Presencial 1 ing_ingles Saia


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Name: Thomas Earle Turkington C.I.20488982 __DATE: 30th

of July 2012

A diagram shows the configuration of the circuit using graphical symbols

to represent its various elements. Technicians always need to interpret diagrams

in order to assemble devices. When describing the configuration of the circuit

the following terms are commonly used: terminal, branch, node, path and loop.

In modern electronics the semiconductors represent many advances such

as transistors and integrated circuits. Silicon is the most widely used

semiconductor. Germanium is also used in high-frequency applications where

speed is essential.

I.-Complete el siguiente Cuadro

10 ptos.




Shows Verb, present perfect Muestra

Graphical adjective Graficos

Always preposition siempre

Diagrams Plural noun diagramas

Configuration Noun configuracion

Commonly adjective comunmente

Electronics Noun electronica

Represent Basic Verb representan

Widely adjective extensamente

Applications Noun (plural) aplicaciones

2.- Extraiga del Texto

06 ptos.



Se parece a: TRADUCCION

A.graphical Shows Espectaculo muestra

B.configuration Electronics Electronic electronica

C.diagrams Commonly Comun comunmente

D.applications Represent representante representan

3.- Escriba en Español la (s) palabra (s) que utiliza el texto para expresar: 04 ptos

A.- Integrated circuit_____________Circuito Integrado________________

B.- High - frecuency_______________Alta.-frecuencia______________

C.- Node _______________________Nodo_______

D.- Path:_________________________camino_________
