Principal’s Pen - New Covenant Christian School · 2015. 2. 26. · God is adding to our numbers!...


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February 27, 2014

G R A M M A R S C H O O L - 4 4 3 - 5 1 2 - 0 7 7 1 U P P E R S C H O O L - 4 1 0 - 4 2 0 - 7 7 2 7

Principal’s Pen

Yes, it is beautiful when it falls from the sky on a peaceful weekend

morning, but,...not so much at 4:30AM on a school day!

Parents, I want you to know how seriously I take cancelling or delay-

ing school! When the weatherman (or Foote’s Forecast) is calling for

snow, I set my alarm for 4:30AM and turn on the TV (usually, channel

11.) I watch and listen. I check the extended forecast to see how

long the “event” is likely to last. I do use Harford County Schools as

a big indicator since they have “eyes and ears everywhere in our

county.” Sometimes, their decision is based on bus travel. Then, I

have to reevaluate. Since our kids do not walk or have to wait on bus

stops, cold will not likely factor into my decision. Ice, however, does.

We have families coming from Cecil County and from Jarrettsville. If

it would be dangerous for them to drive, I have to consider that. Our

parking lots are plowed and salted according to the Harford County

School’s decision (if Harford is closed, we will get plowed after other

businesses and individuals). Yesterday we had a bus trip scheduled

for our entire Upper School. The bus company has even more re-

sources at their disposal than I do. Their insurance company will not

let them drive if it will be dangerous. The first call yesterday was a

delay, since the forecast called for the “event” to be over around 10

and the busses were willing to go. Once Baltimore City and Harford

closed, our window of opportunity closed too.

When my husband looked outside at noon and said “I don’t even have

to shovel since it is all clear,” I was pretty frustrated. Should I have

had school anyway? It is very difficult to call. Please understand, I

never want to put our students and families in danger so will almost

always err on the side of caution.

Several of you have asked about “make up days.” Since we are

not mandated by the state for number of days, we can handle this

dilemma as we see fit. I thought of taking days from the Easter Holi-

day but both staff and students have already made plans. Would it

be good to have substitute teachers for several classes? They are

wonderful but, that defeats the purpose. For now, the only “make

up” we will have will be a full day on March 20th (instead of a

half day). Our teachers and our students work hard. We will ac-

complish what we need to for this school year. Please do your best to

have your child in school every day. Do not make appointments that

will take him from school. Understand and support us if there is a

little more homework. We can get through this together and look

forward to a beautiful spring!!!

Who has spirit? We do!!! Who has fun

when our whole school is together? New Cove-

nant Christian School!

The cars started arriving on Friday, February

13th at around 1:15. Several of our seniors

had come to help set up the music (thanks

Abby, Alex, Erin and Hannah). Cars filled with

Upper School students were parked and

unloaded by 1:40...the gym was full with stu-

dents from grades one through twelve. Let the

cheers begin!!! Every grade presented a cheer

beginning with our youngest. We cheered for

our safety patrol (and anyone who had been a

NCCS safety), the chess club, our basketball,

volleyball and soccer teams, our band...lots of

things worth cheering about. The teachers

even did a “flash mob” and the Cupid Shuffle.

The entire school joined in. So much fun!

Please look at the pictures on the next page

and take the time to enjoy a video put together

by Gosia Studnicki (attached). I am hoping to

get it on our Facebook Page too.

Let’s do it again next year!

We are blessed beyond measure!

Our school earned $738 at Chi-

potle on Tuesday this week. Many

thanks for your support.

We just received another check from Box Tops.

According to their records, our little school is

ranked 147th out of 591 schools in the area for

money earned. That’s pretty good since we are

so much smaller. Can we do even better?

Grammar School Parents– Can we share our

blessings? Our chapel collection has gone down

drastically. Remember, offering from Chapel

supports the Baalah School in Kenya. They

need our prayers and our financial support.

Pastor Barker tells NCCS students about the

school every week. Ask your child for info.

March 6– March 8th– Missions Conference at New Covenant Presbyterian

(Christ, Church, Word Centered Ministry)

Thursday, March 5th– 11:00– Missionary family (Mark Mylin) speaks to

Upper School students in Chapel. All invited. Lunch will be served to stu-

dents by NCPC Mission Committee at 11:30. Upper School students do not

need to bring a lunch this day.

March 6th– SCHOOL CLOSED FOR STUDENTS– Staff Development

March 12th– National Latin Exam– grades 5-9.

March 19 and 20th– Preschool Conferences

March 19th– EVENING FOR THE ARTS– at Waters Edge in Belcamp– 6:00-

9:00PM. Modest fee to be paid at door. All are expected to dress up.

There will be entertainment all evening provided by NCCS students. Art

work will be on display from students in grades K through 9 and Art I and

II student work. Invite your family and friends. Come and be amazed!

Looking Ahead

Saturday, April 11– Talent Show and Lions Den– See attached flyer. The

entire school’s student population is invited to share talents and gifts.

Luther House is hosting. There will also be a silent auction. See attached

flyers. Talent must be approved ahead of time.

Next Open House– Tuesday, April 14th– tell your friends and neighbors.

April 24th– Grammar School– Race for Education. Line up your donors


April 25th– PTF sponsored Yard Sale at LCGS- reserve your spaces now.

See attached flyer.

Chick Fil A coupons will be sent home next Monday

(March 2nd). Be sure to thank Ginny MacAnespie when

you see her. This is an important ministry that has

blessed our school and children from many countries.

Please continue to pray for Jay O'Neill (Ben– 5th, Drew– 8th) and

his family as the doctors progress with Jay's treatment. The next

month could be very difficult. Pray that God gives the family the

grace and strength they will need and that the results of the treat-

ment are successful. Lena will do her best to arrange the treat-

ment schedule so that it does not affect her Preschool responsibili-


God is adding to our numbers! Pray for the new families who will

be joining the NCCS family. We want their transition to be joyful

and we want God to be honored in all of our decisions.

Please continue to keep Macey Brietenback in your

prayers. She has been in increasingly more pain which is becoming difficult to manage. Please pray for her spirit as she is becoming very discouraged and weary. Mickey, Tim and Lilly need your prayers as well that God would sustain them and give them literally the minute-by-minute strength they need to care for Macey. MIckey and Tim will have some serious decisions concerning Macey's care and they need God's wisdom and direction in a very real way. Pray also for the physician's who are caring for Macey. They truly need vision and direction from God.

Our third grade class might be small but it is extremely


What a fantastic job they did with the February Flip. It seemed

as if every seat was filled when we were there! The food was

great and the chefs and servers were fantastic. Thank you for

your service– third grade parents!

4 PM Preschool class visited Richardsons florist.


Fifth Grade

First Grade

Athanasius House

Augustine House
