Presented by: Megan Knicley


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  • Presented by: Megan Knicley
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  • Can you and your colleagues brainstorm possible issues that could occur with students and/or teachers use of computers? Ill give you 30 seconds.
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  • Legal Fraud Illegal downloading Hacking Ethical Computer crimes Bullying Safety Online Predators All of these issues can be addressed with an AUP.
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  • Proper use What to not do with the computer What we will do with the computer Protection for teachers and students To meet the demands of a changing society, Day and Schrum (1995) declare that sound AUPs are needed to prepare schools to adequately address the issues involved with students' use of the new technologies.(Flowers 2000).
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  • Anne Arundel County Schools policy for students can be found at The policy specifically outlines what the computer should be used for in the classroom environment. It highlights that the students will be using the internet for school research, access to instructional materials, and testing. The Employees AUP can be found at on pages 12-18 The policy discusses appropriate use from email to resources used in the classroom.
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  • Make students and parents aware of the policy Print a copy to be signed Show a copy at back to school night Post a link on the schools website Use/create Digital Citizenship lessons to align with Maryland Technology StandardsMaryland Technology Standards Other Lessons can be found through Common Sense Media Common Sense Media Monitor students computer use
  • Slide 11
  • There are many issues regarding safe usage of computers including legal, ethical, and safety issues. To insure safe computer usage in the classroom both students and teachers need to be aware of their AUP. Implementing an AUP can be easy if you make students aware by teaching Digital Citizenship.
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  • AUP Check. (2000-2011). Retrieved from: Common Sense Media Inc. (2012). Retrieved from: Endicott-Popovosky, B. (2009). Seeking a Balance: Online Safety for Pur Children. TeacherLibrarian, 37(2), 29-34. Retrieved from: 52f4-43bd-bfff- 844c7622065e%40sessionmgr11&vid=13&hid=116&bdata=JnNpdGU9Z WRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=47500188 52f4-43bd-bfff- 844c7622065e%40sessionmgr11&vid=13&hid=116&bdata=JnNpdGU9Z WRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=ehh&AN=47500188 Flowers, B. C. (2000). Analyses of Acceptable Use Policies Regarding the Internet in Selected K-12 Schools. Journal Of Research On Computing In Education, 32(3), 351. Laughton, P. A. (2008). Hierarchical analysis of acceptable use policies. South African Journal Of Information Management, 10(4), 2.
