Procase_simple Past vs Past Continuous


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8/9/2019 Procase_simple Past vs Past Continuous 1/11

8/9/2019 Procase_simple Past vs Past Continuous 2/11

We often use the past simple totalk about a completed past

events and the past continuousto describe the situation thatexisted at the time.

The completed event mighthave interrupted the situation,or just occurred while

the situation or event was inprogress.

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We use the past continuous to describe

a longer action.

I spoke to Tom yesterday. I was speaking to Tom yesterday. Describe una acción pasada ya Indica que una acción se estaba

finalizada. desarrollando en cierto momento del pasado

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For example:Whatwere they doing yesterday? - Theywere working all day.(Se utiliza para describir que alguien estaba realizando algo en un tiemp


Whatwere you doing at 7:30 last night? - Iwas watching television.(Se usa el pasado continuo para hablar sobre acciones en un tiempo

específico en el pasado.)

Past ontinuous or ProgressiveTimeline

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Interrupted ction in the !ast

I was driving to work W!"# I crashed my car.

W!"# the phone rang , I was having breakfast

W!"# $he realised , I was looking at her.

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!arallel ctions

W!I%" she "as preparing dinner , he "as "ashing the dishes.

!e was talking on the phone W!I%" I was watching T&. $ally was reading to the children W!I%" 'evin was washingup.

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!owever...We can often use the past simple to express a similar

meaning(Mario worked in a resturant while he lived in ondon.

!he got up when the alarm "lo"# went off.

(When we talk about two or more past completed events thatfollow each other, we use the past simple for both.The first may have caused the second)

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!owever, if the situation wastemporary , we can also use thepast continuous.

I "as "or#ing in a "ar $a"toryduring the summer o$ %&7'.

(or I )or#ed....*+e "or#ed hard all his li$e.

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8/9/2019 Procase_simple Past vs Past Continuous 10/11

Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous orpast simple.

*. I +++ see- "rika in town yesterday but she +++ look- theother way.

. When I +++ meet- /oe and $arah at the airport a few weeks ago, they +++ go- to )adrid.

0. I +++ cycle- home yesterday when suddenly a man +++ step- out into the road in front of me.

$. %uis &&&&&& (study) 'nglish at home at *+pm.

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1ill the gaps with past simple 2continuous. 3fterwards, write the mainverb in the crossword and match the sentence with each picture






1) Mr. Stevenson (drive) his car while he waslistening to some music

2) Robert (type) the letter last week becausehis computer was broken

3) ouis !ell asleep while he (study)") ydia was drinking a glass o! coke when

#eter (come) in$) %hile Michael was &ogging ' the dog (chase) him

) Mrs. #arker (make) some mu!!ins 2 days ago) Sam and #am (ride) their bikes when

they were small* +oe run as he was honin his wi!e
