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PRESENTATION ON INTERVIEWBY G.SUDHA PARIMALAWhat is an interview?Interview is a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions to judge whether they are suitable for a job.

There are three stagesFirst is before interview.Second is during interview.Third is after interview.In this stage i.e. before interview registration,application process, preparing for the interview.The second stage is during interview nothing but attending the interview .In this stage the interviewer asks the question to the interviewe.Interviewer&interviewe

Interview process consists of different rounds like JAM,GD.JAMis nothing but just a minute talk.GD is group discussion.

During an interview you can expect to be asked questions around your educational background, previous work experiences and questions relating to your personal characteristics and goals. But what happens after that? It depends on what interview style your interviewer prefers. Below are some of the more common interview styles used.

Formal the time is scheduled for the sake of the interviewee.Informal no specific scheduleDifferent kinds of interviewsFace-To-Face InterviewThis is a traditional interview and the most common type. In this interview the candidate and the interviewer meets face-to-face.

The main concept of the interview is to build rapport with the interviewer and show how the qualifications will benefit their organization. The interviewee should maintain eye contact, and respond to all the questions of the interviewer.

Interviewee should maintain eye contact

Last stage Last stage is waiting for the results.Interview skills

Interview tips