Profitable Niche Markets - How to Find the best Niche Quickly



Profitable niche markets are not as hard to discover as you might believe. All it takes is understanding what people want or need, something you can help them find.

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Profitable Niche Markets - How to Find the best Niche Quickly

Profitable niche markets are not as hard to discover as you might believe. All it takes is understanding what people want or need, something you can help them find. Researching problem areas is a place to start. Being observant of the world around you will open your eyes up to possibilities. Learning about research tools will help you find niches. And most of all helping people solve their problem, fix whatever is broken or just give them piece of mind will be a doorway to many niche areas.

When you are experiencing a problem whether it is a weight problem, acne or psoriasis you want to deal with it! Well so does everybody else. This is why a niche where people are experiencing a problem is highly convertible. A great niche for this idea is dog behavior. How many people have had their expensive shoes eaten by a puppy. They will immediately buy a book or program to train the puppy to stop chewing. The thing about this type of niche is that people are in desperate need of a product or information to help them. There are also ideas right in your own back yard.

When you are shopping or taking your child to the Mall, take a look around. You will see many things that people are interested in. Walk thru the book stores and see what section is full of people. Electronics stores will be a gold mine. Take a look at the best selling Tv. People are purchasing large entertainment devices online more then ever now. Video games are huge with kids and teenagers alike. There is also the drug store where you can see wrinkle creams and cellulite creams. All of these things are things people are interested in and want. Every one of these things could turn into a profitable niche and all you had to do was go to the mall. So what do you do with all these ideas you now have for a niche?

Once you have some niches in mind you have to find out if people are searching for and buying them online. Research is how you will find out if the niche will sell. Research tools are what you use to do the research. The best tool to use and it is free is the Google Keyword Tool. Just go to Google and punch in 'Google keyword tool'. Pick the tool, now you enter your niche into the search bar of the tool and hit search. It will show you a number at the top of the search; this is how many resources it found. Now pay attention here because this is important. You don't want the number to be too large because that means you will be competing to be heard out of all those people. What you need to do is make your niche a little more specific if the number is more then 20,000. If you search 'dog training' you get over a million hits, if you make it more specific like 'dog training to not chew leather shoes' you only get 19,000 hits. You just found your niche and it took less then 5 mins once you had an initial idea.

Burning questions and problems are what people need help with. They will want to get a product or information that will help them. Give people what they need and you will get what you need, conversions on your products. Research your niche ideas that you gathered easily in the course of your day and spend 5 mins plugging them into the Google

keyword tool. Once you choose the niche you want to market it's time to start your marketing campaign.
