Preparation for "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn"



Campaign notes for Gene D.'s homebrew Asian-style fantasy telecom game, using AD&D1 "Oriental Adventures," the "Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game" (a D20 retro-clone), and FATE, as of autumn 2013.

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VL40pre.doc 17 April 2023

Preparatory notes for Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands" heroic fantasy campaign, using the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game,

in the Boston area, as of autumn 2012

In one ancient world, there was a region where strange majicks and demihuman races thrived. The "Vanished Lands" were blessed by the gods and cursed by prophecy. Travelers became adventurers, and adventurers strove to be heroes in the face of many perils and wonders.

Various groups of mercenaries and diplomats have fought humanoids in the northwestern borderlands, encountered pirates on the Sea of Nagendwa, and wandered the hostile Halmed Desert and the broad Plains of Sathendo….

Welcome to the "Vanished Lands," a homebrew fantasy setting that I've been running since 1982! Each role-player and adventuring party has added to this world. I've used several editions of Dungeons & Dragons, as well as GURPS, Pathfinder, and FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre. My groups in New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts have also played in my "Gaslight Grimoire" steampunk scenarios, "Societe de Justice Internationale" superhero campaigns, and "Vortex " space opera.

The current face-to-face group in the Boston area meets on Monday nights, and other Game Masters have also run miniseries and one-shots. The Obsidian Portal wiki began as a backup to our Yahoo/eGroups and Google Groups Web clubs. In addition, a teleconferencing group has been meeting on Sundays using Skype and an online dice roller. Feel free to explore this site, and let me know if there's any information you'd like to see. Happy gaming! -Gene

Table of Contents

Obsidian Portal wiki:

What are the Vanished Lands? Regional overview of the "Vanished Lands"

o Geography and society of the eastern "Vanished Lands"

Peoples of the "Vanished Lands" o Species/subraces of the eastern "Vanished

Lands" Nations of the "Vanished Lands" Languages of the "Vanished Lands" Occupational classes of the "Vanished Lands"

Occupations of the eastern "Vanished Lands " Rules systems for the "Vanished Lands" House rules for the "Vanished Lands"

10 steps for "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn " Gods of the "Vanished Lands" Dogs of the "Vanished Lands" Player Characters of the "Vanished Lands"

o Adventuring parties of the "Vanished Lands" o P.C.s of the eastern "Vanished Lands "o "A New Dawn" P.C. templateo "A New Dawn" P.C. Party 40

Starting our adventures in the "Vanished Lands"o The game so far (for "A New Dawn")o Open plot threads (e-mail and message board transcripts)

Geography of the Eastern "Vanished Lands"From the royal archives in Hesolin, capital of Hifalendor

Cartographers have long divided the subcontinent known as the "Vanished Lands" (because of a Quelanthi prophecy) into four parts. The northwestern quadrant is the familiar mix of terrains and realms of humans, demihumans, and humanoids, who are often at war with one another.

The Halmed Desert takes up most of the southwestern quadrant, a land of cities buried in sand, djinn, and secretive nomads. In the southeastern quadrant, across the pirate-ridden Sea of Nagendwa, are the jungles of the Zarendo Islands. Humans live alongside reptile folk there. northeastern quadrant is the fabled orient, or eastern realms. It too can be divided further into four distinct regions. Within these lands, the southwestern area includes the wind-swept steppes of the barbaric Gusorin Confederation.

Small bands of Centaurs, Minotaurs, and Wolven roam the central Plains of Sathendo. In the north are the Tsucharim riders, and in the south are the Skaevingol raiders. They rarely have a single leader, and their few cities are often ruled by foreigners.

The southeastern portion of the northeastern quadrant includes the swift rivers and fertile fields of Tong Sheng, also known as the Principality of Silado. Most of the honorable human clans there pay fealty to the distant Shang emperor. Orderly towns dot the eastern Plains of Sathendo, but bandits prowl between them. Some people trade with the Dimernesti, or Sea Spirit Folk, but the dreaded ghost fleet threatens all.

The tall Bamor Mountains and dense Therud Forest fill the northeastern sector. The Zedu Kingdom is home to fair Spirit Folk, stolid Korubokuru, rustic Shan Sao, and more, but it is not easily reached.

Last is the northwestern part of the orient, where the Bamor and Ivory Mountains meet. Beneath their snow-capped peaks dwell the cunning Nannuattan. The warrens of Gokuri are filled with Bakemono and Oni, as well as dragons and other foul beasts. In recent years, Gokuri has seized control from northern Gusorin tribes and made overtures (some friendly, some hostile) to its other neighbors.

Beyond the "Vanished Lands" are humans still using bronze, giants whose steps cause the earth to shudder, and vast stretches of dangerous wilderness.

Fellow role-players, here are more background notes for our upcoming "New Dawn" telecom fantasy campaign. While we haven't yet picked a


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rules set, I hope to see everyone at this coming Sunday's "Vortex: Terra's Pride" session! -GeneSpecies and Occupations of the Eastern "Vanished Lands"


Humans (Tian, Plains of Sathendo) Diverse, ambitious, and corruptible-Shengtese (East Asian, Tong Sheng/Principality of Silado) -- by

clan? Crab (brawlers), Crane (courtiers), Dragon (seekers), Lions (warriors), Phoenix (mystics), Scorpion (spies), Unicorn (barbarians) Clans:

-Tsucharim (Central Asian, Gusorin Confederation)-Gaijin (outsiders, including Barbari/Skaevingol, Hifalendorin,

Saganim, Suthern, Zarendo)

Beast-kin (Gusorin Confederation) Humanoids with animal characteristics

-Hengeyokai (shape shifters) -- Carp, Crab, Crane, Dog, Drake, Kitsune (fox), Monkey, Nagaji (snake), Nekojin (feline), Raccoon Dog, Rat, Sparrow, Tanuki (badger), Usagi (rabbit/hare), Weasel

-Kenku (Tengu, raven folk)-Minotaurs (bovine)-Nezumi (ratlings)-Vanara (simians)-Wolven (canines)

Hill Folk (Bamor Mountains, Zedu kingdom) Stolid craftspeope, wary of strangers

-Korobokuru (Mountain Dwarves)-Shan Sao (Halflings)

Spirit Folk (eastern Elves, Therud Forest, Zedu kingdom) Elegant artists, nature lovers, and magic users

-Bamboo (Sylvan/Wild)-River (Grey/High)-Sea (Dimernesti)

Non-Player Character subspecies (mostly Gusorin and Gokuri):-Bakemono (Wayang, Goblins)-Changelings (Deryni/Torlocs)-Delphines (cetaceans)-Fey folk (nature spirits)-Giant-kin-Ki-Rin (unicorns)-Kuo Toa (fish folk)-Merrows (aquatic Ogres)-Nannuattan (Dark Elves)-Oni (Ogre Magi)-Planetouched (Aasimar/Rishi/Tianjans, Samsarans)-Reptile folk (Draconians, Dragons/Lung, Naga/Ophidians, Yuan-

ti)-Samebito (Sahuagin, shark men)-Undead (many types)


See also languages of the "Vanished Lands:"



Cleric (divine spellcaster)-Sami (Yamabushi, Monk)-Shukenja (cleric)

-Sohei (warrior priest, Paladin)-Wu (Druid)

Fighter (Warrior)-Bushi (Ashigaru, Fighter)-Yamen-ren (Barbarian)-Hulinyuan (Ranger, scout)-Kensai (sword saint, single-weapon master)-Samurai (Kuge, Cavalier/Knight)

Rogue (Thief)-Geinin (Bard)-Ninja (Censor/Shinobi, Acrobat/Assassin)-Yakuza (Touzoku, Rogue)

Wizard (Magic User)-Mahotsukai (Sorcerer, spontaneous bloodline-based caster)-Shaman (Warlock, pact-based arcanist, see Dungeon Crawl

Classics)-Wu-Jen (Mage)


10 steps for "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn"Here are the revised steps for Player Character creation in Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style fantasy telecom game, as of autumn 2013/"spring 1227 B.C.E.:"

1. Think of a concept.You should think of a character that would be fun to play, that would make sense in the eastern "Vanished Lands," and that would mesh well with party/campaign themes. Discuss with our fellow role-players.

2. Roll basic attributes.Roll 4d6 six times, dropping the lowest, and re-rolling ones. The Game Master should witness all rolls. Arrange them however you like, and note adjustments. (Add 1 to any one stat every four levels.)

Strength (to damage for hand-to-hand, Fighter prime requisite; x10 = max. load)

Dexterity (bonus to hit, Armor Class, initiative, Reflex save; prime for Thieves)

Constitution (bonus to Hit Dice, Fortitude save) Intelligence (bonus = no. of bonus languages besides native

and Shengtese [eastern human common], prime for Magic Users)

Wisdom (bonus to Willpower save; prime for Clerics) Charisma (bonus to reaction, followers; Bard, Sorcerer


Score Penalty/bonus3 – 34-5 – 26-8 – 19-12 013-15 + 116-17 + 218 + 3

3. Choose a subspecies/race.Note that the eastern races are somewhat different than the standard ones.

Note racial adjustments to attributes. Note physical description: Height, weight,

complexion, age, etc.


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Note likely homeland, nationality, and languages.

Humans (Tian, eastern Plains of Sathendo) Diverse, ambitious, and corruptible

Shengtese (East Asian, Tong Sheng/Principality of Silado)

Eyes: brown; hair: straight to wavy black; complexion: pale to olive

Age -- maturity: 17, mortality: 90 Adult height: 5 ft., +1d8 in.; weight: 110

+2d20 lbs. Attributes: + 2 to any one stat at creation Special abilities: +1 to Will saves; by clan?

Crab (brawlers) -- Knowledge (borderlands) as class skill (potential +3); favored class: Bushi (Fighter)

Crane (courtiers) -- Diplomacy as class skill; favored class: Samurai

Dragon (seekers) -- Knowledge (history) as class skill; favored class: Monk

Lions (warriors) -- Knowledge (war) as class skill; favored class: Samurai

Phoenix (mystics) -- Knowledge (arcana) as class skill; favored class: Shukenja (Cleric)

Scorpion (spies) -- Bluff as class skill; favored class: Yakuza (Rogue)

Unicorn (barbarians; see Tsucharim below) -- Ride, Survival as class skills; favored class:Yamen-ren (Barbarian)

General alignment: Lawful Neutral, with Good tendencies

Region: eastern Plains of Sathendo; nationality: Tong Sheng/Principality of Silado; language:Shengtese; cuisine: rice

Typical class: any; weapons: spear, staff, sword

Tsucharim (Central Asian, Gusorin Confederation) Eyes: hazel to brown; hair: black to light

brown, wiry; complexion: pale to tanned Age -- maturity: 16, mortality: 70 Adult height: 5 ft., +1d10 in., weight: 115

+2d20 lbs. Attributes: + 2 to any one stat at creation Special abilities: +1 to Fort saves General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with

Lawful tendencies Region: central Plains of Sathendo;

nationality: Gusorin Confederation; language: Barbari; cuisine:venison

Typical class: Barbarian; weapon: saber, short bow

Gaijin (outsiders, including Barbari/Skaevingol, Hifalendorin, Saganim, Suthern, Zarendo)

Beast-kin (Gusorin Confederation) Humanoids with animal characteristics

Hengeyokai (shape shifters): Eyes: black; hair: black, brown, white;

complexion: tanned Age -- maturity: 15, mortality: 80 Adult height: 4 ft., +2d8 in.; weight: 80

+2d20 lbs.

Attributes: by type, see below Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels; see also below): alternate/hybrid form (smaller animal; 1/day/level + 1), bite (1d4), claws (1d6), low-light vision (60 ft.), sense weather, tail strike (1d4), Talk With Animals, thick hide (+ 2 AC)

Carp: +2 Dex, amphibious (breathe underwater), fast swimmer (normal move)

Crab: amphibious (breathe underwater), pincers (1d6), thick hide (+ 3 AC)

Crane: +2 Dex, flight (x2 move) Dog: + 2 Con, favored terrain (+ 2

Survival), scent (+ 2 to tracking) Drake: venom (Fort 12, 1d4 Con) Kitsune (fox): – 2 Str, + 2 Dex, + 1

Cha, + 2 Acrobatics Monkey: + 2 Dex, + 2 Acrobatics Nagaji (snake): + 2 Str, – 2 Int, + 1

Cha, thick hide (+ 2 AC) Nekojin (feline): + 2 Dex, +2

Acrobatics Raccoon Dog: + 2 Str, favored terrain

(+ 2 Survival) Rat: + 2 Dex, + 2 Stealth Sparrow: + 2 Dex, flight (x2 move) Tanuki (badger): + 2 Con, burrow (at

half move) Usagi (rabbit/hare): + 2 Dex, fast

runner (x4 move) Weasel: + 2 Con, + 2 Stealth

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Good tendencies

Regions: eastern Plains of Sathendo, Therud Forest; nationalities: Tong Sheng/Principality of Silado, Zedu kingdom; languages: Shengtese, Therudic; cuisine: steak tartare

Typical class: Touzoku/Yakuza (Rogue), Wu Jen (Wizard); weapon: dagger, short bow

Kenku (Tengu, raven folk) Eyes: black or brown to blue, hair: black,

complexion: pale Age -- maturity: 16, mortality: 70 Adult height: 3 ft., +1d6 in.; weight: 50

+1d10 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Dex, – 2 Con, + 1 Int, – 1

Wis Special abilities (+1 racial or class every

three levels): bite (1d4), claws (1d6), favored weapon (+ 1 to hit), flight (x2 move), linguistics (+ 2), low-light vision (60 ft.) sense weather, stealthy (+ 2), talk with animals, wing strike (1d4)

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Evil tendencies

Region: Bamor Mountains, nationality: kingdom of Gokuri, language: Bamoric, cuisine: chicken


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Typical class: Bushi, Wu-Jen, weapon: katana, darts

Minotaurs (bovine) Eyes: brown to red, hair: brown to black,

complexion: dark brown Age -- maturity: 14, mortality: 100 Adult height: 6 ft., +2d12 in.; weight: 280

+2d20 lbs. Attributes: + 3 Str, + 2 Con, – 3 Int Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): bite (1d4), claws/horns (1d6), fast runner (x4 move), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival), favored weapon (+ 1 to hit), low-light vision (60 ft.), scent (+ 2 to tracking), strong will (+ 2 Will), thick hide (+ 1 AC)

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Evil tendencies

Region: central Plains of Sathendo, nationality: Gusorin Confederation, language: Barbari, cuisine: tartar

Typical class: Barbarian, weapon: battle axe Nezumi (ratlings)

Eyes: black to brown hair: brown to white, complexion: pale

Age -- maturity: 15, mortality: 50 Adult height: 4 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 140

+1d10 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Con, – 2 Cha Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): burrow (half move), bite (1d4), claws (1d6), favored weapon (+ 1 to hit), low-light vision (60 ft.), scent (+ 2 to tracking), stealthy (+ 2), tail strike (1d4)

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Evil tendencies

Region: central Plains of Sathendo, nationality: Gusorin Confederation, language: Barbari, cuisine:any

Typical class: Yakuza, weapon: knives, nagamaki

Vanara (simians) Eyes: brown to blue, hair: brown to white,

complexion: pale Age -- maturity: 16, mortality: 80 Adult height: 4 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 85

+2d20 lbs. Attributes: – 2 Str, + 2 Int, + 1 Wis Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): Acrobatic (+ 2), bite (1d4), claws (1d6), low-light vision (60 ft.), scent (+ 2 to tracking), stealthy (+ 2), tail strike (1d4), talk with animals

General alignment: Chaotic Good, with Neutral tendencies

Region: Therud Forest, nationality: Zeda kingdom, language: Therudic, cuisine: fruit

Typical class: Shaman, weapon: sling Wolven (canines)

Eyes: red, black, blue; hair: dark brown to gray to white; complexion: pale

Age -- maturity: 15, mortality: 100 Adult height: 6 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 200

+2d20 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Str, + 1 Con, – 2 Int Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): bite (1d4), claws (1d6), fast runner (x4 move), fast swimmer (normal move),favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival),low-light vision (60 ft.), scent (+ 4 to tracking), thick hide (+ 1 AC)

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Good tendencies

Region: central Plains of Sathendo, nationality: Gusorin Confederation, language: Barbari, cuisine:steak

Typical class: Barbarian, weapon: long sword, long bow

Hill Folk (Bamor Mountains, Zedu kingdom) Stolid craftspeople, wary of strangers

Korobokuru (eastern Mountain Dwarves) Eyes: green, hair: light brown to black,

complexion: olive Age -- maturity: 40, mortality: 250 Adult height: 4 ft., +1d6 in., weight: 130

+1d20 lbs. Attributes: + 1 Str, + 2 Con, – 1 Int Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): crafty (+ 2 on profession), favored enemy (+ 2 damage vs. Goblinioids), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival in mountains), favored weapon (+ to hit), Knowledge: Nature (+ 2), low-light vision (60 ft.)

General alignment: Lawful Neutral, with Chaotic, Good tendencies

Region: Bamor Mountains, nationality: Zedu kingdom, language: Therudic, cuisine: sake

Typical class: Barbarian, Bushi; weapon: short sword, short bow

Shan Sao (Halflings/Gnomes) Eyes: green or golden; hair: blonde,

complexion: brown Age -- maturity: 20, mortality: 80 Adult height: 1 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 40

+1d20 lbs. Attributes: -2 Str, +2 Dex Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): alternate form (small bird), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival in forest), flight (x2 move in bird form), + 2 Stealth, strong will (+ 2 Will), Talk With Animals (tigers), poison (Fort 12, 1d4 Con)

General alignment: Chaotic Neutral, with Good tendencies

Region: Therud Forest; nationality: Zeda kingdom; language: Therudic; cuisine: noodles

Typical class: Wu Jen (Wizard); weapons: short swords, darts, uchi-ne

Spirit Folk (eastern Elves, Therud Forest, Zedu kingdom) Elegant artists, nature lovers, and magic users


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Bamboo (Sylvan/Wild) Eyes: blonde, green, black; hair: dark brown

to green; complexion: fair Age -- maturity: 50, mortality: 300 Adult height: 5 ft., +1d4 in.; weight: 90

+1d10 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Dex, – 2 Con, + 1 Cha Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): elemental resistance (+ 2 to Fort vs. earth, wood spells), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival in forest), low-light vision (60 ft.), stealthy (+2), talk with animals

General alignment: Lawful Good, with Neutral tendencies

Region: Therud Forest, nationality: Zedu kingdom, language: Therudic, cuisine: pastries

Typical class: Samurai, Kensai; weapon: katana, long bow

River (Grey/High) Eyes: green, hair: wavy black, complexion:

fair Age -- maturity: 45, mortality: 250 Adult height: 4 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 90

+1d8 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Dex, – 2 Con, + 1 Cha Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): amphibious (breathes underwater), elemental resistance (+2 to Fort vs. water), fast swimmer (normal move), low-light vision (60 ft.), talk with animals

General alignment: Neutral Good, with Lawful tendencies

Region: Therud Forest, nationality: Zedu kingdom, language: Therudic, cuisine: fried fish

Typical class: Geinin (Bard), Wu Jen, weapon: staff, spear

Sea (Dimernesti) Eyes: green, hair: blue, complexion: olive Age -- maturity: 50, mortality: 350 Adult height: 4 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 80

+1d20 lbs. Attributes: + 2 Dex, – 2 Con, + 1 Cha Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every

three levels): amphibious (breathes underwater), elemental resistance (+ 2 to Fort vs. water, fire), fast swimmer (normal move), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival in ocean), low-light vision (60 ft.), sense weather, talk with animals

General alignment: Chaotic Good, with Neutral tendencies

Region: eastern Sea of Nagendwa, nationality: Coral Kingdom, language: Aquan, cuisine: vegetables

Typical class: Shukenja, weapon: spear Nannuattan (eastern Dark Elves)

Eyes: purple, with slit pupils; hair: white to silver; complexion: dark brown to black

Age -- maturity: 40, mortality: 200

Adult height: 4 ft., +1d12 in.; weight: 90 +1d10 lbs.

Attributes: + 2 Dex, – 2 Con, + 1 Cha Special abilities (+ 1 racial or class every three

levels): bite (1d4), Darkness (once per day per level), favored terrain (+ 2 on Survival in Underdark), favored weapon (+ 1 to hit), Levitate (once per day per level), low-light vision (60 ft.), strong will (+ 2 Will), Talk With Animals, poison (Fort 14, 1d4 Con)

General alignment: Lawful Evil, with Neutral tendencies

Region: Bamor Mountains, nationality: kingdom of Gokuri, language: Bamoric, cuisine: blood pies

Typical class: Samurai, Ninja, Wu Jen; weapon: whippets (incendiary boomerangs, 1d6 +1d4 flame damage)

See also Classes of the Eastern "Vanished Lands"

4. Pick an alignment.This follows the traditional Law vs. Chaos and Good vs. Evil axes, and remember that this affects class choice below. I recommend avoiding Chaotic Evil P.C.s. You should also pick a patron deity or philosophy.

Gods of the Eastern "Vanished Lands" (by title, gender, domains/spheres, symbol, alignment):

Barbari pantheon (Gusorin Confederation and Gokuri; based on Norse, Finnish, D&D)

Wotan, king of Asgard (male) -- rulership, the heavens, Wednesdays; single blue eye, ravens; NGc

Frigh-ka, matron of the gods (female) -- weather, the hearth, motherhood, Fridays; cat; LNg

Feiah, goddess of love (f) -- fertility, spring, skalds, Grugach, Mondays; falcon, the moon; NGc

Hendlir, guardian of ways (m) -- travel, knowledge, skalds, Saturdays; white and gold horn; LNg

Herl, lady of the night (f) -- death, winter, assassins; gaunt female face; NEc

Krypt, mistress of illness (f) -- disease, autumn, Goblinoids; copper bowl; Cen

Lotir, the flames of battle (m) -- fire, trickery, summer; fire; CNe

Shif, battle maiden (f) -- honorable combat, weapons skills; upraised sword; LGn

Torr, lord of thunder (m) -- weather, might, Thursdays; mallet; CGn

Vulkan, lord of smiths (m) -- craft, mountains, Dwarves, Sundays; hammer and tongs; TNlg

Mordra, lord of the void (m) -- chaos, destruction, Nannuattan; chaos symbol; CEn

Tiamat/Takhisis, mother of chromatic dragons (f) -- domination, reptile folk, some Nannuattan; multi-headed dragon; LEn

Yeenoghu, lord of the wastes (m) -- robbery, Gnolls, Lycanthropes; red claw; CEn

Shengtese and Zedu pantheon (based on Chinese, Japanese, Korean) Shang-ti, emperor of the sky (male) -- agriculture,

leadership, metallic dragons, Samurai; gold fist; LNg Kuan Yin, mother of mercy (female) -- motherhood,

healing, hearth, Shan Sao; mother and child; LGn Ami Koshi, forest matron (f) -- wild animals, nature,

Spirit Folk, Beast-kin, Yamabushi; red sword; NGc Ano Wasu, sea lord (m) -- storms, the sea, Dimernesti;

blue katana; CNg


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Hotse Mar, lord of battle (m) -- strife, glory, Bushi; dagger; CGn

Lo Yech, sower of disease (f) -- epidemics, aberrations, humanoids; three demon heads; CEn

Na Chow, master of guile (m) -- stealth, Yakuza; silver bracelet; CNe

Shebsen, lady luck (f) -- fortune, gamblers, Hengeyokai; white staff; CNg

Tsu Komi, lord of the moon (m) -- craft, lore, Korobokuru; silver disc; NGl

Yen Yuang, the sleeping god (m) -- judgment, death; yellow helm and white robes; LNg

Also, note that many people in the eastern "Vanished Lands" follow the belief systems below; they are not mutually exclusive:

Animism: The belief that are spirits in all things, especially living ones, often practiced by Spirit Folk and Wu (Druids). Similar to later Buddhism.

In Our Fathers' Steps: Revering one's ancestors and being aware of the power of the dead and Outsiders, often followed by Mahotsukai and Shamans (Summoners and Warlocks). Similar to later Shinto.

The Path of Order: More a philosophy than a religion, emphasizes social stability and mutual respect, practiced by many Korobokuru (Dwarves). Similar to later Confucianism.

The Way of Harmony: The quest for balance in all things and the perfection of the body and mind, often followed by Sami (Monks). Similar to later Daoism.

5. Choose an occupational class.Again, note that the eastern classes are somewhat different from the standard classes of most fantasy tabletop RPGs. Also, note the following:

-Hit Points, which are modified by Con. First level is at maximum.

-Base Attack Bonus (no THAC0); Dex modifies to-hit rolls.-Saving Throws, which will either be by level, or + 1 for

every three levels to a single ability check (Dex/Ref-Rog, Con/Fort-Ftr, Int/Will-Wiz, Wis/Will-Clr).

-Base Honor score (see also aspects, below)

Class: Cleric (divine spellcaster)LevelBAB Will Ref, Fort Spells/day: 0th 1st

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th9th

1 + 1 0 -2 4 0th 0 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

2 + 1 0 -2 4 0th 1 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

3 + 2 + 1 -1 4 0th 2 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

4 + 2 + 1 -1 4 0th 2 1st 1 2nd 0 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

5 + 3 + 2 0 4 0th 2 1st 2 2nd 0 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

6 + 3 + 2 0 4 0th 2 1st 2 2nd 1 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

7 + 4 + 3 +1 4 0th 3 1st 2 2nd 2 3rd0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

8 + 4 + 3 +1 4 0th 3 1st 2 2nd 2 3rd1 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

9 + 5 + 3 + 1 4 0th 3 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd2 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

10 + 5 + 4 + 2 4 0th 3 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd2 4th 1 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

11 + 5 + 4 + 2 5 0th 4 1st 3 2nd 3 3rd2 4th 2 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

12 + 6 + 5 + 3 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 3 3rd2 4th 2 5th 1 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

13 + 6 + 5 + 3 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 3 3rd3 4th 2 5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

14 + 6 + 6 + 4 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd3 4th 2 5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

15 + 7 + 6 + 4 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd3 4th 3 5th 2 6th 1 7th 0 8th 0 9th

16 + 7 + 7 + 5 6 0th 5 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd3 4th 3 5th 2 6th 2 7th 0 8th 0 9th

17 + 7 + 7 + 5 6 0th 5 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd3 4th 3 5th 2 6th 2 7th 0 8th 0 9th

18 + 8 + 8 + 6 6 0th 5 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd4 4th 3 5th 3 6th 2 7th 1 8th 0 9th

19 + 8 + 8 + 6 7 0th 6 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd4 4th 4 5th 3 6th 2 7th 1 8th 0 9th

20 + 8 + 9 + 7 7 0th 6 1st 5 2nd 5 3rd4 4th 4 5th 3 6th 3 7th 2 8th 1 9th

Subclass: Sami (Shintao/Yamabushi, Monk)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, Dex, Con, WisHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: NoneWeapons: Any, depends on styleClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): + 1 Armor Class every other level, + 1d6 unarmed damage every four levels, Deflect Arrows (Dex/Ref save instead of AC), Immunities (vs. Haste, Sleep, Slow; each costs one), Improved Trip (+ 2 to Hit) Ki damage resistance (+ 1d6 1x day/lvl.), Metabolism control (Heal Self 1d4 x lvl. per day; can avoid negatives from lack of food or sleep if meditates at least an hour per day), Psychic duel (see AD&D1OA), Slow Fall (- 1d6 x 1/4 lvl. damage from falling or 10 ft. per level w/ no damage if near a wall), Speak With Animals (1x Lvl. per day), Speak With Plants (1x Lvl. per day), Stunning Attack (save vs. Fort at 10+1/2 Lvl. or stunned 1d6 rounds rather than damage)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Acrobatics, Concentration, Disable Device, Knowledge (Religion), Martial Arts (+ 1 maneuver per rank/lvl.), Medicine, Perception, Resolve, Stealth

Spells: None; martial arts maneuvers insteadAlignment: Any Lawful (must define and follow code)Base honor: 10

Subclass: Shukenja (Dang-Ki, Cleric)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Wis, ChaHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: anyWeapons: blunt preferred; by deityClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): + 1 Dam vs. spirits; orisons (0-Lvl. spells); element focus (+ 1 spell per level, but must avoid opposing element); Ki metabolism (+ 3 to saves 1/day/Lvl.); meditation (halves need for food, sleep); sense elements (psychometry), turning/positive energy burst (1d6 x Lvl. vs. Will save of 10 + 1/2 level to damage Undead or heal allies, 30-ft. range, once per encounter or trade spell slots)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels):


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Concentration, Knowledge (Planes, Religion), Medicine, Persuasion, Resolve, Sense Motive

Spells: Any Cleric; including orisons (0-level); saves are 10 + spell level vs. Wis/Will

Alignment: Any, depends on faith/deityBase honor: 20

Subclass: Sohei (No-Sheng, warrior priest, Paladin)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, Wis, ChaHit dice (first level is at max): d8Armor, shield: AnyWeapons: Any, depends on deityClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): Deflect Arrows (Dex/Ref save instead of AC); Detect Evil (at will), Enchant Weapon (once per day per level, duration 1 turn), Immune to fear, Ki frenzy (+ 1 to Hit/Dam/Saves, 1/day/Lvl.), Lay on Hands (Cha bonus + 2 HP, once per day per every other level), Protection From Evil (10 ft.), Smite Evil (+ 1d4 on attacks/damage vs. evil), Weapon of choice (+ 1 to hit, as per enchanted)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Concentration, Knowledge (Planes, Religion), Martial Arts, Medicine, Resolve, Sense Motive

Spells: As per Cleric – 2 levelsAlignment: Lawful Good; depends on faith/deityBase honor: 15

Subclass: Wu (Druid)Prime requisite (9 minimum): WisHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: No metalWeapons: One-handed preferred, plus short bow, sling, and

staffClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): animal companion, Calm Animals (HD per day per level vs. Wis/Will), Wild Shape (assume an animal form for 10 min. per level)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Animal Handling, Concentration, Knowledge (Nature), Medicine, Resolve

Spells: Any Druid or natureAlignment: Any NeutralBase honor: 10

Class: Fighter (Warrior)Level BAB Fort Ref, Will1 + 1 _0 -22 + 2 0 -23 + 2 +1 -14 + 3 +1 -15 + 4 +2 06 + 4 +2 07 + 5 +3 +18 + 6 +3 +19 + 6 +3 +110 + 6 +4 +211 + 7 +4 +212 + 7 +5 +313 + 8 +5 +314 + 8 +6 +415 + 8 +6 +416 + 9 +7 +517 + 9 +7 +5

18 + 10 +8 +619 + 10 +8 +620 + 11 +9 +7

Subclass: Bushi (Ashigaru/Chanshi, Fighter)Prime requisite (9 minimum): StrHit dice (first level is at max): d8Armor, shield: AnyWeapons: Any, esp. bow, spearClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): Formation fighting (+ 1 AC, + 2 to Hit, + 1 Dam when in a unit); Ki stamina (+ 2 HP for every three levels, once per day); Ki strike (+ 2 to hit for every four levels, once per day); Scrounging (+ 2 on Survival for getting weapons, ammo), Weapon focus (+ 1 to Hit, Dam with favored weapon)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Tactics/Strategy), Survival (by terrain type)

Spells: NoneAlignment: AnyBase honor: 10

Subclass: Yamen-ren (Barbarian)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, Dex, Con, WisHit dice (first level is at max): d12Armor, shield: AnyWeapons: Any availableClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): + 3 on Wis/Will vs. Illusions, Heals 2 HP/day, Ki shout (vs. Will, DC=10+1/2 Lvl.), Rage (+1d6 damage per one round per level), Summon Horde (requires Leadership, plus x10 Lvl. 1 followers for 1d10 weeks)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Geography, Nature, Tactics/Strategy), Resolve, Stealth, Survival

Spells: NoneAlignment: Any ChaoticBase honor: 10

Subclass: Hulinyuan (Ranger, scout)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, Dex, WisHit dice (first level is at max): d8Armor, shield: Light onlyWeapons: AnyClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability

every 3 levels): Ambidextrous (no penalty for off-hand use), animal companion, Favored Enemy (+ 1 damage for every 2 levels), Favored Terrain(Survival + 1), Tracking (Survival + 1 for every three levels)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Animal Handling, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Geography, Nature, Tactics/Strategy), Perception, Search, Stealth, Survival

Spells: As per Druid – 2 levels (Clr – 4 lvls.)Alignment: Any NeutralBase honor: 10

Subclass: Kensai (Chujen, sword saint, single-weapon master)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Dex, WisHit dice (first level is at max): d10


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Armor, shield: NoneWeapons: Any, but must specialize in oneClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): + 1 to AC every three levels, Favored weapon (+ 1 to hit, damage for every three levels with it), Ki shout (vs. Will, DC=10+1/2 Lvl.), Ki strike -- max. damage 1x/day/lvl., psychic duel, whirlwind strike (attack all opponents within range in one round, once per day per every three levels)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Etiquette, Tactics/Strategy), Resolve

Spells: NoneAlignment: Any LawfulBase honor: 25

Subclass: Samurai (Kuge, Cavalier/Knight)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, Con, Int, WisHit dice (first level is at max): d10Armor, shield: All armor, no shieldsWeapons: daikyu (long bow), katana (long sword)Class abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): ancestral/masterwork weapons (+ 1), immunity to fear, Ki shout (vs. Will, DC=10+1/2 Lvl.); Ki strike (+ 2 Dam 1/day per every two levels), mount (see also D20 Legends of the Samurai)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Animal Handling, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Etiquette, History, Tactics/Strategy), Perception, Perform

Spells: NoneAlignment: Any LawfulBase honor: 20

Class: Rogue (Thief)Level BAB Ref Fort, Will1 + 1 _0 -22 + 1 0 -23 + 2 +1 -14 + 2 +1 -15 + 3 +2 06 + 3 +2 07 +4 +3 +18 + 4 +3 +19 + 5 +3 +110 + 5 +4 +211 + 5 +4 +212 + 6 +5 +313 + 6 +5 +314 + 6 +6 +415 + 7 +6 +416 + 7 +7 +517 + 7 +7 +518 + 8 +8 +619 + 8 +8 +620 + 8 +9 +7

Subclass: Geinin (Bard)Prime requisite (9 minimum): ChaHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: Any lightWeapons:Class abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): Comprehend Languages, Read Magic,Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels):

Acrobatics, Appraisal, Deception, Gaming, Knowledge (Etiquette, History, Linguistics), Perform, Persuasion, Search, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise

Spells: As per Cleric or Wizard (must choose at creation), – 2 levels

Alignment: Any ChaoticBase honor: 15

Subclass: Ninja (Censor/Shinobi , Acrobat/Assassin)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Dex, Int, ChaHit dice (first level is at max): d4Armor, shield: Any, but take penalties to Stealth equal to

armor bonusWeapons: Any, including garrotte, poisonClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): + 1d6 Ki damage resistance (1x day/lvl.); Slow Fall (- 1d6 x 1/4 lvl. damage from falling); Sneak Attack (+ 4 to hit on successful Stealth, x2 damage); Pass Through Walls (1 per day per level after Lvl. 12), psychic duel, Water Walk (5 ft. per round per level)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Acrobatics, Deception, Disable Device, Knowledge (Etiquette, History, Linguistics), Martial Arts (see AD&D2 Complete Ninja's Handbook), Perform, Search, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise

Spells: None, but may read scrollsAlignment: Any Lawful or NeutralBase honor: Per other class

Subclass: Yakuza (Tong Shu/Touzoku , Rogue)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Str, DexHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: Any lightWeapons: AnyClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability

every 3 levels): Defensive roll (Dex/Ref save vs. damage instead of AC 1/day), Ki speed (add Dex bonus to move, 1x/day/Lvl.), Sneak Attack (+ 4 to hit on successful Stealth, x2 damage)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Acrobatics, Appraisal, Deception, Disable Device, Gaming, Knowledge (Etiquette, History), Search, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise

Spells: NoneAlignment: Any non-Chaotic, non-GoodBase honor: 20

Wizard (Magic User)Level BAB Will Fort, Ref Spells/day: 0th 1st

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th9th

1 + 1 _0 -2 4 0th 1 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

2 +1 0 -2 4 0th 2 1st 0 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

3 + 1 +1 -1 4 0th 2 1st 1 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

4 + 2 +1 -1 4 0th 2 1st 2 2nd 0 3rd 0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

5 + 2 +2 0 4 0th 2 1st 2 2nd 1 3rd 0 4th 0 5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th

6 + 3 +2 0 4 0th 3 1st 2 2nd 2 3rd 0 4th 0


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5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th7 + 3 +3 +1 4 0th 3 1st 2 2nd 2 3rd 1 4th 0

5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th8 + 3 +3 +1 4 0th 3 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd 2 4th 0

5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th9 + 4 +3 +1 4 0th 3 1st 3 2nd 2 3rd 2 4th 1

5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th10+ 4 +4 +2 5 0th 4 1st 3 2nd 3 3rd 2 4th 2

5th 0 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th11+ 4 +4 +2 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 3 3rd 2 4th 2

5th 1 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th12+ 4 +5 +3 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 3 3rd 3 4th 2

5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th13+ 5 +5 +3 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd 3 4th 2

5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th14+ 5 +6 +4 5 0th 4 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd 3 4th 3

5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th15+ 5 +6 +4 6 0th 5 1st 4 2nd 4 3rd 3 4th 2

5th 2 6th 0 7th 0 8th 0 9th16+ 6 +7 +5 6 0th 5 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd 3 4th 3

5th 2 6th 1 7th 0 8th 0 9th17+ 6 +7 +5 6 0th 5 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd 4 4th 3

5th 3 6th 2 7th 0 8th 0 9th18+ 6 +8 +6 7 0th 6 1st 5 2nd 4 3rd 4 4th 3

5th 3 6th 2 7th 1 8th 0 9th19+ 7 +8 +6 7 0th 6 1st 5 2nd 5 3rd 4 4th 3

5th 3 6th 2 7th 2 8th 1 9th20+ 7 +9 +7 7 0th 6 1st 5 2nd 5 3rd 4 4th 4

5th 3 6th 3 7th 2 8th 2 9th

Subclass: Mahotsukai (Sorcerer, spontaneous bloodline-based caster)

Prime requisite (9 minimum): Con, IntHit dice (first level is at max): d4Armor, shield: Any lightWeapons: Any lightClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): bonus spells based on Bloodlines: Aberrant, Abyssal, Arcane, Celestial, Destined, Draconic, Elemental, Fey, Infernal, Undead

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana, Linguistics, Planes), Resolve, Sleight of Hand

Spells: Any Wu Jen, but casts spontaneously (no need to select at start of each day)

Alignment: Any ChaoticBase honor: 10

Subclass: Shaman (Warlock, pact-based arcanist)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Int, ChaHit dice (first level is at max): d6Armor, shield: Any lightWeapons: Any simpleClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): Eidolon companion, Spirit Sight, Spontaneous casting (can swap prepared spell for one of choice)

Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels): Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana, Linguistics, Planes), Resolve, Sleight of Hand

Spells: See also summoners, Dungeon Crawl ClassicsAlignment: Any Lawful (often animist)Base honor: 20

Subclass: Wu-Jen (Mage)Prime requisite (9 minimum): Int

Hit dice (first level is at max): d4Armor, shield: NoneWeapons: Any light -- dagger, sling, staffClass abilities (2 at Lvl. 1, then one racial or class ability every

3 levels): Read Magic (at will),Class skills (+ 3 to two at Lvl. 1, plus one more every 3 levels):

Concentration, familiar, Knowledge (Arcana, Linguistics, Planes), Resolve, Sleight of Hand

Spells: Any Wizard, can specialize (for + 1 spell per level, but must avoid opposed ones); including cantrips (0-level); saves are 10 + spell level vs. Wis/Will

Alignment: Any non-Lawful, but must have tabooBase honor: 15

6. Pick racial/class abilities.Each P.C. starts with four and gets a new one (from either list) every three levels. Feats from other D20/Open Game License sourcebooks may also be allowed. Combat rules, including critical hits and fumbles, are listed elsewhere on this site.

7. Pick proficiencies or skills.Note that attribute bonuses apply. The two methods under consideration are as follows:

P.C.s start with two at + 3 and add one every three levels. Class-related skills are at + 5.

P.C.s start with four points to spend (1 rank = 1 point), with four more points every level. Class-related skills get a + 3.

Skills (by ability, specialties, class): Acrobatics (Dex; includes escape artist, fly, tightrope,

tumble; Rog) Animal Handling (Wis; incl. ride; Dru, Rng) Appraisal (Int; assess value; Rog) Athletics (Str; climb, fly, jump; Ftr) Concentration (Wis; to think/cast under stress; Clr, Wiz) Craft (Dex/Int; specialize, incl. alchemy, armory, cooking,

create magic item, herbalism, poisons, weaponsmith) Deception (Cha; incl. bluff, disguise; Rog) Disable Device (Dex; incl. pick locks, remove traps/wards;

Rog) Endurance (Con/Fort; incl. run, swim; Ftr) Gaming (Int; card, gambling, strategy; Rog) Intimidation (Str/Cha; Ftr) Knowledge (Int, by specialty):

Arcana (magic, spellcraft, unnatural creatures; Brd, Wiz)

Architecture (incl. dungeons, engineering, siege engines)

Etiquette (heraldry, tea ceremony; Brd, Sam) Geography (by region; Brb, Rng) History (by region, incl. law, lore; Brd) Linguistics (1 pt. per language beyond native

and/or common (Shengtese) plus Int bonus; plus decipher script, forgery; Brd, Wiz)

Nature (biology, wildlife; Dru, Rng) Planes (Outsiders; Clr, Wiz) Religion (and Wis; incl. Undead, ceremonies;

Clr) Tactics/Strategy (warfare, Ftr)

Leadership (Cha; total follower levels = Cha + Leadership ranks, but followers must be at least two levels lower than P.C.)

Martial Arts (Dex; 1 maneuver -- such as Iajutsu/fast draw


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-- per rank, Monk gets + 1 rank to spend per level; see Oriental Adventures for styles/feats, prerequisites)

Medicine (Int; heal; Clr) Perception (Wis; passive; Rng, Sam) Perform (Cha; by artistic medium, includes calligraphy

(Wis), dance, musician, painter; Brd, Sam) Persuasion (Cha; diplomacy, bargaining; Brd, Clr) Profession (Wis; nonadventuring, such as farmer, merchant,

etc.) Resolve (Wis; strong will; Brb, Clr, Ken, Wiz) Search (Int; hear noise, active notice; Rng, Rog) Sense Motive (Wis; vs. Deception; Clr) Sleight of Hand (Dex; holdout; Rog, Wiz) Stealth (Dex; incl. hide in shadow, move silently,

shadowing; Rog, Rng) Streetwise (Cha; gather info; Rog) Survival (Wis; incl. camping and tracking, by terrain, incl.

dungeons; Brb, Rng) Vehicle (Dex; by type -- boat, chariot, dirigible, etc.) Or, by ability:

Str: Athletics, Intimidation Dex: Acrobatics, Craft, Disable Device, Martial

Arts, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Vehicle Con: Endurance Int: Appraisal, Craft, Gaming, Knowledge (all),

Medicine, Search Wis: Animal Handling, Concentration, Medicine,

Perception, Profession, Resolve, Sense Motive, Survival

Cha: Deception, Intimidation, Leadership, Perform, Persuasion, Streetwise

Favored class (includes subclasses): Clr: Animal Handling (Dru), Concentration,

Knowledge (Nature-Dru, Planes, Religion), Martial Arts (Monk), Medicine, Persuasion, Resolve, Sense Motive

Ftr: Animal Handling (Rng), Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Knowledge (Etiquette-Sam, Geography-Brb/Rng, Nature-Rng, Tactics/Strategy), Perception (Rng, Sam), Perform (Sam), Resolve (Brb, Ken), Search (Rng), Stealth (Rng), Survival (Brb, Rng)

Rog: Acrobatics, Appraisal, Deception, Disable Device, Gaming, Knowledge (Etiquette, History, Linguistics-Brd), Perform (Brd), Persuasion (Brd), Search, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Streetwise

Wiz: Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana, Linguistics, Planes), Perform (calligraphy), Resolve, Sleight of Hand

Martial arts: In addition to the base Martial Arts skill, P.C.s can choose maneuvers that make up a style. The AD&D1Oriental Adventures is preferred, but other sourcebooks may be relevant (see bibliography below).

Pick spells: If relevant to class (include citations; see also bibliography below).

8. Write a brief bio.Just a few sentences or paragraphs should do for a back story.

What mannerisms or sayings do you use? Also, find a portrait image that we can use on Obsidian Portal.

What are your P.C.'s non-adventuring hobbies and interests?

Why is your character adventuring, and why would he

or she travel with a party? What short- and longer-term goals do you have? The

next phase of P.C. creation should help.Define your background aspects: Yes, this is borrowed from FATE (Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment). These can be "tagged" by spending a Fate point for a 1d6 bonus or a reroll. P.C.s start with a refresh of 3 Fate points, plus one every three levels. Each time the G.M. "compels" an aspect, you get an additional Fate point for the session.

Family/birthright Training Complication Guest star Motivation (We might put honor here rather than AD&D1

OA's numerical tracking.) Adventuring (to be gained at Level 5) Membership/leadership (Lvl. 10) Hero of (Lvl. 15)

9. Pick equipment.See bibliography below. Starting equipment typically includes clothing, armor and weapons (note AC, range, damage), rations, and class-related tools. Each P.C. starts with 250 gold pieces.

Eastern currency equivalents: copper piece = fen silver piece = 2 yuan electrum piece = 1 tael gold piece = 2 tael platinum piece = ch'ien

10. Upload to Obsidian Portal.I can help with this, and please try to keep your P.C. records up to date. You can expect to level up every five sessions. You should now be ready to play!

Bibliography (in descending order of importance)Role-Playing Games:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Oriental Adventures (AD&D1, in hardcopy

and PDF) The Complete Ninja's Handbook (AD&D2) Forgotten Realms: Horde Campaign

(AD&D2) Forgotten Realms: Kara-Tur Vols. 1 and 2

(AD&D1, borrowed from Jason E.R.) assorted adventure modules, some borrowed

from Jason E.R. Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game (D20 retro-clone)

Core Rules (r75 in print, r78 in free PDF) supplements and conversions (see downloads

and forums) Other retro-clones: Dungeon Crawl

Classics; Adventurer, Conqueror, King; and Labyrinth Lord (PDFs):

Black Streams -- the Pacts of the Wise, The Yellow Bone Legion

Classes of the Far East An Echo Resounding -- Lordship

and War in Untamed Lands Red Tide: Campaign Sourcebook


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and Sandbox Toolkit D20/Open Game License

Avatar: the Last Airbender (two fan conversions, PDF only)

Creatures of Rokugan (D&D3.0, PDF) Oriental Adventures (D&D3.0; PDF) Oriental Dragonlance Adventures (fan-

written PDF) From Stone to Steel The Hidden Emperor ("War Against the

Darkness" campaign book) Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts: Monsters

From the East Jade and Steel: Roleplaying in Mythic China

(PDF) Legends of the Crane Glossary (PDF) Legend of the Five Rings: Rokugan

Campaign Setting (While the eastern "Vanished Lands" is neither the "Forgotten Realms' Kara Tur" nor "Rokugan," it does borrow heavily from both.)

Legends of the Samurai A Magical Society: Silk Road (D&D3.0) Magic of Rokugan (D&D3.0, PDF) Way of the Ninja (D&D3.0, PDF) Way of the Open Hand (Shinsei Monks) Way of the Samurai (D&D3.0, PDF) Way of the Shugenja (eastern Clerics) assorted adventure modules (D&D3.x)

Pathfinder Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Advanced Player's Guide Advanced Race Guide Bestiaries 1 through 3 Dragon Empires Gazetteer, Primer Heroes of the Jade Oath Ultimate Campaign, Combat, Equipment,

Magic assorted PDFs and Web sites

Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment (FATE)

Legends of Anglerre (FATE 3e) Legends of Anglerre Companion FATE Core (PDF only, hardcopy to come) FATE Accelerated Edition ("lite" PDF) Strands of FATE Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade (Kickstarter

project) Generic Universal Role-Playing System (GURPS)

GURPS (4th Ed.) Basic Set, GURPS Lite GURPS (3rd Ed.) China GURPS (4th Ed.) Fantasy GURPS (3rd Ed.) Japan, Second Edition GURPS (4th Ed.) Martial Arts

Hero System Fifth Edition (hardcopies) Ninja Hero The Ultimate Martial Artist

Palladium Fantasy Adventures in the Northern Wilderness Weapons and Assassins Weapons and Castles of the Orient

Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan (borrowed from Jason E.R.)

Shinobi: Shadows of Nihon, plus Shiki adventure supplement

Storyteller: World of Darkness (borrowed from Rich C.G.)

Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East -- a Sourcebook for Werewolf: the Apocalypse

Dark Kingdom of Jade, Adventures -- sourcebooks for Wraith: the Oblivion

Kindred of the East -- for Vampire: the Masquerade

Historical references: Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors Myth and Mankind: Chinese Myth -- Land of the

Dragon Myth and Mankind: Japanese Myth -- Realm of the

Rising Sun Osprey Elite Series 23: The Samurai Osprey Elite Series 35: Early Samurai, 200-1500 A.D. Numerous books on philosophy, religion, and

swordsmanshipRecommended viewing:

Avatar: the Last Airbender (the animated TV series, not the live-action movie)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame Enter the Dragon Hero House of the Flying Daggers Iron Monkey Kung-Fu Panda The Legend of Drunken Master Princess Mononoke Seven Samurai Yojimbo

Discussions>Hey guys, just wanted to mention a possible game transition for the telecom group. As much as I love our Vortex crew, I think that that our "Battlestar Galactica" scenario is cool but is a significant change from the beginning game premise.

>Humanity is now on the run, and while the possibilities are endless, I think we need either to focus our efforts and maybe start new characters or define an interesting plot thread for the whole group to follow. I think we should consider moving campaigns and giving what has happened in the game a bit to settle out (while finishing a chapter or two ourselves to set up the next game in Vortex.

>With that transition on the one hand, I also wanted to provide another possibility -- we could change games. I have been away from the fantasy gaming for quite a while and would like to return to the "Vanished Lands"....

>My thought was a transition a few months from now -- Octoberish. I am intrigued by an retro -- old-school -- "Oriental Adventures" campaign with Gene's "Pathfinder" homebrew as the basis complete with the "honor" system of 2nd Edition.

>I know Gene has had parties visit the "far east" (Gusorin Confederation, Silado and points east) but has not had a party from there and based there. The whole Samurai/Ronin/Yakuza/Monk/Ninja/Wu-Jen thing sounds really cool to me.

>I just wanted to put this on the table to discuss. I love gaming -- all genres and types -- but I miss me some fantasy and would love to


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explore the Orient of the "Vanished Lands." Just thinking out loud... let me know what you think. -Byron V.O.

>>Byron and fellow role-players, thanks for bringing up this topic, which we've touched upon a few times but should discuss more (I've moved the thread). I'm glad that you've enjoyed our telecom games -- it's hard to believe that we're coming up on about five years!

>>I agree that the shift in "Vortex" from the Gryphon traveling around the Sol system to "Terra's Pride" and humanity dealing with the aftermath of the Zarkonian invasion is significant. As cool as it is to have multiple Player Characters and ships, refocusing your adventuring party is a good idea.

>>Your crews have just begun exploring the larger galaxy, and we'll definitely wrap up the Blackbird and company's visits to the slower-than-light generation colony ships, as well as the Pina Colada's journey to Van Maanen's Star to investigate Precursor artifacts. Beyond that, we can "park" your P.C.s at a good point, if that's what everyone chooses.

>>As for a return to the "Vanished Lands," we could argue that some of you have never left, since the Boston-area, face-to-face group has been playing in "Vistel's Circus" for the past year or so! What do the rest of you in our virtual group think of Byron's proposal?

>>Josh, as you know, my historical weapons class is on Wednesday nights, but good luck with your Microscope/FATE-based fantasy telecom group! I also hope that your "Werewolf: Last Howl of Copper Canyon" one-shot is successful.

>>If we decide on an Oriental Adventures-style campaign for Sundays, we can then discuss which rules set to use. Pathfinder is very solid, but rather crunchy for our telecom sessions. The D20 retro-clone Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game has been working well for "Vistel's Circus" -- and it would be simple to convert from the AD&D1 "OA" -- but it could use a little tweaking.

>>Last but not least, there's FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre, which combines some old-school Renaissance sensibilities with the streamlined narrative system we've been using for "Vortex." However, the core rulebook isn't super-organized, and it doesn't have a free System Reference Document (I could post house rules easily enough).

>>Before any of you jump into picking P.C. race/class combos, let's first agree on whether to change campaigns, rules system, and potential party themes. Stay in touch, -Gene

>>Bruce, I'm reposting this here [to the "Vanished Lands" Yahoo/eGroup] from the "Holy Steel" Google Group in case you're still not getting messages from it:

>>Fellow role-players, I'm sorry that we didn't have quorum for the "Vortex: Terra's Pride" telecom space opera tonight (Sunday, 25 August 2013). While I knew that Bruce wouldn't be able to attend, I'm glad that Beruk and Josh overcame technical hurdles this week.

>>Byron and Geoff, if you think you might be late or unable to make the game, please try to let us know in advance. Sara, Beruk, Josh and I waited an hour before calling it a night.

>>When we left your Ranger Corps task force, it had caught up with the Faithful Starlight, the last of three generation colony ships. However, a Zarkonian squadron had also spotted the slower-than-light vessel near Altair....

>>We also talked about potential campaigns after this encounter and the Pina Colada's visit to Van Maanen's Star to investigate Precursor artifacts.

>>Byron and Bruce have talked about a new party set in the "Vanished Lands." The Oriental Adventures-style scenario would use Pathfinder, the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, or FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre.

>>In addition, Josh and Geoff have expressed interest in a four-color superhero game, which could use the FATE-based Icons or Kerberos Club, or D20 Mutants & Masterminds 3e. Geoff could run, or we could revisit my "Societe de Justice Internationale" setting. Beruk and Sara said they'd be up for some change but not constant character and campaign churn.

>>We'll have to discuss this next time everyone is online. So far, Beruk, Josh, Sara, and Bruce have said they'll be available next Sunday. What about the rest of you -- who's available the night before Labor Day?

>>I'll see some of you at tomorrow night's game, and have a good week, -Gene

>>Byron, last night, I did speak briefly on your and Bruce's behalf in favor of an Oriental Adventures-style fantasy campaign set in the "Vanished Lands." I also noted your preference for Pathfinder, although other systems have their proponents.... -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, I'm sorry that we didn't have quorum again for a "Vortex: Terra's Pride" session tonight (Sunday, 1 September 2013). Beruk, Byron, and Geoff, thanks again for your patience.

>>Sara, Josh, and Bruce, we missed you. How was "Wicked"? Dexter, I tried to ping you via Skype. We did discuss the following items:-Tactics for your Ranger Corps task force at Altair, including the

Blackbird, Dauntless, Sovereign, and Tigress. Your ships are set to defend the Faithful Starlight colony ship from an approaching Zarkonian squadron.

-Scheduling for upcoming space opera sessions. Assuming we have quorum, I hope to run every weekend this month. After the Faithful Starlight, we'll switch back to the Pina Colada at Van Maanen's Star.

-Geoff's proposal for a street-level superhero one-shot, using FATE Accelerated Edition. If everyone is up for it, Geoff would run in late September or early October.

-Our next longer-term telecom campaign. So far, most of the group seems in favor of switching to an Oriental Adventures-style scenario in my homebrew "Vanished Lands" setting. We have yet to pick a rules set, party theme, and specific characters.

-Potential systems for the above include Pathfinder, the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, and FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre. Each would require different levels of customization and preparation.

>>As some of you know, the Boston-area, face-to-face groups are going through similar seasonal turnover, with Jason E.R.'s "Star Wars" miniseries soon to alternate with my "Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus" on Monday nights. We may also have some new players soon.

>>Josh, I hope you're able to wrap up your "Steam Wars" on Wednesdays and that your Microscope-based campaign launch goes well. In the meantime, I hope that everyone stays in touch and that we'll be able to get back to role-playing soon! -Gene

>[4 September 2013:] Guys, as we consider moving to a new game, I wanted to prompt a discussion on the "look and feel." I know Gene prefers the rules-light systems, but I believe we are all very familiar with the AD&D variants through 3.5 and Pathfinder, and I for one would love a retro game.

>Note on the systems. If we do an Oriental Adventures/"Vanished Lands," I would ask those familiar to check out the rules, armor/weapons/tools and Ninja/Samurai classes in the Pathfinder expansions -- very cool. Other character types (Monk in particular) also have some help too in Pathfinder.

>On the retro side, the 2nd Edition/Gygax Oriental Adventures was very fun to play (back in the day) -- complete with a nice honor system and a martial arts system that still works pretty well with previous 3.5/Pathfinder PCs or NPCs easily converting.

>My personal favorites: Personally, I would go totally retro with the 2nd Edition Oriental Adventures for a retro/homebrew feel, complete with the honor/caste/inheritance systems of the book and everyone gaining a base martial arts style or making their own with Gene's help. If not this, then Pathfinder/3.5 with an imported honor system would be fun.

>Oh yeah -- if anyone has a Legend of the Five Rings reference book, we could import some of that structure and support information as well -- clans (Crab, Crane, Scorpion, Lion, etc). Nice flavor stuff in that system -- weapons, legends, plotlines, magic items.

>Looking forward to it! -Byron V.O.


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>>Byron and fellow role-players, I'm starting a new thread on our "Holy Steel" Google Group. I've also begun thinking about an Asian-style telecom fantasy campaign in the "Vanished Lands," and I'll begin posting some information in the coming weeks as we try to wrap up the "Vortex: Terra's Pride" space opera.

>>I'll definitely be referring to the original AD&D1 Oriental Adventures book, regardless of which rules set we eventually choose. I should still have the PDF of the D&D3.0 edition, which was set in Legend of the Five Rings' Rokugan rather than Kara-Tur in the "Forgotten Realms." Races and occupations from both will likely end up in our "New Dawn" game.

>>I've also got some historical sourcebooks for GURPS, Palladium, and others. For now, let's focus on overall system. As I've noted before, the D20 retro-clone Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game would make for the easiest conversion from the original OA.

>>Pathfinder would indeed provide the most player options, and FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre might require a little more tweaking, but it's also the simplest overall. The rules should support whatever style of play we want to aim for, leading into our discussion of party themes.

>>So far, I know that Byron and Bruce prefer Pathfinder, and Josh and Sara like FATE. Beruk and Geoff, you'll be the swing votes, and we'll see if Dexter or anyone else joins us.

>>I'll probably be adding pages to the existing Obsidian Portal wiki for the "Vanished Lands" specific to our next adventuring party. Those of you in the Boston-area, face-to-face "Vistel's Circus" group will need to keep your fantasy characters distinct.

>>In the meantime, what does each of you think about our system options? -Gene

>OK, so Oriental Adventures was 1st edition.... oops but was very cool anyway... .had forgotten about 3.0 Rokugan. That was nice as well -- I think I have the reference book in my basement. Nice spell list for Wu Jen as I remember. -Byron

>Hi Gene, as a thought experiment I covered our face to face charterers to Budo, Wushu Hard Style, I thought you'd get a kick out of it so here you go. -Josh C.

Elsa Fairbottom Mental: 3

Cleric: 2 Divine Fire Healing Touch

Ki: 4 Physical: 1

Dwarven combat Training: 2 Goblin Slaying Undead Slaying

Ki: 3 Social: 2

Cleric: 2 Animal Friend Gaia's Wisdom

Ki: 2Style: Druid of Gaia and Mordred

Hamfast Hammerfist Mental: 1

Mountain Man: 3 Tracking

Ki: 2 Physical: 3

Mountain Strength: 2 Stand Fast

Brute force Ki: 4

Social: 2 Mountain Man: 1

Intimidating Ki: 3

Style: Stoic Mountain Man

Giacamo 'The Mysterious' Du Vane Mental: 4

Eldritch Magic: 3 Reality Bending Soul Sear Call Fourth Alien Powers

Ki: 5 Physical: 1

Eldritch Magic: 3 Unholy Powers

Ki: 2 Social: 2

Unsettling Visage: 2 Intimidating Likeness of the Other

Ki: 2Style: Channler of Eldritch Powers

Corwin Windsong Mental: 2

Bardsong: 2 Illusions Charms

Ki: 3 Physical: 2

Fencing: 2 Lightning Fast Armor Piercing

Ki: 3 Social: 2

Crowned Prince: 2 Noble Bearing Etiquette

Ki: 3Style: Master Bard

Scully Strongbow Mental: 2

Huntsman: 3 Tracking Survival Animal Hunsbandry

Ki: 2 Physical: 3

Huntsman: 3 Archer: 2 Two Weapons

Ki: 4 Social: 1

Ki: 3Style: Gnoll Hunter

Tempestade Mental: 1


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Outdoors man: 2 Survival Stealth

Ki: 4 Physical: 3

Dance Fighting: 3 Unorthodox Attacks Feints Acrobatic dodge

Ki: 2 Social: 2

Escaped Slave: 1 Fast Talkinh

Ki: 3Style: Gnoll Hunter

>>Thanks, Josh. -Gene

>If we are using the retro-clone systems, we would have relative simplicity with the ability to import elements of Pathfinder/3.5/2nd edition as well as any elements of the "Vanished Lands."

>The key advantage of Fate is the aspects, but to be perfectly blunt, I don't identify the concept of tagging aspects as a natural fit to the classical fantasy roleplaying. Also, the retro-clones avoid the whole feats, which frankly added to the complexity of D&D.

>But I have to say, whatever we do, I believe we need to put a cap on the number of source materials and limit the amount of tech there. Do the Lucas rules: If it isn't part of the core story, it does not exist. I think it undermines creative role-playing and encourages meta-gaming ROLL-playing (kind of like cheat codes for video games). I think everything in the world has to make sense (why is this here) and worlds have an eco-system that we should respect.

>I am leaning towards the retro-clone system, followed by FATE, then Pathfinder.

>Beruk, agree on the references, I think we should discuss what is "canon" and we, the players, are limited to that, period. For me, the retro clone should likely be the OA 1st edition book as the base with the Rokugan setting for additional flavor (clan structure)/tools/AC system/spells. Everything else should be retro -- including classes. I like the older D&D system, and I think that the addition of Feats has gotten a bit overgrown.

>Gene can bring monsters, magic, available races and NPC's from anywhere. My order would be retro, Pathfinder and then FATE. Thoughts, guys? -Byron

>At the very least, I would like to restrict feats to the classes (kind of like the way the monk class works). I mean does a wizard really have a chance to learn cleave and two weapon fighting. I mean it's okay if a wizard wants to learn how to wield a weapon, but a feat by definition is a significant accomplishment that takes dedication to a craft (at least in the real world).

>That for me is the biggest issue I had with feats, I mean the only bonus a fighter had were feats, and yet anyone could learn the feats that fighter have but can a fighter cast magic? No. I think every class should have special abilities unique to each class.

>Also multi-classing? Is that really necessary? I mean we have been playing with retro-clone and no one has asked to multi-class, and I think that is nice. -Beruk A.

>>Beruk, Byron, and fellow gamers, I agree that things like feats, stunts, and magic can proliferate across sourcebooks, adding to the overall power level as well confusion over rules options rather than role-playing.

>>Byron, as you saw with adapting Cleric "Melchior" from D&D3.5 to the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, the advantage of that D20 retro-clone is that it preserves the familiar attributes, attack bonuses, saving throws, and some race and class features from later

editions without bogging down characters or players.>>I've already noted that Dexter was similarly pleased with the

conversion of his Drow Ranger "Faelonia" from AD&D2 to FATE 3e Legends of Anglerre. Another example is Josh's FATE version of his Sorcerer "Raz." I agree with Beruk that multiclassing shouldn't be necessary when we have about six people.

>>I'm certainly willing to use the AD&D1 Oriental Adventures as our baseline, with the Basic Fantasy RPG for more modern D20 combat rolls (no THACO or variant saves and class skills). In fact, others have discussed the same thing. What do the rest of you think? -Gene

>Early character concepts:1. Shan Sao, Wu Jen (earth specialist Mage), member of a minor clan

(Sparrow Clan) -- Neutral Good2. Sea Spirit Folk, Wu (druid). Essentially an Ocean Druid. His band of

Spirit Folk have pledged loyalty to the Crane Clan. -- Chaotic Good

3. Human Bushi, Crab Clan but from a Yakuza related family within the clan. Wants to work for the family criminal enterprise but also wants to use that power to help fight the ghost fleet/Yuan Ti who he believes are working together. -- Lawful Neutral -Byron

>>Byron and fellow role-players, we should first pick a rules set and party theme before getting into character creation for the upcoming "Vanished Lands" telecom fantasy campaign. Here are some example themes from recent adventuring parties:

-The "Liberators" -- opponents of Orcish warlords in the Ivory Mountains

-The "Dragonslayers" -- monster hunters and diplomats on the Sea of Nagendwa

-"Mystical Harmony/the Seekers of Lore" -- musicians and explorers on the western Plains of Sathendo

-The "Broken Chains" -- former slaves of the Dubwana legions in the Halmed Desert

-"Holy Steel" -- veterans reuniting to serve their gods and justice in the "Vanished Lands," Khemet, and beyond

-The "Faith-Based Initiative" -- divine casters, later would-be warlords in the Gusorin Confederation

-The "Uncommon Companions" -- wanderers hoping to thwart the mysterious Vappu Lahja on the Plains of Sathendo

-"Vistel's Circus" -- onetime performers helping the kingdom of Saganim

>>Note that each of these had an initial reason for gathering diverse Player Characters -- all were escaped slaves or carnies, for example -- and then found a different longer-term rationale for traveling together. It's good to have individual goals, but the party theme helps me determine the types of scenarios to throw your way.

>>Will your P.C.s in the "Oriental Adventures: A New Dawn" game be agents for the distant Shang emperor? Merchants or pirates? Ronin? Seekers of harmony and enlightenment, or fortune and glory?

>>Will they focus on cities, dungeons, or wilderness? Of course, you'll eventually have the chance to explore all three. Remember that honor is important in the eastern lands. Speaking of culture, here are the rough analogues with later nations:

-Tong Sheng/Principality of Silado (mostly human): LNg, Ancient/Medieval China

-Gusorin Confederation (barbarians, Beast-kin): CNe, Central Asia, Mongolia

-Kingdom of Gokuri (Nannuattan, Oni, Bakemono): LEn, Imperial Japan

-Zedu Kingdom (Spirit Folk, Korobokuru, Shan Sao): NGc, Feudal Japan, Korea

-Blood Current (Samebito): CEn, South Pacific-Coral Kingdom (Sea Spirit Folk): CGn, Indonesia, Malaysia,

the Philippines-Northeastern Zarendo Islands (humans, reptile folk): CNg,

East Africa>>Byron, also note that the clans from "Legend of the Five Rings'" Rokugan, if we use them, apply to humans only. Speaking of


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conversions, I also have D20 notes for "Avatar: the Last Airbender.">>I look forward to seeing everyone online for "Vortex" tonight! -



>>Fellow role-players, here are more thoughts on how we might use the AD&D1 Oriental Adventures and D20 Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game together for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom campaign. They'd be modified a bit from the house rules we've been using in the "Vistel's Circus" face-to-face group.-Abilities: These attributes include the traditional Strength, Dexterity,

Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (but no Comeliness). You'd roll 4d6, drop the lowest, and reroll ones, and arrange them however you like. I'd need to witness all rolls, but we can use online dice roller. I don't plan to boost abilities with level.

-Derived statistics: Armor Class, movement, Base Attack Bonus (no THACO), Hit Points, saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will), and skills would all be modified by your ability scores, armor, and level.

-Alignment: I'm still using the traditional axes of Law vs. Chaos and Good vs. Evil. Note that most traditional Asian societies place a high value on order, regardless of an individual's ethical tendencies.

-Race: Humans would get +2 to any single stat at character creation, and most of the subspecies I listed previously would get a total of about +2 and -2. You'd also be able to pick three special abilities (such as low-light vision) from a list for each race/subrace, with the possibility of gaining more later.

-Class: I'd use the "BFRPG" core classes, Cleric, Fighter, Thief/Rogue, and Mage/Wizard, with the Oriental Adventures subclasses I've already listed. I'll try to be clearer about how Base Attack Bonuses and Saving Throws are calculated by level.

As with race, P.C.s wouldn't necessarily start out with all AD&D1 or D&D3.0 "OA" abilities right away. For example, I've already replaced Turn Undead with a positive energy burst. This may take a while for me to compile.

-Magic/Spells: Spells from the original "OA" would be unchanged, and anything from "BFRPG" and its supplements would also be legal. Retro-clones such as Dungeon Crawl Classics and Labyrinth Lord would also be acceptable sources, but anything from other D&D editions -- especially D&D3.5 -- would need to be reviewed for a level adjustment.

-Skills: I'd be using a modified D20 list. You'd start out with 6 skill points to spend, at one rank per point (plus relevant ability modifiers). This would also include a nonweapon occupational skill and languages. You'd get four additional points per level.

In addition, each class would grant +3 to four skills at first level -- replacing some class abilities -- plus an additional class-related skill every four levels. If we use "BFRPG" and "OA," we won't be using feats or stunts, so skills would need to be slightly more granular.

-Martial Arts: I like the system from the AD&D1 "OA," and with GURPS Martial Arts (see my bibliography), it should be relatively easy to build more styles as desired.

-Advancement: You can expect to level up once every five sessions. New characters using "BFRPG" and "OA" should not only be compatible with the recent "Vistel's Circus," but also any of the 40 parties of the past 30 years!

>>What do all of you think? Be seeing you, -Gene


>Ummmmm....the things on this list are very common and any Japanese restaurant worth 25 cents might have 1/2 of them depending on what it specializes in. A similar list might be American food includes 1) Hamburgers 2) Pizza 3) Spaghetti 4) Fried Chicken 5) Hot Dogs -Stuart C.G.

>>I'm sure this is for Americans who aren't very familiar with Japanese cuisine. Still, I like noodles, meat, dumplings, and sauces from every culture! -Gene

>I wasn't talking about Japanese restaurants in Japan; I was talking about neighborhood places. -Stuart

>Gene, couple of things:1. Proficiency vs. Skills. Oriental Adventures and AD&D 1st edition

have a proficiency system and not a skills system with the number of proficiencies and how often you get new ones dependent on level. Is this to be replaced by skills? Skill points? If yes, then we may need to review how many each profession gets and how many are received by class as we proceed. EX: I am playing a Wu Jen (Wizard) and would likely receive less than a Yakuza (thief). Thoughts?

>When will the skill list be available? Modifications for Intelligence or Wisdom or other Attribute? (additional points)

2. Related Question: Martial Arts. Oriental Adventures requires proficiencies to be expended. One for the initial form and attacks and an additional one for each "Special Maneuver" -- which (because of the value of proficiencies) is a pretty good system. We may need to tweak how many skill points are required for each new maneuver -- my suggestion is 5 pts. for One proficiency, likewise 5pts for all initial proficiencies given and 5 pts. for each new Martial Arts Special Maneuver. Let me know your thoughts on this.

3. I want to play a Shan Sao --Halfling. They are not in Oriental Adventures per se and are discussed in the Kara Tur "Monstrous Compendum" as 1 foot tall, orange and brown recluses who have a special relationship with Tigers. They are not Halflings -- more like fey creatures. So….can I use the 1st edition Players Handbook for Halflings or do you have specific changes you want in the Shan Sao?

4. Spell Selection -- I assume spells in the 1st Edition Players are available as is. (However, I would recommend nerfing the Polymorph spell and probably eliminating Teleport).

5. Halflings and 1st edition discuss "infravision" and as much as I like the retro feel -- this is equivalent to "low light vision? Yes?

6. Initial spell list -- Do we select or do you want to select for my Arcane Caster?

7. Game flavor question -- as a former Legend of the Five Rings Player I can tell you that we hunted Mahotsukai casters (blood mages) as tainted and evil. In the Vanished Lands is Mahotsukai considered an evil practice? -Byron

>>Byron and fellow role-players, first off, I don't want anyone rolling up characters just yet. I haven't heard back from everybody regarding rules system, and we should still discuss campaign and party themes. I also need time to review and compile whatever rules we use.

>>While I understand that you're eager to flesh out a Shan Sao Wu-Jen, we don't know for sure what the rest of the group wants to play. In addition, I'd prefer that we first focus on properly wrapping up the current "Vortex: Terra's Pride" telecom space opera.

>>That said, I can provide preliminary responses to your questions:-Shan Sao (eastern Halflings): They are smaller and wilder than their

western cousins, and their relationship with animals echoes that of western Gnomes. I'm currently working on descriptions and special abilities for the eastern races, but note I've got to find some 25-year-old notes! Yes, low-light vision replaces infravision.

-Proficiency vs. Skills: I'd prefer to use a D20 skill list rather than the proficiencies first introduced in the AD&D1 Oriental Adventures, but it will influence what options I allow. As I noted in my proposal, you'd get six skill points at first level, plus four per additional level. Each skill would cost one point per rank. Classes would get an additional +3 for four relevant skills at first level, plus another +3 to one skill every four levels (I might give Rogues more). Yes, attribute bonuses would also apply.


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-Martial Arts. These would require skill points/slots, and I'll have to think about the costs.

-Spells: As with the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, most AD&D1 and retro-clone spells are fine. As noted previously, spells from other editions will likely be subject to a level adjustment. Polymorph and Teleport will be rare at best. Level 1 P.C.s won't be able to cast all that many spells per day, so you'll be able to pick what's in your respective spellbooks.

-Game flavor: While the "Vanished Lands" did borrow some bits from Legend of the Five Rings through the D&D3.0 "OA," Mahotsukai are closer to Sorcerers, and their magic isn't necessarily corrupting as it is in Rokugan (or Dark Sun's Athas). "Blood casting" and summoning may still be looked upon as distasteful or untrustworthy, however.... -Gene

>Given the nature of the Zedu Kingdom (mostly demihuman) I thought the following might be a good reason for us to get our PC's together:

>Each of our clan/family/local leaders realize that there is evil stirring and have agreed to put forward a champion from their group or clan to help combat it. This is our reason for meeting and travelling together. The particular evil would be something that is affecting the Zedu Kingdom. Below I offer a few choices:1. The Nanuattan and their forced migration of bands of barbarian

humans into our lands -- reverse the actions of the Nanuattan and the humans should stay in Gusorin Lands.

2. Recent Dragon Flights and control of Dragons by the Nanuattan. Investigate the resurgence of Chromatic Dragons and combat them and its causes.

3. Investigate the arrival and spread of the Beast Kin in the Gusorin confederation or the recent movement of the Oni and Bakemono into Zeda lands.

>Gene likely has more. -Byron

>>Byron, thanks again for your initial thoughts on party themes. Note that while the Zedu kingdom is indeed mostly demihuman, the larger Principality of Silado/Tong Sheng is mostly human. (The Zeda kingdom of the Dwarves and Gnomes is far to the west.)

>>In addition, note that past parties have also dealt with these threads. Both "Faelonia" and "Dragonslayers" dealt with the Nannuattan and chromatic dragons, and the "Seekers of Lore" and "Faith-Based Initiative" explored movements of humanoids into the Gusorin Confederation.

>>It might be a good idea to think of both immediate and longer-term character and party goals. Where do all of you want to start out? What sorts of friends and enemies might you seek to make? What sorts of adventures do you want to have or places might you want to see? Don't worry, there should be monsters, intrigue, and exploration aplenty! -Gene

>>[15 September 2013:] Fellow role-players, I hope you're having a good weekend. I look forward to tonight's "Vortex: Terra's Pride" telecom space opera, in which the crews of the Blackbird, Dauntless, Sovereign, andTigress will send an away team to the religious colony ship Faithful Starlight. We should soon switch back to the Pina Colada, en route to Van Maanen's Star to investigate Precursor artifacts....

>>In the meantime, I've been writing up my conversions from AD&D1 Oriental Adventures to the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" campaign. Here are my initial notes on races:

>>As you can see, I've included bits from D&D3.0 and other Asian fantasy sources. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

>>I've started working on classes and skills, and I look forward to talking with everyone about potential party themes and character concepts. Take it easy, -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, in response to Byron's question, here again are my preliminary thoughts on skills for the upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom fantasy campaign. You'll recognize most of these

from D20/D&D3.x and Pathfinder. These would supersede the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and AD&D1 Oriental Adventures rules.

>>Note that many racial and class feats and powers can go back under the abilities you'd be able to pick from once every three levels. Martial arts can be adapted directly from "OA" and other sourcebooks.

>>You'd start out with 5 skill points to spend, at one rank per point (plus relevant ability modifiers). This would also include a nonweapon occupational skill and languages. You'd get four additional points per level.

>>In addition, each class would grant +3 to four skills at first level -- replacing some class abilities -- plus the same bonus to additional class-related skill every four levels. If we use "BFRPG" and "OA," we won't be using feats or stunts, so skills would need to be slightly more granular. -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, after our discussions, I'm cross-posting this list of potential skills to both the "Vanished Lands" Yahoo/eGroup and the "Holy Steel" Google Group message boards.

>>In the old-school Renaissance spirit of the "Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game" and the AD&D1 "Oriental Adventures," here's a

modified D20 list:

>>In terms of acquisition and advancement, for "Vistel's Circus," you each start with two and gain one every three levels. The bonus is +3, but +5 if it's a class skill. Here's what I have for the "BFRPG" characters:

-"Giacomo," Beruk A.'s Wizard: Knowledge: Arcana +5, Etiquette +3, Scholar (history?) +5

-"Hamfast," Brian W.'s Fighter: Carousing (Streetwise) +3, Feats of Strength (Athletics) +3, Mountaineer (Survival) +5

-"Scully," Sara F.'s Ranger (Ftr): Boating/Sailing (Vehicle) +3, Survival +5, Tracking (Search) +8

-"Tempestade," Josh C.'s Monk (Clr): Adept of the Great Way (Martial Arts), Linguistics (+3 languages), Survival (outdoorsman) +3

-"Corwin," Bruce K.'s Bard (Rog): Aristocrat (+5 on Knowledge: Etiquette), Linguistics (5 languages total), Perform (+5 on mandolin)

-"Elsa," Rich G.'s Druid (Clr): Cartography (Craft) +3, Cook/Brewer (Craft) +3, Profession (herbalist) +5

-"Torrel," Alex W.'s Paladin (Clr): Athletics +3, Endurance +5-"Melchior," Byron V.O.'s Cleric: Healer (medicine) +5,

Knowledge: Religion +3, Perform +3-"Radius," Jason E.R.'s Paladin: Base Modron herder (Animal

Handling) +3, Knowledge: Planes +5, Knowledge: Religion +5

>>Note that if everyone approves the above lists, we'd probably need to tweak your bonuses to better reflect the favored classes. For the upcoming "A New Dawn" telecom game, I've proposed a more granular method of advancement:

>>Player Characters would start with 6 points at first level, with one rank or plus per point. Class-related skills would get a +3. At each subsequent level, P.C.s would get 4 more skill points to spend. Languages and martial arts maneuvers also cost a skill point each.

>>If the telecom group prefers the simpler method above -- and both still rely on ability checks and class modifiers -- we can use it instead. I would break martial arts out if needed. What do you think? Later, -Gene

>Hi Gene, it mentioned next to the martial arts skill monks get one rank per level to spend on moves. Do I get those as well? -Josh C.

>Gene, since some skills go for more than one class and since wizards translate alot of tomes, could Linguistics also be a wizard as well as a Bard class skill? -Beruk A.

>>Josh, if we use the skill points/ranks per level method, yes, a Monk would get +1 skill point per level or every other level for Martial Arts.


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In that more granular style (yes, my GURPS/D20 roots are showing) these replace some class abilities/feats anyway.

>>Since "Vistel's Circus" has chosen a more abstract method, I'll have to think about how many AD&D1"OA" maneuvers "Tempestade" could get or improve per level. Right now, he has Stunning Strike and some Thief skills.

>>Beruk, I have no problem with making Knowledge: Linguistics a class skill for Wizards in either the proficiency/3 levels or the skill points per level method.

>>Thanks, Beruk, for those links. To respond to another of your questions this past Monday, here are more thoughts on my house rules for saving throws in the "Vanished Lands," currently using the "Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game:"

>>The "Vistel's Circus" adventuring party has a combination of the low bonuses of BECMI oD&D and AD&D1 with the Reflex, Fortitude, and Will saves of D&D3.x/D20. They improve with level across classes, but I admit that they've been confusing.

>>How about a straight bonus to ability score checks based on class? You'd gain a +1 for save-related checks every three levels. For example:

-Cleric (includes Druid, Monk, Paladin): Wis (Will)-Fighter (includes Barbarian, Ranger): Con (Fort)-Rogue (includes Acrobat, Bard): Dex (Ref)-Wizard (includes Illusionist, Sorcerer): Int (Will)

>>Partly to compensate for the fact that other saves wouldn't improve beyond the initial attribute bonus, I would allow Player Characters to improve any one stat by +1 every four levels. What do you think? -Gene

>Gene and crew, I think what you propose below is usable but should be consolidated into one place (Obsidian Portal) and made a downloadable printable document (for greybeards like me). That way we can use it appropriately. Also list the "core books" in one place and the "flavor texts"

>Really excited after reviewing flavor texts like the Assassins handbook and systems like BFRPG. So far I have this much:-Shan Sao Wu Jen-Name: Toshi (Toshiharu Sembutsu)-Clan: "Tiger Clan" of the Shan Sao Nation (really they only have the

Tiger Clan) and not equivalent to one of the other 'human' clansElemental Specialist -- though I am not sure of the element... leaning

Earth or Air..-loves rice cakes with dates, candied ginger root and roast rabbit with

bamboo shoots.-has trained in a martial art, likely a Kung Fu form.....should be fun-2ft tall

>I would love to coordinate on back story with anyone....let me know.

>What he wants to do: Seeks arcane knowledge, interested in planar travel and the "Animal Court" (similar to the Seelie Court). Afraid of Dragons....wants to protect his people from those who would invade and harm the Zedu Kingdom... -Byron V.O.

>I was thinking of a spirit folk ninja -- but after some thought and discussions -- thinking about human Kensai. Not sure -- going to decide soon.

>Where can I look up guidelines for Ninja and Kensai? Oriental Adventures? -Bruce K.

>"Oriental Adventures" the book, and Gene has a lot on Obsidian Portal. -Byron V.O.

>Actually, I have a concept for a Kensai and a completely different concept for a ninja. So I will gladly swoop in for whichever concept you don't want Bruce.

>I have a lot of content stored up from watching quite a few Japanese and Hong Kong cinema. -Beruk A.

>>Byron, Bruce, and Beruk, thanks for your initial Player Character concepts. Dexter, Sara, and Geoff, please feel free to post your own

ideas! Just to recap, here's what we have so far:-Dexter: Korobokuru Samurai (eastern Mountain Dwarf Cavalier/knight)

or Nannuattan Ninja (eastern Dark Elf Assassin)-Beruk: Kensai (sword saint/Paladin) or Ninja (what race/clan?)-Byron: Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard)-Bruce: human Kensai (sword saint/Paladin) or Spirit Folk Ninja

(eastern Elf Assassin)>>Byron and Bruce, once we've agreed on how we'll be handling skills and saving throws, I can begin compiling rules for classes from the AD&D1 Oriental Adventures and the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. I hope to have them on Obsidian Portal within the next week or so.

>>While it's fine that we're discussing house rules for skills as our Sunday telecom group prepares to switch to the "New Dawn" Asian-style fantasy campaign, it's less encouraging to learn that Wizards of the Coast's D&D5e/"Next" team is still working on them.

>>I've already posted my notes on geography, races, and languages, and look at the AD&D1"OA" for the general gist of classes. I'll also try to post a P.C. record template to Obsidian Portal. With a possible Kensai and Samurai on the one hand and potential Ninja on the other, we'll definitely need to carefully consider party themes! Later, -Gene

>So given what everybody likes (3 potential ninja), how about a team of "good ninja" and their wu jen doing some wet work against the Nanuattan? Perhaps posing as a team of Imperial bureaucrats --investigators and actually be ghost busters or better an anti-Nanuattan death squad? This fits VERY nicely with the dojo held by Sukhov and Tetsuo.

>Since this is AD&D 1st, we would have a cover or split class. Toshi is just a wu jen though.... he could take acrobatics in addition to his martial arts to fit with the crew. Just some thoughts..... -Byron V.O.

>>[22 September 2013]: Fellow role-players, I've uploaded my house rules for Player Character creation for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" fantasy campaign:

-10 steps for P.C. creation -- These house rules include references to geography, races, classes, languages, religions, and aspects

-P.C. record template for Obsidian Portal-"Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu"-Byron's male Shan Sao Wu Jen

(eastern Halfling Wizard)>>They are, of course, a work in progress. We should still discuss party themes, and let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you at tonight's "Vortex: Terra's Pride" telecom game! -Gene

>>[23 September 2013:] Fellow role-players, I hope you enjoyed last night's "Vortex: Terra's Pride" telecom space opera, in which the crew of the "Pina Colada" solved the mystery of the Precursor artifacts at Ruhema! Now all they need to do is get the moon closer to Van Maanen's Star....

>>We also discussed the upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" campaign. The Sunday night group is leaning toward the lighter house-rules options for the following:-Saving Throws: These would be a +1 every three levels to a single

attribute check, by class. This is simpler than the scaled method that the face-to-face "Vistel's Circus" party currently uses.

-Skills: Player Characters would start with two proficiencies at +3 (+5 if class-related) and gain one every three levels. This is similar to what "Vistel's Circus" has done, and P.C.s will get fewer skills than the typical D20 point-buy method. Untrained proficiency checks do get the attribute bonus. This will also affect acquisition of languages and martial arts maneuvers.

-Party theme: Byron has offered some suggestions, such as infiltrators, but the virtual group has yet to discuss this. It will affect how your potential P.C.s get along and the types of quests they undertake. A Samurai and a Ninja (or a few of each) can work together, but you'd have to proceed with care.

-Character concepts: So far, Byron and Bruce have the only firm ones -- see Obsidian Portal for "Toshi" and "Saigo." Sara, if you like shapeshifting, you could play a Hengeyokai Wu (beast-kin Druid).


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Beruk and Geoff, let us know your thoughts on party theme and P.C.s. The campaign's start is only a few weeks away!

>>I look forward to seeing some of you at Rich's place tonight for Jason's next "Star Wars: Dark Times" game! -Gene

>>This should prove useful for the "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" game:

>>The Underdark beckons:

>Whoa! Very cool photographs and Underdark comment. -Hans C.H.

>>Dexter and fellow role-players, here again are the character creation notes for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style fantasy campaign:

>>Note that starting characters don't get all the listed race/class abilities or proficiencies/skills right away. Let me know if you have any questions. -Gene

>>Sara, here's a book you may find useful, if Josh has it:

>>Fellow role-players, as we look ahead to the "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style fantasy campaign, here are a few pointers on topics that came up as some of you have been creating characters:-Attribute scores: Most of you have already rolled these with me

witnessing them. Let me know if anyone needs to redo basic stats.-Saving throws: The group consensus has shifted in favor of

Reflex/Fortitude/Will saves, following the tables I've posted with the class descriptions.

-Racial/class abilities: Note that Player Characters get a total of four from both lists to start, with an additional one every three levels. Some D20 feats may be eligible as class abilities at higher levels.

-Proficiencies: Again, note that P.C.s start with just two each at first level, at +3 (+5 if it's class-related). Your attribute score adjustments will still apply to untrained checks.

-Languages: Each P.C. starts with their native tongue and/or Shengtese (eastern human common), plus their Int bonus. Any more than that requires the Knowledge: Linguistics skill for +3 slots.

-Martial arts: We're using this subsystem pretty much unchanged from the AD&D1 Oriental Adventures, and they're available to all classes. You can also find a historical style or build your own.

-Spells: Both the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and AD&D1"OA" are legitimate sources. Any others need to be reviewed for possible level adjustments.

-Equipment: Both AD&D1 and D&D3.0"OAs" are OK, as are several other D20 sourcebooks. I've already noted starting funds, and I'll take another look at the birthright/inheritance table.

-Alignment: No evil P.C.s, please. Although chaotic individuals are fine, remember that traditional Asian society places a high value on conformity and order.

-Aspects: This borrowing from FATE should help with backstories -- you can roll on the AD&D1"OA" tables and note the results, or we can simply discuss ideas. Remember that they should potentially both help and hinder. Note that we'll probably handle motivation/vows/honor as an aspect rather than a numerical score.

-Backstories: These don't need to be as long as Byron's or Bruce's, but they are important for helping you think about your P.C. and the setting and for giving me potential plot hooks.

>>Here again is how your adventuring party is shaping up:-Byron V.O.: "Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu"-male Shan Sao Wu Jen

(eastern Halfling Wizard) from the Tiger Clan; NGc-Bruce K.: "Saigo Kasugi"-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern

Sylvan Elf Cavalier); LNg-Beruk A.: male Barbari (Indian?) human Kensai (sword saint) or Monk,

specializing in chain weapons-Sara F.: female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting Druid), dragon

banished from the Celestial Court to humanoid form; CGn-Geoff C.: male Shengtese Shukenja (eastern human Cleric)-Dexter V.H.: male Nannuattan Ninja (eastern Dark Elf Assassin)

>>I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions. -Gene

>>Just in time for our Asian fantasy campaign:

>Sweet trailer! Loved it, -Byron V.O.

>>Beruk, Sara, Geoff, and Dexter, here's the minimum information you should have before our "New Dawn" character-creation session this coming Sunday, 13 October 2013:

-Your Player Character's final race, class, and alignment.-Where did he or she come from? If you can't think of a particular

town or nation in the eastern "Vanished Lands," just give me a general description -- "in the woods" or "on a river."

-What sort of family and training did the P.C. have?-Why is he or she adventuring?-A name. A short nickname is fine for now, like "Toshi." Here are a

couple of random generators:

-Will you use martial arts? What sort of weapons or magic will your P.C.s use?

>>See Byron and Bruce's P.C.s for examples; I can set up a template for each of you on Obsidian Portal if that'll help. Later, -Gene

>I call Sonny for nickname. -Beruk A.

>We are on for tonight? Character creation and party reason for being? -Bruce

>>Yes, Bruce, the Sunday night telecom group is meeting tonight (Sunday, 13 October 2013) to discuss characters for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" fantasy campaign. I hope to see you then! -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, it was good to chat with you during last night's character creation session. Here's our roster for the "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom game: "Souji Nobuto 'Sonny' Yoshimitsu" [Beruk A.]-male

Shengtese Tian Kensai (eastern human weapon master) from a dishonored house in the Lion Clan, specializing in chain weapons; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu" [Byron V.O.]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard) from the Tiger Clan with a destiny; NGc, Lvl. 1

"Saigo Kasugi" [Bruce K.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern Sylvan Elf Cavalier) discreetly serving his daimyo; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Ember Talon" [Sara F.]-female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting Druid), actually a young gold dragon banished from the Celestial Court; NGl, Lvl. 1

"Soske' Tiatoshe" [Geoff C.]-male Shengtese Tian Shukenja (eastern human Cleric), priest of Shang-ti and animist from the Phoenix Clan, prophesied to do great things; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Moon Jung-Mo" [Dexter V.H.]-male Nannuattan Ninja (Msamaki, eastern Dark Elf Assassin) who has left the Shadow’s Claw clan and is posing as a River Spirit Folk Yakuza (eastern Grey Elf Rogue); LNg, Lvl. 1


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>>Please make sure to review your equipment, spells, and backstories in the next two weeks, and let me know if you have any questions about material from the AD&D1 "Oriental Adventures," "Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game" or other sources.

>>To make martial arts more available for those who might want them, I'm thinking about doing away with the proficiency slot prerequisite and allowing non-Monk P.C.s to get a maneuver every other level. What do you think? Later, -Gene

>>A little late for our "New Dawn" campaign, but it still looks good:

>>The game so far (revised October 2013):

-About 2,000 years ago (in "game time"): The "Kin Strife" or "Sundering" among the demihuman tribes. Humans domesticate horses and begin using the plow. The current era begins.

-About 750 years ago ("circa 1982 B.C.E."): Nonhumans settle in a portion of Central Asia later known as the "Vanished Lands." The Chaldean city of Ur is sacked, ending the first true human urban settlement. Minoan Crete and nearby Bronze Age city-states of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro flourish.

-About 500 years ago: Laws of Hammurabi codified; a copy is sent to the early Saganim empire. Bagur dynasty in Ugatton, and Wilef dynasty begins in Hesolin. Negona dynasty builds Gisokuri, while Dwarves and Goblins wage war. Sogewa and Gisar are founded.

-About 300 years ago: Akilu Castle built on Sekonir; Memir makes peace with Hifalendorin rebels [first Player Character parties in Westchester, New York; oD&D-BECMI, 1982 A.D./C.E.]. Phoenicians develop first alphabet. The island of Thera destroyed by a volcanic eruption; the sinking of Atlantis (a few refugees eventually reach the Sea of Nagendwa).

-About 200 years ago: Cities of Tekugi and Nadwi grow on trade routes. Olmec culture begins in Mexico.

-About 100 years ago: The Ebir Sheikdom and Garku Nasit go to war; Transfer Portals first used [SUNY-Binghamton, AD&D1, c. 1986]. Aryans invade India; the "Rig Veda" forms the basis for the Hindu religion and caste social structure.

-17 to 12 years ago: "Faelonia" [Dexter V.H.], "Tunnel" [Stuart C.G.], and others serve as scouts and diplomats during the Six Kingdoms War, which involved the realms of Gokuri, Gusorin, Hifalendor, Waletku, Zeda, and Zuromm. [AD&D2, 1987 to 1991]. New kings take the throne in Hifalendor, Saganim, and Waletku. Parties 10/J, 13/M, and 17/R venture east. The Exodus.

-11 to 9 years ago: The "Children of the Elder Gods" and "Children of Champions" participate in the "Chaos Wars," among many other adventures. Clan Nakagawa founded. [NYPIRG at Queens College-CUNY, 1990 to 1991].

-8 to 6 years ago: The crew of the H.M.A.S. Longshot searches for metallic dragons. "The Paragon" restores contact between the Giants and the Zeda kingdom before founding Morbaltek in the Ivory Mountains [GWU/BNA, Virginia, 1993 to 1999]. The Trojan War ends.

-5 years ago: In the northwestern borderlands, the "Liberators" battle Orcish warlords, retrieve the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, and discover the lost city of Eagle's Rest (near Dosh Kar); the Nannuattan seize the Temple of Elemental Evil [CW, Boston area; D&D3.0, 2000 to 2002].

-4 years ago: The privateers aboard the "Dragon's Bane," including "Milos" [Beruk A.], sail the Sea of Nagendwa, meet aquatic races, and repel the dreaded ghost fleet from Hesolin. Former members of the "Dragonslayers," including "Ibrahim" [Byron V.O.], explore Eagle's Rest and Tel Silat [D&D3.5, 2002 to 2004]. They later help destroy the Flying Citadel, found the Gargoyle Headlands and a monastery/dojo, and slay the Undead gold dragon Daneira in the port of Gisar.

-3 years ago: "Mystical Harmony/the Seekers of Lore" fight monsters on the Plains of Sathendo before adventuring through time [2005 to

2006]. The "Broken Chains" wander the Halmed Desert and take control of Emein Island as Goblinoids migrate from Zuromm to the Garku Nasit. "Holy Steel" sets out for the distant empire of Khemet (New Kingdom Egypt) [2007 to 2008]. The exploits of Theseus.

-2 years ago: The "Faith-Based Initiative" retrieves three relics for the barbaric Gusorin Confederation [TT, D&D4e, 2009]. Gokuri takes control of Tekugi. Ibrahim successfully completes his quest, but Faelonia is kidnapped from the court of Pharaoh Ramses II ["Pathfinder," 2010].

-18 months ago: The "Uncommon Companions" wander the borderlands between Hifalendor and the Waletku kingdom, encountering the followers of the mysterious Vappu Lahja. Members of the "Broken Chains" reunite, and "Holy Steel" travels the outer planes to rescue Faelonia [FATE 3e "Legends of Anglerre," 2011].

-1 year ago: "Vistel's Circus" travels across the kingdom of Saganim, and some members strike out on their own to fight corruption and monsters [Party 39, Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, 2012 to present]....

-Present day ("1 March 1227 B.C.E."): As the latest wars wind down in the east, a team is tasked with helping to restore order while covertly monitoring various enemies (Party 40, "A New Dawn," 2013)....

Player Characters of the eastern "Vanished Lands" (for "A New Dawn") "Chung Lang" [Peter D.]-male Shengtese Tian Sami

(eastern human Monk) from Beitien, with Party D ("Orcsmasher" and friends); LNg, Lvl. 5

"Hiroshi Sanlang" [Gene D.]-male owl Hengeyokai Kensai (shape-shifting sword master) from Kuan Chou, with Party J ("the Eastern Front"); LGn, Lvl. 2

"Deng Kai Fei" [Dexter V.H.]-female weasel Hengeyokai Shukenja (shape-shifting Cleric) from Chuan Hoisin, with kirin and Party 10/J; LGn, Lvl. 3

"Tawagari" [Dexter V.H.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern Sylvan Elf knight) from Sheng King, with Party 10/J; LNg, Lvl. 4

"Itakahero Togo" [Dave R-B.]-male Shengtese Tian (eastern human) Kensai (kau sin ke master) from Chin Mok, with Party J; LGn, Lvl. 1

"Ke Tan Ito" [Bill A.R.]-male Shengtese Tian "Bushi" (eastern human "Fighter," actually Ninja) from Gisokouri, with Party L ("Faelonia" and company), Heart Bow wielder; NEl, Lvl. 8

"Hun See Quan" [Louis S.]-male Shengtese Tian Yamabushi (Monk) from Nei Chun, with ki rin and Party L; CNg, Lvl. 3.

"Lady Katessa" [Dexter V.H./N.P.C.]-female Nannuattan Bushi/Wu Jen (eastern Dark Elf Fighter/Mage) from Arkasa, with chromatic dragons and vs. Party 12/L; NEl, Lvl. 15

"Panay Kumamoto" [Gene D.]-male Korobokuru Yamen-ren (Dwarf Barbarian) from Kaigo Isle, with Party M ("Journey to the East"); CGn, Lvl. 3

"Kaminari Neko-ko Arashi Ho" [Rebecca B.]-female cat Hengeyokai Wu Jen (Wizard) from Akilu, with Party M; CGn, Lvl. 1

"Shin Nakagawa" [Nick T.]-male owl Hengeyokai "Bushi" (Ninja) from Chung Kwang Shi, member of the "Children of the Elder Gods" (Party 16/Q) and founder of Clan Nakagawa; NEc, Lvl. 6

"Li Po" [Joe L.]-male Shengtese Tian Shukenja (Cleric) from Shang Paiho, with Party 16; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Leung" [John E.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Yakuza (eastern Sylvan Elf Rogue) from Lirgad, with Party 16; LNg, Lvl. 3

"Nagimoto" [Nick T.]-male River Spirit Folk Samurai


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(eastern Grey Elf knight) from Tung Cho, with Party 17/R (originally "U"; "Border Scouts"); LGn, Lvl. 5

"Takahashi" [Nick T.]-male sparrow Hengeyokai Kensai from Tung Cho, with Party 17; LGn, Lvl. 5

"Kuo Fung" [John E.]-male Shengtese Tian Yakuza (eastern human Rogue) from Tung Cho, with Party 17; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Jin Young" [John E.]-male Shengtese Tian Bushi (Fighter) from Shang Tao, with Party 17; LNg, Lvl. 8

"Lao Tse Chung" [Brian S.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Sohei (eastern Sea Elf militant priest) from Nanmin, with Party 19/T ("Villains United"); LEn, Lvl. 8

"Hatatchi" [John E.]-male Shengtese Tian Bushi from Rukizawa, with Party 19; NEl, Lvl. 8

"Liang Tianjian" [Jon W.P.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Samurai from Lirgad, with Party 21/V (around the Longshot); LGn, Lvl. 6

"Takeda Shengen" [Jon W.P.]-male Hengeyokai Wu Jen from Nakoyama, with Party 21/V; CGn, Lvl. 7

"Kuang" [Mark D.L.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Shukenja (Dimernesti Cleric) from Lang Ko, with Party 21/V (crew of the Longshot); LGn, Lvl. 6

"Teshlee" [Mark D.L.]-female sparrow Hengeyokai Wu Jen from Kuo Chiang, with Party 21; CGn, Lvl. 6

"Galatea/Chia Lian Tiao" [Steve M.R./N.P.C.]-female Bamboo Spirit Folk Bushi (actually Nannuattan Ninja) from Nuoti, with "the Paragon" (Party 22/W); CNe, Lvl. 6/6

"Haomaru Junigatsu" [Jon W.P.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Kensai, with Party 23/X ("Dragon Quest"); LNg, Lvl. 1

"Yoshi" [Josh H.]-male Shengtese Tian Yakuza from Lirgad, with Party 23; LNe, Lvl. 1

"B. Kaneda" [Josh H.]-male monkey Hengeyokai Sami from Nanlung, with Party 23; LNe, Lvl. 1

"Naoko" [Jon W.P.]-female Sea Spirit Folk Kensai, with Party 25 ("A" team in John Z.G.'s "Gwynnedd in Greyhawk"); LNg, Lvl. 4

"Arashi Tanjian" [Jon W.P.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Samurai, with Party 25; LGn, Lvl. 2

"Li Kao" [Mark S.]-male Shengtese Tian Yakuza from Tong Sheng, with Party 28; CGn, Lvl. 1

"Ryoko Saaki" [Alex J.]-female hawk Hengeyokai Sami from Tong Sheng, with Party 28; NGl, Lvl. 1

"Tetsuo 'Silver-Ear' Kaneda" [Paul J.]-male Sea Spirit Folk Sami (Dimernesti Monk) with the "Dragonslayers" (Party 30/Yb-2a) and sailor Yanshao Feng; LGn, Lvl. 12

"Sukhov Ichi Tonomo" [Beruk A.]-male Barbari human Sami/Bushi (Monk/Fighter) and member of "Mystical Harmony/the Seekers of Lore" (Party 33/Yb-3c), at former Ninja dojo turned monastery; LNg, Lvl. 8/1

"Isen Dukan" [Byron V.O.]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard), member of "Gan Fen Dao" and associate of the "Faith-Based Initiative" (Party 36); CGn, Lvl. 1

"Xit Tuphain" [Rich D.]-male Shengtese human Xuitein (eastern wandering Monk) and associate of Party 36; LNg, Lvl. 8

"Asish Chen Ti" [Byron V.O.]-male Tsucharim human archer (Mongol-style Ranger), escaped from Gokuri; owner of Akita dog Genghis and horses Onimusha and Gashmu and member of the "Uncommon Companions" (Party 37); NGl, Lvl. 4

"Kazuo Takenaga" [Taum D'A.]-male Nezumi (Rat-kin) Monk from the Zedu kingdom in the Therud Forest, member of Party 37; LNg, Lvl. 4

"Suki" [Sara F.]-female Tengu Mahotsukai (raven-folk Sorceress/Illusionist) and fugitive with Jun, her Axebeak steed, and member of Party 37; Lvl. 4

Player Character Party 40 in Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands: A New

Dawn" Asian-style telecom campaign, using the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Ed.) Oriental Adventures , plus house rules, Skype, and an online dice roller, as of autumn 2013 "Souji Nobuto 'Sonny' Yoshimitsu" [Beruk A.]-male

Shengtese Tian Kensai (eastern human weapon master) from a dishonored house in the Lion Clan, specializing in chain weapons; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu" [Byron V.O.]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard) from the Tiger Clan with a destiny; NGc, Lvl. 1

"Saigo Kasugi" [Bruce K.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern Sylvan Elf Cavalier) discreetly serving his daimyo; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Ember Talon" [Sara F.]-female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting Druid), actually a young gold dragon banished from the Celestial Court; NGl, Lvl. 1

"Soske' Tiatoshe" [Geoff C.]-male Shengtese Tian Shukenja (eastern human Cleric), priest of Shang-ti and animist from the Phoenix Clan, prophesied to do great things; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Moon Jung-Mo" [Dexter V.H.]-male Nannuattan Ninja (Msamaki, eastern Dark Elf Assassin) who has left the Shadow’s Claw clan and is posing as a River Spirit Folk Yakuza (eastern Grey Elf Rogue); LNg, Lvl. 1

>>[27 October 2013:] Fellow role-players, as we continue to get ready for the "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" telecom game, here's more information for our Asian-style fantasy campaign. First, here's an overview of the game so far:

>>I'll get into more specifics as our latest adventuring party begins its travels. Speaking of which, here's a list of all the eastern Player Characters in my world so far:

>>I look forward to seeing some of you for Geoff's "Strange Tales From Chicago" tonight and Jason's "Star Wars: A New Dawn" tomorrow. -Gene

>I am modeling Toshi on one of the 8 immortals in Chinese lore -- pretty cool stories and legends. -Byron V.O.

>>Interesting, Byron! Note that the Way of Harmony in the eastern "Vanished Lands" is similar to Daoism, which it predates by almost 2,000 years. -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, I hope you had a good Halloween. Geoff, I look forward to continuing your "Strange Tales From Chicago" superhero miniseries this coming Sunday, 3 November 2013.

>>In the meantime, I'll be at the Rhode Island Comic Con tomorrow:

>>Among other things, I recently picked up a few used gaming books that should prove helpful for our upcoming "New Dawn" telecom fantasy game:>>D&D3.0/D20 " Oriental Adventures: Legend of the Five Rings :"

-"Rokugan Campaign Setting" (While the eastern "Vanished Lands" is neither the "Forgotten Realms' Kara Tur" nor "Rokugan," it does borrow heavily from both.)

-"Way of the Open Hand" (Shinsei Monks)-"Way of the Shugenja" (eastern Clerics)-"The Hidden Emperror" ("War Against the Darkness" campaign

book)>>I'll add these to the bibliography here: https://vanished-

>>Dexter, note that the above is also the link to the character creation overview. Our next adventures will soon begin! -Gene


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>>[7 November 2013:] Fellow role-players, I hope you're having a good week. By now, you've probably seen my latest updates for Geoff's "Strange Tales From Chicago" superhero miniseries and the "Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus" face-to-face group, as well as photos from last weekend's Rhode Island Comic Con.

>>I look forward to seeing some of you at this coming weekend's telecom game or Jason E.R.'s "Star Wars: Dark Times" session next Monday. Bruce and Dexter, you'll be missed, and Beruk, I hope your new job is going well. Sara, I hope that you're feeling better, and good luck to you and Josh with wedding venue hunting!

>>In the meantime, here's a bit more background information for our upcoming "A New Dawn" Asian-style fantasy campaign:

>>As of "winter 1228 to 1227 B.C.E.," warfare is subsiding in the northeastern "Vanished Lands." The kingdom of Gokuri's expansion has been halted, but at a heavy price to the demihumans of the Zedu kingdom. The Gusorin Confederation exists in name only, with the barbaric tribes of the central Plains of Sathendo scattered and their cities ruled by new overlords. By contrast, life goes on more or less as normal for the human clans of Tong Sheng, also known as the Principality of Silado.

>>Gokuri straddles the Bamor Mountains and is ruled by the cruel Nannuattan (eastern Dark Elves). Over the past several years, they have surpassed their western cousins, the Drow of Zuromm, by seizing control of Dragon Orbs, the Bracers of Fire Control, and the Temple of Elemental Evil on the volcanic Mount Gruldar. The Nannuattan are aided by hordes of Bakemono (eastern Goblins), Minotaurs, Oni (Ogre Magi), Draconians, and chromatic dragons.

>>There have been setbacks, of course, including the destruction of the dreaded Flying Citadel by former "Dragonslayers," the "Faith-Based Initiative's" stirring up of Barbari tribes and Zedu, and the sack of the port of Gisar by the ghost fleet. Zedu's doughty Korobokuru (eastern Dwarves) and nimble Spirit Folk (Elves) -- not to mention crafty Shan Sao (Halflings) or varied Hengeyokai (beast-kin shapeshifters) -- managed to keep most of the fighting underground, limiting the usefulness of Gokuri's dragon legions.

>>The Nannuattan had more success "restoring order" to Tekugi than with diplomatic overtures to Tong Sheng. In fact, Duke Kou Fei Seng, the human ruler of Tong Sheng, sent military advisors to aid Hei Wan Ling, the Korobokuru shogun of Zedu. Queen Kagejusko of Gokuri was wily and patient, so she agreed to send representatives to the war-torn border village of Hazokuwi, which is where your Player Characters will meet....

>>There are people on every side who want bloody battles to continue vs. those striving for an uneasy peace at negotiable terms. Your initial mission won't be to solve such high-level diplomatic problems; you'll be travelers and soldiers in the area. Why would you be in Hazokuwi, and where would your allegiances fall?

>>For example, I know that "Toshi," Byron's Shan Sao, studied with a Wu Jen in Bazran Hai's court. "Saigo," Bruce's Samurai, serves the Spirit Folk daimyo of Zedu. Not every character needs to be part of such a formal chain of command, but P.C.s would still be aware of the social order.

>>When you get a chance, take a look at maps of the eastern lands, and pick out hometowns for your P.C.s. Let me know if you have any

questions. I look forward to starting our next adventures on Sunday, 17 November 2013! -Gene

>Colorized photo from 1860 -- kind of cool. -Beruk A.http://imgur. com/4SAjbko

Society of the eastern "Vanished Lands"While the races, languages, and customs of the peoples of the Bamor Mountains, Plains of Sathendo, and Therud Forest are different, their societies are similarly structured. The organization of families into clans, syncretic religious beliefs, and respect for order are common across the eastern "Vanished Lands."Bei qu zhu zhe (Chinese, Shengtese, Tsucharim), Burakumin/Hinin

(in Japanese, Therudic, Bamoric)The lowest social caste includes those exiled from their clans, criminals and slaves, the "impure," and bandits acting without honor. Foreigners are often treated as one level lower than they would be at home until they earn respect, which can be acquired through deeds, money, and contacts.Shang (Chinese), Chonin or Bonge (Japanese)The next social tier includes craftspeople, merchants, and entertainers. They have risen in larger towns, and while their ostentatious wealth may resemble that of nobility, they rarely rise beyond this station. Literacy typically first occurs here, as do most starting adventurers.NongThe majority of inhabitants in the Blood Current, the Coral Kingdom, the Gusorin Confederation, Gokuri, Tong Sheng/the Principality of Silado, and Zedu are peasants in small villages. Of course, there's a big difference between a semi-nomadic Tsucharim rider, a Bakemono forager in the Underdark, and a Spirit Folk gardener or a Shengtese human farmer.Gong/BukeAbove slaves, tradesfolk, and peasants are warriors and bureaucrats. Both serve the interests of the nation above their own, and they have hierarchies within their ranks. A simple Bushi is no doubt closer to his farmer family than a general, but he can aspire to that position.

Successful artisans, entertainers, or wandering adventurers are considered to be here (most are lower because of the disreputable nature of their work).ShiThe priestly class is next up, including local shamans and court Wu Jen. They intercede with the gods, hone their bodies and minds in philosophical pursuits, and sages manipulate the elements. Most arcane and divine spellcasters are expected to serve their communities, whether as healers or advisors. Like the class below it, there is some mobility here based on talent.KugeThe highest caste is the aristocracy, whose power draws from tracked bloodlines, inherited land holdings, and feudal relationships with the ruler of each kingdom. The nobles may come from any clan, and many have training from the lower levels of society. A shogun, daimyo, or other ruler might be an artist, a warrior, or a scholar, and his or her circle of counselors is expected to represent and understand how to best manage the realm.

Note that the societies of the eastern "Vanished Lands" are somewhat less formal and rigid than those in later Asia. Women, nonhumans, and adventurers have more social mobility than in historical China, Japan, or India. Jesus, Confucius, and Musashi have yet to be born!


>Cool descriptions.... so where would Toshi be as a "court Wu Jen" and having a minor interest in land (inheritance: share in rice cultivation)? -Byron

Byron and fellow role-players, here's where each of your new Player


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Characters would likely fall in terms of social status in the eastern "Vanished Lands," from highest to lowest:1. Kuge -- nobles: None of the "New Dawn" P.C.s.2. Shang -- priests and sages

-"Toshi" [Byron]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (Halfling Wizard)-"Ember" [Sara]-female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting

Druid)-"Soske'" [Geoff]-male Shengtese Shukenja (human Cleric)

3. Gong/Buke -- warriors, bureaucrats-"Sonny" [Beruk]-male Shengtese Kensai (eastern human weapon

master)-"Saigo" [Bruce]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (Sylvan Elf

Cavalier)4. Nong -- peasants, farmers5. Shang/Chonin/Bonge -- craftspeople, merchants6. Bei qu zhu zhe / Burakumin/Hinin -- outcasts, criminals

-"Moon Jung-Mo" [Dexter]-male "River Spirit Folk Yakuza" (Nannuattan Ninja)

>>However, note that two other factors come into play. First, as starting adventurers without much renown, your effective status is one step lower than it might be. Second, your honor (whether reflected as an AD&D1"OA" numerical score or a FATE-style aspect) can bump this up or down, depending on the situation and experience.

>>In addition, since Dexter's Ninja would pose as people of different occupations, his effective status will depend on how well he does. In most cases, peasants will expect to defer to wandering would-be heroes, while you in turn will have to respect your superiors in the military, government, and clergy. You'll be roughly equal with successful merchants.

>>Those of you with supporting casts of higher or lower social status may be more friendly in private, but most will be conscious of decorum in public. We don't need to go into excruciating detail on forms of address such as flowery speech or lots of bowing as in real history, but anything that helps you think of how your characters will behave is good! -Gene

>>Josh and fellow role-players, thanks again for reminding us of the "Tianxia" Kickstarter project last night. As a supporter, I downloaded the draft PDF, and here are some thoughts:

-Pros: Tianxia does a nice job of adapting wuxia (Kung Fu fantasy) to FATE Core. It also provides a broad overview of Chinese myth. Fans of the high-flying martial arts action of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon would have an easy time creating characters. Several of the movies listed in my bibliography for our upcoming "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" campaign are also inspirations for this game.(See sources listed at the bottom of this page: https://vanished-

-Cons: Tianxia doesn't cover Japanese or other Asian fantasy, nor does it yet cover archetypes such as nonhumans or spellcasters. Josh, how do these rules compare with Wushu or other games you've played? Tianxia won't be finished in time for our "New Dawn" game, and we'll mostly be using a mix of AD&D1 Oriental Adventures and the retro-clone Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.

I do look forward to the finished product, and I've also ordered Heroes of the Jade Oath, a supplement for Pathfinder. In addition, I've been giving some thought to a more streamlined hybrid of D20 and FATE. There's no shortage of materials to draw from; we just need to get your characters started with their adventures! the entire group decides in a few levels to switch systems, we can revisit our options then. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions about your characters or the eastern "Vanished Lands!" I hope to begin our next telecom campaign next Sunday, 17 November 2013. -Gene

>Gene, as a human do you also get an additional class skill, or is it just

two class skills? -Beruk A.

>>Beruk and fellow role-players, all starting characters in our "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" game get just two proficiencies.

>>The bonus is a +3 if it's a general skill and a +5 if it's a class-related skill. Humans don't get additional skills, but like other races, there are certain skills that get the +5 depending on clan or nationality. These bonuses stack with ability bonuses.

>>I hope this answers your question. -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, I hope you're having a good week. As I continue preparing for this coming weekend's launch of our "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" campaign, I realized that unfamiliar Asian-style names might trip us up, so I've created the following list of Non-Player Characters to help us.From Tong Sheng/the Principality of Silado (Sonny, Soske')

-Brother Jo-male Shengtese human Monk, initial traveling companion of "Sonny" [Beruk A.]

-Zhou Li-male Shengtese human Samurai, knows "Ember" [Sara F.]

-Uncle Manny-male Shengtese human Bushi, watching over "Soske'" [Geoff C.]

-Yang Kuang-male Shengtese human, peasant farmer/soldier

-Xu Peng-male Shengtese human, provisioner-Dao Sun Lingjuan-female Shengtese Nekojin, innkeeper-Okubo Kita-female Shengtese Geinin (Bard)-Seng Desc Jihong-female Shengtese human, local shaman-Baron Xin Pronunc Hu-male Shengtese human Samurai

from the Lion Clan, delegate of Duke Kou Fei Seng-Sister Li Ho Xiaojun-female Shengtese human Sohei of

Kuan Yin, matron of mercyFrom the Zedu kingdom (Toshi, Saigo, Ember)

-Kida Kaiu-male Tian Wu Jen (human Wizard), mentor of "Toshi" [Byron V.O.]

-Shinso Saigo-male Bamboo Spirit Folk (eastern Sylvan Elf), "Saigo's" [Bruce K.] missing grandfather

-Gen. Hirokazu-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai, Saigo's father, aide to Hei Wan Ling, the Korobokuru Shogun of Zedu

-Mutsuhito-male Bamboo Spirit Folk prince, brother of Saigo's beloved Nayoko

-Shiokawa Shiori-female River Spirit Folk (eastern Grey Elf) merchant

-Vivek Ram-male Vanara (simian) soldier and gambler-Fjodor-male Gusorin Wolfen mercenary, pal of Vivek

Ram-Yamashina Miki-female River Spirit Folk Ashigaru

(Fighter)-Shiskikura Manabu-male Usagi Hengeyokai Hulinyuan

(rabbit scout)-Gen. Shin Kyong-tsu-male Korobokuru (eastern Dwarf)

general, once exiled, fighting GokuriFrom the kingdom of Gokuri (Moon Jung-Mo)

-Oh Kum-Ja-female Draconian Gokuri guard-Col. Vasil Ustinov-male Tsucharim human, Gokuri officer-Lady Yun Aei-Yong-female Nannuattan (eastern Dark Elf),

representative of Queen Kagejusko>>You'll be meeting some of these people at the border village of Hazokuwi on "1 March 1227 B.C.E." (If anybody can find the Chinese calendar equivalents for ancient dates, that would be great.) Remember to review your new P.C.s before Sunday, and I look forward to seeing everyone virtually! -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, here's yet more about what each of your Player


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Characters would know about the village of Hazokuwi:-"Souji Nobuto 'Sonny' Yoshimitsu " [Beruk A.]-male Shengtese Tian

Kensai (eastern human weapon master) from the Lion Clan: Hazokuwi's tavern is the "Swimming Ki-Rin," which is more of a restaurant with a few rooms than an inn with a bar. Since the border community has been near various battles over the past few years, regular trade has been replaced by serving Zedu kingdom troops.

-"Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu " [Byron V.O.]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard) from the Tiger Clan: Hazokuwi is too small to have a feudal lord or a dominant house. In peacetime, it was ruled by a small, relatively informal council of elders. The population is a mix of rural humans and Korobokuru (eastern Dwarves), and the nearest town is Hsia Ling, about 40 miles to the east.

-"Saigo Kasugi " [Bruce K.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern Sylvan Elf Cavalier): About once per year, the capital Bazran Hai sends officials to collect taxes and adjudicate legal disputes. Inspectors can be sent out in special cases, and this system is similar to the bureaucracies of Tong Sheng and Gokuri. Gen. Shin is the ranking officer in the area.

-"Ember Talon " [Sara F.]-female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting Druid): Hazokuwi is in the Balef River Valley, in the foothills of the Bamor Mountains. Weather patterns tend to come from the southwest, and note that it's early spring. While the Therud Forest and Plains of Sathendo aren't far away, the land is more rocky and rugged than suitable for farming. Most peasants are shepherds or miners.

-"Soske' Tiatoshe " [Geoff C.]-male Shengtese Tian Shukenja (eastern human Cleric), priest of Shang-ti and animist from the Phoenix Clan: The people of Hazokuwi lean toward animism, and limestone caverns nearby are said to lead to the Underdark. Despite its proximity to dangers, Hazokuwi is partly protected by cliffs behind it, facing the river.

-"Moon Jung-Mo " [Dexter V.H.]-male Nannuattan Ninja (Msamaki, eastern Dark Elf Assassin) who has left the Shadow’s Claw clan and is posing as a River Spirit Folk Yakuza (eastern Grey Elf Rogue): The Nannuattan of course have spies in the area, and the Gokuri town of Rothedma is only a few days' ride to the west. Hazokuwi was sacked early in the latest war, but Zedu forces recently liberated it.

>>I hope this helps. I look forward to starting our "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" campaign this coming Sunday, 17 November 2013!

>>In the meantime, I look forward to seeing some of you for "Thor 2: the Dark World" on Sunday afternoon, or at next week's "Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus" or Super MegaFest! Have a good weekend, -Gene

>>Fellow role-players, I hope that you've had a good weekend. As you may have seen from my blog and various photos, I enjoyed the annual Super MegaFest and the various specials around Doctor Who's 50th anniversary. I'll hold off on discussing "spoilers" until I know that everyone who plans to has watched them.

>>Byron, let us know if you won't be able to play tonight (Sunday, 24 November 2013) because you're traveling. Who'll be available the weekend after Thanksgiving? I should be back from Upstate New York in time.

>>In the meantime, here are more references for Asian fantasy games that I've picked up -- I'll add them to my bibliography:

>>For Hero System Fifth Edition (hardcopies):-Ninja Hero-The Ultimate Martial Artist

>>for Labyrinth Lord (retro-clone PDFs):-Black Streams -- the Pacts of the Wise, the Yellow Bone Legion-Classes of the Far East

-An Echo Resounding: Lordship and War in Untamed Lands-Red Tide: Campaign Sourcebook and Sandbox Toolkit

>>When we left your Player Characters in the "Vanished Lands: a New Dawn" campaign, they had encountered summoned spirits and headed to the Zedu army camp on the outskirts of the border village of Hazokuwi on the eve of truce negotiations.... -Gene

Player Character Party 40 in Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style telecom campaign, using the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Ed.) Oriental Adventures , plus house rules, Skype, and an online dice roller, as of autumn 2013

"Souji Nobuto 'Sonny' Yoshimitsu" [Beruk A.]-male Shengtese Tian Kensai (eastern human weapon master) from a dishonored house in the Lion Clan, specializing in chain weapons; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Toshiharu 'Toshi' Sembutsu" [Byron V.O.]-male Shan Sao Wu Jen (eastern Halfling Wizard) from the Tiger Clan with a destiny; NGc, Lvl. 1

"Saigo Kasugi" [Bruce K.]-male Bamboo Spirit Folk Samurai (eastern Sylvan Elf Cavalier) discreetly serving his daimyo; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Ember Talon" [Sara F.]-female Crane Hengeyokai Wu (shapeshifting Druid), actually a young gold dragon banished from the Celestial Court; NGl, Lvl. 1

"Soske' Tiatoshe" [Geoff C.]-male Shengtese Tian Shukenja (eastern human Cleric), priest of Shang-ti and animist from the Phoenix Clan, prophesied to do great things; LNg, Lvl. 1

"Moon Jung-Mo" [Dexter V.H.]-male Nannuattan Ninja (Msamaki, eastern Dark Elf Assassin) who has left the Shadow’s Claw clan and is posing as a River Spirit Folk Yakuza (eastern Grey Elf Rogue); LNg, Lvl. 1

Current Boston-area tabletop RPG contact list:-Jason E.R.-(781) 942-4816 home, (603) 315-3749 cell; D.-(781) 894-1580 home, (703) 774-4269 cell;, A.-(508) 561-0090, (774) 244-4819; K.Y.-(781) 652-8235 home, (781) 354-4157 cell; W.-(617) 916-2201 h/o, 775-2475, (617) 527-7069

cell; B.-(508) 942-4685-Ken G.-(508) 620-0362 home, (508) 733-8673 cell; F. & Joshua C.-(413) 652-2507, (508) 373-3062; K.-(617) 504-9509, C.G.-(781) 330-1557 cell; C.-(774) 402-4684; S.-(585) 754-0726; W.-(860) 550-3735;

>>Game Master Gene D.'s campaign settings

>>Setting, genre: The "Vanished Lands" (fantasy)!forum/holysteel

-Systems: Dungeons & Dragons boxed sets, AD&D2, D&D3.5, D&D4e, Pathfinder, Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop


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Entertainment (FATE 3e) Legends of Anglerre-Run dates: 1982 to present-Game dates: "c. 1982 to 650 B.C.E.," current year: "1229 B.C.E."

>>Setting, genre: "Gaslight Grimoire" ("G3," steampunk/fantasy)-Systems: Generic Universal Role-Playing System (GURPS) 3e

Castle Falkenstein, D20 Ravenloft: Masque of the Red Death, D20 Etherscope

-Run dates: 1998 to 1999, 2010-Game dates: "c. 1789 to 1939 A.D./C.E.," current year: "1891"

>>Setting, genre: "The Societe de Justice Internationale" ("S.J.I.," superheroes/espionage)

-Systems: DC Heroes, Top Secret S.I., GURPS 3e Supers, D20 Mutants & Masterminds 2e/3e (DC Adventures/Icons?)

-Run dates: 1989 to present-Game dates: "c. 1939 to 2050," current year: 2011

>>Setting, genre: "VORTEX" (space opera) Star Frontiers, house rules, Shadowrun, GURPS 3e

Space, Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment (FATE 3e) Starblazer Adventures/Mindjammer and Bulldogs

-Run dates: c. 1982 to present-Game dates: "c. 2050 to 2500," current year: "2194 (0 T.G.E.)"

>>Setting, genre: "Chaos Wars" and "Voyagers II: Adventures in the Dimensional Corps" (time/dimensional travel) "Vortex," D&Dx, GURPS 3e Time Travel-Run dates: 1982 to present (with Steve M.R., et al.)-Game dates: "c. 2200 to 2900 A.D./C.E.," current year:


>>Boston-area games, as of summer 2013:

-"Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus," Gene D.'s fantasy campaign, using the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game

-"Vortex: Terra's Pride," Gene D.'s telecom space opera, using FATE 3e Starblazer Adventures/Mindjammer, Bulldogs, Skype, and an online dice roller

-Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Rich C.G.'s space opera, using Fantasy Flight Games' Beginner Game

-"The Lizardmen of Xur'Kliz," Josh C.'s rules-light fantasy retro-clone, using Dungeon World

-Red Dwarf, Beruk A.'s science fiction+ scenario-Dread, Brian W.'s Jenga -based social science fiction-"Steam Wars," Josh C.'s steampunk samurai/space opera

miniseries, using FAE (Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment, Accelerated Edition), Google+ and Roll20

-School Daze, Rich C.G.'s rules-light high school scenarios

>>Other possible one-shots:-"Savage Worlds: Hellfrost," Brian W.'s Nordic fantasy-"Dread," Bruce K.'s "Jenga"-based horror-"Pathfinder: Hyborian Age," Bruce K.'s D20 Conan-"Mystic Adventures in the 'Big D,'" return to Josh C.'s FATE 3e

"Dresden Files: Dallas"

>>Boston-area campaigns, as of autumn 2013:

-"Vanished Lands: Vistel's Circus," Gene D.'s fantasy campaign, using the "Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game"

-"Vortex: Terra's Pride," Gene D.'s telecom space opera, using FATE 3e "Starblazer Adventures/Mindjammer," "Bulldogs," Skype, and an online dice roller!forum/holysteel

-"Star Wars: Dark Times," Jason E.R.'s space opera, using "Savage


-Street-level superhero telecom one-shot by Geoff C., using FATE "Accelerated Edition" and Skype

-"Vanished Lands: A New Dawn," Gene D.'s Asian fantasy campaign, using Skype

-To be determined, Josh C.'s fantasy campaign, using "Microscope" and FATE

-"Last Howl of Copper Canyon," Josh C.'s modern supernatural one-shot, using "Werewolf: the Apocalypse" 2e Revised and "Storyteller" 20th Anniversary Ed.


VL40pre.doc 17 April 2023

Obsidian Portal Player Character template for Gene D.'s Asian-style fantasy campaign, using "BFRPG"/AD&D1"OA"

Player Character name:


Campaign: Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style telecom campaign, using the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Ed.) Oriental Adventures , plus house rules, Skype, and an online dice roller Adventuring party : 40 Date created: September 2013/"February 1227

B.C.E." Date revised: November 2013/"March 1227 B.C.E."




Occupational class: Experience Level:

Alignment (with tendencies):

Attributes (and bonuses) Strength: __ (to damage for hand-to-hand, Fighter prime

requisite; x10 = max. load) Dexterity: __ (bonus to hit, Armor Class, initiative, Reflex

save; prime for Thieves) Constitution: __ (bonus to Hit Dice, Fortitude save) Intelligence: __ (bonus = no. of bonus languages besides

native and Shengtese [eastern human common], prime for Magic Users)

Wisdom: __ (bonus to Willpower save; prime for Clerics) Charisma: __ (bonus to reaction, followers; Bard, Sorcerer


Armor Class: (see equipment below)

Hit Points: (max. at Lvl. 1, + Con modifier)

Base Attack Bonus: (+ Dex modifier)

Saving Throws (or bonus to one ability check, by class) Fortitude (Con): Reflex (Dex): Will (Wis/Int):

Proficiencies (by ability, specialties, class): Acrobatics (Dex; includes escape artist, fly, tightrope,

tumble; Rog) Animal Handling (Wis; incl. ride; Dru, Rng) Appraisal (Int; assess value; Rog) Athletics (Str; climb, fly, jump; Ftr) Concentration (Wis; to think/cast under stress; Clr, Wiz) Craft (Dex/Int; specialize, incl. alchemy, armory, cooking,

create magic item, herbalism, poisons, weaponsmith) Deception (Cha; incl. bluff, disguise; Rog)

Disable Device (Dex; incl. pick locks, remove traps/wards; Rog)

Endurance (Con; incl. run, swim; Ftr) Gaming (Int; card, gambling, strategy; Rog) Intimidation (Str/Cha; Ftr) Knowledge (Int, by specialty):

Arcana (magic, spellcraft, unnatural creatures; Brd, Wiz)

Architecture (incl. dungeons, engineering, siege engines)

Etiquette (heraldry, tea ceremony; Brd, Sam) Geography (by region; Brb, Rng) History (by region, incl. law, lore; Brd) Linguistics (1 pt. per language, plus decipher

script, forgery; Brd, Wiz) Nature (biology, wildlife; Dru, Rng) Planes (Outsiders; Clr, Wiz) Religion (and Wis; incl. Undead, ceremonies;

Clr) Tactics/Strategy (warfare, Ftr)

Leadership (Cha; total follower levels = Cha + Leadership ranks, but followers must be at least two levels lower than P.C.)

Martial Arts (Dex; 1 maneuver — such as Iajutsu/fast draw — per rank, Monk gets + 1 rank to spend per level; see Oriental Adventures for styles/feats, prerequisites)

Medicine (Int; heal; Clr) Perception (Wis; passive; Rng, Sam) Perform (Cha; by artistic medium, includes calligraphy,

dance, musician, painter; Brd, Sam) Persuasion (Cha; diplomacy, bargaining; Brd, Clr) Profession (Wis; nonadventuring, such as farmer, merchant,

etc.) Resolve (Wis; strong will; Brb, Clr, Ken, Wiz) Search (Int; hear noise, active notice; Rng, Rog) Sense Motive (Wis; vs. Deception; Clr) Sleight of Hand (Dex; holdout; Rog, Wiz) Stealth (Dex; incl. hide in shadow, move silently,

shadowing; Rog, Rng) Streetwise (Cha; gather info; Rog) Survival (Wis; incl. camping and tracking, by terrain, incl.

dungeons; Brb, Rng) Vehicle (Dex; by type — boat, chariot, dirigible, etc.)

Special abilities (4 at Lvl. 1 + 1 every three levels) Racial:


Class: ***

Spells (by level, range, duration, effect, citation; Save DC = 10 + spell level):

Lvl. 0: Lvl. 1: Lvl. 2: Lvl. 3: Lvl. 4:


VL40pre.doc 17 April 2023

Lvl. 5: Lvl. 6: Lvl. 7: Lvl. 8: Lvl. 9:

Martial arts (by maneuver, style, citation):

Equipment (by location, weight): Armor:

Melee weapons:

Ranged weapons (and ammunition, range, damage):


Class tools:

Other gear:


On steed: none yet

Magic items: none yet

Money: fen (copper pieces): yuan (1/2 silver): tael (electrum): tael (gold x2): 500 (250 g.p.) ch'ien (platinum): gems (number, g.p. value): 0

Companion(s): Steed: none yet Followers, strongholds: none yet

BioAspects (FATE Legends of Anglerre)




Guest star:

Motivation/vows: (We might put honor here rather than AD&D1_OA_'s numerical tracking.)

Adventuring: (to be gained at Level 5)

Membership/leadership: (Lvl. 10)

Hero of: (Lvl. 15)

Refresh: 3

Description Eyes:



Height: ft., in.

Weight: lbs.

Age (and apparent human):

Appearances/mannerisms (image links):

Homeland /nationality:

Languages : native, Shengtese (eastern human common)

Patron deity/philosophy :


Backstory (include upbringing, hobbies, goals):


VL40pre.doc 17 April 2023

Player Character Party 40 for Gene D.'s "Vanished Lands: A New Dawn" Asian-style telecom fantasy campaign,using AD&D1 Oriental Adventures, the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, Skype, and an online dice roller, as of autumn 2013No. Character Souji Nobuto Toshiharu Moesashi Soske' Saigo Msamaki

Surname Yoshimitsu Sembutsu Kagidzume Tiatoshe KasugiNickname Sonny Toshi Ember Talon MoonJungMo

1. Role-player Beruk A. Byron V.O. Sara F. Geoff C. Bruce K. Dexter V.H.2. Species Shengtese hum. Shan Sao Hengeyokai Shengtese h. B.SpiritFolk Nannuattan3. Gender Male male female Male male Male4. Age 33 24 (17 hum.) 18 (17 hum.) 19 50 (22) 44 (22)5. Homeland Tong Sheng Zedu Kgdm. Celestial Ct. Tong Sheng Zedu Kgdm. Gokuri6. Alignment LNg NGc CGn NGl LNg LNg7. PatronDeity ? AmiK./TsuK. Shang-ti/AK Animism Shang-ti8. Class Kensai/Monk? Wu Jen(Wiz) Wu (Druid) Shukenja(Clr) Samurai Yakuza(Ninja)9. Level 1 1 1 1 1 110. Strength 14 (+1) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+0) 16 (+2) 15 (+1)11. Dexterity 19 (+3) 18 (+3) 18 (+3) 17 (+2) 17 (+2) 19 (+3)12. Constitution 15 (+1) 16 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+1) 14 (+1) 11 (0)13. Intelligence 11 (0) 18 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (0) 10 (0) 13 (+1)14. Wisdom 14 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+2) 19 (+3) 14 (+1) 13 (+1)15. Charisma 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+1) 10 (0) 16 (+2) 16 (+2)16. Language Shengtese Therudic Drac/Celest. Shengtese Therudic Bamoric17. Lang. 2 Shengtese Therudic Shengtese Shengtese18. Lang. 3 Auran,Oni,etc Shengtese Underdark19. Move (ft/rd) 40+ 30 40 40 40 4020. ArmorClass 16 17 (19 spell) 13 14 17 1721. Base Attack +1 (+3 Dex) +1 (+3 Dex) +1 (+3 Dex) 1 (+2 Dex) +1 (+2 Dex) (+ Dex)22. Hit Points 11 6 7 7 1123. Fortitude 0 (+1 Con) -2 (+2 Con) -2 (+ 1 Con) 0 (+ 1 Con) 0 (+2 Con) -2 (+0 Con)24. Reflex -2 (+3 Dex) -2 (+3 Dex) -2 (+ 3 Dex) -2 (+ 2 Dex) -2 (+3 Dex) 0 (+3 Dex)25. Will -2 (+1Wis,+1) 0 (+3 Int) 0 (+ 2 Wis) -2(+3Wis,+1) -2 (+1 Wis) -2 (+1 Wis)26. Sp. Ability Whirlwind at. Bird form Crane form KiMetabolism Immune2fear Darkness27. Proficiency Martial Arts +5 Concentr. +5 An.Handle+5 Concentrate+5 Athletics+5 Deception +528. Proficiency Resolve +5 Linguistics+5 Athletics +3 Medicine +5 Leader +5 MartialArts+529. Proficiency30. Proficiency31. Proficiency32. Martial Arts Thrash.Drag.Tail Tien Sha Pai None yet Kyudo None yet Ninjutsu33. Family Lion Clan Tiger Clan Celestial Ct. Phoenix Clan 1st b. noble Shadow'sClaw34. Training ShaoLin/Shintao Jade Spire Nature priest Mystic family Grandfather Infiltration35. Complication Dishonored Wind vs. Oni Banished Prophesied Sp. agents Banished36. Guest star Daidoji Crane Suki, Bisan Inquisitors Hovering fam. Nayoko/Mut. N. hunters37. Motivation Exoneration Taboos/honor Get home Normalcy Bushido Prot.innocents38. Adventuring39. Member/lead40. Refresh/Hero 3 3 3 3 3 341. Armor None MA/spell None yet None yet Banded mail StuddedLeather42. MeleeWeap chains d6/d8 Ax,jo,kiseru Kama d6 Bo (staff) d6 No dachi,an. Wakizashi43. RangeWeap Shuriken d4 Hankyu(sbw) Tanto d4 Daikyu d6 Daikyu Whippets44. Gear Sushi kit Calligraphy Tanto disguises45. Magic Item Spellbook Ancestor sw. egg46. Companion47. Steed Lt. riding horse Wako, pony Lt. rd. horse Lt. rd. horse Blk.Wnd.wh Lt. riding horse48. Stronghold None yet None yet None yet None yet None yet None yet49. Notes Chain weapons 4 0th,1 1st, 4 0th, 1 1st 4 0th, 1 1st asR.SpiritFolk

