Preparation for NSS and Communication with Parents Preparation for NSS and Communication with...


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香港培正中學香港培正中學Preparation for NSS andPreparation for NSS and

Communication with ParentsCommunication with Parents

香港培正中學香港培正中學Preparation for NSS andPreparation for NSS and

Communication with ParentsCommunication with Parents


Teachers started the discussion at 2005

NSS arrangement discussion workflow

• All teachers brainstorming• Subject heads panel meeting

proposal• Administration meeting approval• All teachers meeting approval• Maybe a cyclic process …

> When to deliver to parents?> When to deliver to parents?

How to deliver to parents?

• Several possible ways :

>> Periodical school news letters>> Parent seminar>> Electronic-way : official web page and I-Community (discussion forum)

How to collect feedbacks?

• Questionnaires• Class teachers meet with parents• Parent seminar• Electronic-way : official email and

I-Community (discussion forum)

Final delivery of our NSS arrangements

Starting from 2006 Sept, the first batch

All in ONE NSS site : PCMS, EDB and HKEAA

Links to EDB web sites

Linking the official EDB and HKEAA websites

Some informal questions and suggestions

Parent Seminar Summaries

WEB is a good place to deliver your NSS plan
