Privacy in the Age of Social Media and Data Leaks



Privacy in the Age of Social Media and Data Leaks. By: Erin Wicking Hala Omar Veronica Rodriguez. Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck : Exposure, Invasion and Social Convergence - Danah Boyd. People often felt vulnerable as they were not in control of the privacy settings in Facebook - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Erin Wicking Hala Omar Veronica Rodriguez

Privacy in the Age of Social Media and Data


Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck: Exposure, Invasion and Social Convergence - Danah Boyd

People often felt vulnerable as they were not in control of the privacy settings in Facebook

News Feed in Facebook made it impossible for people to miss anything that occurred within their friends list

Misinterpretation of information

Users were only comfortable sharing certain information

Facebook is an artificial way of socialising

A tool to keep up with what events are happening in their “friends” lives

Facebook has at some levels replaced the traditional friendship

Facebook users may develop a one sided relationship

Boyd (2008, p. 16) states the following: ‘individuals are not simply able to choose what they wish to expose – they have to choose what they wish to hide’, do you agree or disagree?


Background information on Wikileaks.



Exploiting – the advantage and disadvantage.


Wikileaks is a phenomenon

The Guardian, ‘as luck would have it’ (Powell, 2011) was the first mass media to work with Wikileaks.

The publication of the stories based on…redacting the leaked diplomatic cables…and the resulting – and continuing – media furore, constitutes what I consider the Wikileaks phenomenon.’ (Powell, 2011)

The exploit of the internet was not done by Assange or Wikileaks, but by ‘perception by the individual internet uses’ (Powell, 2011)

Wikileaks relied on consumer support.

DDoS – electronically shut down an organisation.

Wikileaks demonstrates ‘that corporate, activist, and government interests all use overlapping strategies to exploit the organisational and power structures provided by the internet.’ (Powell, 2011)

Do you agree with Assange’s actions in exploiting private information?



Asking for more private information to protect your private information

Default geolocation settings Reading your private messages and emails to target

advertising Removing your ability to say no Tracking you around the internet Making it difficult to delete things

Do you consider your privacy when using social media?

Do you think that information you share with your social network should be considered within the public domain?

Do you feel you have agency over how your information is used?

Boyd, D 2008, ‘Facebook’s privacy trainwreck: exposure, invasion and social convergence’, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 13-20.

Powell, A 2011, ‘The Wikileaks phenomenon and new media power’, The new everyday, 8 April 2011.

Solove, D 2008, ‘Do social networks bring the end of privacy?’, Scientific American, 18 August 2008

