Precession of Simulacra - The New Tenochititlan


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  • 8/10/2019 Precession of Simulacra - The New Tenochititlan


    Precession of simulacra the new Tenochititlan

    Merikas fateful apotheosis into the Empire of Terrorpart one \

    Recent publicity about some of the more flagrant criminal behaviour of Merika'ssecurity organswill have it's few hours in the news cycle and then be forgotten again, in favor of the latest

    distraction. The complicity of the highest reaches of American Government in the black-ops and

    torture programs of the CIA is not something that can catch the popular imagination anymore.

    Be that as it may, there's nothing about 'out of sight, out of mind' that applies to the banalization

    of torture as executive policy - somewhere's, in the back forty of the Merikan psyche, the toxic

    residue of crimes committed in their nameis building up like the waste waters of a broken down

    Fukushima-style reactor - every day creeping close to the final breach of containment which willherald the moment when "all hell" literally... breaks loose.

    Back in April, 10 years after the first publication of photos detailing the atrocities committed by

    Merikan service personnel against Iraqi prisoners, Karen Greenberg published The Road From

    Abu Ghraib - A Torture Story Without a Hero or an Ending. Far from signalling an end to publiccomplacency about war crimes - these appallingly graphic demonstrations of psychopathology as

    state policy in retrospect can instead be said to have heralded the removal of all barriers to evil

    being given carte blanc. Replaying the story ten years later, from the angle of showing just howfar Merikan moral standards have fallen in the interval, Greenbergs piece reads like a self-

    indictment of the Merikan people.

    Civil liberties have been snatched at an unmatched pace in that time, protections from torture,

    arbitrary imprisonment, and theft of personal assets by police all removed, good people

    blacklisted and bad people given further opportunities to whitewash their crimes and get away

    with their lootbags - with no opposition.

    While no one, outside of truly troubled persons, wishes ill for Merikans as people, it'sincreasingly difficult to not note the absence of protest to the serial crimes against humanity

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    committed in their name. Some time ago I took the trouble to jot down the story of how the best,

    most accurate prediction of what was coming to merica was made by a modern-day

    Nostradamus, who spoke in a veiled, hard to fathom manner, but nevertheless gave all the cluesneeded to unravel the future!

    With torture and mayhem as state policy back in the news, it's a good time to once again look atthat prediction and the terrible truth of it's accuracy....

    Part ONE starts here:

    Some time in the middle 1980s, a French academic by the name of Baudrillard published a workcalled Simulacra and Simulation.

    Jean Baudrillard had been a professor at Nanterre University at the time of the 1968 student

    strikes. In the aftermath of the failure of the student-worker alliance to catch fire and complete arevolutionary putsch, largely due to the refusal of the French Communist party to ally with the

    new left, Baudrillard, like so many of his time, was devastated, adrift, feeling the weight ofbeing attached to a cause whose time had come and gone.

    Far more ably than most of his contemporaries, Baudrillard took up the challenge of reinventing

    himself, shearing old allegiances, to Marxism, sociology, to the university itself. Baudrillard wasat the time of the books publication a rising star in those circles of the European and American

    intelligentsia which identified with the French postmodernist philosophers, his name mouthed in

    the art world, as well as the departments of sociology almost as a talisman of hipness. Possessedof a nature by which he cannily managed to be coy, insightful and self-advertising at the same

    time, behind the mask of dazzling rhetoric loomed a gleaming intellect which had a capacity to

    penetrate to the core of things in such iconoclastic manner as to break bonds with all or almost

    all the disciplines from which he had come.

    That should suffice as background. What matters most is that whatever the tools of analysisBaudrillard applied to the study of both history and society, his conclusions were starkly

    discordant with the prevalent weltanschauung of the whole of Euro-Amerikan cultureincluding

    even his core audience and greatest supporters the art world. After the 1st Gulf War which

    he presciently declined to regard as a war, but rather, the first totally media-driven agit-propsimulation event(see his The Gulf War Did Not Take Place-1991) -he fell out of favor in the

    west faster than a pallet of hard rice dumped out of the back of a C -47 without a chute.

    As collateral damage to the downgrading of Baudrillardfrom the western worlds most

    prescient oracle to most irascible irritant, Amerika(and its allies) lost contact with the only real

    time commentary on its collision with fate a tragedy already accurately outlined from the days

    of his Fatal Strategies, in which he outlined the precession of models, the precession ofsimulacra to things themselves, whose apparition they conjure up in a different mode, and

    thereby gave us a picture of what would be America transforming itself from the new world

    utopia into a very oldschool style Aztec/Ameriktech mode of empire, the pyramid of itscurrency now clearly imaging the steps of the sacrificial cult of blood offerings, capped by the all

    seeing eye of market forces/the gods.

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    This is not to say that even Baudrillard could understand his own prophetic visions completely.

    When he wrote in his America(1988) Deep down, the US is the only remaining primitive

    society a society inhabited by a total metasocial fact with unforeseeable consequences, whoseimmanence is breathtaking, yet lacking a past through which to reflect on this, and therefore

    fundamentally primitive. Its primitivism has passed into the hyperbolic, inhuman character of

    a universe that is beyond us, that far outstrips its own moral, social, or ecological rationaleheforesaw but could not foretell the coming apocalyptic transformation of America intoAztec/Ameriktech. How could he have, given his self proclaimed adherence to the gnostic

    manichean vision instead of the old testament vision of the prophets? The gnostics saw our world

    as fundamentally flawed from its creation while we in fact inherited a garden of eden whichhas required much time and effort to turn into an incipient realm of hell.

    Future Primitive. I was in Mexico at the time of the 1st Amerikan assault on Iraq- for the firsttime watching the new live time CNN spectacle media from a bar in the sleepy surf town of

    Puerto Escondido. Perhaps for that reason it is not a great reach for me to reimage those troops

    sent forth from the imperial center as spear wielding(insert phallic imagery/drone missle here)

    auxiliaries of a new Aztec Empire assembled by a post modern Amerika in search of gods toappease and the sacrificial victims to appease them with. If the images of chemically incinerated

    and/or bulldozed and entombed still alive Iraqi soldiers never made it to the screens of a jubilantAmerika, could that mean that those events never happened? No. Not really. If hundreds ofthousand of Amerikan soldiers present in the same zone suffered permanent disability from toxic

    compounds and decayed uranium injected/launched upon them by their own command, will the

    continued suppression of that information mean it never happened? No. Not yet. It simply meansthat Amerikans would still need much time to become conditioned to seeing their own used as

    sacrificial fodder by the new priestly caste[insert blood-dripping apron image here]. But the

    stored up guilt of complicity in all these actual events Baudrillard brilliantly theorized was

    recirculated as the energy driving the motors of society after it had been stripped of meaning(andactual power of producing real goods) by the influx and oversupply of information. Guilt,

    repressed awareness of the horrors which have occurred around us, the motors of the new

    economy. Circulation and gift exchange with the societies on the peripheries of the Empire.

    Lets examine how this has played out.

    By the time of the 2nd Gulf War Baudrillard, like just about everybody else, had got it allwrong. In the aftermath of 9-11, it was almost an unavoidable temptation for him to indulge his

    rhetorical genius in painting a picture of the twin towers as symbol of empire to which the

    shadowy muslim terrorists were attracted like bees to honey, in an implacable contest ofsymbolic gift exchange with the west. How could he have known that there was no muslim

    terrorist movement, only a CIA false flag set up that operated, under Israeli inspiration and

    control as a lever by which the simulacra of democracy would slowly, slyly be inserted as a

    mask over the face of the statue of liberty, bit by bit transposing itself over every facet of life inNorth Amerika until the very ability of its inhabitants to distinguish between freedom and

    fascism would be extinguished. He should have studied his own work. Perhaps, he was too

    humble in his extravagant arrogance.

    If I am not mistaken though, Baudrillard was the first to identify the face of postmodern

    terrorismnot a be-scarfed Arabic looking man with a semi-automatic, but the cool, faceless

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    mirrored terror of a western world committed to suicide by gift exchange. A nightmare the west

    have been living, and dying, by small cuts, ever since 9-11. Giving up liberties in exchange for

    securities. What a snow job[couldn't resist a dig at the warmists-must be tough right nowpushing the "settled science" as the west lies buries under record cold!] The latest false flag

    inside job attack, the 12/25 Detroit incident signalled that, post Copenhagen, the simulationists

    were on the offensive againeither through desperation or from confidence, I know not which.

    In its aftermath, I made, from the safety of my Asian exile, a couple of forays into cyberspace

    with public pleadings for those still mentally fit to read the menu in front of them and see thatthey were on it. Nothing. Nobody. Its almost as if, from this far away distance, Im reading

    about a North Amerika, about North Amerikans, going about their daily business as usual,

    untroubled by the fact that both they, and it (their countries) have disappeared and no longer

    actually exist, having already been swallowed up by the simulations which have replaced them.

    \End of PART ONE
