Prayers for Vocations Booklet


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Prayers for Vocations

We are all called by Christian Baptism to lead a life of holiness. Whether by leading a life as a priest, as someone in a religious order as a sister or brother, as a married person, or as a single person, we are all called on a journey to join our God in Heaven. These vocation prayers are for all of us—to know our vocation, to embrace our vocation, and to courageously live our vocation. Please say one or more of these prayers daily with those you love. Joseph Moorman St. Joseph’s Parish Pastoral Council

Married Life

Loving God, bless all those you call to married life. Not just to know their vocation, but to find the person you intend for them. The person that can so touch their heart that they are able to help lead them to holiness and heaven.

Help all married persons to be patient and kind—to each other, to their families, and to all those they meet. Bless them with children, if it be your holy will, and help them to be good teachers of the faith.

May they see in the eyes of each other your love, and never forget that you are with them, helping them as they help each other, to be with you. Amen.


Loving God, we thank you for our priests, and ask that if it be your holy will, that you bless us with more priests—shepherds, to guide us to holiness through the sacraments.

What a wonderful vocational call, yet one so in need of men to say “yes, here I am Lord!” Hear our cries for priests, strengthen our current priests so they never get discouraged, and enflame the hearts of those men you wish to become priests, that they may embrace your call. Amen.

Single Life

Loving God, sometimes we forget that being single is a vocation, just like it is to be married, a priest, or religious sister or brother. It may be the road that can best lead us to goodness and kindness and set an example of holiness to the world.

May those of us that are called to Single Life not despair or feel lonely or rejected, but experience joy knowing it is what you ask of us.

May all single persons embrace their lives that allow them the freedom to service in so many ways, which they may not have with a spouse and family, or commitments to a parish or community. May they experience true joy as they live the lives you intend for them, trusting in you. Amen.

Religious Life

Loving God, some of us are called to the religious life as a sister or brother, in a loving community of the church. Helping, loving, praying, showing kindness, and being true beacons of your love to others.

Reveal to those you call as a religious sister or brother your holy will for them. Support, strengthen, and guide them. Amen.

Those Needing Courage

Loving God, if you are for us, who can be against us? You have conquered death itself.

At times we get scared. Scared to love, scared to be holy, scared to stand up for our Catholic Faith, scared to trust. Like children we cling to you and your care. Please, help us to be brave. Help us to be strong in love and goodness.

When we do go astray, help us to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that we may return to you. May we never forget the awesome joy you bring to those who love and serve you! Keep us in your loving care, and grant us what we need to fulfill our vocation—not as we would have it, but as you would have it. We love you. Amen.

Those Discerning a Vocation

Loving God, you know us. You know everything about us—our strengths, our weaknesses, our passions and our talents.

You know we love you. Help us to truly know what you will for us. Reveal to us, in your time, how we might best serve you and lead a holy life, for that is what we truly desire.

Lead us down the path which can best lead us to Heaven. Let us be open to your guidance and to remember we can always trust in you.

Thank you for all you do for us, we love you. Amen.
