Project Management for the RIM Professional · 2018-04-01 · Project Management for the RIM...


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Project Management for the RIM Professional

by Martha W. Chase, RHIA, PMP, CDERConsolidated Nuclear Security, LLC (CNS) Pantex

Amarillo, TX


• “Project Management” Defined

• When Project Management is / is NOT Appropriate

• Project Management Terms/Concepts

• FIVE Project Process Steps

• From “Project” to “Production”

• Project File Content, Structure, Retention

Project Management Overview

• Defined Start & Finish

• Separate from Daily/Routine Operations

• Ultimate Goal

– Process Integration


Project Management Overview, continued…

• Project Basis

– Scope – what’s in & what’s out

– Schedule – how long for segments & total

– Cost – ALL resources (money, “stuff”, & people)

– Quality – Product meets Goal as Scoped

• Assigned Resources (money, people, time)

• Measureable Milestones

Project Conceptual Map

Output Quality




The Agile Project Exception• Mostly IT

• Scope defined in terms of OUTCOME, period

• Defined Cost, Deadline, Outcome Outline

• Definite Start & Money

• End-point Develops Clarity with Progress

• Measureable ITERATIVE Milestones

• Daily/Weekly Status/Decision meetings

When is Project Management Appropriate – or NOT

• Appropriate – Special / 1-Time Events– New Systems

– System Conversions and Migrations

– Major Upgrades that AFFECT DATA

– Building/Renovating Facilities or Facility Moves

– Corporate Mergers

• NOT Appropriate– Revisions to Existing Work Practices

– Ongoing Anything

Project Management Terms• Business Case

– Why should you be allowed to do this?

– Includes feasibility study & initial cost estimates

– Consider Return on Investment (ROI)

• Stakeholders (INVOLVED)

– Who, in what organizations, will HAVE to be in it

– Early Buy-n = Increased Odds of Completion

– No or Too Late Buy-in = Doomed

• Sponsor/Champion

– Senior Manager who WANTS this

More Project Terms

• Charter– Initial Scope, Cost & Time Estimates

– Benefits Statement (WIIFM)

– Signed & Issued by CHAMPION

• Initiation– Develop Team

– Develop RESOURCE LOADED Schedule

– Work Break Down Structure (WBS)

– Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

EVEN More Terms

• Project Plan– Narrative of EVERYTHING needed to make it work

– Attach Signed Charter & Baseline Schedule

– Signed by ALL Stakeholder Management

• Estimates– Include in Project Plan


• Earned Value Management System (EVMS)– How you know you’re on scope, on schedule, on budget

– Required for most Government Projects over $5M

STILL More Terms

• Scope Creep– Worst Execution/Control Error

• Change Control– How to deal with Scope Creep

• Risk Management– Avoidance

– Mitigation

– Acceptance

– Transference

People Terms

• Project Manager– All project coordination & control

• Program Manager– Portfolio of Projects

• Project Management Professional (PMP)– Defined Skill Set

– Certified by Project Management Institute

– Program and/or Project Manager

Five Project Process Steps

• Initiate

• Plan

• Execute

• Control

• Close

Importance:– Errors at the Beginning SNOWBALL

– Every Process Properly Addressed = Success

Project Process Flow


Business Case

Customer Acceptance

Yes No

Yes No






Develop Project Plan

Stakeholder Sign-off



Project Process Flow, Continued…

Schedule Baseline

Work Authorization

Execution & Control

NoTransition to Owner

Closure Yes


Getting to Production

• Planning

– MUST Include Transition Processes

– Don’t forget TIMELY Training!

• Closure

– Must PROVE Transition Processes

• Failed Project =

– NO Product

– Incomplete or Non-spec Product

– UNHAPPY Customer/Sponsors

Project File

• All Project Information

• Baselines & All Revisions

• Change Control Documentation

• Short & Long-Retention Data

– Life of Project (destroy at acceptance)

– Life of Facility/Activity

• On-going Capture is CRUCIAL

• Proof of Product

Sample Project File Records

• Charters • Decision Records

• Estimates • Project Budget Files

• Feasibility Studies • Communication Plan

• RAM • Project Plan

• Project Schedule • Meeting Minutes

• Specifications • Equipment Lists

More Project Records

• Correspondence • Configuration Mgmt. Info.

• Milestone Reports • As-builts & Other Drawings

• EVMS Reports • Subcontractor/Vendor Data

• Permits • Vendor Manuals

• Use/Readiness • Risk Management Records

• Quality Docs. • Customer Acceptance

• SharePoint Sites • E-mail/Workflows


• Review of Objectives

– “Project Management” Defined

– When Project Management is / is NOT Appropriate

– Project Management Terms/Concepts

– FIVE Project Process Steps

– From “Project” to “Production”

– Project File Content, Structure, Retention

• Questions & Answers
