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"Hi, my name is Eric and I am 25 years old. I am English and I work in an office in the city. I try not to look like a ‘modern city boy’. I do care about how I look, making sure my facial hair is always neat. I’m not a fan of places like Topman because they sell stuff that everyone has, I prefer wear stuff that’s vintage and individual. I quite like re-psyco on Gloucester road, they have some pretty unique stuff in there. I’m pretty popular with the ladies, and I enjoy taking them on dates – it’s usually to the movies. I am a social smoker, and enjoy it occasionally. On the weekend I like to go to the pub with the lads or have a game of rugby. I have a heavy interest in photography/cinematography and in my spare time pursue this. It’s only a hobby though, a couple of times I’ve had my stuff showcased at a film festival, but I usually go to support everyone else. Adding to this, one of my favourite things to do is watch films. All the classics really get me. They’re so cool, the style and the old cars and things, like sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I am close to my father. "