Press release # 2




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ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

Press Release # 2

Erbil 9/9/2015

The freedom of expression in Iraq and Kurdistan region neither legally nor practically has reached

the global standards. Despite the fact that there have been some legislative steps forward, there is no

positive effect in practice. Coming ISIS and fight against terrorism have badly affected the

condition of freedom of expression. Activists, journalists, and freedom fighters still face violations.

The demonstrations in Bagdad and south of Iraq, as well as the problem of presidency in Kurdistan

have showed that how the freedom of expression is restricted and violated. We have been witnesses

of increasing the violations in different forms, which reflecting in hitting journalists, disrespecting

activists, making problems for TV stations to broadcast their programs, and even arresting the

activists and journalists.

Even though the freedom protectors as individual and organization have been trying here and there

to stop violations, the violations against activists still happening. To develop the capability of a

group of freedom fighters who fight for freedom of expression in Iraq and Kurdistan, peace and

freedom organization in Kurdistan (PFOK), peace generations network (PGN), and with help of

Norwegian people aid (NPA) conduct a TOT session in Erbil. 35 activists participate in the session,

which lasts for 5 days as a first step of the project (Promoting the freedom of association,

expression and rights to information in Iraq and Kurdistan region), which will be continuing for 3


Sangar Youssif who is the representative of peace and freedom organization in Kurdistan and

supervising the session talked about the project and session:“ The freedom of expression needs

continuing efforts and group working. Hence, our project is a part of this effort and we try to

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

actively participate in developing the capability of freedom protectors, spreading the

awareness about the freedom of expression, and limiting the violations that happening against

the freedom of expression in Kurdistan. We work on this case to spreading the culture that

not accepts any violation against the freedom of expression.”

Redar Muhamad, who is the representative of peace generations network and supervising the

session for participants coming from central and southern parts of Iraq talked about the project and

said:" It is the goal of the session to develop capability of a group of youths and activists about

the freedom of expression in central and southern parts of Iraq. In order to discover and

reveal the deficiencies that exist in freedom of expression, accessing information, and

association, through conducting seminars and workshops the participants in this session play

an important role. In a conference that will be held in

Bagdad, reports will be prepared and they will be given to

the international organizations and those who are

interested and have responsibilities for taking care of

freedom of expression".

Maryam Halaby, who is a participant in the session talked

about the importance of the session and said:“ We got

different and useful information about the rights relevant to the freedom of expression. Most

people in Iraq me included think that there is only just freedom or human rights, while there

are different types of freedom. We need experts especially lawyers to make people be familiar

with the rights relevant to freedom. We also need continuous training sessions relevant to the

freedom of expression.”

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

Abdulrahman Bamerny, who is another participant said" Despite the fact that I have been

working on the freedom of expression for a long time, training session like this is so

important. Wherever it is, when the freedom of expression does not exist, tribal authorities

take advantage of that situation. It means that there is no law to be implemented.

Consequently, what appears is the violence against women and even against children. What

made me happy about this session was that they used appropriate criteria to choose the

participants. The participants also participated actively in the session. The trainers had a very

good capability to lead the training session.

Nyaz muhamad is another participant in the session, she shared her opinion about this session

"It is a convenient time to opening the sessions like this and it is also the time to review the

laws to improve the deficiency. In general, trainers were so good and had the capability to

cover the topics. It would be better if there was a printed document relevant to the topics

covered in the session in front of the participants".

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

It should be said that when the session is over, each participants are going to open two sessions in

their cities about the freedom of expression. All the participants at the end of this year will

announce “the freedom of expression protector’s network” they also make a plan for their

activities in the coming years about protecting the freedom of expression, association and accessing

information in Iraq and Kurdistan.

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان


هةوليَر 9/9/5102

ئاستی یشتۆته گه نه وه رووی پراكتیكییه له رووی یاسایی و نه له كو ئێستا نه رێمی كوردستاندا،تاوه عێراق و هه ئازادی بیرورا له

ی كی ئیجابیانه رییه كردندا كاریگه پراكتیزه اڵم له ،به نگاوی یاسایی نراوه ندێك هه دا هه وبواره له نده رچه كان،هه جیهانییه ره پێوه

. بووه نه

ی رێم وعێراق درێژه ئاستی هه تیرۆر و داعش له ڕی دژ به ڵدانی شه رهه دوای سه تی له تایبه وتكردنی مافی ئازادی بیرورا،به زه

رێم تی هه رۆكایه ی سه ڵدانی كێشه رهه هغداوباشووری عێراق و س به كان له ی خۆپیشاندانه ته وه تی له تایبه و به یه هه

فزیۆن له كانی ته ناڵه ر كه سه شویش خستنه چاالكوانان و ته تیكردن به ربڕین و سوكایه ی ئازادی بیرورا ده وه سككردنه رته به

. جارێكی دیكه وه ندۆته یسه ره نووسان و چاالكوانان په رۆژنامه ستگیركردن و لێدان له وده

و رووی ئه رووبه وی دیكه م شارو ئه ك رێكخراو له ك تاك یان وه رانی مافی ئازادی بیرورا چ وه ی داكۆكیكهرچ گه ئه

مافی رانی داكۆكیكه ك له یه پێدانی توانای ژماره ره ستی په به مه وامن.به رده كان به اڵم هێشتا پێشێلكارییه ،به وه ته بوونه پێشێلكارییانه

تی فریاگوزاری میللهبه پاڵپشتی كانی ئاشتی وه عێراق و كوردستاندا،رێكخراوی ئاشتی و ئازادی و تۆڕی نه ئازادی بیرورا له

چاالكوان تیایدا 53 زیاتر له ولێر كه شاری هه ران له ی خوولی راهێنانی راهێنه وه كرددنه ستن به ڵده هه "NPA"رویجی نه

رێمی عێراق و هه هێزكردنی مافی ئازادی بیرورا له ی )به ستپێكردنی پڕۆژه تای ده ره ك سه پێنج رۆژ وه ی شدارن بۆ ماوه به

.ساڵ 5ی كێشێت بۆ ماوه ده كانی درێژه چاالكییه كوردستان( كه

وه هك و خووله كه ی پڕۆژه باره رێكخراوی ئاشتی و ئازادی له له یه كه رشتیاری خوولی راهێنانه رپه سه ،كه ر‌یوسف‌صالح‌نگه‌سه

: ڵێت ده

کەمان ەل ڕێگای ئەم پڕۆژەیەوە "اکرکردن ەل بواری ئازادی بریوڕا اکرکردنێکە کە پێویس یت بە هەوڵی بەردەوام و دانەبڕاو و پێکەوەیی هەیە، ەلم چوارچێوەیەدا ڕێکخراوە

اڵوکردنەوەی هۆش یاری ئازادی ڕادەربڕین و هەروەها بەرتەسککردنەوەی هەوڵ دەدات بەشداریەیک اکرا باکت ەل بە هێزکردین تواانی چاالکواانین بواری ئازادی بریوڕا،ب

روپ ببێت بە بەش ێک پێش ێلاکریەاکین دەرهەق بە ئازادی ڕادەربڕین ەل هەڕمیی کوردس تان بە جۆرێک کە لکتوری قبوڵنەکردین پێش یلاکریەاکن ەلسەر ئاس یت اتک و گ

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

"ەل فەرهەنگی ئەم کۆمەڵگایە.

":ڵێت ده وه كه ی خووله باره له وه كانی ئاشتییه وه ن تۆڕی نه الیه له یه كه رشتیاری خووله رپه سه ،كهرێدار‌دمحم

ئامانج لەم خولە پێگەیاندنی کۆمەڵێک لە گەنج و چالکوانە لە بواری ئازادی ڕادەربرین لە ناوەراست و باشوری عێراق. لە

بواری ئازادی پێناو دۆزینەوەو خستنە ڕووی بەربەست و کەموکوڕیەکانی

ڕادەربڕین،بەدەستهێنانی زانیاری،و هەروەها ئازادی دروستکرندی کۆمەلەو

ڕێکخراوەکان بەشداربوانی ئەم خولە لە ڕێگای ئەنجامدانی جەندین ۆرکشۆپ

و سیمینارەوە بەشداریەکی کارایان دەبێت. دواتر لە ڕیگای بەستنی

ئامادە دەکرێت و کۆنفرانسێکەوە لە شاری بەغداد راپۆرتی تێروتەسەل

."دەدرێت بە الیەنی پەیوەندیدار و ڕێکخراوە نێودەولەتیەکان

ران شداربووانی خوولی راهێنانی راهێنه به له كێكه یه ، كهمهریهم‌حهلهبی.

:ڵێت ده وه كه ی گرنگی خووله باره له





دەڵێت: وه كه ی گرنگی خووله باره له كه خووله یهکێکه له بهشداربوانی كه عبدالرحمن بامەرنی

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان





که بهشداربوویهکی تری خولهکهیه سهبارەت به خولهکه دەڵێت:نیاز‌دمحم‌

‌سهرجهم‌ ‌به ‌یاساو ‌به ‌ئهوەیه ‌کوردستان.کاتی ‌داهاتوی ‌بۆ ‌گونجاوە ‌خۆیدایهو ‌کاتی ‌له ‌زۆر ‌خوله ‌ئهم کردنهەوەی

‌گشت ‌به ‌کهلێنهکان. ‌چاککردنی ‌بۆ ‌بڕۆینهوە ‌بهسهر‌ڕیزبهندیهکانماندا ‌زاڵبون ‌وە ‌بون ‌بهتوانا ‌خولهکه ‌ڕاهێنهرەکانی ی

‌خولهکه ‌بهڕێوەچوونی ‌کاتی ‌له ‌بهشداربووان ‌بۆ ‌ههبوایه ‌چاپکراو ‌شتێکی ‌بتوانرایه ‌ئهگهر ‌دەبوو ‌باشتر .بابهتهکاندا.

. تێكڕای وه نه كه ده خوولی دیكه 2رشارێكدا هه له رانه و راهێنه ،ئه م خووله واو بوونی ئه دوای ته دوابه نی باسه شایه

نن و،پالنی كارو یه گه مافی ئازادی بیروڕا" راده رانی له كه مساڵدا ، تۆڕی "داكۆكیه كۆـایی ئه كان له موو خووله شداربووانی هه به

رێمی ری هه رتاسه سه له وه مافی ئازادی بیرورا و گردبوونه داكۆكیكردن له روو له نه خه كانیان بۆ سااڵنی داهاتوو ده چاالكییه

كوردستان و عێراقدا

ريَكخراوي ئاشيت وئازادي لةكوردستان Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

منظمة السالم والحرية في كوردستان

About the Organization

1-The Name of the Organization: Peace and Freedom Organization in Kurdistan

2-Contact Information: Address: Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Tel.: 00964(0)7707600575 e-mail: 3-Contact person’s name and title:

Abdullah Khalid Board director Mobile: 00964 (0) 750 415 0511 Email:

4-Geographical coverage of the activities: National NGO covers all the Kurdistan region.


PFOK. has been founded in 2013, registered in Kurdistan Region by Department Non-Government Organizations Office, according to the certificate number of 743 ك .

6-Vision: We are struggling towards a community are enjoying the principles of the human rights, Freedoms, equality, and non-violence culture


PFOK is a non-governmental, non-profit, Kurdistan organization, its head quarter is located in Erbil the capital of Kurdistan region, it aims to: disseminate and reinforce human rights; Freedoms, equality, and non-violence culture; reinforce the spirit of voluntary work in the Kurdistan community.
