Pre Colonial Philippines




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Pre-Colonial Pre-Colonial PhilippinesPhilippines

Reported by:Cabiltes, Claitte Corregidor, Maria LeofeCanonce, Pearl Myka Cotiangco, Kenneth John

Cultural Cultural Evolution of the Evolution of the Early FilipinosEarly Filipinos

0Historians believed that during the Pleistocene epoch, the first settlers of the Philippines came from the present-day islands of the Malay Archipelago.0Paleolithic hunters may have

followed the herds of wild animal across these land bridges to the Philippine Islands.

0Austro-Melanesian people who are distinctively small with dark skin and curly brown hair were believed by some western historians as the aborigines of the Philippines.

Two Two HypothesesHypotheses

0The Mainland Origin Hypothesis by Peter Bellwood and K.C. Chang maintains that the early inhabitants originated from South China and Taiwan.

0The Island Origin Hypothesis by Wilhelm Solheim II on the other hand believes that the prehistoric people originated and dispersed from an island in Southeast Asia.

0Culture may be associated with manufactured materials, for these are products of human behavior.0The Old Stone Age or Paleolithic

Period is the ear of crude stone tools and weapons.

0Man principal way of adaptation to the environment was by hunting.

0Kinilaw was believed to be the earliest method of preparing fish for consumption where vinegar and lime juice enhances the taste of the fish.

0The New Stone Age or Neolithic Period was characterized by new types of stone tools.0It is otherwise known as

Agricultural Revolution where root crops like taro (gabi), yam (ubi) were among the important crops.

0Rice farming was also developed.

0The discovery of fire made a great impact in the lifestyle of people.0People were able to grill and boil

food, practice slash-and-burn (kaingin), and pottery and jar making through the process of kilning.

0Jars are also used as burial coffins as evidenced by the Manunggul jar of Palawan.0Other jar and potteries include palayok,

banga, and tapayan.

0Metal Age refers to the time in the development of human culture where tools and weapons were made of metal, which gradually replaced stone tools.0The use of jewelry as an ancient art

began in this period.

0Industries like metal working, pottery making, glassmaking, and tie-and-dye weaving.0The Age of Contact is the period of

trading relations with neighboring islands, mostly by Asian traders.0The common sharing of culture like

religion and writing was facilitated by intensive internal trade, principally between riverine and coastal communities.

Some Malayan influences

0The barangay system.0In language, words such as: kalan,

pinggan, biyaya, tunay, aral and pagsamba.

Some Hindu influences0In religion, the term Bathala referring to the chief god.0The belief that the universe is filled with good and bad spirits.0The use sipol, a pointed iron instrument used in writing.0The Laguna Copperplate Inscription.0Oral and written literature such as bugtong, salawikain, and awit.

Some Hindu influences0Bigaykaya (dowry) and placing of fresh flower garland around the neck of a visitor.0Superstitious belief.0Industries like boat building, weaving of cotton clothes, and metalwork.0Borrowed words from the Sanskrit language such as sandata, maharlika, saksi, tala and others.

Some Chinese influences0In language, particularly Tagalog, reveals a good number of loaned words like ate, katay, hukbo, pansit, sangla, lumpiya, and kuya.0Use of umbrella, porcelain, gongs, lead, fans, and bakya.0Wearing of white dress when mourning and hiring of professional mourners.

Some Chinese influences0Manufacture of gunpowder and blasting of firecrackers on New Year’s Eve.0Mining methods and Metallurgy.0Parental-arrangement (in marriage).0Haggling between the merchant and buyer.

Some Arab influences0The sultanate political system.0The religion of Islam.

0Five Pillars of Islam0Shahada – the profession of faith0Salat – the ritual prayer0Zakat – the practice of giving alms0Hajj – the pilgrimage to Mecca0Sawm - fasting

Some Arab influences

0Arabic alphabet, Islamic holiday, and Arabic arts like singkil.0Sarimanok, an indigenous bird


Traditional Traditional Filipino Filipino


0Barangay is the unit of social organization with the broader political, economic, and religious features than the family.0Sandugu or blood compact is a ritual which symbolizes unity and oneness among the people.

0Social Classes during the early Filipino communities:0Datu – the ruler of the barangay0Maharlika – the aristocracy0Timawa – the common class0Alipin – the dependent class

classified into namamahay and sagigilid.

0The datu holds executive, judicial, legislative, administrative, and military power.0One becomes a datu war exploits,

possession of great wisdom, influence, and wealth.0Tattooes are regarded as

0The ancient Filipinos practiced a form of spirit and nature worship. This is known as animism.0Early Filipinos believed in other

spirits called anitos or diwata who were either benevolent or malevolent. 0The people appeased them so that

they would bring good fortune and heal the sick members of the society.

0This spirits are offered sacrifices in the form food, wine, pigs, and gold. 0Native dwellers lived in houses made

of wood and bamboo, roofed by nipa palm leaves are called bahay kubo.0Pets like cat, dog and monkeys were

kept for their beneficial effects.
