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Oklahoma State Department of Education

2500 North Lincoln Boulevard

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

<> - 405-521-2106

Revised April 2011



Oklahoma State Department of Education

<> - 405-521-2106





Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth <> Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence <> Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free <> National Association for Children of Alcoholics <> National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Drinking Prevention Materials <> Prevention Education for Underage Drinking <> Underage Drinking Prevention Materials <> Why 21? <>

Brain Development Brain-based Learning, Ideas, and Materials <>

Brain Connection <>

NIDA Brain and Addiction <> Teen Brain <>


KidsHealth <> <>

MTV: A Thin Line (Bullying) <> Pacer Kids Against Bullying (Bookmarks/Pledges) <>

Reach Out—Get Through Tough Times <>

Substance Abuse Prevention for Teen <> Stop Bullying Now! <> Stop Bullying: Speak Up <> The Cool Spot <> Tobacco Reality Unfiltered <> Tobacco Stops With Me <> US Government Bullying Prevention Website <> Department of Homeland Security: Ready Kids <> Web Wise Kids <> What A Difference A Friend Makes <>


Safe Start Center <>

State Laws on Violence/Bullying <> Teaching Tolerance <>

U.S. Office of Civil Rights <> Veto Violence <> Warning Signs of Youth Violence <>

Youth Web sites Above The Influence <>

Break Through the Static <>

Check Yourself <>

Do Something—Powering Offline Action <> Federal Bureau of Investigations: Kids Page <> Federal Communications Commission: Kids Zone <> Kids Portal for the US Government <>


Bulk Order Publications CDC Publications (Tobacco) <> Elks Drug Awareness Brochures <> FTC Publications (Internet Safety) <> NIAAA Publications (Alcohol Abuse) <> NIDA Publications (Drug Abuse) <> SAMHSA Publications <> USDE Publications <>


Adults and Children Together Against Violence <>

Bullies to Buddies <> Bully Free: It Starts with Me <>

Bullying <> Bully/Bullied Info Card <>


Called 2 Change Program (Oklahoma) <> Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use <> Circle of Respect <>

Cyberbullying Help <>

Cyberbullying Resource Center <>

CyberSmart! Curriculum <>

Eyes on Bullying <>

Harassed Student Report Form <> Harassment Report Form for Staff <>

Make time to Listen, Take Time to Talk <>

Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences <>

Media Awareness Network <> Medline Plus on Bullying <>


Youth Violence Adults and Children Together Against Violence <>

Bystander Study <>

Called2Change Oklahoma City National Memorial Curriculum <>

Hate Crimes Prevention Center <>

National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention <>

National Crime Prevention Council: Hate Crimes <>

National PTA: Physical Safety <>

Not In Our Town (Hate Crimes) <> Prevent Connect <> Prevention Institute <>

Preventing Youth Hate Crime Manual <>

Runaway Youth and Relationship Violence Toolkit <>

Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere <>


Texting Chat Slang <> Net lingo <> Texting Can Wait Video <> Transl8it <> Webopedia <>

Youth-Led Organizations 2M2L—Too Much To Lose <> Beta Club <> Key Club—Kiwanis International <> Stand for the Silent <> Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) <> Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) <> Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) <>


MTV: A Thin Line <> National Bullying Prevention (Bookmarks/Pledges) <> National Crime Prevention Council: Bullying <>

Office of Civil Rights—Prevention <>

Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence <> Social/Emotional Learning and Bullying Prevention <> Stand for the Silent (Youth) <>

Stop Bullying Now! (Videos) <> Stop Cyberbullying <> Teachers TV on Bullying (Videos) <> Teen Action Tool Kit <> The ABC’s of Bullying Online Course <> The Ophelia Project (Girl Bullying) <>

US Government Bullying Prevention Website <>


Character Education

Random Acts of Kindness Foundation <>

Community Organizations

Elks Drug Awareness Program (Brochures) <> Kiwanis International (Character Education) <> Oklahoma Association of Youth Services <>

Crisis Planning and Recovery

Biosecurity Checklist for Food Service Programs: Developing a Biosecurity Management Plan <> Bright Horizons Emergency Preparedness Plan <> Communicating in a Crisis: Risk Communication Guidelines for Public Officials <> Department of Defense: War on Terrorism <> USDE Emergency Planning <>

Emergency Preparedness and Response Site <>



CDC: Smoking and Tobacco Use <> Nicotine Addiction and Dangers of Tobacco Use <> Spit Tobacco: A Guide for Quitting <> Tips for Teens: Tobacco Brochure <> Tobacco Curriculum <> Tobacco-Free Kids <>

Teacher Training Opportunities

Bullying 101 for Teachers <> Lead and Manage My School <> Prevention Pathways Online Course <> VetoViolence: Principles of Prevention <> Well Aware Suicide Prevention Webinars <>



American Association of Suicidology <>

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention <> Break Through the Static <>

CDC: Suicide Prevention <>

Games Adolescents Shouldn’t Play (Choking Game) <>

Lifeline Online Postvention Manual <>

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline <> Reach Out: Get Through Tough Times <>

Self Abuse Finally Ends <>

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide <>

Suicide Prevention Resource Center <> The Jason Foundation <> Well Aware Suicide Prevention Webinars <>


Federal Emergency Management Are you Ready? <>

FEMA Primer to Design Safe School Project in Case of Terrorist Attacks <> National Resource Center for Child Traumatic Stress <>

National School Safety and Security <>

Practical Information on Crisis Planning <>

Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools <>

Resources on Emergency Evacuation and Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities <>

School Crisis Guide Helping and Healing in a Time of Crisis <>

Tips for Talking to Children After a Disaster <>

Tips for Talking to Children After Traumatic Events <> U.S. Department of Homeland Security <> U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Readiness <>


Dating Violence

Break the Cycle Empowering Youth to End Dating Violence <> Engaging Bystanders in Violence Prevention <> Family Violence Prevention Fund <>

Intimate Partner Violence Prevention <> Love is Not Abuse <> National Domestic Violence Hotline <> Prevent Connection <> Teen Dating Abuse Helpline & Resource Center <> Teen Dating Violence Facts <> Texas Council on Family Violence <> The Safe Space <> Violence Against Women <> Women Against Violence Online Resources <>


National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) <>

NIDA Curriculum <> NIDA Publications <>

Office of National Drug Control Policy <>

Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics <>

ODMHSAS Prevention Resource Center <> PACT360—Meth Prevention <> Street Drugs <>

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services <>

The Adolescent Addict <> The Anti-Drug <> The Partnership for a Drug-Free America <>

Tips for Teens Brochure <>

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration <>


Substance Abuse

Above the Influence <>

Alliance for Drug Endangered Children <>

American Council for Drug Education <>

Center for Substance Abuse Research <>

Check Yourself


Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information <>

Club Drugs <>

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America <>

Drugs: Shatter the Myths Booklet <>

DXM: Make Up Your Own Mind


Elks Drug Awareness Program <> Just Think Twice <>

National Crime Prevention Council: Drug Abuse <>


Energy Drinks

Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages <> Energy Drink: Power Boosts or Empty Boasts? <>

Energy Fiend <>


Gang Awareness Guide: Recognize the Signs <> Gang Resistance Education And Training (GREAT) <> Manual to Combat Truancy <> National Gang Center <> Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services <> Oklahoma Gang Investigators Association <> Parents Guide to Gangs Brochure <> The Reality of Gangs Brochure <>



Center for Disease Control and Prevention <>

Center for Health and Health Care in Schools <>

Healthy Schools, Healthy Youth! <>

EPA: Healthy School Environment Assessment Tool <> <> Let’s Move <>

National Center for Injury Prevention <>

National Eating Disorder Association <>

Oklahoma Poison Control Center <>

SDE: Physical Education and Health <>

Oklahoma State Department of Health <> S.A.F.E. Alternatives <> Safe Kids <>

Small Step <>


Student Pledge Against Gun Violence <>

Security Technologies in U.S. Schools <>

The Challenge Newsletter <>

The School Shooter: FBI Indicators Guide <> U.S. Department of Education Free Publications <> Search: School Safety

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Guidance <>

Sexual Harassment—It’s not Academic Brochure <>


Anabolic Steroid Abuse <>

California Interscholastic Federation—Steroids <>

NIDA—Steroids <>

Steroids, Stimulants, and HGH <> Tackling the Steroid Issue Video <>

Tips for Teens: Steroids <>


Helping your Child Feel Connected at School <>

Military Child Initiative School Connectedness <>

School Connectedness <>

School Safety

A Guide to Safe Schools <>

Center for Preventing School Violence <> National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement <>

National Crime Prevention Council: School Safety <>

National PTA: School Violence <>

National School Safety Center Materials <>

Safeguarding Our Children: An Action Guide <> Guidelines to Prevent Unintentional Injuries & Violence <>

School Safety News <>

School Violence Prevention <>



Adult Protective Services (405) 521-3600

Child Abuse Hotline (800) 522-3511

Child Care Warmline (888) 574-5437 Heartline 2-1-1 Resource Helpline

Call: 211



National Dating Abuse Helpline (866) 331-9474 <>

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-7233 <>

National Runaway Switchboard (800) RUNAWAY <>

Oklahoma Poison Control Hotline (800) 222-1222 <> REACHOUT Hotline (800) 522-9054

Safe-Call Hotline (877) SAFECALL ext. OK-1 <>

Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255 <>



Inhalants <>

National Inhalants Prevention Coalition <>

Tips for Teens: Inhalants Brochure <>

Internet Safety BNetS@vvy <>

CDC—Social Media <>

Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use <>

Common Sense on Media for Educators <>

Connect Safely <>

Cyber Smart Curriculum <>

Electronic Media and Youth Violence <> Facebook Safety Center <>

FTC: Computers and the Internet <> GetNetWise <>


Safe and Healthy Schools Video Library <>

State Office of Safe and Healthy Schools <>

U.S. Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools <>

School Climate

Benchmarks to Promote Effective Teaching, Learning, and Comprehensive School Improvement <> School Climate Improvement Process <> Social/Emotional Learning and Bullying Prevention <> Twelve Dimensions of School Climate <> USDE Safe and Supportive Schools <>

School Connectedness

Fostering School Connectedness: Administrators <> Fostering School Connectedness: Teachers <>


Not In My House <>

Prescription Drugs Abuse and Addiction <>

Prescription Drugs With Potential for Abuse Chart


Road to Nowhere—Classroom Presentation <>

Rx Safety Matters <>

Stop Medicine Abuse <>

Street Drugs <>

The Anti-Drug <>

US Government Bullying Prevention Website <>

Safe and Healthy Schools

Bully/Bullied Info Card <> Harassed Student Report Form <>

Harassment Report Form for Staff <>


iKeepSafe <>

i-Safe America: Internet Safety Curriculum <>

MTV: A Thin Line <>

National Crime Prevention Council: Internet Safety <>

National Cyber Security Alliance <>

Net Cetera: Chatting With Kids About Being Online <>

Net Smartz Workshop <> OnGuard Online <> Prevent Cyberbullying and Internet Harassment <> SafetyNet <> Stop Cyberbullying <> The Health Communicator’s Social Media Toolkit <> Understanding Your Teen’s Use of MySpace <>

Wired Kids <>


Marijuana Marijuana <>

Marijuana Brochure <> Marijuana Research Report <>

Tips for Teens: Marijuana Brochure <>

Mental Health

Center for Mental Health in Schools <> Child Trends <> Connecting Social Learning with Mental Health <> National Association of School Psychologists <>

National Center for Child Traumatic Stress <> National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention <> National Mental Health Information Center <>

Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services <>


Stop Bullying—Parents <> Suspect Your Teen Is Using Drugs or Drinking? <> Teen Using Drugs: Time to Act <> The Anti-Drug <> The Official Parent and Family Guide: Understanding Your Teen’s Use of MySpace < MySpaceParentGuide.pdf> The Parent’s Guide to the Teen Brain <> Time to Talk <> When It’s Not Your Kid, How Do You Deal With Drug Use and Drinking? Brochure < AI_brochure.pdf>

Prescription Drugs

Lock Your Meds <>

Med Help: Pill Finder <> National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (Abused Drug Poster and Brochure) <> National Council on Patient Info and Education <>


KidsHealth for Parents <> Marijuana: Facts Parents Need Know <> Michael 4 Safety: Dangers of Oilfield Equipment <> National Institute on Drug Abuse: Parents <>

National Runaway Switchboard <>

Oklahoma Poison Control Center <>

Partnership for a Drug-Free America <> Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs Brochure <>

Prescription Drug Abuse: Not in my House <> Safe Kids <> SafetyNet <> Search Institute: MVParents <>

Social Networking Sites: A Parent’s Guide <> Stop Bullying Now: What Adults Can Do <>


Reach Out: Get Through Tough Times <> School Mental Health <> Self Abuse Finally Ends <> What A Difference A Friend Makes <>


Faces of Meth Poster <>

Frontline: A Meth Epidemic <> Meth360 (Online Training) <> Methpedia <> Meth Resource Information <> Meth Resource, Tools, and Information <> National Institute on Drug Abuse: Meth <> Methamphetamine Drug Guide <>

Tips for Teens: Methamphetamine Brochure <>


Military Families

American Association of School Administrators: Supporting the Military Child Toolkit <> Educator’s Guide to the Military Child During Deployment <> John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Military Child Initiative <>

Military Child Initiative School Connectedness <>

Military One Source <> National Military Family Association <> Operation Military Kids <>

Talk Kit for Parents of Military Families <>

Parent Resources

A Parent’s Guide to Facebook <>

A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety <> FTC: Chatting with Kids About Being Online <>


Child Abuse and Neglect Brochure <> Common Sense on Media <>

Cyberbullying Guide for Parents <> DEA: Get Smart About Drugs <> Drug-Free Parent Resource Center <> Engaging Families in Safe Schools Initiatives <>

Facebook Safety Center <> Facebook Safety Profile <> FCC: Parent Place <>

Federal Bureau of Investigation—Parents <> Find Youth Info <> Healthy Children <> Keeping Your Kids Drug-Free <>

Keeping Youth Mentally Healthy and Drug Free: Family Guide <>
