Présentation1_torque calculation.pptx


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Torque-calculating Lever Arm and torque

Calculating valve torque relies on a few different variables. The length of your valve handle is very important when making this calculation.

The longer your valve is, the greater potential torque and therefore, the easier it will be to turn the valve.

Another variable when calculating valve torque is the amount of force you apply to the valve. In order to maximise valve torque it is imperative that you apply this force perpendicular to the valve arm itself.

Measure the length (or radius) of your valve with your tape measure

1) Distance d??

Multiply this length by the amount of force you will be applying

perpendicularly to the valve on your calculator

Keep track of units when doing this math.For example, if you are multiplying a valve of

length 0.2 meters by a perpendicular forceof 50 newtons, your answer would be a torque of 10

newton meters.

If you apply a force to the valve that is not perpendicular then that will change the

amount of torque. It then becomes length multiplied by the sine of the angle at which you

are applying the force

1) Torque Ʈ??

2éme méthode1) Distance d??