Producing a TV show Do you know what it is? Shark


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Producing a TV show

Do you know what it is?


What do you know about

sharks? Do all sharks eat human


What are sharks?

Sharks are fish that have been around since the dinosaurs.

Males are called “Bulls” .

Females are called “Cows” .

Baby Sharks are called “Pups”.

How many different types of sharks are there in the ocean?

There are 440 different species of sharks in the world today classified into eight different orders.

Angel Sharks not a meat eater

Hammerhead Sharks with a very developed sense of smell

Blue Sharks one of the most dangerous sharks in the waters

Goblin Sharks

Whale shark

Basking shark Great white

Tiger shark

Read the passage “Shark attacks”

and find out information about


Paragraph 1

• There are nearly 400 types of sharks.

• These are some well-known types of sharks that attack humans: great white shark; tiger shark; bull shark.

Paragraph 2

• Three types of shark attacks:

attack and swim away

push and bite

wait and attack

Paragraph 3

• Four tips on how to avoid being attacked by sharks.

Paragraph 4

• An increase in water sports has led to an increase in shark attacks.

• Three advices on what to do if a shark attacks.

Paragraph 5

• Do not be frightened by sharks.

Facts about Sharks

• Sharks are cartilaginous ( 软骨的 ) fish.• Sharks have 5 to 15 rows of teeth.• Sharks do not have scales ( 鳞屑 ).• Sharks have a lateral line system ( 侧线系统 ), which detects ( 察觉 ) movements in the water.

• Sharks sleep differently than we do. They seem to be “sleep swimming,” having parts of their brain less active while they remain swimming.• Some sharks lay eggs, others give birth to live young.• Sharks are long-lived species.

• Sharks are not vicious ( 恶意的 ) man-eaters.• Humans are a threat to sharks.

Many shark species are threatened by fishing or bycatch, amounting to the death of millions of sharks each year.

What is shark finning?

Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. Finning is the inhumane practice of cutting off the shark’s fins and throwing its still living body back into the sea. The sharks either starve to death, are eaten alive by other fish, or drown.

What do you know about pigeons?

What unique sense do they own?

Types of Pigeons

Domestic Pigeons, for sport, for hobby and for food.

Feral Pigeons ( 野鸽 )

Band-Tailed Pigeons ( 斑尾鸽 ), wild pigeons native to North America and the Pacific Coast

Famous pigeons

During the First World War a pigeon named Cher Ami (Dear friend) saved the lives of many French soldiers by carrying a message across enemy lines in the heat of battle. Another heroic pigeon named G.I. Joe saved the lives of a thousand soldiers in World War 2 after British troops had established a position within an Italian town that was due to be bombed by allied planes.

Read the second passage “The wonderful world of pigeons” and answer the questions.

1. What does the article begin with?

2. What is the story about?

It begins with a story.

It is about what an officer did when his army was attacked by the enemy.

3. Why does the writer begin with this story in his article?

To arouse readers’ interest and to introduce a wonderful animal – pigeons.

Now read the last two paragraphs of the passage and summarize the main idea of each paragraph.

Main idea for Paragraph 5

Pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction, so their greatest use is to carry the news, the mail or messages. In wars, they were able to save the lives and help to win.

Main idea for Paragraph 6

The reason why pigeons never get lost is that not only they have a compass inside but they use their senses of sight and smell as well.

Animal SensesSome dolphins, whales, and bats navigate and track prey ( 猎物 ) using echo location. This is a very advanced form of hearing that allows them to “see” their surroundings by listening to and analyzing the way sound reflects off objects in their environment.

Many fish sense their surroundings with a lateral line system, which detects changes in water pressure. This allows them to feel the movement of other animals in the water nearby.

Snakes use a special apparatus called Jacobsen's organ to smell. The snake's forked tongue collects chemicals from the air, which it pulls in and holds against the organ, located in the roof of its mouth.

Sharks, and some other fish are sensitive to the electric fields generated by other animals in the water. They use this information to track prey. Weak electric currents are sometimes used to repel sharks.

The most amazing sense of taste is possessed by a catfish, as it has about 100,000 taste receptors all over its body, including the fins, back, and tail.

Produce a TV show about how an animal uses its senses.

Language points

Contrary to what many people might assume, …

contrary to 与…相反

My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.

He can not list some facts contrary to our views.

What you have done is _____ the

doctor's orders. You won’t get well soon

  A. attached to B. resistant to

  C. responsible to D. contrary to


In the main type, the shark attacks you because it mistakes you for a fish, …

mistake A for B 错把 A 当成 B

I think you must mistake me for someone else.

Children sometimes mistakes pills for candies.

mistake 的相关短语

make mistakes 犯错

learn sth. from one’s mistake


by mistake 错误地,无意地

我常把王海误认为他的双胞胎弟弟,因为他们长得太像了。 (mistake) ( 2011上海高考)

I often mistake Wang Hai for his twin brother because they look so similar / very much alike.

Stay in groups, as sharks usually avoid large numbers of people.

large numbers of = a large number of 大量的 ( 修饰可数名词复数 )

A large number of people are homeless after the earthquake.

the number of …… 的数字是

The number of women who works after marriage is 3 million.

Attaching the message to its leg, …

attach to

a. 附在 ... 上,把 ... 系在 ...

Attach the label to your luggage. 

b. 隶属于,附属于

The hospital is attached to that university.

Learning strategies, to_______________

_______________ ( 老师们认为 )

importance, have not yet drawn enough

attention of students. (attach) ( 2009湖北)

which the teacher(s) attach

…, pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines,

employ v.

a. 雇佣

He employed 5 experts to do this project.

b. 使用,利用

Different artists employ different painting techniques.

be employed in doing sth. 忙于 ( 做某事 )

He was busily employed in cleaning his shoes.

employee ( 被动 ) n. 雇员

employer ( 主动 ) n. 雇主,老板

employment n. 雇佣

These days Victoria has been ______ in her graduation paper and has no time to take care of her pet dog.

A. employed B. used

C. devoted D. hired

解析: employ 常用于结构: be employed in (doing)sth. 忙于 ( 做 ) 某事。句意为:这些天Victoria 一直忙于她的毕业论文,没有时间照顾她的宠物狗。 use 利用 ; devote 献身 , 专心于,后常跟介词 to; hire 租用 , 雇用。

