Pro FItness 24 The Magazine



Fitness and Nutrition magazine

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By stopping and thinking about this we can help you sustain your new year’s resolutions. I suggest you try something different this year if your new year’s resolution is to get in shape. Rather than worry about loosing those few pounds or building those huge arms you’ve always wanted, focus on enjoy-ing your body.

When was the last time you did a really hard car-dio session to the point where you were com-pletely exhausted and the endorphins had kicked in? When you stopped your body was prob-ably in so much pain but you felt so good at the same time, almost like you’ve never been more alive. Or maybe you’re not so much into doing in-tense cardio but more focused on lifting weights.

Next time you’re in the gym stop after you’ve done a set and reflect on how strong your body has become and how even though you’re there at the gym tearing down your mus-cles, they manage to rebuild themselves and grow back stronger.

To Advertise in Pro Fitness 24 The Magazine or on call 252.353.7324

Deadline for the Spring Issue-April 10th

Roy Hopkins - owner/operator/sales 252.341.6994

Pro Fitness 24 (The Magazine) formerly known as Healthy Pirates Magazine is owned & operated by local entrepreneur and fitness

expert, Roy Hopkins. Roy owns Pro Fitness 24 and has been in the fitness industry for over 10 yrs. He founded this publication summer of 2009 with the intentions of helping the Eastern North Carolina region become more fit and healthier. Roy has a great passion for fitness,

sports and health promotions.

Pro Fitness 24 (The Magazine) is a quarterly published health, fitness, wellness, sports and nutrition magazine with over 15,000 readers with over 250+ pick up locations around the Pitt County area. The covers, contents and ads in publication are copyright protected and may not

be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.

Race and Event DirectorsSubmit your info and dates and we will include you in our events cal-

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Contact Info: Office: 252.353.7324

Website: www.ProFitness24mag.comEmail:

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By Roy Hopkins, Owner Pro Fitness 24 (24-7 Training Studio and Wellness Club) 1913 East Fire Tower Suite E Greenville, NC 252.353.PF24

Get Focused... Stop and Think!

By refocusing our emphasis and do-ing what feels good for our bodies we will naturally push our limits but to a safe degree and will avoid overtrain-ing and hopefully reduce the risks of injuries. You’ve only been given one body and even though it might not look exactly the way you would like, it serves you in many more important ways. You’ll feel much more satis-fied after a hard workout if you make your goals performance based rather than aesthetically based. Try to push yourself further, challenge your body more and enjoy the feeling that comes along with it, both during the process and the post-exercise endorphin rush.

ConclusionSo this year, instead of setting some arbitrary measurable goal for fitness, such as loosing 5 pounds or being able to bench 200 pounds, set a goal for yourself to focus on how fitness affects your life.

Working out allows your body to be in better shape so you can perform your daily functions with ease and how being strong and healthy can help you to overcome adverse situations that life throws your way.

Focus on how good exercise makes you feel and how you’re doing some-thing for your health that will help you live a longer and more satisfying life.By changing your focus you might just find that you’re still having no prob-lems making it to the gym in February when most people seem to loose fo-cus after the January rush. You will have changed your motivational values and will be able to look at fitness more as a way of life rather than something that is going to help you reach a measurable goal.

Sports NutritionFat Loss

Muscle ToningFitness Bootcamps

Athletic Training


Unique among Greenville chiropractors, Advanced Health and Physical Medicine is an innovative collabo-ration of health care professionals who work together to provide effective whole body health. Our team includes leaders in the fields of medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy and nutrition to help you restore your optimal function. Providing quality health care for the community and families of Greenville and Eastern NC

“Our goal is to provide excellent care to enhance your quality of life and meet your health care goals by first eliminating the pain and getting you back to living the active and healthy life that you deserve. Addi-tionally we educate our patients on how to maintain their optimal health and wellbeing,” explains chiropractor in Greenville, Dr. Brian Kean.

At Advanced Health and Physical Medicine, we place a special emphasis on quality health care and can help you find relief and healing from: • Back Pain • Headaches • Neck Pain • Muscle Spasms • Knee Pain • Scoliosis • Carpal Tunnel • Auto Injuries • Fibromyalgia • Numbness • Fatigue • and more Our highly qualified professionals work in conjunction with one another to provide Greenville chiropractic patients with the most comprehensive health care available.


BODY HEALTH>HEALTH By Dr. Brian M. KeanAdvanced Health and Physical Medicine

Greenville Chiropractor Provides Whole Body Health and Smart Lifestyle Choices

Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

Spread The DreamThe Dream Factory’s 2nd Annual Wine

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Date: Friday, February 10th Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Location: Rock Springs Center Price: $30 a person - $50 for a couple

All proceeds go to granting dreams for local chuldren who are critically and chronically ill

here in Eastern Carolina

Well first and foremost let’s see how we are all do-ing with the ole New Year’s resolutions. The biggest problem as I see it with the most popular of resolu-tions...the shedding of unwanted pounds is that Bowl season, the football playoffs, and NCAA basketball are all there to greet you with open arms. Who can watch all this stuff and not want to eat pizza, wings, and chips coated in a conglomeration of assorted crap…The task is darn near impossible. Try a good

playoff game with an assortment of carrot sticks, broccoli and/or celery and let me know how that goes.

Comfort food is imperative to either soothe you because your team has been beaten by the Denver Tebows or as a reward for you being able to stay the course while your team fought through adversity to bring you the W. Yes, the reason we struggle more-so now with losing weight to start the year is because bowl season goes through the middle of January while the Super Bowl ends in February…well heck, by then, everyone has gained 10 and the resolution goes by the wayside. Hence…another reason for a play-off in college football that will end the season by New Year’s Eve. Remove college football from the equation and maybe the resolution now becomes doable.

The next resolution for North Carolinians has to be to not receive a traffic ci-tation. The Republican Congress (and I am a registered Republican by the way) in their infinite wisdom has come up with a tremendous way to keep from increasing your taxes. They have decided to double and sometimes triple court costs on speeding tickets and all other traffic tickets and guess how many of us speed? Not only that, but the increases are complicated to the point that solving rubics cube without the book is less complicated than knowing how much you may owe for your traffic transgression. I have been practicing law for 17 ½ years.

When I started practicing, the court costs were normally $60. Last year, before these changes they were $120, so if my math is correct the court costs roughly doubled in that time period and it was a gradual progression. Now the absolute lowest you will pay for court costs is $178. If you try to get a really good deal, for instance, getting a speeding case reduced to a non moving violation, you are talking about $268 and maybe even $50 more for driving school. Add $150-$200 for an attorney to handle this ticket for and you have spent darn near $500 for a simple speeding ticket and for the

Congress to say they did not raise taxes. So do not get a speeding ticket, but if you do...and you will…I know a good lawyer!!!!

Finally, everyone wants to have that prosperous upcoming year, and I cer-tainly hope you all are making headway in that regard…to an extent. We must all wish each other moderate prosperity now, because all out prosper-ity will define you cruel, mean and apparently not participating in your por-tion of shared sacrifice.

If you are one of the dreaded one percenter’s, please look for an “OCCUPY your front yard” in the not too distant future. You must pay your fair share, right? Even though when we look at the phenomenal growth that took place during the Reagan years, the top marginal income tax rate was dropped from 70% to around 40% and the capital gains rate was reduced from 40% to 20%. Hey, but maybe it was just a coincidence (sarcasm in voice). Any-way, all this to say that I hope you are having a happy and MARGINALLY prosperous new year thus far!!!

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Exercise and Diving

Exercise is any activity that raises the resting oxygen consumption above basal levels. Most parts of the body contain a functional reserve which can be called up during exercise--this applies particularly to the heart. Limitations im-posed by heart disease may be often assessed

by measurements of maximal heart performance. Many experts have emphasized the need to measure cardiac reserve through exercise stress testing, and this has become a useful clinical means for check-ing physical reserve while diving. Since heart disease is one of the common causes of sudden death underwater, fitness for sport diving must include assessment for heart disease risk.*Underwater swimmers with full scuba gear have been tested for the amount of work involved; divers must be in good physical condition to do a sustained swim at 1 knot (101 feet/minute, or about a 1.15 mph ). One met = 3.5 ml/kg/minute, and since VO2 Max is 40, a diver swimming 1 knot should be able to reach and sustain 13 mets on the treadmill. (Some feel that this speed is quite slow and 13 mets is high.) Swimming at about 60 % of maximum [about 24 ml/kg/min] is slightly below the anaerobic threshold can be sustained for long periods of time since it is not lactate producing. *


Physicians planning to evaluate sport divers require a basic knowl-edge of the physiology of diving and a fundamental understanding of the diving environment. It is helpful if the physician is also a diver himself. Assessment of fitness for diving must consider physical con-ditioning as well as limitations imposed by medical conditions.The medical evaluation should consider absolute, relative, or tempo-

rary disqualifying conditions as well as excessive smoking and sub-stance abuse. Poor muscle tone, lack of conditioning, obesity and other evidence of dietary indiscretion should be a stimulus to advise the diver about fitness. A medical condition that could injure the diver or his buddy diver should disqualify the diver. The buddy-diver sys-tem is the universally recognized practice of pairing scuba divers for mutual safety and implies that each of the pair is fully capable of pro-viding effective aid to the other. Limitations in one of the buddy pair upsets this balance of safety. Obesity represents a hazard to divers because of the common lack of adequate physical condition in obese individuals and because inert gas exchange and its relationship to decompression sickness are modified unfavorably. Total body fat of less the 22% in males, and less than 28% in females is desirable.


The majority of elderly people do not exercise adequately. For div-ing good physical condition is essential. Although physical capacity is known to decline with age (Bruce et aI 1974; Raven and Mitch-ell 1980), it is unclear whether the loss of physical capacity is re-lated to age or to the inactivity common in older individuals. Because of the reduced physical activity experienced by older individuals, there is a deconditioning effect. Most elderly divers are not capa-ble of sustaining the work load of younger individuals. The reduc-tion in physical capacity must be accounted for when accompany-ing older divers. Studies in older athletes suggest that the decline in physical capacity with age can be minimized by continued physi-cal training (Heath 1980). Elderly divers should be healthy, and pos-sess a level of physical condition that allows them to dive safely.

Chronic diseases known to be of higher incidence in the elderly pres-ent special problems in diving. A significant and important problem in the elderly is the high incidence of cardiovascular disease. Ath-erosclerosis can affect flow to the brain, heart. kidneys, or skeletal muscles. These disorders may go undetected and high exercise de-mands induced by swimming with diving gear may result in inad-equate oxygen supply and abnormal function of a tissue or organ. Of most importance is the presence of coronary atherosclerosis with coronary artery disease, heart attack or sudden death may occur in unfit divers with coronary disease. Avoidance of serious cardiac problems while diving can be achieved through appropriate screen-ing evaluation (Linaweaver 1977). Exercise testing is a useful means of screening in elderly individuals prior to instituting a diving program.

Rum Runner Dive Shop>DIVING


Peter B. Wagner DO. Owner

Age, Fitness, and Diving

This is one of the best programs I have seen since I have been a Fitness Coach, which has been about 10 years. This is the simplest pro-gram I have seen! The best incentive the com-pany gives customers is the referral of 3 friends, family members and or co-workers then you will receive your fat loss meal replacement shakes for FREE! Don’t believe I will show you! I have Challenge parties every week, you can call the

club for the times and days. You can stop by Pro Fitness 24 and bring the article in for a free Vi-Shake for Free to try how delicious they are! The Visalus Sciences® Body by Vi™ 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge is geared to help you reach your goals, no matter what they are. From simply losing a few pounds, to getting fit and toned, we have the tools, the products, and the community of supportive people to celebrate your success. The Body by Vi™ program is easy, fun, and guarantees results. The Body by Vi™ Challenge is not another fad diet. The program is based on nutrition that helps you burn fat and keep lean muscle, boosts your metabolism and helps control hunger. The patented ingredients and formulas help you achieve your goals, on your terms with guaranteed results. Included in our program are nutrition guides, fitness tips and plans, and downloadable tracking tools. ViSalus Body by Vi FAQ’s1. What is “Body by Vi™?”ViSalus Body by Vi™ is an innovative solution to getting into better shape, no matter if you want to slim down, tone up or build muscle. No other program is as comprehensive, or as easy! ViSalus™ has created Body by Vi™, combining our unique and life transforming products along with our online and offline support tools. No one else can offer the same comprehensive program that includes a simple nutritional program with recipes, menu plans, exercise videos and programs, and online community support. If you’d rather not get weighed in public, eat expensive foods, or watch endless exercise videos that aren’t targeted to your specific needs, then this is the program for you! Body by Vi™ was designed to fit within the reality of your life.

2. What is in the kit?There are four kits in the Body by Vi™ program.• A. The most preferred kit is the “Transformation” Kit, which gives you the best value and the most product and tools to help you to-wards your total body transformation. This kit combines 2 pouches of Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix (60 servings for 2 meals per day, for 30 days), 1 bottle of Vi-Slim® to help burn fat and support lean

muscle, 1 box of Vi-Trim® to control hunger, a sample assortment of our Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins for variety, convenience and flavor, Omega Vitals to provide essential oil benefits, and 2 boxes of ViSalus NEURO™ (1 of each flavor) to assist in energy and hydra-tion. • B. The “Shape” Kit is for someone looking to use the Vi-Shape® shake from our TSS Program to help them slim down or tone up. This kit combines 2 Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake mix pouches to provide 60 balanced meals over 60 days. It also includes a sample assort-ment of Health Flavor Mix-Ins for variety and nutritional support. • C. The “Balance” Kit is for someone that wants to embark on the journey to healthier eating habits. This kit has 1 Vi-Shape® Nutri-tional Shake mix to provide 30 balanced meals over 30 days. It also includes a sample assortment of our Health Flavor Mix-Ins for variety and added nutrition. • D. The “Core Kit” is for those that want to live healthier and help maintain weight. The Core kit provides one 30 Serving Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix to help provide balanced nutrition to start your day. Starting your day with the shake for breakfast helps fuel the body, and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It also includes a sample assortment of Health Flavor Mix-Ins for variety and nutri-tional support. There are 2 boxes of ViSalus NEURO™ (one of each flavor) to help you maintain healthy energy and stamina. We then combined this with the life enhancing Vi-pak® for cellular support and defense against aging free radicals, with omega rich oils, glutathi-one, grape seed extract and more to help you live healthier, and live younger. Once you are at your desired goal, this “Core” Kit can help keep you vitalized. 3. Is it expensive? 1.80 a meal! No. In fact, it can SAVE you money. The program provides 2 full meals, and all the nutrition you need to be healthy and help trans-form your body. The cost per day for the program is less than many people spend on ONE fast food lunch, or breakfast on the go. And it provides much more nutrition and health support, for maximum trans-formation. 4. Do I need to exercise?The program is designed to help you lose weight, even if you don’t exercise. However, to really transform your body and get in great shape, we do recommend exercise. This is why we provide two types of exercise plans - one for the person just getting started, and one for the person that wants a firmer physique.

5. Can I use only water for the shake?The shake is great mixed in water for a low calorie, nutrition rich snack. For meals, we suggest that it be blended with non-fat milk, or soy milk for extra protein and nutrient support.

6. Who should take this product?Anyone that desires to have a better shape, to lose weight, to get fit, or to build lean muscle!


Transform your Life with the Visalus Body by Vi™ 90-Day ChallengeLocated at Pro Fitness 24


By Roy Hopkins, Owner Pro Fitness 24 (24-7 Training Studio and Wellness Club) 1913 East Fire Tower Suite E Greenville, NC 252.353.PF24

Order your Shakes

Call Pro Fitness 24 at 252.353.PF24 to schedule aConsultation about Program.


Real People, Real Results!

Body by Vi Challenge>WWW.JOIN-BODYBYVI-CHALLENGE.COMAre you up for the challenge?






We are so glad we learned about the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. It’s the most simple, most deli-cious and most effective way we have ever found to loose weight and keep it off. Together we’ve lost 40 pounds so far and feel great! I challenge you to take the challenge for your self.

“I have been working out with Roy for the past two years. Roy always motivates and challenges me to stay healthy and physically fit. While work-ing out with Roy, he told me about Body by Vi. I was anxious to try the “shake mix that taste like cake mix.” I started the Body by Vi challenge and fell in love with the shakes. I have lost about 10 lbs. already and continue to drink my shakes daily.”

Thanks to training with Roy and the BBVi program I’ve been able to lose and keep off 15 lbs and a lot of inches off my hips, waist, chest, and thighs. I have more en-ergy thanks to all the nutrition provided by the BBVi shakes. Also, Thanks to BBVi I’ve been able to comfortably wear clothing I wasn’t able to wear last winter!! Roy is a great professional trainer that makes me

laugh in every session and he also kicks my butt as well. If you are seeking a training I would not look longer cause Roy and his staff at Pro Fitness 24 are true professionals!

I have worked out and been active all my life and yet I was finding it more and more difficult to shed the pounds and to firm up the “middle-age inter tube”. A doctor even told me that I would just need to learn to live with it because it wasn’t going away.

In June my daughter and I went on a high protein diet and we both began to loose weight. I really didn’t start out to loose weight I just wanted to get rid of the added layer of fat I had acquired as a result of middle age.I joined a new gym, Profitness 24 and began training with Roy Hopkins. He encouraged me to add the Vi Protein Shakes to my diet in order to get more of the protein that I needed and to help keep me full. The shakes are really good! They taste and smell like cake mix.They are not the powdery ones that I have had before. My favorite is when I mix it with my coffee on cold mornings!

In December I went to my doctor for my physical and I had lost 12 pounds and I have lost several inches, even in my mid-section! All my clothes are loose and I feel really good.

Can I say that it was just one thing that made me loose the weight and the inches? No but I can say that it has been so much easier than before when I was killing myself working out and starving myself with no results! I am still not Jennifer Lopez but I’m feeling better and I am looking better!

So if you think there is nothing you can do because you are middle aged think again!


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It is every parents desire to give their child more than they had growing up. We want to give them a better home, clothes and education to name a few. I know on your list you also include things like: discipline, self confidence and determination.

The home and clothes….you’ve got that covered. But, the education, what about that?

Getting your child started in martial arts is the gift that keeps on giving.

Attending classes at a martial arts school can help children improve their fit-ness levels, increase self- confidence, remedy discipline problems, improve social relations, and teach them to defend themselves.

Shikata Martial Arts is an ideal martial art for children age 4 and up.

You’ll find our students can’t wait to get to class because we keep them in-terested, involved and having fun. Our martial arts training also helps build good kids into great kids by increasing their self-esteem, teaching them to work toward goals and learning respect for themselves & others.

We combine martial art training methods with modern exercise science to produce maximum results in the students: increased flexibility, balance, muscle tone and coordination are some of the benefits.

The children learn in a safe, supervised environment and our trained in-structors keep the kids motivated and interested while they’re learning self-defense techniques and inter-personal communication skills that will last a lifetime. The children in our program get better grades, make more friends, learn how to resolve conflict and are more confident. We’ll teach your child the life skills they need to succeed in school and life!

Belt tests are offered throughout the year so the students progress from white, yellow, green, orange, blue, purple, red, brown and black, monitored to assure they are learning the exercises correctly and performing them well.

We teach more than strikes, blocks and punches.These are also important to us:

• Character Development• Self Discipline • Self Confidence• Ultimate Focus • Self-Esteem• Bully Prevention Skills • Conflict Resolution Skills• Peace Building Skills • Increased Fitness, Coordination and Balance• Increased Social Skills

Classes offered at ProFitness 24Monday, Wednesday and Friday3:30pm - 4:25pm and 4:30pm - 5:25pm

SHIKATA MARTIAL ARTSSet Your Child Up For success!

By Alyssa Stanley and Ron CooperShikata Instructors at Pro Fitness 24

Ron Cooper

Alyssa Stanley


Hypertension, or commonly known as high blood pressure, is one of the most common medical diseases in the United States and effects over 25% of the adult population. Additionally, the leading cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease, but many sources and symptoms, includ-ing hypertension, leading up to these diseases and related illnesses are preventable. Blood pressure is defined as the systolic pressure (SBP) over the diastolic pressure (DBP), with the normal considered 120/80 mmHg. The numbers in the fraction represent the highest and lowest pressures during one heartbeat. Blood pressures above normal are categorized into stages, with stage I formerly termed “pre-hypertension” with a blood pres-sure between 140-159 systolic, and 90-99 diastolic. The importance of treating this “silent killer” lies in its associated risk to cardiovascular disease as well as other maladies including renal disease, stroke, heart failure, and peripheral artery disease. Exercise as a lifestyle modification is beneficial to a wide variety of health conditions. Cardiovas-cular exercise strengthens your system overall, especially your heart and lungs. The stronger your heart gets, the easier it is for your heart to move blood along, meaning it needs to apply less force when it beats and pumps blood around.

The idea is that if you strengthen your heart a lot, your blood pressure will decrease accord-ingly, because your heart just doesn’t have to work as much. A 2000 re-view from the Uni-versity of Maryland College Park, pub-lished in the journal “Sports Medicine,” noted that exercise

worked to reduce blood pressure in about 75 percent of the subjects stud-ied. Results were better for women and for those who did low- or moder-ate-intensity exercise. Some published reports indicate “moderate-intensity exercise has been scientifically documented to effectively lower blood pres-sure in people, perhaps more so than vigorous-intensity exercise.” Mod-erate-intensity exercise includes walking, biking, and other activities that moderately raise the heart rate.

Newer guidelines call for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (primarily aerobic exercise, which helps get heart rates to 70%-85% of an individual’s maximal heart rate, or endurance exercise supplemented by resistance exercise) on most, preferably all days of the week for people with hypertension. The 30 minutes can be at once or accumulated during the day, such as in three 10-minute walks. These recommendations are in line with national physical activity guidelines for healthy adults issued by the CDC.

Here’s how to calculate 70% and 85% of your maximal heart rate, in heartbeats per minute:Maximal heart rate [max HR] = 220 - [your age]70% of Maximal heart rate = 0.70 x [maxHR];85% of Maximal heart rate = 0.85 x [max HR]

The encouragement of regular exercise is not only useful as a treatment method for individuals with hypertension, but should also be advocated as a means for prevention. Predictors that may be examined to evaluate the risk of developing hypertension include resting BP, family history, and physical activity levels. Higher physical activity levels have shown an inverse rela-tionship to the development of hypertension. For individuals who are taking prescription medications to help lower blood pressure or underlying cardio-vascular disease, it is advised to first consult with your physician to discuss the intended type and level of exercise. Depending on other medical co-morbidities, a screening exercise stress test may be indicated beforehand.

Hypertension and Exercise

Mark R. Cervi, MDCarolina Internal Medicine.2460 Emerald Pl, Greenville, NC (252) 830-2021








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