Precordial electrocardiographic mapping after exercise in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease


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Precordial Electrocardiographic Mapping After Exercise

In the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease


London, England

From the Division of Cardiovascular Disease, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmlth Hospital, London, England. This work was sup- ported by a grant from the t3ritish Heart Founda- tion, London, England. Manuscript received July 24, 1978; revised manuscript received September 29, 1978, accepted October 5. 1978.

Address for reprints: Kirr Fox, MRCP, Cardio- vascular Research Unit, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, W12 OHS, England.

A technique is described for recording the precordial electrocardiographic body surface map before and after exercise. The technique provides an extra dimension to the conventional exercise electrocardiogram because a measurement can be made of the area and severity of S-T segment changes that are projected onto the front of the chest. Sixteen lead iso- potential surface maps were recorded before and after exercise in 109 patients with angina who subsequently underwent coronary arteriography. In addition, exercise electrocardiograms were obtained in 53 of these patients using three orthogonal leads and in all patients using a single chest unipolar chest lead. Precordial surface mapping after exercise was found to have a greater sensitivity (95 percent) than electrocardiography using either the orthogonal leads (66 percent) or a single chest lead (64 percent) (P <O.Ol). The specificity of the three techniques did not differ signifi- cantly (P >0.05). The technique of precordial surface mapping after exercise improves the ability to diagnose coronary artery disease and can easily be applied to clinical practice.

The aim of exercise or stress testing is to increase myocardial oxygen demand in order to elicit the electrocardiographic manifestations of ischemia (S-T segment changes) that are absent at rest. The ability to elicit these alterations in the S-T segment depends on the degree of narrowing of the coronary arteries, the amount of work performed and the accuracy with which areas of myocardial ischemia can be detected. It is usually accepted that 70 percent luminal narrowing of a major cor- onary vessel is necessary before the blood supply to the myocardium can be compromised by exertion, l-3 and the modern multistage stress tests aiming at maximal heart rates ensure that an adequate work load is nearly always achieved.4 The principal limiting factor of these tests is the detection of myocardial ischemia. Although multiple lead and or- thogonal systems are adequate in most cases,5,6 they are not sufficiently sensitive. This paper describes a technique for recording serial precordial surface maps after exercise that has proved superior to other methods in the diagnosis of coronary artery disesse.


Electrocardiographic mapping: One hundred nine consecutive patients (93 men and 16 women with a mean age of 48 years) were studied before undergoing diagnostic coronary arteriography. They were referred from the outpatient department and all were sufficiently fit to undergo an exercise test. In all patients a 16 point precordial electrocardiogram was recorded using a direct writing ink jet Mingograf (Elema Schonander) recording on four channels si- multaneously. The gain employed was 10 mm for 1 mv, and the paper speed was 25 mm/set. The 16 points were distributed evenly over the left hemithorax, and the boundaries were the angle of Louis, the right sternoclavicular joint, the posterior axillary line and 6 cm below the xiphisternum (Fig. 1). Disposable press stud electrodes7 were used and then secured into position using adhesive tape

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sufficiently tight to keep the electrodes stable without inter- fering with respiration. Screened electrode cable was used and the 16 electrodes were connected to the electrocardiograph using a four-way switching system (Fig. 1). The 16 precordial leads were unipolar V leads connected to a central Wilson terminal. One of the positions (C3, Fig. 2) corresponded ex- actly to lead Vs and was selected to act as the single chest lead.

Exercise testing: Graded maximal exercise tests were performed using a bicycle ergometer.8 Patients cycled at a constant speed (50 revolutions/min), and the work load was increased by 25 watts each minute. Exercise was performed for 6.04 f 2.23 minutes (mean f 1 standard deviation). The exercise tests were limited by the appearance of chest pain, dyspnea, fatigue or multiple ventricular ectopic complexes.9 All recordings were made with the patient sitting comfortably

ST Segment Depression

with the arms extended resting on the handlebars. A recording was taken from the 16 positions before exercise, immediately after and then 1,3,5,8 and 10 minutes later. Recordings were then continued at 3 minute intervals, as necessary, until the electrocardiogram had returned to the pre-exercise state. Connecting the electrodes to the patient in preparation for the test took 10 to 15 minutes, and usually 15 to 20 minutes was required for the exercise test and postexercise recordings. Each 16 lead precordial map took about 10 seconds to record, and about 10 minutes was required to analyze a series of maps from a patient.

Fifty-three of these patients were randomly selected to undergo, in addition, a graded maximal exercise test using a treadmill.‘0 All these patients had orthogonal three lead electrocardiograms using the Frank lead system6 recorded before, during and at regular intervals after exercise using a

-+--v---+-+--- -+--+---k-b 4

Before Exercise

FIGURE 1. Patient with 16 press stud electrodes evenly distributed over the left hemithorax. The electrodes are secured in position with adhesive tape and connected to the four channel electro- cardiograph by means of a four-way switching system.

Immediately After Exercise

FIGURE 2. Example of recording of the 16 posi- tions before and after exercise. The precordial area of S-T segment depression drawn as a con- tour map is shown on the left.

542 March 1979 The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY Volume 43


Hewlett-Packard 1513EI three channel electrocardiograph. X and Z leads were placed in the fourth intercostal space. All exercise tests were recorded before the coronary arteriograms were obtained.

The criteria of the Scandinavian committee on electra- cardiographic classification were used to interpret the exer- cise tests.11 S-T segment changes were measured from the P-Q segment, and the segment was considered depressed if there was a change of 1 mm or more lasting 0.08 second or longer. S-T segment elevation was measured 0.06 second from the end of the QRS complex and was considered significant if the value was 1 mm or more. Contour maps of the area of S-T segment change were drawn for each precordial surface map.12

Coronary arteriography: All patients had left ventricular angiography and coronary arteriogaphy performed with the Judkins technique. l3 The radiologists and cardiologists who performed the investigation also interpreted the coronary arteriograms without knowledge of the exercise tests.

Statistical analysis was performed using a chi square test and paired t tests.


It was possible to obtain satisfactory recordings permitting measurement of the S-T segment changes in all patients. Figure 2 shows a typical example of the quality of recording obtained before and after exercise in a patient with a significant narrowing of the left an- terior descending coronary artery. Also shown is the contour map drawn of the area of S-T segment de- pression. It can be seen that the baseline is stable even immediately after severe exertion when a heart rate of 150 beatslmin has been achieved. It was not necessary to shave the chests of the men to obtain a satisfactory tracing, and no difficulties were experienced obtaining good tracings in the 116 women.

FIGURE 3. Sequence of contour maps (with a sample electrocar- diographic complex taken from position C2 below) recorded before and after exercise in a patient with significant narrowing of the left anterior descending coronary ar- tery. S-T segment depression is present immediately after the end of exercise and increases in both area and severity during the first minute after the end of exercise.


3 mins after exercise


Results of Coronarv Arteriosraphv in 109 Patients

Patients (no.)

Single vessel disease Left anterior descending artery (LAD) Circumflex artery (LCx) Right coronary artery (RCA) Total

Two vessel disease Left main stem LAD + LCx LAD + RCA RCA + LCx Total

14 1



:: 4


Three vessel disease Left main stem + RCA LAD + LCx + RCA Total

:: 36

The maximal heart rate achieved with use of the bicycle ergometer ranged from 111 to 167 beats/min (mean 148). In the 53 patients who also had an orthog- onal lead stress test, the maximal heart rate was 123 to 167 beats/min (mean 152) on the bicycle ergometer and 130 to 167 beats/min (mean 152) on the treadmill (P >0.05).

Sequence of S-T changes in surface maps: Eighty-five of the 109 patients were found to have sig- nificant (70 percent or greater) luminal narrowing of at least one major coronary artery (Table I). Figure 3 shows the sequence of contonr maps obtained before and after exercise in a patient with significant narrowing of the left anterior descending coronary artery. S-T segment

immediately after exercise 1 min after exercise

5 mins after exercise 10 mins after exercise

ST Segment Depression cl lmm 32 mm

March 1979 The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY Volume 43 543


depression is present immediately after the end of ex- ercise, and the area continues to increase over the first 1 minute after exercise with a large central area of maximal S-T segment depression present. Thereafter, both the area and severity gradually decrease, returning to the resting state at 8 minutes. Sequential changes in the S-T segment similar to those seen in this patient were present in 75 patients. In a further eight patients S-T segment depression was present only in the re- cording made immediately after exercise. In 63 patients

differences were present in the amount of S-T depres- sion recorded in adjacent electrode sites.

Correlation with coronary arteriographic find- ings: In 95 percent (81 of 85) of the patients with sig- nificant narrowing of a major coronary artery, a correct diagnosis was made using exercise precordial mapping (S-T depression in 61 patients, S-T elevation in 8 pa- tients and both S-T elevation and depression in 12 pa- tients). By comparison, the diagnosis was correct in only 64 percent (54 patients) when the single chest lead (Vs)


Details of the 11 Patients With a Positive Precordial Exercise Map and a Negative Orthogonal Lead Stress Test


Age Heart Rate Achieved Showing S-T

(yr) (beatsimin) Site of Segment Coronary Case & Orthogonal Precordial Precordial Change Vessel(s) no. Sex Test Test lschemia (no.) CAD

1 55F 150 150 High ant 3 LAD

z 49F 140 150 High lat 4 LCX 50M 160 167 Inf RCA

4 SOM 135 125 High ant, ; RCA, LAD, LCx Inf

: 45M 130 130 High ant 4 LAD 35M 150 125 High lat 2 LCX

; 45M 145 145 High ant


52M 160 167 Low lat, RCA, LCx Inf

9 36M 130 111 Low lat, 4 RCA, LCx Inf

:‘: 62M 160 150 High ant 2 LAD 57M 130 130 Inf 1 LAD, RCA

ant = anterior; CAD = vessel narrowing on coronary arteriography; inf = inferior; LAD = left anterior descending coronary artery; lat = lateral; LCx = left circumflex coronary artery; RCA = right coronary artery.

1 min after exercise 5 mins after exercise

ST Segment Depression m 1 mm

544 March 1979 The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY Volume 43

pre- immediately 1 min 5 mins exercise after after after

exercise exercise exercise IRE 4. Patient with severe narrowing of the left anterior

descending coronary artery. Exercise on both the bicycle er- gometer (precordial mapping, left) and the treadmill (orthogonal leads, rlghi) was stopped because severe chest pain developed. An area of S-T segment depression in the high anterior part of the surface map was recorded after exercise. A sample complex recorded from position 82 is shown below each map. No S-T segment changes were seen using the Frank system of three orthogonal leads. X and Z leads were placed in the fourth in- tercostal space.

was used (P <O.Ol). Similarly, of the 53 patients who also had an orthogonal stress test, 40 were found to have significant narrowing of at least one major coronary artery; precordial surface mapping yielded a correct diagnosis in 95 percent (38 patients), whereas the or- thogonal lead system provided a correct diagnosis in only 68 percent (27 patients) (P <O.Ol). Detailed data on 11 of the 13 patients with coronary artery disease with a positive precordial exercise test and a negative orthogonal lead stress test are listed in Table II. Figure 4 shows an example of the area of S-T segment depres- sion with a sample complex from a precordial surface map recorded 1 minute after exercise in a patient with a proximal stricture of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Figure 4 also shows the negative test using orthogonal leads in the same patient.

False negative and false positive tests: In 6 of the 109 patients precordial surface mapping provided an incorrect diagnosis: Four had a false negative result and all showed significant coronary arterial lesions with obvious angiographic evidence of collateral circulation. The four patients achieved a mean work load of 38,250 watt-set and a mean peak heart rate of 142 beatslmin. None had had a previous myocardial infarction in- volving that part of the myocardium supplied by the diseased vessels. Two of the 24 patients with normal coronary arteries or onl.y minor irregularities had posi- tive S-T segment changes in the precordial surface map after exercise. Both were young women (mean age 38 years); one had a prolapsing posterior mitral valve leaflet and the other had ventricular tachycardia during exercise. These two patients achieved a mean work load of 31,500 watt-set and a mean peak heart rate of 143 beatslmin.

Sensitivity and specificity: Comparison of exercise testing using surface mapping, three or- thogonal leads and a single chest lead is shown in Table III. Precordial surface mapping had a significantly greater diagnostic accuracy than the other two tech- niques (P <O.Ol).


Since the introduction of exercise electrocardiogra- phy as a routine investigation in the diagnosis of isch- emit heart disease, several reportsr4J5 have correlated this technique with the findings at coronary arteriog- raphy. An improvement in the ability to identify pa- tients with the coronary artery disease was found after the introduction of rnultistage stress tests using a treadmill or bicycle ergometer.16 Further modifications of the lead systems used has been accompanied by an increased diagnostic sensitivity, with 60 to 80 percent of patients with significant narrowing of one or more major coronary vessels having a positive response to the stress test.lsJ7 However, a significant number of pa- tients with advanced coronary arterial lesions will not be identified with these techniques. Because some of these patients have les#ions amenable to surgery, wide- spread use of coronary arteriography has become nec- essary. It is clear therefore that the development of a noninvasive test that will more accurately identify pa-



Sensitivity and Specificity of Three Lead Systems

Precordial surface mapping

Orthogonal lead system

S;;gy chest lead 5

Sensitivity Specificity

(%I (%I

95 92

68 85

64 92

tients who require coronary arteriography will be a considerable asset in the routine management of pa- tients presenting with chest pain.

Advantages of exercise precordial surface mapping: Precordial surface mapping has been used to observe the changes in the S-T segment and R and Q waves that occur after the development of an acute myocardial infarction.12J8Jg Theoretically, application of this technique to stress testing would have many advantages over use of the conventional lead systems. However, this application has seldom been attempted because of technical difficulties including the time re- quired to record a surface electrocardiogram and de- velop a stable electrode system. Furthermore, the belief that it would be necessary to have multichannel elec- trocardiographic recorders with computer analysis precluded any widespread application. In this study we described a method for recording a 16 lead isopotential precordial surface map with electrocardiographic equipment that is routinely used in clinical practice. The equipment necessary differs little from that already used in the standard exercise laboratories. Although care must be taken when connecting the electrodes from 16 precordial positions, it is possible to outline areas of ischemia that are inaccessible to the standard electro- cardiograph. However, it is important to evaluate the false negative and false positive results. Four patients with coronary artery disease but negative precordial stress tests had obvious angiographic evidence of col- lateral blood supply from one of the major coronary arteries. We speculate that the collateral circulation was able to provide sufficient blood supply to meet these patients’ metabolic requirements of exercise. These patients did not have severe intractable angina and it is unlikely that they would have been helped much by insertion of a coronary bypass graft into the diseased vessel. Likewise, the false positive results can be un- derstood; mitral valve prolapse20 is known to be asso- ciated with S-T segment changes and the development of ventricular tachycardia in a patient is likely to com- promise coronary blood flow with ensuing S-T segment changes.

The limitations of the orthogonal lead system were previously shown by Kornreich.21 He identified nine precordial electrodes that provided wave form infor- mation not available using the orthogonal leads. Surface mapping does, in addition, add an extra dimension to exercise electrocardiography. It provides a measure- ment of the area of S-T segment changes that are pro-

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jetted onto the front of the chest. It is therefore possible to evaluate objectively by noninvasive means the effects of medical and surgical interventions. Each patient can be used as his own control and a semiquantitative measurement can be made of the area and severity of the S-T segment changes projected onto the front of the chest before and after medical treatment and coronary bypass surgery,

Diagnostic sensitivity of method: Our study has shown that, as assessed from the findings at coronary arteriography, the sensitivity of precordial surface mapping was 95 percent. This is an improvement on the results reported for the currently favored systems using 12 leads5 and 3 orthogonal leads even when computer- averaging techniques and multivariate analysis of S-T segment data are performed.22 A comparison in this study among precordial surface mapping, orthogonal system and a single chest lead showed surface mapping to have a significantly higher sensitivity than the other two techniques although there was little difference in









specificity. Clearly by recording from a large number of unipolar precordial positions small areas of ischemia were identified that might otherwise have been missed. This is exemplified by the relatively large number of patients (25 percent) who manifested S-T segment el- evation after exercise in the precordial map. This rate is higher than that previously reported using standard exercise tests.2” It is likely that recording over the entire left hemithorax will reveal a greater frequency of S-T segment elevation after exercise.

Implications: This is a simple technique for re- cording the precordial surface map after exercise. Sur- face mapping is more accurate than recording with the orthogonal leads and single chest lead in identifying patients with coronary artery disease and has a greater sensitivity than that reported when the 12 lead elec- trocardiogram or vectorcardiogram is recorded after exercise. The technique is not unduly time-consuming and should be of value in patients presenting with chest pain, reducing the need for angiocardiography.


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