PREFACE -€¦ · 7/4/2016  · Use a TDEE calculator online and...


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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

PREFACE Hello! My name is Marianne aka Mari. My fitness journey was hectic. I

didn’t know what I was doing and

I sure did not know HOW to do

things. I was never athletic in my

life. I didn’t know how to do a

single pushup (correctly). I

couldn’t run a mile without

stopping. I was a total fitness

newbie. I tried a lot of things in the

past that had failed, resulting in

poor physical and mental health. After trial and error, I have learned many tips and

important information that I think more people should know about. I created the

Intense Shed Guide as a way for others to try out new and effective ways to burn fat

and start getting stronger. This guide is cardio intensive (in a FUN way!). This 4 week

plan consists of videos and types of workouts that have helped me shed the initial

couple of pounds of fat during the beginning of my fitness journey. It also features

circuits I’ve created which feature my favorite moves. This plan is challenging but you

will not regret it. Jumpstart your fitness journey now.

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


➔ This workout plan is INTENSE!

➔ Make sure you get plenty of sleep because your body WILL need rest.

➔ Drink plenty of water! Hydration is important.

➔ Stretch before and especially after working out to reduce soreness the next day.

➔ Eat WELL. Eat until you are satisfied. You need the fuel.

➔ DO NOT GO ON A EXTREMELY LOW CARB DIET (unless you have a medical

reason such as PCOS). You need energy to complete these workouts.

➔ Be mindful of what you eat. Cut out all of the unnecessary things (like soda,

artificial juice, high sodium snacks etc). Weight loss is largely affected by your

diet. You can’t outrun a bad diet.

➔ It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t overwhelm yourself. For example, do not

reduce your caloric intake more than 20% of your TDEE.

➔ Don’t reward yourself with food (aka a cheat meal).

➔ Do not compare yourself to other people’s progress. It’s all on YOU.

➔ DISCLAIMER: I am not a fitness expert in any way. I am your average girl who

wants to give advice and help others.

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


➔ Take a before photo or video (front, back, side). Also, take your measurements.

If you are aiming to lose weight, weigh yourself in the morning before starting

the workout plan. Put away the scale until the end of the 4 weeks. DO NOT


➔ If you are aiming to lose weight but do not calorie count:

◆ Look into flexible dieting and intuitive eating. Cut out absolutely

unnecessary things (such as soda, junk food). Be mindful of what you are

eating but don’t restrict yourself from “unhealthy food”. You don’t get fat

from eating fat. However, you will gain weight if you eat an excess of

something (no matter how “healthy” it is).

◆ Eat until you are satisfied, not until you are full.

➔ If you are aiming to lose weight and do calorie count: *more effective

◆ Use a TDEE calculator online and figure out your TDEE. That is the

amount of calories your body burns in a day.

◆ Eat 10 - 20% less than your TDEE. No more than that.

◆ Calories in, calories out. Burn more calories than you take in.

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


➔ Monday, Wednesday, Friday is circuit training (found on pages 11 & 12).

Download an interval training app. Each circuit is 7 minutes long. In the 7

minutes, you complete the workouts provided in that circuit. Finish all of those

workouts before the timer goes off? Repeat it until the timer runs out. If you

don’t finish the circuit in time, IT’S FINE. Move on. You will get stronger. Take a

30 second break between each circuit. Take a 1 minute break between each set.

In total, you will complete each circuit twice.:

Circuit 1 - 7 min Rest - 30 sec

Circuit 2 - 7 min Rest - 1 min

Circuit 1 - 7 min Rest - 30 sec

Circuit 2 - 7 min TOTAL: 30 min.

➔ Tuesday is tabata-style HIIT and Thursday is cardio kickboxing. Do not get

discouraged if you cannot keep up. Go at your own pace, make needed

modifications, and take breaks IF NEEDED.

➔ Saturday and Sunday are rest days. You can choose which day you want to

have an active rest day. (Default is Sunday) You can choose the yoga playlist or

cardio dancing playlist.

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


➔ None of the workout days will take more than 60 minutes. Do not do any

additional workouts even if you are tempted.

➔ Don’t know how to do a move? Google it!

➔ After 4 weeks, take after photos / video, retake your measurements, and weigh

yourself. Share your results on the Blogilates app or Instagram and message me

/ tag me!

Blogilates app: Marianne Anthonette

Instagram: @movewithmari

Good luck! I hope that you will continue your fitness journey after

the 4 weeks are over.


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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


Monday - Circuit Training (Legs) Tuesday - Tabata-style HIIT Wednesday - Circuit Training (Arms & Abs) Thursday - Cardio Kickboxing Friday - Circuit Training (Full Body) Saturday - Rest Day Sunday - Active Rest Day (Stretching + Yoga OR Cardio Dancing)     

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

WEEK 1  

Monday - Circuit Training (Legs) Tuesday - Fat Burning Cardio Tabata Workout, HIIT, Pure Cardio Quickie Workout by Shelly Dose Wednesday - Circuit Training (Arms & Abs) Thursday - POP Kicks by BlogilatesTV Friday - Circuit Training (Full Body) Saturday - Rest Day Sunday - Stretching + Yoga OR Stretching + Cardio Dancing

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

WEEK 2  

Monday - Circuit Training (Legs) Tuesday - Butt and Abs Tabata Workout - Fat Blasting Cardio Interval Workout by FitnessBlender Wednesday - Circuit Training (Arms & Abs) Thursday - HIIT Cardio Kickboxing Workout Video at home, HIIT Workout, Aerobic Kickboxing HIIT Workout by Shelly Dose Friday - Circuit Training (Full Body) Saturday - Rest Day Sunday - Stretching + Yoga OR Stretching + Cardio Dancing

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

WEEK 3  

Monday - Circuit Training (Legs) Tuesday - 30 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout by BodyFit by Amy Wednesday - Circuit Training (Arms & Abs) Thursday - 30 Minutes Cardio Kickboxing (Burn 300 Calories!) by Joanna Soh Friday - Circuit Training (Full Body) Saturday - Rest Day Sunday - Stretching + Yoga OR Stretching + Cardio Dancing

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

WEEK 4  

Monday - Circuit Training (Legs) Tuesday - 30 Minute No Equipment Cardio and ABS Tabata Workout by Shelly Dose Wednesday - Circuit Training (Arms & Abs) Thursday - Cardio Kickboxing Workout, Core + ABS, HIIT, Fat Burning Kickboxing Workout At Home by Shelly Dose Friday - Circuit Training (Full Body) Saturday - Rest Day Sunday - Stretching + Yoga OR Stretching + Cardio Dancing

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


Monday - Legs


Plié squats - 15 reps 180 degree jump squats - 10 reps each side

Squat jumps - 15 reps Froggers - 15 reps

Squat pulses - 15 reps Side leg raises - 10 reps each side

Walking lunges - 10 reps each side One-legged squat pulses - 10 reps each side

Wednesday - Arms & Abs


Mountain climbers - 20 reps (10 per leg) Scissor kicks - 40 reps (20 each side)

Cobra pushups - 15 reps Lay down pushups - 10 reps

Leg lifts - 20 reps Toe touchers - 20 reps

Commandos - 10 reps each side Plank - 1 minute

Friday - Full Body


180 degree jump squats - 10 reps each side Mountain climbers - 20 reps (10 per leg)

Squat jumps - 15 reps Cobra pushups - 15 reps

Lay down pushups - 10 reps Froggers - 15 reps

Leg lifts - 20 reps Scissor kicks - 40 reps (20 each side)

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari


Monday - Legs


Squats - 15 reps Side squats - 10 reps each leg

Split squat jumps - 15 reps Scissors jump - 10 reps each leg

Lunge pulses - 15 reps Tuck Jumps - 10 reps

Burpees - 10 reps In & Out squat jumps - 15 reps

Wednesday - Arms & Abs


Drop pushups - 10 reps Push throughs - 15 reps

Eagle abs - 20 reps Knee tucks - 20 reps

Tricep dips - 15 reps Plank jacks - 20 reps

Dead bugs - 20 reps each side Shoulder taps - 20 reps (10 each side)

Friday - Full Body


Burpees - 10 reps In & Out squat jumps - 15 reps

Tuck Jumps - 10 reps Tricep dips - 15 reps

Drop pushups - 10 reps Knee tucks - 20 reps

Dead bugs - 20 reps each side Plank jacks - 20 reps

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Move with Mari 4 Week Intense Shed Guide

IG: @movewithmari

Continue to follow my journey on Instagram.


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