Presentation English Language UPSR


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  • 7/28/2019 Presentation English Language UPSR


    Date : 4-6 July

    Time : ??????????.

    Venue : SK Long LaputPresentor : Cikgu Mohd Aminnullah bin Mohd Nor (Head of

    English Language, SK Long Pelutan

  • 7/28/2019 Presentation English Language UPSR


    Though the lamp might not be the same,

    But they emitted the same light

    - Yasmin Ahmad-

    God will help you in your doing

    -Sir Lord Baden Powell-

  • 7/28/2019 Presentation English Language UPSR


    Ponder on this. Think you can already

    answer everything? Really?

    How is this even possible?

    Five is less than two,

    and two is less than zero,

    when zero is less than five.

  • 7/28/2019 Presentation English Language UPSR


    Consist of two papers

    Paper 1 (Comprehension and Grammar)

    Paper 2 (Writing)

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    Paper 1 consists of 40 multiple-choice questions.

    Each questions is followed by three or four options.

    There are five (5) sections all which give a total of 40 marks.

    The marks are allocated as follows:

    Section C: 10 marks.10 items of grammaticalquestions

    Section A: 10 marks.10 vocabulary questions atword, phrase or sentencelevel

    Section B: 5 marks5 questions on social andlanguage expressions.

    Section D: 5 marks.A passage with 5 blanks tobe filled.

    Section E: 10 marks.2 linear or non-linear passageswith 5 comprehensionquestions each.

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    Paper 2 consist of three (3) sections that test the writing skills.

    Notes and pictures are given as stimuli in descriptive or/andnarrative writing.

    Pupils are encourage to write in their own words and expand

    the notes.

    Give your original idea that are relevant.

    The marks are allocated as followed.

    Section A: Sentence

    Constructions. A composite picture

    is given. 10 words are given

    to guide pupils. Write 5 sentences

    about the picture

    Section B: Information

    Transfer 3 pictures with

    information are given Transfer the

    information to a table. Choose an item and

    gives reason for yourchoice

    Section C: Note Expansion

    3 or 4 pictures are givenin sequence.

    Notes are given for eachpicture.

    Write a description aboutthe pictures.

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    Section A: Tips for students In these ten questions, youll be challenge with 10 vocabulariesquestions, either word level, phrase level and sentence level. In this section, students are advised to read carefully thequestion. Look for clues in the sentence. Sometimes the sentenceacts like a guide for you. Look at these examples:

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    Section B: Tips for students In these 5 questions on social and language expressions what to

    remember is to use the most accurate response.

    Pick the one that relate with the question or an answer suit thes bestaccording to the picture.

    Example like:

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    Section C: Tips for students In section C, 10 items of grammatical questions will challenge

    students about his or her knowledge on grammar.

    Questions 16-20 are ever changing, we cant narrow it down to onlycertain aspect of the grammar world to tackle these questions.

    Youll have to go back to basic and remember all the grammaticalrules to answer these questions.


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    Section C: Tips for students Questions 21 is usually tested your vocabulary. You will have to look

    for similar meaning or opposite meaning of a word.

    First, you will have to understand the meaning of the word in bold,and only then you can search for the answer.

    Read the questions again for clues too.


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    Section D: Tips for students Questions 26-30 will be about a passage with 5 blanks to be filled.

    Study the picture first. Understand what is the picture generally

    about. Now read the passage as a whole. Ignore the blanks and try to

    understand the passage even with the blanks.

    Read all the options given to you before you choose. In thesequestions, you will be tested on both vocabulary and grammar.

    Choose the best answer that best describe the picture andgrammatically correct.

    Easy does it. You have plenty of time to answer.

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    The word yesterday tells youthat this event happens in thepast. Past tenses will be thebest answer here

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    Section E: Tips for students. Questions 30-40 will test you on your comprehension.

    It will be two linear or non-linear passages with 5 comprehension

    questions each. What you need to do first is NOT to read the passage first, but read

    the questions and all the options given first.

    This will help you to look for your answer in the passage faster.

    A technique you have to learn to tackle this is Skim and Scan

    Skim and Scan is a technique where you only look for keywords thatwill help you to answer your questions.

    Use your finger as index. Look for your keyword by reading thequestion and look for it in the passage.

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    Read the questionsand the options first

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    Section A: Tips for students In the first part of paper 2, you will be presented with a composite


    You will want to read the instruction first. Usually the instructiongoes like this:

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    Take notice of the bolded word. Clearly states here that you will have towrite 5 sentences. The sentences will also have to best describe thepicture.

    First of all the words in the boxes are very useful for you to further

    understand the picture. Use the words to make 5 complete sentences to describe the picture. You may

    not use all the words given.

    Use linkers or sentence connectors and conjunctions where appropriate.

    Read the sentences and check if they are logical and grammatically correct.

    Make sure the sentences describe the picture logically and correctly.

    Make your sentences interesting. You may add adjectives and adverbs.

    You must be consistent when using tenses to describe the picture.

    Eg. Present and Present Continuous Tense. Pay attention to Subject-VerbAgreement.

    Check your answers and correct any mistakes in grammar, spelling andpunctuation.

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    Section A: Tips for students

    Circle all the activity (verbs) you can see and label it. Goahead, dont worry. The marks will only come in the spaceprovided.

    Next, gives meaning for all the words in the boxes to see if ureally understand the word.

    Arranging tables

    wipe theblackboard


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    Section A: Tips for students Study the picture. Ask yourself the Wh Questions.

    What is the picture all about?

    Where is it?

    Who is in the picture?

    When did the people in the picture are involve with what they

    are doing?

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    Section A: Tips for students Write your answer in a piece of paper (provided when u ask for it).

    Combine all your answer for the Wh Questions and you will haveyourself a good first sentence. Include the words in the boxes thatyou understand. Example:

    1. (Who) A group of pupils (what = action) are cleaning theclassroom (How = adverb) earnestly.

    Next use the actions you have circle, the labels, and words in theboxes to make sentences 2-5. Example

    2. The girls with pony tails are arranging the desks while anothergirl is sweeping the floor thoroughly.

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    MORE USEFUL TIPS TO SCORE A IN SECTION A1. If you do not know the word given or unsure of its meaning, do not use it.

    2. You are not required to write a story.

    3. Sentences do not have to be in sequence.

    4. The tense used must be consistent.

    5. For Section A, pupils may use the Present Continuous Tense to describe the

    actions that are happening at present.

    6. You must distinguish every person in the picture. There are two boys in theroom. You can write A tall boy is wiping the blackboard while another boy isdusting the windows on the side of the classroom.

    7. You may name the people in the picture but you must be specific, for exampleKamariah, who has a long hair is sweeping the floor.

    8. Do not put yourself in the picture. Avoid writing , My family and I .. or Iam very happy.

    These are example of answers to a same question tell me which one of

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    These are example of answers to a same question tell me which one ofthe example gives u the best description?

    Sample Answers:Excellent (9-10 marks)

    1. The bread vendor, who is wearing a helmet, uses a motorcycle to sell bread, buns and cakes to his

    customers.2. There are many types of bread hung around the container on the motorcycle which is parked under a

    shady tree.

    3. Many children are buying their favourite bread, buns and cakes from the friendly bread vendor.4. The hard- working bread vendor gets his supply of bread from a bakery in town. 5. Two women who are carrying their babies are walking towards the bread vendor.

    Good (7-8 marks)1. Encik Ahmad, who is a bread vendor, goes from place to place on his motorcycle to sell his bread and


    2. He keeps the bread, buns and cakes in a big container behind his motorcycle and hangs some of them

    around it.

    3. His customers are housewives and children who love to buy their favourite breads from him.4. Encik Ahmads delicious bread, buns and cakes are made in a famous bakery in town.5. A Malay woman and her Chinese neighbour want to buy some bread and they are walking towardshim.Accomplishment (5-6 marks)

    1. The bread vendor sells his bread on a motorcycle.2. He parks his motorcycle under a big shady tree.3. A few children are buying their favourite bread from him.

    4. There is a big container at the back of his motorcycle.5. The two women are carrying their babies.

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    How would you construct your sentences?Here are some suggestions:

    CONSTRUCTING SIMPLE SENTENCES(Subject + Verb + Predicate)

    The bread vendor is selling fresh bread, buns and cakes to his customers.

    The children are buying their favourite bread.

    The two women are carrying their babies and walking towards the bread


    The women and children bought a lot of bread, buns and cakes from Encik

    Ahmad, the bread vendor.

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    How would you construct your sentences?Here are some suggestions:

    CONSTRUCTING COMPOUND SENTENCESConstruct two simple sentences first. Join them together with

    conjunctions such as:and , so, while , but , because, as , when , so that and etc.


    1. A boy with a cap on, jogs on the path in the park

    2. A boy rides his bicycle.

    1+2 = A boy with a cap on jogs in the park while another boy rideshis bicycle.

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    Latifah, who is wearing a scarf , is sweeping the compound.


    Adriana, a helpful pupil, is helping her teacher to carry her heavy bag.


    Mr. Muthu, the bread vendor, who is wearing a helmet, is selling bread and

    cakes to his customers.


    Miss Lee, the teacher, is showing her pupils how to make paper flowers while

    sitting on the floor.


    Farah and Rani , two active children, are in their tracksuits while waiting for

    their coach to train them

  • 7/28/2019 Presentation English Language UPSR


    Section B: Question 2a and 2bWhat is it?Pictures stimuli with short notes are given.Complete a table with information from the stimulus.Then write a paragraph giving reasons for a choice made.

    Top Tips for Section B Question 2:

    (You are advised to spend 25 minutes on this section.)

    Read the instructions and information given carefully.For Question 2a:

    1.Look at the table and find the information you need to complete the

    table.2.Look for key words. Refer to the answers given as examples tofollow.3.Transfer the information to the blanks in the table.

    4.Check your


    b.grammar and


    5.Write neatly and clearly.

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    1. For Question 2 b, choose one option from the choices given.2. There is no right or wrong choice. You must try to give good reasons for

    making your choice.3. You can use the information from the table to help you list out reasons for

    your choice.4. While it is good to compare the items, it is not a must to make a comparison

    with the other items.5. List down the points and give your reasoning.6. Use a variety of sentence:

    simple and compound.

    7. Use adjectives to make the description more interesting.8. Use linkers to give the description a smoother flow. (Besides, Therefore,Moreover etc. However, use them appropriately; and not for everysentence)

    Section B: Question 2a and 2b

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    In part 2a you will be given information in form of linear or nonlinear material for you to work on. It can be anything from:

    flyersbrochures handoutsadvertisementsand etc..

    In the first part, what you will see is something like this

    Section B: Question 2a and 2b

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    Always read theinstruction..

    Next, study all stimulusgiven

    Pay attention to thevariable. Make sure youget the correct ones..

    To fill in here. The filledins are clues


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    1. Price / Fee / Fare / Cost

    The price/fee/fare is low.The _________is cheap. It only costs RM20.00It is the cheapest among the three. (items )

    The price for the_______ is RM70. Although the______ is expensive, it is

    affordable and at a higher quality.

    It is a reasonable price/fee/fare and I think I can afford it.

    The price, which is RM50, is reasonable and affordable.

    The price/fee/fare is not too expensive. Furthermore, I will get a discount/free


    This means I will pay less than advertise.

    The price/fee/fare is only at RM xx.xx each and it is the cheapest of all.It is worth buying.

    I would choose SMART Tuition Centre because their fee is the lowest of all.Although the price of the kitten is quite costly, I will get a lovely basket for free.

    It is very economical to choose Package A because the price is within my



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    2. Occupations

    I like to be a teacher when I grow up because I can impartknowledge to pupils.

    I prefer to be a doctor when I grow up because I can treat sickpeople and save lives. I can contribute my service to the people.

    Being a pilot is interesting because I get to travel around the world.I can visit many different countries all over the world. Besides, I

    can meet many kinds of people and learn about their culture andtraditions.

    I choose to be a policeman because I can keep law and order. Itwill be my responsibility to keep the town safe and peaceful. This

    job is challenging although and sometimes dangerous.

    This job is enjoyable and I get to meet many people.

    This occupation is suitable for me. / It suits me.

    It is highly paid. / The salary is high.

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    Section C: Question 3What is it?

    Series of pictures with short notes are given .

    Write sentences to describe the pictures given.

    Use the notes given to help you write the sentences

    You are advised to spend 35 minutes on this section.

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    Tips on scoring an A on question 3

    Read the instructions carefully.Look at the pictures carefully.

    Read and understand the pictures and notes as a

    story. Continuity is the name of the game.

    Pay attention to the words given to give you a clue towhat tense to use.

    Try to use the same tense throughout.

    oThe introduction maybe in Present Tense if youare describing the main character of the story.

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    Using the notes given , write 3 or 4 paragraphs to

    describe the pictures or story. Write neatly.

    Have an opening and a closure.Write a variety of sentences. Use simple, compound

    and complex sentences.

    Write creatively. Use proper vocabulary to expressyour ideas.

    Use adjectives and adverbs to make them


    If you are confident, use idioms, similies or proverbs.

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    Your sentences should link well so that your story

    has a smooth flow in your story.

    ( Meanwhile, Within a few minutes, As he waswalking home, Immediately, First, Then, After that ,

    Suddenly , etc )

    Check for mistakes in spelling, grammar andpunctuation. Check that you have used the full-stop,

    comma and capital letters.

    Use the correct sentence structures.

    You may change the order of the words as long as

    the meaning is clear.

    Plan your ideas well. Do not repeat your ideas.


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    SAMPLE ANSWERHalim is my pen pal. He studies in the Year 6 Best in SK Cemerlang. Halim enjoys outdoor activities

    such as camping and fishing. We share similar hobbies too. Halim is an active and friendly boy. He is popular inhis school and his teachers like him too.

    During the last holidays, Halim and his friends went camping together. They were excited and plannedfor the trip well. They camped in Bukit Nanas quite far from their school. Halims uncle, Encik Abdul Rahman

    accompanied them on the trip. He was an experienced scout so he could look after the boys well and help them .They brought along tents, torchlights, clothes, cooking utensils and enough food for three days.

    The weather was fine and everyone was in a happy mood. After getting down from Halims uncle new

    car, they had to walk through a jungle track to reach their campsite. Each of them had to carry their own heavyknapsacks on their backs. The air was fresh and they enjoyed walking . They were happy to get away from thehustle and bustle of their busy town.

    Soon, they reached their campsite. They saw a beautiful waterfall nearby. The boys pitched their tents

    and collected firewood for the campfire at night and cooking. After that, they spent a lot of time playing in the coolclear water. Encik Abdul Rahman taught them how to make a fishing rod. Halim and his friends made their ownfishing rods from thin branches and twigs.They had fun trying to catch fish using the fishing rods they had made. They also took turns to cook their simplemeals over a fire.

    Beside fishing and swimming, the adventurous boys also went jungle trekking . It was a challenging

    activity as the ground was steep and slippery. Although it was tiring, the boys enjoyed themselves in the jungle.They could see various types of insects and rare birds and plants. They collected some leaves and pebbles fortheir Science Corner in their class. At night, they had a lovely campfire and sang many camping songs , joked andlaughed a lot.

    Later, it was time to return home. They had spent three wonderful days in the jungle. Before leaving

    their campsite, they made sure that the place was clean. They picked up all the rubbish and put it in a big plasticbag. Halims uncle made sure that he had put out the fire carefully. He did not want to cause any forest fires.

    Then, all of them left the jungle feeling tired but happy. It was an educational and adventurous experience. Whenthey returned home, they wrote down their experience in their diaries..

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