Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School losures W/ · In 1889, Vincent van Gogh created...


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Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Reading-L.I: To use strategies while and after reading to develop and demonstrate understanding of a text.

On your class TEAMS page, click the ‘files’ tab. Then go into the Iron Man folder and go to the Chapter 3 file. Read Chapter 3 (NOT BEYOND Chapter 3, as future tasks may rely on you NOT reading ahead). After you have read the chapter, use the task map to guide your study of the chapter. Complete as many of the tasks as you can. After you have finished a task you can check the ‘Possible Answers’ in the Iron Man Chapter 3 folder in TEAMS.

Writing-L.I: To understand the features of a procedure.

See if you can find examples of a procedure (instructions) around your house. It could be a recipe, instructions for a house appliance, instructions for a board game etc (we’ve included a set of images of some we found). Have a look at them and note down any common features (things that you see a few times). After that, check the list of procedure features provided and see if you had noticed any of them. Read the guidelines about how to write a procedure and look at the example. Look at the mind map that has been created for the Internet Hub.

Now create a mind map for either the Muffin recipe or The Game instructions (or both),

concentrating on the features of a procedure.

Now create a mind map for a procedure you have found in your own house or on the internet.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Spelling-L.I: To know and apply spelling rules for prefixes. To know meanings of different prefixes. You can change the meaning of a root word by adding letters before or after it. The letters you add on are called affixes. There are two kinds of affixes: prefixes and suffixes. A root word is the basic word from which other words are formed – enjoyment. This week’s list is based on different prefixes. Prefixes are added to the start of the word. Can you work out some rules that apply to the list?

Can you work out or find out the meaning of each prefix?

• Go through the spelling activities on TEAMS for each word.

For further practice, use the spelling activities on the P6 class page (About Us section of the school website). Remember to think about the spelling rules that apply when carrying out the activities. Can you think of more words that fit each pattern? Can you find any words that don’t obey the rules? How many new words can you make by adding suffixes to the list words? Did you have to change the list word in order to add a suffix?

Spelling Words

misspell dissolve illegal alright aeroplane

already aerobics antenatal anticlockwise antechamber dishonest welfare welcome disbelief antiseptic Spelling Rules

The spelling of the rest of the word does not change when you add a prefix to it. This is true even when the last letter of the prefix and the first letter of the word are the same. There are exceptions to this rule. Suffix meanings: Aero – air Ante – before Anti – against Dis – not;apart

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Talking and Listening-L.I- I am learning to express my thoughts and opinions

What does it mean?

Some poems need to be talked about with others before their meaning becomes clear. Find someone at

home to talk to about this poem. Look at each verse separately after you have read the poem right

through, then discuss what you think the poem is about.

My History

1.When you look inside 4. When you look inside

my hand my head

you see cupboards and carvings you see a tangle of thoughts

and great walls; like knotted wool

you see the script of ages. and a few strands of poetry.

2.When you look inside 5. When you look inside

my feet my soul

you see tribes and travellers you see a space without clocks

wandering continents; and a tiny star;

you see the athlete pounding dust. you see a mystery.

3.When you look inside RICHARD BROWN

my head

you see photos of the loved

and the forgotten;

a sea-ebb of aches and delights.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Numeracy and Maths-


Check your maths set’s section on the school website for this week’s tasks. **************************************

Keep up your mental maths practise.

You can try the assessment on TEAMS that is at the correct level for you. We will provide the answers for you next Monday.

Modern Languages-L.I: M - To speak about what you like to do, in Mandarin F - To ask for and give directions to different places in town

Try to go over your Mandarin and French conversations (on TEAMS). French: Try to go through the new presentation about places and directions (on TEAMS). Mandarin: Ask the question - ‘What do you like to do?’ Answer - ‘I like to ....’ What do you like to do?


Nǐ xǐhuān zuò shénme? - (nee – shee-whan - z-w-O – shin-mi (as in murder)

I like to…


Wǒ xǐhuān… - (Woa – shee-whan…

Play football – 踢足球 - Tī zúqiú (tee – zoo – ch-ee-oo)

Play rugby – 玩橄榄球 - Wán gǎnlǎnqiú (wan – gan – lan – ch-ee-oo)

Run – 长跑 - Chángpǎo (chang – p-ou (as in ouch!))

Draw – 画画 - Huà huà (h-wa – h-wa)

Read – 看书 - Kànshū (can – shoo)

Use computers - 使用电脑 - Shǐyòng diànnǎo (shi (as in ship) yong – d-ee-N – n-ou(as in ouch!))

Play video games – 玩电玩- Wán diànwán (wan – d-ee-N – wan)

Swim - 游泳 - Yóuyǒng (y-O – yong)

Just ask if you would like something not listed here.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Health and Wellbeing-L.I- I can ask people if they are okay and show I care by really listening R U OK?

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, you may have seen or heard some of the many programmes that were broadcast. Watch the video below:

It is important for us all to be able to recognise if someone is going through a tough time. Noticing this,

means that we can reach out and show them they’re supported and encourage them to get help sooner. A

national survey, in 2019, found that 41% of young people hadn’t asked someone if they were OK because

they weren’t sure they knew the signs.

This week we’d like you to think about what these signs could be, the signs you would see if someone was

not OK. Write down 3 headings:




Try and write as many things as you can under each of the headings that might alert you to the fact that

something is not right, that someone is going through a tough time. For example, someone might lose

interest in doing what they have always loved, saying, “I hate football now!” They might stop going out

with friends as much and do more things alone. Finally, you may know that they are worried about a

grandparent who has been sick. Again, it would be useful if you could speak with your trusted adult and

share ideas.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Social Studies- L.I I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important,

placing them within a historical sequence and can consider the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of transport, discussing impact on the environment.

Development of transport in the Victorian era

At the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign, horse-drawn carriages were the main mode of transportation.

However, there were huge changes ahead. Watch the video showing the development of transport during

the Victorian era:

*List the 4 different types of Victorian transport in the clip and write down the impact(effect) each of these

had for the people at the time

*Investigate what further changes in transport there has been in the 20th/21st century and what impact

these changes have had on our lives, both good and bad.

Below is one useful site to help with your ideas:

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Expressive Art (Drama/Music/Art)-L.I. - I am learning to create images which show developing skill in using the visual elements (line, colour, shape, texture...) Starry Night

In 1889, Vincent van Gogh created one of the most famous paintings in history when he painted Starry

Night, its vibrant colour scheme, swirly twirling stars and short brush strokes all come together to make it

a true masterpiece. This week we’d like you to create your own picture, night or day, of a landscape in this style using similar

techniques for the sky. You could use paints, pastels, crayons or pencils.

The 2 videos below will allow you to study his art in more detail before you try your own artwork.

Listen to a discussion about the painting first:

Watch the video of the animated Starry night which lets you see the short brush strokes and swirl effects

more clearly:

RME/Science/Technology- L.I to evaluate the use of plastic packaging. Please follow the following link below and scroll down to Activity 5 – Waste Not Want Not. (this is the Dundee Science Centre website – Home Learning section) Read through the information and find out what the Courtauld Commitment is. You do not need to

do the plastic bag investigation but focus on the food packaging section. This could be helpful when you

start to think about product design in your enterprise groups and making your product sustainable. Try the egg challenge if you want but don’t waste too many eggs!! The STEM challenge this week is Lego Maze. Design a Lego maze for a marble (or a small rolled up bit of foil). You could design some obstacles

in the maze for the marble to go through. Be as creative as you like. Ask someone else in your household

to try it out. Here is an example.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


A Message from my Teacher Dear primary 6,

Hope you had fun this weekend and you are all good. 😊 On Thursday, as you probably know, we are going to start moving out of lockdown and see some of the restrictions gradually lifted. This is very positive. One of the lovely things we’ll be able to do, is to meet up (although still at a distance) with other people from different households in an outdoor space. This will be a welcome change for many of us, and I hope this means you can see some people you have been missing. In the meantime, have a good week, everyone. As always, do what you can from the grid, there is no pressure to do everything and remember to get in touch if you need more support.

Take care, Ms Hart and Mr Sweet 😊

Send photos of your work and successes to to be loaded

onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning Journal

Daily tasks:

Read for at least 15 minutes

Practice your times tables

Take some daily exercise- Check out Joe Wicks Body Coach for kids at

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



What’s to be Done With the Iron Man? So the Spring came round the following year, leaves unfurled from the buds,

daffodils spread up from the soil, and everywhere the grass shook new green points.

The round hill over the Iron Man was covered with new grass. Before the end of the

summer, sheep were grazing on the fine grass on the lovely hillock. People who had

never heard of the Iron Man saw the green hill as they drove past on their way to the

sea, and they said: “What a lovely hill! What a perfect place for a picnic!”

So people began to picnic on top of the hill. Soon, quite a path was worn up

there, by people climbing to eat their sandwiches and take snaps of each other.

One day, a father, a mother, a little boy and a little girl stopped their car and

climbed the hill for a picnic. They had never heard of the Iron Man and they thought

the hill had been there for ever.

They spread a tablecloth on the grass. They set down the plate of sandwiches,

a big pie, a roasted chicken, a bottle of milk, a bowl of tomatoes, a bagful of boiled

eggs, a dish of butter and a loaf of bread, with cheese and salt and cups. The father got

his stove going to boil some water for tea, and they all lay back on rugs munching

food and waiting for the kettle to boil, under the blue sky.

Suddenly the father said: “That’s funny!”

“What is?” asked the mother.

“I felt the ground shake,” the father said. “Here, right beneath us.”

“Probably an earthquake in Japan,” said the mother.

“An earthquake in Japan?” cried the little boy. “How could that be?”

So the father began to explain how an earthquake in a far distant country, that

shakes down buildings and empties lakes, sends a jolt right around the earth. People

far away in other countries feel it as nothing more than a slight trembling of the

ground. An earthquake that knocks a city flat in South America, might do no more

than shake a picture off a wall in Poland. But as the father was talking, the mother

gave a little gasp, then a yelp.

“The chicken!” she cried. “The cheese! The tomatoes!”

Everybody sat up. The tablecloth was sagging in the middle. As they watched

the sag got deeper and all the food fell into it, dragging the tablecloth right down into

the ground. The ground underneath was splitting and the tablecloth, as they watched,

slowly folded and disappeared into the crack, and they were left staring at a jagged

back crack in the ground. The crack grew, it widened, it lengthened, it ran between

them. The mother and the girl were on one side and the father and the boy were on the

other side. The little stove toppled into the growing crack with a clatter and the kettle


They could not believe their eyes. They stared at the widening crack. Then, as

they watched, an enormous iron hand came up through the crack, groping around in

the air, feeling over the grass on either side of the crack. It nearly touched the little

boy, and he rolled over backwards. The mother screamed. “Run to the car,” – shouted

the father. They all ran. They jumped into the car. They drove. They did not look


So they did not see the great iron head, square like a bedroom, with red glaring

headlamp eyes, and with the tablecloth, still with the chicken and the cheese, draped

across the top of it, rising out of the top of the hillock, as the Iron Man freed himself

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


from the pit.

When the farmers realized that the Iron Man had freed himself they groaned.

What could they do now? They decided to call the Army, who could pound him to

bits with anti-tank guns. But Hogarth had another idea. At first, the farmers would not

hear of it, least of all his own father. But at last they agreed. Yes, they would give

Hogarth’s idea a trial. And if it failed, they would call in the Army.

After spending a night and a day eating all the barbed wire for miles around,

as well as hinges he tore off gates and the tin cans he found in ditches, and three new

tractors and two cars and a lorry, the Iron Man was resting in a clump of elm trees.

There he stood, leaning among the huge branches, almost hidden by the dense leaves,

his eyes glowing a soft blue.

The farmers came near, along a lane, in cars so that they could make a quick

getaway in things went wrong. They stopped fifty yards from the clump of elm trees.

He really was a monster. This was the first time most of them had had a good look at

him. His chest was as big as a cattle truck. His arms were like cranes, and he was

getting rusty, probably from eating all the old barbed wire.

Now Hogarth walked up towards the Iron Man.

“Hello,” he shouted, and stopped. “Hello, Mr Iron Man.”

The Iron Man made no move. His eyes did not change.

Then Hogarth picked up a rusty old horseshoe, and knocked it against a stone:

Clonk, Clonk, Clonk!

At once, the Iron Man’s eyes turned darker blue. Then purple. Then red. And

finally, white, like a car headlamps. It was the only sign he gave of having heard.

“Mr Iron Man,” shouted Hogarth. “We’ve got all the iron you want, all the

food you want, and you can have it for nothing, if only you’ll stop eating up the


The Iron Man stood up strait. Slowly he turned, till he was looking directly at


“We’re sorry we trapped you and buried you,” shouted the little boy. “We

promise we’ll not deceive you again. Follow us and you can have all the metal you

want. Brass too. Aluminium too. And lots of old chrome. Follow us.”

The Iron Man pushed aside the boughs and came into the lane. Hogarth joined

the farmers. Slowly they drove back down the lane, and slowly, with all his cogs

humming, the Iron Man stepped after them.

They led through the villages. Half the people came out to stare, half ran to

shut themselves inside bedrooms and kitchens. Nobody could believe their eyes when

they saw the Iron Man marching behind the farmers.

At last they came to the town, and there was a great scrap-metal yard.

Everything was there, old cars by the hundred, old trucks, old railway engines, old

stoves, old refrigirators, old springs, bedsteads, bicycles, girders, gates, pans – all the

scrap iron of the region was piled up there, rusting away.

“There,” cried Hogarth. “Eat all you can.”

The Iron Man gazed, and his eyes turned red. He kneeled down in the yard, he

stretched out on one elbow. He picked up a greasy black stove and chewed it like a

toffee. There were delicious crumbs of chrome on it. He followed that with a doubledecker

bedstead and the brass knobs made his eyes crackle with joy. Never before had

the Iron Man eaten such delicacies. As he lay there, a big truck turned into the yard

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


and unloaded a pile of rusty chain. The Iron Man lifted a handful and let it dangle into

his mouth – better than any spaghetti.

So there they left him. It was an Iron Man’s heaven. The farmers went back to

their farms. Hogarth visited the Iron Man every few days. Now the Iron Man’s eyes

were constantly a happy blue. He was no longer rusty. His body gleamed blue, like e

new gun barrel. And he ate, ate, ate, ate – endlessly.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Iron Man Chapter 3 possible answers

In this chapter, what language devices can you find:

A simile – square like a bedroom.

Onomatopoeia - clonk


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What do you think about the verbs used?

Specially chosen to be very descriptive – ‘unfurled’ ‘speared’ ‘shook’.

List the adjectives used.

Green, round, new, fine, lovely, green, lovely, perfect – repetition of green and lovely, everything helps give a

very pleasant picture of Spring.

What do you think the purpose of this paragraph is?

Setting the scene for the next stage of the story.

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What good Openers can you find in this chapter?

Make lists of different types of Openers used.

Time Connective Adverb Time Connective

Before Suddenly One day As

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1) Why was the Iron Man getting rusty?

‘probably from eating all the old barbed wire’

2) Can you think of something similar in your life?

Eating junk food/unhealthy food harms people’s bodies?

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Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Work out the meanings of the following words:

Pound - to hit or beat repeatedly with a lot of force

dense – thick

deceive – trick/cheat

chrome – a kind of metal

boughs - branches

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1) How do we know the Iron Man could hear Hogarth?

We know the Iron Man has heard Hogarth because his eyes change colour.

2) Why did the farmers decide not to call the army?

The farmers decide not to call the army as they agree to give Hogarth’s idea a try first. Perhaps

because his idea worked so successfully before.

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How did the mother first know there was something wrong?

The mother first knows something is wrong because the food starts falling in to the crack.

Why did the family not look back after they got into the car?

The family did not look back after they got into the car as, perhaps, they were too frightened of what they

might see.

Why was the Iron Man feeling over the grass on either side of the crack?

Perhaps it was to make sure there were no traps up there.

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Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS



Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Procedural Writing

Features of the Genre

My title clearly states the procedure/task that is being instructed.

My sub-headings clearly break up my procedure into different sections.

I have included a clear list of materials/items needed to carry out the procedure.

Each step of my procedure is outlined clearly – using enough detail to describe the step.

I used command verbs at the beginning of each the instructions.

I have used adverbs when necessary.

Bullet points or numbered steps are used at the beginning of each of my steps.

My instructions are in chronological order.

I have included diagrams or images to help instruct my reader.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Procedure Writing

What is a procedure?

Procedures are written to teach or instruct the reader on how to do something. There are two common

procedural texts: recipes, and instructions for sports or games.

What is the structure of a procedure?


This gives the reader the name of what they will be making or what they will be playing.


The goal tells the reader exactly what they will be making in the recipe or what the purpose of the sport or

game is.

It should:

• include a short description of the finished product of the recipe, or

• include a short description of the main aim of the sport or game.


The steps tell the reader how they will complete the task. They are written using numbers or bullet points.

• The steps are written in sequential order.

• The steps are short, precise and easy to read.

• Diagrams and pictures may be used to help the reader understand how each step needs to be performed.


The requirements tell the reader what they will need in order to complete the task. They are written using

numbers or bullet points.

For a recipe, the requirements will include:

• A list of ingredients.

• A list of utensils/equipment.

For playing a sport or game, the requirements will include:

• A list of materials/tools/equipment needed.

Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Primary …. Weekly Home Learning Grid for School Closures W/B ….. Below are lots of links to resources and activities, some of which you can download from Twinkl. Twinkl is available to parents for home learning purposes for free by using this code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Mandarin Conversation

Hello Hello

How are you? I’m fine, thank you, and you?

I’m fine, thank you. What is your name?

My name is _______, and you? My name is _______.

I have a (colour) (number). You have a

(colour number).

I have a (colour) (number). You have a

(colour number).

Where do you want to go? I want to go to _____.

How are you going to get there? I am going to get there by ________.

Where do you want to go?

I want to go to _____. How are you going to get there?

I am going to get there by ________. How many people are there in your


There are _____ people in my family,

and you?

There are ______ people in my family

Goodbye Goodbye

French Conversation

Hello Hello

How are you? I’m fine, thank you, and you?

I’m fine, thank you. What is your name?

My name is _______, and you? My name is _______.

How old are you? I am ____ years old, and you?

I am _____years old. Where do you live?

I live in _____, and you? I live in _____.

Goodbye Goodbye.
