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    English course 3

  • 3.1. Searching methods

    Generally the problem is to search objects using the value of a field (key) associated to any object

    If the objects are not ordered we have only the direct search possibility

    But if, objects are ordered, the finding process will be faster

    In our approach we consider that objects are organized on one dimensional arrays and for key is defined an ordered relation

  • 3 The searching function that will return the position from the array if the element will be found, or value (-1) if we did not found the value (using divide et impera):

    int CautareBinara(int *p, int inc, int sfr, int val)//recursive


    int mij;

    mij = (inc + sfr)/2;

    if(p[mij] == val)

    return mij;

    if(inc val)

    sfr = mij - 1;


    inc = mij + 1;

    return CautareBinara(p, inc, sfr, val);


    return -1;


  • 4Binary serach (iterative solution)

    int CautareBinara(int *p, int n, int val)//iterative


    int inc, sfr, mij;

    inc = 0;

    sfr = n-1;

    mij = (inc + sfr)/2;


  • 5Standard library functions

    The standard library (stdlib.h/ search.h) contains some searching functions

    For unordered arrays:

    void * lfind(const void *key, const void *base,

    size_t *num, size_t width,

    int (*fcmp)(const void *, const void*));

    void * lsearch(const void *key, void *base,

    size_t *num, size_t width,

    int (*fcmp)(const void *, const void *));

  • 6 For success the functions will return the address of the first element that have the searching key

    Otherwise : lfind( ) will return null pointer lsearch( ) will append the element at the end of

    the array and will return a pointer to this added element

    The comparison function fcmp( ) is provided by the user and must return 0 in case of equality of elements, different value otherwise

    The other parameters are: key the address of the key, base the base address of the array, num the address with the number of elements, width the dimension of one element

    New compilers for lfind() and lsearch() offers _lfind() and _lfind_s(), respectively _lsearch() and _lsearch_s() methods, and the header file for the functions is .

  • 7#define DIM 12

    int cmp(char *arg1, char *arg2);

    int addelem(char *key, char **tab, int nelem);

    void main(void)


    char *luni[DIM] = {"ian", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mai", "iun" };

    int i, nluni=6;

    char *key = "iul";

    if (addelem(key, luni, nluni))

    printf("Luna %s este deja in tablou.\n", key);

    else {


    printf("Luna \"%s\" a fost adaugata in tablou : ", key);

    for (i = 0; i < nluni; i++)

    printf("%s, ", luni[i]);



  • 8int addelem(char *key, char **tab, int nelem)


    int oldn = nelem;

    lsearch(&key, tab, (size_t *)&nelem, sizeof(char *),

    (int(*)(const void *,const void *))cmp);

    return(nelem == oldn);


    int cmp(char *arg1, char *arg2)


    return(strcmp(arg1, arg2));


  • 9 For ordered array we have (stdlib.h / search.h):

    void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,

    size_t nelem, size_t width,

    int (*fcmp)(const void*, const void*));

    The parameters have the same significance as for previous functions, the third being the number of elements, size_t nelem

    The array must be in increasing ordered and the comparison method must return:

    A negative value if *v1 < *v2

    zero if the elements are equal

    A positive value if *v1 > *v2

  • // utilizarea functiei de biblioteca bsearch()




    int compare_int(int *a, int *b);

    int compare_float(float *a, float *b);

    void main(void){

    int int_values[] = {1, 2 , 3, 4, 5};

    float float_values[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};

    int *int_ptr, int_value = 2, num;

    float *float_ptr, float_value = 33.3;

    num = sizeof(int_values)/sizeof(int);

  • //apel la functia de bibioteca bsearch() pentru sirul de numere


    int_ptr = (int *)bsearch(&int_value, int_values, num,

    sizeof(int),(int (*) (const void *, const void *)) compare_int);

    if (int_ptr) printf("Valoarea %d a fost gasita!\n", int_value);

    else printf("Valoarea %d nu a fost gasita!\n", int_value);

    num = sizeof(float_values)/sizeof(float);

    //apel la functia de bibioteca bsearch() pentru sirul de numere


    float_ptr = (float *)bsearch(&float_value, float_values, num,

    sizeof(float),(int (*) (const void *, const void *)) compare_float);

    if (float_ptr) printf("Valoarea %3.1f a fost gasita!\n",

    float_value);//end if

    else printf("Valoarea %3.1f nu a fost gasita!\n", float_value);


    }//end main()

  • int compare_int(int *a, int *b)


    return(*a - *b);

    }//end compare_int()

    int compare_float(float *a, float *b)


    if(*a < *b) return -1;

    if(*a > *b) return 1;

    return 0;

    }//end compare_float()

  • 13

    3.2. Sorting methods

    Sorting represents a process to re-arrange objects in a specific order, by permutations

    For a set of objects S={a1, a2, ..., an}, by sorting will result the set S1={ak1, ak2, ..., akn}, so that, considering an ordering function f, the following relation will be respected,

  • 14

    Sorting methods classification

    Interchange sorting: - Bubble Sort

    - Cocktail Sort

    - Comb Sort

    - Quick Sort

    Selection sorting: - Selection Sort

    - Heap Sort

    Insertion sorting: - Insertion Sort

    - Shell Sort

    Interclassing sorting: - Merge Sort

    No comparison sorting: -Radix sort

  • 15

    Simple sorting methods

    These methods will process n*n comparisons

    The sorting process is "in situ" (same place)

    If n is of hundreds/thousands order, the computing time is very close for each method.

    In this case the complexity method will be considered in the selection of the method that

    will be implemented

  • 16

    Interchange sorting (bubble sort)

    We consider neighbor pairs of elements that are processed: (0,1), (1,2), (2,3),

    If the elements do not respect the order, we interchange them

    After the first iteration the greatest value will arrive on the last position

    We realize more iterations to order the entire array, and at each iteration the processed array

    is shorter because the last elements are ordered

  • 17

    Example bubble-sort:

    Example : 9 7 5 6 2

    7 9 5 6 2 -> 7 5 9 6 2 -> 7 5 6 9 2 -> 7 5 6 2 9

    5 7 6 2 9 -> 5 6 7 2 9 -> 5 6 2 7 9

    5 6 2 7 9 -> 5 2 6 7 9

    5 2 6 7 9 -> 2 5 6 7 9

    Remark: after the first iteration on the last position will be the greatest value, at the second iteration on

    the penultimate position will be the greatest value

    from the remaining array, etc

  • 18

    void SortBubble(int *p, int n)


    int i, j, temp;

    for(i=0; i

  • 19

    The algorithm must be improved remarking that after an iteration with no interchange elements

    the sorting process is finished

    Example : 9 2 5 6 7:

    9 2 5 6 7 -> 2 9 5 6 7 -> 2 5 9 6 7 -> 2 5 6 9 7-> 2 5 6 7 9

    2 5 6 7 9

    In this case a flag variable to monitories the process will be introduced

  • 20

    void SortBubble(int *p, int n) // varianta for


    int i, j, temp, flag;

    for(i=0; i

  • 21

    //bubble sort (do-while variant)

    void SortBubbleD(int *p, int n)


    int i, j, temp, flag;


    flag = 0;

    for(j=0; j p[j+1]) {

    temp = p[j];

    p[j] = p[j+1];

    p[j+1] = temp;

    flag = 1;



    }while(flag != 0);


  • 22

    Simple selection sorting

    We search the smallest element and we transfer it by interchange on the first position of

    the array

    Then we consider the array with the elements 2,3,...,N and we search the smallest value that

    will be transferred on the first position of the

    current array,...

    Example : 9 7 5 6 2

    9 7 5 6 2 -> 2 7 5 6 9 -> 2 5 7 6 9 -> 2 5 6 7 9

  • 23

    void SortSel(int *p, int n)


    int i, j, pozmin, temp;

    for(i=0; i

  • 24

    Simple insertion sorting

    We consider step by step arrays composed by the first 2,3,...,N elements from the initial array

    We verify that these arrays are ordered by transferring the new added element (2,3,...) on

    the corresponding position

    This thing involves to move on the right, with one position, of the elements that have the key

    value greater than the key of the new element,

    so that this element to be before those

    elements, but after the elements that have the

    key value lower than the new element

  • 25

    Example simple insertion:

    Example : 9 7 5 6 2

    9 7 -> 7 9

    7 9 5 -> 5 7 9

    5 7 9 6 -> 5 6 7 9

    5 6 7 9 2 -> 2 5 6 7 9

  • 26

    void SortIns(int *p, int n)


    int i, j, temp;

    for(i=1; i=0; j--) // sirul curent


    if(p[j] > temp)

    p[j+1] = p[j]; // deplasare dreapta




    p[j+1] = temp;



  • 27


    The position where will be transferred the new element is sequential searched (on an ordered

    sub-array), so the algorithm may be improved

    (analyzing elements being sorted), by binary


  • 28

    void SortIns(int *p, int n)


    int i, j, temp, inc, mij, sfr;

    for(i=1; i=inc; j--)

    p[j+1] = p[j]; // deplasare dreapta

    p[inc] = temp;



  • // main() function for the simple sorting

    algorithmsvoid main(){

    int sir[20], n;

    printf("Introdu numarul maxim de elemente (

  • 30

    Shell Sort Algorithm

    ShellSort is performing simple sorting algorithm, based on insertion sorting (InsertSort)

    The algorithm uses arrays of length N, being of class O(N2)

    The algorithm is performing better than the usual O(N2) class algorithms: InsertSort, BubbleSort,

    SelSort, etc., being 2 times faster than

    InsertSort, the closest competitor of class O(N2)

    ShellSort is not an in situ sorting algorithm.

  • 31

    Shell Sort algorithm description

    ShellSort algorithm will realize movements on great distances, by sorting elements that are at a great distance using the insertion method.

    After this sorting step we continue with elements that are at lower distance, ...

    We consider the n-sorting notion: the n-thelement sorting.

    The diminishing process of the intervals sequences is realized using a sequence of numbers named intervals sequence or space sequence.

    Usual it is used the Knuth sequence: h=3*h+1 (1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364,)

  • 32

    Example Shell Sort


    7 10 1 9 2 5 8 6 4 3

    * *

    2 10 1 9 7 5 8 6 4 3

    * *

    2 5 1 9 7 10 8 6 4 3

    * *

    2 5 1 6 7 10 8 9 4 3

    * * *

    2 5 1 6 4 10 8 9 7 3

    * * *

    2 3 1 6 4 5 8 9 7 10

  • 33


    2 3 1 6 4 5 8 9 7 10


    1 2 3 6 4 5 8 9 7 10


    1 2 3 4 6 5 8 9 7 10


    1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 10


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • 34

    void ShellSort(int *p, int max)

    { int inner, outer;

    int temp;

    int h=1;

    while(h 0) {

    for(outer=h; outer < n; outer++) {

    temp = p[outer];

    inner = outer;

    while(inner > h-1 && p[inner-h] >= temp) {

    p[inner] = p[inner-h];

    inner -= h; }

    p[inner] = temp;


    h = (h-1)/3;



  • 35

    Example 1: How to use a sorting function:#include

    using namespace std;

    void SortIns(int *p, int n);

    void main( )


    int i, n, *tab;

    cout n;

    tab = new int[n];

    if(tab != 0) {


  • 36

    tab -= n;//revin la inceputul tabloului

    SortIns(tab, n);


  • 37

    Example 2#include

    using namespace std;

    void BubbleSort (char **names, const int size);

    void main(void)


    int dimc = 6;

    char *tabc[] = {"abc", "xyz", "acd", "axyz", "bc", "eltcti"};

    BubbleSort(tabc, dimc); //sortare crescatoare dupa cod


  • 38

    void BubbleSort (char **names, const int size)


    bool swapped; //int swaped;

    do {

    swapped = false; //0

    for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i)


    if (strcmp(names[i], names[i+1]) > 0 )


    char *temp = names[i];

    names[i] = names[i+1];

    names[i+1] = temp;

    swapped = true; //1



    } while (swapped);


  • 39

    Example 3#include

    using namespace std;

    int fcmp(char *s1, char *s2);

    void BubbleSort (char **names, const int size);

    void main(void)


    int dimc = 6;

    char *tabc[] = {"abc", "xyz", "acd", "axyz", "bc", "eltcti"};

    BubbleSort(tabc, dimc); //sortare crescatoare dupa dimensiune


  • 40

    void BubbleSort (char **names, const int size)


    bool swapped;

    do {

    swapped = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) {

    if (fcmp(names[i], names[i+1]) > 0 ) {

    char *temp = names[i];

    names[i] = names[i+1];

    names[i+1] = temp;

    swapped = true;



    } while (swapped);


    int fcmp(char *s1, char *s2)



    // return strcmp(s1, s2);


  • 41


    Modify these sorting function to include the comparison function in the calling of sorting function

    void Sort(char **tab, int n, int(*fcmp)(char *s1, char *s2));

  • 42

  • 43

    Advanced sorting methods

    Are algorithms that allow to reduce the number of comparisons till nlog(n)

    The complexity is greater than simple sorting methods, expressed by recursion, specialized

    data structures, or more arrays used in the

    sorting process

    The efficiency of these algorithms appears when we consider huge arrays, from thousands

    (analyzing the ratio n/log(n))

  • 44

    Interclassing sort (Merge sort)

    Method principle: considering two ordered arraya we obtain the third sorted array that will contain elements from both initial arrays.

    This sorting method uses Divide et Impera method.

    We divide the initial unsorted array in smalest sequences of elements so that each sequence to be ordered at a moment and interclassed with other corresponding sequence from the array.

    Practically the interclassing process will start when we have a 2 elements sequence. That once ordered, will be interclassed with other corresponding sequence, after that we merge pairs of 4 elements, 8 elements, etc.

  • 45

  • 46


    using namespace std;

    void interclas(int *a,int i,int m,int j);

    // i- pozitia de inceput a primului subsir, m- pozitia de sfarsit a primului subsir,

    // j- pozitia de sfarsit al celui de-al doilea subsir

    void divimp(int *a,int i,int j);

    // i- indicele primului element din sir,

    // j - indicele ultimului element din sir

    #define DIM 1000

    void main()


    int a[DIM],n;


    for(int i=0;i

  • 47


    for(int i=0;i

  • 48

    void interclas(int *a,int i,int m,int j)


    int b[DIM];

    int x=i; // pentru deplasarea in primul subsir

    int k=0;

    int y=m+1; // pentru deplasarea in al doilea subsir


  • 49


    The number of elementary executed operations are of order O(nlog(n)).

    For arrays with a huge number of components the computing time is lower than the time used for simple sorting algorithms as selection, insertion or bubble where the complexity is of order O(n2).

    The merge sort algorithm uses twice more memory than the simple algorithms because will use a supplementary space for the auxiliary array.

  • 50

    QuickSort algorithm Is based on the partition notion Partitioning data represents to divide data in 2

    groups, one group with values greater than an imposed value, pivot, the other group with values less than pivot.

    Steps of partitioning: We consider an element x of the array named

    pivot element

    We browse the array from left till we find an element ai greater than x

    We browse the array from right till we find an element aj less than x

  • 51

    we interchange ai with aj We update i and j by increment, respective by


    We repeat the previous steps till the browsing are meet somewhere in the middle of the array

    In this moment the array is partitioned:

    In the left side of x are only elements less than x

    In the right side of x are only elements greater than x

    a[k] = x, k = j+1,...,n

    a[k] = x, k = j+1,...,i-1

  • 52

    After the first partitioning, the array is not yet ordered So we continue in the same mode in the left and right side

    of the pivot.

    QuickSort algorithm has a recursive nature

    QuickSort is


    If (right-left) == 0 then



    pivot = Tablou[right];

    partition = Partitionare(left, right, pivot)

    QuickSort(left, partition-1);

    QuickSort(partition+1, right);



  • Example : pivot is the middle element

    88 6 57 71 60 42 83 73 48 65

    48 6 57 71 60 42 83 73 88 65

    42 48 576 60 65 71 83 8873

    6 60 71 65 73 88 8348 57 42

    48 42 576 60 65 71 83 8873

    48 6 57 42 60 71 83 73 88 65

  • Example : pivot is the last element

    88 6 57 71 60 42 83 73 48 65

    48 6 57 71 60 42 83 73 88 65

    48 6 57 42 60 71 83 73 88 65

    48 6 57 42 60 65 83 73 88 71

    6 42 57 48 60 65

    48 57426 60 65

    48 6 57 42 60 65 71 73 88 83

    6 48 57 42 60 65 73 83 8871

    73 83 8871

    73 83 8871

  • 55

    void QuickSort(int *p, int prim, int ultim)


    int inc, sfr, pivot, temp;

    inc = prim;

    sfr = ultim;

    pivot = p[ultim];

    // partitionare

    do {

    while(p[inc] < pivot)


    while(p[sfr] > pivot)


  • 56

    if(inc < sfr) {

    temp = p[inc];

    p[inc] = p[sfr];

    p[sfr] = temp;



  • 57

    How to choose the pivot value:

    The pivot must represent a key value from the array

    Any value can be chosen but it is recommended to avoid the lowest or biggest value

    Usual values:

    last element from the partitioned array

    Median value between the first, last and the middle element of the array (half of the values

    from the array are less than the median value

    and half are greater)

  • 58

    Standard library (stdlib.h / search.h) offers the function:

    void qsort(void *base, size_t nelem, size_t width,

    int(*fcmp)(const void *, const void *));

    The compare function, defined by the user for increasing sorting must return a value:

    < 0 if *v1 < *v2

    0 if *v1 == *v2

    > 0 if *v1 > *v2

    For decreasing order the negative and positive returned values will be reversed. The source one

    dimensional array can contain numerical,

    characters and structures values.

  • 59

    //Example int aray sorted with qsort()




    int compara(const void* val1, const void* val2);

    int (*fcmp)(const void*, const void*);

    #define DIM 20

    void main(void)


    int i,n,tab[DIM];

    printf("Introdu dimensiune tablou: ");


    printf("Introdu elemente tablou:\n");


  • 60

    int compara(const void * val1, const void* val2)


    //return((*(int*)val1) - (*(int*)val2)); //ordonare crescatoare

    return((*(int*)val2) - (*(int*)val1)); //ordonare descrescatoare

    } //compara

  • 61

    //Example struct sorted with qsort()





    struct datac {

    int an;

    int luna;

    int zi;


    struct pers {

    char numep[12];

    struct datac datan;


    int cmp( const struct pers *a, const struct pers *b);

  • 62

    void main(void)


    struct pers angaj[ ] = {

    {"x1", {1980, 6,6}},

    {"x2", {1960, 5, 5}},

    {"x3", {1960, 1,5}},

    {"x4", {1961, 12, 32}},

    {"x5", {1980, 2, 29}}


    int i;

    int nang = sizeof(angaj)/sizeof(struct pers);

    // apel functie de sortare

    qsort((void *)angaj, nang, sizeof(angaj[0]), (int (*)(const void*, const void*))cmp);

    printf("Datele sortate :\n");

    for (i = 0; i < nang; i++) {

    printf("\t%s, %d, %d, %d\n", angaj[i].numep, angaj[i], angaj[i].datan.luna, angaj[i].datan.zi);




  • 63

    int cmp(const struct pers *a, const struct pers *b)


    if((a->datan).an > (b->datan).an) return 1;


    if((a->datan).an < (b-> return -1;

    else {

    if((a->datan).luna > (b->datan).luna) return 1;

    else if((a->datan).luna < (b->datan).luna) return -1;

    else {

    if((a->datan).zi > (b->datan).zi)

    return 1;

    else if((a->datan).zi < (b->datan).zi)

    return -1;


    return 0;




  • 64