Presentation Meeting Year 2 Tuesday 10 th September 2013 Miss Keane Class 2 Elm and Miss Gillani...


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Presentation MeetingYear 2

Tuesday 10th September 2013Miss Keane Class 2 Elm

and Miss Gillani Class 2 Pine


• Miss Keane- Class 2 Elm Teacher• Miss Gillani- Class 2 Pine Teacher• Mr Whaley- Year 2 Classroom Teaching Assistant• Mrs Thorn- Year 2 Classroom Teaching Assistant

and Intervention groups.• Miss Dias, Miss Banks and Laura- One to One

intervention Teaching Assistants• Sports Coach- for Outdoor PE• RE Teacher- Miss Sokhi

A day at school

• Literacy and Numeracy taught in the morning and start at 8:55am.

• Break times- Morning Break: 10:15am -10:30amAfternoon Break: 2:05pm- 2:15pm• Lunchtime: 12:00pm- 1:05pm• Wednesday Afternoon RE and Sports Coach • Library-Monday• ICT-Thursday• PE days Outdoor- Wednesday Afternoon • Indoor- Tuesday Afternoon

LiteracyNarrative Units Non-fiction Units Poetry Units

Autumn Unit 1 – Stories with familiar settings (4 weeks)Unit 2 – Traditional stories (4 weeks)

Unit 1 – Instructions (4 weeks)

Unit 1 – Patterns on the page (2 weeks)

Spring Unit 3 – Different stories by the same author (3 weeks)

Unit 2 – Explanations (3 weeks) Unit 3 – Information texts(4 weeks)

Unit 2 – Really looking (2 weeks)

Summer Unit 4 – Extended stories/ Significant authors (3 weeks)

Unit 4 – Non-chronological reports (4 weeks)

Unit 3 – Silly stuff (2 weeks)

• Guided reading will be taught every week in a group setting.

• Individual readers will be heard by a teaching assistant or class teacher. Your child needs to be read with every day even if it is only for 5 -10 minutes.

• Phonics will be streamed this year so that children can progress at their own level.


NumeracyUsing and Applying Counting and Understanding Number

•Solve problems using + - x and /•Identify and record information or calculation•Follow a line of enquiry•Describe patterns•Present solutions to puzzles and problems

•Read and write 2-digit and 3-digit numbers•Count up to 100 objects by grouping into tens, fives or twos•Order 2 digit numbers•Estimate a number of objects•Find ½ ¼ ¾ of shapes and sets of objects

Knowing and Using Number Facts Calculating

•Derive and recall all + and – facts for each number to at least 10•Understanding that halving is the inverse of doubling•Recall multiplication facts for 2, 5 and 10 x tables•Use knowledge of number facts to estimate

•Add or subtract mentally a 1 or 2 digit number or a multiple of 10 from any 2 number•Understand that subtraction is the inverse of addition•Represent repeated addition and arrays as multiplication•Use the symbols + - x and / to record

Numeracy Understanding Shape Measuring

•2D and 3D – sort, make and describe shapes•Identify reflective symmetry in patterns •Follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement•Recognise and use whole, half and quarter turns both clockwise and anticlockwise

•Estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and capacities•Read numbered divisions on a scale•Use units of time: seconds, minutes, hours and days

Handling Data

•Answer a question by recollecting and recording data in lists•Use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects, explain choices using appropriate language

Foundation Subjects Term Design and

TechnologyArt Computing Science

Autumn Puppets Picture This! Yellow Islands. Using paint programmes

Healthy EatingMaterials

Spring Vehicles Can buildings speak?

BeeBots ElectricityForces

Summer Mother Nature, Designer

Branching programmes

Plants and AnimalsVariations

Foundation SubjectsTerm History Geography PSHE RE

Autumn Remembrance Day

St Lucia It’s Our worldSay No!

Special Days

Spring The Great Fire of London

Island Home Money mattersWho likes Chocolate?

Our world: Caring for new life

Summer Seaside Holiday’s in the Past

The Seaside People around usGrowing up

The importance of water

Foundation SubjectsTerm Outdoor PE Indoor PE Music

Autumn Tag RugbyHockey



Spring NetballTennis

Gymnastics Different Instruments and their sounds/ representing music as a score

Summer AthleticsCricket

Dance Keeping in time to a pulse

HomeworkChildren will be given a home learning books forLiteracy and Numeracy. All worksheets should be

stuck in to the books before being handed in. Homework given

outBring back to school Every day

Monday Numeracy Read to an adult

Tuesday Literacy/Science Read to an adult

Wednesday Numeracy Read to an adult

Thursday Spellings Spellings Read to an adult

Friday Literacy/Science Read to an adult


Lunchtime Behaviour System Yellow card• This is a warning. The lunchtime supervisors will write down the child’s name in

their book and talk to the child about what rule they have broken.

Red card• If they break a rule a second time or they do something serious, the child will get a

red card. Mrs Richards will send a letter to the parent/carer to tell them about the behaviour and the child will have a lunchtime detention the following day with Miss Alison.

• If they misbehave again, they will receive another red card.The parent/carer will have to come for a meeting with Mrs Richards and Miss Alison to discuss the behaviour and they will have a lunchtime detention for 2 days.

• If your child gets another Red card, it is very serious, they will have a lunchtime detention for 3 days and you will have a meeting with Mrs Holland. The child will go on a ‘report card’ to check their behaviour every play and lunchtime for 10 consecutive days. You will then meet Mrs Holland again to check improvements have been made. At the end of each term the slate is wiped clean and children start each term without a record of detentions or red cards.


• Year 2 is the end of Key Stage 1 so children are assessed using SAT’s (Standard Assessment Testing) in Literacy and Numeracy in the Summer Term.

• This will be done internally by the class teacher and used to establish children’s National Curriculum levels at the end of Key Stage 1.

• The data will be used internally and is used to inform teacher assessments.

General Reminders

• Please make sure that book bags are in school every day.

• Water bottles• All school clothes and PE kits named (uniform

lists are on website)• Call office if your child is absent.• No holidays in term time
