PROGRAMS for WEEK DECEMBER 10th · Dunninger Didn't Com'mec Us! By Evélyn Bigshy...


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-De dar it/spires the Pen Barbara Winston, 7948 Blackburn A

Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: Of all' radio magazines I've Radio Life is tops. Could you

please tell me if Agnes Moorehead plays both "Mrs. Martin" on the Jac Carson show and "Mrs. Niles" on th e Abbott and Costello show, or is the

played by the same person wh plays "Tootsie Sagwell" on the Bur and Allen program, and if so, wh is she?

I'm sure listeners are anxious to see a story on Erskine Johnson. Also, what has become of Evelyn Bigsby's column called "Radio Lifelines." I used to look forward to this column

very much and would really like to see it back.

e Agnes .Moorehead plays "Mrs. Marlin" u on the Jack Carson show; Dula .11lman

plays "Mrs. Niles" and "Toolsir Sag- well." Radio Life brought its readers a

Jack story of Elvin in its October 1.5 issue. Some time ago. Radio Lifers were given an intimate glimpse of Hollywood coin -

e ntenlator. Erskine Johnson. We shall O very likely bring you another one in the

Burns near future. "Radio Lifelines" can only he carried infrequently because of our

O limited space: we shall continue lo in- clude it as often as possible.





It's Easy To Make Anytime With This Simple Recipe

6 Medium Sized Oranges (2 lbs. Sliced)

6 Cups Water ! i Cup Lemon Juice

(About 6 lemons) 1 Package M.C.P. Pectin

9' Level Cups Sugar (Measured ready for use)

1. Cut oranges in cartwheels with very sharp knife to make slices thin as possi- ble. Discard the large flat, peel ends. Sliced fruit should weigh 2 pounds.

2. Put sliced fruit in 8 -quart kettle. Add the water and lemon juice.

3. Bring to a quick boil; boil gently for 1 hour (uncovered). If peel is not ten- der in 1 hour, boil until tender.

4. Measure the cooked material. Due to boiling, the volume will be reduced be- low 7 cups. Add water to make total peel and juice exactly 7 cups.

5. Put back in kettle. Stir in M.C.P. Pectin; continue stirring and bring to a full boil.

6. Add sugar (previously measured). Stir gently until it has reached a full rolling boil, and BOIL EXACTLY 4 MIN- UTES. Remove from fire; skim and stir by turns for 5 minutes.

7. Pour into jars. If you use pint or quart jars, seal hot and invert jars on lids un- til Marmalade begins to set. Then, shake well and set jars upright. This keeps the peel evenly distributed throughout.

NOTE: with Na either t soft, us o/ V2-e seeds.) prize -wit

Page Tw

This recipe works equally well eel Oranges or Valencias. IF'hen ariety is rarer -ripe and peel to r ?j -cup Lemon Juice instead up. (Be sure to discard any This recipe makes 7 pounds of mning Orange Marmalade. o

David Martin, 416 West 31st St., Los An- geles, Calif.

Sirs: Let me get my oar in as an echo to those readers who have writ- ten in regarding good organ music. I am in accord one hundred per cent.

What have we got on the air now with the exception of a few periods of organ music or transcriptions? Not a note of. good organ music ex- cept our own Paul Carson once a week and at an hour when the aver- age listener is already in that Dream- land Paul is bridging on his console -eleven- thirty at night, while swing, boogy -woogie, rag -time and jazz are working clock- around shifts seven days a week.

Mrs. M. A. Lindsey, 2131 East Broadway, Temple City, Calif.

Sirs: I have intended to write in for a long time. Thanks so much for such a fine magazine. I found the answer to one of the questions I wanted to ask you, in the October 29 Radio Life - in the information about Louise Massey. I liked her so much. Then, about the organ music, as other readers have written you, we certainly could stand a lot of organ music. Why does "Bridge To


Mildly Laxative Breakfast Food


Dreamland" need to be so late. After all, most of us have to get up early Monday mornings. The half -hour of organ music on KMPC Sundays is nice, but not long enough.

For good commercials, I think Johnny Murray's program is fine. I

always listen to the commercial even



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O11V r 0






Its fifty -year old recipe from Berkshire, England, makes Saxon House Old English Style Orange Marmalade truly different... delicious. It's the " fresh fruit" marmalade made in California from whole ripe oranges!

Ln 2 lb. axd t lb. jars At your Grocer's


if I don't have time to hear all of his program. We have liked him ever since we saw and heard him on KFWB years ago (on "Hi Jinks," I believe). Then, the P.D.Q. spot an- nouncements are sure a kick. Of course, Harlow Wilcox is always good.

I also want to say that I think Jack Benny's program is on the downhill slide since he carne back. and that awful L.S. /M.F.T. is dis- gusting. I guess they think we are morons the way they scream that at us. Don Wilson is wasting his ability.

Martha Lee Russel, Los Aageles, Calif. Sirs: We are still treated as though

we were idiots, and insulted by such trash as "LS /MFT." Can't you -won't you-do something to help, and so win the undying gratitude of your many readers?

Now that (S /.1fF'T hits become the basis for cycle of flogs. it snug erhoast itself.

* * RADIO LIFE * * December 10. (94f Volume In, Number 1

Published Weekly at Iwt. Angeles 15, California. Rumness Offices: 1929 Nest Washington IOW., Phone Richmond 52112. Editorial Offices, 155S North Vine, Hollywood se. l'hone HF;mp- slrad 2112:5. Northern California Affiliate, RAl/lo FAN FARE, Sills Market Street. San Francine° 4. Phone Sitter K187.

Radio Life wan entered as Second Clans Matter May X, 1942, of Iol Angele., under Art or March :t. 181'9. Postpaid Snbscriotiona, 52.7.1 year. $1.50 sic month.. Single Copies on sale at leading Independent (:rovers in Southern California at is each. Reprinting in whole or in part wit! t 'remission strictly forbidden.

l'nbli.her, Carl M. Rigsby : Editor -in -Chief Kadin Life and Radio Fan Fare, I ielyn A. Itigsb): Editor Radio Fan Fare, Urlane Peter': Itusi- news Manager, %ima.n Vaughan: office Man- ager, Georgia ('nywanal: Art Director, .Mien Kicks; log Editor, Pearl hail; F ;ditor- in -the- Seryice. Jalan F. Whitehead.

.tdtertising Rep tati,e of RADIO LIFE and RADIO FAN FARE: Southern California, t nittreth Smiler. Northern California, Don It W. Sears, Hal Jackson.

All material usrd by Radio Life is special!) pre- pared by ilea own staff an tera, and reprinting in whole or in part wits t publisher's per -

minnion strictly forbidden.

SPEEDY HOT Breakfast -For

Busy December!

70* instant - cooking Whole Wheat Cereal. "Cook it fast - eat it slow!"

Listen: (PWT) Blue Network. Mon, thry

James Abbe Observes, 7:20 a. m. Fisher's Radio Parade,

with Bob Nichols, 1.15 p, m. NBC, 111:43 a. m. Saturdays

James Abbe Pictures the News

ì.,6/e.,,, Rwróravre t,



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Dunninger Didn't

Com'mec Us! By Evélyn Bigshy

R'eduesdup. 9 I. op. Blue-/.Y:.t

JF DUNNINGER had read our mind, you wouldn't be reading this! i

When he was recently in Hollywood we attended his broadcast and he convinced

'Us that he is a shrewd showman. Likewise, he convinced us that he is a clever magician. Page Four

But he did not convince us that he does his radio program by mind reading, as heralded.

We were certainly willing to be convinced that night. as we climbed the stairs at Blue Playhouse and carefully selected a seat on the third aisle, center, where our thoughts wouldn't have too far to travel to the "master mentalist." For a flickering instant we even played around with

DUNNINGER AND HIS GUEST BOARD consisting of Garry Moore, Lynn Martin, G l o r i a Blondell, and Carlton Young. Moore served as guest emcee for the others.

the idea of positing in our minds some very juicy air copy. But in- stead, when Dunninger passed out small pieces of paper and asked us to write down our thoughts, we pen- cilled the very mundane idea of Radio Life's over - worked telephone number and when he asked us to "co- operate" by concentrating on our written thoughts, we focused fiercely on HE. 2025. Maybe it was too much to assume We possessed a mind for Dunninger to read. Anyway, he didn't read ours, but that of the apparently "stronger- minded" lady behind us.

"Maybe," we pondered, "we were not up to form tonight and perhaps Dunninger will capitulate to our feeble thought waves when we in- terview him privately tomorrow with no other competition."

Become Skeptical While we slept that night. the old

subconscious must have been perco- lating because when we woke up the next morning sneaking skepti- cism had spiked our thoughts.

"Why," we queried ourself, "did Dunninger ask his audience to write down their thoughts on the small pieces of paper provided by him? Why did he pass down both aisles while these thoughts were being written down? Why did he tell us to collect the papers and to put them in open- faced, or 'window' envel- opes? Why were the majority of those having their minds read per- sons sitting in seats on or near the aisles?

"Why," we went on, "wasn't our question answered when we were concentrating so intensely? Or, if not ours, that of one of a dozen friends who told us that they also concen- trated and some one of whom, by the law of averages in a small studio, should have been singled out?

"Why did Dunninger appear so nonchalant while he was picking out single thought transmissions from the barrage of thoughts attacking him?

"Why should he expect his audi- ence to believe that the contents of a carton frozen in a cake of ice had not been tampered with between the time of its original sealing and the time it was opened on the stage? Or that someone from the board of judges had not been asked to write down, at a time preceding the broad- cast, what had gone into the con- tainer?" This demonstration, the more we thought of it, was the least convincing part of the entire pro- gram.

Interview Him Dunninger agreed to meet us for

the interview at a certain office at 11:30 a. m. He was half an hour late and since he volunteered no explana- tion and since we couldn't read his mind, we,skipped any mention of his tardiness. If he had read ours he'd have found us skeptical, but willing to wait to be convinced. We'd be sat- isfied, we opined, if he answered some or all of our questions OR read our mind without benefit of written thoughts.

Taking no chances on Dunninger not knowing what was in our mind, we told him we were skeptical.

"Skepticisim is all right," he coun- tered. "That's what keeps the show going." He turned his massive head with its receding hair -line and deep - set, penetrating orbs and continued: "I've long since stopped trying to convert the universe. After the other evening's broadcast I had the feeling that the majority of my audience was convinced."

"I'd like to be." Dunninger, in cold, logical tone:

"Do you believe in this new drug, penicillin ?"

"Yes." "Has it ever been worked on you ?" "No, fortunately." "Well, there you are!" he replied,

DUNNINGER (first name Joseph) as he appeared when making his recent Blue network broadcast from Hollywood.

and as we tried to formulate an an- swer to his non sequitur argument, he continued: "The editors of Scien- tific American said that tests made by Dunninger proved telepathy to an accepted degree. I'm the only man in the world who knows what I do."

"Will you explain why you ask people to write their questions ?" we ventured as we took up No. 1 query.

"It h el p s the concentration of thought." Then slightly ruffled: "I don't know why the average inter- view becomes a cross examination and I resent it. You wouldn't go up to a man like Mansfield and say 'Do you think you're an actor ?' Why do you question my ability? It seems I

not only have to convince an audi- ence collectively, but individually."

Refused Demonstration He concluded: "There is only one

thing that would convince you and that is a personal demonstration. I refuse to do that."

Dunninger had not convinced us. Moreover, he had refused to convince us.

About this same time, we saw Rich- ard Himber, orchestra leader on 'Which Is Which ?" Knowing that he was a top magician and that he was credited with more than 500 card tricks during the twenty years he has been interested in legerdemain, we asked him about Dunninger.

Himber told us to take a piece of paper and to write something on it, then without exposing the paper, to fold it in half and fold it again in quarters. Then he asked us to place it in the match slot of an ash tray, handed us a lighted match, and in- structed us to set fire to the paper.

"I'll walk away," he said, "and when the paper has finished burn- ing, I'll come back and tell you what you wrote."

He returned and took out paper and pencil. "I get the idea you are thinkingof a word beginning with R. Am I right? All right. I'll put down RADIO. Okay. Next, I think it's your life work, so I'm going to write down LIFE. RADIO LIFE. Is that right ?"

"Absolutely right, Mr. Himber." Reads Our Mind

"Now, I get the impression that what you wrote has to do with the telephone. Could it be a telephone number? It could? Well, I'll put down the prefix. It seems that it's an H and the next letter is an I -no, it's an E. Am I right? Okay. Now

SAMPLE PAPER AND PENCIL which was passed out to members of studio audience and on which those attending broadcast wrote the thoughts before airtime.

-i M` there are two of us, so l'll put down a 2, and this will come to nothing, so I'll put down an 0, and a 2 again, and a 5. HE. 2025. Is that the Radio Life telephone number, by any chance ?"

"Mr. Himber, it is!" we said. "Now will you tell us one thing. We think this was done by magic. Was it, or was it done by mind reading ?" Please don't expect to explain it if it WAS done by magic because we al- ready know that there's some unwrit- ten law among magicians that pre- vents your telling how."

"I'm no mind reader," answered Himber. "It was magic -the same kind that Dunninger uses. You'll no- tice he offers $10,000 to anyone who can prove that he has an accomplice on the program. That's a safe offer, because he doesn't have one. He doesn't need one.

"Dunninger cannot read any mind at all, any time, whatsoever. I sent

(Please turn to Page Yd/

Father is

'..)i7 HEN HANDSOME, man's man, Robert Young be- came- the father of a third daughter a year

ago, he told Don Ameche, parent of four sons, "I'm just trying to balance the population."

"But I finally got a girl named after my wife, Betty," the six -foot, brown -eyed actor triumphed. Already blessed with Carol Anne, who will be twelve years old this month, and 'Barbara Queen, seven, the Youngs made a pact before their third child was born. If it were a boy it was Page Six

"Maxwell House's" Handsome Host Discusses His Charming Family

Thursday. t7:30 p.m. NBC-Kh7

to be called after father. If a girl, after mother. That's how the dark - haired little lass at the home of "Maxwell House's" emcee bears the name, Elizabeth Louise -Betty Lou for short.

Mrs. Young valiantly stuck to her promise about naming the newcomer, but still has the notion "I'll end up being 'Big Betty' and the baby will end up a head taller than I am."

Young protests that he's not an overly proud father, but he talked to Radio Life for more than an hour on the fascinating subject of his home and family. He can't be censured for thinking his attractive schooldays

MR. AND MRS. YOUNG and their three adorable daughters. Bob is

holding the baby, Elizabeth Louise. Barbara Queen clasps her .hands on her lather's knee, Carol Anne looks on from behind.

sweetheart, now Mrs. Young, (former belle of the S.C. campus) and his three brown - haired, brown eyed daughters are super.

Wise Parent But as Young, a study in brown -

eyes, hair (with just a dash of dis- tinctive gray at the temples) suit, shoes, and tie -talked of his girls, one sensed in him a fine father, sen- sible and understanding.

"Carol Anne and Barbara are as different as black and white," he re- marked, "but they get along beauti- fully, thank goodness! Of course they sometimes have their little squab- bles.

"Carol Anne is very emotional. If I'm in a fight in a picture, she has fits. Betty could hardly control her when she saw me in a phony fight in 'Lady Be Good.' There was one trick shot where I was hanging from a balcony, but Carol Anne acted as if I'd been killed. She's very serious and she's deeply loyal and can keep a secret. She's very neat and clean.

"Barbara isn't neat, but she has a terrific sense of humor and a heart as big as a house. She'd just as soon wipe chocolate on her black velvet dress, but she has a warmth of per- sonality that always leaves people saying 'That's Barbara!'

Love Sports Carol Anne is a beautiful swimmer

and can ride well. Both girls take dancing and piano lessons, with their music teacher coming to the house every night. They play two -piano concertos at recitals, which Young described amusingly. "We go, of course, and sit there and sweat. My hair won't lie down and if the kids hit a sour note, we almost swoon. When they're through, we relax and don't give a care about the rest of the program. It's simple to spot the parents of those who are performing."

The suave Young doesn't know what his girls want to be when they grow up, but he hopes they don't choose acting. He won't encourage it, but if they persist, he'll be a good dad and help them all he can. He can't be blamed for this attitude be- cause he knows how rocky the road to recognition can be. He probably remembers all too vividly how seri- ously he took his roles in school plays at Lincoln Park High and how dog- gedly he stuck four years at Pasa- dena Community Playhouse, receiv- ing no money but growing rich on experience in more than forty plays; how he repeatedly ran out of funds while itching to get a movie break and how he had to revert, time and again, to definite means of livelihood like selling insurance or moving fur -

(Please turn to Page 26)



RADIO: West * National and International

Ground Breaking On a rocky mountain summit 5740

feet up and a stone's throw from the Mt. Wilson Observatory, the crystal clear, cold breeze whipped around a KFI mike last Wednesday noon. Grouped about on huge rocks squatted men operating a short-wave set which they kept in constant communication with KFI. Standing near the mike were Mayor Fletcher Bowron, KFI Manager William B. Ryan, Dr. Lee de Forest, and other well -known per- sonalities. They had skimmed up the winding road to the summit for the special ground- breaking ceremonies which marked the beginning of con- struction on Earle C. Anthony's new television and frequency modulation station. Fifteen minutes of the pro- gram was broadcast over KFI.

While a rumbling bull - dozer scooped up earth and uprooted small trees to make a roadway on the mountain top, the attending persons spoke words as to the significance of the occasion. Said Ryan: "Frequency Modulation broadcasting will mean virtual perfection in broadcasting-re - ception without noises, static and in- terference from other stations. Tele- vision, of c o u r s e, will open new avenues of enjoyment and education, will prove a humanizing force that will bring us all closer together."

Flash bulbs popped, the press took notes, then appetites whetted by the keen air, all hands adjourned to the hotel for a box lunch packed under personal supervision of the Anthony's cook. As it had ascended, so the party returned in sleek Packards -all except Mayor Bowron, who made the trip in a Cadillac. "Those Don - Lee - Mutual people," muttered a witty KFIan un- der his cold breath.

Seven -A -Day During rehearsal of CBS' "Dr. Chris-

tian," we overheard Jean Hersholt asking organist Milton Charles how many shows he is currently doing. "It seems," smiled Hersholt, "that every time I turn on my radio, I hear your music. rounding out a program."

Milton replied that he is now doing seven shows a day. It seems a shame that not one of these brings radio - dialers what they very much want (according to letters we receive) a solid quarter or half -hour of easy day- time listening provided by the dex- terous fingers of fine organists.

In Character We enjoyed a chat with Dickie

Meyers' mother the other afternoon, and was amused to hear that some- times she has trouble with Dickie staying in character according to his radio roles. Young Mr. Meyers, talented boy actor who has appeared fre- quently on such top airshows as "Lux Radio Theater," "I was There" and "The Whistler," recently played "Red Sanders," the leader of a tough gang, on Mutual's "Midland, U. S. A."

"I thought I'd never get him out of character," laughed Mrs. Meyers, "and I was certainly glad his school teachers didn't hear him as such a toughie!"

Hughes Has Returned KFWB listeners welcomed back last

week the familiar voice of John B. Hughes, popular news commentator who recently journeyed to the Philip- pine war area.

"He's looking well," Hughes' radio pals have reported to us.

Good News One day last week Gale Page was at

last able to bring her tiny two- and -a- half -year old son home from the hospital where he has been for the past two weeks. He had suffered concussion and fractured skull when he fell out of a second -story window. During all of the time he was so ill in the hospital, Miss Page never missed a performance of Dreft "Star Playhouse" and now that he is home she doesn't want to leave him -ex- cept for a broadcast -until he is up again.

Purple Heart Ginny Ginny Simms, whose popular Tues-

day night Purple Heart show is a favorite, is now an honorary member of the Indiana Purple Heart Club. This latest honor was bestowed upon the surprised Ginny by a bunch of ex- servicemen, all holders and wearers of the Purple Heart, who reside in Indiana. She sports a card and is a member in good standing for 1945. Upon reading the rules she was most pleasantly surprised to find that the members must listen to her program and smoke nothing but Philip Morris cigarettes.

Conflicting Loyalties As is Johnny Mercer's custom, he

recently prepared to ViVP his NBC visual audience an after -show. For months he has presented a fifteen - minute warm -up and a fifteen -minute oleo to the delight of the fans who have crowded his show. But on this particular afternoon, the audience barely let the announcer finish his sign -off before they bolted for the door. Johnny, his cast, and orchestra stood dumb -founded on the stage and watched the people pour out. They stopped one youngster to ask why the rush. He looked at them in utter amazement and said, "Why, don't you know, Lana Turner's in the next studio."

"Ah, ha," smiled Johnny and the boys,znd were about to make a hasty departure when they suddenly spotted an old couple seated in the back of the stud *. The boys sat down and began to play and Johnny began to sing. They weren't going to let the old couple down. No telling how long that would have continued, but some- body suddenly discovered the couple was asleep.

Excited With the top Hollywood air shows

being transplanted to Chicago to further the Sixth War Loan drive, we found plenty of bustle along Radio Row last week. One of the most ex- cited of those making the eastward trip was pretty sixteen -year -old Louise Erickson, niece Marjorie on "Great Gildersleeve."

.Starry-eyed, she told Radio Life, "It'll be my first time in a hotel, my first time to see snow, and my first time east of the Rockies!"

Christmas Greetings Toward making merrier a Christmas

which won't be as merry as many in the past, KFI is performing a tre- mendously far -flung and splendid service in planning to spin brief re- corded Christmas messages, on Decem- ber 25, from Southern California boys now overseas. Cancelling all sta. tion break announcements from 8 a.m. until midnight, KFI will, instead, broadcast these greetings for the families and friends of about 200 local servicemen. Each message will be about twenty seconds in length, al- though some of the men have sent word that they are working on five - minute programs including several men.

Chatting this past week with KFI's Public Service Director J. G. ( "G. I. ") Paltridge, Radio Life learned that re- cordings are underway in Fairbanks, Anchorage, Honolulu, Chungking, Bris- bane, Sydney, Panama City, Rio de Janeiro. Caracas, Santiago, London, Paris, Naples, and Rome. Most of these records will be flown to KFI, but last week, Paltridge was wrink- ling his brow over some last -minute discs that may have to have their messages sent via short -wave.

"It's a job we wanted to do and we haven't stopped to figure actual costs," remarked Paltridge, who orig- inated and is executing the idea. "It

(Continued on Page 8)




Glance below for just an inkling of why everybody goes for the NBC Parade of Stars. Each program refreshingly different! All studded with big -name stars...bringing listeners exciting drama, music, comedy ... on NBC!




7:45 a.m. Sam Hayes 8:30 Homemaker's Hour

10:30 Aunt Mary 10:45 Art Baker 4:00 p.m. Dr. Kate 5:00 Okay For Release 5:30 Date With Judy 6:00 Mystery Theatre 6:30 Fibber McGee & Molly 7:00 Bob Hope 7:30 Hildegarde 8:00 Music Shop 8:15 Fleetwood Lawton 8:30 Ginny Simms 9:00 Dick Haymes

10:00 Richfield Reporter


KFI 640 on your dial

RADIO WEST (Continued from Page 7)

will cost KFI about $1500 in revenue from eliminating the station break announcements and at least another $1,000 or more depending on how diffi- cult it is to get all the messages here. Then there will be the additional cost of making six -inch recordings with the individual greetings to be pre- sented to each family of a service- man heard."

What a wonderful Christmas pre- sent for KFI to give Southern Cali- fornians who have loved ones fighting far from home!

Siesta Time Talk about a busman's holiday -

reporter thought he would take a peek at those bright lights he writes about. With a few spare moments on hand he happily trotted over to a nearby network. He was just going to relax and enjoy the bright chatter, pretty music, and play with the stars. But alas, a bare studio silently echoing his footsteps greeted him on every side. Not a soul in sight. At last he thought he heard gay Voices coming from a faroff room and running to the door, threw it open, only to find -a lone man listening to a record.

More About Lana Even the hardened NBC employes

were all agog last week over the guest appearance of flicker star Lana Turner ... the men for obvious reasons, but the women too, were talking about her wonderful hair -do. It seems that Lana took a notion to cut her hair the night before the broadcast, the Dick Haymes show, and appeared with her golden locks in a new version of the Victory bob. It is very short and curly and sports a shingled back, reminis- cent of the first bob 'way back in the late 'teens.

Flying High We came across Shirley Mitchell at

CBS the other day rehearsing for her spot on the Jack Carson show, and looking gorgeous in a black satin gown topped by her yellow -gold hair. One of radio's busiest actresses, us- ually seen dashing from one studio to another, she's now taken to cross - country hops to make her shows. Last Tuesday, she was in Chicago to do "Alice Darling" on NBC's "Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly" show. She grabbed a plane to be in Hollywood for the Wed- nesday Carson airing, then planed back to Chicago again to be on hand for a show there the very next day!

No Music Although she has made prepara-

tions for a substitute program in case Blue's "Lum and Abner" are absent, organist Sybil Chism found last week that she herself had to miss playing the theme music for the first time in eight years.

It seems she was ready to start her portion of a recent show when a bass stop on the organ stuck, making a

(Continued on Pape 9)





Station KFAC ( 1 3 3 0 on You, Diali

Monday thru Saturday 3 to 3:45 P. M.

Enjoy 45 minutes of delight- ful recorded music . . . the all -time popular selections of radio, opera and the concert stage. Hears Pons, Eddy, Robeson, Gorin, Guitar, An- derson, and many others!

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KMPC - 710 BARKER BROS. Seventh Street, Flower and Figueroa

NEW WESTERN STAR KMTR's newest Western star, Tex

Tyler is gaining as many admirers in California as he left behind him in Indiana. Fans have already taken him to their hearts and he's well on his way to the top of that crowded ladder to success.

RADIO WEST (Continued front Page d)

tremendous note ring through the studio. The show went on without the musical introduction, and an electric organ was hurriedly brought to the studio for the sign -off.

What Next? Radio's "man of many voices," Mel

Blanc, has come to expect anything when he picks up a radio script to see what parts have been assigned to him. But he wasn't prepared for what he found last week when he looked over the roles he was to do on CBS' Jack Carson show. In addition to two varied voices, he was assigned the role of a horse! What's more, in the course of the broadcast, he came across this instruction: "Horse's whinny ending with a wolf whistle "!

"What next ?" moaned Mel,

Elsie Elsie Pepperpoo is Jimmy Durante's

new gal -fren, and behind her advent to the Friday night Moore - Durante show hangs a tale just as in the case of other. mythical airlane characters.

Elsie Pepperpoo didn't come to life amidst a roomful of gag - writers, or over a luncheon session at the Brown Derby, or in a writing conference held alongside the swank pool of a Holly- wood star.

Quite in reverse. Elsie Pepperpoo was born in a greengrocer's stall out in Glendale. And here's how.

Alan Woods, who with Leo Solomon, writes the jokes on the Durante -Moore Show, has no telephone in his Glen- dale home. So when he wants to con- tact his partner in gaggery, he rushes down to the corner, where an obliging greengrocer lets him use his phone.

The other day, Leo and Alan were having an impromptu "script session" on the greengrocer's phone, when Alan said, "Let's call Jimmy's new gal - fren Elsie."

"Elsie who ?" screamed back Solo- mon from the Hollywood end of the wire.

Alan was momentarily stumped (which isn't good for a gag -man). Then his eye lit on a big fat red pepper in the greengrocer's stall.

"Elsie Pepper!" he replied. "Elsie Who ?" came back Solomon. "Elsie Pepperpoo!" Woods bellowed

back into the phone. So that's how Elsie Pepperpoo came

into existence, and the Glendale green- grocer is still wondering what it's all about. But, of course what the green- grocer doesn't know is, when you let a Hollywood gag - writer use your phone, the accepted theory is to ex- pect anything to happen -Even Elsie Pepperpoo.

Forbidden Fruit Emcee Jack Bailey of the CBS fun

show, "Meet the Missus," knows he is sometimes playing with fire when he begins the let's -look- through -your -purse routine. "Meet the Missus" is that gay

(Continued on Page 25)

Something really big in the musical world was the announcement made this week of the all -star cast chosen by Arturo Toscanini for the two- program performance of Beethoven's opera r Fidelio" by the NBC Sym-

phony orchestra o n Sundays, December 10 and 17, over KFI at 2:00 p.m., closing the 9 -week Beetho- ven festival.

Rose Bampton has been assigned t h e part of Leonora, El- eanor Steber w i 1 1

sing Marcellina, Jan Peerce will appear as Florestan a n d Nicola Moscona as Fernando.

Completing the cast are Herbert Janssen as Pizarro, Sidor Belarsky as Rocco and Joseph Laderoute as Jac - quino. Peter Wilhousky will direct the chorus.



.ßx... ...

Arturo Toscaaioi

And now, to the other extreme of musical delights, there's the "Grand 01' Opry" which you may hear by merely dialing KFI any Saturday night at 7:30.

Roy Acuff, singing star of the show, maintains that of all the music in the world, the Tennessee Mountain v a -

riety is, to him at least, the m o s t

beautiful. Highlight of each "Opry" broad-

cast is that nationally famous closing line on a "Duke of Paducah" mono - logue -"I'm goin' back to the wagon, boys, these shoes are killin' me:"

Then, there's Minnie Pearl, f r e s h from Grinders Switch, who with other native entertainers helps make each "Grand 01' Opry" show well worth listening to.

e e

Art Baker, heard on KFI with his "Notebook" each afternoon, Monday through Friday at 4:30, is one man in radio who can rarely i ever tell what he's going to talk about more than, five minutes before he goes on the air. The reason? "Well, it's like this," explains Art. "It all depends on how I feel at broadcast time. There are some days when I couldn't be hu- morous if I tried. There are o t h e r days, when it's hard to be serious. I just wait until broadcast time -t a k e stock of my feelings at the moment

---and then start to broadcast." Baker has such a tremendous sup-

ply of "Notebook" material that he can make such a last minute selec- tion -and if you're a steady listener to Art Baker you'll agree that all of his material is excellent.


IIID!,U ?N0í1 ^11!1111

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 * ladleatte News Hrued,ii t .,. *KFWB, EIGER, EIFOX -News.

*KEITH-News, Fannie Rein- hart.

SPAS -Slavic Program. BWSW- Hungarian Baptist.

11:05 -- HGER- Fullertuo Foursquare. 10:18*KFI -News.

&BJ, KGB, KFXM, SVOE- Commander Scott.


el KFI -The Eternal light.

*K.NX. SPAS, KGER -News. *HECA -News.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HYDE-- Wesley Radio League.

*KMPC -News, Maurice John- son.

KFWB-Funnies. *KMTR -News, Voice of

Prophecy. KFAC-Country Church. KRKD -Ranch Program. KWHW- Italian Novelties. HFYD -Tempo Tunes. KFSD -('all to Worship. KFOX -Rev. Dran Reed. KGFJ -Arm Chair Concert.

8:06 -KNX -Slue Jacket Choir. KGER- Kingdom Within.

8:78- KECA -.AAI, Symphonic Flight.

KPAS- lnanaouel Baptist Ch. KFXM- Sunday S de.

11í38-KFI -Successful Hardening. KNX- Invitation to learning. KHJ, KGB. KFX.M, EVOE-

Voice of Propheev. HECA -Huur of Faith. KMPC -V. rsley Radio League. KF WB -Union Rescue Mission KEITH-11 . B. Record. KWSW- Church of the Air. KFAC- Strollin' Tom. KFVD- Church of Christ. IFSD- V'Ieltins Nurse. EIGER-Dr. Lowman. HFOX -Rev. it. F. Reid.

8:46 *KFI, HFAC, KRKD -News. KGFJ -Quiet Moments.

9-KFI, KFSD- Chicago Round- table.

KNX -Salt Lake Tabernacle. *KECA -Blue Network War

Journal. KHJ. KGB. SFK.N, KVOII-

Pilgrim Hour. *KMPC -News, Doleo's Mu.lcnl *KMTR -News, Swedenborg Hr.

HPAS -Judge P. E. Gardner. HWKW- Little halo. SPPC- Studio Devotional. KRKD -Sunday on Ranch. KFAC -Liberal Catholic Hour KFVD -Halts Time. KGFJ -Mid -Morning Melodies.

*KGRR -News, Dr. Springer. *KFSD- ('arveth Wells.

:16- KMTR -Paster K. G. Egertson. KFAC-Concert. KPPC- Prelude to Worship. HGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

8:31H -IFI- Stradivari Orrh. *KNX -Transatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Lutheran Hour.

KECA-Dr. Ben Sweetland. KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KMTR -The World Tomorrow. KFAC- Popular Melodies.

Church on High 9:30 -9:45 A. M.

Sunday KPAS -II10 kcy.

Rev. A. V. Havens M.A., B.D.

P. O. Boy 777 Glendale 5

u HPAS -Church on High. KPI'C -Dr. Frederic P. Woell-

ner. KFVD- Victory Parade. HGER -Radio Revival. KFSD -Sunday Concert.

0:40--KECA-Master Radio Canaries i0 *KFI, KFSD -1 yman's Views of News.

KNX -Church of the Air. *HECA. KFMB -John Kennedy,

News. *KH , K. GB,

KFXM, BVOE- *KM C News. Western Fed-





The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

*KECA -G Hicks. KFWB -Peter Potter. KFOX-Rev. Russell. KFSD -NBC Concert.

10 :30-KFI-Musical Milestones. *JINX -News.

KECA-Sammy laye's Sere- nade.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Bobby Hookey,

KPAS -Czech Polkas. KPPC- Church Views.

10:45 *KNX- Edward R, Murrow. KPPC-Tower Chimes. KFOX- Cumberland Church.

10:55 *KECA -George Gunn, News Extra.

11KFI. KFSP -Those We lave. -KFI. Theater. *KECA-News.

KHJ. KGB -Band Concert. *KMPC -News, Off the ¡trotted. *KFWB-News. *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. SPAS- Church of Open Door. KFAC -Ist Methodist Church. KWKW- Glendale U. B. Ch. KGFJ -Say It With Music.

till 1 p.m. KFXM -St. Paul Methodist. KPPC-Chureh Service. Dr.

Eugene Carson Blake. EVO oncert Miniature. KFOX -Presbyterian Church. HGER -Pilgrim's Hour.

11:10 *KECA -Behind the War News. KFWB-Peter Potter. KVOE-Word of Life.

11 :30-KFI, KFSD- Westinghouse, John Charles Thomas.

*KNX-World News Today.




jjo 93o oiT 0 2o Tl33o óI3 430 1490


KGFJ 11:00 a,m. -1:00 p.m.



A rare suite of deep sea chanteys by the ALMANAC singers


Allred Newman conducting his brilliant score to the SONG OF BERNADETTE

plus David Rose conducting a

suite of FILM FAVORITES plus

NEWS on the half hour!

KECA -Remember Hour. KHJ- Morning Melodie.. KWHW -All Saints Episcopal. HFOX -First Christian Ch.

*KGB -Bill Cunningham. 11:45- KHJ Canary Pet Shop. 11:56 -KNX -CBS Pro. Program.

12*'`. KEW-World News Pa- rade.

KNX-N. Y. Philharmonic. *KHJ -Broadway News.

KECA -Charlotte Greenwood. *KMPC -News Off the Record. *KFWB, HGÉR -News. *KMTR-News, Boys' Choir.

KWKW- Wocoln Ave. Pres. Ch. KGB -Music for Sunday. KVOE -Voice of the Army.

1111:15- KHJ -Parade of States. KFWB-Peter Potter.

*KFAC -News. RPM-Music of Masten. KFXM, HYDE- ('angry Cho-


SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface 'type: A tel won and

Evening Programs In Boldface. 7:00- Leonidas Witherall, KHJ. 7:00 -Life of Riley, KECA. 8:W -Crime Doctor, KNX. 8 :30- Blondie, JINX. 1 :00 -The Green Hornet, KECA. 9:00 -Bill lance, KNX.

Variety 10:80- Hookey Hall. KHJ. 12 :00-Charlotte Greenwood.

KECA. 3:00 -Oasis A Harriett, KNX. 4:00-Jack Benny, KFI. 1:00 -Kate Smith Hour, KNX.

K 5:00- McCarthy -Bergen, FI. 5:30 -Joe E. Brown, KECA. 6:00-Radio Reader's Digest,

KNX. G:30 -James Mellon Show, HNX. 6:15-Jimmie Fidler, KECA. :30- Harold Lloyd, Comedy

Theater, KFi. 7:30-Fanny Brice, KNX. s:00- -Great Gildersleeve, KFI. 9:30- Romance of the Ranchos,

KNX. 5:30 -Jack Benny. BFI.

War 9:00 -War Journal. KECA.

1X:30 -Army Hour, KF7. 1:00 -Your America, KHJ.

11:15 -Pacific Story, BFI.

Q uiz Programs I:ai --Darts for Dough. KECA. 1:30 -Name That Song, KILL 7:60 -Take It or Leave lt, KNX. 8:30 -0015 Kids, KECA.

Drama 10:15 -Commander Scott, KHJ. I I :110 -Those We Love. KFI. I2:3e -Ethel Barrymore, in

"Mies Hattie," RECA. 2:30 -The Shadow. KHJ. :1:35 -"1 Was There ", ENZ. 5:30 -One Man's Family, KFI. 0:20- Hollywood Mystery Time,


Outstanding Music 9 :00-Salt Lake Tabernacle,

KN X. 9:30- Stradivari Orch., KFI.

11 :30-John Charles Thomas. KEI.

11:00 -New York Philharmonic, JINX.

1:30 -Neisou Eddy, KNX. 2:00 -NBC Symphony. KFI. X:00 -Family Hour, KNX. 2:30 -Metropolitan Opera, KFI. 3:00 -Dati uf Fame, HECA. 1:00 -Cleveland Symphony, KHI. 0:00 -Manhattan Merry -Go-

Round. KFI. 0:30 -Album of Familiar Music,

KF7. 7:00 -Hour of Charm, BFI. :36- Columbus days Choir. KHI

5:30- Standard Symphony, KFI. Io :00- Newsical, HFYD. 15:30 -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 11:35-Bridge to Dreamland,


Public Affairs 8:30 -invitation to Learning,

KNX. 9:00- Chicago Roundtable, KFI. 1:011-Let's Face Issue, KHJ. 6:45 -Mayor Bowron, KMPC. 7 :00 -Open Forum, KFAC. 5:45- Washington Inside Out.


15:30 -KF7, KFSD -This Is The Army Hour.

KECA-"Miss Hattie," Ethel Barrymore.

KHJ-Memory Music, Ted Bacon.

KFWB -Jean Leonard. KPAS -Dr. Corley.

*KRKD -News, Browning. KWKW- American Jewish

Hour. KGER -Trinity Holiness Ch. KGB -Nick Carter.

*KFXM- Western Playboys, KVOE- Southern Baptist Hr. K -VX -N. Y. Philharmonic. 1 KECA, SERB -Darts for

Dough. *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOE,

Your America. *KMPC -News, Manhattan

Highlights. *KFWB--Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Light a Life.

KRKD- Sunday on Ranch. HPAS --E1 Monte Nazarene. KFAC -Victory Players. KFOX -Dick Ross. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD -News, McKee Piano. *KGER -News.

1:05 -HGER -Rev Chas. Greene - myer.

1:15--KFWB-Frederick H. Spectre.

Men and Women

Expert Radio Training 'Incl. Live Air Experience

Our Pupils Broadcast

Sun. 1:15 P. M, -KFWB Frederick H. Spears The West's Outstanding

Radio School 6671 Sunset H011ywoed 2325

*KFAC-News. KFVD- Musical Revue.

1:311 -BFI -Peter de lima. KNX- Nelson Eddy KECA KFMB -Set to Music. KHJ, KGB -Name That Song. KMPC -Bible Says So. KFWB-"Musical Sweet.'.' H.MTR -Young Peoples' Ch. KGFJ- Blenveuidos Amigos. KWKW-Hoyes Hour. KPAS- Church in Barn. KFAC -Good Neighbor Salute. KFOX -Young Peoples' Ch. KFVD -Musical Revue. KFX1H- Harvest Brigade. KVOE -Music Enduring. KFSD -Music America Loves

Best. 1:45 *KFI -Sam Baiter, "Sizing Up

News." KMPC- Melody Kassel!.

2-KFI, KFSD -Sympbony Hour. KNX -Family Hour. KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB -Let's Faee the

Issue. *KMPC- News, Harry Hurliett. *KFWB-News. *KMTR -News, Nazarene Volte

KPAS, rKFVD- Informed De- mocracy.

K61'J- Intermezzo. KFOX -Good News. KFXM- Sacred Harmonie.. KVOE- Foursquare Church. KGER-Long Beach Band,

Hear Our Pupils Sing KFOX

Sunday, 2:15 p.m. Free Auditions Phone or Write

CIVORU STUDIO 1664 No. Bronson -GL. 126$

2:15 -KFOX- Civoru Group. KFWB -Old Fashioned Girl. KMPC -Harry Horlock.

2 ::Mi -HECA- Metropolitan Opera Co, KHJ -The Shadow. KMPC -Music for Sunday. KFWB -Cooperative Religion. KMTR -Wings of Healing. KFAI -Pro. Football. K PAS- Burbank Foursquare. KWKW -Pan- American Revi-



KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB -The Shadow. KVOE- Bethel Tabernacle.

2:45 -KNX- William L. Shirer. 3- KNX- Adventures of Ozzie a

Harriett. KFI- C'athulic Hour. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Quick

As Flash. KECA -Radio Hail of Fame.

*KMPC -News, Concert Hall. *KFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, llanos.

KWKW -Rev. Richey. KPAS- Christian Memory Hr. KGFJ -Time Was. HFSD- Convair Entertains.

*KGER -News, Whose Side Are You On?

KFOX -Rev. Earl Ivie. KGB -Music for Sunday.

3:15 -KFWB -lest Ye Forget, with Hal Styles.

KMTR -Betty Phillips. KIND-Colored Revue. KVUE-Music Enduring.

3:30 *KFI, KIND-News. KNX -"I Was There."

*KHJ. KGB, KVOF -Upton Close.

KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS -Church of Christ. HAND-Hank, \ightwatch-

man. KWKW -Rev. Gagnon. KGER -Gospel Tidings.

*KFXM -News. 3 :45-KFI-Reports from Battle-

fronts. KFW'B -Help Wanted. KI1J, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Dick Brown. KFSD -Music Masquerade.

4 KFI, FSD -Jack Benny. HR-NX

-Kate Smith Hour. *KECA-Drew Pearson.

KH.I, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- tic, eland Symphony.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. O. Row 1E1. Los Angeles,


KMTR---1:00-5:00 P. M. HPAS-4:00-5:110 P. M. KPRO-4:00-5:00 P. M.

REBROADCAST KPAS-9:0o P. M. KPRO-9:00 P. M. KFOX-10:00 P. M. KVOE-10:00 P. M. KFXM-10:00 1'. M. KPMC-10:00 P. M.

*KFWB-Henry ('harles. *KMTR -News, Old Fashioned

Rewi al. KGFJ- Manhattan Bi- Lites. HPAS -Old Fashioned Revival

Hr. KWKW- Sunshine Mission.

*KGER -News, Rev. R. H. Harms.

KFOX -Sunshine Pastor. 4:15 *KECA -Don Gardiner, News.

KFWB-- ('hrbtlne Parkhurst. 4 :30 -KFI, HFSD -Fitch Band-

wagon. KECA -National Vespers.

*KFWB-News. KFV'D- 90- 90- Club. KGER -Colonial Tabernacle. KFXM- ABC- King's Ambas- )

sadora. 4 :43-KFW It-Stuart Hamblen.

KFVD -Carter Wright. S -KFI, HFSD -Charlie McCar-

thy -Edgar Bergen. K.VX- American Rhapsody.

*KECA-General l'ierce. KHJ, KGit- Medlation Board.

*KMPC -News, Waltz Time. *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. HPAS -Open Bible Hour. KWKW- Sunday Serenade. HFAC -howling News. KGFJ -Twilight Time. KFVD- Harlem Holiday. KFOX-Rev. Dilbeck. KFXM -Fullness of Time. KV'OE- Christian Youth. KGER -News, Rev. Draper.

5:15- KECA -Broadway Memories. KMPC -Memory Kassel.

KFAC- Christian Science. *K W K W- Symphony.

KFOX -Rev. Lyle Hale. 8:30 -K1I, KIND-One Man' Fam-

ily. KNX- Rhythm Inn. KECA -Stop or (.o. KMI'('- Wimnel lt. McKee. KMTR -Reformed Witness

Hour. KPAS- Alhambra l'res. Ch. KWKWrSunday Musicale. KF'OX- (Calvary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOE -Of Civic Interest. KGER -Melvin MuomJean.

5:45*KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E- Gabriel Header.

KMPC- Washington Inside Ont.

Prophetic Hour


BAUMAN Speaker

Sun., 6:05 P. M: KGER -1390 KC

*KFAC- News. 5:55 *KNX -Bob Trout.

6 HF . KFSD- Manhattan Merry -Go- Round.

KNX- ('unrad Nagel Show. *KE('A, KFMB- Walter

VVinchell. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Steel Horizons. *KMPC- News, Philharmonic

Reporter. *RF'WB, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Bethel Chapel.

KI'AS- Lutheran Gospel Hour. KGFJ- Today's Hits. KWKW-Rev. Earl Isle.

*KGER -News, "Prophetic Hour."

0:15 -KECA, KFMB- Hollywood Mystery Time.

KMPC- Mother's Album. *AMR-Henry Charles.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD -Album of Fa- miliar Music.

KN'X -.tames Melton Show. *KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, )(VOE ---

Cedric Foster. KMPC -Mothers Album. KFWB- Gospel and Sung. KMTR -Savior of All. KPAS- Beyond Tomorrow. KWKW -Sunshine Mission. KFOX- Ilal's Memory Room. KGER- Lutheran Layman's

League. 6 :43.- -KECA, KFMIt -Jimmy Fidler.

KHJ-Musical. KMPC -Mayor Bowron.

*HFAC -News. *KRKD -News, Browning.

KPP(' -Story Time. KVOE -Grace and Truth. KFXM -Winlfred Newlin l're-


7 HFE, KFSD -Hour of Charm. KNX -Take It Or Leave It. KECA -Life of Riley. KHJ -Leondas Witherall.

*KMPC -News, Weather, Clas- sic Interlude.

KFWB- Strollin' Tom. *KMTR- News,l'orter Barrington

KPPC-- Saered Song Recital. HPAS -Ethel Huber. KWKW-EI Programa de Oro KFAC-Open Forum. KGFJ -Overture W Evening. KFOX -Olga Graves.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 7:15 -KMPC -First Church Vespers.

*KFWB, KPAS-News. KPPC-Organ Recital. KV0E-- Church of Christ.

*KPAS -News. 7:30 -KFI, KIND-Harold Lloyd,

Comedy Theater. KNX -Fanny Brice. MECA, KF:MII- Keeping Up

With the World. KHJ -Columbus Boys Choir. KMPC- Preview Time. KFWB -Rabbi Magnin. KMTR- Southwest Church of

Christ KPAS-Church of Open Door. K PI'C- Masterworks. KFXM -Ave Maria.

7:45- KHJ -This Changing World. KMPC -Music for Sunday. KFWB- Catholic Answers. KGB, KVOE-Columbus Boys'

Choir. 8 -KFI, KFSD-The Great

Gildersleeve. KNX -Crime Doctor. KECA, KFMB-- Greenfield

Village Chapel.

KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Music Depreciation.

*KMl'(' -News, Music. KFWB- Hollywood Presby-

terian Church. *KMTR -News.

KFAC -lst Methodist Church. KFOX- (Christian Science. KGFJ -B. A R. (Cowboys. KPI'C- Sunday Evening Hr.

*KGER -News, Chatauqua. 8:05- KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 8:15 *KECA -Dorothy Thompson.

*KMPC -William Parker. 8:25 -KNX -Song of the Week. 8:30 -KFT, KFSD- Standard Sym-

phony. KNX-Blondie. KECA, KFMII -Quiz Kids. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Tonight at Huagy's. K)fl'('- Everybody's Hour. KI'P(' -Word of I.Ife. KGFJ -Western Melody.

8:45- KI'PC- Religious News. *HFAC -News.

KGFJ -I -Aces Ranch Hands.



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

9- KNX -Adventures of Bill Lance.

RECA, KFMB -The Green Hornet.

*H11J, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News, Organ Melodies KFW'B -Union Rescue Session

*KMTR -News, Figueroa Christian Church. *KGFJ- Newsboy's Review,

KPAS KPRO -Old Fashioned Revival.

KFAC- Sunday Evening Club. *KGER -News, Bethel Church.

KFOX -County Barn Dance. 9:15 *HHJ, KGB, KVOE -Rex

Miller. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFXM- Unscheduled.

9:30 -KFi, KIND-Jack Benny. KNX- Romance of the

Ranchos. KHJ, KFXM, HVOE- Human

Adventure. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Hermit's Cave. KFWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr. KMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFAC -Musical Gems. KFOX -Bev. Eddie Driver. HGIt- Something Old, Some-

thing New. KGER -Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45 *KECA- Washington Inside Out.

KPPC- Rellglous News. 10 *KFI. KFSD -Richfield Re-

porter. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Rowdy of A.A.F.

KECA, KFMB-.Soldiers of the Press.

*KMPC -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim.

KPAS -Voice of Calvary. KGFJ -Hank, Nightwatch-

man, till 6 a.m. *HFVD- Newsical, 3 Hrs. KFOX -Rev. Fuller,

*KGER -News, Della Collins. 10:15-KFI- Chapel Quartet.

KNX -Discussion. KHJ -Hawaii Calls. KECA- Tailor Made Melodies. KFWB -Good News Hour.

*HFAC -News. 10:30*KFI- Enside the News.

(Thrifty Drug Co.). KNX -We Deliver the Goods.

*KECA -News. *KHJ -Bill Cunningham.

KMTR -Bob Brooks, Music. KPAS -Bright ('orner Church. HFAC- I.ucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD-Newslcal.

KGER -Songs in the Night. 10:45 -KFI- America's Music.

KECA -Weekend Feature. KHJ -Chuck Foster Orch. KMTR -Al Donahue Orch.


Inside the Nives with

James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner


1 *KFI- Eleventh Hour News. *KNX -News.

KECA -Tunes, Tidings -Phil McHugh.

*KMPC -News, Spade (Cooley. KFWB -Voice of the Army.

*KMTR -News, Music. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsical, 'tit 2 a.m. *KI'AS -News.

KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Band. KFSD -Kenny Baker.

11:15 -KFI -Pacific Story. 11:20 -KNX- Woody Herman. 11:30 -KHJ -S l n f on l e t t a.

KMP('- Master's Hour, Weather.

KFW'B -Musle You Want. 11:35 -KECA, RFMB- Bridge to

Dreamland. KNX- Frankle Masters.

11:45-KFI, KIND-Music in the Night.

11:58 *KNX. KECA, KFWB -News. KFI -Musical Encore.

COMEDY TEAM The refreshing personality

heard with Fred Brady in comedy spots on the new Blue "Gracie Fields Show" is that of pretty Jeff Donnell, Columbia Pictures starlet. Teamwork of the two makes their skits one of the bright features of the program.

COOKING TIP Dyana Gayle, heard on Co-

lumbia's "What Makes a Song ?" passes along a cook- ing tip to all the gals. Use more herbs, pepper, and oth- er seasonings, which are un- rationed, and cooking can be fun. Her specialty is curried rice.

GOOD NEIGHBOR Sybil Chism, pretty blonde

organist heard on the Blue's "Lum 'n' Abner" series, is making a series of half-hour transcriptions broadcast over all South Americna radio stations. The programs fea- ture Linda Darnell, and are entitled "Jeventud De Les Americas."

SLIPS THAT PASS Harry W. Flannery, CBS

commentator, recently wrote a magazine article about ra- dio speech blunders and called it "Slips That Pass In the Mike." He got the title from one of his own con- fused moments on the air, when in the middle of his broadcast the mike started slipping to the floor. He fol- lowed it down and practically finished on his knees!

MONDAY DECEMBER 11 *Indicates Nrws Broadcasts.

8 KFI -Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Brenenurn. KECA- Mv\eill's Breakfast

Club. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, Hl'OE-

Art hur Garth. *KMPC -News, William Parker

HMTR -News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

*Kl'AS, HGFJ, KGER -News. KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. KWKW- Breakfast Serenade. KItKI) -Dr. Louts T. Talbot. KFVD- ('mered Wagon


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

8:15*KFI -T.B. Blukiston, raniment KNX -Valiant lady. KHJ, KGB-Andy and Virginia KMPC -Market Reports, KMPC- Market Reports, Sports KFWB -Bands in Review. KGER- Mizpnh. HGFJ -Breakfast Tunes. KFXM-Morning Melodies.

8:!5 -E PAS- Minute :'rayer. 8:30- KFI- Trameri pt ion.

KNX -Light of the World. *HIM-Frank Hemingway,

News. KMPC-Unity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. HMTR -Tex Tyler.

*KFAC, KAKI), KFSI) -News. KPAS-Haven of Rest.

*HRHD -News Headlines. HFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KGB, HVOE -Jolly Joe &

Ralph. 0:88 -KFI KFSI) -David Harum.

ENN -Aunt Jenny's Real Lite Stories.

*KFWB--News. HMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -l'oral Favorites. HVOE -Bing Crosby KGER -Rev. Bennington.

$:55 -MBS -Lanny & Ginger. $:50 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -New,. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, GB. KFXM, HVOE- Gaubrlel Meatier.

KECA-Glamor Manor *KMPC -News. Sweet Leilani,

KMPC Today. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*H.MTH -News, People Are Asking.

KFAC-J. Newton Vates, Or- gan.

KPAS -Polly Patterson. HRKD- Sagebnrsh Serenade. KWKW-Bing (' rushy. KFOX- Firehrands for Jesus.

*HGFJ. KGER -News, 0:15 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson.

KGER- Curtis H. Springer. 9:15*KFI, HFSD -Larry Smith.

KNX-llig Sister. KHJ-Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Mamie. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KFAC -Volee of Health. KGFJ -Medical. KWKW- Morning Song Parade KGB-Serenading You. HFXM.- Future Unlimited. HVOF Music Mixers. HGRR -Ur. J. A. Lovell.

11:20-KFXM-Old Family Almanac. 0:30*KFI -News.

KNX-Romance of Helen Trent.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOF U. S. Naval Academy Band.

KECA. KFMR- Breakfast at Sandis.


KMTR-W. B. Record. KPAS- Scratches & Jockeys. HGFJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Hevfval. KFVD Show Tunes.

0:40 -KFI -G.l's Abroad. KFWB- Sweet Leilani Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFW11- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Curtis II. Springer.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFM'- Midmorning Serenade. KWKW -Willard Messenger. KGER -Full Gospel. K l'Vl) -Here t nnues Parade.

10:68-RECA-Aunt Jemima. HFI, HFSD-Gulding Light. KNX-.loyre.lordan, M. D.

KF':D -Ann Gibson. 9:65 *KFI -News.

10 *KFI -Voire of Nation.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KH.1, KGB. KFXM,

News, Glenn (lardy. *KM:'(' -News. Know lour

America. KF'tlt- Kitchen Kollege (lief Milani.

*KMTR- News. Music. K PAS-Harmony Homestead. KWH VW- Met ropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *HGFJ, KFOX -News.

KFVD- Midmorning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER -News. Mission .Workers.

KFSI)- University Extension. 10:15 *KFI -Peter de Lima's (lose -

ups. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Berch A Boys. KH.1, KGB, KFXM, EVOF

Terry's House Party. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGF'J -Salon Swing. KRKD-Dr. O. M. Richardson KGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KEI -Aunt Mary. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Luncheon with Lopez.

KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Stump l's.

*KFWB -Henry ('harles.


At the Console J. NEWTON YATES

KPAS -10:30 A. M.


HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *KFAC -News. *KWKW-News.

KPAS- Woman's World. KFVD- ('pion Rescue Mission KGER -Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -Your Albers Hour.

10:45 *KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News KNX-The Goldberg *. KHJ-Handy Man. KMPC -Home ('hats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -Care ut the Body. KFAC-Between the Lines. KRHD- Midnight Mission. KWKW- Treasury Salute. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Ameri-

can Women's Jury. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

*KHJ, KGB, H/'OE-- l'edrie Foster.

*KECA, KFMB- Baukhage Talking.

*KMPC-News, Homemakers Club.

KFWB -Al Jarvis. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC- Floretta. KPAS- -Rodeo Rhythm. KWKW -Voeab Variety.

*HGFJ, KFVD, KGER -News. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:13-KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX-Two on a Clue. KECA. KFMB- Mystery Chef. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOK-

Jane Cowl. KGF.1 -Sweet and Low.

*KWKW-News. KFOX -Spotlight Bands.

11 :t5 -KH.1 -Owl Program. 11::50 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. Kli J. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Open House. KECA- Musical Moments. HMTR- ('u*tis Springer.

*KPAS- Pusadena Independent. KWKW-Philharmonic Re-

porter. *KRHD, KFAC, KFOX -News.

MiFJ- Tuneful Tunes. KGER -Rev. (ireenemeyer.

11:45 -KFI -Hymns of All Churches. KNX- Adventures of Perry

Mason. *KECA -News.

KHJ -Victor Liodlahr. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KPAS-Hoot Gibson's Painted

Post. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. KFOX -Varieties. KGFJ-Calling All Zones.

11:55 *K WKW -News.

12 12-Fenn Reporter. KNX -Mary Martin.

*KHJ -Broadway News. SECA, KFMB-Morton Dow-

ney. *KMPC-News, Weather, Tune

of Week. *HMTR -News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. HFAC- Luneheón Concert. KPAS- Rancho 11 -10. KWKW-Noontime Melodies. HRHD -Prairie Schooner.

*KGFJ, KGB, HVOE -News. KFVD- Editor of Air.

*KGER-News, 1390 Club. KFSD -Woman of America.

1t:15 -KFI, HFSD -Ma Perkins. HNX -Neighbors, Irene

Beasley. KECA-Jay Burnett. KHJ - Johnson Family. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KWKW-Open Bible Revival


MONDAY Program Highlights Murnlnq App. ar in l.ightfnee lope: At: e, noun

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 6;00 -Johnny Murray. KFI. s :VO- McNeill's I eakfact Club.

KECA. 8:1: -Andy und Virginia, KHJ. 9:0l -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis.

KECA. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, RECA. 7::10- 1leidt Time, KECA. 8:00 -.Johnny Mercer -Jo

Stafford,' KFI. 5:15 -Hedda Hopper, KNX. S:15-Lam and Abner. RECA. 8:30 -Frank Sinatra Show, KNX 9:30 -Vox Pop. KNX.

War 5:15 -Salute to the Services.

HMTR. 8:66- Reuter's News Dispatch,

HFWB. 11:15 -From the Pacific. KFI. 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding Music 1:00 -Musical Masterpieces.

KFAC. 5:30 -Voice of Firestone, KFI. 8:00- 31usical Digest, KGFJ. 7 :00-Contented Hour, KFI. 8:00 -Evening Concert, ILEAC. 8:115 -31usical Milestones, KM PC. 9:00-Telephone Hnur, RFI.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

a rd

10:09- Newslcal, REVD. 11:00- F:astside Dance, KFWB.

Drama Il :15-Two on a Clue. KNX. 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. 6:00 -Lus Radio Theater, KNX. 7:00 -Screen Guild Players,

KNX. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 8:00 -Sherlock Holmes, KHJ. 5:30- Cavalcade of America,

KFI. 8:30 -Counterspy, KECA. 8:30 -Michael Mayne, KHJ. 9:00 -The Whistler, KNX.

Quiz Programs 8:30 -Information Please, KFF. 7:30- Thanks to the Yanks,

KNX. 7:30 -l)r. I. Q., REE 5:30 -Pay Day Quiz. KMPC. 9:30 -Noah Webster Says, KFI.

Public Affairs 14:4.5- Books, KVOE. 1:30 -School of Air, KNX. 8:15 -Hon. Jerry Voorhis. KPAS

Sports- Comment 9:30-Scratches, Jockeys, KPAS.

10:001 -Turf Bulletins. KRKD. lo :00 -Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW' 12:30-Bridge flub, KMPC. 5:30- Hollywood Park, KPAS.

19:38 --Sam Baiter, KECA.

KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGB -Ryan Swing Club.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KVOE -Two Keyboards.

11:30 -KEI, HFSD- Pepper lbuag's Family.

HNX- Bright Horizon. *KECA- Kiernans News

Corner. KHJ. ,KVOE -Mild and Mel-


Its New -It's Different SINGING

SWEEPSTAKES Daily 12:45 to 1:30 p.m.

KWKW 1430 kc.

KMPC- Bridge Club. Robert Lee Johnson.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFAC-Pan Americana. KWKW-Dinah Shore. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Front.

11:45 -RFI, HFSD -Right to Rapp'. nee..

KNX-Bachelor's Children. RECA- Memories in Melody. KHJ -This Is Music. KMPC -Lean Back, Listen. HFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC, KFSD -News. KWKW-Singing Sweepstakes. KFVD- Violet Schram. HFOX -Lucky Lady. KGB, KFXM- Musicale. H V OE- Books-

1 HFI. KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX-This Changing World.

*KECA, HFMB -Time Views the News.

*KMPC -News, Sweet Lellani. *KFWB -News. *KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-Dr. Helen Collier. KWKW-Military Rand. HGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD -News. KGB, HVOF Walter Compton.

1:15 -KFI, HFSD- Stella Dallas. *KNX-Hob Andersen.

RECA, KFMB -Radio Parade. HHJ, KFXM-Need Advice' KMPC -Lady of Charm. KFWB -AI Jarvis. KMTR-Saunders Sisters. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KWKW-Viennese. REVD -Moods in Music. KGB -Club Reporter. HVOE- Attern000 Melodies.

1:30 -KFI KIND-Lorenzo Jones. KNX- School of the Air.

*KECA- Reserve. KH.1, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Headlines in Harmony. KMPC- Family Bible.

*KPAS -News. *HRHD -News, Music. *KWKW -News, Memories.

KOFJ- Blenvenidos Amigos. KFOX-Christian Science.

1:45 -REI, KFS1) -Young Wilder Brown.

*KNX-News, Afternoon Dance *KECA -Buddy Twiss.

KWKW- Alvino Rey. KMPC -Homer Rodeheaver. KRHD- Singing Waiters. KFVi) -Music City. HFOX- Concert Master.

1:50 *KECA -Ed Jorgenson.




Monday-Wednesday- Friday -1:45 P. M.

KMPC Presented by GLEN HAVEN


Marries. HNX -Potluck Party.

*KHJ -This ('hanging World. KE('A, KFMB- VI 'hat's Doing,

Ladies? *KMPC-News. Pan Americana

*K IT -News. Halley's

KRHD- Concert Matinee. KGFJ-Town Crier ('resents. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KWHW -Club 00. KGB, Kt GE -Handy Man.

DECEMBER 10 «1944 RADIO LIFE Page 13

*KGER -News, Music Appreci- ation.

KFXM-Our Town, Social Se- curity.

2:15 -Ktl, KFSD- Portia Faces Life KHJ -Today on the ('oast. KFAC -Paradise Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2 : _ S*KN X -Newe. 5:30 -KFI, KFSD -Jest Plain Bill.

RNX -Meet the Mission. *KECA -Between the I.ines.

KMPC-Easy Rhythm. KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KRKD -Newe. &FOX- Western Songs.

2 :40 *K W K W -News. 2:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. HH.J, KGB, KVOE -Radie

Tour. KECA- Frances Scully.

*RF Y I) -News. KRRD- Salvatore Santaella. KWRW- Western Roundup.

F1, KFSD -Road of Life. 3 HKNX- Hnusewlces Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'('lock News. *HHJ, KGI':R -News.

KFAC-Famous Musical Favorites.

*KMP(. -Newe, Local Events. RF W B- Melody Matinee.

*KMTR -News, it Pays to Know.

KGFJ -Jack Pot. KRKD- Victory Queen Contest

*KPAS -List Digest. KWRW -Lat in- American. KGB, KVIIE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM -?rayer, News, Deco-

ttone. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KFVD- Popular Favorites.

3:15 -KFL -Star Playhouse. KECA- Broadway Memories. KHJ -Happy HOMES, Norma

Young. KMPC Swing Shift. KMTR -News Quiz. KPAS--Ju e Box Matinee. RWKW- opnlar Requests. RFOX -Mr. & Mrs. America. K A 0E-Of Civic Interest.

3:30- RFI -Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. KECA- Appointment With Lite

*K FRB-News. KMTR- Pianos.

*KRKD -News, Music. *KWKW-Off the Press.

KGFJ- Variation. KGB -Miracles of Faith. R1.0E--Va riety. KFOX -Hollywood Salon. K GER Cheerful Chatter.

3:35-11EC'A -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45 -RFI -Woman of America.

*RNX -The World Today. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB -Jasz. KGB. RFXM, AVM-

Johnson Family. KWRW -Italian Melodies. KFSD -Aunt Mary. RFL KFSD -Dr. Kate. KNXSandro Martin.


News, Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC-News, Sweet Leilani.

KFWB -Bert Fiche. *KMTR -Newe, Santaella En-

semble. KFM Masterpieces.

*KGF.J -News. KIND- Afternoon Concert.

*KGER -News. Music. 4:15 *KFI, KFSD -News of the

World. *KECA -General Pierce.

KHJ -Sky Room. KMPC -Joan Bartlett. KFWB-Organ Program. KMTR -Radin Newsreel. KGFJ -Interlude. RWRW -Hoyos Hour.

* K FV'D -Newe. RRRD- Movieland Quiz.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KGB. KFXM, KY 0F -Real Life Stories.

4:30 -RFI -Art Baker's Notebook. *RNX -New., Open House.

KECA -Ozie Waters. KMPC-Santa ('lacs.

*KF'WR -News, VNal Varieties KRKD -Tunes of the Iva). KGB. HYDE-Carroll Glenn. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KFSD -Black a White.

4 :45-RECA-Hop Harrigan. KHJ -Frolic.. KMPC-Casa Loma Time KFWB- Stuart Hamblen KGFJ -tins flouse Concert.

*RRRD -News. KFOX -Art Dickinson. KGB, KA 0E-Rhythm and

Romance. *KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

S *KF1, RFSD -OK for Release. RNX -Burritt Wheeler. RECA, KFMB -Terry and

the Pirates. *KHJ. KGB, RFXM, RV'OF

Sam Hayes. *KM PC -News Teen and

Twenty. *KMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ -Jive at 5. KPAS -t ncle Charlie. KRRD -Songe of the Saddle.

*KGER -News. b:l5 *RFI, KFSD -News.

HNX -Barbara Tate. KECA -Dirk Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE-

Superman. KMPC- Variations in Rhythm. KMTR- Salute to the Services

*RFAC. KFVD. KFSD -News. RWRW- American .Newish Hr.

5:30 -HFL, RFSD -Voice of Fire- stone.

*RNX -Harry Flannery. RECA, KFMB -Jack Arm- '

strong. HMI, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Adventnres of Tom Mix. KMPC -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KPAS -Today Hollywood Park. KFAC-Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Hawall Singe. KFYD -98-9e Club. KRKD-South Seas S de. KGER - Lighthouse Melodies.

b:45 *KNX -News. Truman Bradley. KECA- Captain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB. RFXM, RVOE- Night News Wire.

KMPC-Help Wanted. *KMTR-K. Louis Hattie,

News. KGFJ- Intermission.

6:58 *RNX -Bill Henry.

6 AFL, KFSD- Reserve. RNX -Lux Radio Theater.


News, Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC-News. *KFWB, KFOX, KGER -News. *RMTR -News, Beverly Hill-

billies. KFAC-Music for Everyone. KGFJ -Musical Digest.

6:15 *KECA -Peter de Lima. KMPC -Music by Sears.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. KRKD- .tweet and Lovely. K PAS-American Chiropractics KFOX- Master Theater Radio

6:38 -KFI. AFSD- Information Please.

RECA, RFMB- Spotlight Bands.

KHJ, RFXM, KV'OE- Harmony Hall.

KMI'l'Salute to the Hits. KFWB- America Dances. RFA(' -Erwin Yeo, Organ. KPAS -Church of Christ. KGB -Eddy (irrutt. KFOX-Hal's Memory Room.

8:43-KMPC-Barber Shop Quar- tette.

RIAS- Townsend Plan. KGB- Harmony Hall.

6:55 -KECA, KFMit- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -KFI, KFSD -Carnation Con- tented Hr.

KNX -Screen Guild Players. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Henry Gladstone. *KECA. KFMB- Raymon8

Gram Swing. *KMPC, KMTR -New., Weath-

er, Music. KFAC-Floyd A. Allen. KGFJ -Show Tunes. KPAS -Help Wanted.

:13 *K11J, KGB. KFXM, HIVE- Lowell Thomas.

*KECA -Ted Malone. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. RMTR -W. B. Record.

7:30 -KFI, KFSU -Dr. I. Q. RNX- Thanks to the Yanks. RECA, KFMB- Ilorace Heidt

for Servicemen. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE -

Lone Ranger. KM I'('- Candlelight and Silver.

*KFWB -New.. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFOX- Fishing Farts. KFAC-America Calling with

Floretta. RI'A$- Studio Frolics. K GFJ- Spanish Hour.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX- Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

Kl'AS -Roy a Loony. 8 -Km KFSD- Chesterfield Mu-

sie Shop. RNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KECA. KF311I -R KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KI (IF.-

Sherlock Holmes.

11.4$1111 . JOHNSON

and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M.

Al.o le:.{O-IS:45 A. M. Mnndsr throng', Friday

*KMPC- News. Musical Mile- stones.

*KFWB- Reuters' News Dis- patches.

*KMTR -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

RFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. a R. Cowboys. RPAS -J. Frank Burke.

11:03-- KGER -Jesus Name. 8:15 *KFE, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton. RNX -Hedda Hopper. K I:('A, KF51B & Abner. KFWB -Warner Bros. Dreh. KPAS -Hon. Jerry Voorhis.

New Time -New Station

Barbara Ann


KMPC 710 on your dial

8:30 -KFI, KFRD- Cavalcade of America,

KNX -Frank Sinatra Show. KECA. KF1M11- Counterspy. &H.I, KGB. KFXM, KY 0E-

Michael Shayne. RMPC-Pay Day Quiz.

*KFWB -News. KGFJ - Western Melody. KPAS, KIOX -P. E. Gardner KGFJ -t -Aces Ranch Hands.

8:55 -Dr. Wallace Sterling.



Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue

KH1 8:30 P.M. MON DAYS

RFI, KIND-Telephone Hour. 9 KNX -The Whistler. K ECA, KF'SMB -Blind Date.

*KHJ, KGB, RFXM, RIVE-- News, Glenn Hardy.

*RSIP(' -News, Music Box. KFWB- Victory Service Club.

*want-News, Dr. A. C. Michelson.

K GFJ- Dancing Rhythm 9:15*KH.1, KGB. KFXM, HYDE--

Cecil Brown, News. 8:30 -KFF,R F SI) -Noah W ebster Says

KNX -V'ox l'op. KHJ, KFX51, KYOF

Guy Lombardo Orch.

MONDAY LOGS *KECA-News. *KF W1I-Henry Charles..

KGFJ -ltlne of Evening. KI'AS -Life and Health KGB -Police Reporter.

1:45-KECA-Stand by for Adven- ture.

RH.I. KFXM, KVOE -l'n- scheduled.

*K11411.-Sam Baiter. KMTR -Merl Lindsay Band

*RFI, KFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten ñ Clock Wire. *KECA. KFMti- Hollywood

Spotlight, George Fisher. *RH.N. KGB. KFXM, KI'OE-

Fulton Len-t., jr.


DANCE Tonne 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory NO. I )..dr

KFWB A,.ori,.. k.w sud. KEN B- Eastside Dance

Tonite. *RMTR -News, Teaas Jim.

KFAC -Lucky lager Dance. KGFJ -Hank. Nightwateh-

man, 'till It a.m. *RFVU- +Newsical, 3 Hr.

10:15 *KFI -From the Pacific. *RNX -Pacific liar 'Analysis.

B ECA- Martha Mears. RH.1 -Sunny Skylar. RPAS- Carter V. right.

Hollywood Spotlight . with Geor e Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner


10:30 *RFI- Inside the News (Thrifty Drug.)

KNN- World's Most Honored Music.

RECASport. Rook. KHJ-Johnson Family. KMPC- ('hisholme Trail.

*IGMTR -News. Rob Brooks 10:43 -RFI -Medals in Music.

RNX -Gayle t Charles. HMI-George Olsen (tech. K EC.t- What's New on Blue RMM'- American Songs. KMTR -Al Donahue Oreh.

11 *RF'1, HNX, KHJ-News. KECA- Tunes, Tidings -rho

McHugh. *KMPC-News, Emil l'etti Irch.

KFWB -Eastside Dance. *KMTR- New.. Music. *RF VD- Newsiest.

KFOX -Merl Lindsay and lite Riders. 11:15 -KFI -Philharmonie Preview.

'KHJ-Wings Over the West Coast.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance. 11:20 *KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Lenny tono. 11:38 -KFI -Radio Fanfare.

KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

10111W- Concert Miniature, Weather.

*KFV1)- Newsical, 'till I a.m. 11:45 *KHJ, KFrSD -News. 11:55 *KN X, KFWB -News.

SCHOOL GIRL Pretty Louise Erickson, who

plays the title role on NBC's "Date With Judy" show, has registered as a freshman at the University of Southern California. She will major in dramatics under the direction of William De Mille.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

8 1111-Jnhony Murray. KNX-Mark Breneman. KECA-Mc\elll's Bleakfast


KRKD 8:00 A. M.


Tues., Thurs., Sat. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Arthur (:aeth.

*KMPC -News, William Parker *KMTR- Neves, Ezra's Ber.

Hillbillies. KFAC- Country Church of

Hollywood. *KPAS, RGFJt KGER-News.

KRKD, KFON -Haven of Rest. KWKW- Breakfast Serenade. KFVD- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KFSD -A to 7..

9:15*KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com- ment.

KNX- Valiant Lady. KHJ, KGB. K1.0E -Shady

Valley Folk. $MPC- Market Report. Sports. KFWB -Bands in Review. RGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. KGER-Mizpah. KFXM-Morning Melodies. KFSD -Good Cheer.

8:25 -RPAS- Minute Prayer. 8:30 -KFI- Albers' Flour.

KNX -Light of the World. *KHJ -Frank Hemingway,

News. KMPC -Unity Daily Word. KFWB -help Wanted. KMTR-Tex Tyler.

*KFAC, KRKD -News. KPAS -Haven of Rest. KWKW -Dr. John Matthews. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. RFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB, KVOE -Matti Hollis Orch

:45-KFI, KFSD -David Hamm. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB -News. KMTR- Itible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KWKW- Morning Requests. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KGER-Rev. Bennington. KFSD -Dr. Reynolds.

11:58-- MBS-- Charlotte Deeble. 8:58-KMTR--Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX -Rate Smith.

*KH.1. RGR. KFXM, KVOE- Gabriel I(eatter.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News, Sweet Lethal! l!

KMPC Today. KFWB- Health Talk.

*RMTR -News, Christian Fun- damentals.

KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Or- gan.

KRKD- Sagehrueh Serenade. KWKW -Bing Crosby. KPAS -Polly Patterson.

*KGFJ, KGER, KFSD -News. KFVD -Waltz Time. Kt-ON-Firebrands for Jesus.

9:05 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9:15*KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator.

KNX -Big Sister. RI1.1 -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KGFJ -Medical. KFAC -Voice of Health. KWRW -Dr. Gertrude Laws. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM-Future Unlimited. KGB, KVOE -Music Mixers.

9:20-KFXM-Old Family Almanac. 9:30*KFI -News.

KNX -Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA, KFMII- Breakfast at Sardis.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- U. S. Marine Band.

*KFWB, KFAC, KWKW -News KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS -Scratches and Jockeys KGER -Radio Revival. Ii1 Çta -ehew Tunes.

KGFJ -Swing Serenade. 9:40 -KFI -G. l.'s Abroad.

KFWB -Sweet Lellani. 9:45-KFI-Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. AFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFAC -Midmorning Serenade. KWKW- Willard Messenger. KGER -Full Gospel. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10 *KFI -Voice of a Nation. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, KFMB --Tony Morse. *KMPC-News, Know Your

America. AFR'B- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Music.

KPAS -Harmony Homestead. KWKW -Metropolltan Scratch

Sheet. KRKD -Turf Bulletin.

*KGFJ, KFOX- News. KFSD Sewing School.

*KGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

10:15 *KFI -Peter de Lima. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA-Jack Beech 4t Boys. KHJ-John Burton, Human

Horizons. KMTR-('h fengo Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KGER- Kingdom VI Rhin. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Terry's

Thrust. Party. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.


with MARION LEE At the Console


10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -My True Story. KH.1 -Paula Stone, John Brito. KMPC -Stump l's.

*KFWB-Henry Charles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC, KWKW -News. KPAS-Woman's World. KFVI) -Union Rescue Mission. KGB, KFXM, KY 0E-Lunch-

eon with Lopez. KGER-Sunshine Pastor.



s7oTi4oT79oT9 oTo:oT II o 1 ío T133oT1390 I i00 710 870 990 1070 1111 1230 1280 1360 1431 1490

KFSD- Altiers Hour. 10:45 *KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News

KNX -The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. KFWB--Science of Mind. KMTR -Talks and Tunes. KFAC- Between the Lines. KFOX -Dr. A. T. Michelson. KM KW- Treasury Salute. KGB, RFXM, KVOE -Wom-

en's Jury. KRKD- Midnight Mission.

10:55-KECA-Aunt Jemima.

11 KFI, KFSD- Guiding Light. RNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KECA, KFMB- Baukhage Talking.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KMPC -News, Homemakers' Club.

KFWB -Al Jarvis. *KMTII -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KWKW -Vocal Varieties.

*KGF.1 KFVD, KGER -News. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KFAC- Fioretta. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -EFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on s Clue. RECA, KFMII- Master Chef. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Jane ('owl. KGF.1 -Sweet and Low.

*K W K W -News. KFVI)- Musical Revue. KFOR Spotlight Bands.

11:25-K114-Owl Program. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KECA -Musical Moments. KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Open House. KMTR- Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. *KFAC, KFON -News. *KRKD -News. Douglas.

KWKW- Philharmonic Re- porter.

KGFJ -Tuneful Tunes. RGER -Rev, Chas. Greene -

myyer. 11:41 -KFI, KFSD -Hymns of All

Churches. KNX -Perry Mason.

*KECA. KFMB -News, Ted Meyers.

KHJ -Victor Lindlahr. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KFVD- Violet Schram. KPAS-Hoot's Painted Post. KWKW -Frank Sinatra. KFOX -Varieties.

11:88 *K W K W -News. KMPC- Prayer.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety IMO-- Johnny Murray, KFI. 8:00- DlcNelll's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9 :30-Breakfast at Sardl's,

KECA. 10:00 -Chef Milans, KFWB. 10:36 -Paula Stone, KHJ. 11:15 -Jane Cowl. KHIJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KF7 3:30 -Date with Judy, KFI. 6:00 -Burns and Allen, KNX. 6:30 -Fibber McGee & Molly.

AFL. 6 :30- Spotlight Bands, KECA. 7:00 -Bob Slope, KFI. 7:15-Andy Russell Show, KECA 7:30 -Let Yourself Go, RECA. 7:30 -Raleigh Room, Hildegard,

KF7. 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood Show,

RNs. 8:00 -Mercer -Stafford Show,

KIT 8:15 -Lum and Abner, RECA. 8:30 -, Johnny Presents Ginny

Simms, KFI. 8:30 -Alan Young Show, RECA. 9:00 -Everything for the Boys,

KFI. 9:00 -Gracie KECA.

War ar 9:30 -United Nations Forum,

RECA. 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, KNX

Drama 6:00- Mystery Theater, KFI.

11:30 -This Is My Best. KNX. 6:55 -Coronet Story Teller,

RECA. 7:30 -Red Ryder, KHJ. 8:00 -Count of Monte Cristo,

KHJ. 8:30 -Romance, KNX. 9:00 -Big Town, KNX. 9:30 -Downstage Center, KFI.

Quiz Programs 1:00 -Think Hard Now, KHJ. 7:30 -Weber's Roundup, KMPC.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4:30 -American Melody Hour,

KNX. 6:011 -Musical Digest, RGFJ. 7:30 -Inglewood Park Concert,

KNX. 8:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, K FAC.

10:01- Newsical, KFSD. 10:00- Eastside Dance Tonite,

KFWB. Public Affairs

6:30- American Forum. KHJ. 10:30 -Congress Speaks, KNX.

Sports -Comment 9:30- Scratches, Jockeys, KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

K WKW. 5:15 -Belle Martell, RMTR. 8:.. ̂.t )-Hollywood Perk, KPAS.

10:041- 0lympic Fights, KMTR. 11:30 -Sam Baiter Sports. RECA.

12 -KS7 -Farn; Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin.

*KHJ- Broadway News. RECA, KFMB- Morton Dow-

ney. *KMPC-News, Weather, Tune

of Week. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KPAS- Rancho 11 -10. KFAC -Luncheon Concert.


KWKW -Lunch With Moores. KFVD- Editor of Air. KFSD -Woman of America. KRKD -Prairie Schooner.

12:15 -KF7, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA -.lay Burnett. KHJ- Johnson Family. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KM KW-Open Bible Soc. RFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGER -1390 Club. KGB-Ryan Swing Club. KVOE-Palmer House Orch.

12:30 -KFf, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Bright horizon. KHJ, RVOE -Mild and Mel,

low. *KECA- Kiernan's News Corner

KMPC -Bridge Club. *KFWB -News.

RMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFAC -Pan Americana. KFSD- Violet Schram.

*KWKW- News, Dinah Shore. RFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFNM- Western Playboys.


BETTY ALLEN Gifts and contest prima every day

Mon. thru Fri. KFOX, 12:45 P.M.

KGER -La Quints. 12:45-KFI, KFSD -Right to Happi-

ness. KNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA -Memories In Melody, KMPC -Lean Back, Listen. KFWB-Al Jarcie.

*KFAC, KFXM, KFSD -News. KWKW-Hawaiian Melody. KGB, KVOF Musicale. KFOX -Lucky Lady.

1 KFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -This ('hanging World.

*KECA, KFMB -Time Views the News.

RH.1 KGB, !LEVI!, KV0E- Think Hard Now.

*KMPC-News, Sweet Letlard. *KFWB-News. *KMTR -NeEs, Music.

KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. *KWKW -News. Military Band

KFAC -Dr. Walter Raymond. *KGER, KFVD -News.

1 ;15 -KFI, Kt-SD-Stella Dallas. *KNX -Boh Andersen.

RECA, RFMB -Radio Parade. MEW-Lee Shippey. KMPC -Lady of Charm. KFWB -Al Jarvis. KMTR- Saunders Sisters. KWKW -Viennese. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KFXM, KFVD -Moods in

ic. KGBMus, KFXM -Need Advice?

1 :25*K W K W -News. 1:30 -KFF, KFSD -Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-School of the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

IHeadlines in Harmony. *KECA- Reserve.

KMPC- Family Bible. *KPAS, KRKD -News. *KWKW -News, Musical Va-

rieties. KFSD- Hawaiian. KFOX- Concert Master. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos.

1:45 -KF7, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KNX -News, Afternoon Dance *KECA -Blue Newsroom

Review, Buddy Tunics. KMPC- Rendezvous with Ro-

mance. RMTR -Tex Tyler. KRKD- Singing waiters.

1:30 *KECA- Edward Jorgenson.

DECEMBER 10, 1944 RADIO LIFE 2 -KFI, KFSD -When s Girl

Marries. KNX- Potluck Party.

*KHJ -This Changing World. KECA. KFMB- What's Doing,

Ladles. *EMPC -News, Pan Americana *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. KWKW-Club 60. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KRKD- P. -T.A. REND-Timely Tunes. KGB. KFXM-Handy Man. KGFJ-Town Crier Presents. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces Life *KHJ-Today on Coast.

HMPC -War Bond Show. KFAC -Paradise Isle. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2 :25 *KNX -News. J:30-HFI, RFSD -.lust Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mlesus. *KECA- Between the Lines.

HMPC -Easy Rhythm. KFWB -Hal Styles.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Songs of the West.

6:45 -KFI, HYSD -Front rage Farrell.

KECA- Frances Scully. KRKD- Salvatore Santaella. KWRW- Western Roundup. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. *HFS'D -News.

3 KFI, ED -Road of Life. EMI-Road Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ, HFSD. KGER -News. *HMPC -News. Local Events.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It Pays to

Know. HFAC- Famous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ-Jack Pot. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. *RPM- Listeners' Digest. K WK W- Latin- American. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, HYDE-Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM-Prayer, News, Devo-

tines. :i 15 -KFI -Star Playhouse.

KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KECA, KFMB- Broadway Memories.

RMP('- Swingshift. KWKW-Popular Requests. SPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFOX- Rswall Calls. EVOE -Cis ir Interest.

3:.,0 -KFI- Rosemary. *KNX -News, Afternoon

Danes. KECA -Appointment With Life

*KFWB. KRKD -News. KMTR -Pianos. RGFJ- Variation.

*KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KFVD -Star Time Tunes. EFOX -He wood Salon. HOB, HVOF-Musical Matinee

3:36 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45 -KFI -Woman of America.

*KNX-World Today. Joseph Harsch.

KHJ -BIB Ray Reads the Bible.

KFWB -,)ring. KFAC- Gateway to Music. HWHW- Italian Melodies. KGB, KFXM, KY0E -John-

son Family. KFMD -Aunt Mary. KGER- Cheerful Chatter. KFI, KFSD -Dr. Kate. 4 KNX-Sandra Martin.


Fulton I.ewis, jr. *HMPC -News, Sweet Lellanl.

KFWB -Bert Flske. *KMTR -News, Ssntaella En-

semble. KFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*KGFJ-News. KFVD-Afternoon Concert.

*HGER, KFOX -News. 4:16 *KFI. KFSD -World News.

* KHJ-Sky *KECA-General Pierce.

KMPC-Joan Bartlett. HEWS-Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVD -News.

KGFJ-Record Time. KWEW-Hoyoe Hour. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -Real

Lite Stories. KRKD- Movieland Quiz.

4:3O -Rif -Art Baker's Notebook. HNX -American Melody. Hour.

. KECA- Twilight Tales. KMPC -Santa Claus.

KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KFVD-Tea Time Music. KFXM -Dr. Philip Lovell. RFSD -Black 'a' White.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


4 :45 -KHJ- Frolics. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KMPC-Our Fighting Heroes. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

*KRKD -News, Browning. KGFJ-Gas House Concert. HGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KRKD- Salvatore Santaella. KGB, HYDE- Rhythm and


5 *KFI, KFSD -OK for Release. HNX- Barritt Wheeler.

*HJ, KGB, KFXM. HIDE- Sam Hayes, News.

KECA. KFMB -Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -News, Musk.

KPAS- t'nele Charlie. KR/ED-Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ-Jive at 5. EFVD- Evening Serenade. HFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*KGER -News. 5:05 -11GER -Olga Graves. 5:16 *KFI, KFSD-News.

HNX -Barbara Tate. KECA -Dirk Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE--

Superman. KMPC-Variations in Rhythm. KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC, KFVD, HFSD -News. KWKW-American Jewish Hr.

5:30-HFI, EFSD-A Date with Judy.

*KNX-Harry W. Flannery. RECA. KFMB -Jack Arm-

strong. HHJ, KGB. KFXM, RVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. IMPC-World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. HPAS -Today Holly Park. KGFJ- Hawall Singe. KFVD -90-90 Club. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. KGER- Lighthouse Melodies.

6:45 *HNX- Truman Bradley, News. KECA -Captain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB. HF/CM, KVOE- Night News Wire. FC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Platan. KGFJ- intermission.

6 :56 *HNX -Bill Henry. KFI. KFSD- Mystery Theater. INN- George Burns and

Gracie Allen. *KHJ, KGB. KF'XM, HYDE--

Gabriel Heatter. *KECA, KFWB -News. * HII - eews.

Fare's Bereriy


ton ght

KGFJ 6:00 - 7:00 P.M.

MUSICAL DIGEST presents the family dinner hour concert with Jatcha H e i l et z in Glazounow's CONCERTO IN A MINOR a n d Brahm's CONCERTO IN D MAJOR. John Barbi rolli and Serge Koussevitvk, will be the conductors for these two selections.

Page 15 TUESDAY LOGS *R M PC-News, Music. *KFOX, KGER -News.

HFAC -Music for Everyone. KGFJ-Musical Digest. KWRW- Fordellon. KPAS- Future Pianists.

6:16 *KECA -Peter de Lima. HMPC -Musts by Sears.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. *RFSI) -News.

KFOX -Dick Ross. KPAS -Amer. Communications

0:30 -KFI, HFSD- Fibber McGee & Molly.

HNX -This la My Best. KECA, HFMöpotlight

Bands. KFXM, HYDE-Amer-

ican Forum. KMPC- Salute to Hits. KFWB- "America Dances" KRKD- Reereated Races. KFAC-Erwin Yen, Organ. KPAS -Church of Christ. HFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

*KGB -Eddy Oreutt. 6:45 -HPAS- Townsend flan.

KMPC-Barber Shop Quartette.

6:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller. KFI, HFSD -Bob Hope. HNX -Service to the Front.

*KECA, KFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*KMPC -Newa, Weather, Music *KMTR -News. Music.

KGFJ-Show Tunes. KPAS-Help Wanted.

1:15 *HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Lowell Thomas.


June Hayden, soprano Douglas Steads, tenor

KNX - Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn

KECA -Andy Russell. KMPC-Norman Nesbitt.

*KFVD -News. HPAS -CIO Reporter.

7:30 -KFI, HFSD- Raleigh Room with Hildegard.

RECA, KFMB -Let Yourself Go.

KNX- Inglewood Park Cos- rt.

KHceJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Red Ryder.

KMPC- Weber's Roundup. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. HFAC- Amerlea Calling with

Floretta. s KPAS-Studio Frolics. KGFJ -Spanish Hnnr. KGEH- Kingdom Within.

I:45*KFWB, KFON-Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*HFAC -News.

ó -KFI, EFSD- Chesterfield Me- ttle Shop.

KNN -leek Kirkwood Showy *KE('A, KFStB- Reserve. HJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Count of Monte Cristo. HMPC -News. Vocal Gems.

*KFWB - Dispatch from Reuters'.

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. HFAC -Evening Concert.

*KPAS-J. Frank Burke. 6:65- KPAS- United Races. 6:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton, Comment. HNX -Muele that Satisfies. 'MCA, HFMB -Lum L Abner. HFW'B- Warner Bros. Orch.

0:30 -HF!, KFSD - Johnny P is Ginny Simms.

HNX- Theater of Romance. RECA. KFMB -Also Young


Freedom of Opportuninty. KMPC- Symphonettea.

*HMS-News. KMTR- Central Church of

Christ. KPAS, HFOX -r. E. Gardner. KGFJ-Western Melody.

6:55 *HNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling.

9 -KFI, KFSO- Everything for the Boys, Haymes -Jenkins.

. KNX -Big Town. KECA- Gracie Fields.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE-- News, Glenn Hary.

*KMPC -News. Music Box *KMTR -News, Dr. A. II.

Michelson. 9:15 *HHJ, KGB, HEMS, KVOE-

Rex Miller.

KGF.1- Dancing Rhythm. e :LS- KNX -Dramatic Story. 9:30 -KFI- Downstage l'enter.


KFI 9 : P.




KNX -Edwin C. Hill. *KECA, KFMB- Cuited Na-

tions Forum. RAJ. HGB. KFXM, HEWS-.

Roy Rogers Show *HF WB -Henri Charles.

HPAS- Spotlight Stories. KGFJ-Blue of Evening.

I1:45-- KECA. KFMB- Reserve. KNX- Tapestries of Lite. KHJ, KFXM, RYOE -Va-

scheduled. *KFWB -Sem Salter.

KMTR- Interpretation Please. *KFI, KFSIt- Richfield Re-

porter. *HNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KECA. HFMB- Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

*KHJ, KGB, HF]LM. HI, 0E- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KFWB- Eastside Dance Tonite.


'DANCE Tonite lo to 12 P. M. F..r MI,s r.,.r t..a.r

KFWB A-rk1, MM reeb *KTR -News, Olympic Fights

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KGFJ-Hank, Night Watch-

man, till 6 a.m. *HF VD- Nennreal. 3 Hvs.

16:15 -KFI- Manchester Roddy. *HNX -Pacific War Analysis.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. - KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M.- KFI


KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KYGE- George Hamilton Orch.

10:30 -- KFI -Inside News (Thrifty Drug).

KNX- Congress Speaks. KHJ- Johnson Family. KECA -Sports Book. KMPC- Chisholme Trail.

10:45- KFI -Taylor Made Melodies. HHJ, HFXM. KVOE -The

. Feeling Is Mutual. KECA -What's New ea Blue. KNX -Behind the Scenes.

11 *KFI- Eleventh Hour News. BNX -News, Bob Andersen.

*KHJ-News. Music. KECA- Tunes, Tidings -Phil

McHugh. KFWB- Eaatside Danes Tee

site. RFA(' -Lucky lager Dance. KFOX -Merl Lindsay Nite

Riders. 11:15--KFI-Post Parade, Henry

King Oreh. II:20- HNX -Stan Kenton Orchestra.

*KFVD- Newsical 'till 1 .m. 11:3íf- KFI -Radio Fanfare.

BMP('- Concert Miniature, Weather.

11:45 -HF I, KFSD -Ted Weems Orch.

ERN- Bernie ('ssmmingps. *KECA -News. Dixie Hospi-

tality. *KHJ. KIND -News.

11:56 *HNX, KFWB- Newii.,

WEDNESDAY, *Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station. rseordsd m u s i e has been sehsduled.

SKFI- Johnny Murray. RNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- McNeill's Breakfast

(lob. *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOE-

Arthur Gaeth. *KMPC -News, William Parker

KFWB -Breakfast Club. *KMMTR -News, Eera's Ber rely

Hillbillies. *KPAS, KGFJ, KGER -News.

HR$D -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. KFAC- Country Church. KWKW -James Townsend. REVD- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

S:(15-KGER -Soul Patrol. 8:18 *$FI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. HNX- Vallant Lady. KHJ, KGB -Andy and Virginia KMPC- Market Report, Sports. KWKW- Breakfast Symphony. KGFJ- Breakfast Tones. KGER- Mizpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:28 -KPAS- Prayer Minute. 8:38 *HFI. KFSD, KFAC-News.

KNX-Light of the World. *KHJ-Frank Hemingway News

KMPC -Deity Daily Word.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

HMTR -Tex Tyler. *KFAC -News.

KPAS- Haven of Rest. RWKW -Dr. John Matthews.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB, RVOF Jolly Joe and

Ralph. $:45 -$FI. KFSD -Dasid Herum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

RMTR -Bible Treasury. RWRW -Girl Scouts. KGB -Leo Huff Trio. KFVD -Vocal Fin mites. KGER -Rev. Bennington. KVOE -Bing Crosby'.

8:55- MSS-- Lanny & Ginger. 8:58- HMTR -Time Signal.

PPolly and Pat

ATTERSON "Household Hints-

KPAS--9:00 a. m. Monday thru Friday

9 *HF1 -2%ews. RNX -Rate Smith. KECA -Glamor Manor.

*KH.J. KGB, KFXM -KVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

*$MI^[' -Newa, Sweet l.eilani. *KMTR-News, Church Lacks

at Lite. KFAC -J. Newton Yates, Organ KWKW -Bible Talk. KPAS-Polly Patterson. KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KFVU -Walte Time. KFOX- Firebrands for .Jesus.

*KGFJ, KGER -News. 8 :$5- KGER -Curtis H. Springer.

*KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9 :15 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator.

ENS -Big Sister. KHJ -Time Out. KMPC-Say It With Music. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KFAC-Voice of Health. KWKW- Morning Song Parade. KGFJ -Medical. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KVOE -Music Mixers. KGB -Serenading You.

DECEMBER 13 $:!O -HF:XM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30 *KE1 -News.

KNX -Romance of Helen Trent.

RHJ, KGB, KFXM KVOE- Tour Arm, Service Forces.

KECA, KFMMB- Breakfast at Senti's.

*KERB, KFAC. KWKW-News KMMTR-W. B. Record. KPAS-- Scratches and Jockeys. EFY -Show Tunes. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KitER -Radio Revival.

1.'s Abroad. KFWB-Sweet Leilanl Time.

9:45-KF1 -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-- Curtis H. Springer

*KRKD -News. Clifton. KFAC- Mid -Morning Serenade AW$W- Willard Messenger. REVD-Here Comes Parade. KGER -Full Gospel. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:55- KHJ -Aunt Jetaima.

10 WHIT-Voice of a Nation. HNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB, AF'XM. KVOE- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA. KFMB -Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Especially for

You. KFWB-kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR-News, Music. *KGFJ, KFOX -News.

KPAS- Harmony Homestead. RWRW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. IKFYD- Morning S de. KR/CD-Turf Bulletins

*KGER -News, Mission Work- ers.

1e:15*KFI -Peter de Lima. HNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Bereh Boys. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF

Terry's House Party. HMTR -Chicago Tabernarle.

*KPAS-News. KGFJSaInn Swing. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX-Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX-Bernadine Flynn News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, Flynn,

with Lopez. RMPC -Stamp Us. KECA -Mr Tnte Story.

*KFWB -1 enry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC, RWRW -News. KPAS- Woman's World. KRKD- Samolloff.



KYT1 I C :M (111,10111 CM KM MY/ aiKFS1 IEV CEWtKNC? T T6BT Il Cf ----K[YOE

T13oTfózoT 1 11 o 1 13o 1 T 710 170 110 1010 1110 1230 1210 B60 1431 1411

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

Kl i1) -Union Rescue Mission. K1 s11-Your Alben Hr. KGERSunshioe Pastor.

10:45 -BFI, RFSD --Art Baker. News KNS -The Goldberg*. KHJ-Handy Man. KMPC-Home ('hats. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -('are of the Body. BRED- Midnight Mission. KFAC- Between the Lines. RWRW- Treasury Salute. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson. KGB. KFXM, KYOF Ameri-

can Women's Jury. 11:55 -KECA -Ahnt .lemima.

11 BFI, RFSD- Gniding Light. HNX -,Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KECA, KFMB- Raukhage Talking.

*KH.1, KGB, KY OE-Cedric Foster.

*KMPC-News. Homemakers' Club.

*KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

$FWB -Al Jarvis. RFAC- Fioretta.

*KGFJ, RF171, KGER -News. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KWKW-Vocal Varieties. REXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -BFI, KFSD-Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. RECA. KFMB- Myatery Chef. KHJ. H(:B, RPM'. RVOF

Jane Cowl. KGFJ -Sweet and Low.

*KWKW -Newa. KFOX -Spotlight Bands. KGER -Dr. Lowman.

11:31 -BFI, KFSU -Woman in White KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOR-

Oppen House. *KECA -Newa.

RMTR-- 'urtis H. Springer. RWRW - Freddy Martin.

*KFAC, EKED, KFOX-News. KGFJ- Tuneful Tunes. KPAS- Pasadena Independent.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Ltghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00- Johnny Murray, KFI. 8 :00-McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 8:00 -Breakfast Club, KFWB. 8:15- -Andy and Virginia. KHJ. 9:00 -Kate Smith, RNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis,

KECA. 10:00 -Chef Milani. KFWB. 11:15 -.lane Cowl. KHJ. 8:00 -Eddie Cantor, KFI. 7:00-Kay Ryser, KFI. 8:00 -.lack Kirkwood, ENE. a:$$- Mercer -Stafford Show, EEl. $:15 and Abner, KECA. 11:30-Carton of Cheer, KFI. 9:06 -Jack ('arson, ENE.

War 5:15- salute to the Services,

HMTR. 8:00-Reuters' News Dispatch,

KERB. 6:66- Teletision, Test Pattern,

W6X1'Z. 8:30 -Television. Amateur

Boxing, WtXYZ, 9:00-Television, Vaudeville,


Drama 3:13' -Star Playhouse. KFI. COO-Inner Sanctum, ENE. 8:30 -Mr. District Attorney, KIT 7:311 -1.0nr Ranger, KH.1.

$:30 -Dr. Christian, J. Hersholt, EN X.

5:30- Bulldog Drummond, HILL 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North, KFI.

Quis Programs 5:30 -Which is Which, ENE. :30- Srramhy Amby,

9:30 -Money on the Line. KNX.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 8:55- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7 :00-Great Moments In Music,

ENE. 7 :30-Nelson Eddy. ENE. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:00 -Messiah, KPPC.

9:00 -Adohr Golden Hour, KMPC 9:30 -Young Artist's Competi-

tion, KF7. e 10:00-Lucky lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 10:00- Newsiest, KFVD. 11:00- F,nstside Dance Tonite,


Public '9jfairs 7:00 - Sumner Welles, KHJ. 7:30 -Juvenile Forum, KMPC.

Sports- Comment 9:30 -Scratches, Jockeys, KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,KWKW 12:30- Bridge Club, EMIT.

5 :30-- Holly. Park, KPAS. 1$:30 -5^m Ratter, Sports,


KGER -Rev. Chas. Greene - myer.

11:45 -KF1, KFSD -Hymns of All Churches.

KNX -Perry Mason. *KECA, KFMB -News, Ted

Meyers. KHJ- Victor Lindlahr. Kt:F.J.- Calling All Tomes. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KPAS -Hoot's Painted Post. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFOX-Varieties. [WAD- Violet Schram.

1l :M *KWKW -News.

12-K11 -Farm Reporter.

KNX-Mary Marlin. KECA, KFMR -Morten

Downey. *KHJ- Broadway News. *KMPC-News, Weather, Tuns *KMTR-News. Ezra's Rev.

of Week. Hillbillies.


KFAC- Luncheon Concert. KFVD- Editor of the Air. KPAS- Rancho il -1e. KWKW -Lunch With the

Moores. KRKD -Prairie Schooner.

*KGER -News, 1391 Club. 12:15 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

HNX -Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley. KHJ-Johnson Family.

KECA -Jay Burnett. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW -Open Bible Soc: KFVD- Luncheon Music.

*KFOX. KFXM -News. KGB-Ryan Swing Club. KVOF Palmer House Oreh.

12:30 -KFI, HFSD- Pepper Anna' Family.

KNX-Bright Horizon. *KECA- Klernan's News

Corner. KHJ, KVOF -Mild and MW-

low. KMPC-Bridge Club, Robt,

Lee Johnson. * KFR'B -News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay A Band. KFAC-l'an Americana. KFVD- Violet Schram.

*KWKW -News, Dinah Shore. KFXM -Farm Front. KGB -Molly Morse. KGER -La Quinta.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD -Right te Happi- ness.

RNX -Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories in Melody. KHJ -This Is Music. KMPC-Lean Back, Listen. KF1VB -Al Jarrls.

*KFAC -News. KWKW -Hawallan Melodies. KFOX-Lucky Lady. KGB. KVOE- Musicale. KFXM -Moods In Music.

1 HFI' KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -This ('hanging World.

*KECA, HFMR -Tima Views the News,

*KMPC-News, Sweet Leilaei. *AMR, KFVD -News. *KMTR-News, Music.

KFAC-Dr. Helen Collier. KWKW -Military Band. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFOX -Dance Time. KGB, KVOE- Walter Compton.

1:15 -HFI, KFSD- Stella Dallas. *KNX -Bob Andersen.

KF.('A, KFMB -Radin Parade.

Time Change


KHJ -I:15 P. M. -Wed. Sponsored by The Broadway

KHJ-Sewing School. KMPC -Lady of Charm. KFWB -AI Janis. KMTR-Saunders Sisters .

KFAC- Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods in Music. RWRW -Viennese. KGER -Officials on Parade. KGB. KFXM -Need Advice? KVOE- Afternoon Melodies.

1:28 *KWKW -News. 1:30-KFI, KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

ENE- School of the Air.

DECEMBER 10, 1944 RADIO LIFE *KECA- Reserve.

KHJ. KGB KFXM, KV0E- Headlines in Harmony.

KMPC- Family Bible. *KRKD -News, Music. *KPAS -News. *FE W'K VW-News . Memories.

KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFVD- Hawaiian Music. KFOX-Christian Science.

1:45 -KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KNX -News, Afternoon Dance. KECA -World of Tomorrow. KMPC -Isomer Rodeheaver. RMTR -Tex Tyler. KRRD -Singing Waiters. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:50*KECA -Ed Jorgenson. 2 -AFT. RFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX -Potluck Party. *RHd -This Changing World.

KECA, KFMII- What's Doing, Ladies?

*KMPC -News, Pan Americana *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. RGFd -Town Crier Presents. KWKW -Club 60. R(:ER -lung Beach Band. KFVD-Timely Tunes. KGB, KV'OE -Handy Man. KFXM- Safety First.

2:15 -KFI, KIND -Portia Faces Life KHJ -Today on the Coast. KMPC -War Bond Show. KFAC-Paradise Isle. KFOX -Public Bulletin. RFSD -Classic hour.

2:25*HNX -News. 2:30 -KFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Miaous. *KECA- Between the Lines.

KHJ- Concert. KMPC -Easy Rhythm. RFWB -Hal Styles.

*K RED-News. FUME-Songs of the West.

2:45 -KFI, RFSD -Front Page Farrell.

KECA- Frances Scully. KIEL, KGB, KV'OE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD -News.

KR/ED-Salvatore Santaella, KWKW- Western Roundup. KFI, KFSD-Road of Life. 3 KNX- Iturritt 11-heeler.

*KECA -Three o'Clock News. *K11.1, KGER -News. *KMPC -News, Local Events.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, It Pays to

Know. RFA(' -Famous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ -Jack Pot. HRHD- Victory Queen Con-

test. *SPAS- Listeners Digest.

K W K W- T.atin- America. KFOX -Roddy Cole. KGB, 111 0E-Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM-Prayer, News, Deco -

timns. 3:05 -RGER- Helene Smith. 3:15 -KFI -Star Playhouse.

KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma Tsung.

KECA- Broadway Memories. KMPC -Swing Shift. KMTR -Voice of the Army. SPAS-Juke Box Matinee. KWKW- Popular Requests. KFOX- Hawail Calls. KV'OE-0f Civic Interest. KGER -Food Makes a Dif-

ference. 3 :30 -KFI- Rosemary.

KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. *KECA -Appointment With Life *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Planos. *KRKI) -News Headlines.

KFVD -Star Time Tunes. *KW KW-Off the Press.

KGFJ- Variation. KGB- Musical Matinee. KV0E- Variety. RFOX- Hollywood Salon.

3:3.5 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:40- KERB -Dr. Reynolds. 3:45 -KFI -Woman of America.

*KNX -The World Today. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFAC -Gateway to Music. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KGB. KFXM, KVOE -John-

son Family. RFSD -Aunt Mary.

3:55 *KNX -Joseph Harsch. R 4- KM FSD -Dr. Kate. 4 KNX -Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani.

KFWB-Bert Flake.

*RMTR -News, Santaella En- semble.

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. KFVI)- Afternoon Concert.

4 :15 *KFI. KFSD -News of the World.

*KNX -News, Music. KHJ -Musical Sky Room.

*KECA- General Pierre. KMPC -Joan Bartlett. HFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radin Newsreel. *REVD-News.

KGFJ- Record Time. KWKW-Hoyos Hnur. KRRD- Modeland Quiz.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KGB, REAM, KVOB -Real Life Stories.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Easy Aces. KHJ, KGB. HVOE -Ep to

the Minute. KECA -Ozie Waters. KFVD -Tea Time Melody. KFXM-Dr. Philip M. Lovell.

4 :45-KHJ, KFXM- Frolics. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KMPC -Santa Claus. HFWB- Stnart Hamblen. RGFJ -Gas House Concert. RGER -Colonial Tabernacle. KGB, KV'OE -Music Matinee.

*KFSD -H. V. Knitenhorn.

5 *KFI. KFSD-OK for Release. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

*KHJ, HFXM, KGER-News. KECA, HFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KMTR -News, Music.

KPAS- T'ncle Charlie. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ -dice at 5. HUD- Evening Serenade. RIVE-Salute to Services.

5:0.3 -RGER -Olga Graces. 5:15 *KFI, RFSD, KFAC, HEED-

News. KNX - Barbara Tate. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. AMP('- Variations in Rhythm. KMTR -Salute to the Services. HWHW -American Jewish Hr.

6:30-KI7 -Alvin Wilder. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery.

KECA, HEMS-- -.Lack Arm- strong.

RAJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Adventnres of Tom Mix.

K.MPC -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KPAS -Holly Park Today. KGFJ- Hawaii Sings. KRRD -South Seas Serenade. KFID -90 -90 Club. KGER -Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45 *KFI, RFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -News.

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Night News Wire. KMPC -Help Wanted.

*RMTR -K. Louis Elision, News KGFJ -Intermission. KGER -God's Quarter Hour. RI'OX -Bai Taherin.

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI, RFSD -Eddie Cantor. KNX -Inner Sanctum Mystery


*H11.1, KGB KFXM, KV'OE- Gabriel limiter.

*KMPC -News, Music. *KMTR -News, Beverly Hill-

billies. KFAC -Music for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest. KPAS- Pasadena Playhouse.

6:15 *KECA -Peter de Lima. KMPC -Music by Sears.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. 6:30 -KFF, KFSD -Mr. District At-

torney. KNX -Which Is Which? KECA, HFSIB- Spotlight

Bands. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KV0E-

Cisco Kid.


KFWB- America Dances. KRAD -Rares Recreated. KPAS-Church of Christ. KWKW -Hayes Hour. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45-KRKD-Sweet and Lovely. H.MPC- Barber Shop

Quartette. KPAS -Townsend Plan. RFSD- Television.

6:55 -KECA. KFMB-Coronet Story Teller.

7-EFT, RFSD -Kay Ryser's Mu- sical College.

KNX -Great Moments in Music RAJ, KGB, KFXM-Sumner

Welles Speaks. *KECA, RFMB- Raymond

Gram Swing. *KMPC -News, Weather. Music *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Musical Comedy. *KRIM-News.

KGFJ--Show Time. KPAS -Help Wanted. KPPC- Pasadena Recreation

Department. KV'OF. Hasten the Day. KFOX -Jane Arden.

7:15 -KECA -Ted Malone. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Lowell Thomas. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KPPC -Organ Recital. KPAS -C.I.O. Reporter. KFOX Salute to Services.

:30 -RNX- Nelson Eddy, Electric Hr.

KECA, HFMB- Scramby Amby.

Kti.1, HGB, KFXM, KV'0E- Lone Ranger.

HMI'(' -Juvenile Forum. *K FWB -Newa.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Dashes. KFAC- America Calling with

Floretts. KGFJ- Spanish Hour. KPAS-Studio Frolics. KPPC -Let's Talk It Over.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX-Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC,-News. KPAS -Roy & Lonny.

8 -KFI, RFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sir Shop.

KNX -.lack Kirkwood.


and King's Ambassador Quartet RMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. EL Monday through Friday

*K EC A. RFMR- Reserve. KHJ -Main Line.

*KMPC -News, Adohr Golden Hour.

*KtVV'B- Reuters' News Dis- patch.

*KMTR, RGER, SPAS -News. RFA(' -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B & R Cowboys. KPPC- Measiah. WSX t 7. Television, Test -

Pattern. KFXM-Air Service Command

Show. KGB -This Is Hollywood. RVOE -The Shadow.

6:05 -RMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. gas *KFI, RFSD -Fleetwood Law-

ton, Comment. JINX -Music That Satisfies. KECA -Lum & Abner. HFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KPAS -J. Frank Burke.

8:30 -KF7. RF1D- Carton of Cheer. KNX -Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt. KECA -My Best Girl.

[ £tatemuge t 9/44'ay t "AA



WEDNESDAY 8 :30e.M. KHJ seed DON LEE îfetwo,l

"42" HAIR O1[- ..c "4'2" SHAMPOO J

*KFW B -News. KGFJ- Western Melody. KHJ, KGB, KF_X51 K%0E-

Bulldog Drummond KPAS -Radio Gospel Hour. W'SXYZ -Telex salon, Amateur

Boxing Bouts.

S:45- KGFJ -i -Ares Ranch Hands. RGER- Something for the Girls

8 :55 *KNX -Wallace Sterling. 9 -KFI, RFSD -Mr. and Mrs. North.

KNX -Jack Carson Show. KECA, KFMB- Dunninger.

*HMI, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News. Music Box. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*KMTR-News, Dr. A. P. Michelson.

KGFJ-Dancing Rhythm. W6XY1,- Television, Vaude.

cille. KPAS-Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

3:15*HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Cecil Brown, News.

11:30 -KFI -Young Artists Compe- tition.

KNX -Money on the Line. *KECA -News. *HHJ, HFX51. R1'OE -WIDgs

Over West ('oast. *KEW B--Henry Charles.

KPAS- Spotlight Stories. KGB -Time for Music. RFOX- Cumberland Vespers,

:15 -KF,CA -Two Bells Theater. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE .Un-

scheduled. KFWB -Sam Baiter. 10 *KFI, RFSD- Richfield Re-

porter. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire,

KECA -Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

*KHJ -Fulton Lewis, Jr. KFWB- Eastside Dance

DANCE Tonde Io +012 P. M. Sorry ras bs-M seek,

KFWB'. rte... 'rots

Tnnite. *RMTR -News, Texas Jim.

RFA(' -Lucky Lager Dances *KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hre. '

KGFJ -Hank, Nightwatch. man, 'sil 6 a.m.

10 :15 -KFI -K FE y e w i t n e s s. *KNX- Pacific War Analysts.

KECA -Martha Mears. KHJ, KGII, KFXM, HVOE-

Sunny Skylar. KPAS -We Three.

10 :30 -KFI- Inside the News (Thrifty Drug).

KECA -Sports Book. KNX- World's Most Honored

Music. KHJ -Johnson Family. KMPC- Chisholme Trail.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M.- KFI



KFW'B- Fastside Dance Tonte RMTR -lob Brooks.

10:45 -KFI- Medals in Music. KECA- What's New on Blue. KMTR -AI Donahue.

*KFI, ENI. Kl1J -News. KECA -Tunes, Tidings -Phil

McHugh. *KMPC -News, Emil Petti Orch.

KF%VB- Eastside Dance To- !We.

*KMTR -News, Music. RFA(' -Lucky I,ager Dance. KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Band.

11:15 -KFI -Post Parade, Peter de Lima.

11:20 -KNX Stan Kenton Orchestra. 11:30 -KFI, RFSD- Ratllo Fanfare.

KECA -News, Dixie Hospital -

KMÌC- Concert Miniature, Weather.

*KIND- Newnical, till 1 a.m. 11:45 -S }-1-Ted Weems Orch.

KNX- Berole Cumming. *KHJ, KFSD -News.

11:55 *KNX, KFWR -News. KFI -Musical Encores.


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing is shown for a I o c a I station, recorded music has been scheduled.

alFl- Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman. RECA- McNelll's Breakfast


Arthur Garth. *KMPC -News, William Parker *RMTR- News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. *MAS, KGFJ. KGER -News.

KR KW- Breakfast Serenade.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRKD, KFOX -Haven er Rest K FAC- Country Church. KIND-Co. ered Wagon

Jubilee. B:05- KGER -Soul Patrol. 9:15 *HF7 -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX- Valiant Lady. RHJ, KGB. KVO Shady

Valley Folk. RMI'C- Market Report, Sports. KFWB -Bands in Rerlew. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. KGER- Mispah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:13 -KPAS- Prayer Minute. 5:30 *KFI, KFSD, KRKD, KFAC-

News. RNX- Light of the World.

*K11.1-Frank Hemingway. RPAS -Baptist Brothers. KMPC- l'nity Daily Word. HFRIA -Help Wanted. KMTR -Tex Tyler. KGB -Wally Townsend. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KEOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. RVOE -Matti Hollis Orch.

9:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Henan. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFW B -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KV OE -Bing Crosby.

KGER -Rev. Bennington. 5:35 -DLBS- Charlotte Deeble. $:5$ -KMTR -Time Signal.

9 *EFI, KGFJ, KGER -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB. REAM, KVOE- Gabriel Matter.

Rl.('A- Glamor Manor. *HMM' -News. Sweet Lellani,

KMPC Today. K FWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*RMTR -News, Moments with (Lod.

RFA(' -.f. Newton Yale,. KPAS -Polly Patterson. KRKD -' ngehrush serenade.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. 1 London l

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Piers morning -Mon. thr,, FYI.

RI At at 9:15

KWKW -Bing Crosby. REND-Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

9:05- KGER -Curtis H. Springer. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9:15*KFI, KIND -Larry Smith. KNX -Blg Sister. KIIJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. RFW'B- Rhumba Time. KFAC' -Voice of Health. KGFJ-Medical. KGE -Res. J. A. Lovell. KFXM -Future Unlimited. KGB, HIVE-. -Music Mixers.

9:Vt -KFX.M -Old Family Almanac. 9 :30* K F t -News.

KNX- Romance of Helen Treat.

KHJ, KGB, RF71:M, KYOE- U. 8. Nary Band.

RECA, KFMB- Breakfast at Sardis.

*KFWB, KFAC -News. KMTR-W. B. Record. KPAS- Scratches and Jockeys.

*KWKW -Off the Prese. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Recital. KFVD -Show Tunes.

9:40- KFI-G. L's Abroad. KFWB -Sweet Leileni Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songe. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. RMTR -Curtly H. Springer. KFAC -Midmorning Serenade.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFVD-Here Comes Parade. KGF,R -Full Gospel. KW'HW- Willard Messenger. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:35 -KHJ -Aunt Jemima.

10 *AFI, KIND-Reserve. KNX -Lite Can Be Beautiful.


Glenn Hardy. News. *KMM' -News, Know Your



From 10:00 a.m. Daily

KWKW 1430 Kc. First On Your litat

KFWB -Chef Milani. *KMTR-News, Music.

KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *KGFJ, MON-News. KF{'l)- Morning de.

KRKD -Turf Bulletins *HOER -News, Mission Reel-

er'. 15:15- KNX -Ma Perkins.

KHJ -John Burton. KEC4 -.Mck Rercit & Boys. RMTR -Chicago Tabernacle. KGFJ -Salon Swing. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson.

*KPAS-News. KGER -Kingdom Within. KGB, KFNN. KYOE- Terry's

House Party. KFOX -Res. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Anet Mary. *KNX- Rernndine Flynn, News. [(ECA -My True Story. KW-Paula Stone, John Brite. KMPC-Stump l's.

*KFW'R -Henry ('harles. RMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.



/00 710 170 190 1170 II 1 1230 1280 I360 1411 1491


with MARION LEE At the Console


*KFAC -News. SPAS -Woman's World.

*KWKW-News. KFVD-Union Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

KGB, KFXM- Luncheon With Lopez.

KFSD -four Alben Hour. 10:43 *KFI, KFAD -Art Baker, News

KNX -The Goldbergs. KHJ-Handy Man. AMIN' -Home Chats. RFWB- btcience of Mind. RMTR -Talks and Tunes. KF.A('- Between the Lines. KWKW-Treasury Salute. KRKD -Midnight Mission. KGB, ICEN31, KV

Women's Jury. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

10 :S5- KF.('A -Aunt Jemima. KF'I, KFSD-GuldIng Light. ii KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KECA, EMB- Baukhage

*HHJ, KGB, KVOE -Cedric Foster.

*KMPC -News, Homemaker's Club.

HFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC- Floretta. KPAS-Rodeo Rhythm.

*RGFJ, KFV7), KGER -News. KWKW-{ ocal Varieties. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. KE('A, KFAIB- Mystery Chef. KII4, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Jane Con I. KI'.1S-1. Newton Yates. KGFJ- ̀ tweet and Low. KFVD- Musical Revue.

*KWKW-News. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11 :3e -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White KNX -Young Dr. Malone. RHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Open House. MCA-Musical Moments. RMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KrAS- Pasadena Independent.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightfaes Type : Afternoon and

Eve,.ing Programs In Boldface.

Variety 5:00 -- Johnny Murray. KFI S:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardia,

KECA. 10:30-Paula Stone, KHJ. 11:15-Jane Cowl, KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

HFI. 6:00 -Kraft Music Hall, KFI. 6:00 -Major Bowes. KNX. 6:30 -Bob Bums, HF7. e :30- Spotlight Bands, HECK. 7:00 -Abbott t Costello. KIFF. 7:00_ -The First 1.Ine. KNX. 7:15 -And Russell -Anita Ellis,

KE('A. 7:30 -Rudy Vallee, HFI. 5:50- Chesterfield Music Shop,

AEI. e :00 -Sammy Kaye. HH.r. 5:15 -Lum and Abner. KECA. 5:38 -Frank Morgan. KFI, 8:30 -Fred Waring, KE('A. 9:00 -Dinah Shore, KFl.

Quiz Programs 7:30 -W'eber's Roundup, KMIC.

Drama 3:13 -Star Playhouse, KF7. 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. 6:30-Coelho. Archer, KNX. 5:30 -Death Valley Sheriff, KNX

9:00 -Suspense, KNX. 9:30 -Eilery unren, AFI.

TJVar 8:09- Dispatch from Reuters',

KF71B. 10:15- Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:30 -Treasure Hr. Song, KHJ. 8 :00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10 :00-Newsical, KFVD. 10:00- Eastslde Dance Tonite,

EFWB. Public Affairs

9:00 -Town Meeting of the Air, RECA.

9:35 -- Citizen. Forum, KNX. 11:15 -Mayor Fletcher Rowena,

KFI. 10:45 -Chester Bowles, O.P.A.

KECA. Sports- Comptent

9:30 -Scratches, Jockeys. KPAS. 1(1:01 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. I0:00-Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW 5:15-Belle Martell, KMTR. 5:30 -Hollywood Park KPAS.

10:30 -Sam Baiter, KL('A. 10:45 -Tom Hanlon, KNX.

KWKW- l'hilharmonlc Re- porter.

KGFJ -Tuneful Tunes. KGER -Res. Greenemeyer.

*KFAC KRKD KFOX-News. 11:45 -KFI, KFSD- Hymns of All

Churches. KNX -Perry Mason.

*KECA- News. KHJ-Victor I.indlahr. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KPAS- Gibson's Painted Poet. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD-Violet Schram. It :55*K W7í W -News.

1 -KFI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Marlin. KEC.4, KFMB- Mortos

Downey. *KHJ-Broadway News. *KM1'C -News, Weather, Tune

of Week. *RMTR -News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. KPAS- Ranche 11 -10. KFAC- Luncheon Concert.


KFVD- Editor of Air. KWKW- lunch with Moores. KFSD -Woman of America. KRKD- Pralrle Schooner.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA-Jay Burnett. KM- Johnson Family. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KIND- Luncheon Musical.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. EVOE- Palmer House Orch. KGB -Ryan Swing Club. KWKW -Res. Richey. KGER -1390 Club.

11:30 -KF , RF'SD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX -Bright Horizon. *KE('A- Kiernan's News Corner MI. KVOE -Mild and Mel-

low. Ri. t'- Bridge Club.

*KFR'G -News. KMTR -Merl Lindsay t Band. KFAC -Pan Americana.

*KWKW-News, Dinah Shore. KIND- Violet Schram. KFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Western Ilayhoys, KGER -La Quints.

Lí:46 -KFI. KFSD -Wght to Happi- ness.

RNX- Bachelor, Children. KE('A- Memories in Melody. KMIN' -Lean Back, Listen. RFWB -Al Janis. KWKW- Hawailan Melodies.

*KFAC -News. KGB, ATOE- Musicale. KFOX -Lucky Lady. HFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX- Unscheduled.

*KK('A, KFMB -Time Views the News.

KHJ, ROB, KFXM, EVOF- Thlnk Hard Now.

*KMNC -News, Sweet Leitani. *RF'WB. KFVD, KGER -News. *RMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KWKW-Military Rand. KFOX -Dance Time.

1:15 -KFI, KFSD -Stella Dallas. *KNX -Bob Andersen.

KECA-Radio rarade. KHJ-Lee Shippey. KMPC of ('harm. KFR'B -AI Janis. RMTR Saunders Sisters. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KWKW- Viennese. KFXM. KIND-Moods in Music AGE -Need Advice" KVOE- Afternoon Melodies.

1:30 -NEIL KFSD -Lorenzo Jones. KNX-School of Air.


Headlines in Harmony. KM PC-Family Bible. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS-New.. *KWKW -News, Memories.

KGFJ- Biensenidos Amigos. [(FOX-Concert Master.

1:45 -HFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KECA -Blue Newsroom Re- slew, Buddy Twis..

RMl'C- Rendezvous with Romance.

KMTR -Tex Tyler. KPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. REVD -Vocal Varieties. KRRI)- Singing Walters.

1:50*KECA- Edward Jorgenson.

DECEMBER 10, 1944 RADIO LIFE ' Page 19

2 -KFI, KFSD -Whet a Girl Marries.

KNX-Potluck Party. *KHJ-This Changing World.

KECA, KFMB- What's Do- ing, Ladies.

*KMPC -Neste, Pan Americana *HMTR -News. Halley's

Swingtime. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KRKD- Concert. RWRW -Club 60. RFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB, KFXM, HV'OF Handy

Man. SGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KFF, KFSD- Portia Faces Life *HHJ -Today on the Coast.

KMPC -Bold Show. RFA(' -Paradise Isle. KFOX -Public Bulletin. RFSD- Claseie Hour.

6 :30 -KFI, RFSD -Just Plain Bill. KNX-Meet the Mitsui.

*KECA -Between the Lines. KMPC -Flying Feet. KFW'B -Hal Styles.

*RRRD- News. KGB-U. S. Navy Band. KFOX -Songe of the West.

2:t5 -KFI. HFSD -Front Page Far- rell.

KECA- Franees Scully. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Radio

Tour. *K F V D -News.

KRKD- Salvatore Santaella. KWKW- Western Roundup.

A}l, KIND-Road of Life. 3 KN X-Burrltt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three O'clock News. *RHJ, KGER -News. *KMPC -News. Local Events.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *RMTR -News. It Pays te

Know. HFAC- Famous Musical

Favorites. AGFJ -Jack Pot. SFVD- Popular Favorites. KPAS- Listener's Digest. K WK W-Lat fn- America. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, KV'OE -- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM -Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. RRRD- Matinee Melodies.

3 :15 -KFI Star Playhouse. KECA- Broadway Memories. RHJ -Happy Hornet, Norma

Voting. AMP(' -Swing Shift. HMTR -Eugenia ('lair. RPAS- -Juke Box Matinee. RWRW- Popular Requests. KFDX- llawdi Calls. KGB -Melody Memories. KGER-Red Cross. KV'OF. -Chic Interest.

3:30 -114Fl- Rosemary. KNX -Ona Munson in Holly-

wood. KECA -Appointment With Life

*KFW'B -News. KMTR -Pianos.

*KRKD- --News Headlines. *RWRW -Off the Press.

KGFJ-Variation. KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB, AVM-Musical Matinee KFVD-Star Time Tunee. RGER- Cheerful Chatter.

3:33-RECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:43 -KF1 -Woman of America.

KNX-The World Today. KH.I -Bill Hay Rende the

Bible. KF IV B -Jazy. RFA('- l:ateway to Music. RWRW- Italian Melodies. KGB, KFXM, K\'OE -John-

son Family. KFSD- Woman of America.

3:55 *KNX -- .Joseph Harsch.

4 AFI, HFSD -Dr. Kate. -KNX- Sandra Martin. *KECA, KGFJ, KFOX -News. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOIìr

Fulton Lewis. Jr. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani.

KF WB -Bert }like. *KMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. RFA('- Musical Masterpieces. KFVD-After Concert.

*RGER- News. Music. 4:13 *KFI, RFSD -World News.

KNX -News, Music. RH.I -Sky Room.

*KECA- General Pierce. Com- ment.

AMI'(' -Joan Bartlett. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVI), KFSD -News.

KGFJ-Record Time. KWKW -Hosts Hour. RGER- Community Chapel. ISRSD- Movieland Quiz.

KGR, KFXM, HVOF -Real Lite Stories.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Mr. Keene. KECA- TwIlight Tales. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Up to

the Minute. KMPC -Santa Claus.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


HMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen alone.

KRKD -Tones of the Day. KFVD-Tea Time Tunee. KGER -Rev. Parrott. KlNM -I)r. Philip Lovell.

4:45-K07-Frolics. KECA -)lop Harrigan. KMPC -Our Fighting Heroes. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ -Gas House Concert.

*KRHD -News. KGB -Fairy Tales. HVOF- Afternoon Melodies. KFOX -Art Dickinson. SGER- Colonlal Tabernacle.

5 *K}l, KFSD-OK for Release. KNX- Burrltt Wheeler. KECA, KFMB-Terry and the

Pirates. *RAJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- *HHJ -Yam Hayes. *KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty *KiITR -News, Music.

KPAS -Uncle Charlie. KGFJ-Hve at 5. KFVD-Evening Serenade. KRSD- .STnnga of the Saddle.

*RGER -News. KFOX Sunshine Pastor.

5:0S- SGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KFI, HFSD, KFVD, ILEAC-

News. KNX-Barbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy. ISM, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Superman. KMPC -Variations in Rhythm. KMTR -Belle Martell. Sports. RWRW- American Jewish Hr

5:30 -14F1-Alvin 7Wilder.

*KECA pKFMB W. -Jack


HNJ. KGB. KFXM. HVV)E- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KMPC- World of Song. RMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC-Whoa Bill ChM. KPAS -Today Holly. Park. KGFJ- Hawall Sings. RRRD- South Seas Serenade. KF1 D -90 -90 Club. KGER- Lighthouse Melodies. KFLID- Garden Homes.

5:43 *KFI. HFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX- Truman Bradley.

KECA -Captals Midnight. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM. AVM-

News Night Wire. KMPC-Help Wanted.

*KMTR-K. Louis }lately, News KGFJ- Intermission. KFOX -Bal Taherin. SGER -God's Quarter Hour.

S:55*KNX -Bila Henry.

6 -KFI, HFSD -Kraft Music Hall.

KNX -Major Bowes Amateurs *KFA'A HFWB, SFOX, KGFJ,

KC.h R -News. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Gabrlel Heatter. *KMPC -News. Music. *RMTR -News, Merl Lindsay

Band. KFAC-Music for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest. KWKW- Fordelten. KRKD -Early Dancette. KPAS -Future Pianists.

*RGER -News, Music. 6:15 *KECA -Nier de Lima.

RM1'C- Siusio by Sears. *KFWll -.lohn B. Hughes.

Kl'AS- "Calling Americans." KRKD -South Sea Serenade. KFOX -Dirk Ross.

*KFAC. KFVD -News. 5.30 -S}1, KFSD -Bob Burns.

KNX -Cori ss Archer.

HHJ, KV'OE- Treasure Hour of Song.

KECA KFMB- Spotlight Bands.

KMPC- Salute to the Hite. KFWB- Amerlea Dances. RFA(' -Erwin Teo. Organ SPAS -Church of Christ. KW'KW -Hoyos Hour. KRRD -Races Recreated. KFOX -Hal': Memory Room.

6:45 -KMPC- Barber Shop Quartet. KPAS- Townsend Plan. KRSD- Sweet and Lovely. KGB -Voice of Liberator.

6:55 -1SECA, KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

HM, HFSD- Abbott & Cos- A tello. KNX-The }lest Line.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Henry Gladstone.

*KECA, KFMIt- Raymond Gram Swing.

*KMPC, KMTR -News, Music. *KRRD, KGER-News.

KFAC -Musical Comedy. KGFJ -Show Time. KFOX -Jane Arden. HPAS -Help Wanted.

7:15- KF.('A -Andy Russell - Anita Ellis.

*HHJ. KGB, KFXM- Lowell .

Thomas. AMP('- Norman Nesbitt. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS-C.I.O. Reporter.

7:36 -KF1. KFSD -Rudy Vallee. KNX -Here's to Romanceß KECA, KFMB -March of Time KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. KM PC- Weber': Roundup.

*KF W B -News. RMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- Atneries Calling, with

Floretta. KGFJ -8 nigh Hour.

7:45 *HFWB, HFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

KPAS-Roy & Lonny.

8 -KFI, RFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sic Shop.

KNX -.lack Kirkwood Show. *KECA, KFMII -R

KHJ -Sammy Kaye's Variety Show.

KMPC -Hubby's Hobby.

Time Change


NOW- KMPC Thurs. 8:05 P. M.

*HFWB- Reuters' Newa Dis- patch.

*RMTR -News. Music. KFAC- Evening Concert.

*KPAS -News. KVOL -National Editorial

Hour. 6:15 -KF1, KFSD-Night Editor.

KNX-Musie That Satisfies. KECA -Lum and Abner. KFWB- Warner Bros. Oreb. RIAS -Man Burke King. HVOE- Minister's Hour.

6:30 -K1I. KFSD- Maxwell House Time.


Listen as Sheriff Mark Chase

and Cousin Cassia solve their

next exciting case in half

hour of laughs and adventure.

Every Thursday night .

KNX, 8:30.9:00 P. M.

tobohoomeaummIlft KN C -Uroth \ alley Sheriff. SECA -Fred Waring Pennsyl-

vanians. KMPC- Simphooettes.

*KFW'11 -News. KMTR -Wings of Healing. KGFJ- Western Tones.

11:45-KGFJ-4-Aces Ranch Hands. RGER- Something for the Girls

s:55 *HN.N- Wallace Sterling.


KNX -Suspente. KECA -Town Meeting et the


News, Glenn Hardy. KMPC- News, Music Bet. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*HMTR -News, Dr. A. 17. Michelson.

KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. 9:O3-RGER -Rev. Billy Ad ms. 9:15-KHJ, KGB, HYMN, EVOE-

Rex Miller. *KF O X -News.

9:30 -KFI, HFSD--- Ellrry Queen. KNX-Citizens Forum. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Carmen ('avallero» Orch. *KEW'S -Henry Charles.

CITIZENS FORUM Sparkling half how discussión by lead-

ing authorities on problems effecting everyone. A "must" for good citizens.


tC =ors ZEN S A7IL 7 A %'JC aiazneasa


KPAS- Spotlight stories. 11:45--KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

Unscheduled. *KM 'B -gam Baiter.

KMTR-Merl Lindsay L Band. 10 *KFI, KFSD- Richfield Re-

porter. KECA KFMR- Hollywood

Spotlight, George Fisher. *KNX-Ten o'Clock Wire. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KFWB- Eastside Dance Traite

*RMTR -News. Texas Jim. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dites

Time. *REVD- Newsical, for 3 hrs.

KGFJ-Hank Nlghtwatchman, till 6 a.m.

10 :15-KFI-Mayor Bowron.

*KH/ SRnsycSk lar.s 10:30 *KF1 -inside the News.


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. - KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel Harris and Major H. S. Turner


KHJ-. Johnson Family. KECA, KIWIS-Sports Book. KMPC- CWsholme Trail. KMTR -Bob Brooks. RFWB- Eastside Dance Tonits

*KFVD- Newsical. 10:45 -KFI- Taylor Made Melodies.

KNX -Gayle and Charles. KECA- Chester Bowles,

U.P.A. Administrator.

11 *KIl, KNX, KHJ -News. KECA -Tunes. Tidings--

Phil McHugh. *HMI'(' -Ness. Spade Cooley.

KFW'B -East »ide Dance Tonite. *HMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. SFOX -Merl Lindsay Band.

DANCE Tonire 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory Me wqt sw+er

KFWS aaneke'e Mont Simla

11 :15- KFI -Post Parade. Orch. 11:Y0-

KNX-Stan Kenton Orchestra. 11:30- KFI -Radio Fanfare.

*KECA- News, Dixie Hospi- tality.

*KFVD- Newsical, till i a.m. 11:45 -KFl -Ted Weems Orch.

*RHJ. RFSI) -News. KNX -Bernie Cummings.

*KSITR -News, V- iennese En- semble.

11:55 *KNX, HFWB, News.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 * Indirstrs News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded music has been scheduled.

BFI- Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman. KECA- McNelll's Breakfast

Club. *KHJ, KGB. RFXM, KV0E-

Arthur Gaeth. *RMPC -News, William Parker *RMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. *KPAS, KGFJ RGER -News.

KRRD, KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

KFAC- Country Church. KWKW- Alhambra Baptist. KFVD- Cnered Wagon

Jubilee. $:06 -K(.ER -Soul Patrol. 0:15 *BFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX- Valiant Lady. SHJ, KGB -Andy and Virginie AMP('- Market Report, Sports. 1111,11M-Bands In Review. KGF.)- Breakfast Tunes. KGER-Mizpah. KFXM-Morning Melodies.

g:25 -KPAS- Prayer Minute. 8:311*KFI, KFSD, KFAC -News.

KNX -Light of the World. *KHJ-Frank Hemingway. RMPC -unity Daily Word. RFW71 -Help Wanted. KMTR -Tex Tyler. KPAS -Raven of Rest.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KWKW -Dr. John Matthews KRRD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB, KVOE -,lolly Joe and

Ralph. S:45 -BFI. KFSD -David Herum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. *K FW B -News. KMTR -Bible 'Treasury. KWKW- Morning Requests. KFAC- Musicni (' dy. KGER -Res. Bennington. KGB -Lanny & Ginger. KF{'D -Vocal Favorites. RVOE -Bing Crosby.

9:55 -MBS -Lanny & Ginger. S:55- KMTR -Time Signs .

9 *RFT -News. KNX -Rate Smith.

*KH.1, KGB, KF :C.M, KVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News. Sweet Leilani.

KFWB- Health Talk. *RMTR- News, Church Views

News. KFAC-J. Newton Yates.

*KGFJ, KGER -News. KPAS -folly Patterson. KRKD- Sagebnueh Serenade. KWKW-Icing Crosby. KFVD-Waltz Time. KFOX -Firebrands for Jesne. :95-KGER -Curtis H. Springer. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:15*KFi, RFSO -Larry Smith,

Comment. KNX-Big Sister. KHJ-Time Out. K.MPC -Say It With Music. RFW FI- Rhumba Time.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. thrn Fri.

K FA(' al 9:15

RFA(' -Voice of Health. KGF.)- Medical. RGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM-Future Unlimited.

KGB -Serenading You. KVOF -Music Mixers.

9:30 *KFT -News. KNX -Rornanee of Helen


392nd Army Band. RECA, KFMB -Breakfast at

Sardi's. *KFWB, KFAC, EWEW -News

KMTR -W. B. Record. SPAS -Scratches L Jockeys. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. RGER -Rndlo Recirai. KFVD -Show Tunes.

9:40- KFI-G. L's Abroad. KFWB-Sweet Lellani Time.

9:40 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songe. KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KF R'B- MldmornlnF Melodies. RMTR- Curtle H. Springer. KFAC-Mid-Morning Serenade

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KWKW- Willard Messenger. REVD -Here Comes Parade. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10 -KFT, KFSD- Tillamook Kit- chen.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K%«-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *RMPC -News, Know Your

America. KFWB -Chef Milani.

*RMTR -News, Mneie. *KGFJ, KFOX, K(iER -News.

KWKW -Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

KRRD -Turf Bulletins. KPAS- Harntnny Homestead. KF' I)- Morning Serenade.

10:05 -RGER -Mission Workers. 10:15 *KFT -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Beruh A' Boys. KHJ, KGB, KFXM), KV0E-

Terry's House Party. KMTR- (Ch Ica go Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ -Scion Swing. KRKD-Dr. O. M. Richardson KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER- Kingdom Within.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Nary. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News

KECA -My True Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lunchcon with Lopez. RMPC -Stump Us.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC, KM W -News. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission.


T YFOTK6BT KanTTT930 I 1020T-Ó TI330T3 T

i00 710 070 100 107011ä 1230 1280 1360 N311400


with MARION LEE At the Console


KPAS- Women's World. KGER -Sunshine Pastor. RFSD -Tour Albers Hour.

10:45 *AFT, AFSTS -Art Baker, News KNX-The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. RMPC -Home Chats. KFWB- Selence of Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. KRRD- Midnight Mission. KFAC- Between the Unes. Kl'AS -J. Newton Yates. KWKW- Treasury Salute. KGB, KV0E- American

Women's Jury. KFXM-Redlands N

Church. KFOX -Dr. A. T. Michelson.

I0 :55 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.

1 BFI, RFSD- Gulding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KF.('A, KFMB- Baukhage Talking.

*KH.t. KGB, KVOE-- Cedric Foster.

*RMPC -News, Homemaker's Club.

KFWB -AI Janis. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. *AFVD, RGF.1, RGER -News.

KM KW -Vocal Varieties. KPAS -Roden Rhythm. KFAC- Floretta. KFXM-1 nice of Experience.

11:15 -KFF, KFSD- Today's Children KNX -Twn on a Clue. RECA, KFMR- Mystery Chef. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Jane ('owl. KFVD- Musical Revue. KGFJ -Sweet and Low.

*K W'KW -News. KGER -Dr. Lawmen. RFOX- Spotlight Rands.

11 :25--KHJ-Owl Program. 11:30 -AFl, KFSD -14 'mman in White

KNX -Vnung Ur. Maton..,

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Aftern..on and

Evening Programa In Boldface.

Variety g:00- McNelll's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 8 :00 -Johnny Murray. ]:F I. 8:15 -Andy and Virginia. KHJ. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Serdl'a.

KECA. 111:00-Chet Milan!, KFWB. 11:15 -Jans Cowl, KHJ. i :30 -Art Baker's Notebook, KFI 6:00 -Erskine Johnson, KNX. 6:30 -People Are Funny. BFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands, KF.('A. 7:00 -Moore -Durante Show, KNX 7:01 -Amos d Andy, REI. 7:30 -Fd Wynn, KECA. 7 :30-Stage Door Canteen, RNN. 8:01 -Mercer- Stafford Show REI $:30- 1)uffy'e Tavern, KFÌ. 9:00 -Furlough Fun, REI. 9:00 -Tom Breneman, RECA. 9:30 -Joan Davie -Jack Haley,


,!Var 1:00- Reuters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

WGXYZ. 8:30 -Television. T. B. Blakiston,

News Analysis, W6XYZ. 9:00 -Television, Travel.

Comment, Vi XYZ. 9:15- Televlel nn- Comedy,


Quiz Programs 6:30-Double or Nothing, KHJ. 8:30 -Ignorance Pays, KNX.

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, KFI. 6:30 -That Brewster Boy, KNX. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 11:30 -Gang Busters, RICA. 9:00- Aldrich Family, KNX. 9:30 -Weird Circle, RFSD. 9:30 -The Thin Man, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4:00 --- Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 5:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Leger Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newsiral, REVD. 10 :00-Eastside Dance l'imite,


Public Affairs 2:30 -Cabbages & Queens, RHJ.

10:15 -World and America, RFi.

Sports -Comment 9:30 -Scratches, Jockeys. KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. IO:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW 12:30 -Bridge Club, KMFC. 5:30 -Hollywood Park, KPAS. 7:30 -BIH Stern, KFT. 1:00- Boxing Bouts, KHJ.

10:00 -Legion Fights, RMPC. 10:30 -Sam Baiter, RECA.

KIM, KGB, KFXM, FIA Dit Open House.

KF.CA- Mnsieal Moments. KMTR -(Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS -Pasadena independent. KGF.)- Tuneful Tunes. KWporteKW-

r. Philharmonic Re-

*KFAC, ARAD, AFOX -News. 11:43 -KFi, KFSD -Betty Crocker.

KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ- Victor Lindiahr.

*KECA-New.. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KPAS- C.iheon's Painted Post. KWKW -Frank Sinatra. KGFJ -- ('ailing All lunes. RF{'D- Violet Schram.

11 :55 *K W'KW-News.

12- FI -Farm Reporter. 2 RKNX

-Mary Marlin. RECA, KFMB- Morton Dow-

ney, *K11,1- Broadway News. *K Sire-News, Weather, Tune

of Week. *RMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. REVD -Editor of Air. APAS- Ran-hn 11 -10. 1410(11- Prairie Schooner. AWHW -Lunch with Moorea.


*KGF.R -News, 1390 ('huh. 12:15 -RFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins.

KNX- Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

RECA -Jay Burnett. 101.1-Johnson Family. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KWKW -Rev. Richey.

*K FOX, KFXM -News. KGB -Ryan Swing Club. RVOF. Palmer flouse Orch. RGER -La Quinte.

12:30 -R FI, RFSD -Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. *KECA- Kiernan's News. ( orner.

KVOE -Mild and Mel- low.

RMIY'- Bridge Club, Johnson. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFAC -Pan Americana.

*KWKW -News, binait Shore. KFOX -March Time. KGB-Mnlly Morse. KFXM -Farm Report.

11:45 -KFT, ru-su-Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. KHJ -This is Music. KMPC -Lean Beck, Listen. KFWB-Al .Jervis. KFVD-1 inlet Schram.

*KFAC-News. KAS KW- Hawaiien Melodies. KFOX -Lnrky Lady. KGB. KVOE- Musicale. RFXM -Monde in Music. BFI. KFSD -Backstage Wife. KNX-This Changing Wnrld.

*KECA, KFMB -Time %legs the News.

*KMPC -News, Sweet Leilanl. *KFWB. KFVD, RGER -News. *RMTR -News. Music.

RRKW-Military Band. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KGB, R %OF R'niter Cnmpton.

1:15 -RFI, KFSD -Stella Dallas. *KNX -Roh Andersen.

RECA -Radio Parade. KHJ. KGB, KFXM-Need

Adu Ice^ AM1'C -Lady of Charm. RFWB -Al Janis. RMTR -.sunders Sisters. KFAC- Melody Matinee. K MIR W- Viennese. RVOE- Afternoon Melodies. KF%I) -Moods in Music.

1 :30-KFI, RFSD -Lorenzo Jones. ANX- School of the Air.

*R E(' A -Resen e. KHI, KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Headlines in Harmony. KMPC -Family Bible.

*KRRD -News, Music. *KPAS -News. *KWKW -News, Memories.

KGFJ- Blenvenidos Amigos. KFOX -Christian Science.

1:45 -BFI, KFSD -Young W'idder Brown.

*KNX -News. HECA -Buddy Twis. KMPC -Homer Rodeheaver. KMTR-Tex Tyler. KRRD- Singing Walters.


Rtd o Ne W5 Reel 4:15 P. M. DAILY 1

KMTR - 510 Kc.

DECEMBER 10. 1944 R A D I O L I F E Page 21 FRIDAY LOGS RFOX-('nn,rrt Master.

1:sa*KECA-Ed Jorgen.nn.

2-RFIM, arri KF-When a (irl

rs. KNX- Potlnrk Party.

*KHJ -This Changing World. KECA- What's Doin', Ladiea!

*KMPC -Newa, Pan Americana *KMTR -News, Swingtime.

KRRD -Concert Matinee. HWHW -Club 61. [FOX -Organ Treasures. KFV'D- Timely Tunes. KGFJ-Town Crier Presents. RGER -Long Beach Rand. KGB, KVOE-Handy Man. KFXM -Navy Time.

t:15 -KFI, KFSD -Portia Faces Life KHJ-Today ea the Coast. KFOX -Publie Bulletin. KFAC -Paradise tale.

*KGB -San Diego Journal. HFSD-- Classic Hour.

:25 *KNX -News. !:30-HFI, AFSD -.lust Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mrs. *KECA- Between the Lines.

K1F1.1- Cabbages and Queens. KMPC-Easy Rhythm. [FWB -Hal Styles. RI-DX-Songs of the West.

*K RIM-News. ;:4.1 --BFI, KFSD -Front Page

Farrell. KECA-Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB, ATOE -Radio

Tour. KRRD- Salvatore Santaella. H MEW-Western Roundup.

*HFV'D -News. 1[11. HFRD -Road of Life. 3 KNX- Berritt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KH.1, RGER -News. *XMPC -News, Local Events.

!FIER- Melody Matinee. *KMTR-News. It Pays to

Know. KFAC-Famous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ-Jack Pot.

*K PAS -- Listeners' Digest. RRKD -Victory Queen Contest K WR W- T.atin- America. [FV'D- Popular Favorites. [FOX -Buddy Cole. K GB, HVOF Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. K FXM -Prayer, News, De-

votions. 3:15 -HFi Star Playhouse.

HH.1 -Happy Home., Norms Young.

KECA- Broadway Memories. KMPC- Swingahift. KPAS-Juke Box Matinee. RWHW- Popular Reque.ta. AFOX- Hawaii Galls. RGER -Meele Appreciation. K VOF. -Of Civic Interest.

3:30 --HFI- Rosemary. RNX -Lynn Mnrray Music. KECA- Appointment With Life

*KFWB -News. KMTR- Pianos.

*RWHW -Off the Press. HFVD -Atar Time Tunea. ARAD -Newa Headline.. KGFJ- Variation. [FOX -Hollywood Salon. [GB-- Musical Matinee. AV'OE- Variety. KGER- t'heerfnl Chatter.

3:35-KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45 -HFI -Woman of America

*JINX -The World Today. Joseph nararh.

HHJ -Bill Hay. RFW R- .1a +z. KFAI'- (steno! In Music. KARW- Italian Melodie.. KGB, RI:CM, KVOE-.John-

son Family. KFSD -Anet Mary. AFT, KFSD -Dr. Kate. 4 KNX-Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis, *AMP(' -News, Sweet LeHas'.

KFWB -Bert Finke.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


*KMTR -News, Santaella F;n- nemble.

KRKD -Toast to the Town. RFA('- Mu.iral Masterpieces. KIND- Afternoon Concert.

*KGER-Newn. Music. 4:15 *KFI. KFSD -News of th.

World. RH.1 -Sky Room.

*KECA- General Pierce. ( -

meat. KMPC-Joan Bartlett. HFWB- Gospel and Sons. KMTR -Radin Newsreel. KGFJ-Record Time. KWKW -Hoyna Hour.

*HFV'D -News. KRRD- Movieland Quis. KGB, KFXM, AVOE -Real

Life Stories. RGER -Community Chapel.

4:30-HET-Art Baker's Notebook. RNX -Friday on Broadway. KECA -Ozie Waters. KMPC -Mante Claus. KW IKW -Hoyos Hour. RGER -Rev. Parrott. KFXM-Dr. invell.

4:45 -AECA, KFMB -Hop Harrigan HHJ, 1 }'Xie- Frolics. KMPC -Casa Loma Time. KFW'B- Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ-Gas House Concert.

*RRKD -News. KGB, KVOE -Mnsie Matinee.

*KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn. RGER -Colonial Vesper..

S*HFI, KFSD -OK for Release. KNX -Burritt Wheeler. KECA. HFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *RHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOr.-

Sam Hayes. *KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty

* ' KPAS-Uncle Charlie. EGFJ -Jive at 5.

*HC.ER -News. 6:16 *HFI, AFSD, KFVI). KFAC -

News. KNX-Rarbara Tate. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, RIVE-Superman KMTR- Salute to the ServIcen KFXM -Cinnamon Rear. HW'RW- American Jewish Hr.

5:30 -K FT -Alvin Wilder. KNX -Harry FI AECA, KFMB -,Teck Arm-

strong. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

Adventures of Tom Ml.. KMPC -World of Song.

*KMTR -Nowa. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club. RPM-Today Holly. Park. KGFJ -Hawaii Sings. KF V D -90 -n0 Club. KRRD -Mouth Seas Serenade. KFOX- Varieties. RGER -Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45 *BFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -News, Truman Bradley

HF.CA- Captain Midnight.


Night KMPC-Help Wanted.-

*KMTR -K. Louis Matsu, Newa. KGFJ -intermission. KFOX -Bal Taberio. RGER -God'. Quarter Hour.

6:56 *RNX -Bill Henry.

6 AFT, KFSD- Waltz Time. KNX- Erskine Johnson.



*KMPC -New.. Music. *HMTR- Ezra'. Hillbillies.

SPAS- Pilgrim Inspirational Hour.

RWHW -Italian Melodies. KGFJ- Masleal Digest. KFAC -Musie for Everyone.

l:15- KNX -Rider. of Purple Sage. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

AMP(' -Music by Sears. KFWB -John B. Hughes. KrAS- W.('.T.('. RGER -Rev. Burpo.

4:30 -AFT, KFSD -People Are Funny.

ANX -That Brewster Boy.

KFA'A, KFMB-Spotlight Bande.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, ICTOE- Double or Nothing.

KMPC -salute to the Hit.. RFWB- "Ameriea Deafen." RWKW -Hoyo. Hour. KRRD -Barca Recreated. KPAS-- Church of Christ. KWON -Hal'. Memory Room. KGER- Prophery Speaks.

R:45- KMPC- Barher Shop Quartet. 6:55 -KECA. KFSFB- Cor net story

Teller. AFT, KFSD -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX- Moore -Durante.

*KECA -Earl Godwin. KHJ, HYOE -Dale Carnegie.

*KMPC. KMTR -News, Music. KGFJ-Show Time. KFAC- Musleal Comedy.

*RRKD -News. KFXM -Meet the Home. KFOX- -senne Arden. KPAS-Help Wanted. RGER -Gene Dowdle.

7:15 *RHJ. KGB. KFXM- Lowell Thomas.

*KECA -Ted Malone. KMPI'- Norman Nesbitt. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS-C.I.O. Reporter. KFOX- Salute to Services.

7 :30*KFI, KFSD -Bill Stern, Sports ANX -Stage Door Canteen. KECA. KFMR- "Happy Isle,"

Ed Wynn. RHJ. KGB. KF:CM, l4VOE-

Lone Ranger. KMPC- Candlelight and Silver

* K F W B -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. RFA(' -America Calling with

Fioretta. RRKD -Do You Know. KPAS- Studio Frolics. KWKW-Hoyos Hour. KGFJ-Spanish Baur. KGER-Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:45 -BFI- Cabbages and Kings. *AFAR. KFOX -Major Hubert

Turner, Comment. *KFAC -News.

KPAS -Roy & Lonny. APSIS- Diamond Dramas.

8-AF" Mu- sic

Mu- sic Shop.

KNX -For Ford. *KECA, KFMB- Reserve.

KHJ, HFXM, KVOE- Boxing Bouts.

*KMPC -News, Extravaganza. KFW'B- Dispatch from Rea-

tern. KFAC-Evening Concert. KGFJ -B & R Cowboys. W6XVZ- Television, Test Pat-

tern. KPAS -J. Frank Burke.

*RGER -News.


wad King's Ambassador Quota 1CMTR-11:05-9:00 P. M.

men 111:311-111:45 A. M. Monday *mesh Friday

6:05- KGER -Aubrey Lee. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KPAS -Chie.

1:16 *HFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law- ton, Comment.

RN /I-Unscheduled. KECA, KFMB- Reserve. AMR-Warner Bros. Oreh.

5 :36 -RF!, KFSD- Duffy'a Tavern. KNX -It Pays To Be Ignorant KECA, KFMB -Gang Busters. KFWB -Warner Bros. Orch. KPAS, KFOX -P. E. Gardner. KGFJ- Western Tunes. RRKD -Merry- Go-Round. W6XYZ- Television, T. B.

Blakiston, News Analysis. 6:45 -KGFJ -4 -Aces Ranch Hand..

KMPC- Something for the Girls

9 HFI, KFSD- Furlough Fun. RNX -Aldrich Family. KECA, KFMB -Tom Brent-

man, Highlights. *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. KMPC -News, Music Box. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. E. Michelson.

KGFJ-Dancing Rhythm. W6XVZ- Television. World

Travels. KFOX -Samuel M. Polin.

9:15 *HHJ, KGB. HF..XM. ATOE- Cecll Brown, News.

*HFOX -News. 9::40 -KFI -Joan Davis -Jack Hale;

KNX -Thin Man. * KE(' A -News.

KHJ, KFXM, KVOF Shep Fields' Orch.

*K FM II-Henry Charles. KPAS- Pasadena Civic Dance. KFSD -Weird Circle. KGB -Sports Reporter.

9:45 -KECA -Two Bells Theater. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RIVE-

Unscheduled. *KF%II -Sam Halter.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. 9155-KNX -Tobe Reed.

10 *HFI, REND-Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KECA, KFMR- Hollywood

Spotlight, George Fisher. *KMPC-News, Legion Fights

DANCE Tonite 10 fo 12 P. M. Ivory MIN I.erI S..dr

KFWB Awoke. N.r.t teed,

RFWB- Eaatside Dance Inuits. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim.

KFAC. -Lucky Lager Dante. *KFV'D- Newsiral, 3 Hrs.

KGFJ-Hank, Nightwatchman, till 6 a.m.

10:15-HFl -The World and America. *KNX- Pacific War Analysis.

KECA-Martha Mears. KHJ-Sunny Skylar.

10:30*KFI- Inside the News. (Thrifty Drugs).

K NX -W'orld's Most Honored Music.

K FA'A- Sports Book. KHJ -. Johnson Family.

10:45 -BFI- Medals In Music. KECA- Doctor Talks It Over. K HJ -George Hamilton Oreh. HMTR -AI Donahue Orch.

Hollywood Spotligh with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. - KECA

Inside the News with James Lionel erria and Major H. S. Turner

10:30 P. M. - KFI


*KF7, KHJ-News. i *KNX -News, Bob Andersen. *KECA-Tunes, Tidings -Phil

McHugh. *KMPC -News, Emil Petti Orch.

KFW'B- Eastside Dance Tonte. *HMTR -News. Music.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX -Meri Lindsay Okla

humans. 11:15- AFI -Post. Parade, Peter de

Lima. 11:30 -REI. KFSD -Radio Fanfare.

RNX -Bernie Cummings. RECA-News, Diate Hospital-

ity. KFV'D- Newsiral, till 1 a.m.

11:45 *HHJ, KFSD -News. AFI -Ted Weems Orch. KMTR -Viennese Ensembh

11:55 *KNX, KFWB -News.


Ge Ge Pearson, who plays the leading feminine role of Nancy in the Blue Network's "Man Called X," is proud of the fact that she was not only born in Salt Lake City, but is direct descendant of one of the Mormon founders of that community.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER IO * Indicates ewe Broadcasts.

RADIO LIFE LO66 are checked carefully and intelligently, item by item each. week, with program information furnished by the va- rious stations. They re, there- fore as accurate as is humanly possible under present shifting wartime conditions.

At hours where no listing la shown for a l o c a l station. recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

Time Change


NOW- KMPC Thurs. 8:05 P. M.

8 H}T KFSD -K -C Jamboree *KNX, KGFJ, RGER -News.

RECA- McNeill's Breakfast Club.

EHJ- Unscheduled. *KMPC -New, Commentary.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

*KJ1VB -Henry ('harles. *HMTR -News. Ezra's Hill-

billies. KFAC- Country Church. RWKW- Breakfast Serenade. KPAS- Quartermaster's Corp. KFVD- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KGB. KFXM, KI OE -Larry

Meier. ARID, KFOX -Haven of Rest I:05--KNX-Let's Pretend. RGER -Soul Patrol.

11:15 -KMPC- Market Report. Sports. KFWïB- -Rands in Review. FIBBED- Unseen Enemy. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. AGES- Mizpah. KGI10 KI'OF. Ralnbnw House. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

1:30 -KFI. KFSD- Smilln' Ed Mc- Connell.

KNX-Billie Burke Shnw. *EHJ, KFAC, KRID -News.

KMPC -Girl Scouts. KWKW- Morning Variety.

*KRIM -Newa Headlines. KFOX- Children's Bible Hour KFXM- Sunshine Service.

11:15- KHJ -Wax Shop. *KFWB-News.

KFVD -Vocal Varieties. RMPC --Jr. Army on March. HMTR- International Sunday

School. KFAC- Musical Comedy. KWEW- Pasadena Police

Dept.' KGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

3:58 -K.MTR -Time Signal. S* , KFSD, KGFJ, KGER -

News. KNX- Theater of Today. KECA- Fannie Hurst Pre.

cents. IHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Hello Mom. *KMPC -News, Swing out the

Old. KFV1 It- Islands Songs.

*K51111-News, Childrens' Re- ligious Br.

KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KWRW -Azusa Temple. KFVD-Waltz Time.

9:115-KGER -Ada S. Teeple. 0:15 -AFL, KFSD-Consumer Time.

BMP(: -Frank and Ernest. KFWB-Health Talk. KFAC-Civil Service Comm. KGFJ-Medical. EWKW -Full Gospel.

*KFVD -Newa. 9:10 *KFT -Alex Drier.

KNX -Stars Oser Hollywood. KECA -Chatham Shopper,

Lois Long. KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KV'0E-

Swap and Shop. KMPC- Studln Party.


ILMTR -W. B. Record. IPAS- Scratches t Jockeys. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. RFVD -Show Tunes. KGER -Radio Revival. KFSD -Atlantic Spotlight.

9:45- KFI -L. A. County Medical. Assoc.

KECA- Transatlantic Quiz. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. HMTR- Curtis Springer. KFAC- Midmorning Matinee.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KWKW-Willard Messenger. HEIR-Here Comes Parade. HGER -Full Gospel. KGB -Red Cross Reporter.

10 KFI, KFSD -Tank, Army Wkly KNX -Grand Central Station.

*KHJ. KGB, KFX.M. KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KECA -goya In the Band. *KMPC -News, Ray Bloch. *KGFJ. IFON, KGER -News.

KFNVB- Salvation Army. *KMTR-News, Music.

KWRW- Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

ERHD -Turf Bulletins. RFVD- Morning Serenade.

10:15 -KECA- Coltina Calling. RAJ. KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Al Williams. KMPC -Naomi Reynolds. KFW'R- C.S.O. Grams. HMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. KFAC,-L. A. Medical Assoc.

*KPAS -News. RGFJ -Selon Swing. KFON -Rev. Emma Taylor. RGER- Grace Testimony.

10:25 *KNX -News. 10:30*KFI. KFSD -It's a Dog's Life.

KNX- Report to the Nation. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Luncheon With Lopez. *KECA- What's Cookin'. News. RM PC- Pan -Americana. RFW B- Varieties. K.MTR- American Story Book. SPAS -Help Wanted.

*KFAC, RWKW-News. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:43 *KF!. KFSD -News. *KFW'B -Henry Charles.

HMTR -Tabernacle Choir.


iiTo 100 710 871 990 1070 1111 1230 1280 1360 1431 1490

RWKW -King's Men B Mills. KFAC- Between the Lines. KFOX-Firebrands Children'

Hour. KPAS- Marines.

11-11EI- Opportunity Theater.

KNX -Mary Lee Taylor, Economist.

KHJ- Clinic Forum. KECA- Metropolitan Opera.

*KMPC-News, Hollywood Melodies.

KFWB -AI Jarvis. *KMTR-News, Manchester

Baptist Ch. KFAC-Song Showcase. KWKW-Vocal Varieties.

*KGFJ, KFVD, RGER -News. KGB -Treasury Salute. KFXM -Moods In Music. KI.OE -Voice of The Army. KFSD -House of Make Be-

lieve. 11:13 -KSU'C -Bing Crosby.

KGFJ-Sweet and Low. *KWKW-News.

KFVD- Musical Revue. KFXM- Rancho Roundup. KGB. KVOE- Hawaiians. HGER -Venice Foursquare.

11:311 -KFI --Sixth War Loan Drive. RNA- Football.

SATURDAY 11:30 A. M.


KHJ KFXM Sponsored by Barbara Ann Bread

HA,1, KFXM- Hollywood's Open House.

KMPC -Hasten the Day. KMTR -Curtis IT. Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KWKW-Freddy Martin.

*KFAC-News. *KRIM- News. Music.

KGFJ -Tuneful Tunes. KGB, KFXM. KVOE -George

Sterne's Orch. 11 :15-KF1-Here (ornes the Band.

KHJ- Service Unlimited.

SATURDAY Program Highlights . Morning Programs Appear In Lightfac type: Afternoon and

Evening Program to Boldface.

P'ariet j' 8:00 -KC Jamboree. KFI. 8:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club,

KECA. 9:00- "Hello, Mom," KHJ. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardl's

KECA. 10:00 -Grand Central Station,

KNX. 11:30 -Hollywood's Open House,

KHJ. KFXM. 4 :30-Hollywood Barn Dance,

KNX. 5:00 -Kenny Baker Show. FLNX. 6:00 -National Barn Dance,

KFI. 6:30 -Spotlight Bands. KECA. 6:30 -Can You Top This? KFI. 7:00 -Guy Lombardo. KECA. 7:00 -Barry, Wood -Patsy Kelly

Show, KFI. 7:30 -Grand Ole Opry, TIFI. 9:00-Your Hit Parade, KNX.

Drama 9:00 -Fannie Hurst Presents,

KECA. 9:00 -- Theater of Today, KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 1:00 -Grand Hotel, KFI. 6:00 -This Is My Story, KNX. 6:00 -Results, Inc., KHJ. 8:30 -Mysterious Traveler. KHJ. 7:30 -Man Called X. KECA. 9:00 -Hollywood Theater, KFI.

11:00 -Nick Carter, KHJ.

Quiz Programs. 0.4..1- Transatlantic Quiz, KECA. 7:00 -Quiz of Two Cities, KHJ. 6:00-Truth or Consequences,


War 3 ;4:r -It's Murder, KECA. 4:00 -American Eagle in Bri-

tain. KHJ. 10:00 -Yank. Army Weekly, BFI. 11:00 -Yanks in Orient. KECA.

Outstanding Music lt:no --Met rnpnlit an Opera. KECA. 2:00 -Philadelphia Symphony,

INT, 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5:30- Boston Symphony, KECA. S:30- Detroit Symphony, KHJ. 8 :00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:d5?Saturday Night Serenade,

KNX. 8:00- Evening Concert, HFAC, 9:00 -Your Hit Parade, KNN.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Eastside Dance Tnnite, KFWB.

Public Affairs 10:30 -1t's A Dot's Life. Kl'l.

1:15-Book of the Month, RGER 3:15- People's Platform. KNX. 5:30 -In Peace and War, KNX.

Sports-Comment 9:30 -Scratches, Jockeys, XPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletin. KRKD. 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet, IÇWKW 11:30 -Football. KNX. 12:30 -Football, KFI. 5:15 -Bells Martel, KMTR. 5:30- Hollywood Park, M'AS.

5:30 -Sports Bull Session, K9f1'C. 11:00 -Football Farts, Fumbles,


RMPC -This Day of NI Fir. Prayer.

KFAC -Plano Briefe. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. KPAa --Girl Scouts.

11. :55 *RWKW -News. 12-Noon Farm Reporter.

*RHJ -News. *KMPC-News. Weather. Maisie

KMTR-News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

RPAS -J. Newton Yates, Organist.

KFAC, KFVD- Luncheon Concert.


KRKD- Prairie Schooner. 1::15 *KFI- .Tames Abbe.

*RMPC -Norman Nesbitt. *KFOX, KFXM-News.

RWKW -Dr. Richey. KGB. RVOF- Unscheduled. RGER -Police Broadcast.

12 :30-K Fi- Football .

KMPC -Lean Back, Listen. *KFWB -News. HMTR -Merl Lindsay t Band. RWKW-Dinah Shore. HFAC -Pan Americana. KFVD- Violet Schram. KFXM- Western Playboys. RGER -Li Quinta.

12:45 -RFWB -AI Jarvis. *KFAC -News.

KWRW -Dirk McIntyre. KFOX -Meet the Band. HGER -Townsend Plan.

1 *KECA -News. Saturday Revue *KMIY' -News. Unity Word. *RFWB, REVD, HGER -News. *1111171R-News, Music.

KFAC -Song Showcase. KGFJ -Record Session. KWKW- Military Band. KFOX -Dance Time.

1:15 -KH.I -Felix de Cola. KFVVB -Al Janis. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KGER -Book of the Month. RWKW -Viennese. KFNM -Stars on farads.

1 :311-KHJ. KFXM -Jive and Swoon. KMPC -Mary Alice Collins. KMTR -Dick Ross. REVD-Hawaiian Music.

*K l'AS -News. KW'KW- Musical Memories. KFOX- Concert Master. $RID Singing Waiters. ROB. KVOE -Music for Half

Hour. 1:45- RMPC -London Column.

*K RID -News. KWRW- Alvino Rey. RFVD -Vocal Varieties. KGER - Veterans' Employ-

ment. KFXM -South American Way. KFI. KFSD -Grand Hotel. KNX -Philadelphia Sym-

phony. *KECA -News. *KMPC -News. War Bonds. *KMTR-News, Halley's

Swingtime. RWKW -Copper Caravan. RGF.1 -Town Crier Present. KRKD-- Concert Melodies. KFVD- Timely Tunes. RGER - -Long Beach Band. KFOX-Organ Treasures. RVOE- George Barry Orrh.

2:13 -KECA- Musical Serenade. KFWB-Hillbilly. KFAC-Paradise Isle.

1:30- KFI -Accent on Rhythm. RHJ, KVOF louis Prima's

Orch. KMPC -Joan Edwards. KFWB -Better Speech.

*KRKD -News. Music. 2:45 -KFI, KFSD -Reserve.

KECA-Hello Sweetheart. KMPC -Milt Berth Orch.

*KFVD-News. KFI -Since Pearl Harbor. RH.I. RVOE -Halls of Monte-

zuma. KECA-Music Room.

*KFWB. HGER -News. *EMIT -News, Claude Thorn-

hill. *HMTR -News. Music.

KFAC-Famous Musical Favorites.

KPAS- Listeners' Digest. HEED-Matinee Melodies. KFOX -Varieties. KGFJ 'wing Club. KF17)- Popular Favorites. KFSD -House of Make -Believe

3:15 -KFI. KFSD -I Sustain Wings. KNX -People's Platform. KFWB-Vocal Varieties. KWRW -Dave Rose.

DECEMBER 10, 1944 RADIO LIFE Page 23 SATURDAY LOGS KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFAC- American Legion Aux.

KPAS -Today Holly. Park. HGFJ- Hawaii Stags. KRHD -South Seas Serenade. KGER-Sister Despeine. KFOX -On the Band Wagon. KFYD- 911 -90 Club.

5:45 *KFI, HFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX- Truman Bradley, News.

KMPC- Bishop Stevens. HMTR- Editor's Notebook. KGFJ-"These Are Your

Neighbors." HRKD- Hollywood Tune -

smiths. KFOX -Bal Taberin.

5:55 *KNX -Bob Trout.

6 KFI -KFSD -National Barn Dance.

SNX/This Is My Story.

HMTR -W. B. Record. DANCE MUSIC AT ITS JEST KGER-Music Appreciation. KFOX- Hawaii Calls.

3:30 -KFI, K}'SD -Curt Massey and Co.

KECA -Martyr Radio Ca- naries.

KHJ, HYOF: Ilawalt Calls, KMPC -Bob Hannah. KFWB -Organ Program. HMTR -Pianos.

*HRHD -News. KFY'D -Star Time Tunes.

*HWHW-Off the Press. KFOX- Hollywood Salon.

S:4b -KFI. KFSD -Religion ln News.

KNX -The World Today. KECA -It's Murder. HMPC-The Charioteers.

*KFWB -Henry ('harles. KFAC- Gateway tu Music. KWKW -Artie Shaw.

3:55 *KNX -News Analysis.

4 KFI, HFSD- Saturday Matinee KNX -Men Who Make Music. KHJ, KYOE- American Eagle

In Britain. *HE(IA. KGP:R, KFOX -News. *HMPC -News, Harry James.

KFWB- Goepel and Sung. *HMTR -News, Santeella En-



Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KFAC -Musical Masterpieces. *HGFJ -News.

HWHW -Bing Crosby. KFVD-Piano.

4:15 *HF1-John t1. Ysodercuok, Comment.

*KECA- Waltz Time. *HMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFYD -News.

HGFJ- Saturday Special. KRHD- Movieland Quiz. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

4:30 -KFI, KFSD-Ou Scouting 'trail.

KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance. KECA- Musical Toast. HMPC -Santa t'laus. KFWB -Blind Artists Guild. KRHD -Tunes of the Day. HWHW-Harry James. HGER -Prophecy Speaks.

4 :45.-KF W'B- Stuart Hamblen. KMPC- American Music. HGFJ -(:as House Concert.

*HRKD -News.

5 KFI- Traffic Tribunal. KNX -Kenn Baker.

. *KECA, K%'O ', HGER -News. *KMPC -News, Harry Hortick. *HMTR -News, Music.

KRKO =Songs of the Saddle. KFYD- Evening Serenade. KPAS -Jon Billing.. KGFJ -Jive at 5. KGB -True Detective Mystery. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. HFSD- Eleanore King.

5:05- HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KFI -New.

KHJ. KGB. HYDE -Music for Remembrance.

KECA -What's New on Blue. K.MPC-At the Opera. HMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC. KIND, KPAS -News. KFX.M- Cinnamon Bear.

5:30 -KFI- Everybody's Favorite. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KECA, HFMB- Boston Sym- phony.

KHJ, KGB, KF1'M, HYDE- Detroit Symphony.

KMPC-Louise Mallon. *HMTR -Irwin Alien.

d1110WWhWüWlulliVWrisietgtJltlltll ilk


Bishop Stevens KMPC -710 kc. -5:45 P.M.

6:00 P.M. KNX Z°`°1iG1.

and romance of stn.i.s written by actual p-'

z O sons' The drama of real humons z O Presented by


KHJ, KGB, KFìXM, KVOE- Results, Inc.

*HMPC -News, American I.egion.

*KF I B, HGER, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Hill-

billies. KFAC -Music for Everyone. HGFJ- Musical Digest. KWKW -Italian Melodies. KPAS- Sunset Hour..

8:15 *HFWB -Dase Ormont. KRHD -South Sea Serenade. HGER -Jack Walker.

e:30 -KFI, KFSD-Can You Top 'This? I

*OA' Peasants Peru COMPANY,




KNX KNX -Thai's a (mud Idea. KHJ, KGB, KF XM, HYDE-

Mysterious Traveler. KECA{{ KFMB- Spotlight

Bans. SMPC- Challenge to Youth.

World -Wide Youth for Christ



Saturdays 6:30 P. M. -KMPC

710 Kc.

EM'iR- Treaeur) Salute. HPAS -Sweet Chariot Hour. KRK1) -Races Recreated. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room.

8:41 -KNX- Saturday Night Sere- nade.

E:15 -SECA, KFM.B- Coronet Quick Quiz.

7 -KFI, HFSD -Barry Wood - Patsy Kelly.

KECA -Guy Lombardo. HHJ, KFXM, H1'OF. -Qniz

of Two Cities. *HMPC, HMTR -News, Music.

KEW'S- America Dances. KFAC -Dr. James Fifield, Jr. HPAS- Nazarene Church.

*KRHD -News. KWKW -Band of Week. KGFJ -Show Time. KFGX -Res. Stuart Leroy

Anderson. HGER -Wings of Healing.

:15 -KNX -Mayor of Town. I MPC- Nurmao Nesbitt.

7:30 -KFI, KFSD -Grand Ole ()pry. KECA, KFMB -Man Called X. KHJ, KGB, KFKM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. HMPC -Candlelight & Silver.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Dawes. KFAC -Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. KGFJ -Spanish Hour. SPAS -Studio Frolics. KRHD -Du You Know."

7:45 -KNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling. *HFWB -Henry ('harles. *KFAC -News.

KPAS -Roy & Loony.

ó -HF7' HFSD -Truth or Comte. quences.

KNX- America in the Air. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, Ki'0Ei-

Chicago Theater of Air. KECA -Early American Dance

Music. *KMl'C -News, Dr. Fagan.

KFWB- American Sketches. KMTR-News, Rev. H. 0.

Egert son. KFAC- Evening Concert. KOFJ -B. & R. Cowboys. KPAS- Church of God.

*KGER-News. Sister Sylvia. $:15 -KFWB- Community Syna-

gogue. $:30 -KFI, KFSD- Gaslight Gaieties.

KNX-In Peace and War. *KECA- Leland Stowe. *KMPC-News, Bull Session.

HMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFOX -- County Barn Dance. HGFJ -Western Tunes. KPAS -P. E. Gardner. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

S:45 -KFWB- Palestine Speaks. *SECA -News.

HGFJ -4 -Aces Ranch Hands. 11:55*KNX -News.

9 *KFI. HFSD -Skippy Holly- wood Theater.

KNX -Your Hit Parade. KECA -Meet Your Navy.


KMPC -News, Sat. Nite Dance KFWB- Yictury Service Club.

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. U. Michaelson.

HGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. KFOX -Rev. C. T. James.

9:15 *KFW'R -News. KHJ- Dreamboat, Poems.

9:30 *K F S -News. KECA- Soldiers With Wings. KHJ, KGB, K VilE- George

Hamilton Drell. *HMS-Henry ('harles.

KMTR -Ham and Eggs. KGFJ-Blue of Evening.

9:45 -KFI -This Is My Country. KNX -Don't You Believe It. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KFWB- Desert Battalion. KMTR-Merl Lindsay & Band. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFSD -Rupert Hughes.

10 *KFr- Sick's Star Final. *KNX -Ten o ('lock Wire.

KHJ, KFX.M, HYOE Dean Hudson's Orch.

*KECA,. KMMPC, HGFJ -News. KMI'(' -News, Ice Hockey KFWB- Eastslde Dndce.

*HMTR -News, Texas Jim. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KPAS-- Pasadena Civic Dance. KFOX- County Barn Dance.

*KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hrs. KC,F.1 -Hank, Nightwatchman

till 8 a.m. 10:15- SFI- l'nseen Enemy.

KNX -Sports. KECA -On Stage, Everybody.

10:30 *KFI -London Letter. *KNX- Sports. KHJ. KGIt, KFXM, KVOE-

Louis Prima's Orch. KFWB- Eastslde Dance. KFAC- Evening Concert. KGF.1 -B. & R. Boys. SMTR -Bob Brooks.

DANCE Tonite lOto12P.M. Ivory MM. 4.qt s.d.y

K F W B 1....k.', N..rt s..s.

KPAS- Carter Wright. *KFVD- Newsical.

10:45 -KFI -Ted Weems Orch. *KNX- Public Affairs.

KECA -Harry Owens Orch.




HMTR -Al Donahue Orch. 11 -KFI- Football Facts and Fum-

bles. *KNX -News. *KHJ-News, Nick Carter.

KECA -Yanks In Orient. *HMPC -News, Spade Cooley.

KFWB -Eastslde Dance. *HMTR -News. Music.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. 11:05 -KNX -Henry Busse. Il :31F -KFI, HFSD -These Are Our

Men. KNX -Berle Cummings.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- ity.

KMPC-Concert Miniature. Weather.

*KFVD- Newsical, till 1 am- ll :35 -KHJ- Concert. 11:55*KNX, KHJ, HFWB -News.

KFI-Musical Interlude.

TROPICAL FISH Joe Kearns, narrator on

KNX "Tapestries of Life," not only plays the organ but also raises tropical fish for a hobby. In his aquarium on the back porch, he raises Blue Moons, Red Betas, Mexi. can Sword -tails, Angel Fish, and Tail -light fish, which light up periodically and give off a phosphorescent glow.


SCREEN RETURN Helen Mack, lovely produc

er of NBC's "Date With Judy," plans a screen come. back with her appearance in "And Now Tomorrow" with Alan Ladd. This will be her first role in three years.

COVER GIRL Nigel Bruce, alias "Dr. Wat

son" on the Mutual "Adven tures of Sherlock Holmes" series, is proud of his pretty daughter Pauline, whose pic' ture recently decorated the cover of "Wings," Royal Canadian Air Force maga zine.

NEW DESCRIPTION In addition to other defini

tions and personality sketch es, Janet Waldo, who play: the title role on CBS `Meet Corliss Archer," finds that certain chemistry class in th( east has chosen to define he] as a provocative collection (41

atoms. Some test -tube testf mony!


NBC PARADE OF STARS Exciting ... stimulating ... fascinating entertainment ... NBC programs packed ... stacked ... with everything that everybody goes for ... all -hit ... all -star radio ... every day and night on NBC.




7:00 a.m. 7:45 8:30

10:30 10:45 4:00 p.m. 5:00 5:45 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00


Graeme Fletcher Sam Hayes Homemaker's Hour Aunt Mary Art Baker Dr. Kate Okay for Release Elmer Peterson Eddie Cantor Mr. District Attorney Kay Kyser Music Shop Fleetwood Lawton Carton of Cheer Mr. and Mrs. North Richfield Reporter


KF 640 I on your dial

Page 24 R A D I O L I F E DECEMBER 10, 1944

VÑ' Ziscs


FOR THE SEVENTH year, the plat- ter Pickers Club of America, with its 4900 coast -to -coast members, announces its annual poll of winning bands, singera, and groups for 1944. Many, through no fault of their own, have not been able to keep up currently with the entertainment world. For then we record many changes and surprises, although to those of us who have been able to watch more closely the rise of some of the new groups and individuals, the final verdict the Platter Pickers poll is only mildly sur- prising! .

FOR INSTANCE, the winner in the popular Swing Band field is none other than Woody Herman and his or- chestra this year, topping Harry James who won in 1943; but, if one had fol- lowed closely the trend during the past year -this was not unexpected as Woody's orchestra has consistently been winning "top" honors all over the country. with his personal appear- ances and recordings, as evidenced by the attendance during his recent Hol- lywood Palladium date. We also are pleased to record here that Freddy Martin, among the Sweet Bands, took "top" honors over Tommy Dorsey, winner in 1943.

AFTER HEARING Lionel Hampton at the Orpheunt recently, it was a fore- gone conclusion that he would be close in the Boogie -Woogie field to Count Basie who won last year. Well, we were right. Lionel Hampton came out first in the race this year!

To those who have not been watch- ing closely the ascendency of a new singer, Andy Russell, the winner of top honors for 1944, will be quite a shock, especially as he has only a handful of Capitol recordings so far to his credit. But his rendition' of "Amour" and the Spanish version, gave him such propulsion that he started "shining" and, to the delight of his many admirers, each and every record since has added, to his glory.

JO STAFFORD, who has been mak- ing many recordings for Capitol re- cently, won over Helen Forrest, last year's winner among the girl singers. In fact. Dinah Shore and Ginny Simms were second and third in this year's poll ahead of Helen Forrest.

For the fourth consecutive year, among the vocal groups, it's the Merry Macs acclaimed, and rightfully so, the winnahs'

NOW, for something new to look forward to in the very near future. Victor's recording by Freddy Martin and his orchestra of the new GI tune, "I've Got a Picture to Love" by Dick Aurandt, Pacific Coast radio musical conductor, who has the music on "Hed- du Hopper's Hollywood."

DECEMBER 10, 1944 RADIO LIFE Page 25

Nat'l& Proviowv a a


TIME CHANGES Monday, December 11-Jay Burnett,

KECA, 12:15 p. m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday through Friday, 3:45 p. m.

Tuesday, December 12 -John Burton, KHJ, 10:15 a. m. (15 min.) Tuesday and Thursday. Formerly KHJ, Mon- day- Wednesday- Friday, 10:15 a.m.

Tuesday, December 12 -Andy Russell Show, KECA, 7:15 p. m. (15 min.) Tuesday and Thursday. Formerly KECA, Wednesday, 10:45 p. m., Thursday, 7:15 p. m.

Wednesday, December 13 - Sewing School of the Air, KHJ, 1:15 p. m. (15 min.) Formerly KHJ, Tuesday, 10:30 a. m.

Thursday, December 14 -"H u b b y' s Hobby," KMPC, 8:05 p.m. (25 min.) Thursday. Formerly KHJ, 8:00 a. m., Saturday.

WHAT'S NEW? afusic

Sunday, December 10- Columbus Boy Choir, KHJ -DLBS, 7:30 p. m. (15 min.)

Monday, December 11 -"Mild and Mel- low," KHJ, 12:30 p. m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. A new mu- sical program featuring light classi- cal gems, with Gene Norman as announcer.

Monday, December 11 -Emil Petti's Orchestra, KMPC, 11:05 p. ni. (25 min.) Monday -Wednesday - Friday.

Thursday, December 14 -Spade Cooley, KMPC, 11:05 p. m. (25 min.) Thurs- day-Saturday-Sunday.

Commentatiun Sunday, December 10- William Park-

er, KMPC, 8:15 p. in. (15 min.) News commentation.

Monday, D,:ember 11 -The News and Gabriel :,eat(er, KHJ -DLBS, 9:00 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. *

Variety Monday, D= cembor 10- Terry's House

Party, KHJ - DIES, 10:15 a. m. (15 min.) Monday -Wednesday- Friday. A new musical -variety show.

Tuesday, December 12 - Paula Stone and John Brito, KHJ -DLBS, 10:30 a. m. (15 min.) Tuesday and Thurs- day. A variety show with guests.

* Drama

Sunday, December 10- Leonidas With -

erall, KHJ -DLBS, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) A new mystery drama.

Monday, December 11- "Appointment With Life," KECA, 3:30 p. m. (30 min.) Monday through Friday. The story of mythical Lincoln City and

its people, as interpreted by Henry Neely, veteran radio actor, in the role of kindly old Judge Sam Chand- ler.

Saturday, December 16 - "These Are Our Men," KFI, 11:30 a. m. (30 min.) A series of special programs drama- tizing the lives of America's fore- most military leaders of the current war.


Monday, December 11 - "Lux Radio Theater," KNX, 6:00 p. m. (One hour) "Casanova Brown" stars Garry Cooper, Joan Bennett and Thomas Mitchell.

Monday, December 11- "Cavalcade of America," KFI, 8:30 p. m. (30 min.) "Conquest of Pain" stars Brian Don -

levy. Tuesday, December 12 -"This Is My

Best," KNX, 6:30 p. m. (30 min.) Ben Hecht's "Miracle in the Rain" stars Dorothy McGuire, Robert Bailey, and Jeanette Nolan.

Thursday, December 14- "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p. m (30 min.) "The Lodger" stars Robert Montgomery.


Music Thursday, December 14 - "Here's to

Romance," KNX, 7:30 p. m. (30 min.) Dorothy Shay will be Ray Block's guest singer.


Sunday, December 10- "Radio Hall of

NEXT WEEK We run the gamut of personalities

in our December 17th issue of Radio Life. Earl Carroll queen, Beryl Wal- lace, will smile at you from our cover, and on pages 4 and 5, you will find a revealing story about the famed Hollywood show -girl. "He's a Ham" will tell you the back - ground -to- success story of comedian Danny Thomas, and "Ignorant Like a Fox" is an informative yarn about Tom Howard and his co-workers of the zany comedy -quiz show. "It Pays To Be Ignorant." Supplement- ing these interesting features will be an article on that great music maker, Fred Waring, and an inti- mate interview with one of your special radio favorites, Verna Fel- ton.

RADIO WEST (Continued from Pape 9)

half -hour of laughs that requires leav- ing your dignity at home, but being sure to bring your purse along if you are going to participate.

Jack Is never quite certain what he is going to find when he starts going through contestant's pocketbooks, but one thing is a certainty- laughs. If Jack feels an item is necessary, he pays the contestant its worth -a lot of us would never get -rich -quick in this manner.

The other day even unshockable Jack received a start when he pulled from one lady's handbag a long mysterious package. The lady gasped, as if she too were surprised to find such a thing in her purse. This piqued Emcee Bailey's imagination, but he wasn't sure if he dared to open the parcel. To add to the general confusion, both Jack and the contestant began to de- tect a strange aroma emiting from the paper, whereupon the lady was con- vulsed with mirth. That did it, and Jack unwrapped the package. What do you think he found?

A great big salami! P. S.: He paid her.

Charmer If this is true, it's one of the nicest

stories we've heard around Radio Row. We hear tell that Marie Rogndahl, the gifted young singer who won NBC's "Hour of Charm" Singing Cinderella contest, has returned to her Oregon hometown to resume her college studies, at the expense of the program sponsor, General Electric.

Good Neighbors When Charlotte Greenwood guested

on CBS' Lux Radio Theater, she was surprised with a box of orchids dur- ing the afternoon's rehearsal.

"Who's sending us orchids ?" shout- ed Producer DeMille.

"My neighbors in Beverly Hills," beamed the grateful Miss Greenwood. "They make me feel just like a bride!"

Fame," KECA, 3:30 p. m. (One hour) The broadcast will originate from Hollywood.

Monday, December 11 - War Bond Program, KNX, 8:30 p. m. (30 min.) The final of four special war bond shows saluting basic war industries and their employes.

SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS Thelma Kirchner, manager of station

KGFJ, announces a special radio ob- servance of "Soldiers' Christmas" to be conducted by KGFJ, on behalf of wounded veterans of the current var.

Two hours, beginning at 2:00 o'clock on Christmas Day have been set aside by KGFJ for honoring the requests of Sawtelle Hospital soldier -patients, in a special "Soldiers' Christmas" broad- cast programmed by the veterans.

Page 26 RADIO LIFE DECEMBER 10, 1944

Father Is Young (Continued from Paye 6)

niture before he landed a screen test. Now, as fans know, he has acquit-

ted himself admirably in more than half a hundred pictures, has starred in an air series by Norman Corwin and emceed Elgin's big holiday broadcasts before taking over the role of host on the Frank Morgan show.

Owned Ranch Until a year and a half ago, the

Youngs made their home on a ranch at Tarzana, an ideal place to raise their children. But war and its trans- portation problems brought about a change of abode, and now they live in Beverly Hills in an eight -room, white house trimmed with green shutters.

"The baby," glowed Young, "has a god -given disposition. I've never seen a baby like her and I'm not a boastful father." Carol Anne, who is growing so fast she can't get into her mother's shoes any more, Barbara, and Betty Lou all have their moth- er's pert pug nose and their father's hair which he terms "straight as a die." Carol Anne and Barbara in- sistently ask: "Why can't we have another baby sister ?"

But Bob and Betty want a boy. "He'd probably be a short dumpy guy with curly hair," laughed Young. "But he won't be called a 'junior.' I won't have one around the house."

Dunninger Didn't Convince Us! Continued from Page 51

T 1, Lter while he was in Holly -

saying I would meet him and duplicate what he does on his radio program without any of his parapher- nalia. I offered to put up $1,000 to so to charity if I couldn't, or Dun - finger to give $1,000 to charity if I could. Dunninger refused to accept my challenge, which must prove to anyone that he knows I can duplicate it. I did duplicate it last April 19- a show just like Dunninger's -in New York City."

"Well!" we thought. "Fine thing. Here's a man who 'reads our mind' but says it's not mind reading, but magic."

Again contemplating the "master mentalist," we decided we wouldn't lose any sleep over how he does his

program: Whether by magic or whether by mind reading, it's not im- portant. He puts on a good act, al- though in our opinion it's ofttimes becomes repetitious.

But being sort of a sucker for radio and believing naively in radio's in- tegrity and the things it purports to be, what does seem important to us is that Dunninger stage the kind of an act he says he does.

No, Dunninger didn't convince us. If he had, he'd not have to read this whst we think.

WTI_ hat We Will Find In Germany (Continued from Page 27)

There are also no "soap operas." One can dial only two or three stations. Chiefly, they are programs of news, communiques and commentary, and concert music. Radio, like news- papers, will have to be strictly super- vised.

Television: The Germans have had television for several years. If you have a television set and live in a large city, you can get regular pro- grams. I saw many in Berlin. Mainly, you see films rather than immediate live projection. The Wochenshau, the news weekly, is always in the pro- gram.

Telephone: The visual apparatus has been applied to the instrument, enabling one to see the person to whom he is talking. This is not the case with every telephone in Ger- many, of course, but you can use such phones in many of the large cities.

Photography: It is very good, both motion picture and still photography.

Art: It has suffered from the war. It was hit earlier than other fields with the advent of war. There is little commercial art in Germany. There are comparatively few advertise- men ts.

Entertainment: Thére is little en- tertainment in Germany at the pres- ent time. Earlier in the war, when Hitler was on the winning side, top entertainers were exempt from ser- vice. But in the past six months, since our invasion, everyone has been called into the German army.

Night Clubs: Comparatively speak- ing, there was never much night- club life in Germany. The German people prefer concert halls, where they gather together to listen to the music and drink beer. They entertain themselves more than we Americans who are used to being entertained. The Germans gather in groups to talk and to sing together.

Music: "Lili Marlene," the German song which the Americans adopted, is typical of their popular music. They like ballads with a certain mar- tial rhythm. They like our music very much. Many times I heard American tunes that had been adopted by the Germans, among them, "A- Tisket, A- Tasket." You sel- dom hear the Germans play swing, however, and when they do, they play it badly. I used to think they must make all their swing arrange- ments from distorted s h o r t -wave broadcasts.

The Theater: When I was in Ger- many, I noted that almost every city had its own legitimate theater. Ber- lin had half a dozen. Both comedies and tragedies were seen at them. English plays had, of course, been banned -but nevertheless, plays by Shaw, who doesn't seem as pro - British, were sometimes seen, and Shakespearean dramas were often

Gains of the Week For the best Gags of the Week, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send your best gag se- lection to 1029 West Washington Boule- vard. Los Angeles.

Jack O'Leary, 5606 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California. Heard on the "Chesterfield Music

Shop:" Wendell Niles: I had a nice trip but

I was glad to get back. Johnny Mercer: Did your father

meet you at the station? Wendell Niles: No I've known him

for a long time. Wendell Niles: That train I was on

was so slow that the passengers reached out and milked the cows.

Johnny Mercer: What utter none - sense. * Mrs. Isabelle Noble, 4366 Westlawn A ,

Venice, California. Heard on "Glamor Manor:" Cliff Arquette: Hollywood is so

crowded that "John's Other Wife is now living with 'One Man's Family.' "

Grace Newman, 531 Las Tunas Drive, Sam Gabriel, California. Heard on "Take It or Leave it:" Governor Vivian of Colorado: I don't

like to brag about my state but the corn grows so large here that we have to plant corn a block apart, so that the Air --Mail can go through.

J Rawlings, 4179 Van Ness A Los Angeles, California. Heard on the "Jack Carson Show:" Jack Carson: Teacher needs the

advice of a great lover. Mrs. Martin: What do you know

about love? Jack Carson: I used to be a bus

driver on a San Diego bus.

* Mill Field, 7811 Walnut Drive, Los Angeles,

California. Heard on the Moore- Durartte Show: Howard Petree: Help! Help! don't

let them fill me with lead. Garry Moore: Say, who are you any -

way? Petree: Oh, just a little pencil. *

P. E. Ogren, 4059 West 28th Street, Los An- geles, California. Heard on "Duffy's Tavern ": Archie: Ya know, Duffy, I been

thinking about serving drinks to the crumbs in the audience during the broadcast-(pause)-01C, if you say so Duffy -&Sal hepatica, huh?

enacted. Somehow, they claimed that Shakespeare was a German.

Movies: Our technicolor films will be an innovation for the Germans, for although they were able to pro- duce them, they did not do so he- cause of the expense. Their money

(Please Turn to Page ßl)

flhat Ile IV111 Find

Qermanj/ By Harry Flannery

As Told to Shirley Gordon

Distinguished News Analyst And Author of "Assignment To Berlin" Gives L's Answer To Important Query of Today

Monday through Saturday 5:30 p.m. CBS -KNX


NERY, CBS news ana- lyst and author of the

best -selling book, "As- signment to Berlin," was foreign correspond-

ent in Germany during the crucial year of 1941. With an eye to our ad- vancing armies in the European the- ater, Radio Life called upon Mr. Flannery to answer this query which is among those uppermost in our minds today -"What will we find in Germany?

The Attitude of the German Peo- ple. In the localities into which we

have so far entered, as at Roetgen and Aachen, we have found that the Germans are claiming they never were Nazis and that they hate the Nazis. Some attempt to justify what has happened by arguing that they saved the world from bolshevism. Actually there were some Germans who never were Nazis, especially in Bavaria, but the great mass of the people approved of Hitler when he was winning. Now that he is losing, they are against him and his gang. My information is that the people beyond the occupied areas are apa- thetic. Victims of bombings have lost everything and just shrug their shoulders. They take no interest in the past, have no hope for the future.

They no longer pay much attention to the threats of Goebbels and minim 1er.

However, in every town, and espe- cially in Prussia, in Berlin, we shall also find many stubborn Nazis. They will disdain us even as we march in victorious, and their pride will be a barrier to their admitting that they are not supermen, that they have been duped. They will seek alibis, and even Hitler and his policies will be seized upon for that, especially his attacks on the Jews. However, I am not pessimistic about the ulti- mate results of a just firm policy, and the effects of an informed pro- gram by us which will give the Ger- mans, for the first time in almost twelve years, truth instead of distor Lions.

The Food: At the time of my stay in Germany, many things were al- ready hard to get. There were few canned goods, few vegetables. Po- tatoes were the people's main food. Incidentally, until it, too, became scarce, the people drank a lot of Coca -Cola. When I was there, you had to know the grocer in order to get rare items. I do not mean to suggest by this that people did not get "ade- quate" food in Germany. They did, no matter what deprivations there were in the occupied countries. Now, with food - producing territory lost, the Germans have less, but I'm afraid they still have enough.

The Shops: There is not much in them. At best, they are not like ours. I found that the Germans have no knack for window decorations, and often, as in our country today, one used to see items in the window which the merchant did not actually have to sell.

Newspapers: We shall have to su- pervise them directly, of course, to free them from Nazi propaganda. At the time I was in Germany, the Frankfurter Zeitung, which has since been discontinued, was the best, and the least restricted, newspaper in the country. Its publication will probably be resumed.

Literature: I do not advocate any "burning of the books," as that is what the Nazis did. It is not demo- cratic. The books of German propa- ganda which we will find in the country's libraries should be removed in some instances, but mainly, we should supplement them with the freedom of the press we find exem- plified on the shelves of our own li- braries.

Radio: It is controlled by the gov- ernment; there are no commercials.

(Please Turn to Page 26)


correspondent in the crucial year of 1941, Harry W. Flannery dis-

, in the accompanying article, the many things about Germany we are curious to know -among them, the atti- tude of the German people, the coun- try's food supply, the German radio, movies, newspapers, television, the Ger- man women, and the sights.

Page Twenty -sew n

By Cass Daley As Told to Betty Mills

Thursday. R:30 p.m. NRC-KF7

HAT DO YOU MEAN, do I know how to make a funny face ?" laughed comedienne Cass Daley,

"I was born with one." Cass, who gained prominence via

the motion picture, is now "Maxwell House's" First Lady, and First Lady of the art of making funny faces. Colonna has his mustache, Durante has his nose, Cantor has his eyes, and Cass has her teeth.

The story of how Cass developed her present antics is something else. It seems she used to work in a stock- ing factory and during lunch hours entertained her fellow workers with imitations of the fSoss. far was Page Twenty -eight

swell -until the boss caught her. The boss was mad and Cass was fired.

To make a long story short, Frank Kinsella, who is now Cass' husband, told her she was wasting time play- ing straight. If she could make peo- ple laugh for free she should capital- ize on it. She did. But the twist to the story is that Cass used to be self - conscious about her biggest asset - her teeth. Through Frank's encour- agement Cass developed the gyrations that make her what she is today.

"So you want to know how to make a funny face ?" she pondered at a recent afternoon's rehearsal. "Well, it helps if it comes 'natural, like mine. Take the face feature by fea- ture. If your nose goes down and you

(Please turn In Pape 31)

la, "HE'LL BE COMIN' 'ROUND THE MOUNTAIN when he comes,'

strums the First Lady of her art upon the "old, bass mike." This is what is known as getting into the mood or you too can be the life of the party!

"TOWEEEE," SINGS CASS IN HIGH C to a microphone that

seems too weak to resist. The lady finds that the mikes respond to her will like the snakes to the reptile charmer.


"Hubby's Hobby" Brings Early Morning Listeners Good -Sized Dose of Fun and Hobby Reports

Sala May, It :00 a.m. till! CONCE A WEEK Saturday rolls around. Saturday is radio's day of rest - or rather it is the soap- opera's day of rest for they put down their weary loads and

leave the ether waves until the fol- lowing Monday. Not long ago listen- ers were delighted to find that all family dramas hadn't deserted them. For on early Saturday mornings can be heard KHJ's half -hour fun show, "Hubby's Hobby."

According to writer - producer How- ard Swart, listeners find to their sat- isfaction that "Hubby's Hobby" is not just another half hour of humorous family life. They call it the "program with a purpose." For hobby time brings them a mixture of the practi- cal applications of hobby tools, hobby news, and a good -sized dose of mari- tal tribulations.

At a recent rehearsal, Mr. Swart went on to explain to Radio Life that is how the program originated. The Entz and Rucker Hardware Company ventured into radio with the hope that the public had a hobby which would demand keeping up with latest news concerning it. Maybe it was only woodcarving, cabinet mak- ing, or tending a Victory Garden - or maybe it included the great out- doors. Hints on the use of the latest hobby tools are sprinkled throughout the program and a five- minute sum- mary of hunting and fishing news concludes the half_ hour.

Meet the Browns, solid citizens of an average town, U.S.A., is the theme of the show. Mary and Clifford Brown try to live a normal, well -regulated life -we say "try" because of the intended helpfulness of their neigh- bors, Homer and Martha, which leads to the type of complications that be- set other "radio couples" such as Fibber and Molly and Harriet and Ozzie.

To date Clifford has robbed Junior's piggy bank, has been ousted from his own home, has plotted against

relatives who never showed up, and has been ostracized by his wife and Homer for something he knew noth- ing about.

Episodes Complete In addition to many other problems

he has in mind for them, writer Swart plans to have Clifford and Homer build their own home as soon as building restrictions are lifted. Each episode of the Brown family is complete within itself and never requires a mental carryover from week to week.

Listening to the comments of the actors and writer, Radio Life had no difficulty in determining that this was their earliest morning show. Curious as to audience reaction on this point, we found that "Hubby's Hobby" recently offered listeners a certain booklet by simply request- ing it. More than twice the antici- pated replies poured in. "No," says Mr. Swart, " 'Hubby's Hobby' won't change its eight o'clock time because we find many early risers pleasantly surprised to find a full -sized show at this hour."

Radio Life discovered the cast one of -the most capable in radio. All of the actors, along with the writer, have been with radio since its early stages. Charlie Lung, the man of a hundred voices, finds the likable old busybody, "Homer," a far cry from the Japs he has been characterizing of late in contrast to Tyler ("Clifford") McVey, who remarks that playing the double father is comparable to his real life. Ann Stone, who does double duty by portraying both "Mary" and "Martha," is the pro- gram's busiest.

If the sponsors want proof that their "message" is being received, they should listen to the testimonials of their cast. Actress Ann Stone, alias "Mary Browp" tells us that when "Mary" decided to repaint some of her kitchen furniture, Ann profited. Charlie Lung is happy about the in- formation his counterpart, "Homer," passed on to him about Victory Gar- dens, and Tyler McVey thinks he may

f .1.

ANN STONE AS "MARTHA" ISN'T. too much of a helpmate to "Ho-

mer," Charlie Lung. Ann does double duty by portraying both feminine charac- ters in KHJ'S hall -hour show.

derive parental advice in dealing with "Clifford's" offspring, "Junior."

So if you too, are planning on building your own home, or starting a Victory Garden, or if you're just seeking a half hour of companion- ship while the bacon fries, don't be surprised if you hear a phone ring- ing and Mary Brown informing you it's "Hubby's Hobby Time."

ACTRESS ANN STONE AS "MARY" is a good and loving wile to "Clif-

ford," Tyler McVey. They are the "Browns," leading citizens of "Hubby's Hobby."

F YOU were Cathy Lewis you would be one of radio's most demanded featured stars. You would be conservative in your tastes and your ways of living. You would love your husband, your family,

home, and food. Your hobby would be interior decorating and your favorite color would be chartreuse. You would rather act than eat!

So here you have a thumbnail

sketch of v e r s a t i l e Cathy, but wouldn't you like to know her better? She can be heard almost daily on such shows as "I Love a Mystery," "The Whistler," "Dreft Star Play- house," and the Rudy Vallee pro- gram. She isn't typed, perhaps due to her low, melodious voice, and runs the gamut of acting from leads to characters.

Cathy is small and glad of the fact she can eat whatever and when- ever she wants to. Her unusual col- oring, rust hair and eyes, adds to her air of distinctiveness. She is warm and friendly, and kiddingly says she loves to talk and talk, even claims she likes arguing because it gives her a chance to learn some- thing from the other fellow.

Cathy adores acting and is waiting for that "right" part to come along which will take her back to the stage. She has been in the show business since she appeared in vaudeville at the age of seven, and is proud of the $30 a week she earned singing and dancing. It was through her singing, while still in high school that she won an audition with the late Herbie Kaye.

Indirectly it was her voice and not

Versatile Actress Is One of Radio's Busiest, Admits She Is One of Radio's Happiest, Yet Longs for Footlights and Legitimate Acting

Page Thirty

4 CATHY LEWIS IS FOND of old things, loves people, acting, and her home. She and her actor -hus-

band are one of radio's most devoted couples.

her dramatics which brought her to Hollywood in 1936. Once here, she discarded her music and tackled her drama lessons. She has only opened her mouth to sing twice during the ensuing years. Once was for the ben- efit of an operetta audience, and the other time was to brighten a musical comedy short.

Most Fortunate Meeting She thinks that meeting her actor -

husband, Elliott Lewis, was the most fortunate thing that ever happened to her, and credits him with her in- troduction to radio. At the time when she was a struggling young cinema starlet, she also had her eye on the mike. During one of her frequent appearances on the "Woodbury Play- house" she noticed a handsome actor. "Who's that ?" she asked. He was, of course, Elliott. Elliott in turn looked at her and said, "Who's that ?" They were introduced and it was love at first sight.

But unlike the legendary fairy tale, they didn't marry and live happily ever after. That is, not at first. El- liott and Cathy played the game of hard -to -get until Elliott broke the ice and approached her one night. "Want to go out ?" he asked. Cathy looked at him for a minute and quietly said, "I will if you'll go home and comb your hair." Without bat- ting an eyelash, he stared back at her and answered, "I will if you'll go home and wash your face." And so it began.

Cathy found that Elliott introduced her to the possibilities of air acting and she decided to settle her career on radio. She had, not long before, abandoned her cinematic efforts to await a stage opportunity. But being "Elliott's girl" presented handicaps which had to be overcome. She wanted to become known through her own efforts and not because she had Elliott's influential help. Through her dogged determination and persistence, her talents were recognized, and Cathy Lewis was on her way up.

Took the Plunge After Elliott left radio and joined

the Army, Cathy took one last fling at traveling, which she loathes, to tour with "Bittersweet" for several months. 'She hurried hume and married Elliott. That was on April 30, 1943. Today Elliott is still in the Army, Cathy is still in radio, and they are still very happy.

Her home is her palace. She de- lights in her old walnut and marble !tests and her grandmother's wed- ding ring, which was given to her at the time of her marriage. She loves to keep house, but detests cooking. Admits she is crazy about

(Please turn to Page 31)


How To Make a like this." All of a sudden she was wound around the mike with her hair hanging down into her eyes and Deering uD. saying, "See ?"

Meet Cathy Lewis Funny Face: (Continued from )'ape 28)

want it to go up, Just think or some- thing that really smells. Brother, that does it!"

"Now the eyes play an important part. Take Ben Turpin for instance, his were always crossed. The easiest way to get cross -eyes is to watch a fast ping pong game. Try it."

Cass demonstrated by vigorously shaking her head back and forth as if she were watching a fast and furious game. "Gee, I better watch out," she moaned holding her head, "that was almost too convincing."

"If you want to imitate The Brow, and who does ?" she grinned, "just think of income tax. Look what's happened to me," she glared, fur- rowing her forehead.

"Hmm, the ears. Well, I haven't been able to master wiggling 'em or anything, but I would advise be- ing sure they're clean before you try being funny. It even helps your hearing." She broke into her famous grin.

"Oh yes, the mouth and teeth. I

can only speak from experience, and all I do is think of a horse laughing. See, like this," and she grinned like a fool, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

"If you start out looking like a lady, just hit yourself a couple of times or take a couple of good bumps with the drum and you'll end up



KNX 9:30 Stories woven around the ro-

mantic and adventurous atmos- phere of Early California.

Pedro de Cordoba, Na,utor

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"Put them all together and they spell 'Maxwell House' -oops, I mean Cass Daley."

And that's how you make a funny face!

What We Will Find In Germany (Continued from Pape 26)

was being applied on their war aims, and for the same reason, the quality of the German motion pictures has greatly decreased.

Sports: They have been disrupted by the war. Formerly, the Germans went in chiefly for soccer, football, hockey and skiing. The latter is probably still in continuance more than the others, since almost every- one has skiis.

The German Women: They are heavier, less attractive - but then, our soldiers will not even be allowed to talk to them. We will find the women as difficult to deal with as any of the men. They will be equally antagonistic.

Architecture: I1 never cared for it personally. It is squatty, heavy, mas- sive, with huge Amazonic figures as pillars. Then, when they lean to the modernistic, the Germans go to a radical extreme. In the southern part of the country, south of Munich, how- ever, one finds the Swiss chalet type of architecture, and it is delightful.

Sights to tee: I aon t think there will be much left to see, when we get through, and especially if the Nazis make the German army resist so fanatically that every town and city must be Aachenized. Doubtless, however, much of the beautiful grape country of the Rhine Valley, since that is natural beauty, will remain. There will be the scenic splendors of the Black Forest and the Bavarian Alps. Some of the quaint beer halls of Munich will remain, and some of the ancient churches all over the country. In Berlin, there may be not much left, and that will be no great loss.

Maybe the soldiers can look at the ruins of the Lustgarten, with its pal- aces and the spot where the armistice car of Compeigne was on display. Maybe they can look at what was the Reichstag and the Kroll opera house where the sessions were held later. They can see the bomb -stripped trees of the Tiergarten and the bomb - pitted Olympic grounds. There, some- one can say, was Ciro's, and there was the Jockey Club, and that was Horcher's, where high Nazis used to get food denied the rest of the people, coffee, pheasant, pastries.

Speaking of German architecture, by the way, I might add that this would be a good time to change it. I think we'll be able to start from scratch -and I do mean scratch!

(Crrniinued from Pupe 311)

anything old and fills her house with bric -a -brac. She shares her duplex - apartment with her mother and sis- ter, she has no maid, and boasts of the wonderful family dinners they can cook. She says Elliott is "mad" about books and so is she. Elliott plays the piano, but she plays rec- ords.

She thinks she is the world's most inquisitive person, loves people, and wants to know all about her friends. She is terribly sentimental and will always fall for a hard luck story. Cathy is noted for her generosity, whether it be money or her time.

She loves show business and the excitement it brings, but thinks she is far too conservative to be a part of it. She feels she has too practical a head on her shoulders to match the impulsiveness of the business. "You know," she said to us with a twinkle in her dark eyes, "think what a smart gal I am. When I met Elli- ott I was a L- L- E -W -I -S and now I I am a L- E- W -I -S. You can see what a time saver the dropping of one 'L' has been."

Three Hits for You in



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Page Thirty-

Ana the night snail be hlled with music, And the cares, that infest the day Shall o their tents, like he Arabs, And as silently steal a.wayi'

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The scene is the American home - through the magic of radio come gems of melody -all quiet- thought provoking - soul inspiring - music of the masters, great and small.

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