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1. Athens: A city-state of ancient Greece that was first to have ademocracy; also known as the birthplace of Westerncivilization; the ancient capital of present-day Greece.

2. Citizenship: Being a member of a country with rights,responsibilities and duties

3. Cleisthenes: Established the world's first democracy in Athens"father of democracy"-all citizens had the right to participatein assembly.

4. Council of 400: Athenian assembly made of all citizens (landowning males) who voted on laws (but didn't get to choosewhich ones).

5. Council of 500: Established by Cleithenes to replace theCouncil of 400. They managed the ports, military installations,and other state properties and prepared the agenda for theAssembly. Because its members were chosen annually by lotand could not serve more than twice a lifetime, the Councilcould never supersede the Assembly. Chosen at random, it'smembership could not become a cabal of the most powerfuland ambitious citizens. Some 350 magistrates, also chosen bylots, performed administrative tasks: collecting fines, policingthe city, repairing streets, inspecting markets, and so forth.

6. Council of Elders: The 28 Spartans over the age of 60 thathelped make lawsA group consisting of 28 men over the age of 60, thatproposed laws to the Assembly and served as a supremecourt pg. 116

7. Darius I: A prince who killed all his rivals and took the throneafter Cyrus's death. Extended Persian Empire to Indus River,invaded Greek mainland. Divided Persian government in 20provinces. Developed system of fair taxation/ Issuedstandardized currency.

8. Delian League: An alliance headed by Athens that says that allGreek city-states will come together and help fight thePersians.

9. Ephors: A group of five annually elected officials that helpedgovern Sparta with the Council of Elders, and wereresponsible for the education of the youth.

10. Grecian Currency: Drachma a currency unit issued by manyGreek city states.

11. Island of Crete: Where the Minoans lived before the volcaniceruption.

12. Islands: Bodies of land surrounded by water

13. King Cyrus: King of Persia, wanted to conquer Greeks on AsiaMinor.Known as a great leader because he had restraint, wisdom,and mercy towards the Jews and other civilizations. He letcaptured Jews return to their homeland.

14. Knossos: An ancient city of northern Crete near present-dayIráklion. The center of a Bronze Age culture that probablyflourished from c. 2000 to 1400 B.C., it is the traditional site ofthe labyrinth of Daedalus and the palace of King Minos.

15. Marathon: A battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and theirallies defeated the Persians.

16. Minoan Civilization: A distinctive culture (c. 3000-1400 BCE)that came into being on the island of Crete around 3000 BCE;The Minoan civilization reached its peak about 1600 BCE andremained powerful until around 1450 BCE. Again, little isknown about Minoan daily life because, although there are anumber of written records from the period, the two earliestforms of Minoan writing continue to defy translation.

17. Monotheism: Belief in a single God

18. Mountain: A landform with high elevation and high relief.

19. Oligarchy: A government in which only a few people havepower.

20. Peisistratus: A noble who seized power from Solon in 546 BCand exiled nobles who disagreed with him. He alsodistributed those nobles' land to poor farmers in need. Hewas a tyrant, but a good leader.

21. Peloponnesian Peninsula: The southern part of mainlandGreece that is connected by a narrow isthmus; Sparta was themain city on this peninsula.

22. Peloponnesian War: The war between Athens and Sparta thatin which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak andready to fall to its neighbors to the north.

23. Peninsula: A piece of land that is surrounded by water onthree sides.

24. Pericles: Athenian statesman. He was the central ruler ofAthens during its golden age. He was the central patronbehind many of their achievements. He was also a veryskilled speaker. Athens City-State of Ancient Greece andcenter of Greek golden age that occurred in the 5th centuryBCE.

25. Persian Currency: The coinage of the Achaemenid Empirewas a continuation of the coins of Lydia.

26. Persian Wars: 5th century B.C.E wars between the Persianempire and Greek city-states; Greek victories allowed Greekcivilization to define identity.

27. Plataea: A defeat of the Persian army by the Greeks in 479BC.

28. Polis: The Greek word for a city-state

29. Salamis: Naval battle where the Greek forces defeated thePersians, shortly after the battle at Thermopylae.

30. Solon: Athenian reformer of the 6th century; established lawsthat eased the burden of debt on farmers, forbadeenslavement for debt.

31. Spartan Military: Spartans prepared to be part of the militaryat the young age of seven. Boys began training for a lifetimein the military. At age of 20, a man could marry but continuedto live in barracks for another 10 years and eat there foranother 40 years.

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32. Spartan Society: Three social groups made up Spartan society. Citizens lived in the city and spent all their time training to besoldiers. Free non-citizens lived in nearby villages, and had no political rights. The lowest group was the Helots. Their labor fedSparta, making it possible for free Spartans to be full-time soldiers.

33. Thermopylae: A narrow mountain pass in central Greece about 6 miles from the Aegean sea.

34. Tyrant: An ancient Greek leader who held power through the use of force.

35. Zoroaster: A Persian prophet, lived around 600 B.C. taught that the earth is a battleground where a great struggle if foughtbetween the spirit of good and the spirit of evil, founder of Zoroastrianism.

36. Zoroastrianism: Persian religion founded by Zoroaster; taught that humans had the freedom to choose between right and wrong,and that goodness would triumph in the end
