Presentation by hfcyclists The local branch of the London Cycling Campaign


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Presentation by hfcyclistsThe local branch of the

London Cycling Campaign

We [the LCC] believe the streets of H&F should be accessible and safe for all

Best Practice

Shared paths by the Thames

Best Practice

HGV driver

cycle awareness


Our one-day Safer Urban Driving course is now Driver CPC certified, and is offered FREE OF CHARGE* to any professional LGV driver who drives in either Hammersmith and Fulham and/or our partner boroughs (Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster). * £8.75 document upload fee payable on booking

All h&f lorry drivers (eg refuse collectors) have now completed this course.

• "Safe Urban Driving" is a one day training course that covers a range of aspects of driving an HGV in the urban environment, with a particular focus on driving around vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.

• The training is available to HGV drivers who regularly drive their vehicles within the boundaries of Hackney.

• There is no charge for the training, venue or equipment however drivers / their company must meet the cost of uploading driver details (currently £8.95 per person).

• The Budget Book sets out how the Council arrived at its financial requirements for 2011/12 and how it intends to spend its budget.

• Seek to include the need for HGV drivers to have cycle awareness training as part of planning conditions / informatives.

Best Practice

Two-way cycling on one-way


RBKC has led the way

Two way cycling in Kings Cross area

Camden has now implemented two-way cycling in all of the streets in the area

between Euston Road,

Grays Inn Road,

Regents Square

and Argyle Street

East side of Argyle Square © Camden Cyclists All rights reserved

Compare LBHF

Two-way cycling in Bridge Avenue

• We [LBHF] hope to be able to design and implement this in the current financial year

• We [LCC] would like to see most one-way streets becoming two-way for cyclists. Including Rainville Road, Minford Gardens and Lisgar Terrace for a start

Best Practice

Promotion of


Bikeminded is a new campaign launched this summer to encourage more people living or working in the Royal Borough to take up cycling to boost their well-being and improve the local environment.

Bikeminded is a three-year campaign

funded by a European programme

to reduce carbon emissions.

Kathryn King [2011]

Best Practice

20mph speed limit

• The whole of Islington now has a 20mph limit, except main routes such as Pentonville Road, which will stay at 30mph. The 20mph limit applies to side or "non-principal" roads.

• Cllr Paul Smith, Islington Council's Executive Member for Environment, said:

• "We're on the side of residents and this will make Islington's roads safer for everyone, whether they're walking, cycling or in a vehicle.

Compare LBHF

• There are very good 20mph areas called Home Zones. These all have calming measures such as speed tables or humps. Even so some vehicles go exceedingly fast.

• We recommend LBHF to have a default 20mph speed limit in the Borough

Major opportunitiesfor cycling in H&F

Hammersmith Bridge

Hammersmith Gyratory

Shepherds Bush Green

Hammersmith Bridge a problem for many cyclists

Clara Vergez victim of the bridge.

Protest ride to highlight the problems

Ride with Councillors – King Street to Bridge

Outcome / Hammersmith Bridge

• We will, subject to consultation, continue the edge of carriageway lines in a straight line from their position at the towers and fill the "enclaves" between and before the towers with white hatch markings.

• This will impress on drivers the narrowness of the carriageway and encourage cyclists to "hold the road".

Outcome / Hammersmith Bridge

• In combination with [the] above, we will paint white cycle logos on the carriageway under the bridge towers.

• We believe that these measures could make a significant difference to cyclists' feelings of safety and security on the bridge.

Outcome / Hammersmith Bridge

• However, we do not believe that introducing a 20mph limit on the bridge is justified at the present time.

• [LCC] We are very pleased with these measures, but still consider a 20mph limit on the bridge essential and will continue to press for this

Outcome / Hammersmith Bridge

• Experience has shown that a driver thinking he has the right to do 30mph is very intolerant of a cyclist slowing him down

• If the limit is 20mph they may be more tolerant of a cyclist in their path

If Tower Bridge is special enough to have a

20mph limit, why not Hammersmith Bridge

Cycling Superhighway 9

• This will use seven shared-use crossings to cross the A4, Fulham Palace Road and A4 again

Waiting to cross the slip road at a quiet time

Part of the route of CSH9 – not very wide

and even less wide for a two-way shared-use path


• Some cyclists going east would prefer to stay on the road. But there is a problem of congestion and delays in Beadon Road

Glenthorne Road/Beadon Road

• [LCC] We would like to see money spent on Beadon rd to give a clear path for cyclists through this bottleneck.

• [LBHF] We will look at what can be done as part of our traffic studies in relation to the Section 106 agreement for the National Car Park development,

• but there is an unsurmountable pinchpoint outside nos 14-18 Beadon Road

Numbers 14 – 18 Beadon Road.

The congestion backing up to Glenthorne Rd

Part of the solution would be to have the

bus-lane in Glenthorne road continue along

Beadon road up to Hammersmith Grove

• Time for some inspired design to help buses and cyclists get through the congestion here


• We also recommend shared use on the pavement up to the tube station entrance

• Cyclists coming from Hammersmith Bridge will attempt to turn right to join CSH 9


We recommend new crossing near bus gates for cyclists from Hammersmith Bridge

Shepherds Bush Green

Access to a safe crossing

• After many months of nothing happening, [an Officer] of LBHF Highways Dept phoned John today to discuss the location of a ramp to take cyclists off the eastbound Uxbridge rd to deliver them to Westfield and the toucan crossing on the northern arm of the Holland Park roundabout.

Access to a safe crossing

Access to a safe crossing

• It is possible that work may start on this very soon. [July 2009]

• It is possible that work may start on this very soon. [September 2012]

Our wish list

• 20mph on Hammersmith Bridge• Clear route for cyclists on Beadon Road• Best Practice and inspiring design• Everything else• A continuing open channel for discussion

with Members on progress


the Committee reviews and comments on the contents of this presentation and makes appropriate recommendations

to the Cabinet Member for

Transport and Technical Services

and the

Director for Transport and Highways

John Griffiths / Chair hfcyclists 7371 1290 / 07789 095 748
