Programme : EMBA Semester : Write on...


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Programme : EMBA Semester : II

Subject Code: 201 Subject: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Attempt any TWO questions from the following Q.1. Explain behavioral approach in management Q.2. Write short notes on:

1. Explain the process of motivation. 2. Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Q.3. Write short notes on:

1. What is meant by structural intervention? 2. What is meant by functional intervention?

Q.4 Define term Perception in detail.

Q.5 Write short notes on the following:

a) Group decision making b) Traits of personality

Q.6 Write short notes on the following: a) Theory of X and Y of motivation b) Importance of OB

Q.7 Define term Leadership in detail.

Q.8 Define term personality in detail.

Q.9 Write short notes on the following: a) Morale b) Motivation

Q.10 Write short notes on the following: a) Reinforcement b) Stress


Attempt any TWO questions from the following Q.1. Define the term Operation Research and the scope of Operation Research with its characteristics and

various phases in detail. Q.2. Write short notes on:

1. Six Sigma Quality 2. Value analysis/ value engineering

Q.3. What is “statistical quality control”? What are its two main techniques?

Q.4 Write short notes on:

1. Concurrent engineering 2. Vertical integration

Q.5 Write short notes on:

1. Operating Characteristic curve 2. Quality Control Charts

Q.6 Write short notes on:

1. Production Planning 2. Plant layout

Q.7 Write on Sales forecasting in detail

Q.8 Define the term Work Measurement in detail

Q.9 Define the terms (a) Production (b) Production system (c) Production management (d) Operations

management (e) Production function and (f) Productivity.

Q.10 write in detail on Product design, Process Design and production Design with its characteristics and need.

Subject Code: 203 Subject: BUSINESS LAW

Q.1. Write short notes on:

(a) Valid contract (b) Void contract (c) void agreement (d) Illegal contract (e) unilateral contract (f) Bilateral contract Q.2. Define Share. What are the different kinds of shares which a company may issue? Q.3. Write short notes on:

a) What are the essentials of a company meeting? b) Define meetings. State the different kinds of meeting.

Q.4 Write short notes on:

(a) Anticipatory Breach of Contract (b) Suit for Damages Q.5 Write short notes on:

(a) Public Policy (b) Quasi contracts under Indian Contract Act Q.6 Write short notes on:

(a) Contract of Guarantee (b) Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee Q.7 Write short notes on:

(a) Rights and Duties of Bailor (b) Agency Q.8 Write short notes on:

(a) Duties of an agent (b) Sale of goods

Q.9 Write short notes on:

(a) Delivery of Goods (b) Negotiable Instrument

Q.10 Write short notes on:

(a) Cheque (b) Company

Subject Code: 204 Subject: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Attempt any TWO questions from the following. Q.1. Write short notes on:

(a) Cost unit, (b) cost centre, (c) cost object.

Q.2. List out the different methods of costing and explain their practical application.

Q.3. State Factors determining Working Capital requirement.

Q.4. Write in detail on the term costing

Q.5. Write short notes a) Overhead Variances b) Advantages and Disadvantages of Marginal Costing

Q.6.Write on detail of Break-Even Analysis with its uses and limitations

Q.7. Write on detail of Overheads with its classification and distribution of Overheads.

Q.8.Write in detail on Absorption and various methods of Absorption of Factory overhead.

Q.9. Write short notes on any two

a) Treatment of Special items of Overhead b) Job Costing Procedure c) Working Capital0

Q.10.Write on Capital structure with its factors.

Subject Code: 205 Subject: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Attempt any TWO questions from the following Q.1. Write short notes on:

(a) What is the feature of window 3.0? (b) How windows 3.0 differ from 3.1? (c) Write the area of application of window? Q.2. What is data Processing? Distinguish between MIS and data processing system Q.3. Write short notes on:

(a) Difference between functional structure and Divisional structure. (b) What is learning information system and how it works?

Q.4What is Organisation?

Q.5Define Database Management System (DBMS) with its components with neat diagram

Q.6 Writ on Data Models with necessary neat diagram.

Q.7 What is Distributed Database and its advantages and disadvantages in detail.

Q.8 Write short notes on: a) Vulnerability

b)Quality System

Q.9 Write on Telecommunication with Functions and changes in Telecommunication in detail.

Q.10 Write in detail about the various application areas of Decision Support System Applications Research Classification.
