Prof. Christine Jarvis Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) University of Huddersfield...



The Context A university with a devolved structure Seven Schools Central Teaching and Learning Strategy – but largely delivered through Schools. Small Teaching and Learning Institute co-ordinating School responses and overseeing modest projects, run by staff from within Schools and Services

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Prof. Christine Jarvis Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) University of Huddersfield Projects for Teaching and Learning Pleasures and Pitfalls The Session today Part One Students as researchers The Fields Journal Digital Literacies for staff Sim Venture developing enterprising students Questions, discussion, coffee Part Two Inspire projects Voting technologies/ self and peer assessment A speed dating approach to encouraging enterprise in Art and Design Students Using game theory to teach theoretical concepts Questions and discussion The Context A university with a devolved structure Seven Schools Central Teaching and Learning Strategy but largely delivered through Schools. Small Teaching and Learning Institute co-ordinating School responses and overseeing modest projects, run by staff from within Schools and Services Teaching & Learning Strategy High Level Aims (inspiring students) with associated KPIs Themes: Students as researchers (Fields Journal) Enterprising Students (Simventure) Use of Data Professional Development of Colleagues (Series of Inspire projects, and Digital Literacies Project) Safe, secure and challenging environment (Peer Mentoring) Sustainability and responsibility Students as Researchers Difficult to reconcile? Students as consumers Students as learners CMA Academic community Giving students what is says on the tin? Books are useless! I only ever read one book, To Kill a Mockingbird, and it gave me absolutely no insight on how to kill mockingbirds! Sure it taught me not to judge a man by the color of his skin but what good does that do me? Factors driving passive learning and consumerism School league tables high stakes metrics and Ofsted tracking, monitoring interventions, coaching, teaching to the test Direct fee payment KIS, CMA, media(CIPD survey) NSS league tables Universities responsiveness to student demand e.g. books seen as additional costs expectations all required texts will be provided. ... the UK has witnessed one of the highest rates of higher education expansion across Europe over recent decades, but has not seen an increase in high skill jobs matching that expansion... They are consumers... Students deserve a great deal. As majority funders of most universities as well as core members of our community they deserve: to know what they are getting for their money to be treated with respect to have their views heard to have appropriate resources and good teaching to learn in an excellent environment and so on but.... not to evade the pain and challenge of learning Multiple Approaches All students attached to a research group before enrolment Research skills embedded into every level of every course FIELDS journal Undergraduate conferences More to come JOURNAL Kathrine Jensen, Michael Clarke, Graham Stone, Janet Hargreaves. Competition for third year students Best papers put forward in Schools by tutors Selected to go forward by leading professors in that School Best are given funds to develop work into a journal article University editorial panel selects best of those using originality, rigour and significance as key criteria Journal published annually Papers in first edition Twelve Papers, available from: Emma Louise Swinnerton: Mindful Stitch: Generating dialogue in and around the threads of wellbeing. Beasley, Emma, Suman, Mandeesh and Coleman, Tyler The use of high performance anion exchange chromatography for the detection of counterfeit pharmaceutical products using the excipient content as a marker. Tomey-Alleyne, Meeka A critical assessment of how effective the criminal courts are when examining the child. e7. DOI: /fields Future development Build to three discipline specific journals Using the journal articles as course material with first and second year students Aim to change way students think about themselves and their academic staff to encourage a sense of community feeling that all are on the same journey In press: Stone, G., Jensen, K., & Beech, M. (2016). Publishing undergraduate research: linking teaching and research through a dedicated peer reviewed open access journal. Journal of scholarly publishing. Digital Literacies Sue Folley and Elizabeth Bennett Excellent staff development who comes? We go on courses, then forget what we learned Learning Technology Advisors on call Expectations built into appraisal and validation Variable practice, busy staff, multiple pressures JISC DEFINITION Focus winning hearts and minds, helping colleagues to do the things they have to do anyway Work with course teams engaged in revalidation Worked with three course teams organic chemistry, health care practice and chemical engineering Short workshops looking at embedding digital learning into their curriculum Used JISCs viewpoints curriculum design resources (eight postcards- sized cards with different student activities combined with ideas about how technologies can support that approach) Underpinned by the idea of Appreciative Enquiry - not solving problems, but valuing best of what is and having a vision of the best that can be having conversations and dialogue about achieving this Comments from participants Really good to have the space for these discussions (Participant from Workshop 1). I would recommend it to others. Good way to focus on curriculum design (Participant from Workshop 2). It was a very valuable time together and prompted some tangible ideas that we wouldn't have thought of otherwise and that will add real value to next year's lab programme (Participant from Workshop 3). Very helpful as a structured and facilitated opportunity for us to discuss this task as a team with external input, giving rise to ideas and opportunities that we would not have identified ourselves (Participant from Workshop 3). Thanks. Developing enterprising students All students have work-based learning/ placements All courses have enterprise modules at every level All courses include option of a year in work or innovation, subject to PSRB requirements Enterprise 2012 THES Entrepreneurial University of the Year 2013 Two Queens Awards for Enterprise 3 M Buckley Innovation Centre facilitates partnerships between University research and businesses Supports students to start their own businesses Enterprise SimVenture simulation Kelly Smith, Kathrine Jensen, Karolis Pantelevejas, Natalia Rosca, Daniel Yip and Jane Gaffikin Immersive interactive online tool, that encourages students to develop a business online Taster sessions, then champions embedding it into curriculum Business Studies, Textiles, Architecture, Computing and Engineering Making it work They built in plenty of time to set up the game and ensure students understood operational elements Reflection on learning in the form of learning logs was part of the process It was assessed Worked best if groups were small, and usual challenges of group work applied Development of case-studies now on SimVentures own site Using SimVenture in Veterinary Practice - Using SimVenture in Information Systems - Using SimVenture in Fashion and Textiles - Using SimVenture in Computer Science & Information Systems Management -Using SimVenture in Business Management - Student feedback "SimVenture has changed my ideas and views on small business The (initial) complication soon shifted to complexity and I was pleasantly surprised by the logical construction and intricate capabilities of SimVenture and how well it related to real life business situations. The overwhelming feeling I have taken away regarding running a small business is that it takes patience, hard work, planning and incredible organisational skills." (Class ). I think SimVenture is a very useful tool, it really helps to explain the stages you need to run a successful company and encourages users to think holistically about a business rather than just its profit and bank balance. I shall definitely take what I have learnt from this game and apply it to real life situations both in my internships and final year modules. The staff concluded that SimVenture stimulated more energy in students than traditional case study or lecture/ discussion formats Questions for discussion How do others encourage students to see themselves as members of an academic community? Thoughts on moving from compliance to creativity in developing digital literacies in staff What is the place of enterprise in the academic curriculum? The Inspire Projects Aim to draw on expertise of experienced staff, to design learning innovations to push at the boundaries of the participants knowledge To make it possible to take risks creating a supportive environment for experimental teaching. Outcome experiment in teaching can be small scale Conference at University at which present their findings, invite others from the University (keep numbers manageable) and a high profile keynote speaker (Dr. Mark Brandon, Reader in Polar Oceonography from OU) Embed within their own teaching, and ideally present to their STLC, and share with their course teams. The Inspire Projects Supported through masterclasses, using external speakers, by mentors who work through the project planning with them, through workshops for discussing progress with others on the programme and with a teaching observation. Optional bookclubs read and discuss aspects of educational theory Occasional on-off sessions, such as a one day workshop to develop a video-scribe, and a session to play one of the educational games developed by a previous participant Social networking site Yammer to post project proposals, and to share ideas about teaching and learning, as well as the universitys VLE, which we developed as a resource bank with case studies drawn from published research into teaching and learning experiments. Completion carries 20 M credits, and as all fellows of HEA, we can APL that and award successful candidates a PG Cert (HE). Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: A Case Study of the Influence of Voting Technologies on Undergraduate Learners' Confidence in Self- and Peer- Assessment Designed by James McDowell from Computing and EngineeringAimed to improve student work through peer assessment, combined with work on increasing understanding of the impact of different degree outcomes on long term earning power Tutor set context data on income related to degree classifications Gave time for familiarisation with voting pads Introduced a game element by asking them to decide how much they wanted to play for over their lifetime Asked to vote to demonstrate how confident they were about grading Peer assessment Asked to judge project report scripts against marking criteria using voting tools to give instant responses Done as individuals, then in groups Mostly, groups developed more accurate results, with some exceptions where group seemed to reinforce misunderstanding Confidence levels increased significantly Speed dating developing enterprising students Led by Penny Sykes Designed a portfolio speed dating activity, in which 2 nd years pitched their portfolios to 3 rd years. Professional and Personal Development module for year two Design Students Previously this module has been delivered through a series of lectures and self-brand development tutorials where students begin to ascribe a brand to themselves by creating CVs and compiling professional portfolios in preparation for interviews. I have tried various ways to impart information about what it is really like to sell yourself and your project work to a professional and often critical audience, mainly without success Learning Community Penny explained to the students that this was an experiment enhancing the sense that they were all engaged in a joint development Both year groups had evaluation forms 3 rd years evaluated 2 nd years pitches, but the 2 nd years evaluated the quality of the feedback they received Informal Learning Took place off-campus in a local caf outside hours Voluntary but high take-up Quality of informal conversations over coffee still discussing the session, the pitches, the work moving beyond passive learning The impact of a game-based approach to Bourdieu on learners training to teach in post-compulsory education at an English University Led by Cheryl Reynolds The game was designed to teach Bourdieus theory of field and habitus to trainee in-service teachers in post-sixteen education primarily teaching vocational subjects. These students who do not necessarily have any background in social sciences, but for whom some understanding of the kinds of capital social, cultural and economic that their students bring, and the way this capital plays out in different social contexts(fields), can be really enlightening and help them to understand what they are observing in their classrooms. Cheryl had found though, that students often found this dry and over theoretical, and difficult not after playing her game. Relevant to other students in other contexts. Influenced by Alex Moselys session Also aware of the importance of the theory for these students: o Such theory often constitutes a 'threshold concept... akin to a portal, opening up a new and previously inaccessible way of thinking about something Often experienced by trainees as 'troublesome knowledge knowledge that is alien, or counter-intuitive or even intellectually absurd at face value' (Meyer & Land, 2003, pp. 12) quoted in Cheryls paper. Card game Players randomly receive one economic, two social and two cultural capital cards For the purpose of the game, students told that their hand was their habitus and was akin to who they were Fun element in choosing a name that fits with the habitus and introducing their character to the rest of the group The game begins Students were then placed in fields situations in which their capital carried different kinds of value Each situation had its own doxa rules for calculating symbolic capital helped students understand how capital differed in different situations Awarded money for high symbolic capital and could buy extra social or cultural capital with that Questions Comments on games and the relationship with serious learning any examples to share Approaches to teaching resistant groups and dry topics Merits of low tech v. high tech approaches