Principles*of*Ar.ficial*Intelligence* · PennsylvaniaState*University* **** College of Information...


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Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles  of  Ar.ficial  Intelligence    


Vasant  Honavar    Ar3ficial  Intelligence  Research  Laboratory  

College  of  Informa3on  Sciences  and  Technology  Bioinforma3cs  and  Genomics  Graduate  Program  

The  Huck  Ins3tutes  of  the  Life  Sciences  Pennsylvania  State  University    hHp://    


Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Summary  of  uninformed  (blind)  search  algorithms  Criterion Breadth

-First Depth-First

Iterative deepening


Complete? YES NO YES YES*

Time bd+1 bm bd bd/2

Space bd+1 bm bd bd/2







Assuming  all  arc  costs  are  equal    m  –  max  depth  of  search    d  –  depth  of  solu7on,  b  –  finite  branching  factor  *  Assuming  forward  and  backward    search  are  BFS  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Finding  an  op3mal  solu3on  

•  All  operator  applica3ons  may  not  be  equally  expensive  •  Suppose  we  have  a  cost  func3on  c:  S  x  O  à  ℜ+    

•  c  (q,o,r)  =  cost  of  applying  operator  o  in  state  q  to  reach  state  r  •  Path  cost  is  typically  assumed  to  be  the  sum  of  costs  of  operator  

applica3ons  along  the  path  •  An  op3mal  solu3on  is  one  with  the  lowest  cost  path  from  the  

specified  start  state  s  to  a  goal  g  ∈  G    

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Finding  op3mal  (minimum  cost)  solu3ons  

•  Branch  and  bound  search  (BBS)  with  dynamic  programming  •  Maintain  a  list  of  nodes  sorted  by  cost  g(n)  of  cheapest  known  par3al  

paths  to  the  respec3ve  nodes    •  Terminate  when  a  node  picked  from  the  open  list  happens  to  be  a  goal  

node  A







3 8



2 1


((AB, 1) (AC, 2)

((AC, 2) (ABD, 4)(ABG,9))

((ACE, 3) (ABD, 4)(ACF, 5) (ABG,9))

((ACEI, 4) (ABD, 4)(ACEH, 5)(ACF, 5) (ABG,9))

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Finding  op3mal  solu3ons  

•  Branch  and  bound  search  (BBS)  with  dynamic  programming  •  Maintain  a  list  of  nodes  sorted  by  cost  g(n)  of  cheapest  known  par3al  paths  to  

the  respec3ve  nodes    •  Terminate  when  a  node  picked  from  the  open  list  happens  to  be  a  goal  node  •  Ques3ons:  

–  Is  BBS  complete?  •  Yes  

–  Is  BBS  admissible?  •  Yes    

–  Under  the  assump3on  that  each  arc  cost  is  bounded  from  below  by  some  posi3ve  constant  δ  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Informed  search  

•  Informed  search  uses  problem-­‐specific  knowledge  •  Which  search  strategies?  

–  Best-­‐first  search  and  its  variants  •  Heuris3c  func3ons  

–  How  to  design  them  •  Local  search  and  op3miza3on  

–  Hill  climbing,  local  beam  search,  gene3c  algorithms,…  •  Local  search  in  con3nuous  spaces  •  Online  search  agents  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

A  heuris3c  func3on  

•  [dic3onary]“A  rule  of  thumb,  simplifica7on,  or  educated    guess  that  reduces  or  limits  the  search  for  solu7ons  in    domains  that  are  difficult  and  poorly  understood.”  

Heuris3cs,  those  rules  of  thumb,    Oaen  scorned  as  sloppy,  dumb,  Yet  slowly  commonsense  become!  

–  Judea  Pearl,  in  Heuris7cs  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Why  we  need  heuris3cs  •  Combinatorial  explosion  •  Uninformed  search  runs  out  of  3me,  space,  or  both  quickly  •  Solu3on  –  incorporate  heuris3cs  to  guide  search  •  Perfect  heuris3c  would  guide  search  directly  from  start  state  

to  a  goal  state  yielding  the  least  expensive  solu3on    –  No  need  to  search!  

•  In  prac3ce,  we  have  imperfect  but  useful  heuris3cs  •  A  heuris3c  func3on  h(n),  roughly  speaking,  es3mates  the  cost  

of  comple3ng  a  par3al  path  (s..n)  to  obtain  a  solu3on,  i.e.,  a  path  (s..n…g)  where  g  is  a  goal  state  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Why  we  need  heuris3cs  •  Combinatorial  explosion  •  Uninformed  search  runs  out  of  3me,  space,  or  both  quickly  •  Perfect  ra3onality  unaffordable  •  Can  we  come  up  with  a  compromise?  

–  Use  a  heuris3c  func3on  to  guide  choice  of  ac3ons  •  Suppose  we  could  es3mate  the  cost  of  the  cheapest  solu3on  

obtainable  by  expanding  each  node  that  could  be  chosen    


s1   s2   s3  

( )( )

( ) ( ) ( ) 6.1 0.2 8.00 ,

0 ,:

321 ===



ℜ→ +



Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

A  heuris3c  func3on  

In  problems  requiring  the  cheapest  path  from  start  state  to  a  goal  state  

–  h(n) =  es3mated  cost  of  the  cheapest  path  from  node  n  to  a  goal  node  

–  h(g1)=h(g2)=0 s  





h(m)   h(n)  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Hill-­‐climbing  search  

•  Choose  “locally  best”  moves,  guided  by  the  heuris3c  func3on,  with  random  choice  to  break  3es  

•  Terminates  when  a  goal  state  is  reached  •  Does  not  look  beyond  the  immediate  successors  of  the  

current  state  in  deciding  which  move  to  make  •  Essen3ally  DFS,  where  at  each  step,  successors  are  

ordered  by  heuris3c  evalua3on  •  a.k.a.  greedy  local  search  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Heuris3c  func3on  -­‐  Example  

•  E.g  for  the  8-­‐puzzle  –  Avg.  solu3on  cost  is  about  22  steps    –  Exhaus3ve  search  to  depth  22  ≈  3.1  x  1010  states  –  A  good  heuris3c  func3on  can  reduce  search  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Heuris3c  func3ons  

Two  commonly  used  heuris3cs  •  h1  =  the  number  of  misplaced  3les  (not  coun3ng  blank)  rela3ve  

to  the  goal  (why?)  h1(s)=8  

•  h2  =  the  sum  of  the  distances  of  the  3les  (not  coun3ng  blank)  from  their  desired  posi3ons  (ManhaHan  distance)  (why?)  h2(s)=3+1+2+2+2+3+3+2=18  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Drawbacks  of  hill-­‐climbing  search  

•  Ridge    –  sequence  of  local  maxima  difficult  for  greedy  algorithms  to  navigate  

•  Plateau    –  an  area  of  the  state  space  where  the  evalua3on  func3on  is  flat  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Hill-­‐climbing  varia3ons  

•  Stochas3c  hill-­‐climbing  –  Random  selec3on  among  the  uphill  moves  –  The  selec3on  probability  can  vary  with  the  steepness  of  the  uphill  move  

•  First-­‐choice  hill-­‐climbing  –  stochas3c  hill  climbing  by  genera3ng  successors  randomly  un3l  a  beHer  one  is  found  

•  Random-­‐restart  hill-­‐climbing  –  Tries  to  avoid  geqng  stuck  in  local  maxima  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Best-­‐first  search    

•  General  approach  to  informed  search:  –  Best-­‐first  search:  node  is  selected  for  expansion  based  on  an  evalua7on  func7on  f(n)

•  Idea:  evalua3on  func3on  measures  es3mated  cost  of  comple3ng  the  par3al  solu3on  (s..n)  –  Choose  node  which  appears  best  

•  Implementa3on:  –  Open-list  is  a  queue  sorted  in  decreasing  order  of  desirability    –  Special  cases:  greedy  search,  A*  search  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Examples  of  Best-­‐first  search  

•  Best  first  search    –   List  of  par3al  paths  is  ordered  by  h  values  of  the  nodes  

•  A*  search  –  BBS-­‐like  search  with  dynamic  programming    –  Open  list  nodes  ordered  by  

( ) ( ) ( )nhngnf +=

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

A*  search  






h(m)=6   h(n)=8  

g(n)  =2  g(m)=3

3  4  


3  5  6 8  

( ) ( ) ( )nhngnf +=

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Romania  with  step  costs  in  km  

•  hSLD=  straight-­‐line  distance  heuris3c.  

•  hSLD  cannot  be  computed  from  the  problem  descrip3on,  requires  addi3onal  informa3on  or  knowledge  on  the  part  of  the  agent  

•  In  this  example  f(n)=h(n)  –  Expand  node  that  is  closest  to  goal  

=  Greedy  best-­‐first  search  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

A*  search  

•  Best-­‐known  form  of  best-­‐first  search  •  Idea:  avoid  expanding  paths  that  are  already  expensive  •  Evalua3on  func3on  f(n)=g(n)  +  h(n)  

–  g(n)  the  cost  (so  far)  to  reach  the  node.  –  h(n)  es3mated  cost  to  get  from  the  node  to  the  goal  –  f(n)  es3mated  total  cost  of  path  through  n  to  goal  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

A*  search  

•  A*  search  using  an  admissible  heuris3c    –  A  heuris3c  is  admissible  if  it  never  overes7mates  the  cost  to  reach  the  goal  

–  Op3mis3c      

Formally:      1.  h(n)  <=  h*(n)  where  h*(n)  is  the  true  cost  from  n    2.  h(n)  >=  0  so  h(G)=0  for  any  goal  G.  

 e.g.  hSLD(n)  never  overes3mates  the  actual  road  distance  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Romania  example  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Admissible  heuris3cs  •  A  heuris3c  h(n)  is  admissible  if  for  every  node  n,  

 h(n)  ≤  h*(n),  where  h*(n)  is  the  true  cost  to  reach  the  goal  state  from  n.  •  An  admissible  heuris3c  never  overes3mates  the  cost  to  reach  the  goal,  i.e.,  it  

is  op3mis3c  •  Example:  hSLD(n)  (never  overes3mates  the  actual  road  distance)  •  Theorem:  If  h(n)  is  admissible,  A*  using  TREE-SEARCH  is  admissible  •  (provided  each  arc  cost  is  bounded  from  below  by  a  posi3ve  constant  δ) •  Proof  Sketch:  

–  Show  that  A*  terminates  with  a  solu3on  –  Show  that  A*  terminates  with  an  op3mal  solu3on  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Completeness  of  A*:  A*  Terminates  with  a  solu3on  

•  Assump3on:  Cost  of  each  arc  is  bounded  from  below  by  a  posi3ve  constant  

•  Any  3me  a  path  gets  extended,  its  cost  increases  by  at  least    •  There  is  a  solu3on,  i.e.,  a  bounded  cost  path  to  a  goal  (by  assump3on)  •  Termina3on  condi3on:  a  path  termina3ng  in  a  goal  is  picked  off  the  front  of  

the  list  of  par3al  paths  L  •  There  are  two  kinds  of  paths  other  than  those  that  terminate  in  a  goal:    

–  Paths  that  lead  to  dead  ends  –  discovered  and  discarded  (if  their  cost  is  lower  than  that  of  a  path  to  a  goal)  

–  Paths  that  are  infinite  (demoted  behind  a  path  leading  to  a  goal  because  sooner  or  later  their  cost  exceeds  the  cost  of  a  path  leading  to  a  goal)  

–  See  notes  for  a  formal  proof.  

∀ni,n j ,c ni,n j( ) ≥ δ > 0

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Admissibility  of  A*:  A*  cannot  terminate  with  a  subop3mal  goal  

Suppose  some  subop3mal  goal  G2  has  been  generated  and  is  in  the  fringe.  Let  n  be  an  unexpanded  node  in  the  fringe  such  that  n  is  on  a  shortest  path  to  an  op3mal  goal  G.  


f(G2) = g(G2)    since  h(G2) = 0    g(G2) > g(G)  since  G2  is  subop3mal    f(G) = g(G)  since  h(G) = 0 f(G2) > f(G)    from  above    

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Admissibility  of  A*:  A*  cannot  terminate  with  a  subop3mal  goal  

Suppose  some  subop3mal  goal  G2  has  been  generated  and  is  in  the  fringe.  Let  n  be  an  unexpanded  node  in  the  fringe  such  that  n  is  on  a  shortest  path  to  an  op3mal  goal  G.  


f(G2) > f(G)    from  above    h(n) ≤ h*(n)  since  h  is  admissible  g(n) + h(n)  ≤ g(n) + h*(n) f(n) ≤ f(G) Hence  f(G2) > f(n),  and  A*  will  never  select  G2 for  expansion  That  is,  A*  tree  search  is  admissible  provided  the  heuris3c  func3on  

is  admissible  See  notes  for  a  more  formal  proof.    

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

What  if  the  search  space  is  not  a  tree?  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Graph  search    •  Previous  proof  breaks  down  •  Possible  solu3ons:  

–  Discard  more  expensive  paths  when  there  are  mul3ple  paths  to  a  node    • Adds  messy  book-­‐keeping  • Admissible  if  h  is  admissible  

–  Ensure  that  op3mal  path  to  any  repeated  state  is  always  first  followed    • Extra  requirement  on  h(n):  consistency  

∀n,∀n ' where n ' is a child of n, h(n) ≤ h(n ')+ c(n,n ')

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Consistency    If  h  is  consistent,  we  have    

f(n)  is  non-­‐decreasing  along  any  path              à First  goal  selected  for  expansion  must  be  an  op3mal  goal  à A*  using  graph  search  is  admissible  provided  the  heuris3c  used  is  


)(),()( mhmncnh +≤










c ( n ; m ) c ( n ; m )




h ( n )

h ( m )

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Proper3es  of  A*  search  

•  Complete?:  YES  –  Since  bands  of  increasing  f  are  added  –  Unless  there  are  infinitely  many  nodes  with  f < f(G)

• Not  possible  when  the  branching  factor  is  finite  and  arc  costs  are  bounded  from  below  by  δ

•  Time  complexity:    –  exponen3al  in  the  length  of  the  solu3on  (in  the  worst  case)  

•  Space  complexity:  –  Need  to  maintain  all  generated  nodes  in  memory  –  Space  is  a  more  serious  problem  than  3me  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Memory-­‐bounded  heuris3c  search  

•  Some  solu3ons  to  A*’s  space  problems  –  Itera3ve-­‐deepening  A*  (IDA*)  

• Cutoff  informa3on  is  the  f-­‐cost  (g+h)  instead  of  depth  • Can  expand  too  many  nodes  when  every  node  has  a  different  f  value  

–  (simple)  Memory-­‐bounded  A*  ((S)MA*)  • Drop  the  worst-­‐leaf  node  when  memory  is  full  

–  Recursive  best-­‐first  search  (RBFS)  • Recursive  algorithm  that  aHempts  to  mimic  standard  best-­‐first  search  with  linear  space  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

(simple)  memory-­‐bounded  A*  

•  Use  all  available  memory.  –  i.e.  expand  best  leafs  un3l  available  memory  is  full  –  When  full,  SMA*  drops  worst  leaf  node  (highest  f-­‐value)  –  Backup  the  f-­‐value  of  the  forgoHen  node  to  its  parent    

•  What  if  all  leafs  have  the  same  f-­‐value?  –  Same  node  could  be  selected  for  expansion  and  dele3on  –  SMA*  solves  this  by  expanding  newest  best  leaf  and  dele3ng  oldest  worst  leaf.  

•  SMA*  is  complete  if  solu3on  is  reachable,  admissible  if  op3mal  solu3on  is  reachable  within  the  available  memory  bound  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Recursive  best-­‐first  search  (RBFS)  

•  Similar  to  IDA*  but  keeps  track  of  the  f  value  of  the  best-­‐alterna3ve  path  available  from  any  ancestor  of  the  current  node  –  If  current  f  values  exceeds  this  alterna3ve  f value  then  backtrack  to  the  best  alterna3ve  path  

–  During  backtracking  (unwinding  of  recursion)  change  f value  of  each  node  to  best  f-­‐value  of  its  children  

–  Remembers  the  f  value  of  the  best  leaf  in  the  “forgoHen” sub-­‐tree  and  hence  can  revisit  that  sub-­‐tree,  if  warranted,  at  some  point  in  the  future  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Recursive  best-­‐first  search  func.on  RECURSIVE-­‐BEST-­‐FIRST-­‐SEARCH(problem)  return  a  solu3on  or  failure  

 return  RFBS(problem,MAKE-­‐NODE(INITIAL-­‐STATE[problem]),∞)  func.on  RFBS(  problem,  node,  f_limit)  return  a  solu3on  or  failure  and  a  new  f-­‐

cost  limit    if  GOAL-­‐TEST[problem](STATE[node])  then  return  node    successors  ←  EXPAND(node,  problem)    if  successors  is  empty  then  return  failure,  ∞    for  each  s  in  successors  do      f  [s]  ←  max(g(s)  +  h(s),  f  [node])    repeat      best  ←  the  lowest  f-­‐value  node  in  successors      if  f  [best]  >  f_limit    then  return  failure,  f  [best]      alterna7ve  ←    the  second  lowest  f-­‐value  among  successors      result,  f  [best]  ←    RBFS(problem,  best,  min(f_limit,  alterna7ve))      if  result  ≠  failure  then  return  result  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Recursive  best-­‐first  search:  Example  

•  Path  un3l  Rumnicu  Vilcea  is  already  expanded  •  f-­‐limit  for  every  recursive  call  is  shown  above  the  node  •  f  value  is  shown  below  the  node  •  The  path  is  followed  un3l  Pites3  which  has  a  f  value  worse  than  

the  f-­‐limit.    

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Recursive  best-­‐first  search:  Example  

•  Unwind  recursion  and  store  best  f-­‐value  for  current  best  leaf  Pites3      result,  f  [best]  ←    RBFS(problem,  best,  min(f_limit,  alterna7ve))  

•  best  is  now  Fagaras.  Call  RBFS  for  new  best  –  best  value  is  now    450  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Recursive  best-­‐first  search:  example.  

•  Unwind  recursion  and  store  best  f-­‐value  for  current  best  leaf  Fagaras  

•  best  is  now  Rimnicu  Viclea  (again).  Call  RBFS  for  new  best  –  Subtree  is  again  expanded.  –  Best  alterna7ve  subtree  is  now  through  Timisoara.  

•  Solu3on  is  found  because  447  >  417.  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar


•  RBFS  is  a  bit  more  efficient  than  IDA*  –  S3ll  excessive  node  genera3on    –  Like  A*,  admissible  if  h(n)  is  admissible  

•  Space  complexity  is  O(bd).  •  Time  complexity  difficult  to  characterize  

–  Depends  on  accuracy  if  h(n)  and  how  oaen  best  path  changes  •  IDA*  and  RBFS  suffer  from  too  li&le  memory  •  Other  variants  of  A*  aim  to  address  these  limita3ons  

Pennsylvania  State  University          

College of Information Sciences and Technology Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, IST 597F, Fall 2014, (C) Vasant Honavar

Learning  to  search  beHer    

•  All  previous  algorithms  use  fixed  strategies.  •  Agents  can  learn  to  improve  their  search  by  exploi3ng  

experience    gained  during  the  search  (e.g.,  by  analyzing  missteps)  •   We  will  see  examples  of  this  when  we  consider  learning  agents  
