___.' _. __ _ ' •_ ..:COPYBlbHt lOOODYTH^ FROCTIR».OAMtlLICO.Oimj«JI4H, ^


eet of South African BnrgheiU Proverbially Homely. —

The-Boer Trouw Is scarcely attrac-tive, as the picture showB. Among, thepeople there are Often many rresh-look-

' JT"* Motber Worthlp' ' The -Btrpngcat sentiment of the Turk

Is his reverence for his mother. Htalways stands-In her presence until In-vited to Bit down, a compliment he pay§to no one else. '


Ing girls, almost pretty. But age docsnot Improve their appearance. They,;row hideously fat or miserably thinis their years Increase.. For utter andliopelcBB ugllneRS the aged Boer vrouveasily takes the palm.

A boy's first lesson at school Is thathis slate- and-lead-.^jencll are .not-gooil--to_eat

GOUGH SYRUPCures Croup and Whooping-CoughUnexcelled for Consumptives. Gives. quick, sure results. Refuse substitutes.Dr.BulttPilltcureBiliousncu. Trial,%>f orSf>


Worth,$4 to $6 comparecfwith other makes.

Indorsed by bvor1,OOO,OOO weurors.

The OfiMlne have W..I..IDouglas* name and price J'Lstamped 'on bottom. Take4j

substitute claimed togood.. Your deale:

should keep- them—Unot, we will send a pair'on price. Slate (jlclnH or'catFier, Blre," and"*idth,"plalh of 'cap toe. patalpgue C free.W, L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, MIJJ.


No Cure, No Pay, •In the way I'lndley'H Itye Solve Is sold.]Chronic nnrt urnmilnted lldn cured In 110 days;common core eyes In 8 (lays, or moneyUncle for the nsKlng. Sold by- nil druf{-Kl«tS, 01 l>y moll,, SiC. 1>OX. J. PrJlAYTKtt ,llecntur, Tcjenn,

Tlio, man who oan mnlco other peopleput UD with hlH oocentrlcltloB IH called


BTATB OF Onto, CiTif o* TOJJIDO, II.DOASOovnTr. .J ».. . ..

iruANK J. OnnnHT roakeo oath that ho in In oBi-nlnr partner of tltaflrm of IT, J. CIIUMBT AUo.,dom8bunli»oB«ilnthoOHyofTolodo,<.)oantyiixl Htato Bforaaald, and thai Bald linn vrtll l>aythanumof OMB HUNDRED uor.ut.iui for oftohlind every OOM of OAVAiuui that cannot liocured by tb« unoof HALi.'fl OATAIIUI UUIUL

FllAMIC J, UllBMBT.Bworn to before mo and nubsotihed In my—'—1 pnvwnoo, thin OUi day of December,anAiA A. 0.1680. • A. W, OUABOB.—,— ( . Notary l*ul)Na.HrtlVri Catarrh Ouroia taken internally, nnd

Mtfldlrcotly on the blood and mnooaa nurfnocuof tlie aynUtm. Bond for tonUmonlaln, free.

F. J. OimNnr A Co., Toledo. O.Sold by Dni/fKliitA, 7Bo. • •

[ull'a JTarolly 1'llU are the bent. _ ,

Man liniionoii on woman, lint nliii ul-\vayn tlilnkii ho iloenn'1 inuiin It.

o FOR FIFTY YEARS!| MRS. WINSLOWS* SOOTHING SYRUPT tits been used by millions of mothers forO Ihclr ohlldira wliU« Tcctblnit for over I'lftyO Yrara. II noothcn tlio child. Bofteiu the

KumH, allayti all pntn.curwi wind colic-, onil0 Ibth^bcatremuUy for dlurrtLiuo.

Twenty-flvo Conta a Bottlu.


Onrra COUB*>« niul Coltlal*rev«int« 4'ottMimptlon.

All DruK


Tho llrnt llvn pnrnonn proonrlnft thn i:(xll<<» Ohnln Nlrtrcli Ilooli from tbolrgronnr wi l l mulll ohti i ln oun Inrgn lOo pnolinK" of "H«M| <)r<>»>>, ono livrn«lOo punkiiK" of »iliil>li>ircir'n II.'.c" Ninreli, two HhnkuHpimrn pniuilH, printed Intwnlvo hnnutlful oolorn, nn natural nn llto, or oun Twonlloth ()«nlnry ( l lr l Oalondnr, thollnimt ot Itn kluil nver prliltod, nil nlmolutnly trnn, , Al l otholil |iroourbiK «»« IliiilltiMOlinlit Ntnroh Ilooli, wi l l ohlaln frmn tbnlr Kroiior Ibu itbovu KoC'lli lor Do, "Hod«lr<iM>> l.miiidry Nturtili In (inninthlug ( int lrn ly u«w, nud In without doubt tho Kfrnt-(Wt lar'H^liVX.ot tlui Trroutloth (\nntury. It hnn no «(|unl, nnd mir|iamiwi all Atli«rfe. Itban won loY Itmilf prnlnn from nil pnrtn ot tint Unltod Htato.-i. It hail nii |>nrnuilnil uvory-Ibli iK hnrotoforo unoil or known toaolonnn lu th« laundry nrt. It In inniln from wliout,rlno and norn, nnd ohninlnnlly |ircpnrnil U|i(in ni i lnat l l lo prlunlplna hy J. o. l l i i l i l i iKtir,K«i>UuU, loivn, nn export In tho luiindry iirot<»nlou. who ban lind twt ia ly- l lvu yonrn*prantloal'iHinorUinoii In fnuoy laiiiidorlug, anil wno wnn inn nmi nauoimmut »«•> ocliilnulInvnutor of nil lino iirudmi ot ntnroli lu thn Unltud Mtaton, Auk your »rouoi» toe thUUtaruli niul obtain thoao liimntltul Olirlntmnri proaontri irno. <


The only-newspaper "-panned in Haniiinonfdn"^1.25 a year, post-paid

:00in the county.

Well equipped for

iii all—

'• Pamphlets7~~ 7"~„ Business Cards

Posters .

Dodgers .

Bill-Heads *~~"

Statements —


Note-heads'—£--•'---I-- . :•. f


'prices charged, always.We will not do cheapwork, and can't affordlo do good WorkJot nothing!!!! __•

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it donewe'll tell you so,and finish it.when we promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedition, and thoRepublican, for $1.25A. pile of good reiuliagfor n littlo money

Philadelphia, weekly, nndtho Republican, a your


BAPTIST ."BeT.T.H.Athoy, pastor; -flnn-day, services : Preaching 10 JO , Sunday-school11.46, Junior 0, E, 3.00p.m., Obrietiim En-deavor 6.30 ,Proaohlng 7.80. Weekday prayermooting Thursday evening 7-30. "Doy«;VBrl«gado; meets Wednesday ovo, In S. of V. Hall.'

OiTnoj,ic, ST. JOSEPH'S. Riiv. -- »-tootor. Sunday asset 10.36 a. m'., veipera at7.30 p.m.

EPISCOPAL, ST. MABK'S. Ear. Edwin C*Aloorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Enohailat1st anS Srd^andays Bt:10:30 n.m. Other Sun-days, 7:30 a.m." Morning Prayer, Litany, endSermon', 3nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30 p.m.Evensong Z:6fl p.m. Sunday Soboo) 9:30 a.m.Friday Evonsons,-T.80. Saints flay Colcbra.

-paator. - - . t :preaching 10. SO. Bunday-aoboo) 12.00 noon,Epirorth. League A.OO' p. to., preaching 7.30.

aniVWndncn JUT evenings 7.80.y 7.30 p. m

Mission at Pine Bead.' .PBESBTTEBIAS. Bev.G.B.VnnDjkopastor.

day-Bohool 12.00 noon, pronjhingJ.OO p'. m.C.,'B. piayef meeting Wednesday T.SO p.^m

J/huroh grayar meeiIriyrhnrBday7.SOT>Tm.•- Mlsafon» atFolsom »nd MsKnolia..Italian Evangelical. Rev.Thomas Fragale.

Pastor. "Sunday School at» a.m. Preaching at10.30 a.m. Jr. 0. E., 3:80 p.m. 0. E. Seo'yatS-30. " . ' , .' •

UHivSBBAtmr. Rev, St. Ethellert Oatej.pastor. Sunday services: preaching 10.30 n.m,Sahday school, 12.00 p,oon,-_pt9Bohing tJOp.m. Sociable alternate Thursday «venlng«.

WOHAB'S Cnr.isriAN TKMPEBAWOB UHIOB.Mrs. Charles Smith, prenident. Mhs A MBrodhury, oor •eoro'tan, Mrs B E Brown see.

-Mrt-P-S jilton.-troaaureiL. _^

' ' , MMIOIPAIi.-CLEHC. J.L. O'DonnellrCoLtEOTOB & TKEASUBEB. A. B, Davis. .MABSOAL. George W Swanfe.'Jr

^JnsTiCKSi-;-Q«-^V,^PrfiS8ey,-,T. B. Ry.on,.JpsH Garton . . '

f" tSTABtES. Geo Bern»hou»e, E Shacklej

EitSEKR UioAwAYS. RoscoeBlckford;E B S E E U O P T H E PooB. Oeo.Bernshjuse.

. Nionr PouiqE. J.H.Oarton.KIBE CHIEF. 8 E Brown. H M Phillips .VOLOBTBEB FIBE Co. D; 8. CunnicghBm,

/residentj.Chas. W. Aoslin, secretary. MeetsIrd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Meets'finit Wednes^-Jay evening in each month.

• Tows Council. Alei.H. gotten, Chairman,E W Batcholor, M K, Wayland DePny,Henry Leibfrid^JJE! \Votkis., _ _ ' °

Meets last Saturday eve each~monthr—BOARD op-EDDCAiioii._C_F.Osgood, presl-lent; D.^i. CnnniDgham.cierk; JSdwin^AdamBrJ I, O'Donnell, Mrs J H Ransom, Miss AnnaYrossey. Mrs E A Joslyn,' Thomaf C Elvins.Dr J A Waas. Meets.2nd Tuesday eveningeach month.- . .- ,-- '_


D S CuniTteefiam.M A j A B. Davis, Sec'y.Meets first Tuesday evening in eaeh month inMechanics'Hall. • - . •' .

WIBSLOW IIOPOE, I.Q.O.F. NCnoldridpe,K.'O.;' Chas W Ansfn, l*insnclal Secretary.gryllle'E lloyt, Rei 6eo, Meets erery Wed-neaday evening, in Odd Fellows Hall.

BnAWuntiKiH TBIBE Imp O.R, M. ; JesseM Coar, Sachem ; Chas W Austin, Chlel olRecords. Meetovery Tnesday'tsleepla BedMens' Hall. . .

M. B. TATLOB LODOK, F. k A. M. RobertSteel, W Master ; Alouto B. Davis, Seo'y.2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall

His LifeVos SavecS; 7^~~Mr. J. E. Lillj, a prominent citizen of

Hannibal, Mo, lately bad a wonaorfnldeliverance from a friBbtful-deatb- Intellhig oi it ho says : I was. taken withTyphoid Fever,,^that ran into Pnon-monio. My Innp become hardened. Iwas so weak I doaldu't even sit up inbed. Nothing helped, me. t expectedto soon die tif consumption, when I heardof Dr. Kiug's New Discovery. Onebottle Rave .me great relief. I continued[0~hsentj:aDd now ara.welLand_8trong. .1ca'M't say-toimach in its ptaise." -Thismarvellous medicine is the surest andmarveousquickest cure in the world for all Throat- -£ami Lung tiouble. Begular size 60 cts. ft

and SV.OO^! at Crowell'sDrntj ritore ; every bottle Ruaranteed.


ST. F. Hinchman, Conn.; Harry Murphy, U.S.;A. T. Lubley, F. B, Meets every Fridayovening In Mechanics'Uall.

QES. D. A.BOSBELL POST, Q. A.K. B LCauffman, Commander; W. 11.11. Bradbury,AdJuUnt: ft. F. Bdsnll, Q. M. Meets 1st and3rd Saturday nights In Mechanics Hall.

W O M A R ' S RBLIEP Conrs. President, MissVuni Monfor l ; Secretory, Mils Nellie DePuy.A,l tornnto Friday eves, Mechanics HalK

OEH. D. A. BUDBBLI, CAUF Sons opA K H , Mo. H. Capt., Harry 0 LconurJSergt., Charles 0 Combe. Meets everyeve, Altken's Hall.

H O A R D IIP HEALTH. M. I,. JrfoVson, Prosld o n t ; .Inhn Tjtfrench, J. 0'. Anderson, Win.Uiinningl i i ini , Ue». Ueinahnuto , Jos. 11.i j . i r tnn, Dri Uh«a. Cuanlpghain. ,.• .'il.Urlmod Branch, No. 68, 0. Iron Hall ofl l . i l i l i no rc . Sarah A. Hood, 1'res't. Carrie A.Klui5. r too ' j . Meets In Mechanics'Hall firstmil th i rd Wednesday eve's, 8 o'clock.

l. l l t le l l a - H a Council, No. 27, D. of P.Mm l.ncy Wli lui ioro, T ' l rahonlot ; Carrlo AK l n ; f , 1C. »f K. Moota Monday evening In ItedMun 'd Hul l .

BUBIHOBO OrjranlzatlonB.f ru i t (1 rowers ' A'ssonlntlon, J. H. Abbott »'eo-

roiury , oMpiiers of f ru i t knd produce.Il i iuii i ionion Loon arid Dul ld lnp Asmiclatlon,

W. 11. Tilion icoiotnry. Meeto every 1stThursday III l''ircm«n'« Hall.

iVorUlnni"1 '11 '" I'""" "nil iluilillug Aiisoclatlou,W. H. lU ' r i i nh i ' i 'O , «i-oroii iry. Meets everyl i t Moiii luy In Ji'lreinmi'i Hull. >

I'eoplo'a lluiik, W. 11. cashier.

LOOAL BOBINEHS nOIJBEB.Harry I.llll", l ianlvrnre HIM l i i rn l lur i i .A I,. I'uttiin, l i lnyolos.

.Oruwol l 'n I'linriniioy.14. A. O i i r i l u r y , | l i l n y o l n » < I - >*' • \U,.I). Arl ln . mi l l ine ry ; oli].( \O tv l l l o IS. l luyt , pub l ln lmr , pr inter .K U Wl i l tu , l l o o - l i l v u B t o r oICII I I . Ol i i i iul lor , n l t i i r n n y . v/ i i ln i i l ' i ia * l loi i i i , u i i iUr taker* .V A [.nli innii . l i l iuil i i i i i i l l l ' ninl whcolwrl |(l i t .Julin l>. lU l l . o lu i i t r l t i l nn .Jnhii l ' ru»oli , .Ir . , un i la r lu l in r ,Win . Hn l in r . llii»'"HI'. /l l o l io r t r l l oo l jowul i r .I I , Kloi l lor , l i i l i««iio uni t clours.M. l , . . laok«on , i m i i i l n i i i l i i r o d u o «I., \ V . t ) i i n l o y , l i i i r n i i « n ,( J . W . I ' rnsmiy ,Jus t ine .W . I I . Hiir inhoiise, inilnry, com. JumlnD r . J . A . Wium.doi l t ls l .l . i lni Miinliiok,"!!""".Henry Kranie ' r .dfol 'onO.nndar lu iul ier .dearie K|vl i ln , i l r> K<l" l ' l liK'' l"'erle>,ola.Jnon'i IJokhari l t , ment nnd p rodnno . _( )ha«.0imii lnnliaui ,pl iyslni i«i i i i i idi iurgoon. ;J . ll.llmoll, linker nnil ci infcnlloner .)l , I" M c f n t y r e , i i i e i l nnil pr i l i luoo ,VVm. Ii, HUnk, dry (roo'U, Kr«««rles , etc.I), 1). itoa, uiaoonriinl, Termai'elll.I'.Unuort, niaooitriinl, vormiooll l .


TVhen.. busluees ,.Jfl fllnck. inp.niiftryzl Manufacturer and Jbeater in,expoDBOB, and some employees jmust. bediemiBBed. tlio Orel matter that bothersthe'employcr is, "Whom shall I let gor"who can best be spared ?" _; And so thequestion is settled by the discharge ofthe good-ror-notbinciB, the barnacles,the bhlrks, tbe makeshifts, sdmebq.dy»8protcfio, the lazy, and eBpeciailyJhoBewho never half learn their busincBB.Young men 'shonld-remember that suchpersons are not the ones who^rte calledto filt responsible and TVell-p'aia posi-tions. If yon desire a position'of prom-Tneucei^r ~wouid like to know the prob-nbililiCB ol your cainingBUch aposition,inquire within 1 j What are you doingto make yourself valuable in' tbe ,poai-tion YOU now occupy'?" Are you doing

"WnhTiirydurTnightTvhatr your founderfind to do? If BO, th.B chances are tento one thffl yfiu "i*1 bccpme'BO valuablein that position that you cnoaot, well bespared, and then will be the veVy limeyou-will-be-6ought-out~for_proinotlon toa better place. ; .. ;—-----^

The modern stand-ard Family Medi-cine: Cures the

common every-dayills pt humanity.

Posts, Pickets, etc.e! BBBRY OBATES. . ! i

Foleom. N. J.

' tgi. Lumber sowed to ordirOrdora received by moll prompUy filled^.

Prices tow.

t. -Correspondence Solicited.

Does it Pay to Buy Cheap P -A chfap remedf for coughs and colds

a all right, but you wantJspmethinsthat will relieve and cure the more severeand dangerous results of throat andlung troubles; What shall yon do?\ Goto auother climate? Yes, it possible'; ifnot possible for yon, then in either casetake the om,T remedy that has been introdncedin all civilized countries witb•'uccies8"inr severe 'throat-andrHunetroubles, "BoBcbee's German Syrup."Itrnotpnly-healslaniytiuinlatgSZliie tis-sues to destroy the KetWor"diBBi>,§erubut-allays inflamation, causes easy expector -tion^ given a good nf|ht'a rest, audcuresthe patient—-Try-one' bottle. Recom-mended many~years by all druggists Inihe world. Sample-bottles at Crowell'sPharmacy. ' '

A DMINISTRATOR'% BALE."'"Atlantic County Orphans Court.

> In tbe mortefof the tale of the lands ofJotso D. Falrcbild, deceased, for tbo pay-meiit of his debts. ••

By virtue < f an order entered in tho abovestnttd mafter, .on tho levcntospth day olOctober, A D elgbUon hundred and ninetynine, I sholl ' sell at public venduo, at tbehotel of Mrs Kate Ailken/ in _tbo Town olllommonton, County of Atlantic"and Btato ofNow Jersey, on

_t tho hour of two o'clock In Ibe afternoon,ull tbo following described land and promiseswith the appartenatoeg, being Ibe name de-scribed In taiJ order, that it (o any,—

AH tbat certain parcel of land tiluate la theTown of llammoolon, County of A'latltlc'und.State, of Kuw Jersey, particularly/described nsfollows: : IV J

Ileglunlng at a point In the soinh ilfle of..£g l lurbor Road nt a distance ol three andlur ly-»l» hundrkdtlia pcfobcs •ontheanterlyfrom Iho tide ol Grope Street, and extendingthence (1) south forty nevcn ilejreoi and twominutes wett ton perches to the easterly >ldoof lie Oamden aud Atlanllc Ilailroad ; thenoe(2) aliing Ihe lido of mid lallrnail north f l i r ty-fuur dogtot-a wo«t ono onu seventy-two hun-dredtlia |icroLcs to a pjlnl j Ibcnco (3) puriillclwl lh llrst course, northeasterly hlmvund eightyseven BJiumlrodlh» porches I" the nor thwestaide pf Kgg Hftibor lloail liluioml'I; Umnoo(4) aliing tbo Mile ol said r< id m m t h a i i i l u r l youoanii novonly throe huuilri .Ul i< porchta UIhe place ol beginning.

Dutuil Ootobor l l j lh, 180D.WM. I). KNHIIIT,


HAMMONTON, : : W.J.Oflloo Dftyn,—Evorj woolc-day.

(JAB ADMINISTERED.Moahnrgofor oitraotliiR with Ran, win

1 tenth aruordered.

O, E' Novy' nn^d Motrond-hand


/ /

Job I ' r int infj ;

at tho KiU'UiiuoAN oflloo

llolUlila |>om>ii(uf *ni i«>li»nl iwl or Invo i i l lvn iiilinl

««iii'f»n«iiV/«l'>rVi'/ri°i)«l", «l*uiiVwjrid'""' " ' "'""'thi rATlCMX JUJ.UOJU1). ilHlllinoro. AM.

1815 Atlantic Avenue,Atlantic City, N.^J



.. COPYRIGHT* 4c.Anyone lending a sketch and description may

anlcklT ascertain our opinion froewnotner on


VOL.37, HAMMONTOK, K. J;i DECEMBER' • . . "NO. 48'

vD ForThanks-

•—ttonafltricU'tent freo. 0 _^tatalen

, -jrsocuriniMiatent*. ..-jrongh Munn & Co. rocolvo:out charge. In tbo

tssss&s&s^iA \veart four months, 91* Bold nyall no

iniini « uui——J"'JiBW luin'Branch Office, 035 P St. Washington, D. C.

WEST JEBSEX& SEASHORE E. K.' Schedule in effect October 3r 1899 : _

DOWN TJaAIHB."- ~ ."•—-" . '•., -Vf TEAINS.Hun.Ace.


'4804384 48455505

8 1582383»84S

Ace. Ex.p.m



Jjiniostclr--Terras. «3 aawsdealen.

7 30 8~4riO 207 22 8'8o lu 127 08 8 20

4 20,4274-834 4 44 535065 115 111•5235285 45:602|fl dillt.291

a-sample order.^... Klrkwood...... Berlin...

............ _Atco

...... . . . . . . ...Wlnrtow Jc.(l'v«). ..

...... .... .......... En? Harlior.....;.

.rAbsrcon.......... . . . .. ...... Atlantic CIIY .......

« Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on BlsnJB FIUTCHI'NaoN.Gen'l Minasor. J R, WOOD, Gen'IPnFs

ay,.October 3,1809

I) Mjn till' :5|H 25.8 00 5 0 5 00 2 Oi .0 jc 6 •la'n M fl Hr«mdent Co]llnp«»oiid8 S)5 51

8 82 II 108 5') 0 1488.18 18

..... ,...

.....illucldon Jlriflili ....... .,

..... ...- .ClemtntoD..... ... . ..........

....\V111lmuitowi, JODO. ....... . ...

........ .Ordar Brool. ........ 8 SI 6 Hi8 If 6 IKK ]'.' 6 J f

.H 1-4 5 IT

., ...... ...... ......Willow JDTIC. (1'vo)...

M 4 rs4 IH 5 t'J,7 <4 4 3(5

7 BS 4 27

.„ . . . . . . _ . . .

...;. ........ Klwood_ .......... ,E(Cg Hurbor .........

Notary Public,

Store IJiKII ' :

H lo 10, I n l i i l i t I" 12 1,'ic. ffich...,75 c-

Struct J-li , ' l it i i i«

We have .a/fuH line o!NatSj Raisins, C/urrante,

Oranges, Lemons,Bananas., Mimcemeat,.Qn_Peel,jC'itron, etc.

postal <qari for

•Prices are a little lower thanthe market jueCifie 3.

• .Our guarantee goes with,every-article.

Cream Nuts, 4 Iba. for 25 c.cento a pound. -

O f f i030U 40150


The ladles have- taken this space for one—yearran<j-are-re8ponslble-ror-all-.thatr it-

mayoontaln.i . — — ' . ' ' • - , -

Second Crop Seed Potatoes.

Monday of Conversion week,

of j^ftlOSrarcoticB, . visited ionrt^en ofthe public schools1 of Beatle, and e'pobe

^ JttKpTjDjjicAiif:—I have btendabbling in a new industry the pastsummer,—that ol trying to raise seconi

'javirrbl tfie~cJearef te^TiabitMrs. InROlls finds that teacbers-every-wbere j,re_ glad : to have" 'jEe anSJect'^brought; before' ; tbTeiB pupils ; for!fBo~cigarette evil is becoming more and•more- a eerloua problem of edncatora.

most encouraging to learn fromour Superintendent, however, that as a

have not' made a financial succees, Ihave gained some experience which mayserve me in the future,1 and bo of somenee to eiomc of your readers.

some time about the • superiority olsecond crop seed over first crop north-ern grown seed. It 'was claimed thatsuch seed would losa none of its vitalityby sprouting before plant-time, that the

resnltof the flRorous crusade carried crop nmto earlier, thaf quite emailOD, the eale of-dgarettea bos fallen off 'one billion the past year.'iSignal. . . ' • • . - " •

small 'Boveo, cut into halves, except thesmallest, save aa.larcjo potatoes as thelarger ones cut to-one eye. tnra'mbreTofthem, because the same amount of seedspread over more space.

Go to PAfTEH'S

AmmunitionJejBt^aBsortment in

Shells for 10, 12, 16 gaugeguns always i


Orange Black Powder, • •; , 40 cents a pound.

Smokelesa J'owder^E.JC.)_: 60 cents per can.

Felt Wads, 20 c. a box".9 > . '. , -~t

lardboard Wads, 10 cents,


sell you a good GUN.Call and. see:

Buniluy Up ElprMaifaYM Atlsntlc 7:30ji.«n.j Kgg Harbor 7:M; IlammnDton 8^1, l'hllai|rl|>hla 0:00.J.AiHWEIOAnD.Oon.Bupfc • EDSttN 'J. WEKKH, Qen. Puwnger J

Keal Estate andInsurance Agent

Hammonton Electric Light and Power Co.Commercial Electric Lights.

HOUHO10 C. P. i. 82 (,'. 1'.

I'"lrnt6 l.luhlH JhOOprinontli ?!."."> pr rnn.xtfirjBlitn IBo. onoli pr inn 2'n'. niclii

NoxilO. „ 10 o 17Y.Moxt lU 80..... .'..12«.AlliuUlHIoniil.... So Hi ' .

Commission^ of Deeds, {,Offic^lOl Hailroad Ave.


A Hew Wagon ShopI have taken the Jno.Walthershop, on Third St., and will doall work in the wheelwrightnnd blackflmitli line.

i Horee-<<hoeiii}2 a specialty.


$00 a year for n 2000 0. P. AionvrYy.nJgl i t i'xo«|it. Suni l -y to 10 o' Hiites, In o. pur lfl'0 \V:iU». •

Wo do all kinds of Elecirjcul Work , nuc l i «n Tcli'iJi'iitnc, 'Annuficiator, find Uell work, ut l o w ^ f t nm.'-ilil^ r^tcs.

I)odgers,"—all sizes,•Printed j i i ( d / v p l l y , n l t l

itllO T?K1'UIII ,IOAN ofllCCV

Fifty-Eight Years Old!«/ O • . i ' • ,

[ I ' M 11 l i ini; l ife, bill. itdv"tloTi to tlio tr»t>'(m i n i f i i n u i ' i l I I I M I - i i r n i y iif | l i«i Ainoiloii i i pl)().'liliUi'i" w i iu I 'MI I I in w I' l i 'ndn j i i M I l in 'itiUKlni l l i 'M l iy ani l 'In' o i l | !h iu l inc i i i l i i> i«« i l Iliifiim..l iy p . iMmil in 1 l n - l r - l l i ' M i i i i l nni l iliii-if \n l tnl l«rMam lnvvJ iini.1 h f i : i < i l l > ' i i lu i l n v , n'Mli In l t l i luIm lo. iolJluuM,1 , uiul ,uoiUliloncii in i l i n Inl'oriiliUlnun wl i lo l i I t , In ln^ ' i tu l i i inir i i nni l I l i nn l i l un ,

AH n i ut n nil in iici i |ii(i|ii 'ii, It IM jnyu in ltddlil i i | ' > | i i ) l i lin v l u i l l y uiul v l ( im i I' l i r . youth,i i l i i ' i i ^ i l n - l i i i l n n i l i l | i i ine i l liy Hit' rx|nuluii(.'uia

'Of i i v n r l i i i l l ' u K i i i i t n r " ,li him l lvnl in ) Im i i m i l l n nni l on i|ii< oorillht

Hli | i | ' i i l ' t ol'|irii|(ri"i.'ilv" Ali lr i ' l i ' i ini i .It , IM " I'ho N.« Ymli Wn-ury Tillinmi,"

i i ' , l i i i i iwl i< i ' i :<" l t in* m i n i i . i y i^oi mi i l u ) li'iidlii|CMa loinil l''n,inlly Ni ' 'WK|in| i i t i ' .

H(;oo|(iili'.lMK U" viilii" to HHIIKI v\ Im ili 'hli 'n ull t i n ) i i i ' W n ol t in H l n l n mul Nullon,llio imhllHlim' d l ' t l m I t i c i ' i l i i i . M ' A N I I U H r n In r i l I n u i un n l l lu i i i :n ' \ i ' | i l i "'I'lin Nnw ynrlcWiiHcly Trll iuno1 ' w l i l u l i iiiiiihiiii l i l i n lo l u n i l h l i y i iu l ioll i ]i|i|n-i'n ut t l io trllllii);(ioM. ol ifl if) j icr yi'itr

ICvcry fmi i iov mul t'vi-ry v lM«n< ' r n\vi'n In l i l n i > n i r , lo l i l n ( ' i iml ly , mul to tlio coin.imiul ty , it imr i l ln l »i i |> | i ' i r l ul' I I I " l un i i l 11'"))1"! < ' ' i "H !>• >MH!II ' I'l n i - l i i n l l y mul mitlr-I I . K ' V Inr Mi In lAr i ' i i t n In i ivmy vvny. l u l i i f " In l i l n l int i in n i l Mio in \»i n n i l liii|i |.linliiniiof |I)H M' l i r l i l i i n l i i ' iMl , l lui i l i i i i i « n of l i l n l i l r l i i l r t , l l i o I ' I > I M | | I | I > I H mul iir i i i- | i i i i) tH for(Illliiront, oroiin, mul Iri n w r t h l y v lh l tn r w l i i n l i »l u n t i l Im lonulm ovf iy IKI I I IH .

.Ilia!, th ink of It 1 liolli of l l i«mi ' i i i i | u < i h fci n h l j H.""i » yc.il1.

Send nil dubaoriptionv to (ho l ! : ; i ' r i i i . i ( ' A N , I l iunmoiUon .

The EEVUBLICAN oflicb ie

the only printing house

in Hammonton. > r

Wo will try to fill every order

; satisfactorily.

Valentine & Hoodu l


Tho People's BankOf Hammonton. N. J;

Authorized Capital, $50^000Paid in, $30,000.Surplus, $17,000.

U. J. BVUNKO, President.M. L. JACKSON, \r^ce-


U.4. Byrunii,M. L.

U, P.

used with success. Al<ready to try new things,.! ordered

a barrel of an early .variety grown inNew Jersey,; and two new varieties from-Maryland. As these were high priced,and as there was some discount on tbesmaller size, I took one barrel ot Boveo,half of it tbe email size. The othervariety was,Vick'a Early Pride. 1planted on a good clover sod, the 6thand 7th of April, and used a good article^ot fertilizer, 900 pounds to tbe acre.This may aeem a large dose to some,but would be esteemed' a homeopathicdose to Long Island and Horfolkr Vir-einia, farmers,-who use a> ton: to theacre lor the early crop. 'Not. a' sprout'of size to be ;brohen off was .seen, whilea barrel of northern grown Eajrly Bosejsbipped to a neighbor, from Philadel-phia, and planted at the same time, hadlots of sprouts twb\ inches long, which

:WP°A4..1l^.^broken_off_iD'_:the:_bao41in2,.I ran a weeder over them at least'everyweek Jrpni^jie time they were plantedijntil they were six inches high? bywhich time they had but little un-sprouted weed seed among them, and Ibad no use for a hoe, but went overthem occasionally and pulled .out hereand there-a large weed.. After, that,ran a Horulub harrow over thorn once -aweek till i&ey covered tlie space betweentbo town so I could go no longer.. Aboutthis-' time tbe severe June drought,which burned up our strawberries, be-gan to .chock their growth, and theycame to a eland-still, apparently. Lateron, a good rain came. I dug my Drat,for tablefUsov~July6tb;—Had good sizedpotatoes, of fine quality, and could havedug before. A few days/later I sawthey wore'beginning to tpwe on aeocon'd

'•Neglect that cough and cold at•this-season of tbe year.Compound Syrup of Tar, WildCherry, and Hoarhonnd bears ourabsolute, guarantee.


-,-_-Official Town Attorney,

Boom 37 Real Estate & Law Buildino-,AtUntlo Uity.,

In Hammonton ^every Thursday

Practice irrnll eonrtjrof the~Stats;Money for .first mortgage loano

Do Not I _. Snifer with that Headaoae.'wben^Crowell's Headache Tablets

.—.. give such qniok relief. "

Crowell's Pharmacy.ill Bellevuo A venae. \

Open Sundays— 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.2:00 to 8:00 p.m.


Kb Bight to tTgliaess. , "The woman whit is lovely in face, form

and temper will'always have friends,but one who-woajd baiAttraotiva-mnsirKeep fier health. -If she has constipationor kidney trouble, ber impure blood willcause .pimples, blotches, skin eruptionsand * wretched complexion. ElectricBitters is tbe best medicine in the woVldto regulate stomach, liver and kidneysand to purify the blood. It gives strongnerves, bright eves, smooth, velvetyskip,, rich complexion. It makes a good-looking :ch«rinibg woman of am n-dowriinvalid. Only 60 cents at Crowell's Drugbtore. ' .

WILLIAM BAKgH,No. 25 Third Street,

Hanfmonton. ~~~-

Only the choicest.

Kltlnn, 'Kluia Btookw.tll

0. JT. O»f{<>od,W. B. Tllto.n.

W. L. Jlluk..J, U, Ai

W. J. Hmlth.

Oortlllontditof I'upoait launod, bcarlniInloiunt ot tho ruto of 'J pnr oont, per If holiliilx iiiontlm, mulll percent IIhold oiuijoixr, , ', iH I

Funeral Dkectbrs,All buoincHH in thoir lino

promptly and ourcfiillyiittondod to.

il.iyfl-~TuflHdn,y andI'ridav. of enoli Wtiok. i

T fnfo PopOBlt l lrxcn for r en t ,—f lyfit.BO,' (ffi, mid $10 yor year.

EinTbalminp; a Specialty

O'tlico Kwiidonco,'208 Pouch Street,


A (ullixnnortniont of liniul and maohln.made,— fcti work or driving.

Trunks, Valisos, WhipsHiding Saddled, Noto, oto.

Ilainmonton. N . J,

growth, Jind to. sovcr. their- quality,though at tho sacrifice of quantity, I

them July lllh and 12lh, while thewore entirely green und covered

the qrpund. In spite of these clrcuiu-fltiuiceu.itlioy tucned out 150 bUHhola on1)1 ncri'B. Wishing to preserve thosevarieties, ,1 -decided to try a second cropfor niyeoH. I took some of the secondeizu nndiplnntud August 12ih, 'but onnc-count of tho cool tiupttmbor weather,and the.unusually early fronts, and their•ftlowness in -coining up, the planting wanloo late, nnd only thosu that were upubou't 8eptunib(:r l«t aiuountud to any-thing; and these had only ill! Octobor21m to (jrow in, whim they wuro kllludby (rout. I'huycontlunnd to cooiio upUll I dug thorn, soniu two weeks since.This tardiness In coming up, I think,wita'duo to my early digging. . I l>ollovathat lor seod fl should huvn led BOIIHItl)l the tops wuio dead. . 1 had about 20buahole ot fair,planting slzo, 5 ol smullur•nlziij.aud Pcvnml lni«li«ln qullo 'email.A Hiuoothor lot of potfttot'H 1 never1 flaw-

11 <ilcl not eua a seubby onu In thu wtialulot. 1 icomplotnly stamped out thoAltitun .tJiat produces nouli, by soaking, iuod' boih nprluu and Tall, In l i 'm i lu -1,'uu made by dift,olvln|{ 2J o/. of ("or-n uJvu HublliniUo lu Ill icou gullotm ofwii tor, ai»J «onkin^ a t ' ]|. IIOUI-H,sain o walor till all had been treated.• No<w lor tho ncorot of proimrlu^ tboBund , ' I»t tbo llrnt wop r!|><m, thendl«, el >rt'inl under n Iron <,<) partial Hlmdii,und lilt thorn He for n wnolc and f,dtgruen, r \ i t Into halves and plant ratherdeep In l.rrnlily oponud furrowH, If alion fill I ot 'dlrt were put on every plocc,nnd tbu foot prensnd on It to liottur re-tuln iiiolntu.'u, and tliHii elnnu the fur-

1 thlnlc It would CuollltutK iprout-lliit tbo < ) u t l l n ^ In loipnrtant, for

tho mi mo rounoii.. . Tbu half burrul ol

""~ Question 'Answered.Yes, Au«;ust Flower still has the lar-

gest sale of any tned'blno In tbo civilizedwnrld^ Your mothers and grandmothersnever thought of using anything else for'

«oaroo. aud 'they Boldom beard of appen-•dloltls, . qorvous proBtratlon, or heartfailure, oiq. They, used August Flower•to oluan out tho system and stop fermen-tation of 'undigested food) regulate theaction of tho livnr, stimulate tho nervousund organic action of the system, andthat Is all they took when feeling dulland bad with headache and other aphoa.You only need a few doses of Green'sAugust Plowor, iu liquid form, to makeyou satisfied th»ro Is uothlng porious themutter with you. Bumple bottles nro atCrowell's Pharmacy,


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Always^the beat

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'KcHlitanau.a'.liOriihiirdHt., llniiiiiiontoii, N,J

Henry F. Stockwell,

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»>ir. MUk Vntnr.

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J. «l. I PAIMMINUi.TlW.^rlni «)o«i.

MnnnTnoturorof the llnost Vormioolll«uJ Fancy Jl'nato. •

Muiiouronl In pftokngoa. with dlreotloiiH,'I'lio IOOBO, on well no tlio paolcod of tba

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Hronnmlil|) A({«iit. Flrat-oliiim tlolcctn toull partB of tho word, with twIii-BoiovrCXJIIOIIH nurvlou. i


nnA Proatrntloh from•woiXlc or other oauaon.

llunlnhroya1 Hnmoopathlo QponlMoTin. Ull.Vln \iao<ivni-4O youro, tlio onlyniianoaatAil r«»rioity. .

mul n nuiHt rullnblo lino otoil thi) pojinlur branda of ,Tobncoo, ond mv own inuko <

CIGAESoull tho attention

of my ol<l fi loiiilH,. »n«i «ovrfrlondn. AlHov woll noloot«<lline of nportluit'flood».i