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WITNESSING1 Witnessing2 Worksheet






















There are different approaches to different types of people and it is essential that we should concentrate our thoughts and mind on the second to ninth chapters of John, where we see the Lord Jesus dealing with different people in different ways.

In Chapter 2, we discover the Lord Jesus dealing with people who were forgetful and He meets their need by changing water to wine.

In Chapter 3, we notice the Lord Jesus is dealing with a very religious man and He shows us how to deal with such people. Straight away He moves directly to meet his need, of new birth, “You must be born again.”

In Chapter 4, the Lord Jesus shows us yet a different approach when He speaks to the woman at the well. He does not say to her, “You must be born again,” but “Will you give me a drink?”

In Chapter 5, we discover a man lying by the pool at Bethsaida. He has been there for so long, he has given up hope and yet the Lord Jesus asks him the most important question of his life: “Do you want to get well?”

In Chapter 8, He has a very difficult situation, and as we have very difficult situations, the Spirit of God is there to direct and guide us. He will bring all things to our remembrance, that is if it is in our memory. Dragged into His midst, is an immoral woman who has been caught in adultery. The Law says that she is to be stoned and the Pharisees wish to punish her in this way. What would we do in this situation? See how the master soul-winner handles it perfectly! He says, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to

throw a stone at her.” That deals with the Pharisees and they leave, from the eldest to the youngest: Jesus is left with the woman standing before Him. Does he judge her and pronounce, “The wages of sin is death!” Does He point His finger and shout, “You shall not commit adultery!” The Lord Jesus deals with this in a different way; He says, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She realises the shame of her immorality as she stand there, possibly half-naked, for she was caught in the act of adultery. The Lord Jesus did not ‘pile it on,’ but He did not let her get away with it. She replies, “No one, Sir.” Does Jesus say, “Then neither do I condemn you, off you go.” No, He says, “Then neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin.” See the Saviour touching the hearts of men and women. No wonder people followed Him. No wonder people said, “No one ever spoke the way this man does.”No wonder they said they were amazed at the gracious words that fell from His lips— He spoke as a man who had authority and not as the Scribes and Pharisees who were always quoting other Pharisees.

The Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “I will make you fishers of men.” In 2 Timothy 2:26, we read that Satan goes about to catch people. People are being caught by Satan and sin and held captive or they are being caught by fishers of men for Christ. If we are ever going to fish for people, we have to be like the fisherman in the natural sense.Here are five principles in ‘fishing’ (catching men for Christ):

1. WE MUST LOVE OUR WORKFishermen rise early to go and fish with their basket and tackle and are more than happy to do so in-spite of the early start because they simply love fishing. If we are going to win men and woman for Jesus Christ, we must have a love for the lost and dying.



1. The Lord Jesus Christ met people at their point of need. List four illustrations of this from John’s Gospel.


2. What may we learn from the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) concerning the Lord’s attitude to sin?







3. Note three features of the Lord’s attitude to the woman at the well:


4. What may we learn from this and how should this alter our attitude to others?







5. From this lesson, can you identify three things which you should do to become more effective for the Lord?



That’s a good question.Why is that question important to you?If I could answer that question would you be more willing to accept Jesus Christ?What would it take for you to put your trust in Jesus Christ?

We live in an age when the church is often like “Simple Simon.”

Simple Simon went a-fishingFor to catch a whale,All the water that he’d gotWas in his mother’s pail!

Very often, the church is ‘fishing’ where there are no ‘fish.’ In many churches that are traditionally evangelical, there are very few unsaved, so we need to go where the ‘fish’ are - on the campus, in your classes and among your friends, etc. - but we need to see them as ‘fish.’

In chapter 9 The Lord Jesus meets a blind man and when He touches the blind man’s eyes and asks him, “Do you see anything?” The man replies “I see people: they look like trees walking around.” His vision was impaired and when the Lord Jesus touches his eyes again, he saw men as men. Often, our vision is impaired and we just see men and women when we really should see them as candidates for hell! The people that we rub shoulders with on one day, could die tomorrow and face eternity without Christ. They are lost, without hope, and yet so often we see them only asordinary men and women. We live and work amongst the ‘fish.’ Therefore our ‘fishing’ should be done at all times.


It takes a lot of patience to win men and women to Jesus Christ. The work of the Holy Spirit has been likened to the work of a blacksmith making a chain. Each contact is a link in the chain and such a chain might grow like this:(a) He hears about Christ in Sunday school.(b) He has a godly relative.(c) He receives a gospel tract.So it goes on until the last link is forged and the person is brought to Christ. Remember that each link is important. The strongest point in the chain is the weakest link. Any link that is missing is a break in the chain.


I do not know much about fishing, but when my lad, Jonathan, said, “Daddy, let’s go fishing,” I had to get the fishing books out. We bought a very cheap rod and a cranky reel, along with some old catgut and hooks. It was a real “Heath Robinson” job, and because of the knots, the fish could see the line miles away. Then, along came “Mr. Catchpole” with hooks in his hat, thigh boots, etc. He must have had hundreds of pounds worth of equipment, but he still failed to catch anything! Jonathan had learned a few things about fishing from a book which he had read. He knew that the fish came on the incoming tide and fed near the rocks. Mr. Catchpole was catching lots of seaweed whilst Jonathan was reeling them in one after another! He had read the habits of the fish and knew where they could be caught.


If the Lord has not touched your heart today and you seek to witness for Him, it is like offering a fish unattractive bait, which it will not readily accept. Thus it is critically important when seeking to witness for the Lord that our bait is attractive and alive. Our bait becomes attractive

and alive through our daily times of Bible study and prayer. And so in witnessing, personal, daily times with God are of great importance. The Lord Jesus was one of the best salesmen this world has ever known. If you were employed as a Sales Representative for a firm, they would train you in Sales Technique. There are five guidelines to selling and it is amazing that the Lord Jesus used each of these guidelines in John 4.

(a) When a Salesman endeavours to sell his product, he must first attract his customer’s attention. This is why so much money is spent on window dressing and advertising. Sometimes the wrapping costs more than the actual article inside.

(b) The Salesman wants you to have an interest in his product; otherwise, you will have no desire to purchase it.

GOOD QUESTIONSWorksheet chapter 1


What brings you the most satisfaction in life?What is your goal/goals in life?Who are your best friends?What is the basis for determining moral decisions? What has been your experience with Christianity?Who, in your opinion, is Jesus Christ?In your opinion, how does one become a Christian?Has anyone ever taken the time to explain to you how you could become a Christian?

Have you come to know Jesus Christ in a personal way? If so, tell me about it.When would be a good time to accept Christ?Is there any good reason why you won’t accept Christ now?If you died tonight where do you think you would spend eternity? Why?How can you know?Would you like to know what God says about that?Have you considered the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ?What do you believe? Why do you believe that?What is the basis for your belief/unbelief?You will be amazed how many people will appreciate your concern for them and be genuinely pleased that you talked to them. Remember, he that aims at nothing will hit it every time. Aim the word of God at the minds and hearts of the unregenerate and it will hit the mark every time and will accomplish that which the Spirit of God intends.

(c) The Salesman must create a desire to purchase.

(d) The Salesman must also create a determination to purchase the product. A desire to possess on the part of the customer is not enough.

Lastly, having followed these guidelines of selling, he makes his sale. These are His guidelines to selling.

The Lord Jesus overcame the basic drives of human nature because of His love, desire and vision to reach men and women.

“Now he (Jesus) had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there,

and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.” (John 4:6)

Later on in the chapter, the disciples urged Him to eat and He said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about. My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4:32, 34)

Jesus had travelled 70 miles to meet one woman. He was weary, thirsty and hungry, but He had a desire to reach this woman, and so He overcame the drives of human nature of sleep, thirst, and hunger. If we are to catch men for Jesus Christ, then our bodies must be brought under subjection. Paul says, “But I discipline my body and keep it under control.” (ESV 1 Corinthians 9:27)

The main object of the Lord Jesus coming to that place was to meet one woman who was instrumental in reaching the rest of that village. One good contact is often the means of gaining an opportunity to speak to the whole family about the Saviour.Statistics show that people are affected by an individual’s life or death, e.g. family, friends at work, etc.

Tired and weary, He looks up and sees a woman of Samaria climbing the hill. Although the Jews do not have any dealings withSamaritans, He does not hesitate to cross the imposed cultural boundaries. Rather, as He looks into her heart, seeing her great need, he has compassion on her and . . . . . . .asks her for some water.

In verse 7 He says to her, “Will you give me a drink?” Her eyebrows raise in amazement and He has caught her attention straightaway.

She says, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you askme for a drink?” (For the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans.) Jesus did not answer this question, and it is sometimes a good thing not to answer people’s questions, as they will justhurry away. Do not just catch their attention, arouse their interest.

Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given youliving water.” A smile may have passed over this woman’s face, and she said, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep.” She is still mystified, she does not know what this water is, and theLord has not yet told her. “Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds?”

Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” And the woman said, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

Here is a woman, and the Lord Jesus has caught her attention since He is a Jew and she is a woman of Samaria. He created an interest. “If you knew you would have asked him…” And He tells her about this water that would be in her a well of water springing up into everlasting life - He has created a desire. Not only has He created a


There are three common barriers to witnessing, probably as there is much stress and nervousness when we are learning to witness.

1. Sometimes just starting to mention to a person the name of Jesus Christ and the value of knowing Him can be very difficult. Once we get the conversation around from girls, guys, the fraternity or sorority, politics, etc. to spiritual things, we have broken the first barrier.

2. Another barrier is to ask the person if he would like to receive Christ. That nervous feeling returns once again. We must blast through this one also. Remember, many people, when they understand who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for them, will want Him in their lives.

3. The last barrier is the most difficult. It is to ask them to receive Christ right now. This is the most important step. Often we tell the person how and then just leave them high and dry. We have not really witnessed until we ask the person to trust Christ. Never take the first ‘no’ as final. Ask them over and over in the interview to receive Christ. Appeal to them through several different ways. If they say “no”, ask them “Why not?” Their answer will help you when you witness to others. Often it is some slight misconception or misunderstanding which prevents them making the right decision in favour of Christ.

The only real way to learn to witness and become effective at it – is to do it. It is only by trying that one ever succeeds. Nothing encourages like success and the word of God in Proverbs 11:30 says “The one who is wise saves lives.”

was true of my friend. He had fought a good fight and he had finished the course. The fortnight before he became seriously ill, he had finished visiting every home in Taunton, Somerset, with the Gospel. He had finished the work, and the Lord took him home.

We all have the opportunity to serve Jesus, and He has and will give us opportunity to do so. (Ephesians 2:10) I wonder if we will be able to say, “I have finished the work.” Jesus could say it.

Amy Carmichael, who was a missionary, writes in one of her books about the time when she was about to give up and go home. She tells how, in a vision, she saw herself standing on the edge of a precipice. People were marching toward the edge—young people, old people. As they trod air and fell over and over, thousands of feet below into the black clouds that swirled in the depths, she wondered why they could not see the edge. As a young man passed her she could see that he was blind and could not see the edge of the precipice. She realised that all the people were blind.

Amy looked around and there she saw a group of Christians sitting down on the grass and making daisy chains. As the people tumbled over the cliff edge, a young missionary girl said, “I must go, I must turn the people back from the edge.” However, the believers said, “Come on, sit down, you have been on the mission field for a long time and you need a rest. God in His sovereign grace is

going to reach them.” And so, they went on making their daisy chains. In the distance, she could see an old lady with her back toward the edge, calling and crying to the people, trying to turn them from the edge of the precipice. Further along, there was a young man who was also warning the people of the danger. The gap between them was too wide and many people were tumbling over the edge, into a lost eternity. “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)

God is looking for men and women to stand in the gaps, in our homes, in our places of employment, etc. Will you stand in the gap or will you make daisy chains?

The decision is yours!

desire for this water that would continually flow on and on; she is brought to a place of conviction where she says, “Sir, give me this water, I want this water, I want this experience of living water.”He does not offer her any. He does not say, “Yes, you can have this living water.” He says, “Go, call your husband and come back.” Howgracious the Lord Jesus is and how often when we are witnessing we offend. We want to lead them to a point where they are confronted by their sin but not by our accusations. We must be led by compassion and by the Spirit of God. The Lord’s gentleness is so beautiful and her mind races, ‘which husband?’ She had already hadmany husbands - she probably thought her thirst would be satisfied with many men. People today are thirsty and hungry, probably more so than they look. This woman had had many kinds of husbands, but none of these satisfied the needs of her soul.

The woman answered, “I have no husband,” and Jesus said, “You are right when you say you have no husband.”

Here was this woman willing to confess, and here is the beginning of conviction of sin. This is the beginning of repentance and there cannot be salvation through faith when there is no conviction. When there is no conviction, repentance cannot come, and when there is no conviction or repentance, faith cannot come. (2 Corinthians 7:10)

This woman admits that she is sinful but the Lord Jesus can tell more about her. He alone knows the deep inner recesses of her heart, so when we are guided by the Holy Spirit and we say something, the Holy Spirit is bringing conviction. The arrowsof conviction are driven home into the hearts of men and women. Although we cannot see the operation of the Holy Spirit on the heart, God’s Word is true. “As a nail fastened in a sure place…” (Ecclesiastes 12:11). These arrows of conviction pierced thearmour of this sinful woman and she said, “Yes, this is true.” Then the Lord Jesus said, “You have had five husbands.” A few minutes before, she had been asking for the living water, but when the Lord Jesus pointed out her sin she became religious. We still meet people like her today, they become religious and as a fish

swims for the reeds, so the ‘fish’ we are trying to land will run for the reeds of religion. We find that this woman, who

has just (d) Theconfessed that she has had five husbands, and is living with another man, becomes ‘religious,’ she says, “Sir, I can see you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” If she had lived in Ireland,

she would have said, “Sir, I am a Presbyterian,” or “I am a Roman Catholic,” or “I am Church of Ireland, I have been christened and confirmed. I sing in the choir, my father gave a lot of money to provide stained glass windows and the organ. I am as good as the next person.”

Many times as I have witnessed and shared the new life that Christ can give, and have come to a place where God’s Word has brought conviction, people have hidden behind their religion. Let them ‘run for cover’ but be careful. Any fisherman who sees a fish running does not whip the rod up quickly, since he knows it may break; he lets the reel out and the fish swims on, thinking it has escaped. The fisherman then stops the fish in its tracks and slowly brings it back. This is what the Lord Jesus does.

This woman was under conviction as she felt the shame of her sin, so she tried to escape. How gracious the Lord Jesus is. He does not say, “You Samaritans are wrong, we Jews are right.” He says, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth.”

He is saying that it is not the place, it is not the denomination, or membership of a church that God is looking for. Many of us can become involved in a dialogue of confusing argument over which church is right. We waste a lot of time and go away without meeting the person’s need, simply because we have mishandled the situation.As the fisherman flicks the rod, thus tightening the line, the fish is turned towards the shore and he slowly reels it in. So in the spiritual, we see the Lord Jesus use the same

sort of technique with the woman at the well. We must wind in slowly and graciously as weremember there are a thousand voices shouting, “What will your parents say? What will they say at work? You will never be able to keep it up. Look at other Christians who have backslidden, etc., etc.” These voices will be echoing in the heart. However, another gentle voice will be saying, “Come, come, now is the accepted time, come today, when you hear my voice.” The Lord in Elijah’s day was not in the wind, neither was he in the fire, nor in the earthquake. He was in the still small voice. Take courage in this, because the Holy Spirit speaks in the stillness of the heart.

Finally, the woman of Samaria gives up her argument. She says, “I know that Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then understanding comes. Jesus says, “I who speak to you am he.” She then sees Jesus as Lord.

We do not know very much of what happened afterward, but He probably spent more time with her and explained a lot more before the disciples came. They were surprised that He talked with the woman of Samaria, yet none of them said, “what are you looking for? Why are you talking with her?”

Her most precious possession, the water pot, was left by the well as she hurried down the mountainside. She told her neighbours, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” They left the village and came to Him.

In the meantime, His disciples urged Him to eat, but He said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” His heart was full although He was hungry. The joy and privilege of sharing the living

water with the woman of Samaria caused Him to ignore His hunger. The disciples were puzzled and said, “Could someone have brought him food?” Jesus explained, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

Several years ago, I had the sad privilege of speaking at the funeral of a dear friend. Three years before, I had spoken at the wedding of that same young man. My text at the funeral was, “I have fought a good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.” This
