Professional Diploma in Crystal Healing


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Crystal HealingProfessional Diploma in

Lesson 3: Sacral Chakra



Expand on your Sacral chakra knowledge

Learn how to determine your client’s emotional state

Understand how to apply the two crystals covered in this lesson

Broaden your safe crystal healing practice knowledge


The Sacral chakra


2nd energy centerRepresented by the

colour orange

Located on the abdomen just above

the naval

Focuses on the relationship we have

with our emotions

Why do you want to know the state of your client’s Sacral chakra?

If not healthy or balanced, you want to focus on this

To understand their relationship with their emotions

Their emotional state determines how they interact with the world

Directly influences how they experience their everyday lives

• Your state of mind

• Your perception around a situation

• The opinion you form around it

• Opinion determines how you feel about anything

Emotions defined

Balanced Sacral chakra

Characteristics of the balanced Sacral chakra• Positive approach to life

• Pleasant to have around

• Exuberate warmth, generosity, and kindness

• Seem like a good person to approach for advice

• Will say yes to many things

• Their NO leaves you motivated

• Win-win attitude

They welcome challenges

Amazing characteristics

about people with balanced Sacral chakra

How to determine the state of the Sacral chakra

Example: ‘Tell me about something challenging

you now?’Ask clarifying questions

They may stillbe frustrated

Observe their attitude towards the problem

Set on finding an outcome to benefit all

Other tell-tale signs

Happy, positive demeanour

Respectable word choices

Not putting anyone down

Blocked Sacral chakra

Sacral chakra and your identity

Centre of sexualityForms your

core identityFoundation of your

personal choices

What their words indicate• Excessive boredom and little motivation

• No signs of hope in their words

• Listlessness towards life in general

• Replying to you might seem like too much effort

Observe them closely while they speak

Do they show an overall sense of

being depressed?

Do they show signs of emotional instability?

Does their body language relate to

their spoken words?

Your client Peter’s wife is divorcing him

Her reason is his emotional unavailability

Peter seems and sounds distant as he speaks

This does not mean he doesn’t care

He is just too emotionally drained

Example of a blocked

Sacral chakra

Causes of a blocked sacral chakra

Substantial loss

Excessive stress

Long periods of illness

The wrong job can affect sacral chakra

Ask what they do for a living Keenly observe them

Look out for signs of heaviness They may act as if and say all is fine

They may still be brilliant at itJob not suited to client

They may break down privately

Keywords to listen out for

Explanations of feeling blocked, unheard, ignored, disrespected, etc.

Saying: ‘I would kill myself if only I had the energy to do it.’

The revealing phrase

‘I do not even know who I am anymore.’

They may be crass and loud

Only listen to respond

Know-it-all air about them

May challenge your knowledge

Addicted to drama

Things that may catch you unaware

Overactive Sacral chakra

Introduction• Sometimes confused with blocked Sacral

• Can flip between blocked and overactive

• Initiating core often in childhood

• Discouraged then feeling emotions

• Chakra went into full defence mode

Recognising overactive

Sacral chakrain your client

Show signs of being overwhelmed

Gets uncomfortable when you are outside

of their peripheral vision

Ask many questionsShow a high concern

about being adversely affected by the session

What living in their world is like

In constant defense mode

Feels everything in exaggerated fashion

Comes up with huge scams that fail badly

Prone to wild mood swings

Doesn’t have many friends

Challenges they face• Difficulty sleeping

• Co-dependency

• Health – stomach ulcers common

• Problems at work

Questions to establish if certain patterns are present

Difficulty sleeping ‘How are you sleeping?’

Co-dependency‘Tell me about your living


Health‘How is your health doing?

Any specific concerns?’

Work problems ‘Tell me about your work situation.’

• Guard against the cold, hard approach

• Stay in their peripheral vision

• Keep questions simple and to the point

• They will fill in the blanks for you

• Listen out for what they are not saying

Tips on asking your client questions

‘I just feel too much.’

‘I feel absolutely everything all the time.’

‘I cannot switch off my mind.’

‘It feels as if my job is killing me.’

‘I feel the whole world is against me and everybody hates me.’

Responses that point to an overactive

Sacral chakra

Putting in all into context

It is helpful to understand the state

of your client’s chakra

Provides you with valuable background


The same crystal can be used to balance chakras either way

Why know all this?

Building a foundationLearning to read a

whole new language

Learning crystal healing’s alphabet

Everything will form one picture soon

Congratulations on your

excellent progress up to

this point!

Sacral chakra balancing crystals

Laying of these crystals• On Sacral chakra area

• Rounding of the abdomen, just above the naval

• Or next to body in Sacral Chakra region


History of Carnelian• Persians used it since the Bronze ages

• Master Egyptian architects wore it

• Was in breastplate of the High Priest

• Ancient warriors wore it in battle

• Lifts emotions

• Raises personal energy

• Gives courage to cope with life’s challenges

• Brings hope for the future

• Provides clarity

Personal life benefits

Carnelian isoften called

stone of wisdom

Personal uses• Love and building a family

• Combined treatment of concerns of a private nature:

Sexual, menstrual, in-vitro fertilisation, infertility, and impotence

• Alleviates bodily discomfort caused by imbalanced Sacral chakra

• Relieves any body ailment

• Great relief to problems in the stomach region

• Lightens symptoms

Physical healing benefits

More physical healing benefits

Depression in advanced years of life

Lower back discomfort and pain

Purifying of the bloodPhysical heart

problemsHelps body absorb supplements taken

Protective stone

Shields from dark energy

Releases negative energy

Assists in good decision making

Helps with connecting to the spiritual world

Spiritual benefits

Unlocks creativity

Assists in expressing inner emotions

Helps unlock blockages that stifle growth

Artists will benefit greatly from it

Why not sell it to your clients?

Artistic benefits

If you place Carnelian among other crystals it will assist in clearing negative energy off those crystals.

Did you know?

• 1st – Root/Base chakra

• 2nd – Sacral chakra

• 3rd – Solar plexus

• 4th – Heart chakra

The chakras Carnelian works well with

Carnelian zodiac association

Taurus Cancer Leo

Planetary association: the sun

Carnelian origins

Brazil, India, Russia, Peru

Iceland, Romania, South Africa

Madagascar, Australia, Uruguay

UK, USA, Czech Republic

Numeric association: 6

Number of great promise

Indicates increased prosperity

Sometimes referred to as the

number of love

Mohs hardness: 7

Tiger’s Eye

• Roman soldiers wore it to protect them in battle

• Egyptians used it as eyes for the statues of their gods

• During Middle Ages, amulets were cut from it

Ancient Tiger’s Eye beliefs

Reaching goals

• Tiger’s Eye attunes them to the required vibration

• Aids in powerful decision making

• Enhances psychic ability

• Highlights emotional patterns that need work

• Tiger’s Eye sharpens their focus

• Opens them to the flow of abundance and success

• Releases limiting beliefs around money

• Helps them make good money-related decisions

Expanding finances


Romantic struggles

Wish to have more friends

Tiger’s Eye heals the core

initiator of these


More uses• Discover, unlock, and develop natural talents

• Overcome addictive personality trends

• Quit smoking

• Deep mental balancing

Tiger’s Eye zodiac associations• Leo – fire sign

• Capricorn – earth sign

• Combined energy:Courage, confidence, faith in self, success

Tiger’s Eye planetary association is the Sun, which encourages authentic shine.

Numeric association: 4The number of worldly stability

United States of America



South Africa



Mohs hardness fluctuates between


Tiger’s Eye in crystal healing sessions• Lifts fears, worries, and concerns

• Focuses the mind

• Helps client reach perfect solutions

• Magnet for attracting good luck

Safe crystal healing practice

Why is this important?

Crystals are mineralsNot all crystals are safe

to touch the skin

Others are toxic to the body

Some could cause skin irritation

Tiger’s Eye may contain asbestos

Precautionary measures for ‘toxic’ stones

Only use tumbled stones

They have a layer of varnish

Safe to touch with your hands

• Lay safe stones directly on your client’s body

• Draw a sheet across these

• Lay those crystals not safe for direct human touch

• Later training will extend on this

Second layer of crystals

Crystals recap

You learned about 2 crystals in this lesson

Carnelian Tiger’s Eye


The stone of wisdom

Brings clarity and hope

Unlocks creativity

Great protective stone


Generally brown and gold

Protective stone

Enhances psychic ability

Aids in self-acceptance

Helps align with good fortune

Tiger’s Eye

Additional ways to balance the Sacral chakra

Foods that support thesacral chakra• Generally orange varietals

• Pumpkin, squash, carrots, etc.

• Cinnamon

• Sesame seeds

• Vanilla

Natural flavours your Sacral chakra loves

Sound support for Sacral chakra• 417 Hertz sound

• Your favourite music

• Sing aloud


• Just dance until you radiate with joy

• Don’t overthink it

• What makes you happy?

• Choose music that elevates your spirit

Sacral chakra and dancing

Whatever brings inner calm

Yoga or Tai Chi

Deep conscious breathing


Mountain climbing

Sacral chakra exercises


Sacral chakra affirmations• ‘At my core I am joy, and I choose to

welcome that flow of joy into my life.’

• ‘It is good and safe to feel my emotions. This is how I honour myself.’


Find your inner happy space.

• Put on some happy music.

• Sing along, dance, or tap your feet.

• The goal is mood elevation and Sacral chakra balancing.

Completed lessons

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5 6 7 8

3 See you soon for

L e s s o n 4
