Price 28.00 yen NOTIFICATION...


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H UMMERF PRINKIIKM iENGLISH EDITION I •Ei--I--<P 1-£== + Bmuimmwumi*vm?*su&l

No. 882 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1949 Price 28.00 yen


Attorney-General's Office NotificationNo. 20

February 15, 1949As it is feared that the registration form of

No. 449 in*the Land Register-Book No. 9 forOaza Nishikazue, Shimokusano-mura, Higashi-asai-gun, kept by the Shimokusano Branch of theOtsu Judicial Affairs Bureau may be destroyed,the transcription of the registration has beenordered in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 24 of the Immovables Registration Law.

Attorney-General1 UEDA Shmkichi

Attorney-General's Office NotificationNo. 21

February 15, 1949 *The registration form of Registration Num-

ber 450 in the Land Register-Book No. 9 forOaza Nishikazue, Shimokusano-mura, Higashi-asai-gun, kept at the Shomokusano Branch of theOtsu Judicial Affairs Bureau, was destroyed byrats.

Any person who had registration in thedestroyed Register-Book or those government orpublic offices which made notification or requisi-tion concerning registration to the said Branch

shall apply for the restoration of registration ormake such notification or requisition anew tothe said Branch within the period from February16, 1949 to May 16, 1949.

In case the application for the restorationof registration or requisition is made within theperiod prescribed in the preceding paragraph, thenewly registered titles shall hold the same orderas in the Register-Book as before.

Attorney-GeneralIJEDA Shunkichi

Attorney-General's Office NotificationNo*22

February 15, 1949The attendants at the time of inspection, and

examination of the hospitals or clinics establishedin prisons or reformatories in accordance withthe provisions of Article 3 of'the Cabinet Orderconcerning the Special Instances for the MedicalService Law, etc. (Cabinet Order No. 326 of 1948)shall tie designated as follows :

Attorney-Gener alUEDA Shunkichi

"Chiefs of prisonsSuperintendents of reformatoriesOfficials of the administrative agencies concern-

ed designated by the Supervisors of theCorrection and Rehabilitation Districts

Ministry of Education Notification No. 14

February 15, 1949The prices of the textbooks for the use in the 1949 school year shall be designated as

follows:Minister of Education

SHIMOJO Yasumaro1. The Textbooks for Elementary School


National Language

P u b lis h e r P r ic e

( N ih o n S h o s e k i K . K .T o k y o S h o s e k i K . K . ・ 2 5 .5 0Io s a k a S h o s e k i K . K ,

3 A 1 9 .0 0

4 A 1 7 .6 0

5 A 1 4 .4 0

6 A 1 2 .4 0




Report of Observation & ExperimentScience of Elementary School Child

1. " Livingthings Around Us"2. "How Living Things Grow"'

Report of Observation & ExperimentTaro (Social Science)Our Life 1, Village Children

3, Land & ManMusic 4

,, 6

Book of National LanguageNational LanguageNational Language of 2nd GradeTaro and Hanako's National Language

"White-Sail Ship "The Romaji Class-room Vol. 1

Taro & PochiThe Romaji Class-room Vol. 2

From the Windows of SchoolJoyful- MusicElementary Music

P u b lish er P ric e

N ih o n S h o sek i K . K .T o k y o S h o sek i K . K . ・ 33 1 0o sak a S h o sek i K . K .

3 2 .80

5 A 1 7 .20

6 A 1 5 .00

20 .60

35 .8 0

38 .4 0

16 .7 0

26 .0 0

2 2 .8 0

2 3.6 0

12 ,5 0

12 .5 0

15 .00

F u ta b a T o sh o K . K . 3 3 .60

G a k k o T o sh o K . K . 4-9 .90

3 9 .60

In Pretty Voice **We Sing All TogetherThat Melody, That VoiceThe Music in the World"

2. The Textbooks for Lower Secondary SchoolLower Secondary Grammar

(Colloquial Language)Lower Secondary Grammar

(Literary Language)Lower Secondary Mathematics 2~(t)

Lower Secondary Music

National Language

Practical Arts

Nihon Shoseki K. K.

Romaji Kyoikukai.



1 6 .2 0G ra d e 3 N ih o n K y o ik u T o s lio K . K . 1 4 .5 0

T . S h im a d a 1 0 .0 0

1 0 .0 0

1 0 .0 0

1 0 .0 0

K y o ik u S h u p p a n K . K . 1 4 0 0

1 4 0 0

1 4 .0 0

1 6 .7 0

Chuto Gakko Kyokasho K. K. 16.40


2-(D 10 .70

3-(l) 10,80




H I) 15.00

2-d ) 13.40

2~(4) n .40

3-(D 13.50

3-(4) ll.50fN ihon Shoseki K . K .1st G rade T oky o Shoseki K . K . 15.50o saka Shoseki K . K .

2nd * 15.20

3rd 16.00


Our Science 2. How Is Water Important5. How Plants Live8. How Does Our Body Function9. How Is the Ocean Used

14. How Is Work Made MoreEfficient By the.Use ofMachines

17. Fight between Man and Mi-crobes

Social Science 1, Oar Nation

2, Home and Groug Life•E 7,. Natural, Agricultural and

Nomadic Life of VariousWorld Areas

8, Natural Resorces, TheirConservation & Utilization

13, Social Heritages

Story of New Constitution

Dainippon Tosho K. K.

A griculture


3C om m erce

A bacus

C om m erceA bacus

Ind ustr y



Vocational Guidance -Jack and Betty English Step by Step 1st step


The New Vista English Readers Junior 1Tsuda. New Readers Book 1Secondary Japanese Grammar

(Colloquial Language)Secondary Japanese Grammar

(Literary Language)The Revised Standard English Readers Junior

Course. Book oneMy Own Readers Vol. IllMusic 1


Practical Arts 1

National Language Lower Secondary1st Grade Vol. 1.

Our National Language 1A

3. The Textbooks for Higher Secondary SchoolsNational Language 1A

(Dainippon Tosho K, K.\Nihon Shoseki K..K./ Tokyo Shoseki K. K.\Osaka Shoseki K. K.







1 2 ,4 0

1 0 .4 0fj its u g y o K y o k a s h o K . K . Q o n¥ M ih o n S h o s e k i K . K . 8 -J U

J its o g y o K y o k a s h o K . K . > 1 7 .6 0

2 8 .2 0

2 5 .6 0

1 7 .7 0

1 4 .5 0

1 2 .9 0

2 1 .6 0

1 8 .6 0

1 7 .0 0

2 5 .4 0

K . K . J it s u g y o n o N ih o n -s h a 2 8 .3 0

K a ir y u d o S h u p p a n K . K . - 1 8 ,7 0

1 6 .6 0

1 7 .3 0

S a n s e id o . S h u p p a n K . K . 1 9 .2 0

1 4 .7 0

1 6 .6 0

1 6 /70

K . K > K a ita k u s h a 1 9 .6 0

G . K . F u z a m b o 2 7 .5 0

K . K . S h u n -y o d o 1 8 .0 0

1 8 ,0 0

1 8 .1 0

K y o ik u T o s h o K . K . 1 2 .1 0

1 2 1 0

1 2 .1 0

1 2 ,5 0

B u n iu d o S h u o p a n K . K . 1 5 .9 0

Kyoiku Tosho K. K. 13.70

NameNational Language 2A

Physics (1)(2)(3). '

Chemistry (1)(2)(3)

Physical GeographySocial Science (19) Production & Supply of

GoodsSocial Science (20) Government & Economic

LifePrimer of Democracy Vol. AAgriculture (1)Business Correspondence in EnglishBookkeeping & Accounting (2)


ElectricityChinese Classics 1

Home NursingFoodsChild Care.Home ManagementThe World through EnglishThe Road to EnglishThe World through EnglishThe Road to EnglishThe World through EnglishAlgebra Analysis


Human GeographyThe New Vista English Readers SeniorEnglish in the MakingOur English Class Brush up Your English

Book 1How to Write Good English Book One

* TwoScience in the Higher Secondary School

Chemistry (I)

Chemistry (II)Science in the Higher Secondary School

Geography (I)

Geography (II)

P u b lish e r P rice

K y o ik u T o sh o K . K . ・ 13 .6 0

1 3 .70

D a in ip p o n T o sh o K . K . 12 .4 0

10 .7 0


ll .00

9 .50

l l .10

ll .90

Kyoiku Tosho K. K.

Jitsug^o Kyokasho K. K.

Chuto Gakko Kyokasho K. K.






(I )(II)

>?S anseido Sh up pan K , K

K yoik u T osho K . K .

K. K. Aiiku-sha -Kyoiku Shuppan K. K.

Dainippon Tosho K. K.









---<& -"-



Ministry of Commerce and IndustryNotification No. 15

February 15, 1949The following amendment shall hereby be

made to a part of the Ministry of Commerceand Industry Notification No. 75 of July, 1948-(concerning the designation of kinds and num-bers of points of clothings under the provisionsof Article 8 of the Clothing Coupon Regulations) :

Minister of Commerce and IndustryOYA Shinzo, -

The paragraphs concerning middle school -istudent uniform shall be amended as follows :

Middle school student uniformJ l) Boy's uniform^ (a) Oldstandard No. 1-No. 3 ) 1O

New No. 8-Na 7 /18 P°mts

(b) OldN ew

No. 4-No. 6 }No. 6-No. 4 |

(c) OlaN ew

No. 7-No. 9 INo.:3-No. 1 f

(2) Girl's uniform(a) Old standard No. 1andNo,

New No. 4 and No.(b) Old No. 3 and'No.

New Kro. 2 and No.(3) -Men's overcoat

(a) Old standard Large sizeNew No. 6 and No.

(b) Old ' Medium size-New No. 4and No.

(c) Old Small sizeNew No. 2 and No.

(4) Women's overcoat ~(a) Old standard Large size

New No. 4(b) Old Medium size

New No. 3 and No.(c) Old Small size

V New No. I


pointsA)i ; 12

r 18points



118 points



Ministry of Commerce and IndustryNotification No. 16

February 15, 1949The names and the locations of Machine and

Tool Inspection House, branch and sub-branchesiShall be decided as follows :

Minister of Commerce and IndustryOYA Shinzo

NameMachine and Tool

Inspection House

Osaka Branch ofMachine and ToolInspection House

LocationNo. 2, Shiba Kotohira-

cho, Minatoku, To-N kyoNo, 20-1, Niban-cho,

l londen, Nishi-ku,Osaka

Nagoya Sub-branch ofMachine and ToolInspection House

Fukuoka Sub-branchof Machine and ToolInspection House

No. 43, Takada, Koonji-machi, Kita-ku, Nago-ya

No. 17, Tenjin-machi,Fukuoka-shi

Ministry of Transportation MotivationNo. 66^

February 15, 1949.Free transportation shall be applied to relief

goo.ds to be used to rescue those damages 'fromstorm and floods in Okinawa under the followingstipulations :

Minister of TransportationOZAWA Saeki

1. Description of goods :Relief goods (Clothes and daily necessaries)

2. Forwarding station :Shi odome.

3. Destination station :- Kobe Harbor.

4. Kinds of consignments :L.C.L. and C.L, (not included delivery and

collection of goods)5. Rates:

Free.6. Consignor :

President of League of the Okinawans.7. Consignee: " ~"

President of League of the Okinawans ofHyogo Prefecture.

8. Actual consignee :Ryukyuans Military Government.

9. Period.:

From February 12 to March 31, 1949.10. Terms:

The following certificate issued by thePresident of League of the Okinawansshall be presented for each lot of goodsat the time of consignment thereof:

(Form of certificate)


Relief goods No.I comtirm that the abovementioned goods

clearly identify the relief goods for damagesfrom storm and floods in Okinawa in everyrespect.

. (Date)

President of League of theOkinawans

(Si gned)




Notice of Dissolution

February 15, 1949The undermentioned two companies, being

approved of the adjustment plan underParagraph 1 of Article 5 of the EnterprisesReconstruction and Reorganization Law on Dec.31, 1948, dissolved themselves. Those creditorswho have any objection to the said dissolutionare requested to inform the companies to thateffect within two months from the day of publica-tion of this notice.

Kobayashi Inko Kabushiki KaishaLiquidator : Tokuji Someya

No. 4, 1-chome, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

K. K. Kadokura SeisakushoLiquidator : Kinjuro Kadokura

No. 4, 4-chome, NihOmbashi Hongoku-cho? Chuo-ku, Tokyo ^ -

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

January, 1949Notice is hereby given that at the stock-

holders' general meetings of the undermentionedcompanies respectively held on December 27,1948, it was decided that the Nissho KagakuKogyo K. K. should amalgamate the Nishi SeitaiCokusu K. K. and the former continue to existsucceeding to all the rights and duties of thelatter which is to be dissolved on the effectuationof the said amalgamation. In this connectionany creditor who has objection to the abovedecision is requested to report to that effectwithin two months from the day of publicationof this notice.

Nissho Kagaku Kogyo K. K.No. 3, Tori 2-chome, Nihombashi,

Chuo-ku, TokyoNishi Seitai Kokusu K. K.

No. 3, Tori 2-chome, Nihombashi,Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

February 15, 1949Notice is' hereby given th'at at the general

meeting of stockholders and that of partners ofthe undermentioned companies respectively heldon Sept. 15, 1948} it was decided that K. K.Noguchi Shoten should merge Goshi KaishaNoguchi Shoten and continue to exist and GoshiKaisha Noguchi Shoten be dissolved on theeffectuation of the said amalgamation. In thisconnection, any creditor who has objection to

the above decision is requested to report to thateffect within two months from the day followingpublication of this notice to the respective com-pany concerned.

Kabushiki Kaisha Noguchi ShotenNo. 4, 2-chome, Nihombashi Kofune-

cho, Chuo-ku, TokyoGoshi Kaisha Noguchi Shoten

Address: ditto


February 7, 1949This company adopted a resolution, at its

exteaordinary general meeting of stockholdersheld on January 30, 1949, to decrease the au-thorized capital to ¥1,000,000. The Creditors tothis company who have objection to the saidresolution are requested to file their protest withthis company by April 30, 1949.

This public notice is given in accordance^with the provisions of the Commercial Code,

Kabushiki Kaisha HoraiNo. 1, 5-chome, Ginza, Chuo-ku,


Notice re Dissolution

January.20, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company "was dissolved on December 31,1948, in accordance with the decision made atthe stockholders' general meeting. Accordinglythe creditors to this company are requested torepoit their claims within two months from theday of publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation. p

Mitsuba Bussan K. K.Liquidation Office

Representative Liquidator :Shichiro Saito

No. 3, Nishi 2-chome, Ginza,Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Notice re Dissolution

January 25, 1949Notice Is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned union was dissolved by the Law. Accord-ingly the creditors to this union are requestedto report their claims within two months fromthe day following publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing -to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.


Kanto Keiran Haikyu Tosei KurniaiLiquidator : Etsuji Wakabayashi

No. 20, 2-chome, Nihombashi Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Notice re Amalgamation of CompaniesFebruary 15, 1949

Notice is hereby given that at the specialstockholders' general meetings of the undermen-ti ned companies respectively held on July 5,1948, it was decided that K. K. Fuji KagakuKenkyu-sho should be merged with Nihon ShikaGokin EL K. and the former continue to existand the latter be dissolved on the effectuationof the said amalgamation. In this connection,any creditor who has objection to the abovedecision is requested to report to that effectwithin two months from the day of publicationof this notice.

K. K. Fuji Kagaku Kenkyu-shoNo. 20, 2-chome, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-

ku, TokyoNihon Shika Gokin K. K.

No. 4, Togo-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo

Reorganization Notice

February 7, 1949Notice is hereby given that at the special

members' general meeting held on January 20,1949, it was decided with the unanimous consentof the entire m3mb3rs to reorganize its constitu-tion of a limited liability company to be incor-porated as a joint-stock company under the nameof Doshin Sangyo K. K.

Those who have objection to the said deci-sion are requested to notify the company tothat effect within two months from the day ofpublication of this notice.

Doshin Sangyo Yugen KaishaNo. 2278-14, 4-chome, Kamimeguro,

Meguro-ku, Tokyo

'Dissolution Notice

February 2, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved in accordancewith its decided reorganization plan on February1, 1949. Its creditors are requested to lay theirclaims to the company within 2 months fromthe day following publication of this notice.

If they should fail to do so within the above-mentioned period, their claims would be excludedfrom the liquidation.

K. K. Hokushin (Old Name:K. K. Hokushin Denki Seisakusho)

Representative Liquidator :Sohei ShimizuAkio Chiba

No. 312, Shimomaruko-cho, Ota-ku,Tokyo

Dissolution NoticeFebruary 15, 1949

Notice is hereby given that the undermen-tioned company was dissolved in accordance withthe decision reached at the extraordinary generalmeeting of shareholders held on January 31, 1949.Its creditors are requested to lay their claims tothe company within seventy (70) days from thedate of publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be reported within theprescribed period, shall be excluded from theliquidation account.

Asahi Seika Kabushiki Kaisha(Asahi Confectionary Co., Ltd.)Liquidator : Yonejiro Ushida

No. 292, 2-chome, Hatagaya Hon-machi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Dissolution NoticeFebruary 15, 1949

Notice is hereby given that the undermen-tioned company was dissolved in accordance withthe decision reached-at the extraordinary generalmeeting of sharholders held on January 31, 1949.Its creditors are requested to lay their claims tothe company within seventy (70) days from thedate of publication of this notice.'

Any claim, failing to be reported within theprescribed period, shall be excluded from theliquidation account.

Musashino Sharyo Kogyo K. K.(Musashino Vehicle Industrial Co., Ltd.)

Liquidator : Hiroichi MoritaNo. 1183, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, ,Toshima-

ku, Tokyo

Notice re Amalgamation of CompaniesFebruary 15, 1949

Notice is hereby given in accordance withthe provisions of the Commercial Code that atthe stockholders' and partners' general meetingsof the undermentioned companies respectivelyheld on January "29, 1949, it was decided thatKosei Jidosha K. K. should be merged withYugen Kaisha Tachikawa Jidosha Shuri KakdKojo and the former continue to exist succeedingto all the rights and duties of the latter whichis to be dissolved on the effectuation of the said


amalgamation. In this connection, any creditorwho has objection to the above decision is re-quested to report to that effect within two monthsfrom the day following publication of this notice.

. Kosei Jidosha K. K.No. 47, 1-chome, Nishiid-cho,

Tachikawa-sh iTachikawa Jidosha Shuri Kako Kojo

No. 40, 1-chome, Nishiki-cho,Tachikawa-shi.

Notice re Calling for Claims

February 15, 1949Notice Is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on -January 18,1949, in accordance with the decision made atthe stockholders' general meeting. Accordinglythe creditors to this company are requested toreport their claims within two months from theday following publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Namiden Mokkogyo K. K.Liquidator : Ryutaro Tsuda

No. 994-1, Sugitani, Mineyama-cho,Naka-gun, Kyoto

Notice' re Dissolution

February 1, hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on January 31,1948, in accordance with the decision made atthe stockholders' general meeting. Accordinglythe creditors to this company are requested toreport their claims within two months from theday of publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

s Doko Denchi Sangyo K. K..Liquidator : Yoshijiro Kato

No. 45, Eiraku-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka

Notice xe Dissolution

February 5, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on January 20,1949, in accordance with the decision made atthe stockholders' general meeting. Accordinglythe creditors to this company are requested toreport their claims within two months from theday of publication of this notice.

Any daim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Izumi Seiyaku K. K.Liquidator : Sotoji Tanaka

No. 7, 2-chorae, Fushimi-machi,Higashi-ku, Osaka

Notice re Dissolution

February 7, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on January 7, 1949,in accordance with the decision made at thestockholders' general meeting. Accordingly thecreditors to this company are requested to reporttheir claims within two months from the day ofpublication of this notice,.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

K. K. IshikawaLiquidator : Teizaburo Kigarai

Head Office:"No. 31, Gtabi-cho, Kawara-cho Nishi-iru,

Shijo-dori, Soimokyo-ku, KyotoLiquidation Office :

No. 3, 1-chome, Doshu-machi,Higashi-ku, Osaka

Notice tb Dissolution

February 1, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on January 31,1949, in* accordance with the decision made atthe stockholders' general meeting. Accordinglythe creditors to this company are requested toreport their claims within two months from theday of publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Yoshizen K. K.Liquidator : Toshio Yoshimura

No. 27, 2-chome, Hiranocho, Bigashi-ku, Osaka

Notice re Dissolution

February 2, 1949Notice Is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned union was dissolved on January 21,- 1949,in accordance with the decision made at thespecial general meeting. Accordingly the cred-itors to this union are requested to report theirclaims within two months from the day ofpublication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.


Osaka-fu Kutsu-yohin ShogyoKyodo Kurniai

Representative Liquidator :Tameo Miura

No. 31, 2-chome, Kitahama,Higashi-ku, Osaka

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

February 7, 1949Notice is hereby given in accordance with

trie provisions of the Commercial Code that atthe stockholders* general meetings of the under-mentioned companies respectively held on Jan-uary 15, 1949, it was decided that MasumuraKinzoku Kogyo K. K. should be merged withYaraatogawa Denki K. K. and the former continueto exist succeeding to all the rights and dutiesof the latter which is to be dissolved on theeffectuation of the said amalgamation. In thisconnection, any creditor who has objection tothe above decision is sequested to report to thateffect within two months from the day followingpublication of this notice to the respective com-pany concerned.

Masumura Kinzoku Kogyo K. K.No. 27, 2-chome, Takasu-cho, Sakai-shi

Yamatogawa Denki K. K.Address: ditto

Notice re Dissolution

February 7, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on January 15,1949, in accordance with the decision made atthe special stockholders", general meeting held onthe said date. Accordingly the creditors to thiscompany are requested to report their claimswithin two months from the day followingpublication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

K. K. Mizuta Kosaku-shoLiquidator : Takao Mizuta

No. 29, Gaza Nishi, Hikisho-mura,Minarai Kawachi-gun, Osaka

Notice re Dissolution

February 5, 1949Our company was dissolved on June 30, 1948,

in accordance with the decision made at the mem-bers' general meeting. Accordingly the creditors"to this company are requested to report theirclaims within two months from the day ofpublication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall he excluded from theliquidation.

Nippondo Seipan Yugen KaishaLiquidator : Katsuzo Takahashi

No. 23, 2-chome, Minami Ycshida-machi, Minami-ku, Yokohama

Notice re Amalgamation of Companies

February 5, 1949Notice is hereby gtven that at the special

stockholders' and members' gensral meetings ofthe undermentioned three companies respectivelyheld on January 30, 1949, it was decided thatDaiichi Kinzoku Sahgyo K. K. should be mergedwith Goshi Kaisha Daiichi Yasuri Seisaku-shoand Tsubame Kinzoku K. K. and the formercontinue to exist arid the latter two companiesbe dissolved on the effectuation of the- saidamalgamation. In this connection, those whohave objection to the above decision are requestedto report to that effect within two months fromthe day of publication of this notice. '

: Daichi Kinzoku Saogyo K. K.Goshi Kaisha Daiichi Yasuri Seisaku-sho

Tsubame Kinzoku K. K.Gaza Sornaki, Tsubame-machi, Nishi

Kambara-gun, Niigata-ken

Notice re Dissolution

February 8, 1949Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved on December 31,1948, in accordance with the authorization of theadjustment plan under the Enterprises Re-construction and Reorganization Law. Accord-ingly the creditors to this company are sequestedto report their claims within two months fromthe day following publication of this notice..

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Taiyo Kogyo K. K.No. 1, Yamashita, Kohama-cho,


Reorganization NoticeJanuary 19, 1949

Notice is hereby given that at the members'general meeting held on January 5, 1949, it wasdecided with the unanimons consent of*the entiremembers to reorganize its constitution of a lim-ited liability company to be incorporated as ajoint-stock company.

Cl --.

Any creditor who has objection to the saiddecision is requested to notify, tothat effect within two months from the day ofpublication of this notice.

Saeki Toka Kogyo Yugen KaishaNo. 634, Minami Kannon-cho,


Notice re Dissolution

December 28, 1948Notice is hereby given that the undermen-

tioned company was dissolved. Accordingly thecreditors to this company are requested to reporttheir claims within two months from the dayfollowing publication of this notice.

Any claim, failing to be submitted withinthe aforesaid period, shall be excluded from theliquidation.

Daiwa Koeki K. K.Liquidator : Tameji Fukuda

No. 277, Oaza Minoshima, Minoshima-cho, Arita-gun, Wakayama-ken

jnyitation of Filing Claims against^Closed Institutions

(Sixteenth Series)February 5, 1949

In accordance with the provisions of theOrdinance No. 1 of 1947 of Prime Minister'sOffice and Ministries of Finance, Foreign Affairs,Commerce and Industry, Transportation, Agri-culture and Forestry, Welfare and Justice, thisCommission is now ready to receive filing ofclaims against Closed Institutions.

If you have claims (stock shares in generaland bank deposits excluded) against undermen-tioned closed institutions of -which fulfilmentsare to be made in Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido,Shikoku, Kyushu and adjacent islands) you arerequested to file your claims at this Office byApril 5, 1949. If a creditor does not file hisclaim within the time limit he shall be excludedfrom special liquidation.

Claims are to be filed at this Commissionor its Osaka Office.

For filing claims, the regular forms are tobe used which are obtainable at this Office orat all offices of Bank of Japan. If you"requireto have them sent by mail, please inform us of

your wishes by enclosing a stamped returnenvelope addressed to yourself.

Closed InstitutionsLiquidating Commission

"No. 2, 1-chome, Marunouchi,Chiyoda-ku,* TokyoClosed Institutions

Liquidating CommissionOsaka Office

No. 5, 5-chome, Kitahama,Higashi-ku, Osaka

Akjta Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product Unions FedIbaragi Pref. Fuel Forest Product UnionTochigi Pref.GumraaPref.Saitama Pref.Chiba Pref. Fuel Disf Forest Product UnionTokyo Metropolis Fuel Forest Product UnionKanagawa Pref.Ishikawa Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product UnionYamanashi Pref. Firewood Production Dist. For-

est Product UnionAichi Pref. Fuel Forest Product UnionShiga Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product UnionKyoto Pref. Fuel Forest Product UnionOsaka Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product UnionNara Pref. Fuel Forest Product UnionWakayama Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product UnionHiroshima Pref.To^ushima Pref.Kochi Pref. ' ,Saga Pref.Kumamoto Pref. Fuel Forest Product UnionMiyazaki- Pref. Fuel Forest Product Unions Fed.Gifu Pref. Fuel Dist. Forest Product UnionAgriculture & Forestry Liasion ConferenceTokyo Marine Products Co.,. Ltd.National Council for Revival of the Coal IndustryKyushuHokkaidoEaste rnWesternFukuoka Pref. Fruits and Vegetables Co., Ltd.Fukuoka Marine Products Co., Ltd.Hokkaido Local Lumber Co., Ltd.Tokyo-t oOsaka Pref.Hyogo Pref.Wakayama Pref. Local Lumber Co., Ltd.

