Preparing for Birth. First Signs of Pregnancy Missed menstrual period Full feeling – ache in...


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Preparing for Birth

First Signs of Pregnancy

Missed menstrual period Full feeling – ache in lower

abdomen Feeling faint or tired Urge to urinate Swollen or tender breasts Nausea

Medical Care/Prenatal Care Initial Exam

Blood Pressure Medical History Measurement of pelvis Analysis of urine

Infection Diabetes

Blood tests Anemia Rh factor

Check on immunity to rubella Due Date

Nine months and one week after the first day of final period

Subsequent Doctor Visits

Monthly until sixth or seventh month

Twice a month and weekly during final month of pregnancy

Blood pressure Urine analysis Weight is monitored Growth of baby

Specific Concerns

Gestational Diabetes 24-28th week – Glucose tolerance

test Baby may be unusually large Usually controlled by special diet or

medication Most often goes away after birth of


Preeclampsia High blood pressure Protein present in urine Moms kidneys working extra hard Can prevent baby from getting

enough blood which provides oxygen and food

Mom is monitored closely most often bed rest and/or medication

Discomforts…These are normal!

Nausea/vomiting Sleepiness Heartburn Shortness of breath Varicose veins Muscle cramps in legs Lower back pain

May be serious Vaginal Bleeding Unusual weight gain or loss Excessive thirst Pain while urinating or diminished need Severe abdominal pain Persistent headaches Severe vomiting Fever Increased vaginal mucous Swelling/feet, ankles, face, hands Blurred vision/dizziness Prolonged backache

Nutrition Needs Protein

Build and repair tissue Provide for growth Increased amount needed during

pregnancy Sources

Meat Poultry Beans Nuts Eggs Cheese

Vitamins Folic Acid

One of the B Vitamins Research shows it helps prevent

Spina Bifida Enriched Grains

Vitamin A Proper eye development Fruits and Vegetables Fortified low fat milk

Vitamins Vitamin D

Proper development of bones and teeth Fortified dairy foods Sunshine

Vitamin C Healthy teeth and gums Connective tissue of skin bones and organs Moms immune system Fruits and vegetables

Minerals Iron

Helps prevent anemia Aids in developing baby’s own blood

supply Stored in baby’s liver for use during

first Dried beans Raisins Meats Leafy greens


Calcium and Phosphorous Work together to keep moms bones

and teeth strong Build baby’s bones and teeth Sources

Dairy products


Provide energy Protect protein so it can be used

in growth and development Sources

Whole grain products Fruits Starchy vegetables Sugars should be eaten sparingly

Fats Provide energy Cushion mom’s vital organs Transport certain vitamins so they can

be used properly Sources

Nuts Unsaturated fats

Olive oil Should be eaten sparingly Most healthy diets provide plenty of fat

Pregnant? Eat Smart!

Sensible and balanced diet Adequate nutrition to fetus aids in

brain development 300 more calories daily See chart on page 154 Guidelines for

Healthy Eating

Nutrition and Pregnant Teens Teens’ bodies have special nutritional

needs Pregnancy places strain on any body Pay extra close attention to all

nutritional needs Teen needs all the nutrients as she

grows Baby needs nutrients for proper


Weight Closely monitored by doctor 24-30 pounds recommended

average 1 pound per month for first three

months 4 – 6 month about half pound per

week Too little or too much weight can

be harmful to fetus

Preparing for Baby’s Arrival Hopes Fears Worries Joys Anxiety Parenting tasks Communication Time Management Other children in the family Making room for baby Baby supplies Baby’s room Diapers!

Bottle or Breast Breast

Best nutrition Bond between mom and baby May boost brain development Reduce allergy risk Fewer digestive upsets Mom’s uterus returns to normal size quicker Reduce mom’s risk of ovarian or breast cancer Reduce risk of post partum depression Convenient Free Dad can’t help with feeding Mom always on call Baby eats more often May conflict with work schedule Sometimes painful

Bottle or Breast Bottle

Allows dad to participate in feeding Mom can have a more flexible schedule Mom doesn’t need to be concerned about

diet or medications Baby eats less often Expensive Baby doesn’t gain natural immunities Risk of developing allergies May not offer close physical contact for



Fixed Expenses

Flexible Expenses

Make a Plan

Reducing Expenses

Crib Safety Slats

2 3/8 inch apart Paint

No lead paint Structure

Corner posts all the same height Sides

Lowered – 9 inches above mattress Raised – 26 inches above mattress

Crib Safety Latch

Never broken always latch securely

Mattress Firm fit – no gaps

End Panels Avoid baby’s head, arms and legs from

becoming caught

Age If pre-owned…check all safety features

Balancing Work And Family

Maternity Leave Paternity Leave

Family Medical Leave Act Federal Law Employers with more than 50

workers must offer 12 weeks of unpaid leave to new moms and dads

Childbirth Options Prepared Childbirth

Education Conditioning exercises Breathing techniques

Labor Process of baby moving out of

uterus through vagina to be born Delivery

The birth itself

Childbirth Education Classes

How baby develops throughout pregnancy

Warning signs for potential serious problems

What to expect during labor

Childbirth Education Classes Role of the coach Breathing and conditioning

techniques to help with pain management

How to make a Birth Plan Plan for labor and delivery Pain medication plan

What to expect after the baby is born

Who Will Deliver the Baby


Family Doctor

Licensed Midwife

Where Will the Baby Be Born?


Alternative Birth Center

