Present Grow Send Serving Guide




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Serving Guide

Who We AreOur MissionPRESENT • GROW • SENDKillearn United Methodist Church is a community of people committed to present Christ, encourage growth & holiness, and to send out others to present Christ.

Our VisionAs the Killearn United Methodist community becomes people who Present, Grow and Send – the Holy Spirit will fulfill our vision to “Grow God’s Kingdom!”

Table of Contents

How To Use This Guide ...................................................................................1

Spiritual Gifts ......................................................................................................2

Administrative Support Ministries...................................................................7

Adult Ministries ..................................................................................................8

Celebrate Recovery ......................................................................................... 10

Children’s Ministries ....................................................................................... 11

Communications Ministries ........................................................................... 15

Facilities Maintenance Ministries .................................................................. 16

Leadership Ministries ...................................................................................... 17

Mission Ministries ........................................................................................... 18

Prayer & Member Care Ministries ................................................................ 20

Student Ministries ........................................................................................... 21

Technology Ministries .................................................................................... 24

Wednesday Night Dinners ............................................................................. 25

Worship & Arts Ministries ............................................................................. 26

How To Use This GuideThe purpose of this guide is to outline the service opportunities available at Killearn United Methodist Church. While not comprehensive, this valuable tool provides a snapshot of the many ways people can serve Christ through serving in a ministry. We believe that when you serve according to your spiritual gifts, passion and personal style, you make the biggest impact for the kingdom AND feel joy. Additionally, you are deepening your relationship with Christ. When we all are working together, more people are reached with the love of God. This guide will help you find your place to “Present, Grow and Send.”

You are gifted, needed and called. As said in 1 Corinthians 12, all the spiritual gifts of followers of Christ are important. Gifts are from the same Spirit. That means that your gift is equally as important as the gifts of the pastors, staff, or choir, worship team, etc. They are all needed to build the church and to create other disciples. The body of Christ has many parts and many ministries. But even though there are different parts, we are unified in our purpose: to grow in relationship to God and others, to serve others and to invite others into faith in Christ.

We hope this guide will help you discover a place to serve as you grow in faith. Each section is separated by the ministry area under which it falls. It will list:

• the name of the service position

• a short description of the position

• the spiritual gifts helpful in the position

• the frequency of service and the time commitment

If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office by at 850.893.1116 and ask for the staff person of the ministry in which you are interested.


Spiritual GiftsWhat Are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts differ from natural talents and abilities. They are like a God-given inner fire; a passion that ignites, inspires and empowers us to do God’s will. Spiritual gifts aren’t just for super-Christians: every Christian has at least one. The more you discover how to serve through your gift(s), the more joy you will have and the more fruitful your service will be.

What are MY Spiritual Gifts?

We’re glad you asked! Please take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment online at You will need to create a free account at Ministry Even if you’ve taken the assessment before, please take a few minutes to do so again to make sure you’re clear about your spiritual gift(s) as they can change as we grow.

6 Steps to Matching Your Spiritual Gifts with Areas of Service

1. Pray – Don’t pray about “if ” you should serve, pray about “where!” When you come to God seeking wisdom and ready to obey whatever God reveals, you can be confident God will hear your prayer.

2. Investigate the Options – Read through this opportunities booklet carefully. Feel free to contact the church staff to find out more about a ministry. Even if you have served in the same area for years, become familiar with other areas of service so you can remain open to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

3. Discover Your Gifts – Your spiritual gift is the inner motivation and power given by God to accomplish God’s will for your life. Look over the list on the following pages of this booklet and the descriptions of each opportunity.

4. Consider Your Strengths• In addition to your spiritual gifts, your natural abilities can also influence your

choice of service. • Life experiences can give insight and sympathy to help others going through

similar situations. • Special knowledge such as medical training, technical skills or construction

expertise can open doors for ministry. • Talents such as musical, artistic or athletic ability can and should be used to glorify

God. 5. Invite Your Friends – Serving with others you know can be a great way to enjoy

fellowship. But don’t limit yourself: volunteering on your own can also be a great way to meet new people.

6. Do Something – Even if you aren’t sure what to do, sign up for something. God will bless your willingness and you’ll gain more wisdom in the process.


Spiritual Gifts

Note: Sometimes, more than one gift is suited for a particular ministry. For example, a prophet, teacher or encourager could all be effective Sunday School leaders, although their approach would be different.

Administration: Organizing people/ministries effectivelyThe divine enablement to understand what makes an organization function, and the special ability to plan and execute procedures that accomplish the goals of the ministry. People with this gift: develop strategies or plans to reach identified goals; assist ministries to become more effective and efficient; create order out of organizational chaos; manage or coordinate a variety of responsibilities to accomplish a task; organize people, tasks or events.

Apostleship: Adapting to a culture or situation to do ministryThe divine ability to start and oversee the development of new churches or ministry structures. People with this gift: pioneer and establish new ministries or churches; adapt to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware; desire to minister to unreached people in other communities or countries; have responsibilities to oversee ministries or groups of churches; demonstrate authority and vision for the mission of the church.

Craftsmanship: To craft, build or designThe divine enablement to creatively design and/or construct items that are used for ministry. People with this gift: work with wood, cloth, paints, metal, glass, and other raw materials; make things that increase the effectiveness of ministries; enjoy serving with their hands to meet tangible needs; design and build tangible items and resources for ministry use; work with different kinds of tools and are skilled with their hands.

Creative Communication: Sharing God’s truth and love with unusual effectivenessThe divine enablement to communicate God’s truth through a variety of art forms. People with this gift: use the arts to communicate God’s truth; develop and use artistic skills such as drama, writing, art, music, dance, etc.; use variety and creativity to captivate people and cause them to consider Christ’s message; challenge people’s perspective of God through various forms of the arts; demonstrate fresh ways to express the Lord’s ministry and message.

Discernment/Distinguishing of Spirits: Distinguishing spiritual truth from error or heresyThe divine enablement to distinguish between truth and error, to discern the spirits, differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong. People with this gift: distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure; identify deception in others with accuracy and appropriateness; determine whether a word attributed to God is authentic; recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message or interpretation; are able to sense the presence of evil.


Encouragement/Exhortation: Encouraging others as they follow JesusThe divine enablement to present truth so as to strengthen, comfort or urge to action those who are discouraged or wavering in their faith. People with this gift: come to the side of those who are discouraged to strengthen and reassure them; challenge, comfort or confront others to trust and hope in the promises of God; urge others to action by applying biblical truth; motivate others to grow; emphasize God’s promises and have confidence in his will.

Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel effectively and passionatelyThe divine enablement to effectively communicate the Gospel to unbelievers so they respond in faith and move toward discipleship. People with this gift: communicate the message of Christ with clarity and conviction; seek out opportunities to talk to unbelievers about spiritual matters; challenge unbelievers to faith and to become fully devoted followers of Christ; adapt their presentation of the Gospel to connect with the individual’s needs; seek opportunities to build relationships with unbelievers.

Faith: Seeing God’s plan and following it with passionThe divine enablement to act on God’s promises with confidence and unwavering belief in God’s ability to fulfill his purposes. People with this gift: believe the promises of God and inspire others to do the same; act in complete confidence of God’s ability to overcome obstacles; demonstrate an attitude of trust in God’s will and his promises; advance the cause of Christ because they go forward when others will not; ask God for what is needed and trust him for his provision.

Giving: Investing with unusual sacrifice and joy in God’s kingdomThe divine enablement to contribute money and resources to the work of the Lord with cheerfulness and liberality. People with this gift do not ask, “How much money do I need to give God?” but “How much money do I need to live on?” People with this gift: manage their finances and limit their lifestyle in order to give as much of their resources as possible; support the work of ministry with sacrificial gifts to advance the kingdom; meet tangible needs that enable spiritual growth to occur; provide resources, generously and cheerfully, trusting God for his provision; may have a special ability to make money so that they may use it to further God’s work.

Healing: Bringing wholeness to othersThe divine ability to bring physical, emotional or spiritual wholeness to others. People with this gift listen skillfully as they seek God’s guidance to learn the needs of the sick and to determine the causes and nature of an illness. They believe that God can cure and that prayer can overcome any negative forces at work (but they also recognize that God might have a different plan). Their tools include prayer. touch and spoken words. This gift shows God’s power; at the same time, it is to God’s glory. The goal of healing is not just healing itself, but spreading the gospel by pointing to the power of Jesus Christ and to show the glory of God.


Helps/Serving: Meeting practical needs with unusual sacrifice and joyThe divine enablement to accomplish practical and necessary tasks which free up, support and meet the needs of others. People with this gift: serve behind the scenes wherever needed to support the gifts and ministries of others; see the tangible and practical things to be done and enjoy doing them; sense God’s purpose and pleasure in meeting everyday responsibilities; attach spiritual value to practical service; enjoy knowing that they are freeing up others to do what God has called them to do.

Hospitality: Using your home and/or resources to help others follow JesusThe divine enablement to care for people by providing fellowship, food and shelter. People with this gift: provide an environment where people feel valued and cared for; meet new people and help them to feel welcomed; create a safe and comfortable setting where relationships can develop; seek ways to connect people together into meaningful relationships; set people at ease in unfamiliar surroundings.

Intercession: Praying with unusual passion and effectivenessThe divine enablement to consistently pray on behalf of and for others, seeing frequent and specific results. People with this gift: feel compelled to earnestly pray on behalf of someone or some cause; have a daily awareness of the spiritual battles being waged and pray; are convinced God moves in direct response to prayer; pray in response to the leading of the Spirit, whether they understand it or not; exercise authority and power for the protection of others and the equipping of them to serve.

Leadership: Motivating and inspiring others to serve Jesus fullyThe divine enablement to cast vision, motivate and direct people to harmoniously accomplish the purposes of God. People with this gift: provide direction for God’s people or ministry; motivate others to perform to the best of their abilities; present the “big picture” for others to see; model the values of the ministry; take responsibility and establish goals.

Mercy: Showing God’s grace to hurting people with unusual passionThe divine enablement to cheerfully and practically help those who are suffering or are in need, compassion moved to actions: People with this gift: focus upon alleviating the sources of pain or discomfort in suffering people; address the needs of the lonely and forgotten; express love, grace, and dignity to those facing hardships and crisis; serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances and do so cheerfully; concern themselves with individual or social issues that oppress people.

Message of Knowledge: Discerning and sharing the deep truths of God’s word and willThe divine enablement to bring truth to the body through a revelation of biblical insight. People with this gift: receive truth which enables them to better serve the body; search the Scriptures for insight, understanding and truth; gain knowledge which at times was not attained by natural means; have an unusual insight or understanding that serves the church; organize information for teaching and practical use.


Message of Wisdom: Relating biblical truth to practical life with great effectivenessThe divine enablement to apply spiritual truth effectively to meet a need in a specific situation. People with this gift: focus on the unseen consequences in determining the next steps to take; receive an understanding of what is necessary to meet the needs of the body; provide divinely given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion; hear the Spirit provide direction for God’s best in a given situation; apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways.

Prophecy: Preaching the word of God with personal passion and effectivenessThe divine enablement to reveal truth and proclaim it in a timely and relevant manner for understanding, correction, repentance or edification. There may be immediate or future implications. People with this gift: expose sin or deception in others for the purpose of reconciliation; speak a timely word from God causing conviction, repentance and edification; see truth that others often fail to see and challenge them to respond; warn of God’s immediate or future judgment if there is no repentance; understand God’s heart and mind through experiences he takes them through.

Shepherding/Pastor-Teacher: Helping others grow spirituallyThe divine enablement to nurture, care for and guide people toward ongoing spiritual maturity and becoming like Christ. People with this gift: take responsibility to nurture the whole person in their walk with God; provide guidance and oversight to a group of God’s people; model with their life what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus; establish truth and confidence through long-term relationships; lead and protect those within their span of care.

Teaching: Explaining God’s word and truth with unusual effectivenessThe divine enablement to understand, clearly explain and apply the word of God causing greater Christ likeness in the lives of listeners. People with this gift: communicate biblical truth that inspires greater obedience to the word; challenge listeners simply and practically with the truths of Scripture; present the whole counsel of God for maximum life change; give attention to detail and accuracy; prepare through extended times of study and reflection.


Administrative SupportMinistries

Contact: Marilyn NationsPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

General Administrative Assistance • Assist with general administrative tasks such as typing, filing, organizing materials, etc. • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administration

Receptionist • Assist staff receptionist with general administrative tasks and answering phones • Time: 1–5 hours per week, or occasional • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administration, Hospitality


Adult ministries Contact: Jerry SmithPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Group Leader • Teaches, leads and/or facilitates adult groups • Time: 1–4 times per month Sunday mornings, weekdays, and/or evenings • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Teaching, Administration, Message of Knowledge, Shepherding

Men’s Ministry Team • Serves on the men’s ministry team planning activities and events • Time: varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration, Apostleship, Helps, Hospitality

Women’s Ministry Team • Serves on the women’s ministry team planning activities and events • Time: varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration, Apostleship, Helps, Hospitality

Single Adult Ministry Team • Serves on the singles ministry team planning activities and events • Time: varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration, Apostleship, Helps, Hospitality

Young Adult Ministry Team • Serves on the young adult ministry team planning activities and events • Time: varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration, Apostleship, Helps, Hospitality

Older Adult (Saints Alive) • Serves on the older adult ministry team planning Ministry Team activities and events • Time: varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Administration, Apostleship, Helps


Adult Ministries(continued)

Contact: Jerry SmithPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Older Adult (Saints Alive) Leader • Organizes lunch, Bible study, and off-campus activities • Time: at least weekly; varies depending on activity/event • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Administration, Apostleship, Helps

Older Adult (Saints Alive) • Leads prayer before mealsPrayer Leader • Time: at least weekly; varies depending on events • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Mercy, Helps

Older Adult (Saints Alive) Driver • Transports participants in church vehicles • Time: at least weekly; varies depending on events • Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Helps

Older Adult (Saints Alive) Chef • Prepares meals • Time: monthly • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Helps

Older Adult (Saints Alive) • Plans birthday and other special holidayParty Coordinator celebrations • Time: at least monthly; varies depending on events • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Hospitality, Helps


Celebrate Recovery Contact: Lori KellerPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Large Group Leader • Present lesson using video or object lesson as outlined in the curriculum • Time: serve at least once a month, 7–9 PM, Fridays • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Teaching • Ages Served: preschool and elementary school Small Group Leader (6-8 kids) • Build relationships with children by listening and sharing; lead or assist with small group activities • Time: serve at least once a month, 7-9 PM, Fridays • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Teaching • Ages Served: preschool and elementary school

All other service opportunities are filled from within Celebrate Recovery.Contact Lori Keller for more information.

Celebration place


Children’s Ministries Contact: Tracie AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Large Group Leader • Leads/facilitates the large group worship experience • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (9:45–11:15 AM/11:15–12:45 PM) OR WEDNESDAYS (6:15–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Leadership, Shepherding, Teaching • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Small Group Leader/Assistant • Teaches from small group lesson materials and nurtures relationships with kids • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (8:45–9:45 AM/9:45–11:15 AM/11:15–12:45 PM) OR WEDNESDAYS (6:15–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Teaching, Helps • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 Music Leaders • Leads worship music during large group worship • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (9:45–10:30 AM/11:15 AM–12:00) • Spiritual Gifts: Creative Communication, Teaching • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 KidZone Leaders • Oversees children who are remaining for a second hour as they play games and have snack. • Time: Serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (11:15 AM–12:45 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Helps, Hospitality • Ages Served: Grades 1-5

Nursery Volunteer • Helps to care and teach lesson of the day • Time: serves 1–4 times per month on Sundays (8:15–9:45 AM/9:45–11:15 AM/11:15–12:45 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Helps, Teaching • Ages Served: 6 weeks through age 2

opportunities working directly with children


Drama Team • Performs occasional skits for special events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Creative Communications, Teaching • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Welcome/Greeter Team • Welcomes and assists people with the check-in process • Time: serves 1–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (8:15–8:45 AM/9:45–10:15 AM/11:15–11:45 AM) OR WEDNESDAYS (6:15–7 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Administration, Mercy • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Safety Team • Monitors hallways to ensure the safety of the children • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (8:45–9:45 AM/9:45–11:15 AM/11:15 AM– 12:45 PM) OR WEDNESDAYS (6:15–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Helps, Discernment • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 AV/Tech Team • Assists volunteers and staff with running technology for programming • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on SUNDAYS (9:45–10:30 AM/11:15 AM–12) OR WEDNESDAYS (6:15–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Helps, Creative Communication • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

opportunities Not working with children

Children’s Ministries(continued)

Contact: Tracie AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:


Supply Team • Prepares and organizes the supplies needed for lessons • Time: serves 2–4 times per month on FLEXIBLE DAYS • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Helps, Message of Knowledge, Message of Wisdom • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Set Up Team • Sets up rooms for children’s programming • Time: serves 1–4 times per month on SATURDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS (5:45–6:15 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Leadership, Administration • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Construction Team • Helps to construct sets for special events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Craftsmanship, Helps • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 Food/Snack Team • Helps coordinate/serve food for events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Helps, Administration • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 Publicity Team • Helps with different forms of media to advertise events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Creative Communication, Helps • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 Decorating Team • Helps to decorate spaces for events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Creative Communication, Hospitality • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

opportunities Not working with children

Children’s Ministries(continued)

Contact: Tracie AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:


Security Team • Monitors campus for special events • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Leadership, Discernment • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Shopping Team • Helps shop for supplies • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5 Administrative Team • Helps in the Children’s Ministries office • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administration, • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

Clean Up Team • Helps to clean up after an event • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality • Ages Served: 3–4–K or Grades 1–5

opportunities Not working with children

Children’s Ministries(continued)

Contact: Tracie AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:



Contact: Erick AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Website • Write, update and/or edit the website • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Helps, Creative Communication

Social Media • Participate and post on church social media pages and connect with others online. • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Helps, Creative Communication

Photography • Photograph church activities for various print and electronic publications • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Creative Communication, Helps, Leadership


Facilities MaintenanceMinistries

Contact: Alinda GoodwinPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Grounds Maintenance • Weeding, trimming, mulching, planting flowers, pressure washing • Time: 1+ hours per week, flexible as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Craftsmanship, Hospitality, Leadership

Building Maintenance • This would include minor repairs, gutter cleaning, painting, cleaning signs around campus • Time: 1+ hours per week, flexible as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Craftsmanship, Hospitality, Leadership


Leadership Ministries Contact: Erick AshleyPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Law Enforcement First Responder • respond to emergency situations that may arise during Sunday mornings or other church activities • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Helps, Message of Wisdom

Medical First Responder • respond to medical situations that may arise during Sunday mornings or other church activities • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Helps, Message of Wisdom

For information on other leadership opportunities within KUMC, please contact Erick Ashley, Administrative Pastor.


Mission Ministries Contact: Chris SmithPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Frenchtown Breakfast Volunteer • Help serve breakfast to the Frenchtown Community • Time: the 1st Saturday of every month from 8:15–9:30 AM • Spiritual gifts: Helps, Giving, Mercy

iServe Team Member • Assist in various mission work projects around the Tallahassee area • Time: 2nd & 3rd Saturdays of each month from early morning to afternoon • Spiritual gifts: Helps, Craftsmanship

Food Bank Volunteer • Sort food into various bags for families in our food bank program • Time: 2nd & 4th Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 PM for set-up and 2nd & 4th Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM for packing and delivery • Spiritual gifts: Exhortation, Helps, Mercy

Coffee Barista • Set up espresso machine before 1st service, serve espresso drinks, and clean up espresso machine afterwards • Time: every Sunday: 1st shift – 9–10:15 AM; 2nd shift – 10:30–11:45 AM • Spiritual gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Coffee Assistant • Set up coffee table, brew coffee, clean up afterwards • Time: every Sunday: 1st shift – 9–10:15 AM; 2nd shift – 10:30–11:45 AM • Spiritual gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Brian’s Brigade • Coordinate a dinner for about 80 people at Hope Community • Time: 1st Thursday of the month from 5:30–6:30 PM • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Mercy, Exhortation, Evangelism


Mission Ministries(continued)

Contact: Chris SmithPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

English Language Learning • Teach an English class to those who need it in Greensboro, FL. • Time: every Thursday during ELL’s semester from 6–9 PM • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Teaching, Shepherding, Leadership

Mission Trip Home Team • Collect hygiene, medical and school supplies for teams. Help with fundraising opportunities. Commit to pray for team members • Time: on going through the year on your schedule • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administrative, Giving

Mission Trip Member • Be a team leader. Be part of a team to serve either nationally or internationally • Time: trips are for one week with monthly meetings to prepare • Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Encouragement, Mercy, Craftsmanship


Prayer & Member CareMinistries

Contact: Susan MoretonPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Meal Ministry • Provide food for 3 different meal ministries: new mothers, after a hospital stay or illness, bereavement meal • Time: when there is need for meal; twice a month • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Mercy

Transportation Ministry • Transporting an elderly person or someone unable to drive to worship on Sundays • Time: Works with team of 3 or 4 – once a month • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Mercy

Stephen Ministry • Train to become a Stephen Minister which requires an application and interview. Stephen Ministers serve those in our congregation and community who are going through difficult times. • Time: 50 hour training then twice a month supervision group. Meet with a care receiver assigned to you for 1 hour each week. • Spiritual Gifts: Healing, Encouragement, Intercession, Mercy

Welcome Center Greeters • A smiling face to greet new visitors after the church service of your choice to welcome and give out the mugs • Time: once a month • Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Helps, Mercy Prayer Ministry • Email prayer chain • Time: 1 hour per week • Spiritual Gifts: Intercession, Healing, Mercy

Living Christmas Story • A drive through nativity comprised of several scenes telling the Christmas Story; requires 150 actors each of the 3 nights, many more behind the scene volunteers for several weeks before the event (construction, kitchen help and meals, sign up volunteers, traffic help, drivers, hayride help, scene coordinators, costume help, etc.) • Time: September through December • Spiritual Gifts: all of the gifts


Student Ministries Contact: Brandon WinsteadPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Small Group Leader • Leads/Facilitates the small group lessons under the direction of Director of Student Ministries • Time: once a week during school year (K-Groups meet Wednesdays 6:30–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, Shepherding

Small Group Assistant • Assists Small Group Leader • Time: once a week during school year (K-Groups Meet Wednesdays 6:30–8 PM) • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Teaching, Shepherding

Small Group Coordinator • Work with small group leaders/assistants and the Director of Student Ministries to support, encourage, communicate and administer the small group program • Ability to help recruit new small group leaders and prepare them for assuming new leadership • Presenting the gospel on a regular basis and helping to increase personal knowledge of the Bible • Assisting in outreach to youth to get them involved in small group • Time: as needed through out the year • Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Teaching, Administration, Creative Communication

Worship Band Leader • Strong musical knowledge • Ability to lead others in rehearsals, and worship times, praise band and organize others in the band • Strong faith and knowledge of a variety of Christian based songs and different musical stylings • Ability to engage youth in musical worship • Time: 3-5 hours a week (Sundays) • Spiritual Gifts: Creative Communication, Teaching, Leadership


Student Ministries(continued)

Contact: Brandon WinsteadPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Event Food Team • Prepares, organizes, and/or provides snacks, or food needed for events • Time: as needed; Sunday Night Live, small groups, Wacky Wednesday, etc. • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Set Up/Clean up Team • Helps set up and/or clean up after events, helps Student Ministries Staff prepare for events • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administration, Leadership

Host Home For Events Team • Have a youth friendly home and a desire to provide a place for us to host a special event or small group • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Shepherding

Special Events Chaperone • Volunteers to attend special events at various locations to help Student Ministries staff in chaperoning youth on trips • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Shepherding

Shopping • Helps shop for supplies/food/etc. for events • Time: as Needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Administration

Administrative • Helps youth ministries staff in the office • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Administration

Decorating • Helps decorate spaces for events • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Public Speaking • Leads a discussion or shares a testimony at an event • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Creative Communication, Teaching, Leadership


Student Ministries(continued)

Contact: Brandon WinsteadPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Love At Work • Helps all week long, leading work for LAW missions along side the youth in Gretna. • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Many places for all different types of gifts AV/Tech • Assists with running lights, sound booth, music, etc. for events in Youth Building • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Helps, Creative Communication

Bus Driver • Has or is willing to obtain CDL license and can drive youth/staff to off-site events • Time: as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Helps


Technology Ministries Contact: Stephanie KubiakPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

IT Network Support • Help with staff computer setup and campus networking needs • Time: flexible as needed • Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Helps • Prior IT experience is encouraged Video Production • Produce and/or edit videos to be shown in worship services • Time: varies • Spiritual Gifts: Wisdom, Creative Communication, Leadership

Live Video Operator • Operate camera for services that will be streamed online/in-service • Time: varies, Sundays • Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Wisdom, Creative Communication

Slide Production • Produce announcement and/or music slides for worship services • Time: flexible • Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Wisdom, Discernment, Creative Communication • Initial training 3+ hours


Wednesday NightDinners

Contact: Peggy FoxPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Cooks • Plan, shop and prepare Wednesday Night Dinner for 80–115 people • Time: monthly to twice a year • Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Helps, Administration

Food Servers • Help serve Wednesday Night Dinner for 80–115 people • Time: 2 hours each time you serve (can serve monthly to twice a year) • Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Helps

Set Up/Clean Up • Help with set up and/or clean up for Wednesday Night Dinner for 80-115 people • Time: 2 hours each time you serve (can serve monthly to twice a year) • Spiritual Gifts: Helps


Worship & ArtsMinistries

Contact: Travis GoffPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Announcement Reader • Reads pre-written announcements at the start of service • Time: once every 4-6 weeks (contemporary services)

Greeter • Provide a warm welcome to worshippers. Greet and hand out bulletins as members and visitors enter the worship space. • Time: serve for one month of the year (all services) • Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Leadership

Usher • Provide a warm welcome to worshipers; help seat people, collect offering and place in drop safe • Time: 1.5 hours each Sunday that you serve on a rotating schedule • Gifts: Helps, Hospitality, Leadership

Communion Server • Assist in serving the communion elements to the congregation • Time: 3-4 times per year (Spirit & Truth – once a month) • Gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Communion Preparation • Assist in preparing the communion elements • Time: 3-12 times per year • Gifts: Helps, Hospitality

Traditional Choir • Lead the congregation in musical worship (vocals), along with other choir members, using music from the hymnal and other provided resources • Time: weekly rehearsals and serving each Sunday morning. (traditional service) • Gifts: Creative Communication


Worship & ArtsMinistries (continued)

Contact: Travis GoffPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Orchestra • Lead the congregation in musical worship (various instruments), along with other orchestra members, using music from the hymnal and other provided resources. • Time: once a month, including a mid-week rehearsal (traditional service) • Gifts: Creative Communication

Contemporary Worship Team – • Lead the congregation in musical worship (various Band instruments), along with other band members, using provided music/chord charts • Time: once every 2–6 weeks, depending on preferred instrument, including Sunday morning and a mid-week rehearsal. (must play at BOTH contemporary services) • Gifts: Creative Communication

Contemporary Worship Team – • Lead the congregation in musical worship (vocals), Vocals along with other band members, using provided music/chord charts. • Time: once every 2-6 weeks, depending on preferred service, including Sunday morning and a mid-week rehearsal. (contemporary services) • Gifts: Creative Communication

Celebration Choir • Lead the congregation in musical worship (vocals), along with other choir members, as a part of special services or events. (Not required to also be a Worship Team member) • Time: multiple times each year, usually on a Sunday morning (contemporary services) • Gifts: Creative Communication

Creative Arts • Willing to use abilities such as dance, acting and creative writing, as a part of our worship services or other special events. • Time: one or more time(s) per year, as opportunity arises (all services) • Gifts: Creative Communication


Worship & ArtsMinistries (continued)

Contact: Travis GoffPhone: 850.893.1116Email:

Visual Arts • Willing to use abilities in areas such as photography, drawing/painting, graphic design and set design in our worship spaces, services or other special events. • Time: one or more time(s) per year, as opportunity arises (all services) • Gifts: Craftsmanship, Creative Communication


2800 Shamrock St. S.Tallahassee, FL 32309
