Project Specification Sheet


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Please complete the following form with information about your plans. Give it in on Friday Week 9 (9th March 2012) Name Phil Longwell Date12 March 2012. 1.INSTITUTIONWhat institution are you writing the report for? Who are the learners? (age, level, learning purpose etc) What computer facilities already exist? How much are computers already used within the institution - for language learning purposes? for the study of other disciplines? for recreational purposes? What are the constraints?

Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. All Chinese nationals, ages 17-19. All studying on an International Foundation Course in Art & Design, with a view to studying full-time overseas. Their main learning objective is to improve their English enough to pass an IELTS score with a minimum of 5.5, preferably 6.5. There are computer labs in different locations on the CAFA campus, set aside for any student to use for their coursework. In addition, all students have at least one laptop and other Internet-enabled tablet device. Being Art & Design student many have a preference for Macs/iPads or similar. Computers are not currently used by students within the language classroom, but their own laptops are brought to Art studio classes. Teachers have access limited access to bulky, computer terminals/projectors in most classrooms. There are some constraints with the state of these classrooms on the IFC. There is a mixture of oldfashioned lecture halls, run-down 1960s behaviourist language labs. I used to teach mostly with blackboard and chalk. English classes are held in the mornings not the best time of day for learning. Students are encouraged to document their art work and build up a hard and online portfolio, ahead of applying to overseas institutions.

2.STUDENTS / STAFFWhat group of students/ staff are you hoping will benefit from your materials? What course(s) are they taking / teaching? What is their age, language level, level of computer expertise?

I wish to take the perspective of an external advisor to the institution who will run an introductory course for the teaching staff on the programme. I aim to work with the staff on the English language programme to get the students to practice and produce their speaking and to give presentations. At present, they are encouraged to produce many things on the art side. The instruction is solely in English.

3.PROPOSALWhat technological innovation are you intending to propose to the institution? State your main objectives in brief: Which skills are your materials designed to

My Brainshark, using Camtasia for tutorials, which can be accessed anytime. Students can use their own laptops to generate content, and to practice both speaking and presentation skills. Additional material will be produced on these two skills. The main benefit to the institution is that no software needs to be bought. It is not dependent on classrooms fitted with the latest computer technology, as teachers can access completed tasks from

improve? What will be the particular benefits of your innovation?

the online server or, if students are writing blogs reflecting on their studies, can be embedded with those. Essentially, My Brainshark and Camtasia combined. My Brainshark will be used by the students, but the materials will be an introductory course for the teachers, using Camtasia produced video tutorials and an extensive list of suggestions for using My Brainshark with the students. Most of the work involved will connect the classroom with the speaking practice that the students are to do in their own time. It does not intend to replace the development of other macro skills (Listening, Writing or Reading) which will still be done in class. It draws on the requirement of learner autonomy on the students part, which is being encouraged anyway on the art side. The materials are meant to be self-instructional for the teacher, but they can use some of the material themselves with students, sharing the tuition videos and ideas etc.. The students can use their own computers, although there are others available on campus. There is a lot in Beetham and Sharpes book, Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age, Beattys Teaching and Researching: CALL. I know there is a lot of research of Chinese students + speaking/presentations. There is little on MyBrainshark as far as I can see. I realise that most of the research into using Camtasia has been with the flipped classroom.

4.MATERIALSWhat kinds of technology will this proposal involve? What kinds of material are you planning to produce? (You may not have decided exactly yet, but give as much detail as you can) Are they: self-instructional (teacher unnecessary)? supported by the teacher / trainer? controlled by the teacher / trainer? Where will they mainly be used? In the classroom, in a self-access centre, out of class time, at home? What equipment will be required to use the materials effectively?

5.REFERENCESWhat sources do you intend to refer to in your report for a) the theoretical background? b) examples of the way similar innovations have been implemented in other institutions? (Your bibliography will not yet be complete, but provide a sample)

6.PROBLEMSHave you any problems with the report at this stage? Note any areas where you think you will need specific help.

I have to return to the theoretical and pedagogical aspects, to substantially justify the use of the tool. I was concerned whether I could consider My Brainshark an innovation. There are a number of constraining factors with this particular institution which I thought would provide a challenge for producing this kind of report.