Project9 Stephen Larsen


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  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    PortfolioStephen Larsen

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Stephen Larsen:600 Pioneer Rd #2001

    Rexburg, ID 83440


    Charity MudRunLogosBrochure

    LetterheadBusiness CardFlier Event AdWeb PageMontageImaging

    Table of Contents

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Charity MudRunDescription: Created a website for people to register and pay for a 5K WarriorMudRun for BYUI ROTC.

    Process: First thing that I did was nd other successful Spartan Race websites andmodel the layout of their website. Once that was done I worked hard to make big

    adjustments and improvements to the layout. The website is quite a bit larger thanthe image on the right. I spent 40+ hours creating the website prior to people

    signing up. I used Adobe Premiere to create a 3 minute intro video. I controlledthe layout and colors, registration, phone sales, and check-in processes of the

    event. By the time it was over we had 650 people show up and we revenuedabout $7,000. After our cost of the event, we were able to donate about

    $2,500 to the Fisher House Foundation, which connects families tot theirwounded Soldiers.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Premiere, BlueHost, CloudFlare, ClickFunnels, Stripe,

    GetResponse, Square, and PayPal. Various marketing software

    and channels were also used. Also used Google Voice,MicroSoft Excel, and Ofce heavily.

    Message: We wanted people to get a very small tasteof what it’s like to be in the Army.

     Audience: People who are “outdoorsy”, patriots,and college students.

    Top Thing Learned: Websites can enhancethe reach of your message.

    Color scheme: Yellow,


    Font Name & Category: Ubuntu (Sans Serif)

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    LogosEcho H2 Water









    Description:Logo for a company

    Process: I really enjoyed creating this logo in Illustrator. I originally made threeseparate ideas and then took votes from people as to their favorite one. After thevoting was over, I took the third logo I made and increased the contrast on the font

    with bolded letters and making the “2” white. I then made each of the letters“shapes” and cut off any parts of the letters that overlapped the water drop tomake it appear like it’s wrapping around the drop.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator 

    Message: Echo provides healthy water 

     Audience: People who are conscious about water cleanliness

    Top Thing Learned: How to bend lines using the pen tool

    Color scheme: Monochromatic color names: Blue

    Font Name & Category: Seravek (Sans Serif)

    Font #2 Name & Category: PT Sans Caption (SansSerif)

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Description:A two sided trifold brochure (also called a duplex).

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I began by setting up the measurements for the foldedpaper in Adobe InDesign. I split my layout into 3 sections on two separate pages so thatI’d have a trifold brochure once printed. I used a diagonal lines and shapes throughout thebrochure to create movement and a little repetition on the page. I chose images of water

    from, then made them greyscale in Photoshop for my covers. I also d idthis so the blue color could act as a higher contrasting accent. The two inside images

    were edited in Photoshop. I cut the two products out of previously taken images.Using the Magnetic Lasso tool and the Magic Wand tool in Photoshop, I cut out

    the backgrounds of both images so the backgrounds would shine through. Aftersaving them as .png les, I placed them on the inside of the brochure. I also

    applied a text wrap using the Alpha Channel setting in InDesign to make thetext form to the side of the image.

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, AdobePhotoshop, and Adobe Premiere (for video).

    Message: I wanted people to know a quick snapshot benets

    of taking more hydrogen and the good it does for the body. Iwanted to showcase the products from Echo H2 Water thathelp you do so.

     Audience: Baby boomers, those with diagnosed disease,those who want a better lifestyle (i.e. lose weight).

    Top Thing Learned: I liked learning how to use thedifferent text wrap and paragraph styling tools in


    Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Blue

    Title Font Name & Category: AvenirMedium / Sans serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category:Avenir Book / Sans serif 

     Word count: 263


    Outside p.1

    Synergy Sciences1404 Hamlin Ave Unit A,Saint Cloud, FL 34771-8585

    Email: info@echoh2water.comPhone: (800) 337-7017Fax: (888) 344-8121

    Hydrogen is the smallestmolecule on the planet.When the earth was made,

    hydrogen was here frst...

    Echo H2 Wate


    The HappeningOf Health

    Get your freehydrogen sample at

    Diseases treatedtherapeutically fromconsuming additional

    hydrogen • Parkinson’s • Alzheimer’s • Autism • Diabetes • Leaky gut syndrome • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Cancer cells • Radiation poisoning • etc

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Letterhead Stephen Larsenstephen.larsen1@gmail.com720.471.2915

    318 Pioneer Rd Apt 2001Rexburg, ID 83440

    Description: Company stationary that has matching letter head and business card

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator for acompany called Echo H2 Water ( I used the pen tool heavily

    to create the rain drop and then laid over the “H2O” and cut out the edges to makeit look like the water drop was bleeding off the water drop. I wanted to make youreyes connect the open sides of the drop. I then pushed the “C” against the drop

    and then made cut off the edges of the “C” to take on the shape of the waterdrop.The letter head and business card a lot of the same feel as the logo

    with the white and blue colors inverted. To keep it simple, I also made thewater drop on the bottom right gray with a “2” bleeding of the bottom

    right. In order to create a barrier for the eye on the business card, I puta blue bar on the bottom.

    Message: The company sells water puriers and hydrogenmachines. The design is supposed to communicate a feeling of

    purity and simplicity.

     Audience: Those interested in homeopathic remedies.

    Top Thing Learned: How to use Adobe Illustratorpen tool more effectively in design.

    Color scheme and color names:Monochromatic – Blue, white, grey

    Title Font Name & Category: Myriad ProBold – Sans Serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category: 

    News Gothic MT – Sans Serif 

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Business CardDescription: Company stationary that has matching letter head and business card

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator for acompany called Echo H2 Water ( I used the pen tool heavily

    to create the rain drop and then laid over the “H2O” and cut out the edges to makeit look like the water drop was bleeding off the water drop. I wanted to make youreyes connect the open sides of the drop. I then pushed the “C” against the drop

    and then made cut off the edges of the “C” to take on the shape of the waterdrop.The letter head and business card a lot of the same feel as the logo

    with the white and blue colors inverted. To keep it simple, I also made thewater drop on the bottom right gray with a “2” bleeding of the bottom

    right. In order to create a barrier for the eye on the business card, I puta blue bar on the bottom.

    Message: The company sells water puriers and hydrogenmachines. The design is supposed to communicate a feeling of

    purity and simplicity.

     Audience: Those interested in homeopathic remedies.

    Top Thing Learned: How to use Adobe Illustratorpen tool more effectively in design.

    Color scheme and color names:Monochromatic – Blue, white, grey

    Title Font Name & Category: Myriad ProBold – Sans Serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category: 

    News Gothic MT – Sans Serif 

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Flier   GraduateLEADERSHIPConference

    Do you want to have the 

    Competitive edge in business?

    Come learn how at Vouant

    Communication’s annual Graduate

    Leadership Conference.

    Conference is available to graduating seniors.

    Space is limited

    Registration and more information available at:

    October 21

    8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

    Lincoln Convention Center

    ouant Communications is devo

    helping tomorrow’s leaders ga

    tial leadership skills in the workplac

    this dynamic three-day seminar, attwill meet with top executives of Vou

    Communications to discuss breakth

    leadership techniques, while cultiva

    attributes of leadership that will

    market to any employer.


    Description: Greyscale promotional ier to promote a graduate leadershipconference.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): First I created a few sketchesto see what design layout I’d like the most, which was helpful because I ended upusing my nal sketch. Then I created the layout using InDesign, making adjustments

    to alignments with a focus on vertical shape. I left white space on the top and bottomright of the page to create more of an asymmetrical feel to the layout. The grey bars

    on the left create repetition and an anchor point for al ignment.

    Message: I wanted to attract seniors who are about to graduate whospecically want to be leaders in the business world. I brought in a lot of

    strong vertical design principles, which represent strength and authority,once I knew exactly who I was targeting.

     Audience: Graduating seniors, age 21+, desire for personalbranding in business.

    Top Thing Learned: I learned the importance of alignment ofall elements to something else. It’s all connected.

    Title Font Name & Category: Eurostile – Sans Serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category: Seravek – Serif 

    Links to images used in this project:

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    Event Ad 

    The “Build a Better

    Career Event” takes

    the guesswork out of

    success. Come March

    31st to learn what ittakes to make it in

    your chosen field.

    Tickets are free until

    March 1st.

    March 31


    Hart Gym




    Description: A full-bled, color, scanned image used to create an event ier using onlyMicrosoft Word.

    Process: First I scanned the picture of the man on a tablet and then cropped in the edgesto make his face more clear. I grabbed a few colors right from the image to keep thesame feel. I added in a transparent white box on the left of the page for content. To make

    the left sidebar more distinct, I added a subtle grey bar which ran horizontally beneaththe headline at the top and down the side of the page. To make the ier pop, i added“Do. Dare. Dream.” for some repetition and hierarchy in the page. There are two

    fonts on the page to help the eye catch the message easier. I used Microsoft Word,an Epson Scanner, and

    Message: I decided to run an event that I’d be passionate about whereaspiring professionals could learn how to take their work to the next level. I

    wanted to take the image and message and make it instantly appeal to myaudience’s “ideal” image of a professional.

     Audience: College students, business majors, entrepreneurs,

    Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic - Brown

    Top Thing Learned: I learned that Microsoft Word, with apinch of patience, can actually create pretty good iers. I

    also learned the importance of using color schemes fromyour main image subject.

    Title Font Name & Category: Bank Gothic – SansSerif 

    Copy Font Name & Category: Avenir – SansSerif 

    Scanned images used, sources,

    original sizes, location of scannerused: The image I scanned is from

    a January 2016 Wired Magazine.The image was originally

    full page with no text. Theoriginal image I used was

    2265 × 3183px.

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


     Web PageDescription: I created a web page to present a logo I also personally designed, including apopup form to get Rights for the logo.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): To create this webpage I used only TextWrangler. It hasbeen several years since I created a webpage based completely off of handwritten HTML. Itwas a fun refresher to write HTML and then learn how to put a CSS stylesheet attached to it.

    After writing the HTML, I used the HTML validator to make sure all thepieces are in place for a functioning webpage.Using the color from my logo, I designed and

    colored the rest of the webpage. One of my go-tools is simply, which shows you the hex # from any image. I made the Header

    of the webpage Times New Roman and the body Avenier. I also assigned some backupfonts just in case someone’s computer didn’t have the fonts I declared. I also added

    in a JavaScript popup web-form asking people to give me their name and emailif they were interested in getting Rights to the logo, which was more about

    showing off the skill of creating optin forms.

    Message: I want people to see the history of industry-leading condencethat the Echo® name holds.

    Audience: Those who are serious about health and the water they drink.

    Top Thing Learned: Assigning a CSS sheet to an HTML le.

    Color scheme and color hex: Blue – Monochromatic,hex#2BA7DE; white, #FBFCFC

    Title Font Families & Category: (all names) “Times NewRoman”, Times, serif; Oldstyle

    Copy Font Families & Category: “Avenier”, Arial;San Serif 

    Changes made to the CSS: I increasedthe width of the body element to 880px,

    changed the colors in the h1 and body

    tags, then added in a backgroundimage. I also made a 10% reduction inopacity in the white body element

    to let the image shine through. Ialso adjusted the padding and

    border width of the wholepage.

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    MontageDescription: An inspiring montage made from a scripture and two images blendedtogether.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): I rst found animage I liked and imported it into Photoshop. After cropping the image down to1024px, I pulled in the picture of the couple and placed a mask on the layer to blend

    the two images together without destroying any pixels. After taking away the hardedges from the picture of the couple I wrote in a scripture and the two words

    “together forever”.

    Message: The message is to stay true to each other as a couple until death.

     Audience: I’m targeting young couples.

    Top Thing Learned: I learned how to hide parts of an image withoutdestroying the pixels so you can use them later i f you’d like to.

    Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: I increased the vibrance and saturation of the main

    background image to make the blue sky slightly deeper.

    Color scheme and color names: Blue –Monochromatic: Blue, White, Black

    Title Font Name & Category: Kohinoor – Bold:Sans Serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category: Kohinoor –Light: Sans Serif 

    Sources of images on original

     websites: UnSplash.com

  • 8/18/2019 Project9 Stephen Larsen


    ImagingDescription: Purpose is to demonstrate photography and photo editing skills using aDSLR Camera and Photoshop.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I rst tried to imagine goodcomposition that I could get in a photo. After nding a gazebo I decided to take the

    picture with the gazebo off-centered to the right on the last third of the frame. Iedited the image in photoshop on a landscape 11in x 8.5in layout. I then used fourstandard edits (levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool) to brighten the

    image and make the colors pop. I made the gazebo look more red with thecolor balance tool even though it’s more of a deep brown. I took the picture

    with enough of a lead on the left to add text and use the snow as naturalwhitespace (literally). After attening the image I saved the image as a

    JPEG at 300 pixels per inch.

    Message: I’m trying to tell people that like snow that there aretimeshares available in the mountains that will let them spend

    more time in the mountains.

     Audience: People with money for a timeshare. Skiers andSnowboarders. Outdoor people.

    Top Thing Learned: How to use a color scheme foran image ad and keep the same theme throughout.

    Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic – Brick. Dark brown, light

    brown, lighter brown (almost a cream color).

    Title Font Name & Category: CharterBold Italic – Serif 

    Copy Font Name & Category:Charter Black – Serif 

    Date and location: 2FEB2016, BYUI Campus

