Project on Transfer and Transmission of Shares


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The report hereby contains the subject related to Corporate Laws. It deals on the “Transfer and Transmission of Shares” in the Corporate world. All related aspects are tried to be involved in the report.





The Subject of “Transfer & Transmission of Shares” occupies a vital space in the Corporate World. Company’s limited by Shares and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 have a frequent play of transfer of shares.

Being a topic of utter importance, empirical study on the same has been made. Information gathered is from various sources likewise –

Books, Internet, and The Practical Knowledge attained through and achieved from time to time during the training period.

Changes are a part of Corporate World and the features relating to shares, their transfer and transmission may be looked upon by updates and amendments made in the Companies Act, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and others in future.

However, this report contains almost all the information on the chosen topic.

Tackling various issues that arise or may arise in the workings of the Company and reaching to a viable solution to the same has also been considered.



• Defining Transfer of Shares • Free Transferabil i ty of Shares of Public Companies • Restriction of Transfer • Right of Appeal and Position of Transferee, if His Appeal fai ls • Restriction upon Acquisit ion or Transfer of Shares in Certain

cases, Its Applicabil i ty and Exemptions Available • Procedure for Transfer of Shares • Format and Copy of the Resolution passed at the Board of

Directors Meeting duly convened for the transfer of Shares • Secretarial Duties associated with Transfer of Shares • Certif icate of Transfer • What Section 112(3) says?? • Procedure for Certif ication of Transfer • Effect of Transfer before its Registration • Right to dividend to be held in abeyance on pending of

registration of transfer of shares • Share Transfer Audit • What Does List ing Agreement says about Share Transfer?? • Return of Transfer Deeds • Blank Transfer and Exceptions in some case • Forged Transfer • Depository System and Its Features • Specimen of Share Transfer Form (Form 7B)


• Defining Transmission of Shares • Transfer vs. Transmission • Procedure for Transmission of Shares • Secretarial Duties required for Transmission of Shares • Nomination of Shares and its Procedure


Transfer of Shares is one of the most vital features of a Company limited by Shares. It is

a voluntary act of members and be defined as the method of transferring the ownership rights of the shares held from one person to another. This attribute of “Transfer” of a share endows a Company with perpetual and uninterrupted existence. The shares are movable property and can be transferred in accordance with the provisions of Section 82 of the Companies Act, 1956 subject to the Articles of Association of the Company. However, the Courts have held that:

Θ Subject to the restrictions imposed by the Articles of Association, a shareholder is free to transfer his shares to a person of his choice and that the said articles cannot impose unreasonable restrictions on the right to transfer, and that ;

Θ The Directors cannot decline to register a transfer arbitrarily or unreasonably.


With a view to ensure the free transferability of the shares of all the public companies, the Depositories Act, 1996 inserted a new Section, namely, Section 111A in the Companies Act. This Section, as amended by the Depositories Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997, provides as follows:

Θ The shares and debentures of a public company, whether listed or not, shall be freely transferable.

Θ The Board of Directors of the company or the concerned 'depository' does not have discretion to refuse or withhold transfer of any security.

Θ The transfer has to be effected by the company immediately as soon as it receives instrument of transfer, if the shares are outside the depository mode (i.e. the non-depository mode).

Θ When securities are in the depository mode the transfer shall be affected by the depository automatically on the receipt of the intimation in appropriate form from the 'participants'.

Θ Under both the cases, namely, non-depository mode or depository mode, the transferee shall be entitled to all the rights including voting rights associated with the share as soon as intimation about the transaction is received by the company or depository. However, if it is felt that any transfer of shares is in contravention of any of the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, or regulations made there under or the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, or any other law for the time being in force, the company, 'depository', 'participant', investor, or SEBI can, within 2 months from the date of transfer in the depository or from the date on which the instrument of transfer or the intimation of transmission was delivered to the company,

move an application to the Company Law Board (CLB) to determine if the alleged contravention has taken place. After enquiry if the CLB is satisfied of the contravention, it can direct the company/depository to make rectification in the ownership records. Pending the completion of enquiry, the CLB can suspend the voting rights in respect of shares so transferred. However, the transferee in such cases will enjoy the economic rights attached to the share, as also the right to further transfer the share to another person. Even if the transfer of shares is in contravention of any law, the transfer is to be given effect subject to subsequent rectification by the direction of CLB.


In case of Private Companies and / or deemed Public Companies the right of transfer must necessarily be restricted by the Articles, because of the legal requirement to that effect.

One of the common restrictions is the “Pre-emption Clause” which states that the intending transferor must first offer the shares to the existing members of the company, so long as the member can be found to purchase them at a fair price.

Absolute restriction on the right of transfer, contained in the Articles, shall be ultra-virus the Act. Usually the Articles empower the directors to reject transfer of shares on the following grounds:

Θ where partly paid-up shares are to be transferred to a pauper or a minor; Θ where the transferee is person of unsound mind; Θ where a call is unpaid against the shares to be transferred; Θ where the company has a lien on the shares because the transferor is indebted to it; Θ where there is a personal animosity between the directors and the proposed transferee

or the transferee would harass the management; Θ where the instrument of transfer contains some apparent irregularity, e.g., not signed or

not stamped properly.

Pursuant to New Sub-Section (14) inserted in Section 111 by the Depositories Act, 1996 the power to refuse registration of transfer is available only to a Private company. The Directors are bound to state the grounds on which they refuse registration of transfer. Moreover, a formal active exercise of the power to refuse is required; mere failure, due to deadlock or something, to pass a resolution is not a formal active exercise of the right to decline, and therefore, the applicant will be entitled to be registered as a member of the company. Notice of the refusal must state the reasons for such refusal and must be sent to both the transferor and the transferee within 2 months after the instrument of transfer was lodged with the company [Sec. 111 (2)]. So long as the directors act within the scope of the Articles, their decision cannot be challenged except on the ground of bad faith. Where it is proved that they have not exercised their power of refusal in good faith for the

benefit of the company, the court may set aside the decision of the directors and order for the registration of the transferee's name as a member of the company. In addition, the transferee will also be entitled to damages which will be equal to the fall in the market price of shares between the date of refusal and the date of the court's decision. RIGHT OF APPEAL: As per Section 111, as amended by the Depositories Act, 1996, if a Private Company refuses, on any ground not stated in the restrictions contained in its Articles of Association, to register the transfer of any shares, the transferor or transferee may prefer an appeal to the CLB against the refusal. The appeal must be filed within 2 months of the receipt of the notice of such refusal or, where no notice has been sent by the company, within 4 months from the date on which the instrument of transfer was delivered to the Company. The appeal shall be made be a petition in writing and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee. After receiving the petition, the CLB issues notices to the company, the transferor and the transferee in order to provide them an opportunity to make their representations. On the consideration of the whole case, if the refusal does not seem justified, the CLB will issue an order to the company to register the transfer, which must be given effect to, within 10 days of the receipt of the order. The CLB may also make such consequential orders regarding payment of dividend or the allotment of bonus or right shares as it thinks fit and just. If default is made in giving effect to the orders of the CLB, fines and penalties are to be imposed on the company and on every such default made, the officer be fined upto Rs. 10,000 with a further fine extending to Rs. 1,000 for every day during which the default continues. The Right of Appeal is not available in the case of a Private Companies. The provisions of Section 111 apply to transfer of debentures as also to transmission of shares and debentures. POSITION OF TRANSFEREE, IF HIS APPEAL FAILS The ordinary result of a refusal to register a transfer of shares is that the transferor will be the “Trustee” for the transferee, in respect of the rights relating to the shares or if the transferor so chooses he may sue the transferor for return of the consideration for the transfer under Section 65 of the Indian Contract Act,1872. Where the transfer of shares is refused the transferor continues to be the legal owner thereof so far as the Company is concerned.

RESTRICTION UPON ACQUISITION OR TRANSFER OF SHARES IN CERTAIN CASES Section 108A to 108I deals with the restrictions on the acquisition or transfer of shares in certain cases with a view to prevent and/or regulate the transfer of shares in a Company. The provisions of the said Section provides so as to ensure that by such transfer of shares, the management of the Company is not or does not pass into the hands of undesirable persons, thereby adversely affecting the interests of non-controlling shareholders and public financial institutions. IT’s APPLICABILITY It is applicable to the acquisition of transfer of shares, By or to,

An individual; A firm; A group or constituent of group; Body Corporate or Bodies Corporate;

Under the same management who or which:-

Θ Is the owner in relation to a dominant undertaking; Or

Θ Would be, as a result of such transfer or acquisition, the owner of a dominant undertaking.


The restrictions contained in Section 108A (except sub-section 2 thereof) shall not apply to the transfer of any shares to, and the restrictions contained in Section 108B to 108D shall not apply to the transfer of any shares by:-

Θ Any Government Company; Θ Any Corporation established by or under any Central Act;

and Θ Any Financial Institution.


These can be enumerated as under:-

Θ Restriction on acquisition of shares; Θ Restriction on transfer of shares; Θ Restriction on transfer of shares of Foreign Companies; Θ Power of Central Government to direct companies not to give effect to the transfer.


No Procedure for Transfer of Shares is required to be followed when a Share Warrant to a Bearer has been issued.

In case of “registered shares” for which a “Share Certificate” has been issued, there exists certain legal requirements under the Act is to be complied with. Shares can be transferred by a person, whose name appears in the Register of Members; also a legal representative of a deceased member can transfer the shares.

Oral transfers are not recognized by the Act. Transfers made during winding up are void unless sanctioned by the Liquidator (in case of voluntary winding up) or by the Court (in other types of winding up).

In addition to the compliance of the provisions mentioned in the Articles of Association of the Company, the following procedure is to be dealt and followed for giving effect to such transfer of shares:-

An instrument of transfer should be executed in the 'form' prescribed by the Government, it should be presented to the prescribed authority, who will stamp the date of presentation thereon; before it is signed by the transferor and before any entry is made in it,

The instrument of transfer must be duly filled and signed by the transferor and the transferee. It must also be duly dated and stamped and the relative share certificate must be attached to it. If no such certificate has yet been issued, the letter of allotment must be attached to the transfer form,

The completed share transfer form duly stamped (In case of Transfer of Shares the stamp duty to be paid is uniform throughout the Country and is as per the Indian Stamp Act,1899) along with the registration fee, if any, should be delivered at the company's head office, for registration, either by the transferor or the transferee: -- In case of quoted shares on the stock exchange, before the first closure of the register of members after the stamped date, or within 12 months from the date of such presentation whichever is later;

-- In the case of unlisted shares, within 2 months from the date of presentation to the prescribed authority.

The Central Government may extend these time periods on application to avoid hardships. The application should be made to the Regional Director of the CLB by the purchaser or his broker. These time limits have been prescribed to do away with the evil of Blank Transfers.

Next, in case the application is made by the transferor and relates to partly paid-up shares, the company must give notice of the application to the transferee and register the transfer only if the transferee makes no objection to transfer within 2 weeks from the receipt of the notice.

“No response” from the transferee shall be presumed as his consent for registration. No such consent need to be given where the application for registration of transfer is made by the transferee himself, but in order to be sure that the instrument of transfer is genuine, a notice should be sent to the transferor, informing him about the lodgment of the instrument of transfer; stating that if no objection is raised within the specified time, the company will proceed to register the transfer.

If no objection is received either from the transferor or transferee within the specified time, then the work of registration of transfer is taken up. Now the Company Secretary enters the details of the transfer in the Register of Transfers.

The Company Secretary then convenes a meeting of the Board of Directors and places before it the Instruments of Transfer along with the share certificates and the Register of Transfers for their approval. On satisfaction the Board then passes resolution approving the proposed transfer.

After all the steps have been duly complied with, the Company registers the transfer by striking off the transferor’s name from the Register of Members and entering the name of the transferee in its place. An endorsement is made on the back of the “Share Certificate”, recognizing the transferee as the new holder for it and the same is issued to the transferee within 2 months of the date of lodgment of the transfer. A Listed Company is required to issue Certificates within one month from the date of lodgment.

The Procedural requirements associated with transfer doesn’t apply to the transfer affected by the transferor and the transferee who have availed the services of “Depository” since there is no need to execute a transfer deed, the shares not being in Physical mode.

Format and Copy of the Resolution passed at the Board of Directors Meeting duly convened for the transfer of Shares –

Transfer of Shares:

The Chairman informed the Board about receipt of 1 nos. of Share Transfer Application consisting of …………. (number of Equity shares) Equity Shares. The matter was discussed at length and after various deliberations the following resolution was passed:

“RESOLVED THAT 1 no. of Share Transfer Application comprising of …………. (number of Equity shares) Equity Shares be and is hereby approved and that the shares be transferred as per details mentioned below:

Sr. No. Name of Transferor Name of Transferee No. of Shares Transferred

1 ____________ ______ __________

"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. ________, the Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorized to make necessary endorsement on the reverse of the Share Certificates and send it to the transferees whose name is entered in the Register of members.”


Every Company Secretary so involved in the task of share transfer in a Company has to abide and perform the following duties for better compliance of the share transfer procedure:-

The Company Secretary has to ascertain that there is adequate provision regarding transfer of shares in the Articles of Association of the Company.

On receipt of proper instrument of transfer, called the 'Transfer Deed' duly stamped and executed by the transferor and the transferee together with the transfer fee, if payable, the Company Secretary has to see that it is accompanied by a share certificate in the name of the transferor or the transfer should be a 'Certified' one and that it is submitted within the prescribed time limit as required under Section 108 of the Companies Act, 1956.

It is the Company Secretary’s responsibility thereafter to scrutinize the instrument of transfer and the relevant share certificate, giving particular attention to the following points:

A) The signature of the transferor must tally with the specimen signature as recorded with the company, if the transferor is the registered holder of the shares; otherwise the signature should be verified from the previous Transfer Deed where the present transferor is the owner of shares earlier transferred to him by the registered shareholder. If the transfer has been executed by an attorney, the registration of the power of attorney should be verified. If transferor is a company, the transfer should be executed under the common seal;

B) The details of the Transferee has been correctly filled and completed; C) The signature and the address of the witness are in order; D) The stamp of the delivering broker and the lodging agent (if this is not the same

as the delivering broker); E) Any alteration in the 'Transfer Deed' is properly initialed by both the transferor

and transferee; F) The distinctive numbers of shares both in the Instrument of Transfer and the

Share Certificate agree; G) The consideration for the transfer as shown in the 'Transfer Deed' is reasonable; H) Share transfer stamps have been affixed on the Transfer Deed at the rate 25

paisa for every Rs. 100 or part thereof calculated on the amount of consideration; I) The fact that there is no restraint on transfer or that no duplicate share certificate

has been issued must be checked from the Register of Members.

If the transferee is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, the Company Secretary must confirm that the company is authorized to acquire shares by its Articles of Association.

In the case of transfer of shares of Indian companies by persons resident outside India, or by foreign nationals, to other persons whether resident in India or outside India, and in the case of transfer of shares to any person, whether Indian or foreigner, whether resident or non-resident, the Company Secretary should also see that the necessary approval of the Exchange Control Department, Reserve Bank of India, under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, has already been obtained by the transferor or transferee before effecting any transfer or sale of shares.

If after the scrutiny of the documents (Transfer Deed) and verifications made by the Company Secretary is found to be in order then the secretary is required to issue 'Notices of Lodgment of Transfer' to the transferee and transferor and wait for atleast a fortnight to see whether any objections are received from them.

In case of “No Objection” the transfers must be recorded in the Transfer Register with the necessary changes.

The Company Secretary is then required to pass resolutions by convening Board Meeting for registration of such transfers.

On passing of the resolutions at the duly convened Board meeting the Company Secretary must see that the name of the transferee is recorded in the Register of Members and the name of the transferor is removed there from. Necessary endorsement is made on the back of the share certificate(s) and the same is issued to the transferee.


Certification of transfer is necessary when there is a part disposal of shares or there are multiple purchasers. When a company certifies on the instrument of transfer that the relative share certificate of the shares proposed to be transferred, has been lodged with it, it is called 'Certificate of Transfer.' The company issues only 1(one) share certificate for the whole lot of shares standing in the name of one person. For a valid transfer, relevant share certificate must be attached to the instrument of transfer. In view of these facts, there arises a situation wherein a shareholder wants to sell only a part of his shareholding or where there are two or more buyers.  For this there can be two alternatives open to such a transferor to sort the given situations:-

Θ He may request the company to cancel the original certificate and in exchange to

issue the new split certificates of desired denomination; Or,

Θ He may send his share certificate, together with the instruments of transfer, to the company for certification purposes.

The company usually takes time in issuing 'split certificates' which causes inconvenience to both the transferor and transferee and therefore, in practice, generally, 'Certification of Transfer’ is considered desirable. On all the Stock Exchanges, “Certified Transfer” is recognized as equivalent to a “Transfer Form” plus the relevant Share Certificate. i.e. CERTIFIED TRANSFER SHARE TRANSFER = FORM (+) CERTIFICATE Such certification would not in any way guarantee the title of the transferor, but the company shall be responsible to the third party, acting bona-fide on the certification of transfer, for damages, if it was issued by the company negligently or fraudulently.


Section 112, sub-section 3 says that:-

An instrument of transfer shall be deemed to be certified if it bears the words 'Certificate Lodged' or words to that effect.

The certification of an instrument of transfer shall be deemed to be made by a company, if -

• the person issuing the certificated instrument is a person authorized to issue such instruments of transfer on the company's behalf; and

• the certification is signed by any officer or servant of the company or any other person authorized to certificate transfers on the company's behalf, or if a body corporate has been authorized, by any officer or servant of that body corporate.

A certification shall be deemed to be signed by the person whose signature appears on the instrument unless it is shown that the signature was placed there neither by himself nor by any other person authorized to use the signature for the purpose of certificating transfers on behalf of the company.


Θ For certification of transfer, the transferor executes the instrument of transfer and presents it along with the relevant share certificate to the Company;

Θ After a preliminary scrutiny, the Company Secretary stamps the instrument of transfer with a rubber Certification Stamp in the left hand corner, and puts his signature;

Θ At the same time the Secretary cancels the original share certificate by affixing a rubber stamp bearing the word, 'Cancelled' on the face of it and makes a note of the relevant facts, namely, date of certification, name of transferee, number of shares transferred, etc., on the back of the cancelled share certificate;

Θ These particulars of the certified transfer are also entered in a 'Register of Certified Transfers';

Θ After Certification of Transfer, the Company Secretary sends the Certified Transfer Form(s) and a Balance Ticket (for the balance of shares not to be transferred) to the transferor;

Θ In case the shareholder disposes of the whole of his holdings to two or more transferees, no 'Balance Ticket' is issued;

Θ The transferor retains the 'Balance Ticket' and forwards the 'Certified Transfer Form' to the transferee, who then signs it and delivers the same to the Company's registered office for registration;

Θ In the due course, after observing the necessary formalities as mentioned earlier, the Company Secretary will prepare 2 (two) share certificates which will be issued to the transferor and the transferee.


If the joint shareholders want splitting of their joint holding of shares and registering them in their individual names, they have to follow the procedure prescribed for transfer of shares. An instrument of transfer properly stamped and completed is necessary for registering the transfer in each case, as converting a joint holding into a separate holding is essentially a transfer from joint ownership into individual ownership.

The instrument of transfer will have to be executed by all the joint holders as transferors and by the individual in whose name the shares are to be registered as the transferee.


As regards the rights and the liabilities of the transferor of shares, Lindley, L.J., observed "when a member transfers his shares, he transfers all his rights and obligations as a shareholder as from date of the transfer. He does not transfer the dividends already announced nor does he transfer his liability in respect to the calls already made; but he transfers his rights to future payments and in respect of future calls."

But with concern to the Company, transfer does not take effect unless it is registered during the period when transfer exists and if registration is not done, the transferee is liable to indemnify the transferor against future calls paid by him in respect to the shares and the transferor must pay any dividend to the transferee he may have received. The party can modify this by agreeing to transfer the shares "Cum-dividend" (with dividend) or "Ex-dividend" (without dividend).

The provisions of Section 27 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 states that it shall be lawful for the person whose name appears in the books of the company as the holder of the securities to receive any dividend declared by the company in respect thereof for any year, even if the transfer of shares has already taken place, unless the transferee who claims the dividend from the transferor, has lodged the security & all other documents relating to the transfer with the company for registered within 15 days of the due date of the dividend.


A new Section 206A has been inserted in the Companies (Amendment) Act,1988, with a view to protect the investors and their interests.

This provides that in case of share transfers pending registration, the dividend accruing on such shares shall be transferred to the "Unpaid Dividend Account" (referred in Section 205A) unless the transferor authorizes the company in writing to pay the same to the transferee specified in such instrument of transfer. The company shall also keep in abeyance in relation to such shares the offer of "right shares" and issue of fully paid bonus shares until the transfer is registered.

SHARE TRANSFER AUDIT CONSIDERING REGISTRATION OF TRANSFER, AS ONE OF ITS PART The Registration of Transfer of Shares is one of the areas which have to be constantly monitored by the Company Secretary in a Company. This is one area where the investors have interaction with the Company and also judge its functioning. By not caring or not paying proper attention to the work connected with registration of transfers the Company will have disgruntled shareholders. Naturally this will create a bad impression on them and consequently the image of the Company will suffer. Under Section 108 of the Companies Act, 1956 a Company cannot register a transfer unless proper instrument of transfer duly stamped and executed by or on behalf of the transferor any by and on behalf of the transferee and specifying the name, address and occupation, if any, of the transferee is delivered to the Company with the certificate relating to the security involved in transfer or where no certificate is in existence, along with the letter of allotment of the security concerned. The transfer deed will have to be in Form 7B appended to the Companies (Central Government’s) General Rules and Forms, 1956. If the transfer deed relates to transfer of shares it should be stamped with the date by the Registrar of Companies or other officials authorized in this behalf by the Central Government before anything is written on it. The transfer deed so stamped is valid for lodgement in the case of a listed company within 12 months of the date so stamped or first closure of the register of members after it is so dated-stamped, whichever is later. In the case of an unlisted company it is valid for lodgement within two months of the date so stamped. The date-stamping requirement is not applicable in relation to the transfer deed executed for transfer of debentures or other securities in a company, that is, applicable only to shares. Transfer deed duly executed for the registration of a transfer of the shares or other interest of a member in a company may be submitted either by the transferor or by the “transferee”, together with the relevant share certificates. Where the validity period of an instrument of transfer has expired namely, the instrument is beyond 12 months from the date of presentation to the prescribed authority or from the date of book closure whichever is later in case of shares of a listed company, and in any other case 2 months from the date of presentation, the holder may make an application in Form 7C to the Registrar of Companies requesting for extension in validity, along with requisite fee based on the nominal value of shares. Under Section 113 of the Companies Act, 1956, a company is required to deliver the certificate within two months after the application for registration of transfer of shares. Generally, the practice is to send the certificate to the person who lodged the transfer in question with the company or as per the instructions at the time of lodgement of the transfer deed for registration. Also as seen in Jagatjit Industries Ltd. And others v. Mohan Meakins Ltd. and others (1991) 6 CLA 22 (CLB).

While the period of two months will generally be applicable to companies for return of certificates relating to a security after registration of transfer of security, in the case of listed company this period has been curtailed to one month by virtue of a provision in the Listing Agreement where under companies have agreed to return the certificates within one month of the date of lodgement for transfer { vide Clause 3(c) of the Listing Agreement [LA] }.


1. The transfer deed is duly stamped and executed both by the transferor and the transferee.

2. The signature of the transferee must tally with the specimen recorded with the Company. In cases where it is not tallied the Company shall satisfy itself to the fullest before making such transfer and the signature of the transferor in the share transfer form must be witnessed by other person, giving his name, signature and address. {Also see Circular No. 3/93 F. No. 3/4/92 dated 22nd March 1993 issued by the Department of Company Affairs and also Circular No. 10/93 file no. 3/4/92-CL.V, dated 13.08.1993}

3. Where the instrument is executed by a person other than transferor or transferee named in instrument, on behalf of transferor or the transferee, the document authorizing the executants to execute the instrument of transfer must be obtained by the Company. If the transferor is a body corporate, it should be ensured that a Board Resolution of the transferor has been passed and proper authority has been given by the Board of Directors to the person signing as the transferor on behalf of the Company.

4. The share transfer form must be complete as regards other particulars that is, name, address, occupation etc. of transferee.

5. Share certificate or if no such certificate is in existence the letter of allotment of shares shall be delivered along with the instrument.

6. Share transfer form is presented in the time limit for delivery of instrument, together with related certificates, in compliance with Section 108 of the Companies Act, 1956.

7. If the transferee is a company then before registering the transfer it should be seen with reference to the Objects clause of the Memorandum of Association of the company concerned whether it is one of the objects of the company to make investments in the securities of other companies and the investment is properly authorized by the Board of Directors under Section 292 and, if applicable, under Section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956 and appropriate delegation has been given in favor of the person who has signed the transfer deed. In Jagatjit Industries Ltd. and others v. Mohan Meakins Ltd.

and others (1991) 6 CLA 22 (CLB) companies need not indicate occupation in the relevant column of the transfer deed.

8. Any restriction is/was at any time imposed on the transfer of shares, whether by the Articles or under any provision of the Act.

9. In case of lost of signed transfer deed, the same stamp is affixed on the written application, where in the Board may, if it thinks fit, register the transfer on suitably terms of indemnity.

10. In case of application made by the transferor relating to partly paid shares, check whether the company has given due notice of application to the transferee and whether the transferee has raised any objection (if any) within two weeks from the date of receipt of the said notice.

11. Check whether both the transferor and the transferee are entered as beneficial owners in the records of a depository in which case the provisions of Section 108 do not apply.

12. The share transfer is in violation of provisions of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997.

13. In case of a listed company wherein the Share Transfer Agents (STA) processes the company’s share transfer work, it is to be checked whether they have followed the guidelines issued by various market intermediaries including general norms for processing of documents, norms for processing of transfers and norms for objection.

14. As provided and issued by SEBI vide D&CC/FITTC/Cir-15/2002 dated 27.12.2002 , to check whether all the work related to share registry in terms of both physical and electronic form is maintained by the Company at a single point, that is, either in house by the Company or by a SEBI registered Registrar and Transfer



An additional requirement suggested is that a listed company should insist on the RTA to produce to it a certificate from a Practicing Company Secretary that all transfers have been completed within the stipulated time.

Clauses 3 (c) and 6 of the Listing Agreement mainly deal with the subject matter of the certification (that is issue of certificate and certify transfers and others)

Apart from this various other clauses like Clause 7,8,10,11,12,12A,13,14,15,16,17,21,23,24,34,47 in the Listing agreement cover the gamut of Share Transfer.

It is a general rule that a Company Secretary is required to verify in respect of each transfer lodged with the Company, whether the relative certificate has been dispatched after making endorsements of transfers within the stipulated time, BUT it may not be always physically possible for a Company Secretary to verify each and every transfer deed, particularly in case of a Company whose shares are frequently traded and the volume of transfers is large. In such cases, the Company Secretary while going through the systems and procedures in place with regard to transfer of shares, consolidation, renewal or exchange of securities and for endorsement of call assess the extent to which he has to verify the facts for the purpose of the certification. Transfer in respect of deficient transfer, return or reference to the lodger should also be done within a period of one month from the date of lodgement of transfer deeds. There should not be any delay in this regard.

For Example if the Company Secretary is convinced of the adequacy of the systems and procedures, he mat decide to have a random or test check and decide to issue a certificate based on such check. However, if the Company Secretary comes across any deficiencies during such check, he/she must undertake complete check of all the transfers.


As regards return of transfer deeds the certificate need not contain individual details in regard to transfers returned or retained for making good deficiencies therein. It would be enough if all such transfers are grouped deficiency-wise and the deficiencies largely fall under any one or more of the following:-

• Deficiency in stamping; • Transfer signature differs; • Restraint order by competent authority on registration of transfer; • Non-approval of transfers by a proper Government authority; • Transfers infringing the provisions of laws, rules or regulations; • Various securities are sought to be transferred through a single instrument; and • Others

It is possible that all completed transfers received upto the date of certificate have not been given effect to and the certificates dispatched before that date. The certificate, should therefore, also mention the number of transfers pending for registration.


When the instrument of transfer duly signed and completed by the transferor, leaving the name and signature of the transferee blank, is delivered to the transferee along with the relevant share certificate, it is called a "Blank Transfer."

In order to curb the abuse inherent in the system of blank transfers, Section 108 (1-A) of the Amending Act, 1965, has the following procedure for transfer of shares with respect to restrict the period of currency/recurrence of blank transfers:-

1. Every instrument should be in the prescribed form and is to be presented to the Registrar of Companies before it is signed by the transferor or any entry is made therein, who will stamp thereon the date of presentation.

2. The instrument so stamped, after it is completed in all other respects by the transferor and transferee, be delivered to the company for registration within the period stated below:-

In the case of shares dealt in or quoted on a recognized stock exchange, at any time before the first closure of the Register of Members after the stamped date, or within 12 months from the date of such presentation, whichever is later; and

In the case of unlisted shares, within 2 months from the date of presentation to the prescribed authority.

EXCEPTIONS, IN SOME CASES It must be noted that blank transfers are not negotiable instrument, and therefore, a bona-fide purchaser of shares from a person who is in possession of them by fraud, does not acquire a good title to them. In relevance with Section 108(1-C) and (1-D), the restriction of time limits mentioned above doesn’t apply to the transfer of following shares:-

Θ Any shares, (i) which are held by a company in the name of a director or nominee in pursuance of Section 49(2) & (3), or (ii) which are held by a corporation, owned and controlled by the Government, in the name of a director or nominee, If the following conditions are fulfilled—

(a) The company or corporation, as the case may be, stamps on the form of transfer in respect of such shares, the date on which it decides that such shares shall not be held in the name of the director or nominee; and

(b) The instrument of transfer, duly completed in all respects is delivered to the concerned Company for registration within two months of the date so stamped.

Θ Any shares deposited by any person with State Bank Of India, or any scheduled bank, or any other banking company or financial institution, or the Government or a corporation owned and controlled by the Government,

by way of security for the repayment of any loan or advance to, or for the performance of any obligation undertaken by, such person, if the following conditions are fulfilled:

(a) The depositee stamps on the form of transfer of such shares-

(i) the date on which such shares are returned by it to the depositor, or

(ii) in the case of default on the part of the depositor, the date on which such shares are released for sale, or

(iii) where the depositee intends to get such shares registered in its own name, the date on which the instrument of transfer relating to such shares is executed by it;


(b) The instrument in such form, duly completed in all respects, is delivered to the company for registration within two months of the date so stamped.

Θ Any shares which are held by the Central or State Government in the name of its nominee, except that every instrument of transfer in respect of any such shares shall be in the prescribed form. The Central Government has been empowered to give extension in time limit for any period/ or such further time as it may deem fit.

FORGED TRANSFER Features of such a transfer can be enumerated as under:-

☼ When an instrument of transfer bears a forged signature of the rightful owner, it is known as a “Forged Transfer”;

☼ It is null and void even if it is registered by the Company; Exception to its being null and void is -- if in the meantime, the share certificate is transferred subsequently to another person, who acquires the shares in good faith, for value and under a genuine transfer, by the first transferee, and the company registers this and issues a new certificate to him, the company is stopped from denying the title, since the share certificate is prima facie evidence of the title. Company’s action on the fraud -- The Company is in two minds now since on one hand the company on discovery of the fraud has to restore the name of the true owner and on the other it has to compensate the subsequent transferee, who was acting on genuine transfer. The damages will be the market value of those shares at that time. The Company can claim the indemnity from the defrauded transferee. Any person claiming damages must prove that he sustained losses by acting on faith of a share certificate issued by the Company.

DEPOSITORY SYSTEM AND ITS FEATURES The Government of India enacted the Depositories Act,1996 –

In order to do away with theft, mismatch of signature, huge paperwork and other irregularities; And

To provide a legal framework to set up depositories to record the ownership details of securities and affecting the transfer of securities through book entry only. In this system transfer of shares and other securities does not take place physically but by mere book entry in the ledgers of the Depository.

This Act states that the agents of each depository will be called as 'Participants' who will be a link between the investors and the depository. An investor will have to enter into an agreement with the depository through a participant and surrender his shares to the company concerned. The company cancels the name of the investor and enters the name of the depository and informs the depository and on receiving this information the depository enters the name of investor as beneficial owner and so the investor enjoys all the rights and is subject to all the liability. For transfer the investor will intimate the participant who in turn informs the depository. The depository thus deletes the name of the investor and records the name of transferee.

With regard to the transfer under depository system Section 108 of the Companies Act,1956 are dispensed with.

Its features can be dealt as under –

Partial dematerialization of securities -- The investor can go in for complete or partial dematerialization, that is, he can have a part of his securities under the depository system and the remaining part will be in the physical form.

Securities will be fungible -- Sections 83, 150 and 152 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been amended to make the securities fungible. Now the securities held with a depository will have no distinctive identifiable numbers and all the certificates of the same security will become interchangeable.

It would become freely transferable -- The securities issued by a Public company(other than a deemed public company) have been made freely transferable under the Depositories Act. This Act has deleted Section 22A of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and inserted a new Section 111A in the Companies Act.

No stamp duty -- Within the depository system there is no stamp duty on transfer of shares but outside the depository there is. It is claimed that this system will enhance the efficiency and also provide huge benefits to the investors as well.


Share Transfer form for transferring Physical shares in an organization is shown in (FIGURE 1.)




Share Transfer Form

[Pursuant to section 108(IA)1]

Date of presentation of the prescribed authority

For the consideration stated below the "Transferor(s)" named do hereby transfer to the “Transferee(s)”named the shares specified below subject to the conditions on which the shares are now held by the transferor(s) and transferee(s) do hereby agree to accept and hold said shares subject to the conditions aforesaid.



No in figures Number in words Consideration (in figures)

Consideration (in words)_

Distinctive From

Number To

Corresponding Certificate Nos.


Folio No. Signature(s)

Name (s) in full








4. .

Signature of Witness


I, hereby attest the signature of the transferor(s) herein mentioned




*Please see overleaf instruction


Name & Address of witness



Name (s) in full






3. .





Transferee(s) existing Folio, if any, in same Order of Names

Value of stamps affixed


DATED This ……………. Day Of ……………….. One Thousand Nine Hundred ……………PLACE……………

For office use only

Checked by

Signatures tallied by

Entered in Register of transfer No

Approval Date..


Specimen Signature(S) of Transferee(s)

Company Code

1. 2. 3. .

Continuation of front page (Herein enter the Distinctive numbers when the space on the front page is found to be insufficient)

Distinctive From

Number To

Corresponding Certificate Nos.


Attestation, where required (thumb impressions, marks, signature difference, etc.) should be done by a Magistrate, Notary Public or Special Executive Magistrate or a similar authority holding a Public Office and authorised to use the Seal of his office or a member of a recognised Stock Exchange through whom the shares are introduced or a manager of the transferor's bank.


Names must be rubber stamped preferably in a straight line. Chronological order should be maintained. Broker's Clearing Number should be stated when delivery is given by a Clearing Member Bank.

Name of delivery Broker or Clearing Number



Registered with the company

No. ………………………………… date ………………………………….


(Signature [not initials] of Broker, Bank, Company or Stock Exchange Clearing House}

LODGED BY...........................……………………………………………..

FULL ADDRESS…………………………………………………………….




(Fill in the name and address to which the certificates are required to be returned)

NAME & ADDRESS ………………………………………………………..




* To be filled only if the documents are lodged by a person other than the transferee.


Transmission of Shares is the result of operation of law and it takes place on-

Death; Insolvency ; or Lunacy

Of the Shareholder.


☼ Transfer is by a deliberate Act; While, Transmission is by Operation of Law. OTHERS ARE MENTIONED AS BELOW IN FIG. 2 FIGURE 2.



EXECUTION Requires Execution of Formal Instrument of Transfer.

Requires Evidence showing the legal entitlement.

CONSIDERATION Adequate consideration is required.

No question of consideration arises or is needed.

STAMP DUTY Stamp duty is payable in transfer of shares.

No Stamp Duty is to be paid when transmission of shares is done.


There are two alternatives open to the legal representative to get the shares transmitted in his or her name —

Either he may get himself registered as the member , or, he may transfer the shares to some other person.

If he chooses the first option then the company will check the genuineness of the share certificates and the succession certificate and if satisfied the company will delete the name of the deceased member and include the name of the legal representative and issue fresh share certificate to him.

If he chooses option two, he can follow the usual process for transfer of shares but he has to attach one more document with the transfer form, that is, the Succession Certificate. If the company refuses to register the transmission then the 'Right of Appeal' to the Company Law Board is available to the legal representative.


The Secretarial Duties attached with the Company Secretary in the Transmission of Shares are:

1. The Company Secretary has to check up that the 'Letter of Request' is a proper one. Letter of Request is the request of legal representative to register his name in place of the deceased subject to the conditions on which the deceased held the shares.

2. He has to ensure that satisfactory proof of title has been attached to the Letter of Request. He should also see the 'Letter of Probate' if the member had died testate, that is, leaving a 'will,' or the 'Letter of Administration' if the member has died intestate. In case of bankruptcy, his estate is vested to the Assignee appointed by the Court and in case of lunacy; his estate is vested to the Administrator appointed by the Court. The Secretary must check that the Administrator has produced the documentary proof of their appointment from a competent Court.

3. If the legal representative has to transfer the shares, he must attach either 'Probate', 'Succession Certificate' or 'Letter of Administration' with the 'Instrument of Transfer.' On receipt of proper 'Instrument of Transfer' the duties of a Secretary are same as in transfer of shares.

4. Finally, the Company Secretary should convene a Board meeting to pass the resolution and thereafter he should introduce necessary alteration in Share Certificates and Register of Members. He should enter the details of the Probate, Letters of Administration, Succession Certificates in the Register of Probates.


The Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999 introduced nomination facility by inserting a new sub section (11) in Section 58A and two new Sections 109A and 109B which provides:-

1. The member nominates a person to whom his shares and debentures are given in the event of death of the member.

2. The Joint holders of the shares nominate a person to whom their shares are given in the event of the death of all the members.

3. Such nomination will supersede any 'will' or disposition, whether testamentary or otherwise.

4. It can be cancelled or varied by the security holder at any time.

5. Where the nominee is a minor, the security holder nominates another person who takes care of the shares till the nominee attains majority in the event of the death of security holder during the minority of the nominee.


The shareholder has to make nomination in Form 2B prescribed by Rule 5D of the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules And Forms, (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2000 which states:

Nomination can be done only by single holder or joint holder and not by any corporate body;

If held jointly, all the joint holders have to sign the nomination form; Nomination should be made in favor of individuals only; Minor can be nominated, but during minority of the nominee, all the rights are exercised

by the guardian. Nomination stands rescinded upon transfer of shares; The Nomination Form is filled in duplicate with the Company or Registrar & Share

Transfer Agents of the Company who will return one copy to the shareholder; No fee is payable to the Company.

The rights of nominee after transmission are similar to the rights of legal representative after transmission.


On the death of the shareholder, who has availed the facility of nomination, the transmission of shares to the nominee takes place. The rights of the nominee after transmission are governed by the provisions of Section 109B, of Companies Act, 1956 which are as follows:

1. The nominee may either get himself registered as the shareholder or may transfer the shares to some other person. If he does not opt for any of these options the Board of Directors send a notice asking for a decision. If he does not revert back or comply within 90 days of the notice, the company may withhold the payment of dividend, bonus or any other moneys payable, until the requirements have been complied with.

2. In case the nominee elects to be registered as the shareholder himself, he will send a notice in writing for the same to the company along with the relevant share & the death certificate.

3. In case the nominee opts to transfer the shares, he will have to follow the usual procedure of transfer of shares, but along with the death certificate.



A. RECEIPT 1. Serial Number 6 characters 2. Acknowledgement/Receipt Number issued,

including for postal lots 7 characters 3. Date of lodgement of Transfer Deeds 6 characters 4. Transfer deed number 7 characters 5. Transferee’s name (First Name) 40 characters 6. Number of Shares 7 characters


1. Date of Transfer 6 characters 2. Objection memo, if any, sent on 6 characters 3. Duly transferred certificates delivered on 6 characters 4. Regd. Post details (Regn. No. and date) 6 characters


1. Delivered within 30 days (YES/NO) 3 characters 2. Delivered beyond 30 days (YES/NO) 3 characters 3. Reasons for delay 15 characters


1. The Register should be authenticated by the secretary or a person authorized by the Board in this regard.

2. Register containing particulars mentioned above should be produced by RTA/ In-house Share Department to the Company Secretary in Whole-Time Practice for checking.

3. RRTI Circular No. 1 (94-95) dated 11th October,1994 issued by the Priority Market Department, Securities and Exchange Board of India has prescribed records and documents to be maintained by the RTA. The records maintained by RTA should be inter-linked so as to ascertain the movement of documents and time taken in transfer etc. and dispatch of the scrips to the investors.


(for a period of six months example taken as 1st April 2008 to 30th September 2008)



{Address with Pin code}

Re: Compliance of Clause 47-C of Listing Agreement.

I have examined all Share Transfer Deeds, Memorandum of Transfers, Register, files

and other documents relating to M/S. (NAME OF THE COMPANY) pertaining to

Transfer of Equity Shares of the Company for the period from 1st April 2008 to 30th

September 2008 for the purpose of issuing a Certificate as per Clause 47(c) of the

Listing Agreement entered into by M/S. (NAME OF THE COMPANY) with the Stock

Exchange, Mumbai and based on the information provided by the company, I hereby

certify that the company has delivered during half year ended on 30th September


(a) Share certificate relating to Share Transfer Deeds received during the period

from 1st April 2008 to 30th September 2008 as entered in the Memorandum

of Transfers have been issued within one month from respective date of

lodgement of each deed excepting those rejected on technical grounds.

(b) the Register of Members of the Company is accordingly amended and shares

are transferred in favour of the transferees.

For, {Name of the CS}

Place: Ahmedabad

Date: October 2008

FIGURE 5. CIRCULAR NO. 3/93 (3/4/92-CL.V) DATED 22ND MARCH 1993 ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPANY AFFAIRS ----- REFUSAL TO REGISTER TRANSFER OF SHARES – SECTION 108 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 It has been brought to the notice of this Department that certain companies are returning instruments of transfer without effecting transfer of shares in the name of the transferees on frivolous grounds inter alia that the specimen signatures of the transferor doesn’t tally with that on record, inspite of the fact that the transfer forms bear attestation of the magistrate, etc. In this connection, it may be stated that as per instructions below the prescribed share transfer form (No. 7-B) “attestation, where required, of thumb impression, marks, signature etc, should be done by a magistrate, notary public or special executive magistrate or a similar authority holding a public office or a member of recognized Stock Exchange through whom the shares are introduced or a member of the transferor’s bank”. Further the guidance of good or bad delivery issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs vide their Circular No. 1/10/SE/83 dated 21st July 1983 also provide a similar requirement. You are , therefore , requested to advise your constituent member companies to follow the aforesaid instructions scrupulously and to effect transfer of shares within the period prescribed under section 113 of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Listing Guidelines.


☼ It was common for companies to provide that the directors could at their absolute and uncontrolled discretion decline to register any transfer of shares. However, it was held by the Supreme Court in the case of Bajaj Auto Limited vs. NK Firodia, AIR 1971 SC321 that: "... In the exercise of that discretion the directors will act for the paramount interest of the company and for the general interest of the shareholders.''

In the case of Bajaj Auto Limited vs. Company Law Board, AIR 1999 SC345, it was reiterated by the Supreme Court that the power of the board of directors to refuse registration of transfer of shares must be in the company's interest and the general body of share holders. It was further held in this latest case that: ` the case of a public limited company, an important right of share holder is to be able to sell his shares at a favorable price. It is seldom in the interest of the general body of shareholders that transfer of shares be refused as that will have an adverse impact on the market price of shares." However, the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 which prescribe the manner in which a person can acquire more than five per cent shares of a listed company (by filing disclosures to the company) or more than 15 per cent shares of a company (by making a public announcement of his intention) continue to be valid. Thus, while a company does not now have a right to refuse registration of transfer of shares, a substantial acquirer of shares will have to follow the procedure as mentioned in the said regulations, which is mainly aimed at ensuring greater transparency in the substantial acquisition of shares and the takeovers of companies.

Consequently, the investors now will not have to fear much about any probable refusal of registration of transfer of shares by a public company. Transfer of shares can be expected to be more transparent now.

☼ Court : High Court of Madras

Brief : : Section 111A of the Companies Act, 1956 - Transfer of shares - Rectification of register on - Whether amendment made to section 111A(3) by Depositories Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997, with effect from 15-1-1997 is only prospective in nature - Held, yes - Whether by amendment to section 111A(3) with effect from 15-1-1997, bringing within fold of section 111A(3) ‘other laws’ violation also, apart from already enumerated Acts, one more ground for rectification before CLB was added, viz., violation of other laws; amendment does not do away with already existing common law right available to aggrieved person as regards violation of other laws in force; post amendment, both common law and statutory remedies are concurrent remedies available leaving open an element of election to parties concerned - Held, yes The respondents-petitioners had filed company petitions on 17-9-1997, seeking rectification of the register of members in respect of transactions of share transfer in violation of the Companies Act having taken place in years 1992, 1993 and 1994, i.e., prior to the amendment to section 111A(3) with effect from 15-1-

1997. The CLB dismissed the petition for want of jurisdiction and held that the petitioners had to avail civil remedy alone. However, in view of the amendment made with effect from 15-1-1997 and having regard to the fact that as on the date of dismissal of the petition, the amendment had already come into effect, the petitioners again sought intervention before the CLB. The petitioners submitted that change effected in sub-section (3) of section 111A by addition of words ‘any other law for the time being in force’ is retrospective and, hence, the petition was maintainable. The appellant objected against maintainability of the said petition on ground of limitation. The CLB held that there was no undue delay in moving the petition and admitted same for consideration on merits. In appeal, the appellant-submitted that in terms of the amended section 111A(3), the CLB had no inherent powers to exercise the jurisdiction condoning the delay beyond the limitation prescribed; and the amendment being prospective, any transfer effected much prior to the introduction of amendment in contravention of ‘any other law for the time being in force’ under the amendment effected in 1997 and beyond two months limitation would not be covered under section 111A(3).

Citation: NEPC Micon Ltd. v. Sashi Prakash Khemka


The Depositories Act, 1996 brought about comprehensive changes in the matter relating to transfer of securities by introducing amendments to various related statutes like the Companies Act, the Indian Stamp Act, the Income-tax Act, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act. Prior to the enactment of the Depositories Act, 1996, two remedies were available to the aggrieved investors as regards the transfer of shares or debentures of a public or a private company to appeal to the Central Government under section 111 or to appeal before the High Court for rectification under section 155. The provision of section 155 relating to the power of the Court to rectify was omitted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1998 with effect from 31-5-1991. The same was incorporated in section 111 and the avenue of relief through rectification was directed to the CLB. Sub-section (14) was added to section 111 consequent to the amendment introduced by the Depositories Act, 1996 as per which for the purpose of section 111, a company shall mean a private company including a private company declared as a public company under section 43A. [Para 2] Section 111A was inserted by the Depositories Act, 1996, with effect from 20-9-1995, to exclusively deal with public companies. The Depositories Act, 1996 made substantial amendments, wherein section 111A was inserted to provide for the free transferability of shares and debentures of a public company other than the private company or a deemed public company under section 43A. Thus, all public companies came to be covered under section 111A on and from 20-9-1995. Sub-section (2) provided for free transfer of shares or debentures and any interest in a company. The proviso to sub-section (2) was inserted by the Depositories Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997, with effect from 15-1-1997, to provide a remedy of appeal to the aggrieved party to approach the CLB, in

cases, where without sufficient cause a company refused to register the shares within two months from the date on which the instrument of the transfer was delivered to the company. The CLB was empowered to direct such company to register the transfer of shares. [Para 3] Sub-section 3 of section 111A was substituted by the Depositories Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997, with effect from 15-1-1997. The words ‘or any other law for the time being in force’ were added with effect from 15-1-1997, so as to include contravention of any other Acts also, apart from the SEBI Act, 1992, and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 as subject-matter for preferring a rectification petition. The sub-section provides for appealing to the CLB for rectification within two months from the date of transfer of any shares or debentures held by a depository, etc., or from the date on which the instrument of transfer or the intimation of transmission was delivered to the company, as the case may be. [Para 5] The introduction of provision of rectification, however, does not do away with a civil remedy. [Para 6] The question, in the instant appeal, related to the availability of the jurisdiction under section 111A(3) with reference to the time-limit prescribed therein in respect of transfers, that had taken place prior to the introduction of the provision. An aggrieved party has the right to elect the forum to exercise his common law right to move the civil court to vindicate the grievances or invoke the statutory right to move the CLB for relief. The position after the deletion of section 155, and the insertion of section 111 or 111A is no different from what prevailed earlier. Applying article 137 of the Limitation Act, where there is no time-limit fixed elsewhere, the period of limitation to invoke common law right will be three years. Hence, it is a matter of election for the party aggrieved to invoke the forum and it is the discretion for the CLB to exercise the jurisdiction depending on its view on the complexity of the issue before it. [Para 7] Legislation in modern state is directed with some policy to effectuate some public benefit and to cure or curb a menace. The normal rule of interpretation is that every statute or amendment to the statute is prospective prima facie, unless it is expressly or by necessary implication made to have retrospective operation. Hence, it is not necessary to give retrospectivity to the statute only through express provision. Equally, the rule against retrospective construction is not applicable as a general proposition, merely because a part of the requisites for its action is drawn from facts antecedent in point of time to its passing of the enactment. [Para 16] In all cases, primarily, the language employed is the determinative factor of the legislative intent. It is said that the first and the primary rule of construction is that

the intention of the Legislature must be found in the words used by the legislation itself. [Para 17] The issue on the retrospective character of the amendment assumed significance further by reason of the limitation provided for in the amendment. It has been held that law relating to forum and limitation is procedural in nature, yet, the law relating to the rights of action and right of appeal, even though remedial, is substantive in character. [Para 18] In the background of these principles, one has to look at the amendment brought forth to section 111A with effect from 15-1-1997, as to whether the inclusion of any other law for the time being in force with limitation of two months prescribed in section 111A has to be read as a retrospective provision with limitation prescribed therein read down to cover cases of violations or breach under any other law for the time being in force happening prior to the introduction of the amendment falling beyond the period of limitation, but which are otherwise alive within the limitation period for common law remedy. [Para 19] It is an admitted fact that right to file a petition for rectification was a statutory right as well as a common law remedy one available under section 155 originally to come before the High Court or in a given case to move the civil court for that matter. The amendment in 1991 to section 111, however, resulted in the provisions of section 155 taken to section 111. Consequently, with the introduction of section 111, apart from statutory remedy before the High Court, common law remedy is also a remedy available to be pursued as a matter of choice. Thus, section 111, as it stood from 31-5-1991, covered cases of public limited companies as well as private limited companies. The jurisdiction held by the Court under the provisions of section 111 is a summary jurisdiction. Serious disputes as regards questions raised within the peripheral field of rectification necessarily need to be adjudicated only before the civil court in a manner known to law. However, where the Court feels that the question of civil rights or title, denial of transaction or certain basic facts that need enquiry touching on the rights to be a member, are not capable for decision to be considered in a summary manner and, hence, claim does not call for a rectification but demands adjudication on basic facts, the Court can exercise its discretion to direct the party to seek relief before the civil forum. The settled position of law, hence, is that exercise of jurisdiction under section 111 is confined only to those cases where the Court can appropriately decide the question raised therein in exercise of summary jurisdiction. Where the application raises complicated question of law or disputed question of law or title, the Court has to consider the facts and issues raised therein to exercise its discretion to grant the relief or direct the parties to file a suit. As such, the jurisdiction of the civil court is not completely barred.

Subsequent to the insertion of section 111A with effect from 20-9-1995 by the Depositories Act, 1996, the private limited companies, deemed public companies under section 43A, came under the exclusive consideration of section 111, as is evident from sub-section (14). This means on and from 20-9-1995, remedies relating to the public companies came to be covered only under section 111A. Sub-section (2) provided that the shares or debentures or any interest therein of a company shall be freely transferable. Sub-section (3) provided for rectification by the Company Law Board on an application made by a depository, company, participant or investor in the case of contravention of any other provisions of the SEBI Act or the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. The introduction of proviso with effect from 15-1-1997, by the Depositories Related Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997, cured the lacunae as regards the appeal remedy as well as the scope of the rectification remedy. [Para 20] The Amendment Act substituted with effect from 15-1-1997, the original sub-section (3) by addition of words ‘any other law for the time being in force’ so as to include contravention of the provisions of the Companies Act, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and other applicable law enabling the aggrieved party to seek rectification before the Company Law Board. The result of this amendment is that the right to seek the rectification remedy for violation of the provisions of the Companies Act or any other law for the time being in force, hitherto a common law right came to be recognised as a statutory remedy with effect from 15-1-1997. It also shows that till the date of amendment and for the period between 20-1-1995 to 15-1-1997, the only remedy available to an aggrieved person as regards the violations of any other law for the time being in force is a civil remedy alone. Hence, till 15-1-1997, as far as the rectification remedy for violation of the Companies Act or for that matter any other law for the time being in force is concerned, the aggrieved party did have a remedy, the only remedy, viz., under common law governed by general law of limitation. The Amendment Act of 1997 merely gave a statutory recognition of the common law right to approach the CLB even in respect of breach or violation of any other law for the time being in force. [Para 21] In the context of gap existing in the interregnum period since 1995 to 1997, question arose whether the retrospective operation should be given to this provision by reason of substitution brought to the Depositories Related (Amendment) Act, 1997, which was given effect from 15-1-1997. The Supreme Court, in Zile Singh v. State of Haryana [2004] 8 SCC 1, held that every statute is prima facie prospective one, and the presumption against retrospective operation is not applicable to declaratory nature of the Act, regard must be had to the substance rather than to the form. [Para 22] Keeping in mind the said principle of construction, if one looks at section 111A(3) particularly to the amendment by substitution with effect from 15-1-1997, the fact

is clear that a statutory remedy of rectification to public limited companies in respect of violations under the laws for the time being in force was introduced with effect from 15-1-1997 only. By such introduction one more ground for rectification before the CLB was added, viz., violation of other laws. It does not do away with the already existing common law right. It must be noted that section 111A was inserted by the Depositories Act, 1996, with effect from 20-9-1995. Under the same Act, section 22A of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act was repealed, thus, making free transfer of shares of the public company possible. The jurisdiction for rectification as contemplated under section 111A(3) was restricted to violations of the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, alone. However, considering the fact that violations of other laws also may demand a rectification in a given set of facts, section 111A(3) was amended to widen the scope to invoke rectification provisions, thus, bringing within the fold of section 111A(3) other laws’ violations also, apart from the already enumerated Acts. An addition of a right by a statutory recognition to an already existing right merely enables an aggrieved party a choice of forum, the absence of which, hitherto up to 15-1-1997, could not be said to leave a person remediless. The jurisdiction under section 111A(3) for rectification is available only in cases of contravention as stated in the sub-section. Viewed from this aspect, including other Acts to come with him section 111A(3), a supplementary statutory right introduced under the amendment could at best be viewed as prospective and could not by any stretch be given a retrospective effect. In the light of the law declared by the Apex Court, in Government of India v. Indian Tobacco Association [2005] 7 SCC 396 and having regard to the object and the background as regards the availability of rights to the aggrieved person to invoke the common law remedy, there is no necessity to read retrospectivity to relax the limitation clause in the section. [Para 27] There is yet another aspect to it. Section 111A(3), prior to the Amendment Act, 1997, covered cases of violation falling under the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, which need to be petitioned within the time-limit of two months from the date of transfer of shares or debentures held by a depository or from the date on which the instrument of transfer or intimation of transfer was delivered to the company. If the limitation prescribed has to be given a liberal view in respect of action falling for consideration under the amended provision covering cases of breach of any other law for the time being in force falling well beyond the two months limitation taken right from the date of introduction of section 111A and even thereafter, anomalous and discordant notes as regards the provision of limitation would result in that while for violation of the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, the time limit would be two months, for other enactments, it would mean a liberal limitation not confining to a prescribed limit—a result totally unintended by the Legislature; an exercise leading to absurdity in interpretation. What is true of the principle of interpretation of statute to be read

as a whole and one provision of the Act construed with reference to other provisions of the Act to have a consistent enforcement of the whole statute is equally true of reading, the various clauses or aspects in the provision to avoid any repugnancy or inconsistency. The Court must choose the construction, which will be in accord with other parts of the section and avoid one which leads to absurdity, confusion, conflict and contradiction between the various provisions and parts of the section or which undermines or defeat or destroy the basis of the enactment. Hence, even applying the principle of maintaining harmony among the several parts of the section, one can only say that the statutory remedy under the amended provisions is available only subject to the limitation provided. The limitation, hence, cannot be relaxed on any notion of retrospectivity or a principle of fairness or treating the amendment as declaratory to have an implied retrospectivity. [Para 28] There is nothing in the Companies Act, expressly or by necessary implications barring the jurisdiction of civil court or abridging the common law right of a party. The jurisdiction of the CLB under section 111A(3) recognises a right under the provisions of the Companies Act to seek relief in summary manner for rectification, yet, at the same time, the common law right to file a petition is always available on the date as well as post the date when the amendment was brought forth. [Para 29] The appellants rightly contended that for rectification for violations of any other provisions of the Act till 1997 only a common law remedy was available. There was no statutory right. On and from January, 1997, only a pure and simple civil remedy as against the violation of other enactments has been recognised as a statutory remedy too, apart from the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. The restriction as regards the exercise of the right is subject to limitation, which was already there as regards the violation of the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act. As already considered, there was nothing in the section to show that the amendment has put an end to the common law right to leave the affected party remediless. Consequently, to this extent the reliance placed by the respondents on the case of New India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Smt. Shanti Misra [1977] 47 Comp. Cas. 453 was not sustainable. The situation which prompted the Apex Court to read retrospectivity as in the reported decision was not same as in the instant case, to read an implied retrospectivity. There is nothing in the objects to suggest that the Legislature intended to rope in violations of other laws irrespective of the time-limit to give a right under section 111A(3) to base the cause of action drawn from past events. The common law right, which was available for the period from 1995 to 1997, remains intact even after the amendment and the aggrieved party can assert that the right of filing a suit before the Court of competent jurisdiction is a right which continues even after the amendment. It must be noted that the amendment does not in any way whittle down or abrogate the common law

remedy. Post the amendment, both the common law and statutory remedies are concurrent remedies available leaving open an element of election to the parties concerned. The decision of the Supreme Court in Dhulabhai v. State of M.P. AIR 1969 SC 78, Raja Ram Kumar Bhargava v. Union of India [1988] 171 ITR 254/36 Taxman 368 (SC), is an authority for the proposition that if the pre-existing right in common law is recognised as a statutory right and a statutory remedy provided, there being no express exclusion of the civil court jurisdiction, both the common law remedy as well as statutory remedy remain available hand in hand leaving the choice to the aggrieved party to elect. [Part 37] Retrospectively is a matter which needs to be considered taking into account the objects, the purpose and the intention of the amendment and prejudice, if any, caused to the subject. The construction put on by the Company Law Board on section 111A overlooked the fact that the present provisions merely provide a forum of choice and that common law remedy continued to exist even after 1997 and with that right still available, the question of relaxation does not arise. [Para 38] The respondents submitted that even before the remedy for going to the new forum was made available, the law of limitation providing for a shorter period could not ring a death knell to an already existing right and, thus, the limitation provided therefor merited liberal construction given the object of the amendment. Supporting the view taken by the CLB, the respondents submitted that the amendment of 1997 could at best be read as clarificatory and, hence, retrospective in character. The apprehension stated supra on the effect of the shorter limitation on the right it was only imaginary. There was no basis for the same. Consequently, for the said reasons, the plea of the respondents could not be accepted. [Para 39] The order of the CLB, consequently, deserved to be reversed. The CLB fell into an error for the reason that the limitation provided completely wipes out the vested rights of the parties, which are alive as on the date of the amendment. The view that the change of forum being procedural, as such, rights of the parties as regards the violations relating to other laws prior to 1997, would be vindicated only before the CLB consequent on the amendment, overlooked the fact that the 1997 amendment does not take away the civil rights under common law. What is true of 1995 position as regards the SEBI Act and the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act is equally true as regards the violations of the provisions available under the 1997 amendment. In the circumstances, the appeals were to be allowed by accepting the contentions on the scope of section 111A(3) under the Amendment Act, 1997. Consequently, the appeal was to be allowed. The order of the CLB was to be reversed. [Para 40]
