President Jackson. Jacksonian democracy Jackson’s “COMMON man” roots showed in his policies...


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President Jackson

Jacksonian democracy

• Jackson’s “COMMON man” roots showed in his policies– Believed that EVERYONE should have the

chance to work hard and improve their lives

• Jacksonian democracy – Opened VOTING population (didn’t need

PROPERTY to vote)

Spoils System

• Jackson believed that the PEOPLE themselves should manage gov’t affairs – “SPOILS SYSTEM” = Jackson filled gov’t

positions with his SUPPORTERS

– Also called → “ROTATION in OFFICE” = way to STOP the same people from holding office and using that office to benefit themselves

Kitchen Cabinet:

• Made up of a group of NEWSPAPERMEN from around the country in order to– Be closer to the people and know their

concerns? OR– get “good press?”

Jackson & Native Americans

• Long history as an Indian fighter

• saw Indians “IN THE WAY” of white settlement– At the same time…

• Several states attempted to take over Indian lands

• FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES = attempted to ASSIMILATE so that they could stay on their traditional lands

Cherokee alphabet

Jackson’s Indian Policies

• President Adams opposed state efforts to “REMOVE” Indians → argued only FEDERAL gov’t had power to make agreements with Native Americans

• What was Jackson’s policy?

Indian Removal Act

• 1830 – gave gov’t power to make treaties with Native Americans that would REMOVE them to lands in the WEST that were “RESERVED” for them

• Beginning of the RESERVATION SYSTEM

Native American reaction:

• Although some treaties were signed, many Native Americans RESISTED removal

• CHEROKEE Nation goes to the SUPREME COURT

John Marshall’s decisions

• Rules in favor of the Cherokees!

• Example: Worcester V Georgia (1832) = GEORGIA can NOT take away Cherokee lands

• So what does Jackson do????

Jackson’s reaction:

“JOHN MARSHALL has made his decision…now let

him enforce it.”

Meaning what?

Trail of Tears

• 800 mile journey, mostly by foot, to OKLAHOMA

• Over ONE-FOURTH died

• When they arrive in Oklahoma, they find TERRIBLE land


• Jackson DISTRUSTED banks-->believed they were for the wealthy

• REMOVES $$ from NATIONAL bank– Puts $$ in smaller banks=

PET BANKS– Would give farmers chance to

get loans

• Pet banks didn’t have enough money to lend out-->DEPRESSION of 1837

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