PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership


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Nogales Unified District - 120201000

(2 of 91 Action Items Complete)

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Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

1 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

NEED STATEMENT: NUSD comprehends the need to maintain effective leadership by utilizing district-level personnel to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to maintain assets, meet all state and federal mandates, and to have all students college-and-career ready by the time they graduate from high school. NUSD comprehends the need to have all schools achieve proficiency in ELA and math and to reclassify ELL students so as to not be in need of comprehensive support and instruction due to their low achievement. Desired Outcomes 1. All schools to be in reward status and earning an "A" by whatever the final determination is made to assign "A" status. 2. All ELL students will be reclassified to English proficiency in a timely manner. 3. All state and federal mandates, regulations, documentation, auditing, and requirements will be met in a timely and proficient manner. 4. All leaders will maintain strong professional ethics and integrity. 5. All stakeholders will be involved in procedures for developing academic success for all students. 6. All site and district leadership will be well versed and follow mandates related to McKinney-Vento homeless students and foster care students. 7 All sites and the district will develop and implement disciplinary practices designed to keep students in school. 8. All sites will be safe environments for students, parents, employees, and community members. 9. All teachers and administrators will be appropriately certified. 10. All District leaders will develop policies/procedures to recruit and retain appropriately certified and highly effective teachers. 11. Any school in CSI status will receive support, guidance, and coaching by District leadership

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Resource Management

Resource Management is the responsibility of all administrators, coordinators, directors, and even faculty and staff so as to address both asset management and student achievement.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Management of human resources and time


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

2 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Resource Management

ACTION STEP Management of human resources and time

NUSD manages its human resources and time so as to meet the board goals, state mandates, data-driven decision making, and enhancements to student achievements. Actions reflected in this include District Leadership meetings, Administrators and Directors meetings, in-service training for administrators on observation evaluations, curriculum, finance, data analysis, and other similar topics. There is a summer Administrators' Seminar where workshops are presented by the district's attorney, Insurance company, ADE specialists, and District personnel to prepare for the next year. Funding is provided for trainings/travel and professional development materials. Special populations such as ELL and SPED are addressed, and time devoted to meeting the needs of these students in addition to the needs of all students to become college-and-career ready. Funding comes from various streams such as Title 1 set-aside, Title II, Title III, and Gifts-and-Donations from Country Fair White Elephant grant.

Status In Progress 08/30/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/03/2017 - 06/30/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Minerva Valenzuela, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP McKinney Vento expenditures

McKinney Vento expenditures from District set-aside to pay for uniforms, school supplies, clothing, and all other needs as outlined in regulations for meeting McKinney-Vento mandates, including transportation if necessary and desired by parent

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

3 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Strategic Planning Process

NUSD Leadership team, sites, school parent organizations, and school board work collaboratively to develop strategic plans for curriculum and funding, as well as policies revisions and reviews

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Establishment of Governing Board Goals

District administration will work collaboratively with the Governing Board to examine data and establish goals that address academic achievement, appropriately certified (ELL certified for such assignments) teachers, safety, and parent/family/community involvement.

Status In Progress 04/25/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 06/07/2017 - 08/17/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP Salary Equalization

District Title 1 set aside provides salary equalization funding for Title 1 math teachers funded from site allocations so as to more fairly reflect the sites' expenditures for like services.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/25/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Administrators' supplies

The Title 1/Grants Director is provided an allocation from the District Title 1 set-aside to purchase needed supplies for assessing, recording, Xeroxing, and other necessary tasks related solely to the operation of Title 1 and federal projects management

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/04/2018 - 06/30/2019


Persons Responsible Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

4 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Strategic Planning Process

ACTION STEP Administrators' supplies

STRATEGY Cultural and Instructional Innovations

NUSD will continue to sustain a culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP School Improvement Support

Through the services of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction/School Improvement, along with the secretary for school improvement/grants management the district will provide instructional support through assistance with formative/summative assessment, materials management, the selection/review/purchase of materials, provision of PD for teachers/administrators, and assistance with detailed data analysis. Salaries for these two positions from District Title I set aside.

Status In Progress 08/30/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP ELL Instructional Support

The district will provide personnel to support site staff to facilitate ELL program implementation, complete necessary assessments, and provide a comprehensive analysis of data pertaining to ELLs. Includes English Language Acquisition Supervisor, SEI coordinators, and data coordinators, specifically paid from Title III.

Status In Progress 08/30/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Minerva Valenzuela

ACTION STEP English Language Acquisition Supervisor


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

5 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Cultural and Instructional Innovations

ACTION STEP English Language Acquisition Supervisor

ELA supervisor for Title III. Responsibilities include assisting schools in the improvement and enhancement of ELL instruction through collaboration, coaching, professional development, and mentoring, The position is not administrative in that the individual in this position does not evaluate, hire, or supervise site personnel as that remains the duties of the site principals nor does the individual oversee finances or grant management.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Title 1/Grants Director

The Title 1/Grants Director works with all sites, including private schools, and central administration to ensure compliance with all state and federal grant mandates and to complete all documentation for grants including funding mandates/monitoring/audits/IAP. Additionally, this office coordinates needs assessments and works to effectively and efficiently merge other funding streams so as to booster academic success. As Title 1 Director, this person helps administrators provide instructional support to all students, PD for teachers to work most effectively and to disaggregate instruction, and provides guidance in Blended Learning strategies and methodologies among all duties assigned to a Title 1 and federal projects director.

Filing Cabinet Count 0


Title 1 Director, in collaboration with the District leadership team, completes all the mandates, regulations, funding monitoring, and reporting for all Title 1 activities and responsibilities for all public and private schools served through Title 1 funding as well as oversees the District level set-aside spending, reporting, and evaluation tied to Title 1 requirements. Funding for this position from District Title 1 set aside.

Status In Progress 08/30/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Mayra Zuniga


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Title 1/Grants Director


STRATEGY LEA Professional Development

The District provides numerous professional development events/opportunities/trainings/collaborations throughout the school year.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Technology Day

The District hosts a technology day where all administrators, teachers, parapros are required to attend. This is an early dismissal and, depending on the year, various topics are covered, presented by teachers and even students. However, this year, on Nov. 15, 2017, rather than having various sessions, there will be one large presentation by a national expert, Brian Mull who will provide an in-depth (three hours) training on using technology to improve instruction and integrating technology so as to improve instruction for all students. Note: the private school teachers and administrators have been invited to attend. Payment for this event does not come from Title 1 although the event itself meets needs addressed in site CNA's.

Status In Progress 04/30/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 11/15/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP Administrators' Seminar


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY LEA Professional Development

ACTION STEP Administrators' Seminar

The District hosts a two-day seminar in June for all District and site administrators, coordinators, and directors. At this event information on a wide variety of topics is presented, with a focus on Title 1 mandates, as well as other ADE requirements. In fact, in the past, ADE TITLE 1 specialists have presented at this event. Funding from Title 1 set-aside varies as in the past other grant funding has covered most of the costs with Title 1 picking up costs for printing manuals, or part of the facility rental. Therefore partial funding comes from District professional development set-aside or Administrative supplies set aside.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 06/14/2018 - 06/21/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Minerva Valenzuela, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP Principals/Leadership Meetings

Once a month all Principals and District leaders meet for a half day. During these meetings information, training, reviews, book discussions, and more are covered. There is always a Title 1 presentation during which principals/district leaders are presented with information/training/review of Title 1 mandates, upcoming deadlines, and required documents. Funding for printing materials or purchase of the professional development book under discussion comes from District Title 1 set-aside funding.

Status In Progress 09/11/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/17/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP Elementary Principal Collaboration


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY LEA Professional Development

ACTION STEP Elementary Principal Collaboration

The six elementary principals meet on a regular basis to exchange ideas/share best practices/collaborate on like tasks such as teacher evaluations

Status In Progress 09/11/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/18/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP Early release days

The District establishes an early-release schedule to provide sites with opportunities for collaboration/trainings/parent-teacher conferences, writing scoring, and other events. These early releases are in addition to district-wide early releases, such as that for Tech Day.

Status In Progress 09/25/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP Readings on relevant topics

All administrators/coordinators provided books by authors devoted to issues related to understanding students-at-risk or improving leadership skills. Books discussions held

Status In Progress 04/05/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Professional development

District Title 1 set-aside provides funding for administrators to attend ADE-approved trainings, workshops, meetings, and conventions, all of which are geared to improving leadership skills and knowledge base for meeting state standards and preparing all students for academic success.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Professional development support

District Title 1 set-aside funding supports training/travel expenses for District and site administrators to attend ADE-supported/sponsored trainings, workshops, conventions, and meetings.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/30/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Professional development to enhance EL instruction

Professional development for the sole and exclusive purpose of enhancing delivery of services, enhanced instruction, and understanding of EL mandates for SEI specialists, ELA supervisor, and administrators working with EL students.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/25/2018

Tags Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Safe and Secure

All sites have numerous policies and practices in place to provide a safe and secure campus both during school hours and during extracurricular activities.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Security Officers

All sites have a security officer who is on campus during school hours and often during extra curricular activities so as to enhance the safety and welfare of all stakeholders.

Status In Progress 10/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW, Parent

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

ACTION STEP School Safety Program

NUSD was awarded a School Safety Program grant that provides Law-Related Education and a certified City of Nogales police officer at Nogales High School and Wade Carpenter Middle School. Note: Desert Shadows Middle School, which is not located within the city limits, has the services of a SRO provided at no charge to the District by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office.

Status In Progress 09/21/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/07/2019

Tags TI-SW, Parent

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Opioids 101 and Naloxone training

Comprehensive training on opioids and how to administer Naloxone for overdoses. Training another example of commitment to safe and secure schools and also an example of the community-at-large working together as this training sponsored by the SCC Superintendent's office.

Status Completed 01/12/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 10/06/2017 - 10/25/2017

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

11 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY FY19 Comprehensive Support and Improvement

Pierson Vocational High School, which has been designated a CSI school, will receive support, guidance, and mentoring from District leadership as it addresses the action plan to exit CSI status.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP PD for District leadership to address CSI school

District leaders (Assistant Supt. and Title 1/Grants Director will attend workshops/webinars to become informed and trained in mandates for schools in CSI status

Status In Progress 01/12/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 09/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Principal Training for Effective Instruction

Using the Learning Sciences program that incorporates the Marzano strategies, principals are trained to work with teachers to enhance the delivery of services with an emphasis on differentiating instruction so that all students reach mastery of all standards.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Learning Sciences program

Principals receive PD and have access to online program to provide guidance and evaluation of teachers in the delivery of instruction for all students.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership


Move on When Reading regulations will be followed and all mandated documents timely submitted

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Reading coaches

Reading coaches provide PD to teachers, administrators and model effective instruction

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/25/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

ACTION STEP Reading Specialists

Reading specialists provide interventions for students who have not reached proficiency in reading as well as conduct Dibels testing to monitor reading progress.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

STRATEGY McKinney Vento

All administrators have the responsibility of making sure all mandates embedded in McKinney-Vento are followed and that all personnel are provided PD on homeless requirements

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Mckinney Vento PD


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY McKinney Vento


All personnel are mandated to complete the McKinney Vento PD that is part of the SafeSchools online modules.

Status In Progress 05/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, Homeless

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Mayra Zuniga

STRATEGY Foster Care

District administrators will follow all the mandates associated with foster care students as per enrollment and transportation mandates

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Foster student requirements

Policies on foster student enrollment and transportation are developed and will be followed

Status In Progress 05/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, Foster

Persons Responsible Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

14 of 51

PRINCIPLE 1 - Effective Leadership

STRATEGY Discipline matrix

All sites and the district have policies and practices shared with students and parents outlining the procedures to be taken as to behavior infractions. The matrix is developed so as to be clear about the level of discipline imposed and to provide opportunities for students and parents to fully understand their rights.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP In School Suspension

ISS is a program for middle and high school students given short-term suspensions so as to provide educational services after the regular school day so they do not fall behind in their academics and thereby reduce the dropout rate due to the inability to pass classes due to a suspension. Note: this used to be funded through Title 1D but with the elimination of that grant is now funded from 301.

Status In Progress 05/06/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/11/2017 - 05/24/2019

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP At-risk coordinators

Both NHS and PVHS have an addendum for a counselor to work with students who are on or who have been on probation, working with juvenile probation offices, parents, and school personnel to provide additional support so as to increase academic success and to reduce possibility of behavior issues that could lead to suspension or expulsion.

Status In Progress 05/06/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/11/2017 - 05/24/2019

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

Needs Statement: In order to meet the academic goals of having all students be college-and-career ready by their graduation from high school, NUSD must ensure effective instruction occurs with quality teaching in a student-centered, safe environment by having a teaching cadre that is appropriately certified, continuously trained through impactful, on-going professional development, and through both formal and informal evaluations at all sites. All teachers need to use data to drive instructional decisions, work collaboratively within their own site and with District leadership, and will have a solid understanding of content standards and curricula. There is a need for better collaboration among and between grade levels at each site and among and between all sites in order to have every grade and every site reach its desired academic, social, physical, and mental goals for all students. FY19 There is a need to improve instruction at all sites that did not reach rewards status and to focus additional support to those sites that are in need of comprehensive instruction and support. Desired Outcomes: 1. All teachers are appropriately certified 2. All teachers demonstrate a solid understanding of the content they teach 3. All teachers work collaboratively with all stakeholders. 4. All teachers set goals for student achievement and use data to drive instructional change. 5. All teachers demonstrate ethics and cultural awareness. 6. All teachers participate in on-going professional development. 7. All teachers working with ELL students demonstrate knowledge and skills for helping ELL students reach English proficiency. 8. All teachers in CSI schools will receive additional PD, mentoring, and guidance to address the action plan for exiting CSI status 9.All teachers effectively use data analysis to drive differentiation of instruction to meet the needs of all students.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Mentoring

Title 1 set-aside provides for a mentor for the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. These mentors work with new teachers and those in improvement to provide strategies for all aspects of effective teaching (discipline, time management, data analysis, and individualizing instruction) so as to build instructional skills that translate into effective instruction.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Mentoring practices


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

16 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Mentoring

ACTION STEP Mentoring practices

Highly effective teachers to be paid an addendum for work outside regular class day to meet with new teachers and those who need additional support in both group and on an individual basis at least monthly. There are three paid mentors, one each for the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Reading Coaches

Title I provides for a Reading Coach at each elementary school who is appropriately certified in reading to work with administration/teachers/staff to mentor, provide P.D., model evidence-based strategies to provide high-effective instruction that addresses the reading needs of all students and to differentiate instruction so as to close the achievement gap among various subgroups (ELL, Special Needs, Students in poverty).

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Reading Coaches

One for each elementary School to work with administrators, teachers, staff to improve mastery of reading standards. Who: Highly Effective teachers with reading endorsements. Where: On site. For FY19: Change-- Since Title II was blended into Title 1, all coaches tagged to FY19 Title 1-SW When: Throughout the entire year What: Provide individualized and group P.D. for teachers to enhance delivery of instruction in reading. Note: Due to large cut in Title II funding, Title II will fund .5 FTE and Title 1 will fund .5 FTE. This is a single-cost objective and will generate semi-annual time-and-effort documents.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Reading Coaches

ACTION STEP Reading Coaches

STRATEGY Blended learning

Online programs such as Achieve3000 and Imagine Learning provide teachers with the ability to individualize instruction while working with small groups or alternating with direct instruction since these online programs are constantly assessing the ability levels of each individual student and adjusting instruction to meet that ability level. Teachers are able to access data from these online programs to modify and adjust teaching, and can reteach to only those students who demonstrate a lack of mastery in a specific strategy, thus saving time by allowing the online programs to provide that one-on-one instructional support, freeing the teachers to concentrate on direct instruction.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Blended Learning programs

Programs such as Achieve3000 and Imagine Learning used in conjunction with direct teaching to individualize instruction and to provide interventions. Funding from District Title 1 set aside and Rural and Low.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

18 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Supplemental materials and instructional aids

Supplemental materials and instructional aids, such as workbooks and manipulatives that allow for additional practice above and beyond the regular instructional materials allow teachers to provide the most effective way to master standards and prepare for assessments. Such materials are often used in small group settings, and during pull-outs for interventions, as well as in the classroom. The use of supplemental materials and instructional aids when used effectively, are an effective use of time devoted to the mastery of standards and the preparation for all students becoming highly proficient on assessments.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Supplemental materials/instructional aids

Integration of supplemental materials/instructional aids to provide extended learning opportunities and interventions. Includes printing of extended-learning and intervention materials for at-risk students. Funding from District Title 1 set aside or Rural and Low. For FY19, at PVHS from CSI grant if approved

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Kindergarten instruction

NUSD supports full-day kindergarten instruction for all students. For FY18-FY19 the .5 that previously had been funded from Title 1 was moved to M&O due to a decline in funding from Title 1 along with added costs due to insurance and ASRS increases. These combined prompted the transfer of funding from Title 1 for .5 kinder instruction to M&O.

Filing Cabinet Count 0


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Title 1 teachers

Site allocations for Title 1 teachers. Both middle schools fund a Title 1 math teacher and NHS two in order to reduce class sizes based on achievement data for area of need. The Title 1 teacher allows for the integration of an intervention class for all students taught by every teacher targeted so as to reinforce skills needed to reach proficiency levels and to become college-and-career ready in STEM. At NHS the Title 1 teachers provide class-reduction so that students may take both AP and IB classes, as well as credits beyond the mandated math in order to graduate in four years. Note: Providing this supplemental instruction in an area of need (either math or ELA) dates back more than a decade.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Title 1 math instruction

Each middle school is provided one FTE Title 1 math teacher funded from Site allocations and NHS two FTE math teachers in a program designed to meet a need identified in each school's CNA. This dedication of Title 1 funding for Title 1 teachers in an area of need has been ongoing for more than a decade.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Reading Specialists

Each elementary school is provided the services of a reading specialist who works with students, proving reading interventions and individualized instruction to enhance regular classroom delivery for the mastery of ELA strategies. Funded from District Title 1 set-aside .5 FTE of each reading coach with the remainder of the salary (.5 FTE) coming from K-3 Reading funding.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Reading specialists


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

20 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Reading Specialists

ACTION STEP Reading specialists

Reading specialists work with students in small groups or individually to enhance their mastery of ELA strategies.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Kindergarten aides

All elementary schools are provided appropriately certified kindergarten aides to work with kindergarten teachers. Aides are provided to each site depending on the number of kindergarten classrooms and/or enrollment in kindergarten classes. Nine aides provided from District Title 1 set-aside funding. For FY19: Number of aides increased to 11 to cover larger kindergarten classes

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Kinder aides

Kinder aides, all of whom are appropriately certified, work under the direction of kinder teachers. Nine aides funded from District Title 1 set-aside allocation.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

21 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY SEI specialists

Title III funding provides each site with a Title III SEI specialist.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP SEI specialists

SEI specialists work as mentors, trainers, and provide PD for ELL teachers at 10 sites on ELL methodologies/strategies. They provide sustained professional development to classroom teachers including teachers in classroom settings that are not the settings of language instruction educational programs, as well as to principals, administrators, and other school or community-based organizations. These duties are outside contracted hours.

Status In Progress 09/01/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra

STRATEGY Extended Time Instruction

Extended Time instruction for the sole and exclusive participation of EL students via after-school tutoring. Twenty-four tutors divided among the 10 sites based on the number of EL students at a particular site.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Title III after-school tutoring

After-school tutoring for the sole and exclusive benefit of ELL students to extend instructional time. For FY 19 24 tutors from Title III grant funding.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/17/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

22 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Extended Time Instruction

ACTION STEP Extended Time instruction

After-school tutoring Each site has after-school tutoring funding from a variety of sources, including site Title 1 allocations if that site chooses to use non-commitment funding for tutoring

Status In Progress 09/18/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/21/2017 - 05/17/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Transition to Algebra

NHS offers a program called Transition to Algebra which brings to the campus graduating eighth grade students who need math remediation and intervention in order to be successful in Alg. 1 at the high-school level. The program is offered in the summer and is funded either through site allocations or through Rural and Low, depending on what the funding allocations are in those areas. At this time it is unknown if the funding will come solely through NHS site allocation or from Rural and Low, or from a combination. FY Title I LEA: Funding shifted from site to District set-aside since this is a transition program from eighth grade to high school.

Status Not Begun 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/29/2018 - 06/19/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Bussing for Transition to Algebra

While the Transition to Algebra program is funded either through site Title 1 funding or through Rural and Low, or a combination of both, the cost of bussing during the four-weeks of classes is funded through Title 1 Set-Aside. FY18: Due to reduction in allocation, bussing costs removed and will not be covered in FY19.

Status Not Begun 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/29/2018 - 06/15/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Data Coordinators

Each site has a data coordinator who works exclusively and solely on analyzing data for EL students above and beyond mandated work for EL activities.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Site Data Coordinators

Data coordinators are appropriately certified teachers paid for extra duties above and beyond the regular school hours to maintain records and data associated with the implementation of after-school tutoring of EL students exclusively in for Title III

Status In Progress 09/01/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Minerva Valenzuela

STRATEGY English Language Acquisition

All teachers working with English Language Learners will be provided with professional development and with data information in order to provide the highest level of instruction and best practices so as to have ELL students reclassified to English proficient.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP English Language Acquisition Supervisor

Responsibilities include assisting schools in the improvement and enhancement of ELL instruction through collaboration, coaching, professional development, and mentoring, The position is not administrative in that the individual in this position does not evaluate, hire, or supervise site personnel as that remains the duties of the site principals nor does the individual oversee finances or grant management as these are duties of the Grant Director/Finance Director. One (1) FTE from 2200 coding.

Status In Progress 09/21/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/03/2017 - 06/14/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Recruiting and retention

NUSD provides stipends for hard to recruit teachers in math science and special education in order to attract and retain effective teachers in these areas

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Hard to recruit stipends

New teachers in science math and special education are paid a $5,000 stipend spread over 3 years in an effort to recruit and retain teachers in these areas paid from District set aside Title 1.

Status In Progress 09/24/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Kathy Scott, Mayra Zuniga

STRATEGY Results-Based Funding

Two NUSD elementary schools, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and Robert M. Bracker, were selected for the Results-Based Funding. Coronado was awarded $204,118.80 and Bracker $94,921.60. It is proposed that 51% of each allocation be earmarked for salary payments for qualified staff at each site. The remaining 49% will be utilized for professional development and other supports designed to sustain and replicate the models currently in place at both sites.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Salary bonus

The portion of the Results-Based awards to Coronado and Bracker used for salary bonuses is reflective of a recruit-and-retain highly effective teachers.

Status In Progress 09/26/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/11/2017 - 05/25/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Results-Based Funding

ACTION STEP Professional development/mentoring

A portion of the Results-Based funding allocated to Coronado and Bracker Elementary Schools will be used for professional development and other supports designed to sustain and replicate the model(s) currently in place at both sites, to continue to obtain high levels of student achievement and enabling those sites to assist other sites to obtain similar levels of achievement.

Status In Progress 09/26/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 01/08/2018 - 05/25/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Addenda paid from District Title I set-aside to provide services for such programs as Galileo and Dibels.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Galileo and Dibels addenda

All elementary sites receive Title 1 set-aside funding to provide an addendum (two for NHS) for services related to Dibels testing and analysis of data and all sites receive an addendum (NHS two) for Galileo testing and analysis of data. These services provide valuable information to administrators and teachers to drive instructional services, modifications, and interventions. Also all sites (NHS 2) receive an addendum for a writing specialist to provide PD for all teachers

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

26 of 51

PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Evaluation

All Principals receive professional development and guidance in using evaluation tools to improve teacher effectiveness and delivery of instruction.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Learning Sciences International

Evaluation and instructional tool for principals to use to improve teacher effectiveness through evidence-based program.

Status In Progress 08/31/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Teachers and staff of a school in CSI status (Pierson Vocational HS for FY18 and FY19) will receive additional PD, support, and mentoring to reach their goals for improved academic achievement for all students.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP FY19 Enhanced support for CSI teachers

Teachers working at a school in CSI status will receive additional PD, support, and collaboration opportunities

Status In Progress 01/12/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 10/02/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Early Literacy Grant

Three elementary schools -- Lincoln Mitchell, and Welty -- received funding from the Early Literacy Grant based on their having a 90 percent or higher poverty rate. Each school developed its own plan for supplementary services including additional tutoring and/or professional development and/or additional supplementary supplies.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Early literacy expenditures

Lincoln, Welty, and Mitchell used their Early Literacy grant funding to purchase additional PD and supplemental supplies. Welty also used it to add before-school tutoring.

Status Completed 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 12/08/2017 - 05/25/2018

STRATEGY On-site professional development

From District set-aside #9, funds will be allocated to bring in experts to school sites to provide school-wide professional development geared to increasing teaching skills so as to improve academic mastery by all students.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Professional and technical services

Companies with proven track record of improving delivery of instruction, such as AKY Consulting and Empower, come to individual sites to provide extended PD (not one-shot approach) geared to the needs of that site. District set aside #9 PD.

Status In Progress 04/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Advanced Placement, International Baccalaueate

NHS offers both AP and IB courses. Teachers are provided PD opportunities, and programs monitored by Honors Coordinator at NHS.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Support for AP, IB

PD provided to AP/IB teachers, funded for honors-level programming open to all students.

Status In Progress 04/05/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW, FY19_TI-SW, Gifted

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Testing fee support

Rural and Low provides allocation for students in poverty who wish to take IB exams by covering all or part of the testing fees.

Status In Progress 04/05/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Intervention instruction

All elementary and middle schools, as well as PVHS offer interventions to help students who have not reached proficiency in ELA and math increase academic performance and to reach proficiency on AzMerit.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Providing interventions


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction

STRATEGY Intervention instruction

ACTION STEP Providing interventions

Students are provided interventions outside of regular classroom instruction that is geared to increase academic performance and/or to provide enrichment activities.

Status In Progress 05/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto


All students in K-2 receive gifted instruction through a push-in program called Pensaramos where a gifted teacher goes to their classroom and engages in evidence-based strategies to promote higher-order thinking skills. Students are tested starting in third grade (and offered testing in fourth and fifth) for the district pull-out gifted program where once a week the students meet at two elementary schools (if students are not in the host school they are bussed to the site) for gifted education. Students in 6-12 are offered honors-level programs and classes. As NHS, honors, IB, and AP classes are offered and opened to anyone who applies.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Pensaramos

K-3 push-in program for all students. Higher order thinking skills enhanced through evidence-based strategies.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/18/2017 - 05/25/2018

Tags Gifted

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

ACTION STEP Pull-out program for 3-5 grade


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 2 - Effective Teachers and Instruction


ACTION STEP Pull-out program for 3-5 grade

Students who qualify via gifted testing are in a pull-out program one day a week and receive instruction via a teacher for gifted students.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/18/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags Gifted

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

ACTION STEP Secondary gifted opportunies

6-8 grade students offered honors-level classes. 9-12 offered honors, AP, and IB. Also NHS offers honors level some elective offerings. All students eligible to take higher level offerings.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/08/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags Gifted

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 3 - Effective Organization of Time

Needs statement: NUSD comprehends that effective schools organize their time to support the academic success for all students using a variety of instructional strategies. There is a need at all sites and at the District level for administrators and staff to have sufficient time to engage in professional development, collaboration, and opportunities to interact with parents/family/community. FY19 All sites need to organize their time so as to be able to provide remediation and/or interventions as well as provide tutoring opportunities to all students with a focus on those students who have not reached proficiency in ELA and/or math. Desired Outcomes: All sites will have an effective schedule that allows for sufficient time for all aspects of instruction, collaboration, professional development, and parent/family community involvement. All elementary, middle schools, and PVHS will provide time in their schedules for targeted interventions.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Collaboration

Site administrators and teachers will collaborate on such activities as mapping curriculum, evaluation, using data to drive instruction, and other topics all share in common in order to develop efficient, non-repetitive strategies that in effect "reinvent the wheel", thus saving time and effort.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Effective organization

Through collaboration, sharing of successful strategies and programs, and working as a team within and across grade levels, all sites will develop an effective use of time and resources. There is no specific funding for this, but training funds in the District set-aside for events such as the Administrators' Seminar held in the summer allow for such interactions that in turn, lead to effective organization of time.

Status In Progress 09/01/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 06/15/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Minerva Valenzuela, Mayra Zuniga


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 3 - Effective Organization of Time

STRATEGY Transitions

NUSD ensures transitions from preschool to kindergarten, from fifth grade to middle school, and from eighth grade to high school through visitations and through parent meetings prior to the start of the new school year.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Kindergarten transition

Preschool students visit a kindergarten class, parents attend a meeting where tips are shared on preparing their child for kindergarten Funding comes from the SET ASIDE for parental engagement transferred to each site for sending out parent notifications and printing of parent training/information sheets. Kinder BOOST is held for FY18 on April 24, 2018 where incoming kinder students visit a kinder class at the school in which they are registered.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 02/26/2018 - 06/21/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Transition to algebra

Eighth grade students who are not proficient in math attend a 24-day summer session at Nogales High School funded by NHS Title 1 allocation for a class entitled Transition to Algebra where they are provided interventions that will help them be successful in Algebra 1 FY19: Funding moved from NHS Title 1 to District Title 1 set aside to better reflect the transitional nature of this activity from middle school to high school.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/29/2018 - 06/21/2019


Persons Responsible Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Transition to post-secondary


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 3 - Effective Organization of Time

STRATEGY Transitions

ACTION STEP Transition to post-secondary

NHS provides opportunities for seniors to complete the FAFSA, offers a college night to meet with representatives, and senior counselor provides guidance on scholarships and grants. Representatives from various colleges, universities, and technical institutions meet with small groups of students and are provided space in which to meet. During lunch periods various recruiters from the military set up booths where students can meet. NHS is also part of the Helios grant, and that pays three students ($500 each toward their tuition) to help peers with their FAFSA completion. NHS also hosts a career day where individuals form a wide variety of careers and government organizations set up booths and distribute information.

Status In Progress 02/14/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/08/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW, CTE, ELL, Homeless, Parent, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Freshmen orientation

NHS brings freshmen students to campus a day before school officially starts for an assembly-like event where various representatives of clubs and organizations address the students. Freshmen meet student officers and school administrators and also tour campus to practice finding their classes per their schedule so as to be familiar with the campus and personnel to jump start the first day of school.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/09/2017 - 08/03/2018

Tags TI-SW, ELL, Foster, Homeless, Parent, SPED

ACTION STEP Transition School to Work

Program for Special Needs students to prepare for life after leaving high school such as post-secondary opportunities or work experiences.

Status In Progress 09/19/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/09/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 3 - Effective Organization of Time

STRATEGY Transitions

ACTION STEP Transition School to Work


The Early Childhood Quality Improvement Practices (ECQUIP) committee meets at least four times a year. The membership includes District and site administrators, the exceptional preschool teacher, a kindergarten teacher, a paraprofessional, and representatives from social agencies such as Head Start, First Things First, Family Resource Center, and this year our Az State Rep. Rosanna Gabaldon. The overall purpose of the committee is to develop best practices to TRANSITION all students into kindergarten with basic skills already in place by ensuring high quality preschool or at home preparation that is the foundation of achievement once a child starts kindergarten. Funding from Title I from parent engagement Set Aside for publications, Xeroxing, materials to help parents work with children at home and with the schools.

Status In Progress 10/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Interventions

Elementary, middle schools, and PVHS will have time within their schedules to provide targeted interventions for students who have not as yet reached proficiency in ELA and math.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Interventions for increased instructional time

Schools will provide interventions based on data of assessment results to increase proficiency in ELA and/or math

Status In Progress 05/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 4 - Effective Curriculum

Need Statement: NUSD is dedicated to the use of effective curricula based on evidence-based resources used for teaching and learning aligned to Arizona standards in all content areas at every site. There is a need to continuously develop an effective curriculum which reflects a continuum of inclusive, equitable and challenging learning opportunities, high expectations for learning and access to a well-rounded education for all learners. FY19: All sites will analyze data and report card grades to modify and adjust curriculum delivery and mapping as per their CNA for FY19. Desired Outcomes: 1. All sites will have appropriate curriculum maps to follow that address all Arizona standards for all core subjects. 2. All sites will have professional development and early-release opportunities to allow for individual sites to work on developing effective curriculum and for personnel from various subject-areas and grade levels to work together to develop curriculum guides and maps that can be used at all sites. 3. All sites will intergrate technology into delivery of curriculum.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Curriculum planning

All sites will hold grade-level and/or subject area workshops in order to map/outline/develop curriculum guides that cover all subject areas. In addition, representatives from all sites and subject areas will work collaboratively to develop and plan curriculum guides that cover the Arizona standards for that grade and/or subject area.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Curriculum alignment

Individual sites will work collaboratively with grade-level/subject area personnel to develop curriculum alignments. All sites will send representatives to District curriculum mapping/alignment workshops and will in turn share the results with the appropriate staff at their individual sites. P.D. and supply money from District set-aside may be used for this purpose.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP CSI curriculum planning


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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36 of 51

PRINCIPLE 4 - Effective Curriculum

STRATEGY Curriculum planning

ACTION STEP CSI curriculum planning

With funding from the CSI Planning Grant, 10 teachers at Pierson Vocational High School will meet after the end of the regular school year for 10 days to align curriculum and to create curriculum maps that will enhance delivery of service to all alternative students. FY19: Plans are in the development stage to include this strategy in FY19 CSI Implementation grant.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/30/2018 - 06/12/2019

Tags CS, FY19_CS

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

STRATEGY Blended learning

All sites will utilize evidence-based blended learning programs such as Imagine Learning and Achieve3000 that integrate technology with direct teaching, individualized learning, and project-based demonstration of mastery of standards.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Technology devices

Sites purchase technology equipment such as rolling Chromebook labs in order to integrate technology into curriculum. Blended learning programs purchased through District set-asides listed in Other under supplies. P.D. aimed at training staff to most effectively utilize such programs and purchased technology funded from District set-aside under professional development.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, TI-SW, FY19_TI-SW, TI-SW, ELL, Foster, Homeless, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Online programs to individualize learning


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

37 of 51

PRINCIPLE 4 - Effective Curriculum

STRATEGY Blended learning

ACTION STEP Online programs to individualize learning

Achieve3000, Imagine Learning, Math Facts used to supplement direct teaching. Students are assessed and data used to inform instruction. Used during class and for extended-time activities. Students who lack proficiency in reading are especially supported through Imagine Learning which individualizes reading mastery.

Status In Progress 04/05/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Kathy Scott


NUSD will establish an Arizona Online Instruction school, which is separate from all other campuses, but which most benefits those students who are lacking in credits to be able to graduate in four years, as it offers the opportunity to complete coursework online outside of the regular school day. This is particularly helpful for students at Pierson Vocational High School but can apply to any student.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP FY19 Credit recovery/advancement

By taking coursework offered by NUSD's AOI, which has been approved by ADE, students, particularly those who may not graduate in four years due to insufficient credits, are able to work at their own pace to complete coursework through an online program. This is particularly of a benefit to students at Pierson Vocational High School due to its large percentage of students who lack sufficient credits to graduate in four or even five years. Funding is NOT from the CSI grant but the program aligns with the CSI grant goals, especially for increasing graduation rates.

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/08/2018 - 06/28/2019

Tags FY19_CS, CSI, CTE, ELL, Foster, Gifted, Homeless, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 4 - Effective Curriculum

STRATEGY Data analysis

All sites will continuously analyze their data and their state Report Card letter to modify and adjust delivery of curriculum

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Using data to drive instruction

Based on benchmark and summary assessments, each site will modify delivery of curriculum

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto

STRATEGY Evaluation of CNA/IAP

Each site will evaluate the needs and desired outcomes, along with the strategies and action steps, of its CNA and IAP throughout the year and modify and adjust each as needed.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP CNA/IAP evaluation - assessments

Each site will evaluate and assess its CNA and IAP throughout the year to gage progress and to modify and adjust as needed

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/11/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

39 of 51

PRINCIPLE 5 - Conditions, Climate, and Culture

Needs Statement: NUSD is committed to establishing a positive and welcoming culture and inclusive climate at the District level and at each individual site which celebrates racial, ethnic, linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity in a safe environment that reflects tolerance for all. NUSD recognizes that there is a need to constantly engage all stakeholders in establishing a desired culture and climate, which while a strength of the sites and the District as a whole, can always be enhanced. Desired Outcomes: 1. The District and each individual site will reflect the culture of the community. 2. All stakeholders will contribute to establishing a positive and inclusive culture and climate. 3. The District and each individual site will embrace and celebrate racial, ethnic, linguistic, academic, and cultural diversity. 4. The District will promote kindness and anti-bullying programs, strategies

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Wellness plans

All sites maintain a wellness plan that covers nutrition and physical activities

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Publishing of wellness policy

Each site and the district shares its wellness plans and policies with all stakeholders and present before governing board

Status In Progress 09/25/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/09/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-SW, Parent

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

40 of 51

PRINCIPLE 5 - Conditions, Climate, and Culture

STRATEGY Sharing school events, successes, programs

One way to increase the positive climate and culture of the District and each site is to share with the media and on District and site webpages positive stories, explanations of programs designed to increase student achievement, awards, recognitions, and any and all events -- through stories and pictures -- that honor the many positive accomplishments within the District and individual school sites. Although there is no Title 1 set aside funding specific to this purpose, funding is incorporated in the salary of the Title 1/Grants Director's salary as she contributes features, pictures, and articles to various media outlets and to the District webpage in order to enhance the overall climate and culture of the District and individual sites.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Building climate and culture through media/webpage

The Title 1/Grants Director will share with the media and the District's webpage positive events, accomplishments, awards, recognitions, as well as documents seeking parent/family/community input and in this way, by sharing the positive news and events, the overall climate and culture of the District and of individual sites is enhanced. Set aside Administration salary.

Status In Progress 09/25/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/01/2017 - 06/28/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, FY19_CS, TI-SW, CTE, ELL, Foster, Gifted, Homeless, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Publications and Media

The Title I/Grants Director is the liaison with media, including television and print, to publish news features, pictures, and information on such items as participating in IAP and surveys

Status Not Begun 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 06/01/2017 - 06/28/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, TI-SW, ELL, Foster, Homeless, Parent, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 5 - Conditions, Climate, and Culture

STRATEGY Kindness and anti-bullying programs

The District sponsors programs such as Character Counts and Rachael's Challenge to promote kindness and Anti-bullying.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Rachael's Challenge

Program for students to promote kindness and anti-bullying

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/01/2018 - 05/11/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

Needs Statement: NUSD is fully committed to engaging parents/family/community in a reciprocal partnership to foster children's development and learning. As a District and at the individual site level, the parent/family/community engagement is often praised in surveys, but there is always the need for enhanced collaboration and increased numbers of participants in meetings/activities/conferences as is evident through the CNA's of various sites. Based on site CNA's there is a need at sites that are not in reward status to engage parents as partners in promoting academic achievement. Desired Outcomes: 1. Parents/family/community will work in partnership with the District and individual sites to enhance academic achievement for all students. 2. The District and individual sites will provide opportunities for parents/family/community to learn about and to contribute to strategies and programs that improve academic, social, emotional, and mental conditions so as to promote success for all. 3. The District and individual sites will engage in various events that lead to the betterment of the parent/family/community so as to, in turn, positively impact the academic success for all students. 4. The District will engage in public relations with various media outlets so as to promote, inform, and celebrate District and site events, programs, policies, and personnel, as well as to inform on student achievement and to provide parenting tips. 5. The District will work with community partners and social agencies to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of all students 6. Parents/family/community members will be informed of their rights as per McKinney Vento mandates for services for homeless students

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Goal Guidance and Resources Available


STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

Parents/family/community engagement translates into inviting not only attendance but also actual input of all stakeholders in the planning, development, and implementation of programs/plans/strategies with the overarching goal of academic, social, emotional, and mental health for all students including EL, Special Needs, Homeless, Foster, and those in poverty so as to close the achievement gap among these students and with typical peers.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP EL parent/family/community engagement


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP EL parent/family/community engagement

Individual sites will hold parent/family/community activities that engage these stakeholders in programs, events, learning opportunities, and interactive opportunities so as to have these stakeholders partner with the schools in improving EL mastery. Note: These events/activities are not those associated with informing parents/family about the EL program or about individual student scores but rather enhancements that help parents/family/community better skilled and prepared to help EL students and to support efforts by the individual schools to reach the goal of transitioning from EL programs to full English fluency. Note: All funding expended for the sole and exclusive use for activities for EL parents/family.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/17/2019

Tags FY19_TIII, Title-III

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Kathy Scott, Minerva Valenzuela

ACTION STEP Parent/Family/Community Information/Resources

Funding for mailing, creation of letters, flyers/posters/brochures containing general information, parenting tips, covering Title 1 mandates, and outlining rights such as Title 1 participation and rights of parents to know certifications of teachers. Funded through the portion of parent engagement set-aside for District use.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP Parent Engagement Coordinators


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP Parent Engagement Coordinators

Each site has an addendum ($1,200) for a Parent Engagement Coordinator who is responsible for working with that site's administrator and leadership team to inform, engage, and work with parents/family/community. The addendum is funded from the District set-aside for parent/family/community engagement.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Parent/family/community supplies

Funding to each site and the District from District set-aside to purchase supplies and materials needed to inform, engage, and instruct parents/family/community. Portion allocated to each site based on amount set aside for this purpose from available funding divided by the number of students in poverty at a particular site to establish per pupil amount. Note: Many sites that have disposable Title I funding beyond that provided by the District enhance their available funding through a separate allocation from their site Title 1 funding.

Status In Progress 09/05/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, TI-SW, ELL, Foster, Homeless, Parent

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Jump Back to School


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP Jump Back to School

Held the second Saturday in July, approximately 35 outside agencies, medical personnel, social organizations, businesses, and city and county entities join NUSD to help up to 800 elementary students in poverty prepare to "jump" into school fully equipped to succeed. The students start out collecting a backpack that is filled to the brim through the contributions of the organizations that are each provided a station through which the students pass to collect the supplies and information (even a fluoride treatment) before coming to the Title 1 booth where the very-popular box of colored pencils as well as a flyer with Title 1 information are handed out. The booth displays information on Title 1 rights/McKinney Vento/Foster Care. The students then proceed to tables where NUSD provides a school uniform before they collect a sack lunch provided by the District's food service organization. District set aside from student supplies/McKinney Vento is used along with outside grants/donations.

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/14/2018 - 07/19/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP District leadership engagement in school/community

District leaders volunteer for a wide variety of school/community events to represent NUSD as parent/family/community partners. These include such events as judging at science nights/ the Santa Cruz County fair/art shows/and other similar events. Also, participating as a District team in such fund raisers as Relay for Life and the Alzheimer's Walk. District representatives attend city and county meetings as well as community meetings such as the Birth to Five Collation. District representatives are also active in state organizations such as AASBO, SASBO (Southern Arizona School Business Officials), and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. No funding required.

Status In Progress 09/11/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/01/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Adelmo Sandoval, Kathy Scott, Minerva Valenzuela, Mayra Zuniga

ACTION STEP Public relations through media


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP Public relations through media

The Title 1/Grants Director will create articles, features, informational brochures, and editorial columns that highlight District and school site happens, programs, honored personnel, and academic achievements. In addition, articles asking for parent/family/community input on policies and programs will be published in the local media -- with whom the District has an excellent relationship -- in order to inform as well as solicit feedback from all stakeholders. Since communicating/collaborating/and surveying stakeholders is a mandate of Title 1, these duties have been assigned to the Title 1 Director as part of her duties and are funded as part of the District Set-Aside for administrative expenses.

Status In Progress 09/12/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/02/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


The District maintains a website where information on programs, personnel, policies, and all other District-related events are posted. Whenever a policy is created in addition to posting hard copies at various sites, a copy is posted electronically on the District website. Individual schools also maintain a website, and this information is also posted on their websites. While this does incur costs, no direct Title 1 funding is devoted to the website. However, since posting policies and mandates of Title 1 is the responsibility of the Title 1/Grants Director, a small portion of her salary from District Set-aside could reasonably be attributed to administration responsibilities for doing so.

Status In Progress 09/12/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 07/03/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Alex Lopez, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Senior Project


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP Senior Project

NHS require the completion of the Senior Project as a condition of graduation. This project consists of a student selecting a topic, writing a research paper on that topic -- which is graded by graduate students at the University of Arizona -- creating a portfolio of various communications, documents, and evidence, completing 20 hours with a community mentor for the project and an additional five hours of community service, and presenting a speech complete with some integration of technology or items representing the project before a panel of judges consisting of educators and community members, as well as representatives of various governmental organizations. The community is actively involved in that the mentors/sponsors/outreach organizations come from the community and the speeches are judged, in part, by community members. Having the research papers graded by UofA graduate students is also a community outreach as it connects NHS with the UofA in a way few high schools enjoy.

Status In Progress 09/12/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/14/2017 - 04/26/2019


Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Safe and secure community

Through the School Safety Program grant, SRO's present information on law-related education topics to the parents/family/community during meetings and assemblies that highlight information that will help stakeholders be full partners in addressing issues such as bullying, misuse of social media, substance abuse, underage drinking, how juvenile crime statistics, and other topics to enhance a safe and secure community.

Status In Progress 09/25/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/28/2019

Tags TI-SW, ELL, Foster, Homeless, Parent, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

ACTION STEP Birth-to-Five Coalition


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Parent/family/community engagement

ACTION STEP Birth-to-Five Coalition

The Student Services Director and the Title 1/Grants Director have joined the Birth-to-Five Coalition which brings together representatives from numerous social agencies, local businesses, and community groups, as well as educational organizations to develop programs for families with children in the birth-to-five age group to prepare them for success in kindergarten. No funding required but tied directly to Title 1 and to transition activities

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 06/28/2019


Persons Responsible Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Mariachi cultural exposure

NUSD has been fortunate to have won a prestigious National Endowment of the Arts grant three years in a row (the only high school in Arizona to be so awarded) to fund its Mariachi program. A total of $110,000 has been allocated and used to purchase instruments, uniforms, supplies, and to fund travel and training, as well as to compete in competitions both in and outside Arizona. While this may be the last year of funding, the instruments and training received will have a long-term impact. The Mariachi Apaches perform at numerous community events in addition to school activities, and in this way promote the very unique Ambos Nogales culture through a much-beloved arts program.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Mariachi culture and arts


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

Generated by ALEAT | May 7, 2018 2:20 PM

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Mariachi cultural exposure

ACTION STEP Mariachi culture and arts

The Mariachi Apache musical group is a mainstay at almost all community events including those hosted by local businesses, governmental organizations, and social organizations. The group has won state and national honors in competitions, thus endearing the Nogales culture and climate beyond the District's boundaries. In order to participate in Mariachi Apache, students must be grade eligible and therefore many take advantage of Title One offers such as tutoring and using Title One supplies and technology to advance their academic skills. The grant allows for students learning mariachi music skills, including those in middle school, to be involved in a summer camp, thus helping in their transition to high school

Status In Progress 09/21/2017

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 06/02/2017 - 05/25/2018

Tags TI-SW

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY Kindness and anti-bullying program

Parents/family/community participate in the kindness, character-counts, and anti-bullying programs.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Rachael's Challenge

parent/family/community presentation by Rachael's Challenge, an organization founded after the Columbine shootings to promote kindness and anti-bullying strategies

Status In Progress 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 05/01/2018 - 05/11/2018


Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Not implemented

Not implemented

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Students-in-Need Coordinator

Coordinator collaborates with community partners and social agencies to meet needs of all students Not funded.

Status Not Begun 04/03/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/25/2018


Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott

STRATEGY McKinney Vento

Posters and information on the rights of homeless students will be posted at all school sites and in public and social agencies such as the library and shelters so that parents/students/community members are aware of their rights under McKinney Vento

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP McKinney Vento posting of information

Parents/students/community members informed of their rights if homeless via postings.

Status In Progress 05/04/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/04/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, Homeless

Persons Responsible Fernando Parra, Kathy Scott


Nogales Unified District - 120201000

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PRINCIPLE 6 - Family and Community Engagement

STRATEGY Evaluation of parent/family/community

Each site will distribute surveys, including the Title 1 survey, to gauge parent/family/community satisfaction with programs and to evaluate the overall satisfaction of parent/family/community.

Filing Cabinet Count 0

ACTION STEP Title 1 and other surveys

All sties will complete the Title 1 parent/family/community survey as well as other surveys to gather opinions and insights from stakeholders

Status In Progress 05/07/2018

Filing Cabinet Count 0

Start-End Dates 08/11/2017 - 05/24/2019

Tags TI-LEA, FY19TI-LEA, TI-SW, AP, ELL, Foster, Gifted, Homeless, Parent, SPED

Persons Responsible Angelina Canto, Kathy Scott


Budgeted $0.00

Actual $0.00
